The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, January 05, 1917, Image 1

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frlnetpil Evmti if thi Wiik
rlifl SkitcN. fir Infif.
mitlwi tf Our Ria.iri.
pus to Med ford falM leal eek by la
vntea. An affirmative vol of (H per
cent nrceaaary la rarry the elee-
In Ik budget adopted by lb Ban-
Inn ownly rmirt lioofl ,M appropri
ated fi.r htjiMtns for military pur
poaee lor lli 'r HI company of ne
.loiwl uaril, alih Ih proviso that Ida
t'lty appropriate a Ilka auin and Iha
etat ai iroprlat a aura equal lo Iba
ronihlned epprnpriatloaa. plua iba val
ue of Iba land on which It la la ha
Authority baa boas glvra iba ex
tlv committee of Iha Oregon Butter
4 Chaeaw Maker aaaorlatlon I co
operate wlih Iha secretary of Iba atata
fair. A. II. Iea. In loterettlng mora
Oregon dairy mro lo exhibit at Iba
Plymale. aged about 40, ejate
by P-eraua bla wlf bad started auit
for divorce. W. J. Ilnrtnn, logger.
aliwd Into Iha store at Ralnlar where
aha aa mpln4. ahnt and killed bar
and turned the weapon on blmeelf.
Morton dlrd Instantly; bla wlf lin
gered four hour.
The atata hlghaay commlaaUta, on-
ifer Ihe direction of John II. Lewi.
ela hlghaay engineer, baa prepared
tun nanuala In porketr y form la
an rffcTl ta atandardlta ..late and
county practice In construction a.d
maintenance of bridge.
It .porta ara that the annual con.
trntlnn of the Oregon etat federation
of labor will be iha moat Interesting
aad beat attended In tha history of
Ihe oraaniaatloa. Th federation
airela la flem January II. and all!
be In araelon for a week.
State Treaaurar'a Kay'a biennial re
port ahowa that the Inheritance lax
fund baa accumulated during the pent
to year for th treaaury general
fund In irea of f 175.000, and that of
thla amount none, baa tieea expended
for the roet of admlnlalratlon.
Repreaenlattv llawley baa aaked
the rhlef of army engineer that a
recommendation be aent lo eongres
favoring th appropriation of IJO.000
to deepen Iha water In the lock at
Ore na City, la order that boat draw
ing op to all fl atay paae at all
Milton A. Morgan, a ronvlrl paroled
from the Oregon atata penitentiary
tecember 14. and a waller by oecu-
. Aa at to data hospital ku be
openad at Lebanon.
A meeting of tka Kartkwatt Tear
lata' aaaorlailoa will ba bald la fart
land January SI.
A pmpoaal lo mote tha Una eeuaty
fair from Srlo ta Albany la bow re
ceiving ceealdarstloa.
Loula H.
rommitted aulrlda at Med ford
alaahlng bla throat with a resor.
Ir. Dewltt A. Paine, phyatclaa,
banker aad espltsllst oaa of Bug'
Biat promtaeat eltlaeaa, la dead.
a N. Morrla. prealdant of tba Ore
goa Tbreeher Maa'a Meoelalloa, dlad
at bla bam la linking Olaaa valley.
Hid bar been received by tba atata
land board oa approtlmalaly 204
arrea ef atata landa la Malheur eaua-
A a appropriation of MM4 far aa
addltlaa U tba Hale federal bufUlag
will be Incorporated la Iba osselbua
appropriation bill.
Tha fj and furry eeuaty cba-
i i
Minor engagementa only are report
ed from th Rueatan froot in Callcla
and from Macedonia,
In attarka along tha Tranajlvanlan
frontier Teutonic trK,p. bara drirea Declare Centra! POWBrs' PrO-
ahead In tha face of atrong counter ... ...
