The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 17, 1916, Image 1

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    j niw. !.riii.iiiwMiWiiW ""'i' " tr'-ii'-" S"9
"T; ' " . ' ' ,' , , f .) ;;": i ) l : . I r . I h-'- f""
Ml."" ',f J"! I'TH'I
' ' J f : ;r; itm j :r: n: J'l J'l
r . 4, j , . . ;; i " " " . . ..: .,. ;. . . . ... ,. ' ' ,
' -' '; ' ' ' :-J ...i 4 ..J-.. ' 1 i 31 eaw-a
- ; -:' : WESTON LEADER'-
i Wtetee
' .' AlMbante
i . . -. . . . . - --- ' ' fl,.a rtuaHM HafilnM
pp Fums QVE
EI lAl. la If M.I f fll
IWWUIU aU-Vl.aei.
" '
' A ery attractive recital waa given at
tha noma of Mr. and Mrt. J. H. .'rice
lait Wedneeday night by few of tha
piano students cf MluZilla 8lnipaon,'
who haa larga alaaa In piano, olra
and thaory, la thla ally. Tha numbara
vara InUlllf antly dona, which ihowad
caraful thought and atUntion by both
tha ttudant and taachar. Aftar tha
program rafraahmanU wara aarvad
and a aoelal aanlnf anjoyad. Thoaa
.ui.ilnr In aarvlna wara: Mr. C
llnkarton, Gladyt Smith, Edna Ban
latar. Un. i. II. Prl nd Ruby Prlca.
Tha program waa aa followaj
f Original and Tranapoaad Kaya.
Badtlma Wataon
ThaOaaaa Walaon
raadlngtha Chlekana..... Wataon
Crta, Croaa Hannah Smith Tor mayor-J. M. Banlatar.
STaSg Tran . Urm. ' For councUman-JoMph Wur.r. E.
Tha fM BLV, Z . Urmtn C. Rogara. Marvin Prlca.
Tfta hu p, ror raordar Andy T. Bamatt
i m.k ai i Tor traaanrar S. A. Barn.
. IZZnZZ "&um At tha primary maaa nUng Hon-
Rninnlna 8on Ellmanraica iy avanlng tha abova tkkat waa nom-
Spinning 5" . ln.ud pracfcally without oppoaiUon
L'Atabaaoua Burg mullar for tha annual elty alartlon to ba h.ld
iSvSL Chamlnla t Monday. Each had lan ajulo i
-can w. t mating of tha Waaton Walfara
BVata. ' . rCodardolub h.ld Uat Monday af.arnoon
ESS ...... Sehaiwanka for tha purpoaa of dlacoaalng tha a.t-
Barcarolla. . . " r 0 MUon and auggeaUng iulUbla tlmbar.
' M.nd.baohn Mr. BanlaUr ha rvad ona tarm
P.ilnrili -i..v.
lu da Amvohoraa
Mra. i. II. Prica
"Can Uil!" Ufa MeBrida'a la
waya at your dt.poaaL Phona 92.
President Hu Received Ap
proxlmattly 400,000 More
Votes Than Hughes.
Naw York. Tba total popular rota
ranelvad In each of tha .lata by Praa
idant Wllaoa and Charlee B. Hughaa,
, bated on unofficial return, Indicate
that tha praaidant raealvad 403 Jit
mora vote, than Mr. Hugbaa, ; Tha
Ubla faU0a:
: Hilt
- . I1.f
Ui on
J lit
494 ho
South Carolina
Kmilh PaKOia
Ta ...
f'lah ,.,..
Wahlntn ,.
Waat Virginia
'lm W
U W W m
Mraaee 'l' . I a!'
ill!! i fat'aai
i.i'aaA AAA
w lacenam
M.UI I.iw.JH
Baa rranoisco.
both democratic and republican state
oentral eommittee. were, on hand to
.crutlnlsa the count of ballota in the
official canvas, of th. rota which be-
Baa, Repre.entaUv. ol
aa . .. a HALaaaeMiaTivna ni
g.B before the different board, of au-
pervliora and elecuon eommieuue
la every county of California,
Both parMe. admit
erapaney would hav. to be found
order to change the California . result
and tueh a discrepancy could only
come from tha three mo.t popuiou.
counties of the etata. 8n FrancLoo,
Lo. Angelas, or Alameda. '
The recount' In these oountles dl
oloaad only minor errors, ana bucb
I .. . .M.i..if off.
error, aa w.ra found praoucaiiy on
? ? eatnt wwtu il;
iVclW.teaJfel.ffl n
. ... Af.anwia
- citiciictii ..i -
la vera JJ.lM
Klnriita -. ..?'?
