r ( A VOIIDERFUl READEtG LAHP On cannot realls what a flood of light th Alr-O-llt lump give without lng It, It make and burn in own g from common gas oline, Clv a Ana, bright, wliita light of 800 candl xwr at a cost of on Mint par night. , Air-O-llt lamp ar af, economical and orna mental. No dangw if lamp UwtU. Simple and eeey to oprt. ' Full direction coma with vh lamp. Model M 307, aa llluatratiu' t the moat impular lamp vr mad. It la mad of Jraa throughout and havily nickel plated. Nothing la chapnd or alight ad In any way. Th larg f on lit holda four pint of geaollne. Com complut with 10 Im h opal ribbed dom abad aa ahown at $8.00 A lighting torch, a pump, a wrench and two man. ttaa coma with It. Gladly and on Inn daya' fr trial to partlaa having eatabliahed rmlit with ua, or to any on wMh privilege of rlum on rwelpt of prir. Ken! pair. I Mt, charge prepaid. If not convinced that you should try on at our rlak, pleaa Mnd for dcriptiv circular. Iit quality mantle 10c, 1 for 25c or 76 down. ' THE DAVIS-KASER CO. I'laiHia, Phonograph, Muaie Complvt Hum Furnisher -10 20 Aldor KU WALI.A WALLA, WASH. If Mil JL ; gv A Brass Bed of Artistic High Quality TT'S impoMlble to Illustrate all the beauty of this bed at! its tfinement of design and elegant simplicity. We want you to ace it whether you need bed now or not. If its remarkably low price does not induce you, we wilt not urge you to buy, You will have to see it to realise just what an imposing effect it creates. . : ,t DeMOSS FURNITURE I Dr. S. L KGuIARdI Veterinay Surgeon Hospital at corner of Main and Broad streets. Phono - Main 253 BREVITIES Corn for Hal. C. W. Mat. . Order taken for potud flower, at tha PeMewa Furnltura Htora. I. C. Ilopklniand family ar moving thl week to their Helix farm. T. K. Could of Milton la vim ting hi brother and friend In Weeton, Callataill" Ufa McBrlda'a la al- way at your dliol. lhon 92. E. E. Walikwi waa her thl wk off' a iHiaineea trip fmm hi farm nr i'raacott. Mr. and Mra. W. 11. Bailey, of Milt. on, war Waiting in Witon Sunday whila on their return horn front rn- dlelon. Th Infant eon of Mr. and Mra. C F. Wright, formerly of Waaton, died recently at their home In Entarpriae, Oregon. Mr. K. M. Warren 1 leaving to morrow for an axtendad vit with her daughter. Mrs. Will NorDean, at Wal late, Idaho, Frank Tucker arrived from tha Okanogan country Friday to vlait bla mother, Mra. Cora McDuff, during har critical Hln. Ceorg Srhnltxcr cam down to vot Tueaday from th Weaton upland, where h has been buay building a farm houa addition and putting la ' a claUrn for Ales Kling. F. W. HTfnn, lata of Portland, has bought a half interest in the Paatim pool and billiard hall of E. E. Zthm. Mr. HolTman bringa hia wif and little eon to mak their noma In Waaton. After an extended visit with bar daughter, Mrs. Newt O'llarra, Mra. Margaret Wheeler ha returned to har town raaidene. where h expect to remain during th winter. Mrs. G. W. Proabttal and daughUra are mak ing their home with her, Mr. and Mra. L. Chapln of Indian Valley, Maho.r here for an extend ed viait with their en, J. W. Chapln, and. hia family. Mr. Ethel Lang, a niece of Mr. J. W. Chapln, arrived lat evening from Lewlaton, complet ing th pleaaant family circle at the farm houa. Tha Hudson Super Six by perform anoe, economy and comfort ia In a elaa alone. Being anderprioed it will advance 179 on December lit. It Is th car you want you take noehanee. A dollar aaved two dollar earned. Get your auto before December lt next. Watts 4 Rogers, A mantle of white on the foothills near Weaton Sunday morning Indf- We're Too Mi for Utterance and we don't 'dare utter utter for fear we might be UTTERLY WRONG.. vmTWffWHWtvHffWfmMWHMHWH So Left Get Back to "Biz" We have a