The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 12, 1917, Image 1

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Limtno. Liwion and Tumulty
v .
Appeir Befort House Rules
Committee. ' '
Washington fongreaslnnsl Interest
sealers chiefly this week la Ida hrsr.
Ing by the bouse rule committee on
th Wood resolution for aa lavestlgs
lion Into la alleged "Irak" to tha
inrh market of advance Information
on President Wilson's pesea nota.
Through a bewildering naia of Intl.
nation and heetsd colloquies, which
turH tha bearing Into aa uproar, tha
hnua rata committee wrestled with
Thomas W. Lawsnn, of Boston, to ob
tain daflnlta Information lo subslsn
tiata tha stories of a "leak" to Wall
street In edveae of Iba prrsldents
prsre nta.
Representative pennei demanded
(hat Law eon tame tha man who ba
at told him a New York broker, a
cshlnel official and a failed States
ntor participated la a dork gamb
llnt partnership, l-wson at flrat
flatly refused for lao reasons, on
that ha already cited for contempt
an4 tha other that ba did not think It
aeressery to give lha names at Ihla
Uaaon finally promlaad tha Imuaa
ruira rominiiioa na ouiq oikiuh ip
namaa of tba cabinet official, tha an
ator and lha N York bankar who
ha aara a member of coatraaa told
him acre aiiasd In a aiork (ambling
partnarahlp, It Iba houae ordered an
lot radiation aa a reault of tha rule.'
commlttaa preliminary hearloit.
Tumulty Catagarlcally Oanlaa.
Harked lth an Indoraament by
prenldent Wllaon. Berretary Tumulty
made the following atatemenl to Iba
houae rulea rommlttear
"I appear before thl commlttaa to
reaant iba unjual Intimation that I
gavt Information to Mr. II. M. Haruch,
In regard to lha o called peace nota,
ent to Iba Kuropran belllgerenla lait
month by tha aecretary of alata. Thl
intimation aa contained In a atate
menl made lo thla commlttra by H p
rrwuteitte Wood, of Indiana,
"I wlah to deny generally and (pa
cifically that I gave advance Informa
tion to Mr. ttaruch or to anybody eUe
In regard to tba peace nota, I did not
know of tba eiletence or thl nota or
that thl government contemplated
tha dlapatcb of aurh a nota until after
printed coplea of tha nota bid beeo
given to repraientailvea of lb pre
by lha data department
Lanelna Tell Hlctory of Not.
Recreiary Mnelng. of the tte de
partment, took tha atand to aert ba
had no knowledge of advance Informa
tion circulated regarding tba note.
Secretary Ironing related the phjrel
rl hletory of tha nolo, how It wa pre
pared, through who band It patted,
and of hit participation In It prepara
tlon. Ha alto told of a itatemeot b
had given In confidence lo new.ptper
men on tha morning before tbt not
mid public, In which h told
them to expect a nota at I o'clock that
afternoon. Ha did not to Into detail
1th the corratpondanta, ha'tald, but
did ay It wa not a propotal for peac
. tor an offer of medlatloo.
fternard Raruch, of New York, de
nied that h bad any advance Informa
tion regarding Prcildent WIIiod re
cent peace nota.
Raruch waa named by the myiter
lout "A. CurtU" In a ltter to Repro
lentatlv Wood, of Indiana, a having
profited largely by "leak" information
on tha nota by eelllng "thort" on
United State Steal.
- R. V, Boiling, brother In law of
Preeldenl Wllaon and a member of
r, A. Connolly Co., broker, Wath
Ington, denlad b knew anything of
xecutlv metitg until It appeared In
tba paper.
enata Vole t Mak Capital Dry.
beilgned to abollta taloon In tbt
national capital after November 1,
1917, tho Sheppard bill wa paued by
tha tenate and now goe to the houta,
whara, It friend aert, It la attured
of patiage. Tha vote la tha (enata
wa SB to IS.
Whila the meatura prohibit tba
tile of liquor In tha Dlttrlct of Co
lumbia, It permit Importation for per
gonal uaa.
For tha bill there were 21 democrat
and IT republican vetee, with 12 dam
orrate and 10 republican againit It
All tha progrctilve voted for patttge.
Koseburg The total tax levy of
Douglas county for 1917 I $370,328,
against IU303 for 1915.
Mn. Wa II. Kiiultwy was in WVm-
' tiiin.-k in mi.-r.-Mj .
iniiHiM-l vocational lii'im- mlionl in
( hvjf.'n fur t plum rhililri. n. Hnyft
Mm. Fimlliiy:
"In FikIiiikI C.itiH.- i'ln
hiut Uth in vitjtu.' ft many . urn
ami liim Ix-en foimil n v.-ry
wiiy nf l'linir with orphans
ml Imim-I.'r
"Gnyn in to have YWntinnul
lloin.' .Si-IiimiI in J.-iiHii.' prnlil.-,
al-out N-t-n ami MH'-lmlf niile of CrantH I'w nnl a
mile ln-)ni Morion station.