tucka. posal Insincere and Merely
Ricept for a French attack on tha 'bV Uanetiver"
new German linea on Dead Maa hill, P maneuer-
near Verdun, which waa repulecd,
there la little activity along tha front Pari. In reply to the proffer of
la Franca. Germany and ber alliea for a peau
The Teutonic line of advance from conference, the eutente alllea. In a
tha Wallachlan plain now Ilea well to collective note, declare that they "ra
the north of Rimnlk Sarat. on the rail-, fue to eocaider a propoaai whtrb la
ay from Fluicu to Kokahanl, nb.Se empty and Inaincere." Tb not waa
on the right flank a ailll nearer ap- banded lo the American ambaaaador,
proacb baa been made to Bralla, tha
Kanube granary, which la on of tb
mala objective of Voa Mackenaen
Although Berlin report that th
Teutonic alllea In Dobrudja are keep-
William Gravee Sharp, by Premier
The not declaree tbat th propoaai
of the central powera 1 not an offer
of peace, but a "war maneuver." It
Oenahey in Cleveland Pia,j Caalee.
Ing up their preaaure againat the Rii. la declared to be founded on "calcu-
alana and Roumanian! and bav lated mlalnterpreUUon of th cbarac
forced the Ruaalana from fortified ter of th atroggl in the put, O
height po:t!ona eaat of Watchln. on preaent and tba futur."
the eaat bank of the Danube, oppoaite Appended waa a apecial Belgian pro
Bralla. P. troirad announcea that tha teat againat the Crimea rommitted by
invader acuta of th Danube bav Germany againat that country, la
maker ,ar formed aa argaaliatloa
for th purpnae of ataadardlflag tba
Coa retinly product
Apple treea between four and flea
year old. oa lb farm of 8. D. Barney,
at Eehodate, near Oregon City, ara
bunting Into leavea.
Randan baa atarted a new Induatry.
W, K. Cralne and O. R. Hhank ara
Inatalllng machinery for tha manu
facture of while cedar cheat. -
About II&.ooo la tb eatlmated poet
for tb coming blennlum to pay e
penaea and aalarlea of field men for
tha bureau of mine and geology,
D. VV. Georg. a proaporowa farmer
living a few mile aouth of Klamalb
fall, la a aeeond eoualn of David
IJoyd George, premier of Rngland.
Aa .appropriation totaling ti,
oIO an Inrreaee of $S.t0.4O over
Ui current blennlum la aaked for by
' Iba auprema court la tb atata budget.
Aa Intercity basketball league, com
prlalog teama front llaker. La Grande.
I'nloa and North Powder, waa formed
at a meeting bald January 1 at La
Grand. .
A plan for creation of a retirement
and panalon fund for tearhera waa
adopted by the Oregon State Teach
era' aaeoelatloa at It aanual conven
tion at Portland.
been repulaed with heavy loaeea, e-
cept at the village of RakeL whirl
baa been occupied by them. Briilafc
armed motor cam. saya Petmgrad, did
great elocution In thla fighting.
thla atatemrnt Belgium declared the
king and people of the country dealred
no peace that doea not Include legiti
mate reparation and guarantee of e
curlty for the future.
The not declare that the preaent
atrlfe waa dealred, provoked and de
clared by Germany and Auatria-Hua-
A Vienna dlipatch announcea the Kry. and that Cermany made no ef
death of Eduard Strauaa. the compoa- fort to brinij about a pacific aolutton
of the trouble between Serbia ani
Auelrla Hungary, aa did Great Britain,
Prance and Ruaala.
The German overture are described
a a calculated attempt to influence
Piiota by American Preaa Aaaoctallem.
Mra. p. gj. Bkefflngton, widow of tha mandr who recently drove tha Gar.
pat Ion, waa arreated by United State Irlah adltar alaln by th English, who mana back at Vtrdun.
marahala at Portland on a charge of recently cpd to America with bar
er of dance music
The coronation of Emperor Cbarle
and Empreaa Zlta. of Austria, aa kluj
and queen of Hungary took place in
8t Mathey church at Budapeat.
Argentina 'a wheat harvest this yr the future course of th war aad to
will be on of the poorest the country end It by imposing a German peace,
ba ever aeen, due to Injury by droutn The overturea also are said to have
and locusts, according to coneuiar re- the effect of intimidating neutral pub
ports, lie opinion, as well as to stiffen opln-
Pive hundred gallons of fine wh!s- ton in the central powers, "worn out
kfes, wines and beer were poured into by economic pressure and crushed by
a city water wagon at Pboenix, Ariz the suprema effort which baa been
and tb aXreeU-rt-ih business iactiea - imposed Hpon- Jwur inhabitants."" ;' .
sprinkled with the liquor. V "Finally," it is asserted, "these over.
