The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 05, 1917, Image 3

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    17 '4833
Gel Tbat New Edison Now .
. Now la the time to get thai Now Edlaon Phonograph
now, when you havo lota of time to enjoy It.
You may be one of thoao who do not care for Talking
Machine mimic, but tho New Edition In not a talking much
Ine. It actually reproduce all forma of music with Much
' a'wolute fidelity that the reproduction cannot be told from
h) original. Thia haa been proven by actual compurinr n
b roro more thuu UOO.OOO people, Three hundred of Amer
So 'j leading nowepajHTa have tcalifled to the truth of theae
la'm Read what they have to nay. Ask for booklet,
"What the Critic Say."
Not only doca tho Kdiaoit owner tret tho world 'a I eat
tpuhIc perfectly rendered, but nnmerona other advantagca
aa well. Kdiaon records are praeticully indeatruetible, re
cord played hundred of limea reproducing aa perfectly aa
when new. They play longer than other reeorda of the
aame nine. The Uiamond point reproducer la Mrmnnent
no needle to change, no bother, no trouble. Aak any Edi
tion owner -there are. geUinjr to be lota of them around you.
Come in and hear this wonderful InHtrumcnL Do 't now.
1'Unoa, ritonograplia, Music - Complete Home r'urtiloli.m
Itf-SU Alitor HI. - WALLA WAI.I.A, WASH.
Nttict tt tuifsiii't Sale tt KMllf. pnarwil to !! to the hiiflnt l.ld l.T,
, lor rah tn IimihI, nil Hid right, !, In.
tho County U.rt of tha KteWof BST fifiX? rJ.l.i'.'lt
flr.m r..rlll.lll!. '.,ll,.lv ....... ,.,..n,, ........... H
...... ... umhtiuw! rvat iiruprrty, town:
In the Matter of tho t.uunllan.liip of ,uia ono tit ami two (2) end the 8. W.
WuihIuII I .a Hraclm, a Minor. . f the N. K. 4 f Section :t!. Two. 4,
In pursuance of bIuvikc to evil grant-. N. K. 3ft, K. t. M. Umatilla county,
rd in the above rulltlwl meltvr by tho Orvuon. XmIcI unlit ia to be held at t lie
almve named county court onthviCHli onVwof my attorney, Ilomorl. Walla,
liny of Ooeeinber, lilli), I, K. H. Ie In Athena, Oregon, at the hour of 1 1
(row, guardian of the pruiwrty of Wen- a clock A. M
Fix up that hnrm-w. Wait &
Itogcra havo the oil ml the ma
chine. Dr. C. II. Hmilh wu at Spokanu
thia witk Uking the Wanhingtun
state medical examination.
Miwt Kleta Hall, a high school
girl of Pendleton, wan a luat witk
end guit of Mis Ruby Price.
W. K. Puyno ha gone to Sitokane
to bt end his brother, who is ac
riouoly ill in the hoapiul thi-rc.
Mm. Lizzie Mansfield of Athena
Ik fiiakiiitr her homo during the win
ter with her aiitter, Mr. J. S.
The Mogul tractor uses any old
fluid for engine to the great tt ad
vantage of any tractor made. Watt
& Roger.
(Iii-rlca Van Hoy wan conveyed
Monday to Walla Walla, where he
will suMain on operation for ap
pendicitis. At his home on the Wehton up
landu Albert Allyn I having a
rioua time of it with badly in
flamed eye,
Mr. and Mr. Kirliard Lee of
liml, Wah, arrivunl Tuesday for a
vinit with the J. N. Vorka at Nev.
erf nil farm.
1 81
Farmers See This Big Field
wen in
J fy"' 'Of''
Ihiimi ami
VJm- ; ' - . . M
Mogul 8-16
KeroKDe-Eurciflj Tractor
dull I jt Jlrm ho, a minor, invr ary, I1U7, ami in to
to avit ui inn hit(hii titifcivr tiw roiuiw.
Ing iKntcntHil realty, towit j thv H. W.
