The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, December 01, 1916, Image 3

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Shop Early-Shop Here
Christmas will bo hero before wo are ready for It If we are
not Icrt think of it, only thrco short wwki, .
Ai usual wo have planned and worked all the year that we
might be ready with the right good at tho right time, enabling
ur to show now an iinmcniw stock that is a continuous revelation
of happy gift auggiiitlona -hundred and hundred of entirely
new items, and most of them Items that will appeal to nearly all.
V Every department of the store is replete with novelties as
well as the good old staple items always In demand at Christmas.
Give glfU that are useful, gifts that endure. Give worth
while gifts this year, of all years-gifts of flno furniture, of fine
Rugs, of fine China, of Silverware, never forgetting a Monarch
Ilango or McDougall Cabinet.
' But all ean be suited. Thore are choice new items from
few cent up gifts to please all.
Everything Is In favor of tho early shopper amtortmcnt,
service', etc. A deposit will hold goods for later delivery if de
sired, but do your selecting early.
Flanos, Thonographs, Musie - Complete Horns Furnishers
10-20 Alder St. WALLA WALLA, WASH.
71 "ZT 41r 1 l-ll
5 Mrs. WrS. Payne is recovering
from her recent Illness;
Ordurs taken for potted flowers, at
ths DeMoss Furniturs Store.
Team, harness, hack and span of
mares with colts for sale. K. W.
George Sowers has been kept at
homo for several days by a serious
Mr. L. W. Hames of Chelan,
Wash., Is vliting her parents, Mr.
end Mrs. G. DeXJ raw.
Sylvan Kennard and Cyril Frocb
stel are leaving soon for Portland,
where they will enter business col-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klnnear of
Milton an Karl Klnncar of Walls
Walla were In Weston for Thanks
giving. ' - v
A party of friends were pleasant
ly entertained by Dr. and Mrs. C.
J. Smith Saturday evening with
cards, at their residence oa Water
George Walden has returned from
Walla Walla, where he was employ
ed on the John Hughes farm. He
goes back to work there in the
We Practice
the Golden Rule
and to assist the people to
Take Owe lieasinre
we have ordered 1000 wooden rules for them
Have you seen the two-spool sewing machine?no bobbin-it is fine.
Machines $18.60 to $45.00. '
Flectric Washer the smoothest, most efficient, you ever saw.
Motor and all, $68.00.
Phonographs all prices.
Auto robes, silverware, clocks and cutlery. Can you beat onr assort
ment for Christmas?
I want to buy three good young
mares, gentle, good disposition; two
1200 or over, one 900 to 1000. Will
pay cash if suited. F. M, Godfrey,
at Porter Graham's.
' Frank Snider is crippling around
at his blacksmith shop with a dislo
cated knee cap, which he sustained
whilo shoeing a horse. He doesn't
mind a little thing like that. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Price, Ernie
Blomgren, John Barnes and Roy
Read went to Walla Walla Thanks
giving day to see the foot ball battle
between Whitman College and W,
S. C.
quaker remedy company
giyes he free shows
A Brass Bed of Artistic
High Quality
IT'S Impossible to Illustrate all the beauty of this bed, all its
refinement of design and elegant simplicity. We want you to
see It, whether you need a bed now or not. . If its remarkably ,
low price does not induce you, we will not urge you to buy. t
You will have to see it to realLte just what aa imposing effect it '
creates., ;' . .' ' , , A
DeMOSS furniture
2 t
Dr. S. 1 KQillARD
I Veterinary Snrgeon
Hospital at comer of Main
, .and Broad streets.
Phone -- 'Main 253
; ff
However, we'll let Mr. Rooster do what
little crowing may be necessary. We
merely wish to siy that we will appre-,
elate your patronage In our line and 4
our best to earn your good opinion.
Rolled BaUy, Oats and Wheat; Baled
Hay, Millstuffs and Chicken Feed.
