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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1916)
M ( IS Carload of Ttcse Fine Ameiican Beds and Springs , A WWsinAN fil.ltH n-nmili'i.f vnwili. IMit at, .iinl.i.i (.nt niot.r. A aUuiltf Mini i l liu'il In Handle, ! ll,. iheiiivht nt I.'hI In lliu ,. iu-i m T s uifj' (in inivf HiOivlvUiiiUhl ,ii,, i k'hii inalleiilila pig, fiiiii'iiiil i fur &.ymir, "I tit' rail-. nro lcu'iil! and i.n i. nvi"il !u, )ttt lit mi .? Ut' that ttiiH al'li. kUilil Hrnl;M lliil Kg Id. Any tjifci H,nitWit nun Hiiin, Aiiifiii'iin In-vi nil iinuiiiilly niMiKitli, hard 'ml h . luiud turner llllrt- Wlly (mini fWAlWl llllll'O lllll)lll llllHI OhIiiII.I-V I.U.U. A lilt' MR inifiil oftlyle j liuid In hII Hid H n,:ir limxiu h MuIh'i:iiu, Cum. xiun m!ii, ii,i l V"iy, J o l.iliu, tmilifciil, lli.i-n Jii ji.u. V ')m Mm I hi While r mi I. One of lliu i.i'mt liiiliillur In thin III iu in nur No. KM in Ilium jiiniiikii iinimi nt vi i. mi. mi M our Pill, pi a Alilil'lr.iii J Mm IIihIi III While Inn! YtrniH Martin at ,m-h j-KW. , 'I litno llvi 1 14 liirh H Lnl I lurli lll!.r uill. kllllMll ll Joint Here 1 alto n vi Hue if tlitf popular Porch nr Hunk ou.i IWda, Cniiilfl with aprlng at 1U f.ii :l- unit ?f;i ,Vi lot fuil im. American All-Mil Ninliii'n, N 4 nd full mm- M ll.'A i,iu $ f. N. 5 American full Sprlnif. 1U tnl t-H miulitv. Iari.'.iiiifi erme roll. with Interlock ii toil. inmiiiliHl miklruiiir ed hil limit and with biared nidatlui lwt roll nirln if dim w know of, H llle-ltine aprlng, JVii-o: 3-4 alio, 7..Vi, full uirt', f't.f-t, Th Wonder .Slo'lmf. mutiH'ii'kil full kl.rlni' i.i a lul.uliir In with 4 Inch clvtl.n niuI wide Imial cdce, lla II IMiu'iil t..i in aupMrU nt tnrb unl. 'ri m ih. THE DAVIS-KASER CO. I'lrtiH"", non"rriii1i. Mumo -- Ci!'ikli U..iiw t''iirtii.iin lOW - WAI-I.A IVA1.I.A, VVA.-.II. BREVITIES ' fTTn ;T J ; J j!f. i.lnlo biltim for h,IIw fliiwitrK, mI tlm Ik'Mow Fuiiiltni'q 8l'r!. Mf. mi'l Mm, Crnln ItrUkoli r vwlt. liilC rillillvfn mid ilnmU In WfJluil. Mnt, Jn-k Mliiiiork, of Itulh, Ncv. i vii ilinjr In r iiiuilicr. Mm. A. A. K . . . I' K. !'.,i..ll,v 1.. NKtiitiit thu WiUni (li-ti ijuiii i tlM lili'lifC of Mr, Ni'ltuii, Mix. I. V. Vmh .Sliitiu- linn (c.iiii-I.) liiiiicr, Uf ytun, f.if m nfit ivillj liui iU-r, Mi. l!.ti.!.. tlit.o PAAy, mi 4-iH" c of M I mii K hi -'K iVndluluii, dii'ii Tui -ly frmn pliyxiiillijii. A i!tiuliliT wn Ix'in 'filni.ln iiilil to Mr. Hint Mr. Ktiri-ti TIioihoii t llli ir Ih'IiiU in VVw-Um. Willi n vlt-w of loi(itiii litic .;.'iii, AHun toirm'tt li.i 1. itui-nvl VSau,u front liit Kih1.u rivi-r fuim. Min. l'oily J. furiU mill il:iii(littr, Mm. fc'va .lu'ilfi'!.iM)i.r, m (orcHrii ,g tti kw oini lur i'l imtvillt! to iiv-t.',, ... in n Tli'irwiii h rwitit j'Hliunl of JJr. hniiili, hnviiig KuaUinitl u fm. tuiu of tiio col la lwii l,y futliinf off tli port U M lie li'iiia'. J, It, Unl.iK(ir liii n-tmio.'