The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 29, 1916, Image 2

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Principal Events of toe Week
Briefly Sketched for Infer
mition of Our Renters.
Internal commerce hrlrt
k aria at Portland January Jl
It by Riamlnar Brow.
Ta Cottt Orot commsrrial rlob
111 ttaat I ft farmer to eiprl
asat lln bwolt rln
K. J. McOlanaha r Kitten
aaaltnetwly elected retdrnt ol the
. Oregon Poultry aaaorlatlnn.
Three thousand Oreo roeehuabea
at ton to rna)t'anle from Cot
tat GrT during the at tew
Ta Hawlry Pulp Paper company
ill begin eno the rotietmrtlon of a
Mrond addltloaal unit l it milt at
Oregon City.
Th farmera of Klamath county
bar formally petitioned the rominia
ionera' court to place a bounty of 14
cent bd upon rabbit.
A blanket resolution allowln. tb
atudent body to bond Itseir In th sum
of $10.00 for an athletic fielt was
voted at the University of Oregon.
On of tb ftrat fanner' ortaniiv
tlon to b effected In Oregon under
tb prorialona of th rural credit law
formed at Roeburg lat week.
Th Portland postal recetpta for tb
first 10 daya of December of thl year
xceed those of tb ame period of
last year by pproiimately 11MW0.
The lait of seven Hyde land fraud
auita Instituted by tb stat of Oregon
for th recovery of 37.000 acrea of
arbool land was tried at Eugene last
Including th sales mad for th
Thanksgiving trade, the turkey rais
r of Douglas county thi year have
realised approximately taS.OuO from
Oiefr btrde.
Oliver Lundgren. ;;. of t'orvallla.
was drowned In Mary" river when a
canoe. In which be and Troy Bcgard.
f Woodburn, were paddling, upset In
whirlpool. -
I-abor Commissioner lloff will rcc
ommend to the leglslatnre the creation
of th office of Inspector of mine,
and also ask that it enact legislation
on the subject of hospital fee.
The latest school census of Portland
(how there are S,;S4 boy and girl
In th city between the age of 4 and
20. This Is a decrea of 154. as
49.927 were recorded in the census of
last year.
it. A. ueorge. ore oi me leaning suc
cessful poultrymen of Petaluma. Cat.,
baa been procured to deliver a series
of lecture during farmer' week at
th Oregon agricultural college. Janu
. ary 2 to . .,
lo a comprehensive review of th
labor situation prepared for bia forth
coming biennial report State I-abor
Commissioner Hoff say that Indus
trie appear to have undergone a
change for the better In 191.
Hot lunches are being served In the
public school at Damascus by th
teachers and pupils as a means of test
ing tb advisability of purchasing the
necessary apparatus to continue the
practice during the winter months.
Dr. A. C. Seeley, of Roseburg. waa
elected president; Dr. M. B. Marcel
lus. of Portland, vice-president, and
Dr. David ? Roberg was continued as
. secretary at the annua! meeting of
the state board of health held at
. Nathan Hankin ' was shot at hi
borne lo Portland by a masked man,
who rang the door bell and when Han
kin answered presented a pistol aimed
at him. Hankin slammed the door
chut, but the assassin fired through
th wood.
Insurance for every employe In the
aervlce whose salary does not exceed
14000 a year, and extra month s pay
for alt whose salaries are not over
11100 per annum, were Christmas
gifts of the O. W. R. k X. Co. to tbeir
many workers.
Secretary of State Olcott has made
public the budget of expenditures for
the state of Oregon for the biennial
period of 1917 1$, together with an es
timate of total requirements for all
purpose of the commonwealth. The
entire amount ia t9.3I7.S2g.41
A movement has bees started in
Umatilla county among the school au
thorities to obtain from the legislature
lew to'permit the county school levy
to be raised from I mill to 4 mills to
tb end that th district levies be
greatly lowered or eliminated.
In a report of th Oregon Conserve
tion commission, just filed with the
governor, it is estimated that there
are 4.273.000 acre of Improved farm
lands In Oregon, and that at least 3,
000,000 acres In the state can be lav '
proved or reclaimed by drainage.
