The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 22, 1916, Image 2

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Principal Events of the. Week
Briefly Sketched for tnfor
miticn cf Our Readers.
F. C Harley bai been elected
Mayor of Astoria.
The new coacrete brl.Ue Inde
pendence haa been opened for traffic
' H cost O. A. O. I footbsH
nan to maintain a tram In the season
just passed.
Tba Oregon Woolgrowers" assool
at Ion wet at Heppner for the nine
(truth annual eeaslon.
Hie aamea. punch board. rsfHrs
and caN im for trad checks are
under fire In lndletou.
Indlcatlona are that their will b
but Utile road bnildlnit In llk county
during th cominn season.
The report of county superintendent
V. U Jackeon ahowa that Unn county
baa tOSS children of svhool ae.
Wild dog, or tame do runnint
wild. have hilled W aheep belonging
to F. A. Stewart, near Roseburg.
The Northern I'acif.e Brewing
plant, at Aitorla. hasf been purchase.!
nd will be converted luto a milk con
denaory. The firat of the Willamette Va!ley
Interscholastie debalea wilt J heM
on Friday evening. December at
Lebanon. ,'
Twohy'Bro., of Tortland. have re
ceived an Initial contract to build M(.
freight cara for the Colon raot.'ic
railway eystem.
, The National Mohair Grower asocl
ation. in aitth annual contention at
" Galreston elected U. S. Grant. Pallas,
Or, president.
Ref. O. H. Holme, of Forest
Grove, ha tendered hi resignation
to Governor Wlthycombe as a mem
ber of tha state parole board.
In a duel In which at !erst eiRht
hot were fired. Salvatcr Amato
waa killed by hi brother. Frank. In
the latter' home In rortland.
; Total resources of all the banks In
the tate of Oregon on November 17
last were I2P4.3S3.34I.61. an Increase
s compared with November 10. 1313.
of $3.SM.21S.37.
Farmer of southern Klamath coun
ty are beginning a stannous campaign
towards the extermination of jack
rabbits, which are becoming a seri
ous pest In that section.
The contract waa let lart week for
the erection of the government coast
guard building at the mouth of the
Biuslaw river near Florence, to H. R.
Kibler cf Portland. lliJ bid waa
W. D. Barne of Tumalo. A. U
Mackintosh of Bend and U F.. Smith
of Kedmond have been appointed as
members of the county court of Ue
chute county, created at the Novem
ber election.
So great haa been the demand for
flour in Grant county that the Prairie
rity mill baa been running 24 hour
a day, seven days a week anil Is so
far behind order that a second mill
will be opened at John Day.
The Klamath irrigation project
tand econd in the list of 23 govern
ment project now in operation for Its
cash value return In crop tbi year,
according to the annual report of
Secretary Franklin K. tane.
The total assessed valuation of the
tate for this fear, including property
assessed by -county assessors and
that assessed by the state ta com
mission l $87.753.944.71, a com
pared to I934.49M32.25 for lest year.
One fatal accident was reported to
the Industrial accident commission
during the past week, this being Fred
Coomb, a box factory worker, of Kla
math Falls. A total of 307 accident
were reported for the week.
Step to organize Willamette Val
ley Corn association with eleht coun
ties represented, wa a feature of the
eloaing of the Marion county corn
how and the einibit of the Marion
County Potato Grower' , association
t Salem.
The Eugene chamber U commerce
bas sent F. Small, a 8n Francisco
manufacturer, samplea of flax grown
in Lane county for the purpose of
testing it in the manufacture of fish
ermen twine. This twine is now
selling for $2 25 a pc-jnd.
The state tax levy for 1917 will be
2.99,250. These figure were arriv.
ed at by the State Tax commission by
, taking the last year tax levyarbit
rarily adding per cent to it, and leav
ing it up to the legislature to keep
within the amount designated.
The famed MacBae ranch of 8000
sere In Grant county, known a on
of the most efficiently conducted cat
tie ranche In the west, has been aojd
by its owner, Mr. Lillian MacRae, to
C. P. Ragsdale of Joseph. The price
i waa $200,000 and the deal wa cash.