! fpini WIli Wll'ltt, Wliel-O III- a lnlitiit fnr wmly (u wt-vk, hftsiiijf mmllih.rd t("iiil ojii-i tlon fur lh ri'tu f of lnTiiin. Hinii'f IckisvI tlifir liwj unJ kl I In ii f.inu.i.jj uuUit lo J. Shtftcl, Mr. uihI Mr. F. 11. lmif kit tin wnk fur S)kion! Ti llli viuw t" inuklng tlioir honio In tht city. T. A. Worihii iflfjfi, foniicrij on0 of Wtisiixi' Ifuliiiff i-iticcm mhI who in ytt oiiit of Hit) town' moitt luyl fiii.i4ji, u rcjortJ to tie rionitj iil at liik homo i.i rort'iind, We're Too Full for Utterance and we don't dare utter utter for fear we might be UTTERLY WRONG. 44-4444444tt444444444444444t'444-t4444--4' So Let's Get Back to "Biz" We have a sewing machine- on sale that uses a whole spool below and no bobbin, "it's fine. ee our LLia iKlC WAS nm feast your eyes on ' HEATERS and RANGES WATTS &-ROGI Simmons A Brass Bed of Artistic High Quality TT'S impoiaiblc to illustrate all the lx-auty of iliia Ltd ull its finemcttt ttfdwign ami clccnnt lmpli -ity. WcwnntyoiUo kc it, whether you m4 u bt nV or not. If iu rcuiarkuUy low price doet not induce you, wc will net urge you to buy. You will have to tee it to realise Just what an imposing t licet it cienten. .... , ; H DeM OSS FU RNITURE A fi-w dny ut Ftiik l'riw. nian- ct of tlm Wton Warvbouxe com p'.iiy. il fl.5 r iiult for Jtl.i'ni Liu ii.'U of wltoat whk-h li jiii.uii'iu )m'-Urfl!iy fifdiil up th crj) of Ihn Wt inii dintrii t. Tl.e mullnrt itre nil to lavo Im'u J. VV. SUhk and J. C, Turner, who thou a lii.-v.-l thf di'ttioc tioit of grttiiis tlni top priets pmd fur wiittat in tho local markut. fn Portiaml Tuinwlay Pwmber b!iiti-m to the amount of 10.W IhisIh'U as sM to nii!lvr at l.l5ii a lti)itl tt-jrir which the Joui-niU declare to have broken all 1,-ieviou rueorda for all time. i i : Dr. S. L liEim'ARD j HosjiituI at conu'i" of Main ami Llrujul tilrvcta. J Phone Main 253 i . . . -Veteriaaiy Surgeon SOMETHING TO CROW OVER However, we'll let Mr. Itooterd w hat little ertmiiiR tmy ha ntwury, V marely wieh to y that v. ill aiipre eiate your patronage In our lino and tlo i vyr beat to earn your (rood ofiliiioiu HolloA Barley, CaU ami Wh'at; HaleJ fay, MlllutufU iiJ Chkkuil 1J. Ve're local agnnta for I'exeock Hour and Dlatohford'iC'alf MeaL riwue2l. f. R. WOOD the Peed Man HOMER I. WATTS Attorncy-atlaw '.ini-ilmo In all KlMa and Fudaral COUl'U. , . ,. ... ATHENA, OREdON P. tr Hi It ml ioatrh t iryiil.uiiito4 or n UV. Ha""l WtMU-l, tt of I4 tjH H-rii-t t t PH tACH mm. rnl (a)t,sittlllty, laWvrviai-Ma rATCNTA BUILD FORTUNE for jm. lifirfiitwkRKiajuf ml t. wMMMtTwrt tt44i"i lW, WiiljtiRl4) , D. SWIFT & CO. ITEMT LAWVCWa. i 303 SfVMiilh St., Waahinuton, D. C. W. M, Clrttfa G. H. Bl.hop Peterson & Bishop LAMURS Pandleton, Or. I'reowatur, Or, i.'.iii.'.u.!is.L..,.iii'i!i... u. ...".ii.. ii nu jl "Mi am nuiw. m The Universal Car The Ford with the new features: large' radiator and enclosed fan; streamline hood; crown fenders" front and rear, and entire black finish, is one of the most attractive cars on the market. These qualities in comhination with the smaller purchase price brinjr the Ford within the possibilities of nearly every, home. Why forego the pleasure and convenience of Ford travel another day? Ford prices ajjain reduced and Ford quality