The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 08, 1916, Image 1

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voi.Hti; :::
wkston. oi:k;on. fkhmy. Uhn;.M!JKi:8. m
. J
I .. 'V T
Mitt Jatnttta SUnkm, t'rc'fd I?
Ccrj' from K'Cn(.n. who will bt
tht first woman member.
Jiis-n, M"ii( . Ttml ffror;
led H Sere B 111 M.t.. I'f fid
li'inlius Ul ttisJ ttiS had (!il 10 l!io
ti'.tim.i'ii t- tin .-: .r, aiiiiuniu''l
by t. tltii'ii! I'Mtlt'iiKni I'. . ll . nlil
III Ml' r of I'm riuiiimtiiiil liUuil'
Ui i.rral ( ui-,i :i n Mufuu'a. the far
ration i "iniiiiimirr, !m ni b.-.n mv.
!l! il'inlt not(li.rd frmn Torrioti.
itt n;'ti' t-i lime ii.((,n Hie rily
afift listiin,! ill r"tti'd tb V ll'a column
St will.'ii itn Ui of Chihuahua lty
No Amfrlinim have I.piii klliiil In
C'h b'mhim f'liy by Villa. actnirtldiR t
privat m'av r'cK. iit Tb
m?it' tld tat th only .forl'jiH'ra
t mt'it-r (.Mo i lit- -Ii!iick, fur ulniiu
lite littiiilita tliimi 'l mi tin n '
ll as pr'luti-J by f'arran; offi'
cr bcr Hint V l-M n'iiin i:nn
Huliirilay for thf l f)'i;r tlt Mi-vi.
ran North" l'rn railrtiad. luilowiiiK
the two faitm (il lixii huli hi Uia
Ukl."il ii-r (Huiiiu! iNi- tn.
Ccmany Informed Da) Imprtitten
.Made In Thla Country.
'ulittiitoii, Acting on- lu e n Iw
half, the Ani'.rUBU jiuviirmmiii ba
S'atcd anew lis ilecn eotircrn ovi-r ibu
ili'liottttllmi tf lli-lshiiii Irniii tin if
fmii country by thi liermnii military
authorities. This ttcUuti b' been la
I. .in us a rtstjlt of liifortnaUuu atxiut
the di'imrmioiis itsttmrctl fnm tllirer
cot si'iirrca, slid aftfir fruitless Infor
mal wfforts on behalf of the Ueleintis
nistie by American Cbarko d'Affuirv
Crew, at Ilerlln, " - "
Uurmany lias bees Informsd that the
treatment ot the Delgisus Iwi nmdu
tail lmpreiiton In this country snil
tho t'nlted States cannot svold taking
ttotlev of the situation, bsniiTK . Its
staud'ou t: .broad grouml ot human
ity. . -
New York Militia Officers Resign.
McAllen. Tex. All the actlva offi
cers of the J 2th New York Infantry,
Including Colmiel Gordon Johnston,
former elda to jQonoral Leonard Wood,
have ti'iidsred their resignations bs-
causa, they allege, their regiment war
publicly InBiilted by General John F.
0'nn, cmnnmartlnK the Now York
dlslon. at the ruvfuw for Si iialor
James W. NVsdsworth, of New York.
' '". -
Western TourlstFsres Equlled.
Vsnlilni;lon. All-year rxcursloii
fan niul summer tourist rules from;
' i t'lilestjo to Bsn FrSiiclnco wore order--ed'by
the lulerstate commerce com-
hitsslon to bu tho same 'whether 'by
way of Seattlu or Portland, or by w.ny
of New Orleans or 1:1 Psso.' ', The
northern fares now ore bluUor than
the southern.
Governor Orders Guard "Dry." , "itiiielKco. l!y enter of tjovwi
imr Johnson, li'iuor heieufi. r will be A-. I t la 1 1 J i--' t piling driven ton"
bfirred frein any aruiory, rule rmiy million dollar pm.t office. i
or militia canipT-
ConirreM will fooil have prollirr1
eliatire to enact workable Iejrisltion
for the devi )opniei:t of imr water
f. i x l, . K. I ,,,,,. U..h
PIWOIS. lb IS I'J in- - Ili'ti-ll (llllilll-l
two years will not be wuf ted tn ing
to pass a 'law- permit! ing develop-
mvnt of this great in4utry. ,
Railroad. Trade and Immigra
tion Lcjislation First to
Cc Considered.