Percy Cupper, assistant tate en
gineer, has snt letter to the secre
tarie of the 17 irrigation district of
tbe tate suggesting that the districts
rrra n ssociation in connection
v-ttta the Oregon Irrigation congrs
t, promote the interest of irrigation
r --ai!y and of the dUtricU In par-
Figure furnlb.4 train lis record
Indicate, that U taxpayer tao
of a number of counties over the. tto
different counties have been rutr4
to pay sn average of wore taea 1J0
year per county, beglnalni wlU
mi, tor the publican of tha delin
quent tax Data.
Members of the Hood River com
mercial club unanimously Indorse a
proposed tax of l a horaepower on
automobiles. The club further rec
ommends that the fund ao raised be
used towrd matching federal appro
priations for elate road work under
the 8chakelford road bill.
! a report tasued by Stat Leber
Commissioner O. P. Hoff. be tata
that capital of $J.1MM la laveeted
la plants aad equipment la the tim
ber Industry of the state, tele belag
exclusive of timber holdings aad work"
Ing capital. Including only buildings,
machinery and other equipment.
Senator Chamberlain bas been for
mally notified by the secretary of
war that, after referring the matter
to the local military authorities, It
haa been decided to be highly Inadvis
able to return for muster out battery
A. artillery, and troop A. cavalry, of
the Oregon national guard, aa there
are no troopa available to replace
In Ita closing sessions at Hood Ri
ver the list annual roaventlen of the
Oregon State Horticultural society
went on record a decidedly opposed
to proposals that have been advanced
at different northwestern fruit center
to lower the standard of grading
rules. A resolution adopted recom
mended that the atrict rulea that hav
heretofore prevailed be maintained.
Although the army engineer bar
not yet sent to Congress ths report
railed for last sessioa on the advlaa
billly of further improving tbe en
trance to Yaquina bey, Representative
llawley ha received unofficial netl-
fication that the local engineere have
recommended an appropriation of
$4.0O0. half to be appropriated by
congresa and half by the local commu
nity. '
For a consideration reported In th
neighborhood of US.Mfl. ths en
tire sheep plsst of the J. E. Smith
Livestock company, at Barnhsrt has
been sold to A. K. Smyth, of Port
land, and Pan P. Smythe. of Pendle
ton, member of the firm of 8mytb
Rro.. who lredy own plnt at Ar
lington. By thle deal the Smyth
become the iargeat breeder in tb
Three thousand acres of rsw land
in the west end of Umatilla county
wilt be brought under Irrigation and
cultivation next aeaaen according to
L. A. Rineman. county watermaater.
Tbe land consist of 1000 acres a
der the Furnish project, 1000 acres
under the Western Land and Irriga
tion project. 800 acres under ths Cm.
tills project and $00 acres nndsr th
west extension.
& mrwT anil more
a Or"
mal achool i the programme of ths
Oregon normal at Monmonth, whlcb
Is planning on a big czpansloa la
training school .ctlvitle, th Begta-
ninit of regular extension wort .larger
finrmnnrr iDacr. an uuiubj w
main building, and minor campus 1m
prorements, to be embodied in a bill
for an sppropristlon for f SI.W0 whsa
the legislature meets.
AltbouKh SecreUry of SUte Olcotl
urged csncellation of a contract
whereby Jason Moor is to be allowed
to remote salts from 8ummer snd
Abert Iskes, in iJihs county, ths stats
land board has refused to take thai
action gnd ths matter remains In
status quo. The question of ths less
snd contract on the lakes has been
hanging fire since 1914 and six ex
tension of time hare been granted.
Announcement of plsns for ths con
struction of a throe-story. M by
feet, reinforced concrete addition, to
the plant of the Oregon City Msunfsc
turing company at Oregon City, and
the complete re-arrangement of tha
plant improrements which will in
crease the capacity of the mill SO per
cent and make it the largest woolen
mill wet of the Mississippi river
wa mad by Adolpb Jacob, presi
dent of the company.
