The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 15, 1916, Image 3

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    GH FREE mm
to tbe Ctuistaas Spirit
Insure your own happiness by making others happy.
SprvUd the kohikiI of helpfulness und good will, but do not
delay your preparations. Only n few short days left before
Christmas, hven at Puvia-KaKer'a. "the store with a hun
dred thousand Christmas Gifts," assortments on many linen
arc tfetlimr broken. Every day will nee the hint of other
items. Of course you will find here on the last duy more
desirable gifts than moat, store hud at tho beginning, but
why pick from the "leaving?" Come right now while us-
aortmenta are atill large. . He it toy a, games, dolls or gifts
for grown upa, you will not only find "ocean" of them
here, but you will find our prices will aavo you money on
two out of every three items. You will be surprised at the
values shown at 6c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c and tl.OO. lie
sure to see our offerings. Come NOW.
I'lano, Ilatnographi, Mualo Complete Home Kumither
l l Alder St. WAI.I.A WAI.I.A, WASH.
Simmons -ry
A Brass Bed of Artistic
High Quality
IT'S impossible to illustrate all the beauty of this bed all Its
refinement of design and elegant simpli :ty. We want you to
see it. whether you need a bed now or not. If its remarkably
low price does not induce you. we will not urge you to buy.
Yotf will have to see it to realize just what an imposing effect it
creates. , (
DeMOSS furniture
However, we'll hit Mr. Rooslerdo what
little crowing limy b necessary. We
merely wish to y that we will appro
cImU your patronage In our Una and do
our beat to earn your good opinion.
Rolled Barley, Oat and Wheat; Baled
Hay, Mlllatuff and Chicken Feed.
We're heal ogunU for I'ttcock Flour
and Bletchford's Calf Meal. I'hoiM 281.
I). R. WOOD the Feed Man
i'l'Mt'tlcca In all Htalo and Federal
Dr. S. 1 KHillARD
j Veteiinaiy Surgeon r
t Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
t Phone Main 253 i
Dr. Alfred F.Sempert
Graduate and Registered
9:00 to 12:00 A. M.
1:00 to 6;00 I'. M.
tSr WATTS BLDG., utair
On sale, December 21-25
Return limit, January 3
Further Information upon call
fljtM hS-i' tW'W
I Physician an Surgeon
" Post iJuilding (lr. Slone'a for- !I
I I nter oilice) Athena, Oreg.
WutU & lingers will give a trac
tor demonstration soon.
Hill the Jeweler will pay cash for
old gold und silver jewelry.
Try WutU & Ibigera for good
-..I .....-..!..! . . .
UDSiuniiai tyiiriniinua Kiim.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Day are
veiling with rclutives in North"
Carolina. '! '
Tliu W. C. T. U. will meet next
Tuesday afternoon with Mm. D. F.
Lavender. '
Henry Sehroedcr left Saturday
for a winter's visit at his former
home in Michigan.
Mrs. I). N. McDonald sustained
a recent oaration at Walla Walla
for the removul of a cataract.
t, , .
Will Trice ' has been busy thia
week in doing over the interior
of the W. A. Barnes residence.
A Christmas ball will be given at
Weston opera house Christmas
night. December under the
1 muiiHgemetit of Hurve Driskell.
Hurl Kirkwtriek luw returned
from a pleasant visit at Anatotie,
where be wan formerly in business.
He aloo visited Asotin and Lewiaton.
Crescent Chupter 47 annnounivs-'
u ilirnttmua iulu ol fancy woik
and upioiui lur tomorrow Sutur
duy ai tin IVMoai atore, begin,
mug at 1 p. m.
Mr. and, Mri. Frank Taylor have
moved lu town to miiKe tiieir home
M-rmiuieiilly. Ineir upland larm
will lie conducted by llK'irwni-ni-lu,
tielmor TiioinpKo.i.
We are working on the plan of Komething new but not
yet perfected. However, we arc ready -to
proinitie a line
Tractor B
Dozens of our good people are talking Tractors,
and we will have the best there is going right here
where you can see and believe.
for X.Mas we: have:
Ranges, Heaters, Washing Machines
and Gas Engines.