"On April 1'it, ir,. forly rr
w.-re Urgnim-il fr ami In (H-toUr
cif tlu- following y'r tin; fuwl pay.
rm-nt wm m-nt to J. K. Hair, Cranta
'ai. Or. Mr. Hair th.-n-uxn
nmiU- a tlmialMi f a littl. nmre
than two nor. f Intnl.
"A K'"l wi ll lia b.t n liluhttil
through tin rk on the tract, and
liunjfalow now occupkti by the
h.-al enrpuitT, ho U--n Imilt. The
hoya' htiihlinir i wnrinir rompl.--tion
and the jcirls' buiMinir and
otht-r structure will ' i-n-cted
with th- ln lp f tin ly."
Mrs. Findlny liaa oriiK'tii.o'l !'a Fclmational Ifugw to
pit in thia worthy work. Khjxfiul
... t I . t.i
eurt will iM in kin. wit Niyp,
kim, chri.tiaat U-a'hr who
are romt-tent ami who have a tint
ural l'iv' for rhihln-n.
IlKni'tiT buildinif. vocntinnnl
traininif and Kml citii-nhip are
the cipjiTU auht
Willlsm n. Wood, the Indians con
gressman who atarttd tha Investiga
tion of tha psse not Issk.
During lh yesr Just closed 17J.5J7
men wer recruited In Canada.
Sever fighting has tsken placo
around Riga at the northern eud ot
th long eastern front.
An attack by a sirong British fore
against Turkish positions nesr Insu
Muhsmed on the Tigris front was re
pulsed with heavy losses
In response to a unanimous vote ot
tha chamber of deputies, tha Rouma
nian government has ordered thst a
"declaration of defiance" b placard
ed In every town.
Tha French, British and Italian pre
oilers and Important military subordi
nate In several entente ministries
held a war council in Roma for con
sideration of tha general situation.
North of th rlvr Ancre, In north
ern France, British troop In a night
attack entered a Oermsn advanced
trench. Northeast of Verdun a Oer
msn rsld was made into the French
lines. "
Along a hundred mils front In south
eastern Moldavia tha troops of tha
central powers are slowly pressing
the retreating Russians snd Rouma
nians bsck upou the Una or the Sereth
Emperor William la quoted as de
claring In sn order Issued to tha army
and navy thst ss Oermsny's offer of
pesca negotiations had been refused,
the war would be continued with a
view to an understanding forced by
Bend, th boom town of Eastern
Orcgoni now has two daily papers,
Vfi sip
'.' '3r
mm wmhiJ IYl i
A J..
freaidlnj Officer. Selected Without
Centett and Organization Laid.
8atem. Or. The 29th eeeeion of the
Oregon It-Klalature convened Monday
morning, and. owing to the fact that
Ihrre mat no contest over selection of
... ... . . .,
prealdlng officers snd orsanttatlon the
leglalature wilt get sn early start to-
asrd the bualueas of the amnion.
The election of Gua
C. Moeer, Of
t'ortlsnd. aa president of the senste
. wss assured several weeks ago and
he bsd no opposition, snd the election
of Robert N. Stanfleld. of
soesker of the bouse wss unopposed.
The coming lenlnlature will deal
with many Important questions. On
In which there Is universal Interest Is
a mcaaure makibg effective and other
wise fortifying the bone-dry prohibi
tion amendment to the constitution
adopted by the people at the Novem
ber general election.
There la no question that the legis
lature will paas such a mcaaure. but
there Is a question as to bow strin
gent It will make the lsw.
Hssd of Chlcsgo Polies Arrested.
Chicago.- A warrant charging C.
C Hcaley. superintendent of police,
with conspiracy, was sworn out 'on re
quest of a representative of Mac-lay
Itoyne, stste's attorney, Mr. lloyne
alleges thst Chief Hesley waa one of
severs! men who accepted a share of
contributions levied on lilegal reaorts.
Russian Premier Lay Down Office.
London. The Russian premier,
Alexander Trepoff, has resigned, and
Prince Oolltslne, a senator and mem
ber ot the Council of tha Empire, has
been appointed premier.
Harvard Man en Tariff Commission.
Washington. Professor Frank V.
Taussig, of Harvard, accepted a place
on the tariff commission and probably
will be mad chairman. The other
tour members will ba announced later.
Wheat Club $1.64: blucatem $1.63;
red Russian. $1.60; forty-fold. 1.67. -
Barley No. 1 feed, $39 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $21 per ton: alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, 87c.
