The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 27, 1916, Image 3

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    H t
Unlae you know tli New 'VlilU Itutary It la lciiiMw(tl for vim to
riie r even approximate how much aiierir It I to all outvie, ami
eaiHcially to realise how iiicitiarahly euvriur It la to all ordinary or
vibi at iiik rhullia iiiMrhliMta. lid you ever eve a ur of a Now wini
Kiiiary who would conelrier any other inarhln at any prlcef Tbere'e I
aton. lot of reaeona. but none of them are ao convincing1 aa Ilia m
china llMlf. The of regulation and nianiitulatiMii; lha murk, quiet,
. performanre tha iIihIiiI wort any one ran do without expert
siwiedM"---i more convincing than all tha high sounding rlalnia ul
oii( lor inferior and In aoma caaea actually wry common niaviiinaa.
OUa ua a thane to demonstrate lha truth of those statement. Wa
all Ihts machlna aa wa do other good -satisfaction or your money back
so you taka no chances.
' About )rlceet Tha faclory hat Iwlca advanced tha price alnra our
I il carload waa received. VV hail rvarnl tor la exhauated wa too
shall hava U advance, r or lha preeent lha following price lira In ef-fact-brand
naw niachliMM in original factory cratva;
dig drawar Oak stand. Automatic Drop livid II7.M
r'our drawar, Nit titrate, Automatic Drop Head ,. 17 M
Mlaalon tlaaign, Autoinalla Ur llaad ftl.M
Cabinet tioUi.n Uak, Automatic Drop Heed IM.0
Portable Electric, 7-ejwed motor ,.M.M
Alt ar aomulota with flnt let attachments. Lat nothing Indue you
to Luy any other maka.
Tianoa, Phonograplus Musi Complete llonia furnishers
10 20 Alder St. WALLA WALLA, WASH.
,. ' Democratic Candidate for
If elected will conduct tha office In tha Interest of tha public
I am not In the undertaking business.
Nld advertlwawat. -
e a
I Dr. S. L EEIiliARDi
i i Veterisay Snrgeca,
; Hospital at corner of Main
! and Broad streets.
; ; Phone Main 253
Hliaw for sale. Fred McGrew.
iluoil Klvar rcporta two esses of in
fanllla psrslysls. fc
' Hay Winn la driving- 1017 Ford,
bought at tha Weston garege,
' Mr. and Mra. Than Wyland ara vlait
in in Waaloii front I'llot Kock.
Export watch repairing. No job luo
dlfflcull, II. II. Hill, Westun, Or,
Bonator Chamberlain will apeak in
Waa ton at 1UW p. m. next Monday,
October 80.
Having recovered from bia illuaaa,
Contractor H, T. Gora resumed work
laat waak at At liana.
Two 1914 modal Fords, ' juat over
haulad and In excellent condition, for
aala, Weston Garage,
County Clark Frank Satiny waa up
from Pendleton Wednesday vuiitg
ud ttended tha band plsy.
I hava two splendid milch cow for
aala. Tbey ara half Jray and half
Durham and maka tba raniaikabla teaia
of 11.8 and 10.8 percent. Make tn n
frr. e. js. iwhitj. ; '
''lab" Watta of Athena ia reported
to ba going hunting today in tha wtkla
of Kaiuala with hia now high-power
Nawluu rilla. rred boyd, Ciem Uut
can and liiil Dobaon aia going along
with their lilt la old thirty-thirllea to ba
ready for aiuerganciaa if lha NawUu
d Mtau't i hoot alraighU ' '
M.t Odaaaa Kirkpatalck bi purch
awl tha confactionary atora of bar
brother, K. t. Ktrkpatrick, and will
taka poaiaaaion November let.- AfUr
f aw waaka tar.a will laava for a vlett
with friahda at Anatxia, Waab., wbcra
ba waa formarly in bualneaa. Miaa
Kirk patrlck will be auccoadod aa local
( J
Count Your Itlany Friends
Right Mow
and send them Weston Normal literature
Time is Short, Precious and Opportune
Come and see the double spool sewing machine no
bobbin. Machines at $18.50 to $45.00. ,
Phonographscoming $15.00 and up.
Weber, Winona and John Deere Wagons
However, we'll let Mr. Rooelerdo what
'Jittl crowing way-ba weaeeaary.- Wa
'merely winh to ey that wa will apprv
clau your paironaga In our lint and do
oir to aarn your good opinion.
lt.,lld lUrley, UaU and Wheat; tlalod
Hay,. MillatulTi and Chlckan Faad.