. .
'Am liMif! J hi i.Mloli of Hill
Cii vtmi i! Muiiilii)' mill
tfipire l I.i.himi.h.i tin s.mih 3, I
lining (ii Ui it mir, Lfit biiiy
lee 1 1 hi n'i'1 m At liij.utiiiiit IhiM
mi u( 1. 1 ui-. i. ..ii IIJ In tin pit:;
i.l Hi.- b., ...., ill i.u li.l'.i. - tin- riultii
m 1'iui'i ., " ...i I. ;" i'i mi'iit l In- n l
of f 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i t, I In' nimil. III u'I'IiIikii
U (. It i ll 'III Hill If lllrf l ti
rhw i I1.1-I1 r I'HI sin) nil omnibus
tmii ). 11. m' lull,
A.;,! Itrnl l,.'.iiro -d Legislation.
.' I'.'M ll,r U, ,TI.'f I.u Iwli btllS
tin T' lilil Uin- nil. IT llll-ol Ulll
tldi'oi u. in..- t .u k. it by 11 (iiiniif
t( itioii. a i.l iimr brim-M forward
in c ii ui ti iii.ii;lrn(iuu. 'I l.e
ir .l 'i i , in li s h ii.iih tut ,
i Milfd i.i i.l mi in Mi.- rullrual nittiu
I i. n mill trii-t:!' uii.i'1 the ptiMutK
i.; hi I a t .i ol lbs ri'tua::ili r it
ht tirinii'..! .n Krmn. Tl'oii1')!! I
it hi. n.iut) i'iithiitiil In conKr'3.
rv i.til!i i- f j if, In ilii nsnipilium
In nsm'iilin ii mil llm lsii!.
Wlilioul ll i'ldcnt.
ii iff ri UI l-o ni i lr io K 't up n'l
f't : i H Inmi! -tlim t.ll liU U
n,;'iri i I 'ii .it i rio'ni't, !
of th n.l
ln!uri The bill lr.i-
s 1 ' I'l' "
f!'(l:.IH, I'r t.
;! in Hu
ll.!!, :r. a:'v
.n f ',i i t . i lur ini' i''
ii .il WW ii i " ll I In"
i il. t ntWi, i u t. If urn
,1 iv llif hnti
tlii ',;!i p- 'i.m. 'i will carry
I In- i I'm .) ihjiI u t turl II I'HM "ill
1." mi I" l!i (' ..ilili'iil tt ili-;.'.
wtu'tbfr in' i:i t.i or t- o lUtt n.r(tn
fu'--!i' B.'nr tiown In C,Ht I.
er- lui'i- . i' u fin. 't.. by a o
mt.ii aif'-ic 'f ( n ill l!,t i'i"t'rin -
tbe fit! r ' It" ;f urran Mat tn.ll
lliry In !''.- c:t:tul it-iil tik a K't'tl
tttif.i-.'-!;,'li of t - ii;;ik,i'l.i,lcii l :
tn iiili-iil in i Irs r' n'ci t "i'i in ihi- h
mai:y rrul!iAVi Joim J wilt) ll'd dim-IM-l
a' ' .
Aflr' mViiov'Mjj'iiii t'i! irnlim4"tl
fliwhs ar.l a;i":i- fii'cb c '-i s.-d bis
fllliai ,t( Mi hill, m( .till". IliHili'. tm
lrfc?w-f :a'','"t-it9t ii'to h:n it;filri;i,
rvvleft''K rrcf-MVciulnHiil'ti for nt.i
tt rt I Ii Jt'fe'ill-'iij t -ii: .-ii'i prnctict
rt t mid bsut :i"l to h' r'C')iiinn !i
tl" !(! f( a iifi.a Iit Kinuriiinuiil
Porto He.
Velo 8-ner Un'urled.
