F DAVIS-KASER'S JANUARY SALE Th Rreateat bargain event of tho entire year, to whh h the entlr Walla Walla country Iiuh come to look forward. is here once moro. Present market cowlitiona considered, lh wisdom of offering our fine big Block at tho usual price re duction Is open to qiitittion. Over ninety per cent of our Btock ia priced under present market values. However, our frienda expected n sale in January, so we heuan planning for It montha ago. Hy forehanded buying and vigorous effort wo luivu aueceeded in accumulating a Block of rare bnriralna in Hpite of discouraging conditions. There are thouaunda of very special bargain. Our regular stork will nil lie reduced rctl ronlmot kI and such lutti aa we ere rauiilit short on-knkU on which wi will hnvr to advance prioa rlicht after this sale. CnlileriiK omuIiiIwh line Hle will eclliwe H former nns lit l"i ortanre to the ruln-r. Nw Is a good tune to buy. even ( router prima, fur nr-n will eiUume HkIiI along ami many goods are hard to Ki t at any price. In view of this sale olfeibig sound Judunii nl m i c'l ! all your tieeda fur inuiiiha t come. All goods art double taKdvd usual yellow mil lK ami the rg ular leg, o all rait eee the esaU saving, t nine, rend the ) lliw Ihk. Yi.u'll nut be disappointed, fur Davie Kar ali always "muke good." THE DAVIS-KASER CO. I'lanoi, Phonographs, Muaic - Complete Home r'mniln r 10 20 Alder fcl. WALLA WALLA. WASH. Elite Sit hsili Before Pressing Your Suit You'll win her if we do tho work. A shave, hair-cut and shine would help. WESTON BATHS ui Till SUITS ORDERED to your measure I R. L. Reynaucl aiaioUUalei'i Salt d teal Pioetftj prort-rd In n il to tilt liitftiiKt liiililiT, fur rah in IihihI, all the right, llile, in-li-real ami vlatv uf Matg I n Hrarhc Iran, di-reamd, hi ami to the following deorrttied real pmiierly, towil: litaunu (II anil two i'i) amlllirS. V. i4 nf tho N. K. ' "t .Swtion Xi, 1 4, N. H. X; K. M. M. Umatilla rountt. Oregon, haid aide i to be held al the ullim of my eiiormyf Homer I. Wait., In Athena, Oregon, nt the hour of II o'din k A. M. mi lii STilh lny of Janu ary, 1UIT. anil Ik 1 Ihj c.inil.irl. il In a privatv inainu r. Mum huh aiir ii'tn nny m , BREVITIES WitllaA K.iTa' rule free with puz.le tlnown in. Mi- ami Mm. Win. MmKculf itiutured over from Wallu Wnlla TliurmlHy. t!..i-n Jiumiirv 10. HI17. to Mr. iiikI Mra. II. '.. lirown of Mill-on. a 4lnuKlit,r. Mri. Martha lluniiii ami Mra. I.. M. Kiiriik pre iiuiuli ut the Ik.iii.' of Mra. It. W. I'.rown. Taeoina ilmlrra city that the Norlhwi-ht jioinio Ki.ly ia marly vxhHUhted, uii'L pteilict a r-md fumine. I'rii-i-. Vfhtiii Wureliouau iinimiiy nmiiiu'rr. houKht alx.ut ino liudtela of wheat yterday at $1.52. Miiut Odiiwa Kirkpalrirk ha ad-ili-il a hamlMoirie new mil top di nk In her eciuipnient at the O. K. fiuidy aliop. Mi I'ldie rainier and Mini Willard 'arena motored from Wal tit I ri.luy and h r the day with Mow 7 him lirown. Mr. and Mr. Jann U and Mn lihm Koni wre RiicMa hwt Stimlay at the home of Mr. and Mra. Seott lluniater. In- Wilwin and family have iiiuvimI to the farm renidenee on the J. M. l!aniater pluee, of whiih Mr, Wil.son i- the new foreman. Fanners See This Big Keld Demonstration VOBTK SEEING EVERYBODY WELCOME ( tthtpm j jr. M ,,,,. & ft70C Mogul 8-16 t79n; P LJ KeroKBumiDf Tractor i iJ liny the tractor that uses coal oil or dmtiilate just an we'l as gasoline and without special change. We have finished our inventory and Gee Whiz! We are happily surprised to find We've Cot Too Much. Happy that we bought right and that means Half Sold. We have ONE THOUSAND rules to give you that you may take our measure see that you get yours. IJeat Klectric Washer made -wrings at any angle of horizon. Sewing machines f 18.00 up to the Two Spool machine no w inding Lobbins; it's great Dutch mar, and ohn Deere plows, Webtr and Deere wagjns. Watts & Rogers A in wan burn Saturday morning to Mr. and MrH. II. J. Urihkell at i r m- I M m W I rml-r. l;l.l...i.i..ihoh...,...rilcl.