Graphaphones, Sewing Machines, and Pianos to order.
Robes, Blankets, Cutlery and Harness.
a Silver ware, Aluminum ware. Granite ware and Horse whips.
Sleds, Coaster wagons. Skates and Jack knives.
bleu uml all helped Uienihelvcd in
primitive la-Jnon with wnnglfs for
plttU-i. The leant over.Uio uaftkel
Having sliipiail hiit caterpillar to tieljH'U to leplenisli the cneerlul lire
aoouieni Jdano, MmCuliey leturned in Uie tire place,, tuereoy saving
liouu" Niturduy, accomjiaiiieJ oy nu tne nonteja uie wuuous taK.oi
iiiulaer. He will plo a Uiouisarid cienring Up laier. Ine next meet-
wiv of Idulio land in the feprnitf. mg ol thejtuild will,oe held tue lirst
-,-.-,. -4c -4, .---
rYed Ciriusliiun of S-attlo was a during tlie first of tlie wees
ol Mr. ami," Mr. W. E. Woods.
Mr. lirudmm4 i Uie Seaille rcpre-
Tliurltty aliernooit in January at
Uie hom of Mrs. Kalph U. Niling.
Tlie City.of Weston is arranging
to borrow SI 4.00U on twenty year
tentative ol the HsK Tire compuny. lond beariiiif ol pereent interest,
, , . , in order to pay oif iu floating in-
W. B. Bowman, former resident uebtediwss and go to a casn Ditois.
of tne Weston neighborhood, had lu-dcmpuon payments are to . be
his.tck broken recently in a ae- Kjn in six years. Atwut S400U worth
ploroble . accident at Amity,, Or., 0f "warrants will Do left unpaid,
wnere bejtell backward into a, well 4or nking fulMl invcsut.ei.t,
&leelacp. resentatives of the ' Lumbermen s
A burned out pole near Walla Trust Co. of Fortland met with
Walla put the ekn-tric lighU out of u,e uncil at its recent ses
commision at intervals Tuesday, 'on. dur,"K aeta"s t,,e
and served to show bv t he r turn- Pi '""
a great conven-
porary loss what
lenee tliey are. t
Merritt A. Baker and duugliter
llortvnae returned tViuayJi-om their
ranged. This company will take
over the boi.d.-i anu tear ail of the
necessary expenses of the issue.
In the popularity contest at the
extended visit at Missoula, Mon- iv-conu-cuonery store, jveriiei
tana. Miss Hcrtense has bivn im- Vv001' ,s kat"n w!th VvtVi
proving in health since the opera- aftJ ."'d P"tely reiiuet Kernel
lion wnich slie svwtained there. ; boyd ot Athena to sit up and tane
notice. That old reprubate would
J. E. McDaniel left Monday for. never get a vote in a similar con
a trip to New Orleans and a visit test in nis own suburban bailiwicK.
with relatives in Kentucky and Next in line are Kay o'riarra wjtu
Texas. Airs. McDaniel will visit lljj and A. Wood witn ilia.
her mother and sister at liel ling
ham, Wash., during his absence.
le Farmers Bai of Weston
Established 1891
If you wish to add to your savings,
Just live on a little bit less.
Your EARNINGS are not so important;
It's the SAVINGS that make for success.
Lost School warrant No. 1
drawn October 12. on scnool
Mrs. Emma Allyn and daughters uistrict No. Do, in favor of
of lone recently entcrtanicd at ain- lua Narkaus, for $65.00. lnter
ner a large number of relatives est ceases from and after this dale,
'and frienus in honor of Uieirson December 8, ltflti. Uiarles Mar
aud brother, Benj. E. Juday, and shall, clerk.
hiswite, upon (Jicir arrival at thujr , . ' , , , ..
nome ViThrea feet of snow
N ' Saurday in the timoer around the
J. E. Jones drove a mile or two Blue .uountuin sawmill. io much
toward town from his upland-ranch, snow at tins season is unpreceUeiit-
aud kthen had to drive back so that ed, according to C. W. a very, who
ItiSj.wife could let the cat out of ' came down baturduy trom.thi mill.