) .
lho -
nUiena JfJ J
: flt.SU
" tenluohr
kimnMAia ''IK
Kanraaaa .n. ?!
kaw lr..r .- tOMJ!
on.s y;
' Oklahoma .- !!
Or.con I
.T i... . t. I
li kwl. I.l.nil -
..M. I
Wool Moving Again
During the week million and
in tit Columbia Basin a nd Columbia
w.r.houM. h.v. ,h.n,ad hand- Of
(hi a million pound haa gone to tha
American Woolen MlllCo. Tbomae
p)Mi y,, f-cho buyer, purchased 360,-
,AUnda of tha Portland .lored
woo jo.OOO pound baing barcalnod
or yurday afurnoon.
Th, pr,f ,pM n thla daal rangad
ftom jj 27 enu, Mr. Ro wont
uppnr thla morning on another
moo deala n Myt tha markat la
Ugm,- ,uong-Echo Now,
Coqullla Tha logging Induitry la
vary actlva in thla diitrlct
- - .
aa mayor ana ni. ra-nominanon i
trlboU to M. worth a. a eitUan and
hi. f.lthfulnea. aa an official. Mr.
Wuriarand Mr.IUgar.artincumo.n
SalTfallow cHlMns to Vund for -
. . - ....
H. A. Brandt I. tha twrfl reuring
t. tlwnlied
tobarof thacounciL II. wasptad
.omlnation , St the PrtW!
gnmofrn uw"" r
withdraw hi. nan Frank Prlca. D.
B. Wood snd R. G. Sal(pg art Bold-
vara. " makoa it Impcratlva that wa eecure a
Traaturer Uarna. and Recorder Bar- Urft numbr 0f donaUona, aa well a.
natt sra alrtady wembera of , Wea..1U)u( eln.
ton'a municipal family. Together with rjuring tha pat year tha .ociety
Mayor Banlatar they wara compii-
mantod by unanimou. re-nomination.
Who own a heart a. wall aa cheek.
nearv a a - -
I of .pirlt yat meek, and
potaeaaad of aplrlt yet meek, and
lives on forty cent a week 7 ina
Edltor. ..
Who weep with you whan you sra
aad andlaugh. with you when you
re mad 1 na rmor.
Who ha. to ba both kind and wit and
never (hardly aver) Ilea and whan
ha does create, surprise t Tha
. I
r California Remain. Wat
San Franelaco, CaU Nov. 10. Cali
fornia apparently remaina wet Tha
majoriti. agaln.t tha prohibition
maa.ura Indlcata that .Uta defeated
tha prohibition amendment Ab.oiuia
prohlbiuon is iiu.wv oewuu.
prohibition U 40.000 behind. Southern
riirA.t. anunttea grave tha dry the
1.1 . ..t. Pmhlhltionl.ta da-
ilfo lli'clarad ill.galitlaa c.uwd th. defeat.
it S wf,lDW BHniii - " . , a.
1!I2 i !"i raltaraUd charg.. of ballot box .tuff
,1! .!? ' ;:ii5 rtaa-l.trar declared
that both wet. and dry. alleged ir.
regularltie.. - " inva.tlgated and
. at .a.AitM1taa(iai
I0UM " en"ra
" aaawa aawa iaaaaaweawaaaaawjaWBa
Inche, f snow at Meaeham
Monday and Tuesday of last week
It snowed sll day at Meaeham and by
The 0.-W. R. R. & N. Company
. a is iM.i-te. n air i n
propoMa to Install Immediately at im
propose, to insxau irai'j -
w hw,y croMinlt- 0n
, 0rAgon, Washington and c.ution.ry highway - signs
d 80 aot from Uie track on
Mch .,d4 of ,u crossing..
