4 J r) 8 A Merry Christmas We wish one and all a very joy ous Christmas. May peace, Rood will, contentment and thankful-, ness be in every heart on this day of days, and throughout the season. In extending these greetings we wish also to ex press our grntefulnesH for the splendid supirt of our many friends during the past year, which has enabled us to realize our biggest and best year since 1910. THE DAVMASER CO. I'Unu, rhimntfripliD, Mueic Cttmplute Home Furninln-r. 10 20 AMr SI. - WALI.A WAI.I.A, WASH. BREVITIES WA! SWT 1 VjL a- .($!: tm Simmons Bi2 A Brass Bed of Artistic High Quality IT'3 impoatible to illuatrate all the beauty of thlt bed all it refinement cf design and elegant implicity. We want you to ace it whether you need a bed now or not. If ita remarkably low price doet not Induce you, we will not urge you to buy. You will have to ace it to realiie juat what an imposing effect it create. DeMOSS furniture IB SOMETHING TO CROW OV& However, we'll lot Mr. Rooster do wht littio crowing may be necessary. We merely wish to y thitt we will appre ciate your patronage In our N and do our bent to earn your good opinion.' Rolled Barley, Oats and Wheat; liaM liny, MilUtulTa and Chicken Fucd. We'ra local agent for I'ocoek Flour nd Watchford's Calf Meal. Phone 281. D. R. WOOfythe Feed Man 122 HOMEIf I. WATTS Attorney at-Law j practice in all State and federal Courts, i ATHCilA. OKEdON CITATION In the County Court of the State of uOrvgoii lor littMUlla County. In ftte Matter of tun EataU of Martin li, Olaoil, UecvaMid. To OIf O. Moil, Mra. Karl Jseob son,. Mrs. Man Hanson, Mr. Anna Joiiiiihiii, Cliane b'. Oi.on and Hans K. Olson, heirs at law of Martin t. Umoii, iteceaavU: In tiik Namk or tub Static op Ok KUuN, t ou, end each of you, am here by cued and required to apar at 11 o'clock In the forenoon on ih 2d day of January, ili7, in the County Court room in Uie Court liouae of Ouiaiilla County, Oregon, in the City of i'endle ivii In ail County, ttwn and there to how cauKOf if any exiat, why tho laid Court mould not rant the petition of Chan. H. Carter, adiiiluitrtor of the NMOvo named etlete, to sell at public auction to the highest biililvr fur caah tno following described rual property belonging to the auid Martin fc. Omun, docutooxl, at hi death, and now belong liiK to ln estate, to wit: The Went Half of Northeast quarter and South east Quarter of Northeaiit quarter and Northvaitl quarter ot Southuaat Quar tor of Section iU, l'p. 4 S. K. 8i, IS. VV. M i 100 acrai), mora or leva, situat ed In Umatilla County, Oregon. Witness tho Honorable Chas. II. Marsh, Judge of the above entitled County Court, and thu Seal of vaid Court hereto attached at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, this 14th day of November, lUlG, j Soa.f t Frank Saung, I County Court I County Clerk. lV.it milk and cream' in town for aale. K. E. Zchm. I.ynn Ni-ild l-avc Sunday for a Chriktman vwation at Lt-wlaUm. Ijtrkin Stairira and family are ht-re from Knterpriae for the Chrlntmiu holidaya. ' J. F. Snidt-r and family are Icav inif Sunday to annd holiday week with rt'lulivea at JJuytoii. Mr. and Mra. JUIph Kinncur left yenU-rduy fur 1'ortlund for a C'liriatmua viait with relutivra. Mr. and Mra. Sim J. Cullcy and Mra. L. W. Harm were viitng 'I'uiwltiy with the Andrew Larnona at Walla Walla. Mix MuIm'I liloingren haa gone to Fruitluiul, Idulio, lor an extend ed vihit at fin? home of her uncle, Mr. I toAx-rK. Huving diNcd of my liuHim-M In to I would appreciate an imnuHli aU? m-lllcmcnt from IIhwc- indohud tc me. I). It. W.axI. An ttmialilc Ktork inmiriil n mfi ry I'hriMtnma for Mr. and Mra. V. .. Murr ly li-uvimf a huliy dautfh tcr at llifir home Wedneatiay nio.'ning. ' W. I.. Co t haj tnulfd hia liind holdiaa'H near Clu-hali , for IMi m nn nt-ar Aim rican ralln, Idaho, lie hud previounly Ix.unlit a quarter MTlnm ol Idahu liiml from Ale Ollarra. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. W.kmIh, Mru. I). N. McDonald and Mis Mabel McDonald are leaving Walla Walla next week on an excumion trip to California. They will he met at Itiirm hv the narenta of Mr. WoimI. IUllie CompUin is here from his . t i land claim near American rail, The Won Concert hand an Midirt, lor a Chmtma viait witn bounce iU first f.pular concert for hia MivnU anl Irienda. Upon hia rV evemmr. IK-ct-nilxr 2, return to the -.ranch, hia brother lt Witm ora h..u, Uyinmng at Will ia coming to Weoton for a o clock. The hand will be Minilar viait. ?78tw! Ula - Un so"rano- liclow ia the program: "Uncle Ihlly ' Medlock, pioneer, of IfcGO, died recently at hia home on ury crvex. e waa ooro in Arkansaa about 80 years ago. Mr. Medlock waa accustomed to, say ing that he walked half the way across the plaina. Iorcn Maybev vwited frienda in' Weton Monday while on hia return home to 1'aaco, Wash., from Waita burg, where he waa a member of the r"asco team in a high achool de-' bate. Mis father has a position as aalcaman in a mercantile store at l'asco. , Tho remains of Neil McDonald,- oriental Inte'rmcaw March, Ko a prominint Umatilla county pio- Komo Shortre. nwr who resided near Pilot Rock, Xcn minutes Intermission. were urougni to vvcsion ounuay . for interment. A" large concourse Gang plows will advance Jan. 1st probably $15 to $20. Better place your order NOW. Dozens of bur good people are talking Tractors, and we will have the best there is going right here where you can see and believe. WATCH FOR DATE. for x-mas we: have: Ranges, Heaters, Washing Machines and Gas Engines. Graphaphones, Sewing Machines, and Pianos to order. Robes, Blankets, Cutlery and Harness. Silver ware, Aluminum ware, Cranite ware and Horse whips.' Sleds, Coaster wagons, Skates and Jack knives. SIX MOUSE THAI'S FOU TEN CENTS Tfy rsninri, f73 ROGERS VESTOIi BAIO WILL GIVE FIRST CONCERT Stripes PART ONE. March, The Stars and Forever Sousa. Overture, Koyal Emblem Kinjr. Cornet duet. Polka Mazurka Niebig Harvey Lundell and Anson Payne. Oriental Waltz, Moonlight on the Nile King. Soprano solo The Holy City Adams Lela G. Saling, assisted by band. March, America First Losey. A Trombone Episode, Pahsoo Trombone, Iassus Trombone's Ole of friends followed in automobiles'. Services were conducted at the grave by Rev. W. S. Payne. PART TWO. March, National . Emblem Bay- Be Farmers Bask of Veston Established 1891 ley. If you wish to add to your savings. Just live on a little bit less. Your EARNINGS are not so important: It's the SAVINGS that make for success. Overture, Majestic King. . Trombone duet. In the Starlight. A smooth canvasser worked anew Glover Rulin Smith and Lyle stunt in Weston recently in order Webb, to sell enlarged photographs. He 'March, Gladiator Sousa. explained that tno regular price f Serenade, A Night in June of the work was $3.50, but presents King. ing a large bunch of envelopes March, with vocal chorus, Our he aaid that; seven only contained Own U. S. A. Miller. a rebate of $5.00 that many being ' - Andante and Waltz, Westonian G0LD1 RULE HOTEL t nr. l muwsu t tAruu miUiiu i I Vetennary Surgeon Hosrfitat at cornet of Main and Broad streets. allotted by the company to a town of Weston's size. He would then urge his "prospect" to draw an envelope, saying that this would cost nothing and a rebate ticket might be drawn. Invariably it was drawn, as was discovered later when his customers compared notes. Thinking it good economy to save $5.00 on an enlarged picture whether Bhe wanted one or not, the housewife would usually succumb. However, collections may not be quite so easy as the sales, when, delivery is made. ' . Lundell. March, Olympia Hippo Jrome Alexander. Admittance. 