v. fi . 'f' i if -1 Weston - VOLUME 39 WESTON, OKEGON. Fill DAY, Df;CEMHER 22. 1916 NUMBER 28 7 X LLOYO-GEORGE REPLIES ' short news nuggets TO PEACE PROPOSALS HE GETS NO APPLAUSE. Th Immigration bill with literary teat attached passed by lb en- at by till of 4 lu 7. The presi dent one vetoed I ho bill beraua or English Pitmler Sayt Peici '"'7 rJ" impOIIIDIt WlinOUI manslaughter rrldy at Mi eecnnd V r JQ- j 1 Time .i..ln. In which :o men mil ' death tin (trlinW I. t'lln lb derision if Hi yuvrrnrnrnt la prulilblt the ronsiimplltiti during th remainder of th ear of alcoholic bav eragea, nl'h the eicpunn of wlnee a o1 lieere ha caused rnlertiatlf In Hi' r'rent h liquor trade. Within abort, distance or th ehor. th fulled Balia submarine II t, waa badly damaged In lha break- tandon.Th announcement by ! ld l.lnyd Oeorge, th ew prim min uter, thai b riral arl or bit ad rain la Irallon waa lha rejection or lha pro paal of lha rantral powr 'or peace conference eoaatlluted en or lha mnat momentous cn which lha oldest parliamentary veteran bad ar witnessed. Th premier aald I lha nous or r al lha anlranra or Humboldt bay rommnna that It wi fall that Ibay oppoeli Kurcha. hating beeo rolled ahould know bafora entering on nego llatlona that liarmany waa praparad to arced la tha only larmt vharaon II aa possible ror paara la b ob Ulad and maintained la Kurt) pa. and that without reparation pear mould ka Impoaalbl. Thar vara s propo In ror paaca. To ontar Inta proposal or which lhay bad no kaowladg w to put tbatr baada Into a aoo with th. rwp and la tha banda or Uarmany. X ..'Much as Ibay longsd ror it. lha pra otlar added, lb central powara' nolo and the apaarb pracadlnc It afford4 mall eourgmnt and bop ror aa honorable and laatlag pear. Mr. Lloyd Oaorg aald: "Our an aar will ba givaa In full accord with our allien. Kach or tha el!! baa ep arataly and Indapandantly arrived at tha sam conclusion. I am glad or the 4 riral anewar glvea by France and Rue la." II aald tb alllee would Inalal that the only end or the war muat be a romplate guarantee against Prut lan militarism disturbing lb peaca or Kurope. Mr. Aaqultb. the formar premier, aaronded Xlr. IJod George'a dec la Ion Willi eten ntrongar word. oar at a heavy augle by the are. I e.vld Wataim Craig, known aa the "rounder or the republican prty In Oregon." a pergonal friend or Abra ham Lincoln, and pioneer newspaper man or the atat. died In hi I7tb year at the home of bla aou. K. 8. Craig. Ilalem, Or. Joaeph T. Mllra, who "Jo j dn." veteran actor, wa widely known a lha author of "There'll lie a Hot Tim In lh Old Town Tonight." to which tun lh I'nlted State volun teer marched during lh Upanlah American war and rhe Filipino luaur rectlon. died at Saute Koaa. t el. Ha wa TO year old. HUGO MUNSTERBER3 crops to geioid ries RECESS OF CONGRESS BEGINS SATURDAY Htm Eaatteund Tariff Suepended Un Itt Wftttrn Product Ar Marketed. Waahlngton. The Pacific coaat'a entire aeason output of dried rrulta. k i canned gwda. wine, bean, ba-ley and TfOUblfl EflCCUntercd Finding other fooda will move at unuVr pre vailing rrelgh ratca, notwithstanding authority given to the rallroada to ad vance them 10 cent pt-r loo pound. Surb a declalnn haa been rech-d vol untarily by the transcontinental rail roada and cnmmunltated to the Inter state commerce commission. f'he new frelnrtit rates, which were to go Into effect December 30, will be uspended by the rallroaJs' own ac tion till March I next. Ily that time, It la thought, the entire product of the orchards, vlneyarda and true k farms of California. Oregon and Washington for" 1918 will bare been delivered In eastern market. Sources of Funds to Fi nance Government Railway and Mtn Seek Sett'ement "Evansvllle, Ind. V. O. Uee. ol Cleveland, president or the brother hood or Railway Trainmen, publicly announced here that negotiations are under way between the leader or the brotherhoods and tbcae higher up in the chamber of the operating depart ment 'of the railroad, looking to a aetllement of their entire controversy out of court before Janua-y 1, when the Adamson law Is acbcduled to go Into effect' ' Oregon's dairy production in 1910 total f20,000.00d. FRENCH AT VERDUN , ARE VICTORIOUS rarl. Aa bla last act before aa eumlng the chief command or the French annle on tha r astern front. General Nlvelle amaahed lb German Una eaal or the Meuee along a front or all mllea, Tha victory advanced lha Wench poaltlona