The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 17, 1916, Image 2

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III Iho Ih IXvgmt t msr.lulial
dtitrt. ;! f tnrn nirgon, N, 3.
f'-uiVt. IrrumH'T't, fnt fcren reieet-
llr RrnrRfll iFJlrnrST h helming m.rtiy .
W f Vkill.lMlkl , I tell fcW urk
, t ) ARK WtltlM, r-.ili..l.r,
Important Occurrences of Past
Week Drltfly Compiled Ur .
Cur R
l-r, .(...
U ffiiig
. "the Spwport tltj !i'utim wt'.l te
arid Ik iWr 4. ,
Tlie wiu. MUiual K.i 1
Th ity tf luil li;wr
the car tA.fUmj. ,
. Tue Orvuu autal iui.'iii I .'0
lo change Us nau.p. It will t-e kuoau
a h nal toluultH-rk.
Steplen T. MaUM','. assistant secre
tary of U Interior, ui charge o( na
tional parks, was in lMrtUiid tills
Week. k
The annual meeting of the Oreaon
flat horticultural eocifty will be
keld In Howl River Ifcifmbtr 11. 11
mi 1.1.
. Tbe division uf t roJi counts !
to have carrWJ, 1U ..iv X.xv -iwmuu
can, b JcU ruuhcj littruticu will to
rw!urr. "
A svfeool sinnlure to vutaia SO
class tvoui auj to coal I7S.OO0 has
bven approved of I tne Aaloria board
of education.
Th annual con?, mice of the facnl
Ilea of the lmlt-pvuUvbt colleges of
Oregon will take place la AtWny IV
eember 1 and t,
K. II. lion, aitsi T4, dltl al Saleia
from injunr received when he
truck at a street criing by a South
era raciftc' train. ''
Alias Vdnia G. DatU waa elected
county rec.vdrr ami Mrs. Ita Maxwell
Cunuuinga was elected county school
superintendent In I.inn rounif.
SUte Biolosist W llliaui U Ktnl-T ia
nakins final plan for the publication
of general aurvey.of the wild lifw
of Oregon, "especially the birds.
ir Lho week ending November 9,
total of 268 accideuts were reporUxl
to the stato UulUKtrUi'l accident com
nUaaloo, of Ucb five were fatal. .
As a ru!t of Uie tar abortive, Ui
Clatsop Mill at Astoria has been com
pelled to abut down temporarily, and
about 200 men are out of empioymeut.
Fostl receipts at the Portland post
office for tbe first 1 daya of Novem
ber show an increase of $5203.28 as
compared with the similar period of
MIS. ' .
Bonds In tbe turn of H.oOO.MO were
authorized by a vote of & for aud 38
against thW proposition by the land
owners of the Ochoco irrigation dis
trict " -'
Tbe bun of the steam schooner Wa-
. ... . .. j - i-
week and 'another member was added
to the Columbia river's ocean-going
fleeL ...
' Tbe estimates of the Hood River
apple crop for l'Jlfi have Jumped from
SoO.GOO boxes, pre-harrest figures, to
a present total of more than 1,200.600
A rolling iu!l. with a tapacliy of
20.000 tons of tteel pUte a month,
probably will be added to the plant
of the Northwest Steel company In
. Portland."':" '," . " ,
Incomplete returns from all eonn
ties of the first congressional district
.five -VT. Q. Hawtey a lead of 20.237
votes over iark Weatherford, his
The groas earnings of tbe Pullman
company ia Oregon for the year are
placed at $411,666.50, and the ex
pense of operation in tbe state at
The net operating income of the
Suinpter Valley Aailroad company for
the year ending June 30 was J-19,-002.6S.
ai increase of (32,443.56 over
the previous year.
Oregon's vegetable -production .for
1916. as estimated by O. P. Hoff, state
labor commissioner, from statistics
gathered' by employes of his office,
will (KjuaJ $2,4$9,542.
Steps are being taken to organize
- state-wide automobile association,
A meeting was held la Portland Wed
nesday for the purpose of forming a
preliminary ortauiiatlon.
tSurreybg has? been completed at
the site of the Pacific Chemical com
pany's project at Summer and Abert
lake and the task of rebuilding the
dam is about half completed.
Sixteen .' leading officials of nine
large Pacific coast cement companies
have been - indicted by the federal
grand Jury at Portland on charges of
organizing ' a trust In restraint of
trade. ' - .