C(g Bgy Two new ahipyards are
i- p-o.pect for the bay, new mill, ara
I J nd MM ,ctlvity
h .
Oregon City The Willamette Val
ley Southern electric road announces
that it is now on a paying basis
O.OOO.OOO.OOO feot of A OlicatrO Capitalist f
a. ...... ww.. ..- .
cently bought 2,000,000,000 feot of
timber In Washington and Tillamook
111 w f'S o i i
Hai "Htm abaut aarryinj Naw York
Appeal For Fund.
Portland, Or, Kov. 10. 1913..
Dear Sltr: You will r..?ll U;.l for
nmny ye.ra tha Boy. and Oiri aw
gw, of Oregon ha. mad. an an.
nUBl ,ppeia toT UnAt and donation.
jmi pr,or to Thantogivtag timt ana
Thi. year w. ra making
. ui for the abuwd. na.
IfC"" "PP" w U1"
,1 and dependant children of Ore-
" . . .t- !,!..
, work of 0,. wkty U in-
crM,ng tha coat of Uvlng ha. ?ona
gon. ina worn m uie vrev w
p con.ld(r.b,y ,d y.t our income
up con.ldar.bly and yet our Income
ha. decreaeed vary maUnally. This
make. It Impcratlva that wa wcura S
h" vary m.Urially. Thi.
AtA ,om, m children. Beaide. IU
regular function of caring for tha da-
pendent children, it ha. don. a great
daal of .peclal work for crippled chl-
A.n whniia condition could not t.
remedied without tha aid or eoma or-
BUrgtK)n hM dong iom. very ro-
markabla work with a boy of 18, who
eemed to ba in a hopelessly crippled
condition. For month, hi. feet and
ra oeen in teow
normal ahoe. and attend.
Babies tute ana uaDies oweci .
a aa aaaaaal til l! .
Will Be AODle ShOW AtiraCUOIl
1,11,. ' 1 i' M 'f ygiill'ITX I ' ""'
, ... a - '
: v " -.-.-"
1.. a - - j v
. - i "
L . . .1 v
rA XH y'f'
HAT moat interesting and hi&f."
la boIuk to take) wmmaucl 01 tne
w gmua "
u goiug 10
November u m u w
last year a l)l,le """" 1(h
a i.k i.tniiinmi imiiii iiih imili.v
Min w ''i'- - - - - . . . snoknne "The apple show man-
... most lut.ful ,n r u orbS Cid not ellmluat. tha bab,
-g-meut." f .SiV have an arm, of women on
imgean J MVfor .a. 80 we are going ahead to make these
naradea large? and more Intereatlng than laat year. ,
ment wltn mqtnu- '
"; i..M ... lanffiinne adeutiateiv to aescnue iubw
trite to say that nuthlng i the world arouses suet, real nean imerast m 1
tXSSXSi erring, gort. doll coaches and
- wltoeach decwaled wltlH loving care b, mothers and children,
express was ona. i n "T' , , ri heart Interest of awh a spec
T,","k t the n MpM m ride the ruler, of th. borne. The-Er-rV
S tm .ide oZ tholrVudct chea in the doll busies, and
? TTw. , wliriliow tliolr genlna by moans of tba express wagon, tricycle and
the Ih))s i i'o ullovely we may be as men and women, all
Z ZmZ evehody-a hd-n will be Interesting la
the babies' lainiita. a.oh'.fternoon of the show. In addl-
It W ai.iin... y.
h.ui tnat mpiitloiipil. tile lo.vs ana "i " -----
tion to th..e juat JP" ,hLlr worit clwrmotm and ta attlr. ot
JJ -dB who
to,t. la oat tu. parau-. ,
. . emarrnvisin " -
ana Nabra.kyr'
oRahta In Naw Yark Warld.
.chooL A littl. glrl who haa navar
. .... ii-i.
'"iS ld"Z curvltura It
. " . h. been .tralirbUnad to
Vi" V. crippled con.
'JuhZdW noticeable whan aha
" w beliava thai tha
! JT tL?v7 .