two mile, and they ar aow within a ahorl diatanc or wber tha Germans at mid at the outaet of the great Verdun drive. Tba military autborltlea describe the vic tory aa complete and crushing, and carried out without a bitch. Although tha Cvrmana offered a deaparat defense, tb attack wa so powerful there waa no withstanding It, with tha rult (bat tba German war pushed back along tba Una by tha rrenck, who only cead on or der whta tb objective bad bteo galnd. The number of Oertnan prisoner takan, according to tha latest count ing, la 11,117. Including 214 officer. Godwin in Pittsburgh Dispatch. COUNT TARfi'OWSKI arming and slockraising. ill wife Walla, arrivinB there In 1804. In 1HG9 died about nine year ago. The follow aha was married to Mr. Hacklier, also ing children aurvive him: Flora Mc- colore!, who had taken up a home l'oniild A lux L. McDonald, Uuncun atead near here. She has lived here McDonald, Mrs. Jessie Kichmond, aince that time, a prosperous and re Mr. Kale Hurt! and Daniel McDonald, epectod farmwif. She is survived by a.l ot this county. Nine grandchild) en five children,Charlvs, Louis, Wheeler and two sisters, lr. Mary Kcr'all and Mattia, all of whom liv in this aud Mis Kate McDonald, Loth of Toutity, aad Lir lie, of Alaska. Canada, aurviv him also. ULrfKtlTU RANCH KOK LARGE DAIRY Reith, Or., Doc. 16. J. M. HarrUon, of Uii city, hue at tha time of writing, urcnmM trom hi former partner, A. It Dudley, of I'ortlund, interest in the OREGON INDUSTRIAL REVIEW- Coquille Cooa County's 1917 bud got in to include $2o,000 for court house expenses. . Croiiuct balls and mnlleU may be. IiuhI at the mouth of uirch crecic ana mnde of local myrtle wood by a Vcr uUjuinitig Keith, comprising 67 0 acres, rnont lirm at Cooa Boy. .Seventy hend of dairy atoik are a purt Oregon City The Moose lodge is ol the purchase. Mr. Harrison intend to build a two-story, $-0,000 loilfc-e inuking extensive improvcinenl and a buildins. Hug Munsttrbara, noted German complete remodeling of the place, ana - Albany The commercial club has paychologlat of Harvard University, expecu to be in posseasion of one of launched a move for an opon river who dropped dead whll laotgrlng to the best dairies in Umatiila county. from slem to Corvallia. etudente. V WALLACHIA 13 WON Sarlln Regard MHIUry Oprtlon In Reumanla aa Tarmlnatad. Ksrlln. by wireless to Sayvlll, N. T. Tb following comment on tb military situation In Roumanta aud tha Verdun ctor of Franc Is g1vn out for publication by tba Ovara; tb vat Increase In value. FARM CROP VALUES SET NEW RECORDS Washington, All record for lb value of the country's Important farm crops wer exceeded this year, de pit U (mailer alia of the crop. Their value was placed at $7,641,409. 000 by the department of agriculture In Its final estimate ot the year. That la 11,710,000,000 more than tha same crops were worth last year. Higher prlcea, due partly to reduced produc tion and partly to tha demand for American food from tha warring na tions of Kurop were respcnalbl for All ktock on tha place are thorough- . a leading angineering and construe bred and these will be added to in tion company is the authority for the order to make this one of the most statement that there will be 100 and up-to-dute businesses of it kind in probably 200 grain elevators Lui:t in turn community. 'lribun. th Columbia river basin to handle tha 1917 wheat crop, thus doing away with much of the old sack system Roseburg Hereafter Count Tarnowskl, new Austrian Am. bassador to the United States, who wa finally granted aafe conduct by the Alliea. BRIEF WAR NEWS Newspapers of Germany eee little hope for peace If Eugland demands , h,, , Washington. With a holiday recess planned to begin next Haturday and extend until January Z, congressional leader do not hope to accomplish any thing before adjournment except tb passage of a few appropriation bill) In th bouse, and possibly the disposi tion of the Sheppard prohibition bill for the District of Columbia In tb aenate. . Tbe bouse waya and mean commit tee 1 working hard In an endeavor to find fund to finance the government next year, and It haa It band full. Chairman Kltchin says he la at bia wits' end to discover new sources of revenue. President Wilson and tbe cabinet already have begun consideration of way and means tit raise revenue to meet tbe threatened deficit on Jon 30. 