'tf nan Just ulii'iif to,lw-n:n a ipii
j!l.f.,."fi)c ircM'i)t IttwH fttvenittiK
Hjft Islam! ' mttl retilatitig the rlnbts
and nrlv!b., of Its people are; not
Juki" wbeiu over the rail of the isal
l."rv,i ''r(. if'! a prty of woman suf
frnK le;nle-a. there fluttered dowu
shove tint bends of an amaxed asuem-
bbiRo of geiiiitar and trtr-sentatvs
a allkatt banner of suffrage 'yellow."
beanns: in srest Dinm lottora, tne m-
o....i,i.....:tfn. .i... - mi .v,..
. ....Uv,., .--..-- -
for woman aunrgger.
The suffraRtat ld
was their protest aaalnst the nrosl-1
(lout's plus wlt'i congretis for bmsdor
auffraRp' for tfio men of Porto Rico,
while lis did not mention tholr own
cause in bis address. . '
Points In PrfsitVnfs Address.
FsrfycuRRliIerntlon urged 'of re
maining measures of "settlement anil
reaulattbn' uf dlffcultiei betwecn'rall.
ro,i bro'iherhootis. .
lncreane of Intemlat commerro
comiulKHlon g membership, prov latum
for puhllc Investigation and ss'sis-s-
.ment of Industrial disputes nnd grant
of power to president to coutroj mil.
romls In national emergency sjuilu
reeoiirrrtyKleir; - .;
' Seiiftte" uMrr-r to act on fo!liwlna
measures, which have passed hqiiKe:
11 ForMlRti tradn rouihltistions. ' ".
Greaier frftod m for Porto lllcaiis.r '
tt" Corruft practlres set. . ;
"Attention of eo'iKrens called tit lio
Ceimlty fur vm-atlonnl ediicAtliut)
- ,v - :r '
Mill-'ale w'll pet a f!iiirngjmill
t'f 271 airela a day enpneity. i
Dnl'iis has rwlueed it 4 tax -le
. i
) y
4.4 mills below year
t mi's
E.tgene- Monroe, Wis., i.- to build a logging 'r.s ,iv
rill t tin Siii ilu.u '
H.'i". s
- - 4 1
oni,.. t a.en .tt.-Nl ll.iwi-js, nt
the DeMoss-Furniture Stoic, )
'V' S?
KiiVi-niJ Iklfiu t , lim ti niaiiu
itctiiivra H.y flu mi:ii.g i uijl-l
ir,iliwtiy for Ortm. , '
lortlaml Williiim tVmifoot litw
u.i inidH lor coimtruclioii wi two
. . . I . u ..I 'Mill .,!, . ....ill ilV
. Ai '
Malheur Dit. rprU - What in
foolihlinti? e Uw't know fur
it itaiii. Lut it Hfiiw iiut to tAS
lw li-li to iuk to come
Zd to UUie tttcttt tu.r Uxatldcut
t.u.ul.i iii.v liki. this tuUItUV.
- ililliiUti-THWity-bix oul vf SO
mu ui-UivU h-vc luUia!
Uh't- '
Kw:ial;ooUi-Kil!iCo. have lit
the lonuact inillion fli t
.. -
Fayi'y-&tl.wl toard It-U . cr.- mir wrwua for tne Wauiatitans.
treat t.r Wa,tHl auiuml, Mur.y military cba-iei-s h ol.ed
, . ,, ; ...... , . . , .
Kiport-i -tty that I.vw jort wi.l for the lu.u:.iaiuatw not fo atu-iupt
have tali.ilie eaitlaiy. a deiwUse ol the eapital at the luv-t,
i:vi..r built intr .if i iiiiiimu lit to In M-thivr an t'ai ualiuii in tunc to,1.1 tl. t r It lit i'UI Kitol'tlllfe
is ut-Jfitl US one ot ihu most eiu-cb-
. ..r ,..i. ,f i , I
ive inelhiHl.s of relief I J Cmii ial
tin i uciiic txbreaa eompany.
Oi tKon City - coouibuu W.000
toward buiiuiiu U.VV0 armory,
Toi tlano! - Union l ut ific tinea in
Oregon aiv ciantmg wamitiuaM-s.