--h "w " T " ' A. M. im thilh. lay if January. 1-J17. Snuak on the Keed and Maw ley UllIUIHl. WARNING TO DOG OWNERS f l,iU iiibv ! iiimlii ami li ft with in v al- turnry, flmni-r I. WalU, at h: olllie in Alnciia, iiri uiiii. Th aaid iimrril'i'1 land U (i l anld five anil rlviir from all lii'im and en rtlitiliraim wliirli rxiel mkuiiik( tlit-RMid ir.M-rty at tho time of aaul al-. Italmfal Alhona, Orrfc-im, thia 2Ulh day uf iVeomlH-r, IHIU. Makv I.a Hhai mk II.UU'Kl.l V. Kln-utrix of tliti wKlntii uf MaKKe La llrrlio Kraut, JwcmoI. "Call a taxi!"' jif M-Hral'a i at way at yuur iliKiml, I'luuie VI. Nntlr la horwhy g-lvsn that I. aa Ad niiiiMtraliir of Ilia rtit of Martin & Olaoii, docoaaiMl, will nlfwr fur aalu at iuliic auction tu tho htghpat biiklvr fur ch. at two o'clock in lh altvrniMin on I ha 6th day of t vhruary, 1UI7, at (ha front door of tha Cuurt Hour of Umatilla County, Oroffou, th folloiiK rual irirrty In aaul County lwiini"K tn the aal tU'Cvaaud at lh llm uf hia death and now uvlonvinif to hia ualata, to wit: Th Wnt half of Northcnat quartor, and thtt SnulhoaaHiuartcr of th North want uuartvr, and tho Nnrlhsaat tjuar trr of tho Houthaaat quartor of Swclion 3i in Tnwrnahlp 4 South of Kaii( ill tatof WUIanwlU Meridian, This aal la madt ourauant to onler of th County (Uwrt of Umatilla Couu ly. Orvgon, mad January I, 1917. Cham. H. Cahtkh. AdminUtrator, ttc. RtUct tl Sail tt UttltJ. In tliu County Court of tho Stato of OroKon, for Umatilla County. In the Matter of tha Katato of Magi La Hracho-Frani, duceanwl. Notico ia harvby Riven that under and by virtue of an order made In the above . entitled matter by the above namrd court on the 20th day of Ieroiubr, l'Jlii, , Miiry La Uraohe-BaddeWy, executrix- of the abuvo named eatate, will I.,. t Ml V HM Ml fur aCAMOM wl mwt W, KimtfaUlHr. Ilunli PATCNTO BUltD fORTO fm. tr l.wlajlMlllh. awlu'Wrt D. SWIFT & GO. 8v(n'.h St., Ws.hinnton, 0. C HOMER I. WATTS Attorney at-Law i'raptlcca In all State and Kuili-ral Court. ATIH-N4. OKE(HN j; Dr. S. L KEHHARD !i Veterinary Surgeon Hospital at corner of Main and Broad streets. I Phone Main 253 i deMOSS furniture: Mr. und Mm. Kreil MeGnw re tunied Monday from their Portland visit, ju in time for Fred to make himm lf useful in lielbing to invoice at the ( iy drug Dtore. MiN Cleinenoe Ileynuud left Sun dav for Ijw Cructa. New Mexico, to keep house for her bachelor brother, Willis Heynautl, a eontrae torv and builder of that city. Having been excused from jury M-rvice until the February term, Cliaiuc Uogera returned Tuelay from Pendleton. Sim Barnes and Joe Key are rtill on duty there. A recent letter received from a no.Hic of Mrs.' Margaret Wheeler, uiuiiitf in North Jiuttleford, Sak a hewan, saya that Christmas weath er there was 38 degrees below rem, witn no snow on the ground. Following the fatal illness of little lierl Kussell, who was hurt on a merry-go-round on a school playrgountl at Pendleton, play ground apimratus of this character may be abolished there. For Sale-Hull Tractor Demon strator now stored in Kirk's imple ment shed, Athena. Has been run only a few days. Will sell for $75 if taken immediately. K. W. Goodale, Box if, Pendleton, Or. Charles Van Hoy returned from Walla Walla Sunday without hav ing submitted to an operation. He decided not to part with his appen dix, which is very much attached to him. except in the event of absolute necessity. The will of the late Mrs. Lucinda Russell of Athena, who died in the fcastern Oregon hospital, has been contested by a grandson, William Welch of Gilliam county. She left the bulk of an estate valued at$lb, 000 to W illiam Kusscll