higher than ever. Small expense of operation and upkeep the utmost in motor car value and service for business and .pleasure. Strength of construction, simplicity in design, real Ford merits. Place your order now. Touring Car $414.85. Roadster $309.85. . II. L I2D3ICK-VEST0U GARAGE Mi"ic !' tnt'iv rilf (.are rilw) Ahrk Johnson Mpared mido tor the liootuhold of Her Inert Hukor, rural mail currier, who feet ao eraltful that he doxirr lun-ttiili to inaka I'ohlie ac ktioa k-lf meiit. EHfi-jit from MuJKeor eonntv, full re-' turui too in on tlm reiullotoii normal -hool hill. Thu" vote aland: Ve. 97,. K,U ve Priski It. of Covello. 'Waah., 6X5; w. V$J1. atlvorae majority of .aecompaiiM hp Mr. lriskell, U visit f.J2i5. Thett flgmea will not b mate- relative and fraendi at Weeton. dally changed. " Ui.rve lntly returned from the lwrve-t S. S. Nvlm,n, the ai coiiiim-latis ii and f''1'1" ot C"rn.i. M.Hitnn. where he icmef. lit anent of the tJ.-'V. It. It. & N. hj 1 t'idinf o.arator. fhttsl,- at Welon, to U.kin a -well oar.icil v. " 5 ! fi"ihJ !., but tlm ei.iou. Accon.ttti.u-d by -AM &iify, c'Were driven out by a tempera h left tl.U week for Miiinuior. Idaho, lf of 8S decree U'iow aero, tropa whrn-Mm. Kflam' paieiita rvU. W ,h d ""X i" that 'tin are - . iraod. he say, lie heljH! to threah Mr. and Mr. A.I. Met have re- a w.ucn flM which ,VeraCHl is tuvtMxl from fclgln, lllsnoi, where they biihU to tht. ,cr) of flX( wortu hail a mmt enjojahte viil at the t p,,t j,,,,, ThiS( j,owever, was home of their ilaoKhtt?f. Mix. Grajitill fli exceptional ield. I'oKeta. . They ali had a ileauut viiiit with a klcr i( Mr MeU In Miwioiui Sbtee 'hat- .week, th fot'owiuit giaal Or. and Mr. K. ft." Watt' Mr. and 'ri"J l,itve. ''' ki,;il!' X Mr. T. L McHrido and Mia. A. Jam t,ielr K"i. l"1!!' Uic U-ad- metered'! W!la; Walk WVd.,lay. """ '" Uei;ef i.e lhe Lasitern SUr of the P-r J'.'W.Hedg- party -wired prim on plane! to reperl , l,?'' Mr"' a ' to th hioal eha,ter. wich eontem- 'v'r" Meaai Wyatt platea tmttwg in an inMramenL "Ju' "r, 'T e i' Y"' ' . J. W. I't.rU'i. K. I'roedtit. T. A. Lteu- C. W. CiblxMis. the futherof Mm. S. alien, C. V., W ill liurkhardt, S. Shieida, m found dead In bed at r. Elmer Hill. , hl home in Milton a few daya heart trtwhla Mng aneribtni aa the J. T. Unker, a brother of Mrs. Z. C. eauise of hi lntii!i. Mr. Gihhoiw waa Priee, diotl Moiulny at Pasoo, Wah., blehly rectedcitiaan and a veteran hi 'the aB of 51 year. Mr. Baker of the civil war. He wa U yeara old. ormorly residi-d at Dayto hut in re cent years hud been enpnged in farming: The Hudson Sur Six by perform- Franklin comity. The funeral ser- ani-e, economy and comfort i in a vj, 4Vcre u,j e.lueday at Dayton. cutaa aiono. Hem Hon u win j-eintive present fivm Weston were advance 175 en Deeenibor 1st. It is Mrs. Ella Lavender; James, Marvin the car you ant you take no chancea, and Claud Price. A dollar eaved two dollars earned. (Jet your auto before December let Rebert Proudllt haa producetl aome next. Watts & Rogers. ; excellent enlarged photofrraplia of the , . Weston 8ch(l'a principal