t ie house and thus be sure that Oood cottage aim garden tract in
H wouldn't eat the canary, ho now Weston for sale. , ten Dupuis,
thinks of buying her a book on how tenuleton, Or,
to strengthen tlie memory. a-uj-i
Well-Appointed Corrvenientlv Located Pleasant
Comfortable Reasonable Rates
J. M. Bentley, Prop. M. A. Ferguson, Clerk
The Wililum MacKenzicS are leav.
ing next week fon Walla Wallt
iu.. n ..t .1... c...t
nin-ie mivjt ran iviiivu icoraoiivv. ,,Ol'(gOII for UmullllM CuUllty.
They will remain in Walla Walla f the Matter of tlm listau of M
until the close of the school year,
but have not decided upon their
future - movements. Their many
Weston friends will indulge kthe
hope that they will eventually re
turn to Weston.
K. Olson, Deceased.
To Ole O. Lien, Mrs. Karl Jacob-
sun, Mrs. Man huusoii, Mrs. Anna
Johnson, t,. uiboii and nana
h. Olson, heirs at law of Mai tin L.
Ulson, Deceased:
In the Name of the State ov Or-
u -j l l EooN, You, and each of you, are hcre-
A board of managers has been ap. by Clted ,nU requirt)j t0 Bt a
pointed to take over tlie direction o clock in the torenoon on tne 2d dy
of Society hall, make all needed of January, 1917, in the County Court
repairs and improvement 'and pajnKMH J"V,UM1 court house of uiiiaiiiia
1 1 . i . Pi.trfii County, Oregon, m the Cay of t'euUie-
all bills. They will take charge c ton .unty, then and thereto
the first of the year, and are fc. O. show cause, if any exist, why tne said
DoMoss, L. K. Van Winkle and JY Court should not grant the petuitm f
H. Price, representing each of c,hM8' H- c"r!er'. adniii.ibtrator of the
.i .i i ....,;.,, k . u..ii abova nauieu estate, to sell Ht i iiOlio
the three lodges owning the hall. uct.on to The highest bidder foJcsh
Each lodge occupying the hall, the following descrmeu real property
whether interested in tne property belonging to the said Martin K. uisun,
or not, will pay a cerUiu stipulated deceased, at hm death, and now belong-
' ,,i,i,, iB to his estate, to wit: The West
Bum monthly. jUlf of Morthe8t Quarter and South-
tu ti 0,i,. ,M: Yi, east Quarter of Norlheest quarter and
The December meetmg of the Northeast Quarter of SoulUoast Qusr
Ladies Guild was he.d at the home ter of Section S2, Tp. 4 t. K. si, K.
of Mrs. C. H. Smithr Mrs. K. Mor- .W. M , ftW acre, more or less, situat
ion and Mrs. A. L. Douglas were ed J" "1"'''.'? Co1"1"t-v- Oregon.
Mai-sh, Juile of the above entitled
-i)Unty Con it, and the Seal of said
Court hereto attached at Pendleton,
Umatilla County, Oregon, this 1-ith duy
of November, lulti.
Seal of ( Frank Saling,
County Court County Clerk.
Best Line in Town.
t Our Cigars and Tobaccos are NOT DRY
present as guests. A very pleasant
afternoon was passed witn social
chat and fancy work. A bounti
ful collatiion served in Bohemian
style was very much enjoyed. A
lurgv. basket was filkd with cdj-
Hom Merchant Prices
25 pound pttil stock fmul .... $2.25
12 pound pkg, stock food ..... 1.C0
7 pound pkpr. stock food... .65
2 pound pkg. stock food 5
Compar'srn of dosage two
tablespoonfulls twice daily.
Mail Order and Peddlers'
25 pound pail stock food 13.50
? pound pkg. stock food 1.00
' 31 pound pkg. stock food ... .50
I'k pound pkg. stock food ... .25
Two tablespoonfulls three
times daily.
. - Oregon