An amendment to the workmen's
compensation law, making It compul
sory upon the state, counties, cities,
porta and school districts to oprat
under the act in all employments now
defined by it as basardous. and elec
tive as to all other employments, will
be asked from tie coming legislator
by th state ltd ae trial accident com
BldliQB. -
Uttatla f th amount of liquor
at lmrt I an lalrfrwo
with his eonatltntle-aal right and tnre
for Illegal. Circuit Judi Medina
ruled at Portland H als upheld th
right f a man t manufartur win
for Me own us, without Interference
from th authorities.
On of tb largest ujr mill la
eastern Oregon, aad tb largest la
Jakr, will be erected at one by tb
Oregon Lumber company, according
lo anounrtnienl of D, C. Krclea. prel
drt of the company. H said lb
mills would coal al least I'.XMOO, tad
probably mnr. aad will mply lf
At a meetlsg of tba tr
Sport!' ascorlatloa It was decid
ed to mak every pibl ffrt t
secure a troul hatchery fwe Deunte
county next er. and t bar tb c.
parity of tb North rpua rlr
hatchery Increased aufftrlvntly t lib
erate at least MM.IM alma aca
On of th biggest ,uart trik ia
year waa reported by Albert aad
Frank air. war of tb Ceaner
Creek mln on th Saak rlvr la Ba
ker county. They brought In rW re
trt containing nearly I2I.0M In tld.
The deposit rpraatd a sva-dy
output of th new (tamp Mill at tb
Agaew A Hamilton, laanertere f
Pelfs st. Ireland, bav cabled the Or
grn sut board f roatrol offering
$1440 a rag. or M il a bushel, for
Oregon Tax seed. A bag contain about
three and one half bnehela. Th board
cabled Belfast that It I willing t
sell 40 bubla of seed fr 12.71 a
bushel f. . k. Salsa.
Attorney General Brown bag beta
advised by Mr. Mill! It Trumbull,
of Portland, aecretary of tb child la
bor commlaaioa. that a propo4
amendment to th present tihur
law la being drafted for ewasldsretlon
by th next leglslatur. so that hear
or women will b llmltH to 41 fr
any on week. Itd of 40. as new
Th reclamation eomml!a be
unanlmoualy recommended to 8er
tary Lane that b org eaagr
th appropriation at tale aesslea f
S440.000 for th constructloa ef th
Warm Springs dam n tb Malheur
Irrigation project and that b further
org the appropriation of another
$400,000 to build th stersg dan of
the Owybe project In Oregon.
Th Eugene chamber f commerce
haa expressed opposition to the plan
to send a representative of tb Orgoa
Rx Interests east at thia tint t ta
veetlgate linen factory prospect. Th
members of th Eugene chamber fl
that such a tp at thia tlra wuld
be too far ahead and that fund which
would be required could b expended
at home to better, ad van tag, far
as the actual development of th new
Industry I concerned.
The success of th safety-first doo
trine in reducing accidents la abowa
by figures prepared by B. T. McBala,
of the Crown Willamette Pspr com
pany, pioneer among th big Indus
trial plants of th Pacific coast la th
safety-first movement la Ita mill at
Oregon City tb campaay ' employ
more than 900 men, yet Mr. McBaln'a
flgurea show that th average number
of accldcnta fa a month la only 21,
although a alight cut or acrateh la
counted. ' '
Linemen la the employ of th West
ern Union Telegraph company la
weatem Oregon will travel and live la
Pullman car In the future. Th old
work car hav been discarded. Th
new model work trala put Into com
mission on the Coos Bay breach of
the Southern Pacific system coaslsta
of a sleeper, a smoker, a car fitted
with a bathroom, reading-room aad
lavatories, a dining car aad a ear fit
ted up for tb use of the foremaa ef
the crew.
At the first open meeting of the
Deschutes county court, Brad wag
unanimously designated the tempor
ary county seat, and the officer at
follow were appointed lo rv uatil
th,. next election: H. Haner, county
clerk; Clyde McKay, treasurer; W. T.
Muliarkey, of Redmond, assessor; f.
C. Roberts, sheriff; Elmer Niiwagr,
coroner; Dr. Dwlght t. Miller, county .
physician; George . Teuag, eenatjr
aurveyor; J. Alton Thompsea, teasel
District Attorney Gate t. Hill ha I
notified the state beard ef control that
no action can be taka to preeeetit
persons who assisted Wlaifred Black
after her escap from th girls' iadas
trisl school at Salem several month
sgo. w hen e number or girl tueeeeded
In gettlni away from th Institution.