Mr. and Mr. I.. K. Kogerand wn
Keith of llaki r, On-gon, are viait
ing at the home of Mrs. D. N. Van
on th 27th day of Janin Skiver. Mm. Itotrer in a nitre of
Uu conducts in a Mr. Van Skivi-r.
Thin is one of TWG or SlOItE Tractors that wi!i lx ON EXHIBITION and DEMON
STRATION at Weston' in the near future. Come and ace THE WORLD'S GRAND
The new year, la with ua and also many good cheer cards. We are taking inventory
to find out "where we arc at." We probably will let you know next week.
We have a fine stock of Harness Oil of the very best grade and the revolving tank
with which to do the job of oiling.
Engines galore. Deere and Dutchman plows a plow for every soil and every day.
; Weber and John Deere wagons. Ask your neighbor about them.
5 IR
'i of ihif N. W. 4 of srit.wi ;r Tii.
4.N. H. X, B. W. M. UmalilU County,
1 hat liala Um all land may Im madu
and loft Mil It my attorney, llomor I.
Watt, at Ida nfhco in Athoua, OrvKm,
from and aftor thia TJlh day of iHwvrn
Iwr, It'lU. up tn ami lnclualv of Satur
day t ho 27th itay or January, tun. at
tliv hour of tn o clock A. hi. on aanl
nrivalo maiiiH r.
From am) afti-r thia '.".Hh dy of Ii-c-mlHr,
lUlil, lip to tho hmiroflloVlxc-k
A. M. on tlw 2Hh day of January, 11H7.
tinU may Ixt madv anil k-ft with my at.
torncy, Hoiiicr 1. Walt, at litnotlire in
Athena, trron,
Thv aaiil iliwrUml land ( to Iw ankl
frve ami rlvar from all hotta and on
cumliranroa whirh again! thvaakl
rMrtv at tho timv if aaid aalo.
iiaion at Ainvna, nn.'k'im, una z?nn
data, at which tint and at which plan) day of IwciiiIkt. yl
I will avll to the hishtmt biddi-r tlwalmvo
ilwiilxnl roally.
Tctrmaof payment: At Uat (.1000.00
in rah; and the luilanca may Im wid In
cah or may lw awcurad by a llrat nmrt
ftags uixm tho land horvin dcacrdiod at
tlw rate of T ht cunt liitvrval wr an.
Dalod this ?.nh day of Docvmbvr,
F. 8. La Gaow,
Cuanlian of th proorty of Wandoll
La tiraclw, a minor.
I MaiBiltn tar's Salt ) ! rroftrt;
Mary La Iihai mk llAoof irv.
Rxccotrix of tint elat of Maggta
La liracho-Krans, di-oi'aMhf.
"Call a takl!" Ufo Mi tlrklo'a ia
waya at your iliiil. rimna 92.
Mi. lionnie SiintUK nf Slici,
()ii'gin, a rooj-in of K. O. lieMoiM,
was a recent guent at the DoMixw
tetddi'tice. Miw Siniina ia a tdenog
rahT in the oflicc of her father,
a licriilati attorney.
iftlt tSS Visit? Capitol .Unanaounced to
Wioh.. for a viait at tin-farm of DiSCUSS Bills tO Prevent
their brother, J. L. Hotlgson. Mm.'
Jot Hyatt leavt Sunday for a visit
at the HiMlgMin farm. ;
M J.,l.n M 1,.Vm-. .,..1 Mi Waahlnjttoo.-ITwiiilent Wllaoa at a
roe Faimers Bank of Weston
r" Strikes.
" w- M. u...! in oonfwnca with Senator NeUnda In j,
tt&lli 1S91
Noticni la horotty given that f, aa Ad
minUtrator of tha tatat of Martin K
Ulaon, docoaavd; will olfvr for aale at
IHildtc auctiiMi to th hihct bldilvr for
caah, at two o'click in th aftartuwn
on I ha 6th day of r'abruary, l!7, at
lh front dmr of tha Court llouao of
Umatilla County, Uroffon, th following
roal ricrty In aald County Iwlonglng
to the aakl dVcaaaed at the lima of hie
dtat h and now Uvlonglng to Ina vatate,
Th Went half of Nirthet quarter,
and tha Kimthoaat quarter of the North
oaat quarter, and lh Northeaat qilnr- i'racllcc
tr of the Southaaat quarter of Boclion
Si, in Townahl 4 houth or Kaitga 31
taatof WlllanivtU Meridian.