""",v " ...i
., dietitian from our itaU aericttl-
fc Uka. anUra charge
turat COUVga, wnoNwe eiiHie
7th. f pbi"m and do.. vy
m lniUr, oor cha.
dn bein-propwl-fwL-They all at-
pMUteVliool and live a. nearly
Hdrti , BonJuU hom. a. It
- ' "-"T ".u .u
u ' BMrl
Upoaaibla. - ' '
Wa fully believe that no lntttution
III VIV(vii ---- - -
. j .... n,i-
t.L.a Vii.f tar or it.
xunua man .
.j by
mitcomb & Co.. and .very cant
7 . .XDended ,CC0Untod
ior, ah our uiuo - -
eommittee of y,, board of trustee, at
All our bills are audited by a
. . . a I a. A- .
Verv truly youra
2V e AIVe bf
- -
Corn fur .ale. C. W. MeU.
r "
1 r 1
: " . . .at l la. AW a. tVavW.
; .he board of trustees.
nuun 'r
. ,1.- ivnnM nf truRteea.
v- .... .k
wicoed the apnla .how manage-
. s.kniie. '"The anula show man-
- .h .ui haart lnterMt 1
Uk, t create thing. IB t aUr.
. '
Buya Quartar Section
Mra. Katharlna Tlmmarman, of Ha-
lix, yastarday urchaaad a quartar
action of wheat land thraa tnllaa
nofthuit of Ilalix, of Clann Scott
n.a conaUlaratioa waa In tha naighbor
hood of tlS.000. Tha UaJ waa mada
by W. II. Morriaon, of lielixv E. O.
UttU Ctrl Leaca Taea
Llttla uJna Plagaman bad two of
bar toaa cut off a faw dayi ago whila
p'xyirg with har brothar at tha wood
pile. Tha boy w damonitrating hia
ability aa an axeman when June got
in uie wy una iwg wi nr tumm wn
avarad from tha foot Echo Nawa.
On November 28th, at tha Keylor WM emidarrf aafa to antruat Wm
Crand Theatra. Wall. Wi Glen with tha elub'a lirnlud axcheqam-. No,
Eilim,the famou ScottUh baritona, Z. VZT
wiuZg in aomp.ri.rn with Edm'. ' Tta W.lfjr. ehib h-a J
rreaUooof hi.aoica. TeaUoftbia " oth nmbra wm ; .
nature b... now been mada before be elected from time to time. uiU ..
800.W0 paopla Tba train! aara of abla maUnal off Tara ; .
200 mu.iVcr.tic. In Naw York m Be- Wkr thf 'T1L
ton were to detect any differ- b. r-aded wUlba i W W
enc. between the living voieaand Eii- ,"nU- JlrtT'
on'a recreation of it Urly aary Tuay araab to tba Ma-.-
AdmiMion. wblla-fraa. te by eard aontehalL .
only ana we numoer m ne msueu u
v. .u th-K-.
.. the number to ha burned la
Apply to DavK-aerCo.
A nnnn ROAD
. : A 0000
' , .
A good road i8 an invesU
ment, says the Oregon Journal.
A good road la one which is of
dred nd sixty-five days in the
year. It should be SO located
. . T
that it can be used With safety,
economy and comfort. It should
excessiye gharp
d ju foimdat0n and
curYeS &fQ ,0-. W
surface should Sustain the traf-
"."LrnT 'ZTl V
curves, auu i
it bears.
A good road is the product
. Mnafp iifiivi ' In firl.
(I wuV"vii. .-
- .. .
varice oi lis consirucuon ia-
vance oi va
anuiu V" ,
other large and expensive struc-
ture is piannea.
a i J
It is not built
iiu i. -
for B day but for all time. Its
a 1 1 , ..-. mm aa
"ef a - -
large building is erected under
Dy a capaoie engiueer juat, a
the supervision of an architect
It should be built upon a
plan to an ultimate end.
rri n. nn Morlmfllrine
the choice of the proper
cation and the building of a pw
. .... a '
manent grade tnat is aaequaw-
lv drained.