With the money in ths stats school
fund piling up and loans being paid
up practically twlcs a fast ss th
money is loaned out, ths stats land
board has decided to increase ths
amount allowed to be leaned from th
school fund to any Individual from
12500 to 15000. At ths asm Urns It
wa tentatively decided tbst tbs beard
will ask ths next legislature to redues
th Interest on school fund loans
from six per cent to five per eent
The bosrd of directors of ths Port
land schools will ask th legislature
through a bill alresdy drafted and
niHr for submission, to untlS Its
hands in ths management ana aa
mlnlstrstlo. of th. puWtc school, of
-i... -i.. W- n,m hoar intknrilf
me cn. ...Ma
to transfer teacher from place to
place a occasion requires; to dis
continue tbs service of womea
teachers marrying whlls In the serv
ice; to dismiss teacher without th
rtght of sppeal after a hearing at
which neither th board nor th teach
er shall be represented by counsel.
The bill lo lengthen the probtioa
ary period prior to definlt tenurt cf
efflct trsa tvo to (sur jtir.
MAKK wOOU, Pwblbhtf
l 60
0 7ft
The Year
Six MMillt
Four Month 0 M
AovtttuuNt. haih .
Ki-irulMr, Hir inch t irawrtion 12Sic
TrHiwivtil, H.-r inch wr iiuMrlion i.Vc
Iah-mIis wr lino cr inset tlon ..-fte
.1 Um mmMIiii nitlee. IhttM,
uHudrWiMi nuiiii.
A met'
ami St unlay
lema tc!ating to the
of aiMiiional achutda were frankly
. . .... ,
and thoroughly dwuswd.
The concision hnally rtao eU
that nothnif could W acnMiipliidted
i i the way tf wvurinjf new normal
schK'ls for Utvgon without alolut
harmony iK-twetn the intents Uv-
orinK tnem, the task Uintf diflieult
at ml m iew o tl,c waitK
. .....
tne noli;, tn ollitr ius ineciina
itiuv uiixftiy micaMeu, A.liiaiid,
IVnukton u0 McMot usl unite
on wnauvtr iHoatwu I uo,ati
in oiuvt to nc any nooc oi vn
,. u ...,r. .. .....I tliM .11,
" '
- - mmw HK-ni -v . "- ' ; ------- . . . ij.,.,,,
H'r CVIH HT annum iivhii .. j;jp,M.rB (-!,) y ur lt'HlltMKl" li'VtofluU
.RORaUl SMOOt O0U00 lillC, tlio turtlwr um ol ls5.WI . , , wim t M-Wv tVii I . ; ' nrl
tinir -m ht-M l.-l y ami uMwrwnwii, min mui o - . - jSllkW.X
in Portland by mr rm JU"K"'. ' vrwwr ncarm j l4,ut u,r icius;
f the normal bcIuhiI ir.. ;,,",;f thtf . Vrk of Mti.l Cir- fancy lowcw . ;5WiWfra aim -
ol im? stau-, anu inv in cll,t; ami wiH'rvaa ny jaiw Btliinrvn -i,". w
.... . .L.. . . . ! I ma ft t 111.. I.ft l li'l 1 .1."-
Wciiioiiot any one ou,tinc iowia twtaie oi hi w ni..,.
woulu Mil any noria-i hinool .iv ed. et al, had in.and to the alwve
iect. inc ueh jtaua iua with decriwd.iroa'rty on the lt day
tne unucrrtanuii.,; tiwi - committee of July, A. I. or wm hw
from ivnulwu woulu coine to Wcc BCijuireil, at puldic auction to the
ton in lore ion ana nuei with a hiBhet bidder for in hand, the
Weston committee, aim tmitavor proceeda to Ik; applied m Nit fac
to reconcile tne oppoMiitf view of tim of aaid ex.rution and all cl.
ttiese two cotninunitica. lMatol this UOth day of fk-eember,
It Uraine plain that while the l5Mt!- TAYIXR Sheriff
Oregon Kg.siavure wulu make i o v A C FUNK lH-nuty
appropriation lor rwiving aty By A. C rUNK, IHputy.
ot the olU normal schools or cslat . mtL iVrnXMaX
lisOiing a new one, li would eon-
bent to putting a millagv tax mca.- In the County Court of the Male
ure on uie oallot u uw normal of Oregon for Umatilla County,
bchooi inu:mu voutu agree as n the Matter of the Lbtate t f
to its nature. Edward Anderson, Deceased.