Thl aala ia mad nurauanl to order
of the County Court of Umatilla Couu.
ty, Oregon, inada January 8, UU7.
Chas. H. Cartkk,
Adminlatrator, ttc.
I rMt' OiMfk turn -llilrttt tmtmt MT M . Fan aeaaoH i
miuA ftm f . Witt, tufey.
atsmt LAWVcaa,
,.1114 oTvrnia ri- wninmmoa, u, u n
Attorney at-Lw
all Mian
RoUc f salt at aultjr.
In tha County Court of the Stat of
Orugon, for Umatilla County.
in me maiier 01 ma riaie oi maggia
La Hracht-Kranc, decaad.
Notice ia haraby plvan that under and T
by virtu of an order made in tha above I
utitlod matter by tha abova named
court on the 29tli day of Decetnlwr,
1918, I, Mary La Uracl.a-liaddulvy, exe
cutrix of tha abova named eatato, will
Dr. S. L EEltllARD
Veterinary Surgeon
mafriutni Stltiiluv Ihwm ar lil
1916. at 2:30 p. m. at the residence actit of a cwuputaory
of IU-v. ami Mr. W. S. I'aync in arbitration bill a. a protection to In
thia city, Mr. Payne oflklalin. "taW mc agalnat railroad
The bridegroom ia a young farmer ,r"""- , , ,
of U.e! and Hawk? uplandn. .' aadratooa to have been acrc.l
at the conference that inch an anawer
Alliaon Wood and Lowell Duncan hould be made by consn-na to the
I av g tie to the Echo country to latrat dlaagrecmcnt between the
tale crarge of Proepect farm, late-brotherhooda and the raUway man
ly u relumed by D. R. Wood. Mr. apcra.
and Mra. Wood will follow In a few The prealdent did not en permit
wiH-ka. Allison will continue to te secretary Tumulty to know or bla
a member of the Weston band, and pin to visit the capltoi. He tele
will put in hi leisure hours at tl e phoned to Senator NcwIamU and
farm practicing on hinelatinet. He mde the appointment hlmm-lr. The
will come to Weaton when the band rhlef executive l aaid to have ap
htta a concert or an enKagt-ment. proved the bill which haa been draftel
The importance or W.-ston as a ')d ,0.rge m V.rte
Federal profitable station on the Pacific Tel- ,lh th ,eMt p0Mlb,e delay ftor
ephonc Comimny'a system haa been ConsreM con"ne
recoirnixed by direct tonnection with Tr"f 0utle " Pbabie,
. the through toll line between Pen- The adviaability of restoring tariff
dl.don rnl Walla Wal'a. Hereto- dutiee on wool, rubber and corfee and
fore when Wton patrons wished of Increasing the present tariff on
to talk to Pendleton cotnejtion sugar la under conalderatlon by treaa
had to be made through the Athena ury department officials and In con
office. This is another of not a few greaa as a .means of averting he
improvements in the telephone ser- threatened deficit at tha end of the
vice brought apout during the loctl next fiscal year.
,Ask us for a blank on which to take an invoice
January 1st Kill it out correctly, ascertain your
present worth and file it for future reference.
We wibh you a happy and prosperous 1917 and
will qe glad to assist you in any way we can to make
it your most' prosperous year.
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
Phone - Main 253
at If ' '
1 ' . " ttWall IH "I mU lUHia a
management of . 0. IkMass.
D. B. Bailyy, a popular salesman
for nine years with the firm of
Bond Bros., Pendleton, was in town
Wednesday placing an order with
the Weston Mercantile Co, He ia
now a member of the firm of Gil
more & Bailey, with headquarters
at fan FranciscS who are repre
senting New York houses dealing
in hulhs' co&H suits and dresses.