25 and 35 cents. Pendleton 1 Oregon OF WATCHES " JEWELRY RO JOI TOO DIFFICULT Satisfaction Guaranteed hone Main 253 i & E RHX, Jeweler Weston CHRISTMAS GREETING Dr. Alfred F.Scmpert Grnduata and Registered DENTIST OFFICE HOURS 9:00 to 12:00 A. M. 1:00 to 6:00 P. M. HOT WATTS BLDG., upstairs ta-iM(ln M Pliri IBAHCM ml rtpmt mi (tutitaiNwy, Iteuh rvffif m-v PATENTS BUILD rORTUNtS yoei. (Htr rtvt' lKxiiieU t lt how, wluU w inwitt IfldamTfMWoney. WHtvtodu. D, SWIFT & CO. 303 Ssventh St., Wathlnfiton, D. C. Mr. A. W. Lundell, the band's director, says of the occasion: "In putting on this first concert by the Weston Concert band, there are two things I wish to bring to the notice of the people of Weston first, , that the band has now reached a point where its musical offerings have attained a standard that must appeal to all lovers of good music; second, the need of money to finance the further devel opment of the band. As an organ ization it now has invested about The Briquat Man proposes to co:j- $2300 in instruments, uniforms and tribute to your Christmas cheer, music, and it has also managed to Owing to what I honestly think is pay a salary to its director. This an undeserved prejudice on the part .has been a heavy load for the mem of the public toward an excellent bers, and therefore we are now ask fuel briquets and to induce as ing the people of Weston and the many as will to give it an impartial public in general to come forth and trial, I will fill all orders for a ton help us raise funds to carry on the or more of briquets at $8.50,' per work. You will get good value for ton delivered. This offer expires your money and you will encourage Saturday evening, December 81, or the boys to still further efforts, when the present supply runs out. We earnestly hope our people will Thanking you for past favors, I n do their part in this first real con main : cert and that this will be but the THE BRIQUET MAN. beginning of periodical entertain- ments by the band." Marshf ild The local ' chamber of commerce is to raise $50,000 to en courage and aid the location of pros pective factories. ' Florence A contract has just been let to cut and deliver $:15,000,000 feet, of logs which will keep a large crew of men at work for acvoral yoars. Well-Appointed Conveniently Located Pleasant Comfortable , Reasonable Rates J. M. Bentley, Prop. - M. A. Ferguson, Clerk ! CIGARS, TOBACCOSCMK 1 Best Line in Town. Our Cigars and Tobaccos are NOT DRY ZEHM & HOFFMAN i FOR COMiSM In Philadelphia the women are in sisting that they should have the same salaries as the men who teach the "trgregBto deficit is ncrw $276,000 a year. Well, ran any sane man tell why the Philadelphia school district should withhold that amount from. the romenT Home Merchant Prices 25 pound pitil stock fmid..... $2.25 12 pound pkg. stock food 1.00 7 pound pkg. stock food... ,C5 2 pound pkg. stock food 5 Comparisrn of dosage two tablespoonfulls twice daily. WE GUARANTEE THESE C00DS Mail Order and Peddlers' Prices. 25 pound pail stock food 13.50 7 pound pkg. stock food 1.00 8's pound pkg. stock food ... .50 W pound pkg. stock food ... .25 Two tablespoonfulls three times daily. GOODWBTS DRUG STORE. Weston Oregon , I a it