H S A Piano for Christmas. Make some one happy for life with a piano fr Christmas. Nothing could bo k mora enduring, pleasing, generous gift thnn one of our Hi.e pianos. Tho appreciation of such gift would grow with tin- years. Como to ui for a piano. Yon will bo nure of an Instrument that will meet every test, musically, strurturally and for handsome appearance. Our mcthodi of merchandliing mad too high a price Impos sible. They Insure considerably lower prices than exclusive piano Stores can afford to quote. You can afford to buy a GOOD piano ITf. Make tome one happy for life with a piano for Christmas. Uaual, easy piano terms muy be had if desired. Delivery may be made when dciarcd, but selection should be made now. THE DAV1S KASER CO. rianoa, Phvnngriht, Musie - Complete Homo FuriiUhrri 10 20 Alder 8t. - WAI.I.A WAI.l.A. WASH. II ' ' T ' ' l A Brass Bed of Artistic High Quality IT'S impossible to Illustrate !! the beauty of this bed all its refinement of design and elegant simplicity. We want you to see it whether you need bed now or not. If its remarkably low price does not induce you, we will not urge you to buy. You will have to tee it to realise just what an imposing effect it creates. DcMOSS furniture:' BREVITIES Hill the Jeweler will pay cash for old gold and silver Jt-wclry. Herman Goodwin was absent dur ing the week on a vb.it to friends In I'lirtlatid. Cood cottage and garden tract in Weston for sale. lien Pupuis, i'endlelon, Or. Virgil Nelld has accepted a position as assistant hostler at the Weston garage. f)r. and Mrs. A. C. McCown of Give were guest Thanksgiving day of Dr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith. It. F. Johnson was in town Mon day from Fairvlew farm for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Metz. Mr. and Mrs. George rhillips of Washtuena, Wash., are visiting at tho old homestead on Dry creek' G. R. Robinson was at Pendleton Saturday attending a meeting of Umatilla county school principals. t Mrs. L. I. O'Harra and Mrs. J. V. Bell visited with Miss Minnie Klnnear In Walla Walla Wednesday. Mrs. W. L. Smock is convalescing after a serious illness with pneu monia at her home on the Reed and Ilawley uplands. Agent Nelson Is again on duty at the Weston depot, having returr.ed Tuesday with Mrs. Nelson fiom their visit at Plumrrer, Idaho. J H. A. Street lost a valuable sad- , die horse recently, the animal hav- ing died from kicks inflicted by other horeei. He had refused f 125 for it. Monroe Turner is recovering from a vere atUck of quinsy. Dr. Smithy who was in attendance, found it necessary to lance his throat. . Earl Olson has gone to Portland, where he will take a course in gas engineering at the Y. M. C. A. He expects to return for the Christmas holidays. You Bet, IVe 11 do it We are figuring on beginning next week to give , tickets on every Dollar Purchase for cash and a pre mium for every purchase. Watch, Come and See. X-mas goods to please the most exacting and ' you might receive a premium worth $50.00. Ranges, Heaters, Washing Machines and Gas Engines. t Graphaphones, Sewing Machines, and Pianos to order. Robes, Blankets, Cutlery and Harness. Silver ware, Aluminum ware, Granite ware and Horse whip?. ' Sleds, Coaster wagons, Skates and Jack knives. SIX MOUSE TRAPS FOR TEN CENTS WATT & ROGERS I Dr. S. L KHillARD Veterinary Surgeon t Hospital at corner of Main and Broad streets. i Phone Main 253 SOMETHING TO CROW OVER However, we'll let Mr. Rooster do what little crowing may be nseewsry. We merely wish to ssy thst ws will sppr clat your pstronsge In our line and do our best to asm your good opinion. .Rolled BaHey, 0ta snd Whest; Baled 5tsy, Mlllstuffs snd Chicken Feed. Ws'rs locsl sgsnU for Pticook Flour gd Dlstchford sCsIf MtaL rhotis281. D. R. WOOD the Feed Man Irwlt murk. iihm '"' " ir rasa ichkbh m hum mn iinttfcittw. Sk H)t PATENTS BUILO fOaTUWta w u. Our (ro. took WW Ml ko. oluU w MnM D. SWIFT & CO, 1 303 Seventh St., Washlnptos, D. C. HOMER I. WATTS Atiorney-at'Law Practices In sll Stata snd rsdersl Courts. ATMENA, OKEOON W. M. Ptttnos G. H. Blthop Petersen & Bishop ; ; v 1 . LAWYERS .' ' " ' Pendleton, Or. Kreewater, Or. The Universal Car The'Ford with the new features: forge radiator and enclosed fan; streamline hood; crown fenders front and rear, and entire black finish, is one of the most attractive cars on the market. These qualities in combination with the smaller purchase price. bring the Ford within the possibilities of nearly every home. Why forego the pleasure and convenience of Ford travel another day? Ford prices again reduced and Ford quality higher than ever. Small expense of operation and upkeep-the utmost in motor car value and service for business and pleasure. Strength of construction, simplicity in design, real Ford merits. Place your order now. Touring Car $414.85. Roadster $399.85. II. L lEDSICK-VESTOII GARAGE Ren Dupuls, who is handling Montana land, has returned from another trip to that flourishing pommowi-alth. He took with him Tony Galiski of Adams, who promp tly invested. Manager Ashworth found a muff at the opera house and insists that the owner call first at the U-adcr nfflra ami iow turn bits for this no tice, when the article may be recov ered at his residence. - Mayor Banister tried to haul sortie grain sacks out of his field the other, day with his Oldsmobile, and found that it was not quite adapted to the purpose. Ross King found the mayor stuck in the mud, and did a good Samaritan act by help ing to pull him out. Chinese pheasants are reported to be unusually numerous along the upper reaches of Pine creek and Wild Horse creek, having