1918. The president let It be knows that be bad reached no conclusion, but. In general, waa opposed to bond issues except to meet expenditure of a temporary nature. He probably will address congress on th aubject later. Army Heada Want 100,000 Soldier. The mobilization or tbe national guard for border service waa described aa a military failure, emphasizing tba urgent necessity of abandoning tb volunteer ystem aa the natlon'a reli ance for defense. In' statement by Major General Hugh L. Scott, chief of staff of the army, and Major-General Leonard Wood, commanding the east ern department, before tbe aenate aub commlttee considering tbe Chamber lain universal military training bill. Both of tbe generala advocated uni versal training. General Wood de clared that tbe country now waa utter ly defenseless against a well-organized , foe; that the mobilization waa tra gedy, and that if the guardsmen had met good troops they "would never have known what bit them." General Scott told the committee that lesson drawn from the present war proved that in case of war with a fint-claaa power tbe United State would need, immediately a trained force of 1.500, 000 men, with another 1,500.000 avail able within 90 days. Wilson Not to Offer Mediation. President Wilson decided to for ward the central powera' peace notes to the entente alliea without any me diation offer by the American govern ment Count von Bernsterff, the German ambassador, , said after a 10 minut visit with Secretary Lansing: We did not discuss peace terms In Woolmtn Oppes High Grating Fit. . Itennner. Or Strnna onnnalMon to tha propoaed 100 per cent Increase In ro1 work of 1000 or over to t0 bo tbe grazing feea on national forests let fc contract Th present system wa one of tha prtnclpl action of h" bMn found t00 cost'y tha Oregon Wool Growers' association ' RecPt has shipped two cars of at Ita 19th annual convention. - A large amount of stock is , , . . being shipped out of the lower Ump- . ! .L .-1 J Be Promoted. " country since uie new ruurouu came in. reparation. Premier Lloyd George's reply to till county Gcrman'' peace proposal meets with Fruit . Pershing to Waahlnirtnn RrlffBff lp.ri4n ftril T v ,mm.nHin t, Am.i Eugene The Lane County can expeditionary tore In Mexico, baa' chT. V ' PPle " preient, been nominated to be a major-general. chorus of approval In the British press, and the general comment la that ir Germany really wants peace ahe will, when the Joint reply of the allies la received, state terms which can form a basis of .discussion. The driving campaign of Field Mar shal ' von Mackensen in Roumania seems nearly at an end. The reports show comparative quiet to be prevail- THE MARKETS. News Agency: "Operations la Wallachla can now b considered as terminated. Buiu, which baa now fallen Into th hands of tha central powers, la tba tat Im portant railroad point In Wallachla. Tha allies (Teutonic) now control two thirds of th Roumanian railroad Unci. Th Buieu and Jslomltz iivrs form Pour crops each were worth mora than f l.OOO.rjOO.OOO. Corn, wlh a total value of H.291.713.000. showed the grestest Increase, being worth 1171, 101.000 more than last year's output. Cotton, the second most valuable, with a total or fl.079.S91.000, Increas ed 1475.871.000 over last year. Wheat, tha third, waa worth f 1.0I5,. tb second and third strategical Unas, 765,000, or 113.462,000 over th year before, when the production was al most 400,000,000 bushels mora. In which wr curd corn and on atores. Portland. Wheat Club 11.31: bluestem 11.40; red Russian. 11.12; forty-fold, 11.36! Parley No. 1 feed. 138 ner ton. Hay-Timothy. 121 per ton; alfalfa, utry, all registered. 111. ' " Butter Creamery,, S4c. Eggs Ranch. 85c Wool Eastern Oregon, S6c; valley, 86c. Hops 1916 crop, IftlOH. , n- . . , ... ." Military operations In the European Coos Bay-The business of catting of- - ar(j t , ,qw out ship knees is g.v ig employment Qn - tront. ,i80, to many and provmg profit here. ,her8 i8 m wUh the Qu)etlng own Uv lnTTh9 of tha recent activity at Verdun, while ranch of 6000 acres . Grant county utest from both the Rusg,aa has been so.d for SfcWOOO cash and and Au8tro;itallan front8 8how Ilttle includes zu,uuu gnaap, tuu nurses, iw but artiUery nucIs and skirmishes. In Macedonia the, reports stpw rain formal terms and the American gov ernment knowa officially that no for mal terms have been proposed. All Germany haa suggested Is that tba belligerents get together and talk." 640-Acr Bill I Paaaed. All