f y X t y y y y t y V y y v 13) iJlNu 3 iUi iLVl - iLil iLiJ Ji Vii' iJaNja iLL EHtLSU Mi and Hiife Bee. 1-11 Prior to taking inventory January 1st we desire to reduce our stock to the minimum, to . clean up all the short ends that have accumulated during the year. Our wish is to give customers the advantage of a real money-saving event, and on Friday and Sat- 1 . il. . -triK .,.,,1 H!fK irn rf: it Aoouhn It 11 II I T 1111 I I Tl I I I Ml V . Will 1 L 1 It V VVrNN- UlUtlj i tUV tivi y ? ? Y Y Y Y Y Y A .1. a t y Y Y y y y y X y Y y r y Y y Y Y Y Y y y r.mi's suns Theo arc tin' famous CLOTHCR.UT nil wool suits nnd worth more, but we- nui.-t make room for Uic heavy ypi ing goods now on the way. AH suit that sold for $1..M0 this w!e $12.50. All suits that sold for $12.50 this sale $11.00. All suits that sold for $10.00 this sale $S.OO. Many specials that we cannot mention - one or two waits of a kind - reduced materially. Ask to see them. TIN'S PANTS A cww t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y a We have on hand more pants than we should have at this season of the year. They are placed in piles and marked for this sale: Men's Corduroys, regular $2.79, this sale only $2.00. Men's Corduroys,, regular $2.G3, this le only $1.98. Men's Corduroys, regular Sl.DS, this sale only $1.49. Men's Sweaters - this dues not include jerseys -this sale at one-half price. A good cotton sweater, just the tiling for" a work sweater, only 50c. Men's jersey gloves the let cotton glove ntaile - regular I So, Kile JOe. REN'S UHDERWEAR SECTION In tht.H section we are especially prepared to fill your want. Soft IUi-.- cotton; warm ami comfortable woolens. You cannot be without them at the prices for this mile. Men's wool union suits Cooper's, regular pi ice $UH, sale $3.40. Men's wool union suits, Cuovr's, regular pi ice 12.50, sale $2.19. Men's union suits, wool mixture, regular pi ice $1.60. sale $1.39. Men's heavy fleece, soft and warm, regular price $1.00. sale 75c. Cooper's that sell the world ever at $1. ft" the garment, this sale only $1.23. All boys' underwear substantially reduced; u good stock on hand.. MEN'S WOOL SHIRTS Men's wool shirts, brown or gray, tegular $3.00. this sale $2. 19. Men's wool ohirts, lrown or gray, legu'ar $2.25, this sale $1.73. Mens wool shuts, brown or grpy, regular !ISe this lc 7"e. Hoys' w.h.I nhirt. regular IMc. thin sale Cl'c :: GROCERY SPECIALS J'OR THE SALE HAYS ONLY XV K WILL CIVE nl.li "HIGH sr OK IJVtN . " A SOAK IN THK SULR PLEXUS. TO MAKE THE SALE INTER ESTING WE ARE GOING TO GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO P.UY: A 3 gallon keg of sour pickle for $1.00. 4tl bar of yellow sop for $ loo. 12 cans yellow cling peachiM for $1.20. f, bars of Swift's white soap for 2". 5 lb-, of :toc coffee for $l.2". 1 lb. carton, net weight, r.Oo J ;. for a."o. ) lb. net weight W cui ton Jap. tea for 2'V. 12 cans Suyidard tomatoes N. 2, for $1.20. ' 5 lln. K. C. bMnx fwder, setU for 80c, for 60c. 1 lb. K. C. baking powder, fells for 2r.c, for 2c. Fruit and lierry Susar " dollar's worth to a per.n, nt lew than fln t cost to us. special. 12 it.. r.r i Urd. 10 lbs. for $1.75. , Christmas Section VISIT TOYLAHD None could be eo ill-natured that he would not be happy in this Toyland. No end of toys, games and useful Christmas gifts. Right here we arc infringing on old Santa's rights, but he will be here on Saturday to meet the'children and will give to each child accompan ied by its parent an attractive toy. sr m Gilt Suggestions LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR DAINTY CHINA SILKS PRETTY ROWS CUT CIvS HANDSOME TIM WAISTS and SKIRTS ROOKS we have a vry splendid a.-sorlmc it of bojks RASKfTS CANDIES and NUTS TOILET ARTICLES IN IVORY SILK HOSE V. EN'S' GARTERS and SUSPENDERS CHILDREN'S and LADIES' CAPS and TOQUES We find we are overstocked for this murm of the year and you will find in this section rimny of Ute most attractive money wiving opimrlunitu". A heavy lleeee union suit, hmg sleeve, high mi'k, jti.Rt the garment for thi.1 cool weather, irgulur pi ice 9."C, this wile 7.".c. A warm fleece union suit, good value at $1.10, this sale x:!c. All wool garments reduced. All mi?' underwear that sold to f.fte, this sale only i:yc. V most wanted merchan- disc. We neetl the money, you need the merchan dise. Our stock is too large for this season of the v . l.i i i I ...1 niui tM'lUwl year, uoods bought neiore uie aiming 4uu to you for the two days sale in many cases at less than it would cost us to replace them. Note thpse prices study this bill; it means money to you. iV CHILDREN'S WOOL DRESSES Tha !ir blue serce with sailor collars trimmed f with white braid a few plaids all very pretty and serviceable, up to $3.50; your choice of the lot of three dozen only $1.39. WANTS' COATS All white with capes trimmed in lace, soft white material, very dainty, priced up to $3.50; this sale, your choice of the lot for just one-half of the marked price. OUTINGS, G1GHAMS, ItlUSLIN All standard ginghams-only one dollar's worth to a customer this sale 10c. AH 12 1-2 cent outings, no limit, this sale 10c, During this sale we will sell colored oilcloth for only 15c per yard. Hope muslin 7ic per yard. OUTING SKIRTS for ladies-regular 63c, this sale your choice 49c. v V ? 41 LADIES' TAILOR SUITS and COATS These are last season's garments but, of good material and very serviceable many of them sold for as high as $20.00. We must close them out. The policy of this store is to carry nothing over, and as an extraordinary attraction for this sale we will give you your choice of any coat or suit on the rack for only $5.00 Children's school plaids, regular GOc, this sale 43c Kimona fleeces, dainty patterns, regular 20c, this sale 15c per yard, HOES e trio teduced Ten Percent BLANKETS IK. A soft outing sheet blanket, 5Kx76, gray and tan, that has sold for $1.00, during this tale only one pair to a customer- for 6JJc. Handsome baby or crib blankets, white outing, regular 39c, this sale only 25c. Reductions on wool blankets. We are in a better position than ever to supply your wants. Even though leather has advanced almost beyond reanon our prices are right, we having 'bought before many of the heavy advances. We cannot go into detail in this ad, but on every pair of shoes during this sale we will make the uu usual reduction of 10 percent In the price. For instance all $5.00 shoes will be $4.50, all $3.00 shoes $2.70 and so forth throughout the stock of ladies' and children's and men's footwear. This does not apply to rubbers. V i i y y y y x y y y y y y ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y t V V y y i y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y x T y y y y y y y y y y y y v y y y y y y y i . Yft yr