Southern Oregon waa rcprc-
bcnlcU ly lxiij. C. bmlUon, a
niemter of the legislature rom
JackMn county anu a prominent
advocate ot Uie AcJiIanu Normal.
J. It. Gwiun and rrctJ LocWey rep-
retx.nU.ti icnulcloii. br. r. u.
Watu ana i. a. Lmiih.b wete
Wetton'a delegate, ana urnUc tlieir
report 'luesOay evening to Uie VUI-
fare Club.
The "Twin City Sur,'
an, I umiiKinir OUblicutlOll
ibbueu at
Crockett by Otto t. Didion and
tyrOCKCtt, Vjf Vllv c fciuiv wiv.
J I.. Mutihiim. and to Buucar here
... .l- ik.....
alter a tut: iiii. mwi. .... ,,, .
yle ajult junto Umatilla coun-
Harlan one of the lives!
'mt ..,, : thc sUjU.
- ....
comes out wiui a wiv uu-sv 1.1-
U edition ol the ...ot Kock ICcrk.
. English wt.htak.n
the.r place, m Bnf.h, y
. .. . " .......
they w,ll not up tne.r pomuo
when the men come home irom me
wars. 1
. and hold on unitediy. They." J .,, ,,ni,,r u ,,'u I, . 6th day
are not going to be content to keep
houne for their lord anu rats mere
babies. 'IMs is a great agt and U al
ways has been a great world. ,
Tlie king of England now nets thc
exsn pie of two meatless days a week.
But the king may to ahl to get along
with less food than would satisfy a
muniiun worler.
Witon Uplands, IX-c. 2.- Kalph
Insilale nw-d a detective to assist
him in finding a cake which has
lnen hiddm gomewhtTe alwut the
house ly his mother and sister
Una. Ralph has an unnatural ap
petite for cake, so it Is very neces
rary to hide one in order to keep it
long. He has already called in sev
eral of the m ighbors and none of
them have succrttJed in finding it
its when almtita having reached ti e
proxrtions of a neighborhood myt
u-ry. ' .1
Itnlph has given up the hunt fi r
awhile, for some of his sympHtlii''
ing friends have told him that fruit
cakejgeis better with age. "Very
well, I know those grapes must be
naid the hungry fox. Kalph
-------- - - -
; WWfa came of the cakc shonld
""" ,v
r Hilling U, nowi-vur, Diiuuiu uc
easy, since it ia suspended under the
table and almost rts on his knees
as he takes his daily meals-which
fart lie will discover when he reads
... I! 1. 1 -V.....1.I I.-
this wet k's IawIit.
Ontario A central warehouse Is to
be erected by th Idaho-Oregon Honcjr
Producer Association, either here or
at Caldwell, Idalw.
nonet or unurs salx
NotJee ishorvby glwn tlmt ly
virtno tf n execution iwuttl wtit tI
tm Circuit Court, fctnto ol Omitm,
for UmatilU Ctuiitty, ami to n
,iiM..iMl nntl tlolivervHi. UlHm the
ju,tB,wnt ami tiocrw rmiTvi
mt onti-mi in saiii Court
w, ,h Hint Uy of lKHtnb'r, l
jM Vor oi' W. H. Aiont Ma I'ltttnlilf
WH maiimt Jom'ilin Ionian, t-x-
aiU. lor tilt Milll of Illltl.lU Willi
iniKiiwt t urtiti at im mtv oi i
r . . .. .. . ..t iii
it w uiwcwi manw
(Uttering real nieity in L'matilla
7' tUii:
, , , Um.k
l.M.,v,lilMI addition Iw the City of
ymlleum, Cttiuiilla County, Male
f Uretfon, lw tld ly the tMierilT
of Umatilla County. Oreijon, to
raid judgment am all taS
I i" ' the 83d day of January.
