w ESTON EAD i J VOLUME 89 WESTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1016 NUMEEIt FQTu'SlilCUS WAR U?0:rA7GTE Fl.GUE XIIILDREN TO SELL RED CROSS ( STAMPS TUBERCULOSIS WEElt-DEC, 3 TO II JACK LONDON TIME TO MOVE. The children of 1400 rural Oregon school have been using lessons on the fight against tuberculosis UxU la (titlf clatt work during tho pact yeer. The leesona were furnished free by the Ortgon Association for the Prevention of Tuherrulcsla port of lt work. Now they art organising to hlp Uia Rod Crwi Seal ralo of the asso elation to ft thl motbod of dissent inatlng Information may bo continued and Uia association bo strengthened In lU ramptlffn to exterminate th droad disease in thla out. ' , - " .'. , . , . v ", -i ... .-'. . i , MRS. B01SSEVAIN - I IVESTCn C3 I it.J the rlrpn er "' v'f .tr Mr;p w-r Jack Landen, the famaua author, who died ouddenly laet week at hla California dame, ., SUSPECT IN TRUNK, . itfionco PiDTiiorn ' Aetinf wider the formal approval ItiUHULII UMI I UHLU and permlMlon of U-.a board of nchool . 1 dlmtora, the tblldrtn of 62 Portland ' Portland. Or.-Ooorgo Bertbolomow, acnoola will alto Join In the blf movo aottght for more than a year aa a prio moat. Ctpal In the Oreen Trunk Murter." laet year the children eecurtd waa arrootod In Soattla, and la held im.Te from tba ealo of Red Croea for Ue local authorlttee on a charge Stele. It la exacted that mora than of killing John Und at 407 Stark ttroet en November II, llli. Bartholomew la eald to have laid the killing to a man named Lund, pro eumtd Xo bare followed Llnd and Bar tholomew from Baa Praneiaco to Port- I3R3. BOISSEVAIN IS DEAD f 10W will reeult from tbelr tnthnsi eaUe work thla year. Their effort will be made principally during Tu borevtoeia Woob." TUa eomoa Deeember t to 10, reach inf elUnax with Tubereoloele 8un land. vvwwii in wwj i r ay w nipwiH Lot Angelte. Surrounded by the grief etrlcken membera ot her ft ml., , Mr. Inea MUholland BoleMvain, the famoua New Tork auffragitt and to elal worktr, died at the Good Samari tan botpltal of oeeondary antmla, eauaod by Iota of vitality and atroagtb through her campalgna In the later aata of woman auffrage. U ra. Boittevala waa 10 ytara of age and native of New Tork. She bad been confined at the hoepttai alnce October IS. after having eollapeed while making a apeecb. Mre. BoleetvalH, formerry Inn MM hollad, the noted New York tuf glet, who died at Loo Angelta. BRIEF WAR NEWS erty of the Ualhtar Llveetock 4 Land ' cempatiy. It U uadtretood tola prop- email attache, UtUe activity baa been erty kae a valuation of approximately fliaplayed. Wllllame In Indleiwptlle Newt. The purchaee price baa not been made. ,- . The holding! conilit of 40,000 young, aelect breeding ewe about 33,000 acrea of deeded land and 88,000 acrca of leaaed land, atlda from for 'Mt reserve right. The land la lo cated in Malheur, Grant, Harney and .Baker countiee, Oregon. Thtre are im tome cattle and other livestock. Included in the real eetate holdlnge la Miai 'Cladyi Ban!str anf Uf. Kern McFaddrt were ' United i marriage ThaJikagfving- afurrfooa at five o'clock at the mfdene of thebrideVpererita, Mayor and Kre J. M. Baniater.' : The 1mprwi double ring ceremony war wed,' Iter. Mr. rretf of AtKend officbt ing. - . , .. v 1 Th bride, wC it s beactiful' girl, waa charmingly gowned in white taffeta with a veil of tulle, rd earrk-d a boqnet of bririeV Dorothy McConncll and Car oline Kidder were the flower gfrta.' were carried by Cath- re attended bv'Miu ' r-:ia i r.J Vr, f.fter' of the bride; Mr. C. Hd of Boise, fdaho. ' Hie rortti were tastefully decor ijni - in 'ft!'r avwl whifo rhry-an. ' :' --ii.t '.4,ft,i and "' .. in table 'gvv, i A Jij bridal narty nV-leu-u the uarlor. 'Oh Promise MV waa tweetiy eunar bv Mra. IL C. ' On the Prenoh front, except for Salinr. After the eeremcmy Mr. knf Mr. McFaddea motored to Walla Wal!gJi for abort honeymoon trip." :" They ' will be at home after December 8. at Athena, where Mr. McFadden ia employed id Ware'a pharmacy. ' . ; Present t the wedding vrre Mr. McFadden, the groom'a mother, and her daaghtor,- of Corvaihs: Mrs: ' " rail woera ue iiauana nave- riwi duw ox spoxane, -air. and made further progreae toward Torno- Mr.' Ed.' 