Eggs Ranch, 35c.
Wheat Bluestem $163; club $1.55;
forty-fold. $1.56: red Russian, $1.53;
fife, $U5; turkey red. $1.64.
Barley $38.50 per ton.
Butter Creamery, 33o.
Esss 0c.
KoUct ol Guardian's Salt el Realty.
In th County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Gimrdinnship of
Wendell La Braclie, a Minr.
In pursuance of a licence tosellga-t-ed
in the aimve entitled matter by the
above nnmed county court on the th
rlsy of December. 1918. I. F. S. La
Cmv. iruardiHii of thenronertvof Won-
deli La Brache, a minor, will proceed
to aell to the higheat bidder the follow.
ing (Uscribud rualty, tuwiU lh S, W.
JU 1 I 1'. T-
tm o a.
fteibel In Knic
echer Preee.
U of the N. W. ..f SectMin 32. Ta p.
4,K. K.35. E. W. M. Umatilla County,
1 hat biila upon ail land may be made
and left with my attorney, Homer 1.
Watta. at hit office in Athena. Omron.
from and after thia 2tli day of IKjcem
Ikt, lyltt. up to and inclueive of Salur-
day the 27th day of January, 1117. at
h h"u.r " -luck A. M. on said
date, at which time ami at which place
1 wi ,e to ,ehjKhet bidJer teabove
dcwcnbvd renliy.
Terms of payment: At leaat $3000.00
cain; ana me uaiauce my mu
gage uiion the land herein dcscrilwd at
the rata of 7 per cent interval per an
num. Oatod this 29th tiny of December,
F. S. Lis Grow.
Guardian of the proerty of Wendell
La llrache, a minor.
American Ambasssdor Fletcher will
aoon leave for his post In Mexico.
A rursl srhoolhouse situated be
tween Blocker and Krebs. In Mcintosh
county, Okla.. was blown away by a
cyclone. Fifteen children perished.
Peter Osterhsus. Isst surviving ma
jor general of the United States forces
In the Civil war. died at the home of
his daughter In lsw at Dulsburg. Ger
many. Kdw. M. Hurley, chairman of the
federal trade commission, tendered his
resignation to President Wilson on
Tbursdsy. It was accepted. Hurley'
resignation takes effect February 1.
A campaign to Include a two-year
course In making good roads. In state
high school currlculums. was launched
when the All Minnesota Development
association met In annual session In
St. Paul.
Lieutenant-Colonel Harding, of the
army engineer corps, now acting gov
ernor of the Panama Canal, was nom
inated by President Wilson to be gov
ernor ot the Panama canal, succeeding
Major Goners! Goethala.
Wonisn suffrsglsts have begun their
"silent picketing" of the White house.
Twelve women from the Congression
al Union for Woman Suffrage are sta
tioned at tha two main gates of the
White house carrying suffrage ban
ners. Inscribed "Mr. President, What
Will You Do For Woman Suffrage?"
The announced purpose of the picket-
tng Is to make It Impossible for Presi
dent Wilson to enter or leave the
White house without being confronted
with reminders ot the suffrage cause.
H. K. Thaw Indicted for Beating Bay.
New York. Harry K. Thaw, who
was legslly released 15 months ago
from an asylum for the Insane, where
he was sent sfter he had killed Stan
ford White, was Indicted here charged
with maltreating Fred Gump, Jr., of
Kansas City. It Is charged that Thaw
enticed Gump, who Is 19 yeara old, to
a hotel here on Christmas night am!
beat him with a whip until the youtl
was covered with bloody welts.
Judge M. A. Root Dies.
Seattle. Wash. Mllo A. Root. I
yesra old. ex justice of the Washing
ton state supreme court, died here o
ji-i-os Wnr'' on the ch'orii' mine
on tick creek is to be. resumed.
f l" H 111 I
mm &w-wmmL
At Turmlay evrning' mc-tingr of
the Weiiton Welfare Club commu
nication were read from Oregon
and Washington congTcaamen with
reference to the proKM-d Blue
Mountain government road croaeing
the Wenaha reserve. A letter waa
also read from the Forestry Servce
a lying that the aprvice had not yet
U.-vn tulvined of financial co-operav
tinn'on the part of the atate or
ro.mfy which would be required
by the drpartrmtit.
Tlie council committee waa'di
rifUtl to cmfer with the city coun
cil with rx-Kiird to cleaning up the
Iupuia corner.
It was deddd to elect a standing
committee to attend each meeting
of the school board and consult
with that body in an advisory ca
pacity. Thia committee will be electetl ct
the club's next meeting.
The matter of a concrete side
walk on Mill street was brought to
the club's attention, and a resolu
tion favoring it was passed. The
matter will be taken up with the
city council.
