KBBRSBiSH u OlilY FOUR WEEKS TO CEE1S1MS Make this a real ChriHtmas. Make yournflf Imppy by making othora happy. It'n never the iriftM you gave that mekr you unhaPDy on Chrintmuit. but the ones you failed to cive. Giv gifta that are aduptod to the oimimHtnnctui, gifta that aerve a uaoful purpoiw, gut thut endure, j imts i in creasing appreciation for auch gifta os time goo, on and thpy continually reflect the kindnemi and tiioughtfulncH of the donor. There are world-of atii-h gift to cIkkwo from, especi ally at Davla-Kaitor'a, the recognised gift good emporium. A few cent will buy a real gift here, or one can go into the hundred of dollam on aomeof the finer furniture, on New Ediaon Phonograph or Pianoa. No matter how , much or how little you wish to pay in any particular cane, you will And unequalled assortment and unequalled values here at that price. . Toye, too, for the kiddies toys and games and liooks. Even here, a aurnrisinff proportion of our assortment is of the durable, educational, and mind building sort. To assure yourself a happy occuaion on Lhrmtmas, give freely, shoo early and'shon here, where you can find almost unlimited assortment of goods suitable for gifts at lowest prlcea. THE -DAVIS KASER CO. ' . Piano, Phonographs, Mimic Complete lltimo Furnhiher 10 20 Alder 81. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Simmons Beds A Brass Bed of Artistic High Quality IT'S Impossible to illustrate all the beauty of this bed ell its refinement of design.and elegant simplicity. We want you to tee it, whether you need a bed now or not. If its remarkably low price does not Induce you, we will not urge you to buy. You will have to Me it to realuc just what an imposing effect it creates. ; , ; ( DeMOSS furniture Dr. s i maim : Veteiioary Surgeon Hospital at corner of Main and Broad streets. Phone - Main 253 Wm 4 m BREVITIES Ordr taken for' putted fbiwers, at the DvMoaa Furniture rltte, Lost -Long-haired Persian Angora rut. Reward. Print Melirew. Team, harm's. Iiurk and apan f marra with coll or sale. K. W, Boyt. In It fair that yu hold your hay, grain or Htatoe fur higher price at our txwiiM. WatU A K(era? A party of friend war pleasantly ntertained Tuesday evening by Mr. anil Mra. K. U. Hlomgren at Hillval farm. Frank Graham, popular grocery aaluaman with th Wtot Mercantile Co., la quit eriouly III with tlia pre vailing epidemic. Kanka are full of money for you that yuu ow ua. Why not please both th hank and ua and ha at eaa with a aat iafiml conscience? Walta & Kogera. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Gordon have moved to boar Park, Waah., wher Mr. Gordon will conduct tha pastoral Work of tha Church of tha Brethren. Ih Farmer Bank of Wton ha bought under foreclosure Jh Blue Mountain Sawmill company property, consisting of th mill plant and 1140 acre of land. Tha currant statement of th Firt National Hunk of Athena ahowa cash and exchange of IZVt.M.W, and de poait of C79,797.75-wbich reflect East End prosperity. Harry Wortmnn of Medford, grand chancellor of tha Kniichta of Pythias, and W. G. Gleeson of Portland, grand keeper of record and aeal, paid an enjoyable vUit Wednesday evening to Steven Lodg No. 49. Hen Waklen i now the proud owner of a "ranch her In town," having bought the Mra. P. J. Purcell proper ty. Now that th cage is ready w suppose that Ben is watchfully wailing for th bird to fly in. The annual union Thanksgiving ser vice of the Weston community will be held this year at the United Brethren church at 7:30 p. m. November 30. The sermon will be given by itev. W. B. Smith, Methodist pastor. Tha remain of Mr. Jack Lute, who died recently at La Grande, were brought to Weston today for burial, and service will be conducted at the cemetery by Rev, W. S. Payna. Mr. Lute 1 survived by a husband and four children. A miscellaneous