He stated th tatute was bread
enough to cover anyone assisting aa
Inmate of that school to eecape, but
not anyone who assisted 4 person
after the escape.
Judge William Galloway, In the cir
cuit court at Sajem, decided that title
r oo acre of land la Linn county
was obtained by F. A. Hyd and hit
associate through fraud and colluslea
and that th title In equity to tuck
lands, because of th fraud and eelln
lon. still is vested In the state ef Ore-'
gon. While the cause In qutlo in
volves only 490 teres of land, th de
cision is of widespread interest as
this is the first to be decided ef tat
itvta HjitEteion etui. -
ClARK WOOD, pMbUihtv
Th Year f I W
Wx Monthe 0 76
Four Month. 0 BO
Ki-guUr, pur inch wr iiuwitkm lio
motick or SROtirrs wx
iiolivw la Iwrvby slwn Uiat by
virtno of an rxveution lntud out uf
the t'irvuit Court, dilate uf Orvin,
for Umatilla Uiunty, aiul to nio
ilinvtMl ami tk'livfrvHl,uHin tho
jtnlHiticnt ami divrtv rvmlorod
hihI miUtviI in wiiJ Court
im tint itiih iluv of DtwiniM'r. lHltl.
Trniwieni, Hr inch per limortlon Hi fHVW ,lf V, u, Ayern tu I laintilf
wm, tR-v ,wi yw iiiwrtHHi ,yoo ami Kaiiwt Jiex.hiiio Ionian, -v
MlllA ... . DfC
falettd st ttu peilottut M WMtoe, Wttjea,
M itnw cl BMll wstlti,
Vilm UilamK IVo. 28. -Mary
I an.- lalo, lin i ti-nchinir m-honl at
Kainivw tm I Ik Kh1 ami llawlcv
uplamhs in riviulinjr tlw hlilat fu'1 ' '"rtJ
cculiix of thi' crttatt' of rJixwlK'lh
Ki-Imi.v, (liwavl, 't al, aa IK IoihI
aiita, fur Uk kuiii of f IIIU.IO with
inhTvot Ihen-ot) at tho ralo tf 10
ht crnl Hr amium from Jnly I,
I'.UCi, Iho further aunt of llitf.on
atloriu'y'a ftt, ami for f:i,r. '.'." itU
ami tlitJiuiX'tm iilN which Niiil il-rrt-v,
jmlnmont, ami tinier i f wtlt
hati Ixvn ttiH'koiiil ami I'ttrolliil in
Uh ollicv of iho Clorh if Mtii I'ir-
and wht-rvas ly tuiiil
i California
this winter out-of-doors
Tolo, golf, tonnu; antomobfljng over
Cahl'ornia'a wonderful highway;
and a wide variety of fiiucca to go
and thinj, to sec makes a viait to
Gilifomia brim fall of pleasure.
w ith Ikt niothiT hero,
Mr. ami Mr. U H. Dowil arc
vinilinu; rvlativtti in the Willamette
Mr. ami Mrs. Koy I). Hyatt art
vifilirnr in t-Vnttlc ilurinjf tho hoi
itlaye. I'rwfinsior Mayorry' i Hitidinif tho
Imlidayg with hiti family in Milton.
Mr. ami Mrs. Tliomas Ikmhvr of
Athena are tuit.s fur a few days
of Mr. and Mrs. C M. hneider.
Mm. Dulf Tlnniiwn of liiMmn
is HK-mlintf a few months with her
wrnls lure, Mr. and Mrs. Stlt
News hus been rwivid of the
juiliM in, iKcrev and order of sale
it was uirectod that the following;
diwriUil real iroierty in Unmtilla
County, UreTon, to-wit:
U I, 2. ami It in Illoek
Ketvtiun addiliun to the City of
I'endleton, Unmiilta County, Male
of Oregon, U- sold ly the Sheriff
of I'nmtilla County, Oregon, to
satLsfy Mtid judk'inent and all eusts;
I will on the 2'Jd day of January,
A. I. 1H17. at the hour of two
o'llifk in the afternoon of said duy,
at the front door of the Court
Hum in the City of TentUi-ton,
I'malilla County, Oregon, nil nil
thi-erijiht, title and interest the suid
JosephiiM' Uvman, exivutrix of the
marriuKe of llyait to tiladys estate of Dlixalx th K lsy, deeH.H
Itlionv of Colfax, Waslt. Titoy have eil, el al, had in and l the alove
the good wishes of their many descritied roiHrty on the 1st day
1-Yank English is planning a visit
with friends and relatives in Hut
Is nd and Seattle in a lew days.