Wa w local aganta for i'ticock Flour
and Ulalchfoid a Calf Meal I'hoitaj 281.
D. ri. WOOD the peed Alan
Attorney at-Liw
r'rllcea in. all Utatt and Federal
Inbt iMirhIUl4fl4f1fMa1laWaveJ MM
i.v K.w4 taiH, f lMtn M 4e
NttlUHyv laaHaal tW if-
)wtt OnffrwUriilili Ml Ik, to amt
mmT wait, Writ tejr..
903 Ssvenib St, WaaRingtoa, D. C
, C. P. Strain, aaaessor, eandidata for
ra-alection', aolicita your further aup-
twvrt HMn kia mmnI. ITia .ffif int
t Ul-PhoiK. orator b, bar aa- .i.tuo,, wd unmatehwi
aunw.Kuuy ,r.. . omy do not eoniUluU hU ooIy worth
At a maatiiif Tueaday at tha U. B. you. ItepeaUd alaction as aisct
Cburcb tna louowing oibcera weia xr hava given him an influence which
elected by tna local union of tha W. Cr regarda youri and which he ueea
Y. U.: Mra. t. A. Dudley, praa.Ueut;
Mra. lnl binder, vice praideiui Mia.
Clariaaa lrice, reoorutiig aaceury;
Mra. Lelha King, correaponduig. aaci
tary; Mra. b. l Kennard, trvaaurvr.
A good report of tba atalo convention
waa given by tha delegate who at
tendou and tha year 'a work wu biter
eeilngly diacuaaad. lha union will
mea. again novawoer at me no.ue flnMt VM , Ath,n. wwe
of M. Keuna.d, where i aocial after- b M back by hunUnK party. ,
D Kn will be apvut and refraabnienta
erred. " -. ",
faithfully for your benefit upon all
proper occaalom. '(Adv.)
Tba Athena Preu report that F.
& LeGrow and Sam Pambrun have
returned from their Montana bunting
trip, on which they were accompanied
by Dick McLean and Frank Grasty.
The liunt waa very aucceasful, each
hunter getting an elk. Some of the
: Dentist
Ofll.'e In J he Klmn Hiiildlng, MIIujd
lloum, V to 12 and I to 6
Judge Thomaj II. BrenU, one of
Wall Walla, a honored pioneer and
widely known throughout the Nortb
weat, died Monday morning at bia
home in that city alter a lingering
ilineaa. Judge lirenta waa born in
Illinois in )40r and twelve year la
ter accompanied hi parent with an
ox team train-aero the plain. He
had since been a cowpuncher, pony
expre rider, lawyer, congrwamay
and jurlt. Of the 62 yesia it pent 3 l" srrea!-. The Leader.
in tfi orUlweatl bti were devoted ; . .
to the study, practice) and admini- - When Messrs. Roosevelt and Tsft
trstion of law, brought themselves to the point of
Ceorge E. Snider of Dayton, Wash.,
visited last week with hia brother, J.
F. Snider of Weston. Mr. Snider ia a
substantial farmer of the Dayton
neighborhood, where he handle two
section and a half of land. He rep
ort that region to be enjoying it full
bare of Inland Empire prosperity.
' We are on a ossb basis and want no
'patronage on any other terms. Sub
eon pilous Considered eah when not
allowed by the subscriber td run one
The largest stock of
I Cigars, Tobacco and
in town
Kirkpat rick's
W. M. Ptlcrsoa V G. ft. BUhop
Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. . 4 Freewater, Or.
G;i i';;r Si Fid
Before Pressing Your Suit
You'll win her if we do
the work.
A shave, hair-cut and
shine would help.
to your measure
R. L. Reynaud
J Physician and Surgeon
I Post Building (Dr. Stone' for-
I merollice) Athena, Oreg.
shaking hands, each seemed to know
instinctively that tha other did not A. A A A. v A. A A A A
by im Saturday Aturnoon Uuo a. exoect him to renly to the meaning -o"
Saturday, October 21, wa observed
JeaSaSjejajeBjes. flffMfajasajprBaw
TheJ Universal Car
. Th nw Ford can'ar up-to-the-minute"'ln3 appear
ance, with large radiator and enclosed fan, hood
with full stroamlfhe effect, crown fender front and
rear, black finish with nickel trimmings -a snappy
looking car and with all the dependable, enduring
and economical qualities that have made the Ford
"The Universal Car." One fact is worth more than
a ton of guesses. Ford cars are selling from five to
ten over any and all other cars, simply because they
give more satisfactory service, last longer and are
asler to operate and cost less to maintain and
there's no guessing about the reliability of Ford .ser
vice. Touring Car '$414.85. lioadster $339.85. ,
Keception Uay tor the teacher of the
public school, Mr. Joseph Wurter
acting as busies. The snort musical
program included a song by Mrs, K. M.