sewing machine on sale that uses a whole spool below and no bobbin. It's fine. See our ELECTRIC WASHER and , feast your eyes on BEATERS and RAKGES WA' tk ROGE SOMETHING TO CROW OVER However, we'll let Mr. Rooster do what little crowing may bo neceaaary. We merely wlah to aay that wa will appre ciate your patronage in our line and do our beat to earn your good opinion, rf Rolled Barley, Oataand Whatj Baled Hay, MlllatutT and Chicken Fd. We're local agenta for Peieock Flour 'and Blatchford's Calf Meal. FhoiiSL " D. R. WOOD the Feed Man I raile uinrka onl toivrtefco Maimt or m vrtii fM rave ssaron mtrn n twtfWitv, aitk nfimmi ATSNTa BUILD PORTUMtS ftm. Our hm MlM ivll ha. tluu u km l4lrIMr. Wr)HWtr. D. SWIFT & CO. 1303 ATSNT LAW BRventn vc Wsinlngton, D. C as, HOMER X WATTS Altorrey-t'Uw i'raetlees in all Stats sod Federal Courta. ATMBNA, OKEGON cated the near approach of winter. During the heavy rain in theJowlands Saturday, snow fell in the mountains, and reached a depth of aix inchea or more. Mail carriers report that the mountain roads are in bad condition. Jo Lleuallen returned the flint of the week from Morrow county, where he attended hia daughter' wedding. II eaya that thmthing i atill in prog reaa around lone and Lexington and will continue aeveral week a, to large ia the acreage. Farmer generally will gat out of debt thl year and eome will have a surplus. . Contributions from the following, uberibr vine laat report have done much toward cheering the : Leader man on hia Inky way: G. W. Stagg, Geo, B. CarmichaeL Will Preston, Mr. Sarah Powl, C. W. Avery, D. F. Lavender, Dr. S. L. Kennard, L. R. Van Winkle, M. M. W. Van Winkle, J. M. Banlatar, E. E, Walden, Mrs. Fsnny Mc Bride. Th editor of the Weekly Bull- 2 waa tha same as he received for his wheat here unaacked. Consequently ne feela he mad a good aale. He had 30,000 bushel for sale but declined to aall more than 10,000 buahela, al though be would have disposed of the entire crop at f 1.60 per buaheL ' ' The grand chancellos of the Knight of Pythias, who will perhaps be ac companied by tha grand keeper "of record and aeal, will viait Stevens lodge No. 49, in Weston, on Wedne day vning' November 22, while tour ing Umatilla county. His dates for the county ar as follows: Pendleton .the 20th, Milton the 21st, Weston the 22nd, Athena the 23rd and Helix the 24th. Local Pythian will endeavor to make the visit a pleaaant one for their distinguished guest The Saturday Afternoon club met at the home of Mrs. W. A. Graham, October 4. Th afternoon waa princi pally taken up with tha study of the amendments and varioua measure to be voted upon the following Tuesdi y, Mrs. 1. F. Snider acting aa leader. After this weighty mental excercise the ladies vers glad later to partake of luncheon and to devote a brief per iod to lighter topic. Mrs. G. F. Sni der, of Dayton, Wash., was present aa a guest of the club. So eager were they to see the Pen-dleton-La Grande high school .football game Saturday that Arnold Reed and Dewey Gervais, two Pendleton boys, walked the entire distance over the mountain from Pendleton to La Grande. They left Pendleton at 4:30 Friday afternoon and reached Meach am at midnight Leaving at 7:30 the next morning, they reached La Grande at 2:30, in time for the game, making the 75 miles in 13 hours. u u I u I Tbe Fanners BasM'iVes ton Established 1891 I What provisions are you making for the winter time of life? Are you laying anything aside? You'll need it some day. Store up a little in this bank each month for the future. .iSuajj4Kii33iOB3l.4 Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at the Leader office Sixty (minimum).. $0 85 One hundred 1 15 Two hundred.......... 