Mr, Bailey highly compliments the
No return to the recent stamp taxes
la contemplated in the administration
programme, officials assert The un-.
popularity of this farm of taxation
was fully demonstrated,. It la felt, In
the operation of the emergency rev
nue legislation adopted soon after
tha war. .
Nw Reclamation Bill Is Introduced
; The Irrigation of countless acres
arid lands, and the drainsae of still
greater areas of swamp land, will be
Well-Appointed Conveniently Located Pleasant
Comfortable Reasonable Rates
J. M. Bentley, Prop. M. A. Ferguson, Clerk
W.idon McrcatileCo.'s store, raying ! possible If congress passes the
th it it is a remarkably fine eaUb- bllleent)y Introduced In the aenat
bailment for a town of Weston's by Senator Chamberlain,, ot uregon,
A Brass Bed of Artistic
High Quality
IT'S impossible to illustrate all the beauty of this bed; all its
refinement of design and elegant simplicity. We want you to
see it, whether you need a bed now or not. If its remarkably
. low price does not induce you, we will not urge you to buy."
You will have to ice it to realize just what an imposing effect it
a w.
A pletuant New Year's watch
party wa fclvon at the home of
0 kstvii Khkpti trick Sunday. Va
rious games were played and dainty
refreshments were served,' after
which the adjourned parties went
to the different churches and rang
the old year out and the new year
in. Those present were: Odessa
K ilk patrick,-. Ethel Waddingham,
Ixttic Brandt Gladys Smith, Leola
Duncan, Ruth Bead; Jim Kirkpat
rick, Earl Lieuallen, Roy Read,
Leonard Blomgren, Frank Smith,;
Rulin Smith
The Sarurday Afternoon Club
mot at the the home of Mrs. C. H.
Smith December 30, 1916. ' It be-
and In the house by Renresentati
Smith, of Idaho. Whether the bill can
receive final consideration this ses
sion is problemaUcal
Stats Department "Leaks' Admitted.
As a result of the sensation ftlrred
up by Thomas W. Lawson, who offered
to prove that millions had been made
In Wail atreet as the result of "leaks"
at Washington, it as admitted on
the floor ot the senate Uiat informa
tion, concerning the "honor ot the Na
tion' bad been betrayed by someone
In the department As to information
of value in rigging the stock market.
Senator Stone, who made the first uis
closure, aaid he did not know.
Chairman Henry, of the house rules
committee, after an Interview with
Mi. Lawaon, announced that the Dos
Best Line in Town.
Our Cigars and Tobaccos are NOT DRY
ve J
ing "Bible Day," roll cull was re- ton financier had been unable to fur
aponded to by quotations from the nish auy names or other definite in
bible. Women of the Bible, Instru- formation about the alleged "leak" In
menta of the Bible and Bible Proph- advance of President Wilsr n s peace
eta were subjects of papers for the note, and that so far as he was eon
afternoon. A vocal duet by Mrs., corned th matter would be dropped.
R. Proudfit and 'Mrs. E. M. Fmitli, -Mr. Lawsnn issued a statement as
piano solo by Mrs. Geo. B. Cnrmi- wrtlng Washington did not want an
iliiu'l itml a piano solo by lion- investigation, and Chairman Henry
. nio Sims, a house guest of Mni. li would not act uulesa tho "leak mak-
0. DeMoss, concluded
niton's program,
t he j after- era" and beneflclariea confessed to
bla la ilr&c ....
Home Merchant Prices
23 pound pail stock food..... $2.25
12 pound pkg. stock fond 1.00
pound pke. stock food... .65
2 pound pkg. stock food ..... .i:5
Comparison of dosage two
tabtespoonfulla twice dnily.
Mail Order and Peddlers'
25 pound pail stock food.. ....$3.50
7 pound pkg. stock food ...... 1.00
3lj pound pkg. stock food ... .50
1) pound pkg. stock food ... .25
Two tablespoonfulls three
times daily.
Weston - - - - Oregon