' Denial that Great Britain bas agreed turea attempt to justify in advsuce in
to furnish Japan, after the war, with the eyea of the world a new series of
SlX bsttlpfthllMI nart nt th. trifm 1 1 -J .,f,r. li.nnrt..
General Mangln, tha French com- Japanese participation In the conflict, tiona. forced labor and forced enllst-
was made at New York In a cabia ment of the inhabitants agalDst their
mesesga from th Japanese govern own countries and violatlona of nen-
bavlng arnt an Infernal machine
through tb mall lo Jamea R. Mlaner,
of Albany.
I .an county co-n ba won a first
prlie at the Bt. Paul corn show held
under tba auaplcrs of tit PI rat Na
tional bank of that city. Th prU
waa for tb weatern dlvlalnn of Ore
gon. Tb award la a allver loving cup.
riefelam! V fl 1 j rhlef of tha
Hop growera of Polk county are pea- Th corn wa grown by C J. Sluyter, ii-,nh.rh,,i r n.iinurf tmI-iom. u. lead, la Incomplete.
aimiaito concerning ine isit season, or Irving.
Many are preparing to plow up their
Two Tak Oath aa Governor,
Phoenli. Aria. The gubernatorial'
contest In Ariaona became more com
plicated when both Governor George
W. P. Hunt, democrat, and Tob Camp
bell, republican, claimant of the office
through the recent election, took the
oath of office. A recount of the bal
lota, which gave Campbell a alight
David Cplan, last of the four al
leged dynamiters brought to trial for
the destruction of the Loa Angeles
Times building October 1. 1910, and
the death of SO men, waa sentenced
to ten years in San Quentin peniten
tiary on a charge of manslaughter.
aued a atatement here, charging that
On tb ground that Instructions to ,hm ,.n-., f ,um . nr.
. yards and have made plan on what the Jury had been erroneoua. In slat m(Ujng delays to trains aud overtime
they will plant Instead. aupreme court set aside the verdict whh woxM not oriiir,arlly be permit-
tallare McCamant. of Portland, ,ir,at William Branaon and Mra. , ordc,r t0 profe tha enormoui
. ,,fl,"'H k 0,,wwr rlri4 Vamhlll tlp,n ,h,t would (oIlow 0Dedk,m.,
Wlthyeomb to the state auprema wiy on rhargea of having alaln tb to lhe AUtn.oll Uw. Tha atatement
court, to succeed Justice Kakln, who woman' husband. William Booth. Oe ..i,... w. ,....
tober I. 1915. declare that law either
Members of the Yamhill county ta 0, ,,.,,, ln, broUl,rhoMla should
payer' league and othera In confer contnu, to await tb elghthour day.
anca with tha county court at Mo Mr. Lea denied a report publlaned
Minovnie to aiactis tne twagei toi
resigned on account Of continued
Tonl Cerbonl, awaiting action by th
grand Jury at Oregon City on a charge
of seennd-degra murder, brought bla
trouble to an and by banging blm
pelf with a pair of suspenders In tha
county Jalt.
in rrmeviiio city council . nss
AwsnteA to km Reoa.. fif rktnver.
th 1 1 municipal bond Issue au
thorUed by tha voters for th con-
Walla Walla Woman Whlpa OfficiaU
Walla Walla. Wash. Carrying a
whip and cane, Mra. C. K. Montgom
ery, wife of a prominent physician of
this city, entered the office of County
Treasurer Guy Allen Turner and used
the whip freely on Turner. Mrs. Mont
gomery accused Me Turner of having
spread atoriea reflecting on her char
acter. '
Rubber Shoes and Tire Go Up.