'Leonard hd family ! of va, near the MonMtirPretaba take 1 Waitrf jrg-, Mr. and: Mr. Robert " road. Lee and family of Milton; Mr. ' ar.i1 Another appeal from the Belgian ! Mrav George, Lieawleii, Mr. aruf-; Vlce-Admlral di Pbarnot, the en tente eommander, baa deUvered aa al- tlmatnm to Oreeee, ailolng only a abort period In which the arma la Athena are to be aurrenderedL t la the Macedonian theater there haa been no Infantry action except oa, the Uia famoua Cowlev ranch, conaittina: af 11.200 acrea. at the head of Barren government for American inflacnce 1 Mrs. George Banister and daosrhter. valley. Thla ranch la irrigated from' Mninat the deportation of Belglana to Mr. and Mrs, Len Kidder and fam a etorage reeervolr which la cloeed worK Germany waa nandea to ue 'y, tor. ana sara. ;jnom- uaton. by a cement dam 70 feet high. Befueed. day," December 10, when every pulpit In the atate la aeked to Join the cam peiga by recounting progreaa and re peating the warning again tt the dla The aatoclatlon haa tent letter di rect to the children of each achooL If tella them bow to proceed. It telle them whj' the work la eo much worth while. It telle them the atory of Danny. Danny had a permy. It waa a Bartholomew alleged confettlon la that Lund killed Llnd and paid Bar tholomew 130 to help dlepoee ot the body, which waa found In a green trunk floating at the foot of Plandere ttreet Thla etatement la contrary to evidence collected by the local police, who learned that a man of Bartholo mew'a detcrlptlon bad hired the wag on la which the trunk wta hauled from the lodglnge of Mre. Anna Do Courier, 407 8tark atreet gift Conduct Pop Auetritn WMhlnatou. -'Another between the American and the entente tlliet la In protpect aa a reeult of the refusal of the British government to grant eafe conduct to Count Ttrnowekl, the newly appointed Auetro-Hungarian Ambateador to the United Statee. , There are 1100 acree now in alfalfa and cultivation, and ft It the intention eentroverty -0f to, present ewnera to immediately government j.v.nB hj i. in ulution an additional 1500 acrea which will make 2500 acret Of alfalfa In one tract THt MARKETS bright, ahiny, new penny. He took it to tehool. Inttead of apending It GOLD IN TREASURY GROWS for a etkk of candy he bought with it a Red Croea SeaL Danny knew at Mere Than Held at End boy who could not run or play becaute he had whii waa called tubercutotl Teacher aaid the Red Croat Saala were old to help thla boy and to tell other beyi and girla, and grown people, too, hew to keep well and atronf and happy. Be pat the teal en hit datk. Aa he t looked at It the picture of Santa Cltut " teemed to grow larger. Santa teemed ,r to wink teemed to tmlle. Then he tapped out of the aeal. Ea took ef Pleeal Year. Wuhlngton. The great Inflow of gold Into the country during the peat fltoal year Increaeed the treasury boldlngi of the preelouc metal to II, tOS.4ll.lll June SO, last, an Increase of 420.eS3.P4S over the prevlout ytar, according to the United Statee treat urer"! annual report, made public here, Gold Importa were I4P4.00S.S01 and xporta IS0.S4I.S4I. Monty In circulation In the United Jack Lendon'a Body Cremated. '.. Oakland, Cat The body of Jack London, the California writer, whose audden death latt week chocked the literary world, waa cremated here, and the athee, In accordance with bta wish, will be acattered over ble Glen Ellen ranoh, which he made known to the world al The Valley ot the Moon," Chleigt Wheat Prlsee Come Down, Chicago. Wheat prlcea came down Monday with a oraeh, . breaking In aoma caaea aa much at t eenta a buahel. Big aalea by ome ot the lead ing houtea atarted a general, move ment to unload holdlnge and gave an opening for agfretaive celling by beara. '-. Portland. Wheat Oub S1.S4 blues'em f 1.E8; red Rutslan. 11.47; forty-fold, ILS4. ' Barley No. 1 feed, $40 per ton., . May Timothy, 20 per ton; aifalfa, nr. Butter Creamery, 40& Eggt Ranch, 48c. Wool Eastern Oregon, S4e; valley, 85c. Hope 1B1I crop, Sffllc. Seattle. : Wheat Bluettera $1.68: elub 81.84; forty-fold. 11.55; red Ruttlao, $1.63; fife. $1.66; turkey red. $1.8L Barley $39 per ton. Batter Creamery, SSc ::" Eggt 8$o. . : atate department by Minister Haven. Mr. U. o. Uamster aai dsZTlXer. lth- ' Mr. and Mre: Jew Gordon, of AtW ' TliSM tu tMuin militMhUki4n. 'enar Mist Stella T.iAiiaUMi nf-Wiu" 1 lery firing along" the "etera Tfrokf WaU Mrar w. ChaptA and" from the Riga region to the Carpetfe daughter, Mrs. Ma?y iJ.Uiistr,1 Mr.