Klamath . Falls -Work on the
Caliiomiu. Oreuon and Fiustein to
utrt early ill the spring.' . -
Th., ,.ition is owi-and ikd1u
feel n ltcve!. liiey liype that the
" : : '
bueceantut- politicians in eitncr par-
, ,n ,llllk.. - lt tn. ir lmsine. to
:.',...,. i,.t ,.. iBrf.
VJ . (........ .- - .
"M." rTi.C
ment ol capital. x.
Burns to Crane railroad to bo
built by local coinpuny.
rullarils-New equipment install-
cd in haglo coal mines near here
and to be operated soon.
Kedmond -- Standard "pi I Co. -will
build aervteo-atatiOH here,
' Oregon .City taxpayers have cut
the budget Uown to the itttomo ot
. Hides , that sold in Clucago in
September lor ceiits now tw.ll lur
2 cents.
.Nyssa will have a Uqpring mill
in tlte near future.
Cns Crnrft Mv. Kv .itv Hete' Flrt "
.. ' Povtlasd. Or.-v-Vil"i"'i . fetiir.''
14 yurs old, city salesman fur tbe
Nailmin1 ."bruit company, wiise-pui'ii
. d .to death after effecting, f lie r' s- uj
of .'h'h'flu'ieee. MIss'M.vra Sku-;ni:i i;i,
nnd one. ether person, and fho )o n
were' K' rn'iiiuly burned' -and n;avi-d
.jrv for life freni Hie neco'id sin'y
dtM, in a fife uhith prattituliy
(J-'i'-rcirsJ tbe Cudatay Family Hotel,
a :;j"-Tca;!i ctxect. ,; . .
. -! I
" London. Sir rf.afn 'Msxint. lavea-
tor, or the nutoniatie a stem of fire;
arms, illt''( st bis home bore. Ho was
ti yoais- uU. ' . -',- -
lK'lliiV UiV.- v, iy wi.tuss io
Fayvillc. Uucli uct, capital of
Kouciaiii.i, hod U'l-iJ capturt'd, it
u ntlicihHy Hiir. unwl today.
; 1'lKTliti, tlio iiupoitatit railway
of Buciiarcht,'l has been taKtn.
Thtf r,tur of lhe
main railway line ruimingr 'noita
from Duoiiart'st. cuts tht' inaia rail-
wy i;,w wf rt,trt r luumw-
Ua """'."'S'f W
C-t fefcion
bu"t'"11"1 uws ""l
inuicate wluUur the entry of U.e
Teuton fouw into tuiiia.eot and
Pkechti was Mtnultaneous.
The capture ot Hueehti Lefore
that uf . tho eapiial would le far
. .1... . ... . i. i , ..
it i,,!,.,,,..! l,,. ti.,. ,ailwav loute
VHUuliattui n aiiva louie
. , . , ,
The-taking of litichaii virtually
completes the conquest by the Teu-
tonic forces of the southern Miction
Of Uie iluiiuinian kingduin, embrau-
icg territory of mora thail 60,000
e, ail'il', 11 i Ins
v,f . . ' -.' .
T,. A ...l.i.w Rnnv 1
, w.-injP ,,, tA ,!..
.. "TV: v"v'I- on Ule ixaiuiig tower oi
w .w T' y1
fty etti"g permuaon to
lean the oilier way for a while.
W 1915' there wasn't a single Et-.
. . , . . . .ii
kinio teaching the xiiher ia Afoot-
ma. . . ,
Spleekia eplooku iplurk is an old
alage among the L-mlummuma It--
of the New Gilt" islands.
. A pulik bpititinl. philanthropist
Ssiniptow n willed hij entire coi-
orleft-lianiied car' trunuets
tljs nalive lowtu
"Adding madiinea are now being
manutacturtd with the bass ana
t.i-trt.lo distinctly n.aikeU incitferu-t
colored keys
By, tpi-aking edgeways twice as
many wui us fan pas em ii outer hi
the telephone wne
I,..' mU,li, Tvm. l, liViitir
ne maoo mutn ng-.iur
' Fills' can
by scooping the iiuide om.
What lha TrauVn Wtv
AK'ls- I unlive that you ami Umwn
ley tteii't si;nl? liiiniin-W'eil. we
bail s few n'n'il.1 over
money, that's
be ones you
nil. ?H:!s Ob. I si)i;hc
tonief tuit.u H-Ne, lie.ietc!l to.