left the valleys and got into the uplands. Apparently pot so many were killed as was supposed by last winter's frigid weather. C. 0. Metzkcr, Pacific Coast man ager of The Unitype Company of New Jersey, was here this wek installing a unitype of the latest model in the Leader office. Board ing at the palatial Wood mansion, Mr. Metxker complained because he could never beat the editor to the table. Otherwise he thinks that Weston Is a little bit of all right. T. A. Lieuallen, the Adams pio neer, was in town Tuesday and ordered the ballots printed for the Adams election December 11th. Adams alwys uses Australian ballots and always has them printed at the Leader shop which is a very laud able municipal custom. Only one ticket if in the field this year, as follows: Mayor, Wm. Holdman; treasurer, S. E. Darr; recorder, T. A. Lieuallen; councilmen, Carl Christian, M. A. Baker, W. H. Bunch. Adams will also vote upon a proposition to limit its tax levy to 15 mills per annum. Wm. MacKonssle, one of the most substantia! property owners of the Weston district, and president of the local bank, has disposed of his entire remaining holdings here to C. H. Nelson, a recent arrival from Alberta. These consist of 800 acres of very valuable farm land near town, and a commodious and mod ern residence on east Main street hill. The .consideration is not Nelson, who is a man will take possession at MacKensie and fam- Walla Walla to Their departure Saturday, the second, Mrs. F. D. Watts very graciously acted as hostess when the ladies of the Satur day afternoon club entertained their husbands at a five-course dinner from seven until ten. The guests were seated at six elaborately ap pointed tables in the parlors, which were tastefully decorated in the club colors and flowers the color scheme also being followed in the table decorations and refreshments. At the conclusion of the dinner sev eral . very appropriate and witty toasts were given, with Dr. Watts acting as toastmaster. Games were in order later in the evening. Those present as guests were: W. A, Barnes, S. A. Barnes, R. W'. Brown, E. O. DeMoss, W. A. Gra ham. Wm. MacKemie, W. S. Price, E. C. Rogers, J. A. McRae, R. Morrison, A. J. Mclntyre, J. W. Porter, R. Proudfit, iJ. F. Snider, Dr. C. II. Smith, E.M. Smith, L. R. Van Winkle, Dr. F. D. Watts' J. Wurzer, W. E. Woods and J. H. Williams. There's a new drayman in town dropped Tuesday night by an ac commodating stork at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. L. B. Davis. Having three sisters who have heretofore been without a brother, he is wel come indeed. Lost School warrant No. 1 drawn October 12, 1914, on school district No. 95, in favor of Ida Narkaus, for $85.00. Inter est ceases from and after this date, December 8, 1916. Charles Mar shall, clerk. E: C. Rogers left for Portland Tuesday to look into the farm tractor proposition, with a view to the more extended use of tractors in the Weston neighborhood. . Watts & Rogers may cut an or ange next week no lemons. Watch them for X-mas. "Calls tsxil" Laf McBride's.is al ways lit your disposal. Phone 92. crriTioit Hie Fanners Ban!i of Ties ton Estaisled 1891 If you wish to add to your savings, ' . Just live on a little bit less. Your EARNINGS are not so important: It's the SAVINGS that make for success. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Pendleton Oregon Well-Appointed Conveniently Located Pleasant Comfortable Reasonable Rates J. M. Bentley, Prop. M. A. Ferguson, Clerk given. Mr of family, once. Mr. ily will move to reside this winter, will be much regretted by the many friends they have made during their long residence here. In ths County Court of the Ststa of Oregon for Umatilla Couitty. In the Matter of thn Estate of Martin E, Olson, Deceased. To Ole O. Lien, Mrs. Karl Jacob son, Mrs. Muri Hanson, Mrs. Anna Johnson, Chr!es E. Olson and Hans E. Olson, heirs at law of Martin E. Olaon, Deceased; In thf. Name or thb State op Or egon, You, and each of you, are here by cited and required to appear at 11 o clock in the forenoon on the 2d day of January, 1917, in the County Court room in the Court House of Umatilla County, Oreffon, in the City of Pendle ton in Raid County, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why the said Court, should not grant the petition f Chas.' H- Carter, administrator of ths above named estate, to sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property belonging to the said Martin E. Olson, deceased, at his death, and now belong ing to his estate, to wit: The West Half of NortheHSt Quarter and South east Quarter of Northeast quarter and Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quar ter of Section 82, Tp. 4 S. R. 81. E. W. M , 160 acres, more or less, situat ed in Umatilla County, Oregon. Witness the Honorable Chas. H. Marsh, Judge of the above entitled County Court, and the Seal of said Court hereto attached at Pendleton, Umstilla County, Oregon, this 14th day of November, 1916. ( Sea) of 1 Frank Sauno, County Court ( County Clerk. 1 CIGARS, TOBACCOS, Cll Best Line in Town. Our Cigars and Tobaccos are NOT DRY ZEHM & HOFFMAN FOR COIilPBOi;. Home Merchant Prices 25 pound pail stock food $2.25 12 pound pkg. stock food 1.00 7 pound pkg. stock food... .65 2 pound pkg. stock food .5 Comparisrn of dosage two tablespoonfulls twice daily. WE GUARANTEE THESE GOODS Mail Order and Peddlers' Prices. 25 pound pail stock food S3.S0 7 pound pkg. stock food 1.00 8s pound pkg. stock food ... ,R0 l)i pound pkg. stock food ... .21 Two tablespoonfulls three times daily. GOODWIS DRUG SMIL Weston Oregon i u I! i i i : ! ; t i v- 4 ; rv