New York. Aa immediate 14 per
cent advance In the price of rubber
footwear of all kinds was announced
here by the United Statea Rubber
company. The company baa also ad-
London. The final diaft of the re
ply of the ei.teote allies to President
Wilson'a pes -e note, which already has
been approved by France and Great
Britain, bas been forwarded to Italy
and Russia aud, as no changea have
been suggested thua far from those
quarters, it is not improbable the note
vaoced tire prices, effective at once.
averaging 15 per cent for casings and will be delivered to the American am
10 per cent tor tubes.
HIT, recommended tba elimination of
tb county roadmaster and county ag
rlouttural agent from tba approprta
Hon, saving $1500.
A law which will requlr th brand
ing of all cold siorags food products
that a aealed statement putting tl;o
Adamaon law situation up to tha tnoa
had been snt out by tb chiefs of th
four brotherhoods, " V
It waa learned from an authoritative
source that th general chairman of
tha four brotherhood will bold a
ao ai to show the data th.y war mMtlng , Chctg0 J(nutry u to eon.
atructloB of a railway connecting Una placed In storage and tha data taken lldtr t0 ,!tul,tiou.
to the Oregon Trunk
Tha duck shooting season ln Mult
nomah, Clateop, Columbia and Tilla
mook countlst clossd at sundown Sun
day. In avary other county of th
atata tha season will remain open un
til aundown January It.
Total racalpta for tba motor vehl-'
ela dprtmnt of Secretary of State
Oleott'i offlo for th year 1916 vara
1141.231. Tba total number of auto
mobile registration was 8S.J17, whit
motorcycles aggregated JSCS.
Agitation la under way In Hood
River county with a view to having
the legislature change th law of tha ,
Stat ao a to make possible the amal
gamation of tha governments of th
city and county of Hood Rtvr,
out, will be recommended by tha reso
lution committee of tha seventh an
nual convention of tha Oregon Buttat
and Chaes Makers' association, lo
aeaslon at 8alem last week.
Secretary of Slate Olcott lay h
believes that th per cent tax 11 ml-
' Portland.
Wheat Club U 43; bluestem S1.S3;
red Russian. $1.40; forty foU, $1.46.
Barley No. 1 feed, $37 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $il per tou; alfalfa,
Butter Creamery, S4c
Eggs Ranch, 40c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 36c; valley,
Incendiary Fire Destroys Valdet.
V aides. Alaska. For the second
time In 18 months, Valdes lies ln
ashes. Fire, aided by a stiff wind from
Prince William sound, wiped out the
business section and Invaded the resi
dence district before It was subdued.
The cause of tha tire la attributed to
bassador in Paris, William G. Sharp,
without change.
In its present form the reply is
about the same length as the note to
the central powera and haa the same
characteristics of general and guard
ed language. One of tha most impor
tant points la a differentiation be
tween peace among the present bel
ligerents aud such future arrange
ments aa may be made for permanent
peace, the purpose being to show neu
tral upholders of a future permanent
peace that this la attainable. , '
Hops 1918 crop, 639c,
8 Army Aviators Make Record Flight
Philadelphia. Eight of the IS army
aviators who started from Hempstead,
L. I., tor this city in a qualification CLAIM VICTORY ON SOMME
test for government pilot licenses ar-
Mm Prom Eaeh State in District ta
Get Farm Sank Position.
Washington. Th farm loan board
Wheat Bluestem $V.Bl; club $1.47:
tation amendment passed at the last " Wormed Representative Dill that forty-fold. $1.47; red Russian. $15;
witnin two weens tour saianea orti'
rived at the Philadelphia navy yard,
completing the flight of 16S miles in
less than two hours.
general election waa enacted especial
ly to limit th axpenditurea of public
money, and that, ln hit opinion, no
serious obstacle will ba met by the
Incoming legislature In providing fot
every necessary alata requirement
within the limitation.
Judg Galloway, In circuit court at
1 . -1 J At... l - I J a., it,. '
clala of tha Spokane farm loan bank
probably will ba named, a president"
at. $6000, a registrar at $4000 and sec
rotary and treasurer at $3500 each.
It Is planned to select ona of these '
officials each from Oregon, Waahlug-
tlfe, $1.47; turkey red, $1.63.
Barley $37 per tun.