We're local agents for Peacock Flour
and Blatchford's Calf Meal. Phone 281.
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
. Attorney-at-Law v
Practice In all State and Federal
'' Courts.'
Weston people have had the ad
vantage during the week of some
very pleasing free entertainment
T i I a i. r i t .
r, provjuea oy wie wuaiter nemeoy
Company, under the direction of
, Dr. W. S. Uailey of Chicago.
The doctor is assisted by five high
class vaudeville performers, and the
Ad. Loih RM of Pdl9to- toe andard oe oStvauaV
HttU playlet was well received by vUle clrcult The week do8es
Echo a people. , flne Saturday evening. It
The Mlwes Susan and Esther .!" lnc.,ude vaudeville
Narkem. who have been attendlnar ' nve-reei picture leature,
Pendleton Hlirh. and MIm Ida Nar. PnOf
Mrs. R. G. Sallng wss st Echo WI-
nesday evening, pressnting Madatd
Butterfly," in association with Mrs.
'" ' . , '
the latest sensations in film-
dom from New York. For this per
formance admittance will be charg
ed. . Many valuable presents have
been given away, a good share of
these having been purchased in the
local stores. Silverware, metal beds,
rocking chairs; mirrors and the like
have fallen to the lot of the more
fortunate of Weston's people during
the nightly drawing. It is promised
' -n.- .,rjj j that before the show closes every
.u?f,r'"f'n.ffu,tf holder of a number will receive a
uiu mcaiuii bciiuuib ciuuyeu a line
kaus, who ia teaching In Duncan
school district, have returned home
for Thankgiving.
Miss Flora McConoughy of Walla
Walla was a week-end visitor at the
J. J. Becler residence. She review
ed the work of the music pupils of
Miss Hope Beeler, who has a most
encouraging class.
Thanksgiving spread of their own
cooking at the dormitory, building.
A noble turkey, served in state,
helped to remind them of home.
1 '", y
i trade uinrfca wl ft vFHclitt MMiiie tr m
H Ins ti MtwlH, Wtrhl r IrfMKa M4 4
nil,k.i. for mil SIAKOH a4NBHt
OT taUMMWIHr. ttuik rttviw
B fpn. Onr tim kooiwtll tw, whl w tainmi
tadiMimmnwr WrtHloter.
f303 Sevtnlh St., Wssnlnnton, D. C.JJ
A truly excellent and enjoyable
program was given by the grade
pupils of the Weston schools at their
Thankurivinir entertainment Wed
nesday evening. The proceeds of Jimmio.
the cafeteria supper went to the
phonograph fund. : , -
prize worth not less than one dollar.
. The popularity contest has been
an absorbing feature of the week,
and has resolved itself into a close
race between a number of Weston
girls. A diamond ring worth (35 is
the prize.
Dr. Hailey is accompanied by
Mrs, Hailey and their little son.
Hie Fanners DHnlioireston
h&Ji 1891
If you wish to add to your savings,
Just live on a little bit less. '
Your EARNINGS are not so important;
It's the SAVINGS that make for success.
W. M. PiUnon : G. H. BUhos
, Peterson & Bishop
Pendjtrton, pr.
Frsewatcr, Or.
Mrs. Mattle La Dow, a beloved
and respected pioneer woman of
Pendleton, died at her home in that
city Tuesday of bronchial pneu
monia. She was the widow of
Congressman Geo. LaDow and was
?2 years old. Two sons survive
her. ; '
A car driven by Hans Struve of
Pendleton turned completely over
Thursday in a ditch near the lley
Winn place on Dry creek while he
was enroute to the football game at
Waila -Walla. A young lady who
accompanied Mr. Struve was quite
severely hurt. .
Oregon's Population Increasing
v; Labor Commissioner Hoff has esti
mated that Oregon's population is
834,615, an increase of 8.9 per cent
since 1914, whan the population waa
785,887. Hoff's estimate is based on
school reports. Multnomah county's
population is 294,284.