A. li. 1J17. at the hour ol two
o clock in tne aiternoon oi nihi ouy,
at the front h"r of the t4tnl
Iloufv iu the Cily of lemlleton.
iitmitillu t'ountv. Dtetron. cell all
the riuht. title and intciest the aid
juM-ontiie l.vman. cxwuttix of the
. , . ,1. .., .... t J
To All whom it May Com em:
Notice is hereby given that Anna
Amlertuin, exet'ulrix of the etitate
of rilward Amlerwm, deceased, han
tiled in the above entitled court her
final accouut of the atlminiiuatiiu
of the said estate, and said court
h fixed the V!0th day of January,
,j.j7i at n a the forenoon,
at County Court room in the
County Court huose, at Pendleton
In Umatilla County. Statu of Ore-
gon, an the time ami place for hear'
ins aid olijiTlionn and e xception,
i any im-rc w, l" "
tntinwtil in Kaid etttate are lu n hy
if any there Ik', and all penton
...:i:.ul u...u.u al .1,1 tim.. nttil
in n 1 1 n. w i Fi" " v i - -
plhoe and make any objections or
exci ptioiw they have to the approv-
al of the said report, the dincharg-
ing of aid exwutrix ami the exon-
crati.of her tM.mJ.nM?ifrom forth.
,.r i in hihtv ii-ri' n ami li is luruu-r
f fW
the first nul.lica.
Said order is dated the 6th day
of December, 1WI.
'"Executrix of the Estate of Ed
ward Anderson, Deceased.
Gst Tib i tel
before Pressing Your Suit
You'll win her if we do
the work.
A shave, hair-cut and i
Bhine would help.
V;e:TlN -EATH3 ::i
to your measure
; R. L. Reynaud
Phvsicicn and SlirCCOn
Oflica In Walt building
w tstON . OkKOON
W. M. Pelerwa H. Blthop
Peterson & Bishop
t'eudleton, Or. Frgawaur, Or.
. ... t.i .i ... .. . i i ....I ,..i..w ..r wtfti.,
Itosklo our liU'Ke nrwortmont of Toys, Hooka,- Toilet
Sets, Game, Stationery , etc., wo bukki'81:
tt..r.iL,.....l.!.ifu tlino in a liox ..
'J.K? ami ItlK !
. ua ... ttiui
. ,
,Hin rt'1""
,...$i.!Wim $;!.y8'lath'olM'!,
. ...UHc toin.wJKM ,v'
Kid clove, white, l.lnek or tan
, . . WKc to l.4'.
We stan.l lack of every article-
our "GoUlen K ilu"
J.C.Penney Co,
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the leader office
Sixty (minimum)........ . ..
One hundred
Two hundred..........
Each additional hundred...
"wieny unnsrniasr
0. iL coiffEcnora
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling 1C0.
Established 1865 -Athena,
Oregon . Waitsburg, Wah.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
For MEN and BOYS
UanlkvrrlilffthrtM In a
liox . .
With initial.
two iu a lwx....2fc
....4110 tol OH
Silk nmiliom.
, . $l.iW to M.1H
....$1.00 $1.25
. Arm lantl ....
you buy here ami know
CAN NOT be beaten.
?y Co, inc.
ftleet the Briqcet Elan
Now that you have taken our advice
and IknikIu a good coal atove I want you
to tret better acquainted with thfl Briquet
Man and his excellent fuel, and I am confU
dent you will like it w well that you will
have no cause to regret tlw acquaintance.
Try a load antl Ihj convinced.
P. T. Harbour
. . $0 85
... 1 1."
... 1
... 0
t. . ir,