This is the permanent part of
j j m V.o
a good roau. c ui
trmrorarv Dart- cy layuut wie r
proper foundation the surface of
all roads can be developed as its
traffic, develops " without the
wasteful expenditure of reloca-
, ,. .
tion and regrading.
here today an arth surface
... .. . .. ri l-
wnl serve tne irainc 11 can oe
topped tomoiTow with gravel or
-1 . KM Mtirl maWAAOAO
Later can come the hard surface
of more durable types of pave-
ment By this method there Is
T4A 1?0 of a
1, " I" v fa t..
The gravel ana ma-
tuuuiu van ut wu--
. . . .1.1;
... , , ,
best of foundations for the more
expensive surface.
Each type of surface will serve
its day and generation and form
UaotfO XUl Aw9 outwovii
Thus there is no economic loss
a uuo v...-.
No one, can foresee what the
. - -
highway traffic of the future is
to be but can be built on
.8 which wiU sustain
UndT U "
iubi wsuiv
.Wheat Sold at $1.50 -
.i . t1 rn
Sellmg mostly at a price of 1.50
for club, in the neighborhood of a
quarter million bushe.s of wheat
changed hands here within tie last
fftw dava. The S1.E0 price i. still
quoted today with tha mills offering
In the -view of H. W. Collins there
is now uu. w v r
,Tmati. POUntV wheat still in the
is now but 10 o r 15 per cent of the
. gw& a
7ST0iri D7 CLD,
J. n. Priea, Praaidant. '
J, H. William. Vleo-Praaidant.
E. M. Smith. Sacratary. . , :
S. A. Barnaa. Traaaarar. . .
1M IDCTI wnem Wtn f IKIIN nu
tnthuiatla maating, ',
newly-organised Waatos JValfara etniw"
which haa bagun ita earaar nndet tnoatv
favorable auxpkea. They witt aanra .
ona year. ' -. (- t -w
Tba tboT oAeara wara alactad at an
ur. W . V. ,' wi i
chairman, wasalao named for tha praatr
dancy, tut declined in faror of Mr. .
Aa Sim Barnaa hold tha city aacfc i
and la treasurer of nearly erenthina;.'.
aUa in town, and for many year ha ;
not deeamDed for oaita nnknown,- hV
- , u .
betterment will ba adopted only after , ,
Morementa baring In nawtna -wwn m
maetinaa. In order that whan launched 4
tT wm ba bkd by thafunth -
tha organlaation. ttjna:..
cara will ba uaea, in oroar ma. w p- ,
htj action m.y be tu' t
Arola requiring a two-third: voU for.
the adopt ox any meaaura ;
fplrit of Bd eameetneea that
Ms fair to overcome tha "Oowrnma
"TT .. . . .. l-t lea w tna oecay a. -
.,tlnn in the oaat '
ganlzatlon. In tba pt
" : , ,
Tur r, crTflU.1 Pfl I FPF '
..J----... .a. .
ar-4 ..a f
iiiiMirytjr.. . , ,
Alahfna " 1
1 '
Z to
iota, .
South Carolina
- ag -
H us See
. .a
-i. II '
. n
plJSlyivanie .
Soufh Dakota."
Vermont .-
' 0
Beattle. A. revised tabulation of rev
turne from preclncta of Waahtegtoair
. . a. 1 A aAfWa'l
gtvee wuaon a
vote, over Hughea.
for governor, uuw.
tjM 11000 wttt ot M
Bride, repubUcan. For ..nator, lolBt
dexter, republican, haa plurality of a
mora than 0,000 over Turner.
oarnor LI
For governor, u
a....- J ... m. tnll
. The state antl-aaloon league rau
DortS UU B9 UULjmilj -
initiative WH permitting brewariea 'M
1UiU.u,a .
make and .all beer to f
1W.0. wMUV JT
P"Ung noteU to .area -
gueaU wm beaten by at leMt iOO Beketa Adento Freak Primary;'
Blotut rails. 8. D.-Cand1dataaf-V'
preetdenial nomlnaOo- wlU ' banef'
ta gMtt a
dakat., or ,,-0
eannot appear oa primary al-
v primmTr 9.
enacted last Tuesday trader the iiftl
tlva remains on tha atatutea wW
At least the milk of human kindness
has not advanced la fries.
1 . ' a