shower was (riven Mies Gladys Hamster Monday evening at her home on Water street by th llHchelor Girls. Many beautiful and nsuful gift were received by Mis Banister in token of the regard of her girl friends, twenty of whom were V j i We Practice the Golden Rule and to assist the people to Take Our Measure we have ordered 1000 wooden rules for them . Have you keen the two-spool sewing machine? no bobbin it is fine. Machines $18.50 to $45.00. Flectric Washer the smcothest, most efficient, you ever saw. Motor and all, $68.00. Phonographs all prices. Auto robes, silverware, clocks and cutlery. Can you beat onr assort ment for Christmas? WATTS (8s ROGERS Astoria With 100 acres of cran- .ti?M.U berry marsh, part of which is now J bearing, Clatsop county expect to J niak a dent in th future cranberry ? market. Oregon and Washington tide-water mills ahipped 34,212,787 feet of lum ber during October. Portland Th Northwest Steel Company contemplate adding a $1,000,000 rolling mill to their plant Several hundred additional men would be employed. - (No. 206) BCPOIir OF THE CONDITION OF The Farmer' Bank of Weaton, at We- U ton, in th State of Oregon, at the U Tlose of business November 17, 1916: "'' ' " . BKSOURCK8. Loan and discount $113,357 84 Bonds and warrant 10,114 74 Banking house 3.600 00 Furniture and fixtures 1,000 00 Other real estate owned 37,119 71 Uue from approved reserve banks 67.91100 Checks and other cash items 108 18 Cash on hand 12,344 11 Tiie Fanners Bai of Weston Este!M6d 1891 SOMETHING TO' CROW OVER l!owvr, w'H lt Mr. Rooster do what littlt crowing may b ncary. W merely wish to aay that w will appre ciate your patronage in our tin and do our best to earn your good opinion. Rolled Barley, Oat and Wheat; Baled Hay, Mllbrtuff and Chicken Feed. W'rs local agnU for Pocock Flour (rail marhs (urt )Frih. tixl wriiHM tor rati aiAaoM u4 mmt PATINTa BUILD FORTUNM f" graa. or Itw iMtM, t-ll how. aluu to tHVfM na m yv MtMwy. wnw iwiwy and Blatchford'a Calf Meal. rhon281. Ip QirT O. fl) r. d vvnnn Pent Man H Ml V 1 If If ' I U Ul D. R. WOOD the Feed Man HOMER X. WATTS Attorney-at-Law Practice in all Stat and Federal Court. ATHENA, OREGON 1303 Seventh SU Washington, D. 0. W. M. Pttinon G. H, Blthop Peterson & Bishop UWVERS Pendleton, Or. Frewatr, Or. The Universal Car The Ford with the new features: large radiator and enclosed fan; streamline hood; crown fenders front and rear, and entire black finish, is one of the most attractive cars on the market These qualities in combination with the smaller purchase price bring the Ford within the possibilities of nearly every home. Why forego the pleasure and convenience of Ford travel another day? Ford prices again reduced and Ford quality higher than ever. Small expense of operation and upkeep the utmost in motor car valu and service for business and pleasure. Strength of construction, simplicity in design, real Ford merits. Place your order now. Touring Car $414.85. Roadster $399.85. , IL L lEBRICK-WESTOIl. GARAGE prevent. I J. I). Kirk, who lost hi drugstore and pool hull in tha fire, has pur chased a building from Bert Andrus, which ha will move onto the lots where th drugstore formerly stood. He expocts to have hi new building ready for occupancy in a short lima. Mr. and Mr. John William of No '.n motored to Weston Sunday for a visit with relative. Mr. Williams la an extensive farmer of , th Nolin neighborhood, where he has 800 acres yet to seed for next year's harvest. Mr. William ia a niec of Mr. Z. . C. Pric. ' . A check for $10)000, said to be the largest amount ever rocoived by a Garfield county farmer, was handed to M. C. Beat for wheat last Sutur day, at Pcmeroy, Wash., by Fred Mat thics, representing M. H. Ilousor, of Portland. Mr. Beulo'a wheat repre sented crops for three years and the pric ranged from $1.45 to $1.50 