Th Minimum.
Vrs. Hiiover-CoiiM you evs ran a
Utt.'a lat-iu-j. I'.ea.-? JIi". n.iover Cm
r.t-..'", .'s. AUat t-w i.t:US
Wliliout the nidrlii'sl world the nis
ferial world is a lushem'tcning enigma.
WouUcrC " .... . "".'"
Teutonic Feces Arc Within
Five Miles of Eucharest and
Situation is Critical.
M'tiilnn. AllhoiiKh th IlouniiiiU.n
I'VaruiHy are ultvrUin d'HThlif l
Rlnthii'-u tt hiiti uulli of Uutbr.'-I
llio ti'itmy forr ar rallljr cliwlog
In on their aplial.
A J ! fmin IVrlln report tlit tho
tiauiike ariij- U airmail) iiicnaciiic for
Urhea aruund liui La-mi. having
rcaibeil tba Argeclm rier. ukh U
only fiva milea froiii tba fortn. Tin
Gfrmai.a and llulKrlan almi bava
tuliifd ground iorthw-t uf the capi
tal by workin Ihrnuth tlie pe
auuthiait of t'ampulung.
fcllll another army for.- Ii reported
to have broken tiimueh and li!;alH
thfl flmt Roumanian army aoMbwent
of riti htl.
It U neral!r bclievd hcr tbat
Humilan .rinure on Von Faiken
hayn'a army throush Tranaylvanla
liaa come too late to ofrset tba rapid
(Ulna of the Germana. or affert mi
lrfallf tha Orman plana of eiicixl
ii:K lliuhrrit.
Tbat tlie Uusnian foirua. 4n eon
catt-d by the latrst comrauniratltma.
ahlch ri'port that the allirs have r-
.m-d iiart of the Tcht-rnavoda bridse
and compelled tlia opiNWlng forct a to
retire southward from aevcral heights.
Umdun. The jrovcrnincnt
taund wluiioa which up to the hour
the least probable ct practical al
ternative. Ili'rbert H. Asyuith re
signed e prcm-.ersaip. awtn ne nan,
hfld tbrousU eight stormy yeats of
dwo and foreign h;io.y.
The UnlotiBt leader, Andrew Bonar
... .... .mmmiB,. , ,hB .,.
mA ,be k)rlg offore;t nim th pTim
minister's commission.
. ...
THVestintimter o-wtta says u
A. sr U .a dc.iuH the ...vita-
tion to form a labiits-t and to xiici-ec.1
. llM,ra.r Aytinii pre8UTOaWy
,mvld !.0),i will lie called on.
i h. li.,i.. l ti.rKs. cr.erall v
.hut nil will hi voltllll. on
oujit of the delays and of Interfer-
ence with the btlness ot war.
; .
ay of Terror In Athens Precedes
Surrender to Allied Demand.
London. After a day ot terror la
Athens, In which Venlselists foumht
Koyalists and Urcvk troops fired on
entente force which had beep lauded.
BccorJg t0 vice-Admiral Ou Four-
net, to maintain order, a truce wa3
arranged. King Consuntine sgreed
to surrender the mountain guns dc-
maftded -br the allies, and the latter
. .' .... 4 .k
nr. withdmwina their trooos wtta tha
exception of a small guard.
The cesualtiea it is believed totil
mnm than lilll. The lnhnhilMtitn af .
- - - -
tne cia,, excep, thoM g-jpnorting one
faction or tha other, shut themselvea .
Up in their homes, terror stricken.
The 8reek gvernmt hai oftesed
aix mountsin batteries to Vlce-Admir-
al Du Fournet. but the enteate minis-.,
ters have received instructions thst it;
Is no longer a question of cession of
war ulllteriRi8, but . that reparation ,
U8t b ma(la corresponding with the ,
8vity of the assault on the allied
Miss Colby Found Guilty.
Thompson Kails, Mont.Miss Editbt
Colby was found guilty of mu. :er In
the second degree here 'far 'shooting
ana Killing a. luuuin. me pen-
ally is 10 to 12 years in the penitent!-
sry. Miss Colby, 44 years old, shot A.