the disputed points in the Ferria bill to provide 640-acre homesteads, principally for grazing purposes, were smoothed out in conferences between bouse and senate and the measure goes to the president now for bis sig nature. . The bill has been supported by tha interior department and western con gressmen as a measure , of further opening the public domain. EMBARGO IS NOT IRONCLAD Orka Olv In t th AMI. Athens. The Greek government' reply, accepting demands of tha en tente allies, la complete compliance with thlr ultimatum and an xpr riONEEK SETTLER IS , CLAIMED BY DEATH Another pioneer ettler of Umatilla county waa claimed by death last Fri- .i- - it., hnna for roiumDtion of day afternoon when Niel McDonald "traditional relation with th ntent passed uwuy at hia homo even miles ..(. hr.rf on raolnrocal oonfl- west of Tilot Kork, cancer and old age Seattle. Wheat Bluestem 11.42; club 11.38: forty-fold. 11.38; red Russian, 11.18; fife. 11.31: turkey red, 11.42. Barley 138 per ton. Butter Creamery, 390. Eggs 38c, Oswego The pipe fuundry here It . fA nroVBnin wlth n n,,,,;. expeoted to resume operations within moVements with the exception of pa- a few day. Th foundry furnish engagenientg. ; employment to about SO men and con- 5enera, Joffre nas a n ew po8t , tributes greaUy to the city's welfare.' COHnsenor t0 Premier Briand:s newly Kilter is 85 miles closer to the mar- formed "war council"-a small, com- ket than ever before with the comple- pact body 0( expcutv,.8 modelled tion of n road to Heppr.sr and a bndga alQng' the 11neg of that jU8t tormed , across the John Day river. . England by Lloyd Geor8e. Northern Paeifie Will Accept Ntaded Shlpmanta to Eaatern Point. St Paul Although declaring that shipments ot grain and lumber from tar western points are now under re striction by the Northern Pacific rail road. President Hannaford denied that an Ironclad embargo bad been placed on aucb shipments. Mr. Hannaford aald that owing to the congestion ot cars In the east shipments from the far west to points beyond the Twin Cities cannot be ac cepted indiscriminately. He said the Northern Pacific must aee that tha dene." beiiiff iho cause of hia death. Tho body waa taken to Pendleton and the , . Colored Pioneer Dies . ... learned.1 Th rails will be shipped to Mrs. Frank Buckner, of near Filot France, where they will be relald to . n i i T 1, t ,k - fi...., 1 11 ... n lh.. wtAw&mnnt rt Inuini Russia Wants War ta Go On. funeral was neia nunnay morning v fiuui; " uwiuiwMiraii ... , . . , p ',- the Presbyterian church there, with persons ever, coming to Umatilla guns, munitions and supplies. " . Z:iZ p..p.,i J.E.Snyder officiating. In- county died Sunday afternoon in Ten- ""'' vvu,f"' "" . . .u. .... ' Canada Teara up Rail, for Europe, l'ni Not Gui,,y Ottawa. Ont. Canada haa begun to - Guy Hays and Basil Parr, of Ten ' . ji,. . :if,. T..... tear up iuuu mues or railway to meet,-u..- , nl ttQck remalng on ,t8 own ,lnes the needs of the war on the western morning by a jury in the federal court . tront in France and Belgium, It was where they were tried Monday on the charge of introducing liquor on the Umatilla Indian reservation. Several business men and farmers doing busi ness on the reservation had been in Portland, where the case was tried Girl In Love Kllle Youth and Self. Salem. Or. Unrequited love seems to be tha only motive to explain a double tragedy at th Marion hotel in thia city, when Myrtl Whit. 18-year- old Portland girl, shot and killed torment was in the Weston cemetery dleton, of pneumonia. She was 07 Hughes Named for Bar Presidency, for severely days, as witnesses in the Thomi8 w Cumming9 jj, nignt elrs: . 1. .i... . c ... n nt m nrt w knm in Knrth Alhanv. N. Y. Charles E. Huches case. . . h!1 thl Iccem.nce waa 72 years old. a nativ Carolina , July 9. 1840. whare and at ha. nsmed ror the presidency ot . . lrlnn.Z after of Tyre, Scotland, having come to the which time her people were in slavery, the New' York Stale Par association Cranite-A rich ore strike in the ?,!,.-! T..VT Vv minister ' of United State, in 1888 -Ha-xam to About th close of tha Civil war she by the nominating commute ot that Ben Harrison mine, in th Sumptex tsAlii JJ? UiU tvwey yagr, tQ and tuged U CUM Wsrt yd hur jwrtl to WaH riwUaUon, - . district, ahowa 11 a pound ore. at the hotel, and then fatally shot herself. "Call a taxi!" Lafe McBride'a ia J ways at your disposal. Phone 92.