- lana. with the Oermana the aggreeaora. ' nnd Mrs; Carl McConaell and faro---" -and also on the Austro-Iuilan front. ly. Mr. and Mrti G. SaliRj, aa J; with the Auetrtana on the Isltlstlva. 'the Misses Odessa Kirkpatrk'k; "- The fortified town of Rsmsgate. ea Gladys Smith, Ethel i Wadd&sha V the Engllah coaat, waa bombarded by Or Martin, tela Wilson and NeHio' Germaa naval vessels. The Oertnaa Nelson. craft sank the only hostile vessel, a British patrol ship, which waa encoun tered, the Germans returning to their"' ease. The situation In Ronmanla aa do-' acribed in the newa ahowa that Oen- Eugene Plans have been approved for Blair roundhouse, on the Coo Danny on a wonderful ride behind hla reindeer. Denny faw tiny germa cautt tu bercttlotia. He aaw a boy who whined when told to go out in the freth air and play. Ha almost ran over a tunbeam that waa bound earth-ward to kill the germa. Ha taw the build lag where the multitude of pennlet given by boya and girla ware being attembled to ate their united power agaihtt the disease. Suddenly Danny found himself back in school But he wsi glad that with hla penny, the only penny he had, he had bought a Red Croit Seal. State at the dote of the flical year Heuatwlvte Fight rood Speculatore. Bay lm b Southern Pacific. aggregated $4,024,097,761. an Increase ef $484,878,188 over the previous year. There waa a remarkable' growth In the gold eolft and certificates In circu lation, the Increase being I381.0P1.1SS. , The government' ordinary recelpta, totaling $779,884,663, Wert an tncreaee of $87,180,107 over thote ot 1815; or dinary disbursements, $724,483,891, were $8,810,89$ less than the preced ing year, and the aurptut on ordinary transaction! $68,171,664. New Tork, Co-operative action by American housewives to combat food peculators waa indicated In a house hold embargo en egga Inaugurated here. The movement hat the Indorae Went of the National Houaawivet' league.' - 1 Hood River haa a candy and glace apple factory. 1 Canyon City A flour mill it plan ned hare.--., Bend la shining potatoes East. - Fifteen hundred ship carpenter! on the Willamette and Columbia rivers have received increases in pay. Shipbuilding la a natural industry Portland Given U. S. Grain Cffioe. -' Washington. The secretary ot agri culture haa designated Portland, Or., II headquarter! for the Ifd district for. the administration of the grain Standard! act The district embrace Ftar Rabin From Coyote Bite Will Xnowlton, a resident of McKay eroik, wai bitten last Saturday night fcU ot Oreg0B Washington, Alaska. by ft coyote believed to have been Hawaii and 61 California counties, alt rabid, whan ha and h!i father, D. C. of Idaho, 19 counties in wettern Mon JCnowlton, were attacked. - Only the end nine countlet in Nevada. , hstvy boots of the father prevented pm atart D(i , UuHch WrMkl hi being bitten. The animal waa Ban Francisco. Pour United State killed with a gun by young Knowlton. tailor met death here, and halt a tcorl were Injured when a launch car rying $6 men of the supply ship Ola eler'l craw wai awept under the pad dle btadea of (he ttern wheel river Ittamer Apache. . Qrttk Rebels Against Germany - Salonlkl, via- London. The Greek provttlonal government, composed or for pacific Coaat porta and freight follower of et-Premler Venlselos, hat c building ia a good interior in formally declared war on Germany dustry, and Bulgaria, aya an Athena dltpatcbV Eugene The ; Willamette Pacific ' intends to expend $50,000 here cninoee oenaie wpprovis bean. Pekln. The senate hat approved the $6,000,000 loan arranged with Chi cago bankera. The lower houie al ready had approved ft ' A qutti. homff 'W,-'?i?tsr took p.ae at one o'clock 'iiiurs, fft afternoon ' at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.' j. J.- Beeler,-when their daughter v oral von Falkenbayn'a forces having Blanche became the bride -of Mr. -gained the railway at Craiova had rap- Benj. E. Juday of lone, Oregon 1 Idly pushed to the aoutheast and are. Pw. W. B. Smith read the service! aceordina to German official aenonnta. The bride was attired in hr etnintr ' already in touch with Field Marshal away suit oi peacocK biue cloth, and von Mackenaen'a forces, which eroea- carried an )arm bequct c,f whj'U ! ed the Danube at Zlmnltaa and now c mature and bride rose. ? are before Alexandria. ' Dinner was served immediate! Reporta aay that the roads leading following the ceremony; Theflor' eastward from the Alt river are en 'decoration for