William E. Newell, assistant post
manter if "Granta Pass', .was fined
1581.94 and was sentenced to six
months lb the county jail for embez
illng funds from the Grants Pass post
office. Judge ;Joha 8. Coke of the circuit4
court decided that the Sunday closing
ordinance of Eugene prohibiting the
atre from operating, on Sunday ia
not In contravention of the state Sun
day law. - ' ,:r .',
Tbe Ui'gfrst deal ever, made in the
neighborhood of "Weston was consum
mated when Iley Wlun became the
owner of Meadow brook farm. The
place contains 7fS acres, aad the coo-
Karkley. hla aix-iaiUt opiHtncnt lie
ban a U-d ct alH'tit 1S.v0 XvT,,
t'rJvra have Inn 1w.hi t-v 1V war
i . i.i !.' , ',. i i.i,..ii.'vii i'4
c u t ilo( L. t i t.! fiirnt auiy as
tr.-vi i .T!v-r hi I'urtlaiid, and send
In Mil. ! !(. m. .Vow. Hi -K'Vt
at rurll iliil lixa ttit ten i'Utt.
Kxanitiialhiu nl a mahirujr or the
:ii. i i- .l tl.e r. .1 uttiturv tiauch
of . hiaU' fri hcl.t in .u- M.'i'll. 'J'Mt ox.'8luHia
is r-.'iuil by tU r ilHfaMn'.aat
. ml aiiii,u;.y, ttn.r the cow ary
The 'Portland Ui.tUav. A
IVt ioiiii''.j h,i li.vd wlt.t tUe
1'utiUc rK-e lUuiiBissiou a put!oa
si immriioN n.Mrv
. fi tiiis bllll to liovo fniiiyin
, t,"Uiil:tlil' jHiwi mitl rpiHiituiii-
The Year
i', .'...'iirhi.
1 1- tr li!iiiu. , ,. ,. ..
K r
, ' Ih gins to milise what ho fully
known, pmluilily, it rVty-fivi1 ji II II jk
?o ""H'"Sy, tint lui hiijrri.v !iMnt " " " '
ofjl.hi fvitntv, in thi1 he Dur full
K vuni-, k i null for !i'iti .u
'I rxiitriil, .or inlt 'it i.i-t ill"
t.tK i,Ti r hue vr ii.i'M'i.
hi larKvl slmiH'.l ii'itl t.Mtl it;
so that it w ill tMiitnin nt'thinR o. t
Miili:i!!v tlittVrcnt from vvhut ho
liur full lino.- hiv ko.v fciuititto. (t r idiots M "tik for
tl;tinili. U t huvo litit one i'i'H'0 lho mi mo to ovvrv imtiv't
K'-u tuif lir.o of lllituij.'i i, Cottilinti, OiiliiiH. tjowiiH, i'lititT
woac, oto., wul I'oc wlii't no can fuvo ymi.
titifxtl t iN i.uiri t tii.
hiuihoif haH niivatiy put into it.
If lieriin iraluo liy thirty that
,N0V. 17. ivi ) is 0!u!in;r hi t'ntuii' rvory
tl.iy it will Ih a n.hl thmr 'for
a-kus for a r liruiK lu tlu rase r
ii'iiily divided by the rtimilnkUm, lit
iitK the valuation of the comrany'a
One of the larcM ranch d-nl con
uiuinalHl in i:k r tor .r tuc la
the tweut fnrt'lias lor IsO.Oug of
th SV. Talwadae i'i'-i re rsaclt
ty U. NVaruock. of 1Srtia"d. The
rum l U. lout, d loar ,s.ii. 2B UiiW
from llaki r.
There wa a !'..l.u,ir III tli state
induiilril t .J. ill fdiul VtolHr 31
of liTS.SI'! S7. Kivelpu trow the
time the ocutm!ioa ccmir.rnrJ its
work. November 8. 1911. to Octoher
Jl. a -rtiHl nf three years, totaled
A. IX Auderwn o. ltd., ot
CiHuhax-n. Iv-nmark. hate porctiaa
ed a large iutert In tlrv .McKi.rttoru-Standiter-Clar'Hn
8hlp company of
Astoria. The company is buililiag
seven auxiliary ftve-maat'-l schoonera
at the yards In Astoria.
John Mi. la. of Talent won the title
" lho jr. o. p. ut.v MftvmtniHlat
invlv eint uliout thivo million
. . , . tolurs in hflpinj; to oliH't Mr.
J'iv;uiiiaMy ovt-ry youiijr mun ; 'ilsn.
knows, 4 H physioaJ fact, that ' -'
ho can tlo nothinjr noxt year , A tpik) or two in the rinht
w hich he cannot, in some riopivo, pl-uv initfht enhance the potoncy
t!o t.klay. says the Saturday of Weston 'a now tluU
Evonlnj: Tost, Ho wtH not grow ' "" " '"'
winj.'s.or ovowme the laws of WilsoiiV ponnai.ciit ml-Ki-avitation.
or .subsist without 'r" Mr. IIukI', i.i tho WhiU'
f.Hht. J'.vit lois always i't1irur--,J"l,'Sv, 'hinjrton. IK You
inira tutuw in w hich Jus miiuj " "j '"'.'