1 65 Each additional hundred 0 40 DK. W. G. HUGHES Dntlst Office In th Klam Knlldlng, Milton Hour, V to 12 and 1 to fl ' New fork, Nov. I. A republican majority of about SO In the house of representatives, and a largely-reduced democratlo majority In the aenate, were Indicated by early return a. Con servative estimates, which would have v. gwen the republlcsns SIT members as dogger informs a callous public that ... , .v.- h., he has an acuta attack of hay fever, n moiUM by the returna from 1 "Brasxd Mew" I New York atate alone to give the re publlcana 220 member. Returns from Illinois indicated, 3d 3 The Universal Car The Ford with the new features: large radiator and enclosed fan; streamline hood; crown fenders front and rear, and entire black finish, is one of the most attractive cars oh the market These qualities in combination with the smaller purchase price bring the Ford within the possibilities of nearly every home, Why forego the pleasure and Convenience of Ford travel another day? Ford prices again reduced and Ford quality higher than ever. Small expense of operation and upfceep the utmost in motor car value and service for business and pleasure. Strength of construction, simplicity in design, real Ford merits. Place your order now. Touring Car $414.85. Roadster $309.85. - K. I IDIMESTO'I GARAGE and says: "Inasmuch as this is not the sccepted season for bay fever, at tacks, w can only explain ours by the fact that w have been handling a Judglnf fl on pre. good many atraw votes lately." While d4ntW thtt tt, ,epubUcana the malady lasts, there ought to be a would mtk, subt,tntlal ,tlni in lot of good wheeses In the Bull- n0UM dogger1 colyums. u w,u probtbly Dot u definitely The campaign was wound up -at known Just what the status of the Weston Saturday night by th Repub- senate la until complete returns from licans, who held a rally at the opera ttea are compiled, but early re house. Arthur I. Moulton, of Port- tiro showed at least one tain which land, waa the nrlncJnal soeaker. and bad not bea counted as sure by the o..v. n .loouensDMch in suDDort of republican lesders. Scattering ths Republican presidtntial candidate, Made of Malt a refreshing temperance drink. Poo! and Billiard Hall E. E. ZEIIM Even the Wilson men present praised the speech as an excellent one from the G. O. P. standpoint, although de claring that it could not change their votes. Mr. Moulton lived in Weston when a boy, and the people of this community are glad of tha distinction he is winning in law and politics. East Oregonian: For a price of $1.50 per bushel, W. W. Harrnh sold 10.000 bushels of club wheat in Kansas City on November 2. The wheat was sold to ths Terminal Elevator of Kansas City, and tha price is for the wheat, f. o. b. Pendleton, unsacked. Ac cording to Mr. Harrah, the Portland pries for tacked wheat oa November leaders. Scattering re turna from Maryland Indicate that J. Krwla Pranee, republican, may beat David J. Lewis. If the early returna should be borne out, the republicans will have gained seats east of the Mississippi In New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Ohio and two in Indiana, a total of als seats. The probable logs of' one in Delaware offse's the September gain In Maine, so that the republicans will only have to gain two more seats for a tie In the upper house. Republicans have high hopes ' of gaining aeata in the senate In Mis souri. Nebraska, Montana, Nevada and Arlsona. The republican weak spot are North Dakota, Wyoming and New slsxlQQ. 1 rCP j if S"! and SCHOOL SUPPLIES Perfumes and Toilet Articles" Rubber Goods and Sponges ' Fine Stationery Cigars . Pure Drugs and Medicines EASTMAN'S KODAKS and SUPPLIES PAINTS, OILS, GLASS HERMAN GOODWIN PRESCRIPTION" DRUGGIST Tho Store WESTQN, OREGON ' 1 P" m V i 1 -.