the table was a 1re; ' : cumbered with fleeing Roumanian nifloont center piece of yellow chry- ' ' aupply columna, and marked by burn- anthemnms presented by Miss Flora " ' lag vBlagea. McConotighy of Walla-Walla, -ho- ' " ' - '' ' is a guest at the Beeler home. ' , SHOSI NEWSjUGGETS ' tJ. - Andrew Carnegie waa II years eld young; man ia engage In farming Saturday.' dairying; j Tney are accompan' ' Farm implements and farm machta. d y the best wishes of numeroui ery will be advanced from 18 to SO friends, as the bride is one of Wes -per cent In price with the advent of ton's most estimable gfalav the new telling teaaoa early ra the ' Wring. Pendleton Man U Kcw PKeoSt rda The American Federation of Labor - r,ntjli rwiJ. i. tarrx vwfvsiM uh xam swt Jf we brought a notable two weeks' session to an end at Baltimore by reelecting President Gompera and all other pres ent officers and choosing Buffalo aa the 1917 convention city. Ambassador Penfleld notified the erly engineer at the atate hospital la. Pendleton": and wir known in' 4hi ' lection, has ' been appointed wardea " of the penjtentiarji, and after a con ference with members of the beard eft Th htii of the animal wai tint to Portland for examination, and a dog which was first attacked ia being closely watched to tes if rabies de velop. V The Oregon Electric i planning a $2,0001000 extension to Cascadla tim ber holdings for the Monarch Mill Tillamook Several carload of TMHeitMawl at It ins atsak kalM atVleeeasal liiiniiiuua mi wow tantj avejiiiaj pstsajawva - z to the Ekst thi week. Thla it the PorUand, flrtt tim In the htttorr of th Oregon c "" Industry that cheese has been cent Cranta Pat reemtly held S show lough lad U. L. 5tnfi!d, purchased In the offshore lumber trade, Wash ington and Oregon tide water mills shljlped 8412,787 feet of lumber dur ing the month of October. : Stanficlda Make DI Deal Baker, Or. Baker aheepmen were much interested today In the report of the aale of Malheur Livestock A Land Company to a Company beaded by the Stanfield brother. According to the report the sale was one of the largest sheep deals ever made in the west and waa consummated several daya ago when Bobert N. Stanfield, of Stanfield, Ore., Montie B. Gwinn, of Boise, O. E. Stanfield, Glen McCul to expenu soo.ooo here on terminals. Salem A committee of citizens la making a survey to report on reforms needed at the atate prison. The Dallea valuations are down $350,000 and city levy goes up a mill. Grants Pass "Boost. for Beets" ia to be the slogan of this city. Albany recently held a successful horns manufactured banquet Medford Work haa atarted ton a $25,000 Applegatn Lumber Co. aaw mill. ' ' , ". . ; ' . Klamath Falls A stool bridge haa been ordered Over the Irrigation canal at Burrell Short ranch. , Portland With $15,000,000 lesa valuations, the tax rate for 1917 haa not been increased. Scapoose haa dedicated a $3000 Congregational church. Dairymen of South Silverton are organising a cheese factory, Boseburgv-The O. A C. land grant had been aet aa a data for the funeral controL v9 new duties Men- Wh,-admitting Wt ''jfuittsB plated BVing aeversj, tSmsg)'' aaid that ha was not jrt prepared te ' announce theni, and also that he de of the late Austrian Emperor Francis Joseph. The message aaid the new Austro-Hungarlan ruler would be call ed Karl L A detailed and comprehensive state ment of the lumber production la the United Statee will be available by next . sire to study' conditio Jrf"a aummar aa a reeult of Investigation nounclpg any define rwi rUcy r. being made by the office of industrial . inveetigetlone. foreatry aervlce, la . . . ' ' . . Washington. : , . wlAxe;v.Vy. W5a4ils' An agreement between government eharge hir attbc4fcat snd.at hli, counsel and attorneys representing suggestion, Ordered n,. udi of the all ateara carrlera In the tountry B-on hooka. " B. .nu.tiu4 tk.t ' an accounting aystera-; bi wetaJUtV amt this met with the fceaVch lr:ot. ' made with the approval of Attorney General Gregory at Washington, haa swept the way olear for aa Immediate undisputed decision from the supreme court la the Adamson eight-hour law eontroteray. " .Salem The Country club here. Is ' to trect a building a brkk bjock en " " " Liberty meet. - Multnomah county to erect $130, ' , " ' ' 000 hospital Marsbfle!d-The Oregon Tower to. Hood River Utilisation of cull ap- haa aecured a 25-year frasdiifie ia r