J (Tot Ion lilmiliidii .. .,
l Wool imp liinnUvH .. .
j; wVHii i.inui,iii
'I Cuinfuria
Wlillu uii'int; Hamii'l .
l t'olorvt) outing (ImiihoI
l.a'liea' outii.t cowna
Mimi- online " '
J Moil's otitic K''vv'!,',
Hoys' out in oim .
. Men's pujamaa
fc o il.w
... M.!.s.i! :s
.. lis to l.lw
..: (t '.!
...... n,f-liie
.. h', lol
. 4i to a.4t
., J'to lo T-
.... Vr to Wf
... . 4!V loiSV
, U to f t.4tt
dvei-e Union anils . .. 4fc-'.Sf
I.mlivn' moot iiii'nii amts tie
l.a.ii.'-' HlIU Mini wool union aulia .. ..
i i" i-'.m
tNliott or Joiiji U,'Vj
Mi'll'k iWyo union Ntllta . , . . l"r
Mt"i' In-uvy I'vll'ii lililtHt uiim ii
mills. . , Vie
Mm' wool luU union suils . 41 4'.'
Mun's wmtl bit nil suite.,, M.VS
t) llwe union null 4'.'t
lo)" ttoo illlit ll Stilts ... .'JI0
Clulilivii'a cloi an.l m'l'ciir t
, , i.v-iia -
.alii't glows and tnllletis . l'c-0C !
Hoys' elovea aiut itillluns, .. SV-4!
Muii's titietl Jjlov. i ..f.'ii t'.tK'-iWH' '
Mon 'a mitten , .. 4!ic iilV !
Mali's tlrvM ifliyi tMe-l. It) "J
oji'i-at Jitrt-renily. The
timo will certainty toino when
he ' realizes that tlietv is no fu
ture, but only an indefinite ex
tension of toilay. The import
ant truest ion is whether that time
will come early enough in life to
do him any particular jrood.
A la?.y tr.itn canmt possihly
make himself industrious in the
future; or a man, sober;
or on extravagant man. eeono
omical. If it is done at all he
Uob Stnntield is the loading
rhndidjte for sinker of the Ore
ln houst as well ns the larg
Cet sheep shipper in the world.
It is sisnTitiennt that he went to
school at the Weston Normal.
tjulilH '
i l.iulUV i-viiton union auiu ''. ...
J (Slwu tor loiirf U'ovO, lHt
or lil,U uca
! '
I n Imv of l'"l'lS. Idivit tl.i-lii f..r lai'ioa if I in th
J Iul.-al . i ) We, Jiiht ro. rlvcil, Kliii,m.nt ul kU'ii'a Vt i'UitU, tlsv' loIt.Ue.
i r n
of the "banner sugar beet gror" at
the beet growers' ibraUon held la must do it at an immediate pros
oruuta rasa, jie rrporipu a crop vi cnr -.,,,.,,
IHVItiV 11
The esteemed East Oivp)iiiau
aiill asserts that Pendleton is the
only logical place for an Eastern
Oregon Normal, but we prefer
to accept the view of a substan
tial majority of Oregon's electorate.
Strikes us that the weather
is a gi! deal of a frost
at some "right
now: wo man ever saved a
penny in the future, or ever will.
He has xA to save the penny in
his hand at the moinout or he The elephant and the hull
will be btt'kc to the day of his wi.ho: "United we stood, and
death. That is "clear enough to together we fell!"
anybody who will think about it' , ," ; .
To rave the penny in hand he Ue rnake no chww orW
must resist the temptation to n t0, , Koiser Bl1' lhut he
spend it Imagining himself to enhst a Uttahon
next vearasistino-thrtfmntn. Gotham s female shoppers for
tion to spend a handful of pen
nies will do him -the same good
that the drunkard gets out of
imagining himself reformed next
year. Every year that he does
his counter attacks. -
IS tons ptT acre, yteldlug a gross re
turn of 1154 per acre, the cash outlay
being only $29.70 per acre
The of(i UI report tof the fifth an
nual eKg-l)iiig couteot at Mountain
Grove. Mu shows that the pen of
Oregons entered by the Ortgou Agri
cultural college, fiuUlied In secoad
place' with the high record of 231 S
egga per hen and a total of 115$.
Al the recent election, "Wasco coun
ty voted bonda to the amount of S-V
000 for the construction of a trunk
road leading from Moeier to Tbe
Dalles and thence south via Dufur,
Kingsley. Tygh valley, Manpin, Shaa
iko and Antelope "to the Jelfersott
county line.