Word has been n-eeived from
nochesU-r, Minn., that Mrs. lien
Lee. will undergo a surgical ojvra
tion at the Mayu hostital. Aceon
panied by Mr. Lee, the atient has
been at Locm-stcr for some time.
It is thought that she will recover
under the skilled hands of the Drs.
The Woman's Kxthange Club met
with Mrs. K. K. Loglish lat Friday.
A small Christmas tn-e, with a tiny
gift for each one, poiH-tirn balls and
pl.nty of small talk furnished tic
Tlic Christmas tree at the school
house was well attended. Mrs.
of July, A. I). 1U1B, or since has
acquired, at public auction to the
highest bidder for rah in hand, the
proceeds to Ih applied in satihfui'
tion f said execution and all w.
IhiUni this 2Hth duy of iHtvmU r,
T. IK TAYLOR. Sl.eriff.
I'.y A. C. I-UNK, Ih puty.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Kftatu of
Edward Anderson, Ditvased.
To All whom it May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that Anra
Anderson, executrix of the estate
of Edward Anderson, diroased, has
filed in the above entitled court her
final account of the administration
Dowd is entitled to much credit for of the said estate, and said court
the well preiared program. has fixed the 2Hh t!ay of January,
Sleighing is at its bet-t. We fail at 10 o'clock in the for. noon,
to hear many sleigh bells, boys! The at the County Courtroom in the
girls love sleighing, so hustle up. County Court htiose, at Pendleton
Seth, Hyatt has purchased a ranch in UmiitHb County, State of On-
and cattle on the Umatilla river . he time-and plaa-for hear.
ing saiu oojoctions ami exit ptxms,
if any there Ih-,' and all H-rsons
inten-stcd in said estate h hereby
notified to apiiear at wild time and
place and make any objietions or
". ing of said executrix and the exon-
The accompanying picture illus- eration of her bondsmen from furl h
tratos the new danger sign put out liiddlity herein; and it is further
at crossings by the O-W. K.& N.Co. ordered by said court that this rot
Not a few of them may 1 e at en in lice shall be publUicd in Ue Wis-
the vicinity of Weston. The action ton Leader, a weekly newspaper
published at Weston, Umatilla
County, State of Oregon, for four
consecutive weeks, the first publics
tin thereof being made on the 22d
day of December, 1U16.
Said order is dated the 0th day
of. December, 1910.
Executrix of the Estate of Ed
ward Anderson, Deceased.,
from Ceorge
will move to
llrace. Mr. Hyatt
the river in the
j G,!i Sdt Fr::::i
Before Presting Your Suit
You'll win her if wc do
n the 'work.
A shave, hair-cut and
shine would help. "
taken by this company is in lint?
with its enlightened and prnero
sive policy. In JU15 there were
108G deaths from train-aulomobilc
aecidenta at railway
i .... -.j..-
"Happy New JearT
Dr. Alfred F.Sempcrt
to your measure"
R. L. Reynaudl
Physician and Surgeon
Office hi Watts builclinir
W. M. VtUnon C. H. Blthoe
Peterson & Bishop
; ' uwvtRS
t'endlttun, Or. I'rcowatcr, Or.
represent .itiw .itC4lw.'uydclij;hteJ wlwlp
plan Cililriu.i trip. Litoriturc, inhTnu
tion jikI .-jvMlic sen1
S. S. NELSON. Altai, '
rrtifht twt Puta(r Aat,
V.' I.l Wsw. I
. Litoriturc, infifnu- v ill
keupoi arpkationto 5
.'etteeu I. IUIHS. Hitrtrt J&. Y Ji
"Happy Hew Year!"
0. !(. COflFECMiERY .
Meet tie Briquet Mali
Now that you have taken our advice
ami bought a good coal stovo 1 want you'
to get better actiuainted with the Briquet
Mao and his excellent fuel, and I am confi
dent you will like it so well that you will
have no cause to regret the acquaintance.
Try a loud and be convinced.
P. T. Harbour
Butter Wrappers
Furnished und Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum),.-...
One hundred..,.,
Two hundred ,
Each additional hundred.
$0 85
. 1 15
. 1 G5
. 0 40
Preston-Shaffer Millinti Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Was
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
i in