for club and red Rusainn. Purchase of wheat by Mr. Matthies last Saturday aggregated niore than $250,000. Mrs. P. J. Puroell, a pioneer resi dent of Weston who, together with her daughter, Mrs. Eva Shellenberger, moved last week to Prineville, Or., write that "old Prineville is th town up-to-date in every way. It has 1800 population and 150 high school students, and scarcely a vacant house. It ha a fine climate, cold at night and clear, sunshiny days. We have found every thing higher thn at Weston but pota toes, whiyh at present ara $1.25 per sack." ' Mrs. Cora Belle McDuff died Novem ber 20, 1916, at her home in Wtston, after a lingering illness with tubercu losis. She was a native of Weston, born September 30, 1879, hor father ..Total $245,453 48 UAD1UT1K3. Capital stock paid in $ 30,000 00 Surplus fund 15,000 00 Undivided profit, less ex- . penses and taxes paid 2,457 93 Due to banks and banker ... 1,001 72 Individual deposits subject to check 167,691 04 Demand certificate of de posit .: 3.877 19 Time and Savings deposit 25,425 60 Total..! :.. $6,453 48 State of Oregon, ( County of Umatilla, J , I, E. M. Smith, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ia true to the best of my knowledge and belief. m E. M. Smith, Cashier. Correct-Attest: J. H. Price, F. D. Watts, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of November, 1916. S. A. Barnes, (Seal) Notary Public. (My commission expires Nov. 23, 1920.) . OT4T10N i Vha provisions are you making for the winter time of life? Are you laying anything aside? You'll need it some day. Store up a little in this bank each month for the future. G0LDEH RULE HOTEL Pendleton Oregon Well-Appointed Conveniently Located . Pleasant Comfortable Reasonable Rates J. M. Bentley. Prop. - M. A. Ferguson, Clerk if In the County Court of tha State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of tho Estate of Martin E. Olson, Deceased. To Ole O. Lien, Mrs. Kari Jacob son, Mr. Mari Hanson, Mra. Anna Johnson, Chnries K. Olson and Hans E. Olson, heirs at law of Martin E. Olson, Deceased: In the Name of the State of Or EQON, You, and each of you, are here by cited and required to appear at 11 o clock in the forenoon on tha 2d day of January, 1917, in the County Court room in the Court House of Umatilla County, OreRon, in the City of Pendle ton in said County, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why the said Court should not grant the petition of Chas. H. Carter, administrator of the above named estate, to sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property belonging to the said Martin E. Olson, deceased, at his death, and now belong ing to his estate, to wit: The West Hair or Northeast Quarter and south Made of Malt a refreshing temperance drink. . Pasfcime Pool and Billiard Hall E. E. ZEKM being Barney Pnne, an early pioneer eR8t Quarter of Northeast quarter and of Oregon. She is survived by two Northeast quarter of Southeast Qusr- children. Josie and Frank Tucker; an tw of Section 32, Tp. 4 S. K. 31, E. . . t ti n i ii j W. M , 160 acres, more or less, situat auntMrs. Lou Hildebrandt, and four . Um,ti Conntv, Oregon, cousins. In 1904 she united with th Witness the Honorable Chas. H. M. E. Church, South, and continued a Marsh, Judge of the abov' entitled member until her death. Funeral ser- County Court, and the Seal of said i ,14 w ,u r . Court hereto attached at Vendleton, vices were conducted at the Methodist UmHtiua Countv. Oregon, this 14th day church Wednesday by Rev. W. B. 0f November, 1916. Smith. Hymn that had been selected ( Seal of Frank Saliko, by th daceasad wsra tung. , I Co""1? Curt CountJ C1rk- t6cEs"T6io!c Now is the time to feed it. Look at this space next week for prices.1 HERMAN GOODWIN PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST - P' The o Stora WESTON, OREGON