Butter Creamery !8c
Wisconsin Omit Inaugural Pomp,
Madison, Wis. As a measure of
economy, for the first time ln the his
tory of Wisconsin, the constitutional
state officers-elect took possession of
Madras Grabs County Reeorda.
Haig Saya Alliea Can Defeat Germans
on Wsstern Front
London. The battle of the Somma
Is pictured as a sweeping triumph for
eutente alllbd arms in a detailed re
port by Geaeral Sir Douglas Haig,
which cover operations from July 1
to November 18. General Haig terma
the battle a triumph In which the Ger
man western armies were only saved
Culver, Or. Seventy-five residents
ton, Idaho and Montana, tha atates' Madraa headed by William S.
Salem, algned tha final decree In th ' embraced In the northwest district - VRen, of Portland, attorney for tha
flrat of th sven Hyd-Btion cases Numerous applications ara on ma, out tv ... .u m,
t h. .tnrftc.t.,1 Th. I. r.n.1.- alction hav not. yt been mad, .fight with Culver, came to Culver New
At tha last meeting of th Vala elty ti.e th.t th. at.t. i.nd hn.rd must At tha time these appolntmenta ara Te" red the county record
council, tha office of city marshal was repay out of th achool fund $1.25 an nnnouneed tha board oxpecta also to In automobiles and sleds and carted
abolished, there having been but two acre for the 600 acres Involved In the nm tn preliminary $oard of direct- them over to Madras.
arrests made in tha last year, ona for .nit. hut rfne. not nomn.1 th. bnant to or.
drunkenness and the other wai for
violation of tha peaca ordinance.
Judge T. R. Duff at Culver decided -- ,
In favor of Madras and against Culver ..P"r,U,nr"he. Alhin En",e
upon the county seat question, and the Machine Works hna contracts for two
ess will ba Immediately appealed to 8300-ton a.;d four yS00-ton steel
th uprm court. Tba matter baa etaamahlp.
been In tba court for several week.
By th clos vote of 11$ for aad 143
against the effort to obtain an Irrlga-
; their respective state offices Monday
- without the usual Inaugural cere- from complete collapse and a decisive
defeat by a protracted period of un
favorable weather that prevented the
Anglo-French forces from taking full
advantage of their successful advance.
He declares that nevertheless It
was a triumph which proved beyond
repay th Interest accrued from school
land loans since about 1898.
Carranxa Wants Pershing Recalled. .
Washington. Continuation of th
Eight-Hour Conference Ende.
New York. Conference between conference of the Mexican-American g feet 8 jhes, cut in cordwooj stylo. w,n tt" WM oa the western front
Pert! and The Orefron hotel i to
-a'sed to 35 stori?s, iha inwove
aits to cost $750,000.
S.i!em is erecting two brick stores, doubt the ability of the allies to over-
Alhsny The furr.iture factory her; trow Germany "when tha time
is in the market for SO corlocds cf oowee-" Tha British commander
coast Uer. mep'e ar.d ash. cut hi the sho himself a firm believer In the
Vlowi-g lengths: 4 fe;t 4 inche3, ar.d ctrin " the entente alliea can
Medford defeated an irrigation dis.
trict lotiiiution, to the great detri-
rprsntatlvee of th rallroada aJd
the four brotherhoods of railway em
ployes,' at which war discussed tha
possibilities of a settlement cf the
eight hour controversy, wr discon
tinued abruptly when It became ap
parent an agreement could not be
North Bend A large dredging im
provement is to be undertaken on
I'cny Klouph. - '.
inlnt r.ommia.ilon. without reeard tt
the question of withdrswlng American " Ontario A $14 000 streit lightins
trixipa-from Mexico, is proposed by he Installed hrre by the
General Carrauxa in hla message re- I,'"1, To" er Cemp- ry. which is al o
fusing, to ratify the Atlantic City pro- given a 10 year I'shting contract
tocol.X Coupled with this auggestion. KoseburKThe total tax lovy of North Bend-The 225-foot lumber
however, is a new appeal for recall ol Dol;gas county for ml is $37,5,328, carrier, Florence, Olson, is launchcJ
(be rahiu, MpcilUwi, M ojajp 113 fdr Wl3 kwfc