SimJ.CulloyhipM.dhiclerpii!aren- building. They are about 9x14 inches tfne and three three-bottom gang plowa i o and very euilahle foe framing, thia wecktoaouthorn ldlio, to have his Tlu picture may lie had of Mr. outfit in readinen for plowing about a lVoudtit at a 'nominal figure. He fur thousand acre In the sprhiK. Mr. Oil- nu,ied. the views for Weston's cam ley and his mother, Ma. fiebecca Cul- pBtj-T, ajrainat the Pendleton bill, donat ley, accompanied the shipment, and inj his work. - :: ' will be absent about a month. ' ' - 7 . . - 1 . : f , - . , Arrested in Portland, Charles Crosa, J B. DuPuia clmekhng over a joke old inco!.risi0iefrt)m PuiHle. on h "better half," whom he declare, t cwf to fiv. boid.up8 j,, tcn devoted nearly a day and many kettles d n aleo a branch posl. of hot water to thawing out a piece of offlM ome sU 8 and the pip which simply wouldn t thaw mnent wil progtfCute him. When the pipe was cloaely examined had lwel, imnate of Ule reforn) and found to be plugged with a piece of wh(wI hv been Mnfc fron Wle. wo.xl, the mystery waa solved. .. ton igmonths B(f0 for robbing box cars. The Will of A. Kinnear has been filed Extrenle Coid hag put R trtp to the in the probate court. It bequeatha all K0Vt.rmnent 8urvev which j. u, Eng the property, real and (.ersonal, to the li8h been cndueHnjf jn Montana, widow, Maggie Kinnear, during her ,nd Jt win be mt in the apring. lifetime, and make her administratrix jimime Kirkpatriek has returned, and with the provision that when Ralph will assist )lis sister during the winter Kinnear, a son, shall have reached the t the 0 K Candy sIl01,t Mr E,lttish age of 21 he shall be joint admlnls- wili remajn m H,en until the first of . - the year, making out hia field note. i - . '.'. . Use Fanners Baiol Weston Established 1891 ' . I What provisions are you making fr the wiattr time of life? ... A re you layir some day. if anifiiinir asiile? You'll need it Store up a little in this bank each month for the flltiU't W.V.V.V.V.V.V. Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at tlie Leader office Sixty (minimum) $0 85 One hundred............ 1 15 Two hundred 1 C5 Each additional hundred.. 0 40 rand Mew" Made of Malt a refreshing temperance drink. i i temperance I Pastime t . Pool and Billiard Hal! E. E. ZEIIT.I t trator.. Rev. A. I.. Thoroughman, presiding elder of the Oregon district of the South Methodist church, will preach here Saturday at 7 :S0 p. m. and Sun day at 11 a. m. " Business session of the quarterly conference will be held at the clae of the service Saturday Evening. AH are cordially invited. W. B, Smith, Pastor. Just to make sure that their sub scriptions might not expire at a lean er time,' Emery Staggs and Messrs. Wyatt & Drew paid two years' sub scriptions to the Leader man this week," instead of one. Not a bad idea not at all now that we have some new equipment to pay for. . ' Stock Toiaic Now is the time to feed it. Look at this space next week for prices. German goodwin PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST V . ThQ ttall Store WESTON, OREGON J