C. Thomas, a prominent Montana poll-
ticlaii. on the main street of Tliomp-
son Tails on September 28 last after
Thomas had passed without heedlne;
hef d(mand thRt 1(B ailr,1ogae for an '
i'ijut .! al$d he had gtrca htrRBd west. . 1
tt. day bei'iris. ' -- ' " ' "" "
It will t-iks ' something ics'Jf
C'r::'.e Orroj- tower Co. 'tc "iaJustr'a! caTtter"' real erta'adaah
liT.l K'ver lizz'ziz: ilsrsaicl-I t establish isiastries ia Grjrr-B.
czA ?1C - ' ' ' ' There srat te a !et-vp ia Asi
Fortl?indIjiurelhi:rst is. to hsvrj
u 50,000 club' livjUA!.
" fx ; " f '
Chariea Franela Joaeph, tha new
Emparor of Auatrla-Munjiary, la t-.
ty-nina yaara aiif.
- 'i . ; .
Operatlona of minor Importance arn
reported from the Slacedoniaa front,
hiie aMIIlery actions bava taken
place ' aloag tt liritUh front In
The -aaaaltiea reaulting from tbe
siuul. t .nianu allioil anrl Crerk
troopa in Atbena are not officially au-
nounced, but have been eaUinaiwi a
high aa 2oo.
After a day of panic and fighting la
the atrpets and on the hillsides t
Athens, King Conatantine yielded ta
the demand of tbe entente commander
and agreed to surrender the artillery
demanded by tha French vice admiral.
The series of engagements marking
the advance of tbe Teutonic lrepa
upon Bucharest are developing Inta a
great battle. From r.erlin coowa tks
annonucement that tbe first Rnnwt
nian army which had oftared battle
on tlie Areecbu river southeast af Pt
eilili. nortliwest of tbe Roumanian
capital, baj been defeated after a ten
acious trui;le. , . .
. Tbe Itoumanlan resimance anuth of
Bucharest has stiffened and Tioma
'" OoaUaarl nave beea reeaatarea
fantn tliaa (nfotltnir firr-A Tlilli Rtlil-
.,, mt ,h
T!.r7TtS ZZ
',arl tnww
.acrass the. Itaimb. . y . .
fierce battle continues la. tba
wooded Carpathians and along the
1UKUWI(1 I1U MiM.IB in -T uwiiiT..
The a. tempt or the Kuisn ana Hon
wanian forces to break through iU
Transylvania is nowhere dUnmisbtd
In violence. The Russians have gain
ed a footing, in Klrlibaba aad street
fighting Is In. progress, according 8 a
Reutor dispatch frora Fetrograii
: Football claimed li lives durtag tie
191 fi Benson which closed with the
Thanksgiving day gaates.
. JJegoUaUous have been begun by
the Brazilian government, for the ne-
quisition ot the German tuerehant ves-
t -n..nin Mrt..
" '
, ,r. ni
: '"".L mVT, 7k"
ue anoolnted attorney general of the
United Sutea to succeed Tbomss V.
- i- .. i .. .. i... n "
Tjireaorjr, tv .ct.iu.i.ib ... .
Mriiinn r,,,.
.... investlgatlona- of ttoa Ms coat of
living which an are Itetng mad by
fetierai officiala or nnjents throughout
oountTy will be directed by Georgn
A, Anderson, t'nited State attorney .
Boston. i . r
laboratory taveatlgatlone complet-
,d tn WMhingto rove that the nil-
ment among cattle nt Kansas aty,
Relieved to be foot and mouth disease.
is stomatitis, a comparatively barm,
less malady, easily cured.
. Any attempt on the part of congress
to pass a compulsory arbitration law
'xill be fought by the railroad ea.
according to a statement road W
0 c...- ran,i t,i.r mt th
imi e--"
Brotherhood of locomotive Engineers,
i To afford quick relief to tha rail-
Toads which are suffering much frnst
car shortage, the American Railway
association lias ondertaken t forre a
Isjge number of boxcars frem Othor
seetioas ot the. country to tH south
1 tripple indusrrirs. - - .
; Blachler is to erect a laaee 2pss