5uiiin and piano duet by Mis huth
Head aud all tiladyl Smith. Kefresh
menu were served uy the membership
committee, Mesdame K. W. Brown,
3. A. Uarnes, C H. Smith, r'rsnk Gra
ham, A. J. Mciiityr. 'i'h guesta were
Misses Kintoul, Cogswell, Moren, Kil
mer, Workman and Dryden of the Wes
ton school faculty, and Mr. Kay of
Portland, house guest of Mr. L. K.
Van Winkle.
leu inquiry, "How do you do!"
The boll weevil, although it may
have somefault. I not without a re
gard for tli social proprieties, and it
wont be long now before it return '
the visit of the South Carolina com
missioner. , -
Vole 312 1 Yes
save snsM&y
the mmm
- If the cost of food continue to ad
vance, those who advocate a healthier
humanity by ten day fast every three
month soon may become popular.
Every time you hear a dull, sick
ening thud it ia the fall of the Greek
. Milton Eagle Me) Turner, who ac
companied J. W. Davi on hi trip to fcgulnst.
Nevada, had the misfortune to let the
"Whit Bug" get away from him in
Freewater Wednesday morning. lie
cranked it and evidontly left it in low. Jn y,. Circuit Court of the State of
the bug, alter climbing the support Oregon, for Umatilla County.
' : .. .1., i .... .
and one-twenty-nrth of a mill for a
normal school
Wwtuii- which .
reiinil'es but one-fortit'tli of a mill annual maintenance:
to put it In successful owratKHi7 Kead page il of
th voters' iamlilet; and if you want, to avoid need
less taxation, vote
when the state owns a good ulant , at
309 X No
Paid advertisement-F. D. Watt, Weston, Or.
of a roof in front of a barber shop,
and walking through a window next
door found an immovable object in the
form of an electric light pole; and af
ter climbing half way op th pole and
playing peek-a-boo with th wire it
ceased its fruitless effort having dia
bgured it left front wing. ' No other
serioua damage wa den. ''' ,
" Cross receipts from the play Wed
nesday evening were tlW.W, and the
liberal support thua given, has' dune
much to encourage the W entail Concert
Hand. The singing between act by
Mr. Jack Koot of filot Kock, who ba
a voice of rich and pleasing quality,
was greatly enjoyed by 111 audience,
and he has in omul's grateful thank
for bis assistance. Mr. Koot whs ac
companied to Weston by Mr; L. K.
Harlan, editor of the Pilot Kock Rec
ord, who complimented the play highly.
Its success "was due in large measure
to the thorough and capable work of
Mrs. J. If. William a director. The
cast contemplate presenting it Satur
day evening ef next week at Umapin,
Mita Joyce Mullenberg, Plaintiff,
John B. Muilenberg, Defendant
Tg the Defendant, John B. Muilen
In the nam of th state of Oregon ,
you are hereby required to appear ami
answer the complaint tiled against yoii
in the above court, on or beforo tna
last day of the time prescribed in tne
order tor publication herewith to-wie,
the 8th day of December, 1916, and if
you tail so to answer for want there
of the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed lor in her com
plaint on ti:e herein, to- it, for a de
cree of divorce forever dissolving the
marriage now and heretofore existing
between plaintiff and defendant, for
the restoration of her maiden name,
Nita Joyce Calhoun, and for such fur
ther relief as to the court may seem
litis summons I served upon you
by order of the Honorable Gilbert W.
pnelpt Judge of the above -entitled
Coart, which order is dated the 25th
day of October, 1916. The date of
the first publication is the 27th day
of October, 191ii, and of the last pub
lication is the 8th day of December,
; AUorosji fox Plaintiff.
A vote of S12JX Yes is a vote against the ''Blue
Law," which forbids all Sunday business :
. . - except toJthe drug stores.
Paid Advertisement E. E. Kirkpatrick, E, E. Zehm, Weston, Or.
moos j;
Perfumes and Toilet Articles Rubber Goods and Sponges
Fine Stationery Cigar- Pure Drugs and Medicines
The mtOL&l Store