Alliany The furr.iture factory here
is in the market for 80 carloads of
coant alJer, maple and ash, cut iu the
fo'lowii g lengths: 4 fe:t 4 inches, and
8 feet 8 inches, cut in eordwooJ style.
Prairia City A flouring mill ia to
le operated here next year.
Luther Burbank, tha California
plant wizard who recently married his
New York. It the United Statea
doea not want to be relegated to the
position ot China among the nations,
training must begin at once of the
young men between the ages ot 18 and
21 under a compursory military serv
ice law, United States Senator Cliam
berlaln, ot Oregon, chairman ot the
committee on military affairs ot th.
aenate. said in an address before the
Republican Club here.
No man can tell what may happen
In the International situation in the
next 24 hours. Senator Chamberlain
asserted. He criticised the mobilixa
tion ot the national guard at the Mexi
can border aa "wholly ineffective."
adding there waa no doubt In is mind
"what would have hsppened bsd the
United States declared war on Mexi
co." Even if hit plan of compulsory
military training of young men now
were effective, the senator declared.
It would take three years to obtain an
army adequate to defend the country
In the event ot a crisis.
Mrs. Axtell en Fsderal Commission.
Wsshington. President Wilson baa
nominated the following members of
the Working Mens Compensation
Commission to administer the federal
employes' liability law, at salaries ot
$400 a year:
Dr. Riley McMillan Little, of
Swarthmore, la., republican, for six
Mrs. Frances C. Axtell, of Belling
ham. Wash., progressive, for tour
' 1
Russians Expelled From Do
brudja and New Opera
Hons Are Begun.
Berlin, by wlrelesa to Saytllle. la
addition to Bralla, five mora towns In
Roumanla have beea takea by tha
Teutonic troop, which have reached
tae Bereta river at two aolnte. New
operations have been Inaugurated la
.Dobrndja, following the espulsion of
lha last of lha Russians and Rounsa
Diaaa. Field Marshal - Von Mackenaea'a
drive against the Sereth Una la south
ern Moldavia contlnuea to gala ground
and tba Teutonic thrual against tba
Moldavian frontier mountains ia the
flanking operationa aow under way
likewise Is, showing protreea.
Pushing northward from Fokshsnl,
the fortress position captured south
west of the Sereth and near the cen
ter of tba line. Von Mackensea's
troops hare driven the Russians
acroea tha pntna and are now ham
mering at a new position they have
taken up there.
Further southeast, toward the Dan
ube, the Russlsns are now beginning
to yield again, according to Berlin,
loalng another town which the Austro
Cerman forces held agalnat counter
Washington. The report that Aiw
bassador Gerard at a public welcome
back to Germany had said that "never
aince the beginning of the war navo
the relatione between the United
States and Germany been so cortftal
aa now," wera officially Inquired Into
by the stste department through a
cable to the ambassador personally.
It waa Indicated that the report aa
quoted did not convey a true view of
German-American relatione, which
have commonly been described aa
strained through the recent submarine
The dinner at which Ambassador
Gerard la reported to have ottered his
111 advised sentiments waa given la
Berlin by the' American Association
or Commerce and Trade, of Berlin, In
honor of Mr. Gerard.
Member Are Said to Favor Mora
Stringent Liquor Laws.
Olympla. Waah. The 15th Wrsh
tngton legislature met at noon Monday
tor a 60-day session. There waa no
contest over the organisation ot either
house, the republican senators having
agreed upon Senator Ralph Nichols,
ot Seattle, aa president pro tem, and
tha republicans of the house having
accepted Representative Guy E. Kel
ley, ot Tacoma. aa speaker. Liquor
legislation probably will be taken up
at once.
Many of the members favor a bona
dry law, similar to that adopted re
cently in Oregon, which will prohibit
all importations of liquor for drinking.
There is some opposition to auch a
bill, and in any event the meaaure
would be required to pass the referen
dum test The legislators are aaid to
be unanimously in favor or laws to
make tha aale of liquor more difficult
A Joint memorial to congress in sup
port of a national prohibition amend
ment to the federal constitution wss
pasaed tha opening day. The aenata
gave th movement unanimous sup
port and only two votea war record
ed agalnat it In the house.
In Flrat Assault In North They Occu
py Tautonle Positions. -
London. The Russlsns are prepar
ing to launch a great new offensive ia
the Riga sector, according to a Copen
hagen dispatch.
The Russiana attempted a surprise
attack near the Riga bridgehead.
Great masaea of the attackers, with
white shirts over their uniforms, suc
ceeded during a violent snowstorm in
entering tha German trenches on a
front of 1000 meters.
The Germane, seeing the danger,
sent all available reserves Into the
battle, which reached a pitch of tre
mendoua fury.
La Grande has the largest packing
(teat in E-$ten Oregon.