Well-Appointed Conveniently Located Pleasant '
Comfortable Reasonable Rates
J. 11. Bentley, Prop. M. A. Ferguson, Clerk
. Stanfield An alfalfa ranch recent
ly aold for $250 end acre here.
the County Court of the State
Oregon for Umatiua County.
The Universal- Car
. The FWd with the new .feajurear large radiator and
i 'enclosed fan streamline hood; crown fenders front
and rear. and entire black finish, - is one of the most
attractive cars on the market. These qualities In
combination with the smaller purchase price bring
the Ford within ..the possibilities of nearly every
, home.: Why forego the treasure and . convenience of
1 Ford travel another day? Ford prices again reduced
and Ford quality higher than ever. Small expense
of operation and upkeepthe utmost in motor car
value . and service for business and pleasure.
Strength of construction, 'simplicity in design, real
. Ford merits. Placeyour order-riow. Touring Car
$414.85. Roadster $309.85. , ,
In the Matter of the Estate of Martin
E. Olson, Deceased. .
A. an aftermath of the Ug&t3L S'St
Johnson, uiariss hi. Olson and Hans
E. Olson, hairs at law of Martin E.
Olson, Deceased;
In Thk Nams or the State of Or.
boom, You, and each of .you, are here-
Kogera atspute over a lease ox a
quarter section of Indian land, says
the East Oregonlan, Judge JY W.
Maloney has secured a four year
lease on 1600 acres of land which
!! "Brand Mew"
.Made of Malt a refreshing
temperance drink. "
Pool and Billiard Hall
j-TTu ' ... i Cr . . u by ciud and required to appear at 11
iur wiw yum vr urn jrenrs nu o'clock in the forenoon on the
been farmed by Frank Rogers and
his partner, Frank Curl. To take
the land away from them Judge
Maloney bid $14.25 an acre rental,
the highest price ever paid in the
county. The land is owned by Mel
Shutrum and other Shutrura heirs
and lies right at Fulton station..
2d dav
oi January, ivii, in tne utunty uourt
room in the Court Hour of Umatilla
County, Oregon, in the City of Pendle
ton in said County, then and there to
show eause, if any exist, why the said
Court should not grant the petition of
Chas. H. Carter, administrator of the
above named tatate, to sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for caah
the following described real property
belonging to the said Martin E. Olson,
deceased, at his death, and now belong
ing to his estate, to wit: The West
Half of Northeast Quarter and South
east quarter or Northeast quarter and
O. H. Fontaine, well known in
Weston, has sold his Dayton land
and invested in Montana. He
bought about 2200 acres of im
proved land near HIghwood, Mont., ter of Section 82, Tp. 4 S. R. 81, E.
paying $35 an acre. Mrs. Fontaine .W. M., 160 acres, more or less, situat-
and children have already gone to Co"nty i. '
Mnn... h. ' i t Witness the Honorable Chas. H.
Montana to occupy the place, but jUrsh( j, of th, tbove ,nUtled
Mr. Fontaine Will not leave Until County Court, and the Seal of said
spring. He will be assisted in his Court hereto attached at Pendleton,
farming operations by Craig Drls- ty'lla cunV'?r8'on' this 14th day
kell, who accompanied .& Mrs . f T Frank Sauno,
Driskell is alto movicf ti Montana. Cot Qourt Qmty Clark.
Home Merchant Prices
25 pound pail stock food...... (2.25
. 12 pound pkg. stock food 1.00
IX pound pkg. stock food... .65
2 pound pkg. stock food .25
Comparisrn of dosage two 1
tablespoonfulls twice daily.
Mail Order and Peddlers
25 pound pail stock food...... S3. 50
, 7 pound pkg. stock food LOO
3)a' pound pkg. stock food ... .50
1S pound pkg. stock food ... .25
Two tablespoonfulls three
- times daily.