and the chil dren of David Russell. J, H. and Claud Price and Ernie Itlomgren stopped off at Richmond on their California trip, and write home that the Richmond proposi tion is as good or better than was represented by the agent, Mr. Mc Kmney. A number of Weston peo . pie have invested in Richmond busi ness lots. A double header basket ball game will be played Saturday even ing of this week at the new high school gymnasium between boys' and girls' teams of Weston High and Milton High. Local followeis of this sport will thus have a chance to see their first game of the season. Five children in the family of Henry Sams, residing on Dry creek, art' ill with diphtheria. Two cases only were serious, and all of the children are expected to recover. Suspecting diphthera, Dr. Smith administered anti-toxin and for warded throat swabs to the state board of health, which reports find ing the diphtheria bacillus. As the children were taken ill during vaca tion, it is thought that the conta gion will be prevented from spread ing in the neighborhood, In view of the fact that dogs in the Weston ncighhorhoud are afflict ed with rabies, warning is hereby given to all dog owners within the city limits of Weston that until fur ther notice their dops must be kept eit.ier tied or muzzled. Uumuzzled dogs found running at large will be iiiioundcd and killed. J. WUKZKK. Acting Mayor. H0T1CE FOK rOBUCATlOlf Tde Fanners Bank of Weston Established 1891 Department of the Interior. U. S. Laud Uttae at La UrauUe, Or., L)ccuinU r tl, lulG. NOTICE ia hereby given that Jut-ih (. Hyatt, whom; post-ollice addrcaa is R. K. U. No. 1, V t-nlon, Oregon, did, on the SSSih day of Fehruaiy, lfib, liie in thia ollirc Sworn Sli t.-ii.cul and Ap plication, No. 0l5tiS, lO U C1HMS ih! Nb'4 hWl4, Action ', ToAiioiiip 4 North, iiaiii! 80 Kt, Willamette ridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known aa the "Tuiiher and Monu Law," at such value as m ght be tixed by 8 pra:m nioiit, and Ihut, puinuant to i-uv'li a plication, the iHiid and timber tliereun nave been appruiKed, at $130.00 the timber entimalvd UU.UOU board leet at $1.00 pur M, and the land tW.W; that said applicant will otter mud proof in snpxirl of his application and sworn statement on the 21st dny of March, 117, before S. A. Newberry, United States Commiiuiioner, at his office, at Pendleton, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent is sues, by tiling a corroborated affidavit in this office, allele'11 facts which would defeat the entry. C. S. Dunn, Register. : A Glad Surprise ; ; Pay your social debts with an excellent box of WHITMAN CANDY ' ' Sold only at the store that selects the best of everything. ro.K Candy Shop Odessa Kirkpatrick J i Ask us for a blank on which to take an invoice January 1st Fill it out correctly, ascertain your present worth and file it for future reference. We wish you a happy and prosperous 1917 and w ill qe glad to assist you in any way we can to make it your most prosperous year. . GOLDEN RULE HOU Pendleton Oregon Well-Appointed Conveniently Located Pleasant Comfortable Reasonable Rates J. M. Bentley, Prop! - M. A. Ferguson, Clerk CIGARS, TOBACCOS, CAHS Best Line in Town. Our Cigars and Tobaccos are NOT DRY ZEHM & HOFFMAN FOR COMPARISON. 4 I Warn Rooms I CLEAN BEDS J I i . uormuory muiaing. j Mrs. J. W.Porter j Day or Week. Home Merchant Prices 25 pound pail stock food $2.25 12 pound pkg. stock food 1.00 7'i pound pV. stock food... .65 2 pound pkg. stock food 25 Comparisrn of dosage two tablespoonfulls twice daily. WE GUARANTEE THESE GOODS Mail Order and Peddlers' Prices. 25 pound pail stock food $3.50 7 pound pkg. stock food LOO 3't pound pkg. stock food ... .50 1 pound pkg. stock food ... .25 Two tablespoonfulls three times daily. GOODWIN'S DRUG STORE. Weston . Oregon 1 ES