The City of Grauts Pass, through
Its munlciuaL couimerclal. civic and
church organizations, and the officials not resist weakens his ability to
of th. t uh-idaho Sugar comply resist W would suggest this title to
was boat Saturday to oo sugar beet This spending business fa as the - D chorus for a Wootlrow
growers and their wives from points f v-i-i- lneK'0' P- CnorilS lor a OOtirow
between Oakland and Sitlherlia and "f itCr.?S Ult tl Wilson ballad: "He Kept Us
Ashland, the occasion being the ceie- P1,n u w w'tnin the knowN Out of Washington!"
oration of "Grunt Pass Sugar Beet edge of everybody who has the b;. .'
day." ; ' - ordinary, circle of persona! ac- Everything ia normal at Wes-
ngurea ? u. tiuaintances that, altera certain ton.
time, tlie man who lives up to " .
the limit of his income which. The republican managers are
about nine times out of ten, claiming that Wilson carried the
means a tittle beyond accepts west with the votesof theladies.
that as a normal condition and Well, what show would Hughes
just automatically spends what- have had if the democrats had
ever he gets, substituted for Wilson James
At tweny a man lives largely Hamilton Lewis, with his pink
k Athena . .. - Orcqon
Srr4n'$ mud
Have you iltouht of and pivwri4 fr ih lone, t-'oW
ami foeey winter days nitil michta that ni atirvly coining
Un uT If yoit ate !. burner yo! wmit lo ntjo tlm
rtint. r eveiiiny yon nrmr htvo Ix f'H'v, I ; i 1 ao
to Wattaft llogem and buy a tli tiiKijthly g- 1 ! t'.wp.
After ualng It yoa will nevvrgo baclt to Uie oJ buiniiu
Cryan wants to teetotalize the
entire democratic party, but we
fear that Marse Henry will not
consent to making it unanimous.
OUiiter is Conun
When you get cold come in
and get a hot cup of coffee and n
state labor comraiaftiuu. I rum Oregon
land office Miiow that July 1.
the-. were lS,sa7,(MJi acr of va. aut
pu'.:ic lands in Orvgon opea to awtte
ment and entry under the provisions
of tbe homestead 1. Of this
amount 13,912.348 acres are surveyed.
.This acreage is a decrease la the year
of 104.369 acres and 832,637 acres
since July 1. 1914.
With no (ieepeuiug oa the ur- in an Imaginary future. At thirty whiskers?.
rounding run? tops ami a dfi'lded "
liSirattca wu. I :?'.'.ooo.
a inter nip to the atmosphere, orchard
isu of the Hood river valley" who. Re
cording to estimates, have at the pres
ent time 400.000 boxes of fruit unpro
' tected from excessive frost, are wor
ried. Because of the shortage of re
frigerator cars, tbe storage plants of
the valley, holding aa approximate
600,000 boxes of fruit, were closed
against further delivery.
Oregon will go toiully dry Decem
ber 1, If means are found whereby '
violators of the new prohibition
amendment to the state constitution
can be punibetf. Governor Withy
combe has announced. 1 it Is found,
however, that the "bone-dry amend
ment cannot be enforced, because It
lacks a , penalty clause, Governor
Wlthycombe will not. issue a proclam- '
atloo putting tbe amendment Into ef
fect until the legislature meets and
passes an enabling act, fixing a penal
ty for violations. -- " '
The vote on the initiative and refer
endum amendments with most of the
comities complete, together with In
complete returns from the remainder,
is as follol-s: Single item veto yes
127,232. no 48,592. majority for 78,640;
ship tax exemptionyes 109,063, no
68,713, majority for 50410; negro suf
frage yes 89,025, no 87,523, majority
against 348; Pendleton normal yes
83.K67, no 102470. majority against
8.403; full rental land tax yes 38,753,
no 121.571. majority against 82,819;
antl compulsory vaccination yes 89,- ,
017, no 88,587, majority for 430; Sun- .'
day closing law repeal yes 112.320,
no 81,022, majority for 31.298; brew
ers' amendment yes 80,237, no 127
479, majority against 47,242; absolute .
prohibition yes 108.813, no 105,712,
majority for 3,101 ; rural credits
amendment yes 94,173, . no 74.261,
majority for 19,888; rtate-wida tag
limitation yes 86,109, no 74,401, OiV .
ff ' .' "; .... J
SMsMtfMal "--(
Jorit tor 12.28J.
1", Sc
' tt'm
this winter out-of-doors
Polo, golf, tennis; automobiling over
California's wonderful highways;
and a wide variety of places to go
and things to see makes a visit to
California brim full of pleasure.
representative are always delighted to help v
pUn California trip. Literature, informa v"
, tion and specific service upor application to
S. 1 HFXS0H. Aeent, Weston; I. BURKS, District '
Freight inl Pasener Agtot, Walla Walla, Wath.
Well-Appointed Conveniently located ' Pleasant
Comfortable Reasonable Rates r
''''.' ..-.. - : ' '.. , ..
J. M. Bentley, Prop, - IM. A. Ferguson, Clerk
"'a k;vM. --i
Prcston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . f Waltbiir(, Wash,
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected lluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company