The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 27, 1916, Image 2

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takes pleasure in announcing that it has secured the
services of Mr. Gforve A. Ferguson, of Pendleton,
as Umatilla county representative.
Associated with Mr. Ferguson is Mr. Tom Quinn,
formerly with the company at Prinevi!!.
Pendleton has also been chosen as the headquar
ters for Cy IL Pruner. the company's agency su(ier
visor in Eastern Oregon.
The State Insurance Commissioner's report issued
in 1916 shows that the Oregon Life leads all compet
itors in the state and has now passed the ten million
dollar mark in business.
The continued patronage of Umatilla county peo
ple is solicited on the pledge of 'Superior Sen ice"
and sound insurance.
n mtf
Oregon's Successful Life Insurance Company
The Only Company "Exclusively Oregon"
Best for Oregonians
HOVE OFFICE. Coaarrr BiiLPwe. Fifth and Utrnwa St.
A. L. HILLS. Dwdeol G S. SAMUEL, Gatrml Uaaagtr
K. N. STRONG, AaauUnt Utnrf
GEORGE A. FERGUSON. District Manager,
m ' ! m ! m ! m
Vlij Vcle Perfela J125.CS3
for something we already possess a State Normal School
plant in Eastern Oregon I
Why vote aa annual tax of one-twenty-fih of a' mill
u vzmarwu oraiiu wneo ODe-iorueLa Ol a mill woud
provide ampie maintenance for the Weston Normal?
TV rnn mini frra ha rw:f a' nrL-ar " fWI iV ,
TV I- ak. . a i . , . . .
iB lbc ai.-yruxuiiai.e sum teat a renaietoa normal would
cost over and above the cost of the Weston Normal, al
lowing for a nominal increase in state valuations.
Every Kan. woman and child in Oregon is annually
taxed $U, according to A. H. Harris, a Portland writer.
Taxes for all purposes in 1M6 reached the enormous total of
$00Q,93Ql4. isdSooU alone cost $;,UU0.UM. Why ttws
tax money away by granting Pendleton's absurd demands?
ry K:t Bk?si lis Wes&a IMl
It's readr for use and cwskts at fair a:.
, - - . r mjjjjj, ma
ten acres ol ground. It has been recently inspected and ap
proved by sucn prominent architects as tieezer Eros, of Se
attle and Osterman & Sseoert oT Walla ft alia. Beezer Bros,
say that $3X properly expended on the prncipal building
would faring it to aa "almost perfect condition." These sub
stantial taxpayers, ooicuus and men of aaairs denounce the
Pendleton scneme as one of "extravagant foL'y:"
J. M. Ranwter. Major tut W h; Homer L Wtttg,
Matrar w Alanta; a. is. iUcWJk. steamier of A thru; H,
A. Baxneit. Mmtmut, Aloj; C. A. fcareeU. Sen
aur. Aifceaa; H. Ltc, cx-couaty Octuuasaooer, Ui.toe;
J. K sc5r, nrcaBi, frrcewater; C. U. Hoe. Mayor
of Mittuo, H 1 tlUirr, ex-4.nljr taia'r, JiuUm. '
Why did not Pendleton confine her bill to a normal school
proposition? Why does she seek to "validate" institutions
that are firmly and lawfully established? Is it not dear that
this is a vote-catcfcinj? device? Isn't it 1og-rolJing" of the
rankest variety?
And finally, would you care to send your children to a
town impregnated with Kound Up atmosphere? Isn't it a
jci uiav a great tMunv up town is lor that very reason f
poor state school town? Would you want your children to I
cess its wanton revelry?
Paid r, F. D. Wtt. E. 0. De
lia. Mm. acexati. 8.
Baimc, Out HowL Mestoo. Or.
CtAJtk oou,
TV Yr ft M
S Mdnlk Ti
rur UtNrtk , W
(Untry, rved the c.ue of hu- i; tQ-tf-t) 'a'P!?!- t
'A Umatilla County Cttixvn
hrt MiuAiU ( L 1. Su-ain tn tne N
RrcUir. pN inh prr lnfKM .li.c lVitdlclon Tribune and is afraid
Tr.... eK,rirtM . ... u nanic w t niilKd to J
Uh.U. Un, p urtH-. S . , mili.h ,.ntuM J
an ambushed bushw hacker,
maih-ipnted the children of the
I with the American v
ith the wttrkl.
9Ct. 17. i4
Our morhaiidi;?e and our GOLDEN KULK
rKlCfcS are npi'ivciatoil Jy mi. . N?o un
first, We are always glad to ghgw our
complete stock.
When the -oter gets into the
election booth in November and
Ugjis voting on the initiative
Speaking of the speaking of
one of the g. o, u. spetibimiers,
what in bm tall is he able J a-hum
. i .
looxe say;
g ivy, Un ami ihUj .
li u
ivj aia ...wwr-w
, tin
tlMty uwl miiv4 ai.. Zjc Xk
Waul MiUvil
A vote lor Geo. II.
district attorney w a
IiUhop for I ( Mi,.
vote lor a s j.
J Mvn'i Ml ttit'iwts, Wallwr or rum-
iJurt' oM aid pajamaa 4 ta T9r .J
Urn's lin IJc 1 .49 .J
jm Nt 4'J J
felrn jrrw M 1 4 fl.M '
..)' i'fJ. mJ Mr Ij
k.ja' jftujt, t'J Um 11.49 J
timy tfmlrt mmU, rwl ad r.f
HI ar It ! .
Mi' marklnataa
. ta
, lMU4bi
(Mgtns voung on tne uuuauve " j "
measures kt him remember a ined Uwyer. an upngU J t C i II J ' 1 II
what one nanarkaUe measure nd wbaUntiai Ui- flen S OllltS AiaClC 10 AlCaSUfC
Will do. It u called the th "Full ler-
Rental Value Land Tax and 1 ,,a
Homcmakers' Loan Fund An- Do not confuse the Single Tax
endment" on the ballot, although bill. ntch is brat on tne ballot,
its peUlious mere circulated un- with Ue rnrai credits ineasurr,
uer anotner name. wnicn is sevemn, toie ooa
It adopted, every other form N if ) would sate your rtal
of property will be exempt I rum estate Iron) virtual connacaUon.
taxUon and land alone will bear
the burden. Kaiiroads and pub- Glory be. the fall rains have
tic service corporations will no copiously came!
longer pay their share of tne r , , ; ;
taxes. ln small man must pay Nailine all of Pendleton'a cam-
his share as well as theirs. pxn ik-s would be a task for a
auo, alter paying, taxes to Titan.
support all governmental expea-
llundrcdi of new samples to select from
$15.00 $17.50 '$20.00
:J Athena
a- - a- a- a .
Ine Ji
urcoon ::
sov the land owner must pay a
tax so tnat loans as hign as
idOU may be made to persons
TK Japan may to aUa U mak
Uiba'' at laM coat Uua aur Aror
kaa auwaiactama. but It wul ba
aoase tuam bCer thay cm play wita
l.' . - . a ae
w ua Mini auu Ulifilt , .. - .
lor themselve. 1 nese loans are tmM
without interest and wita qu-
tionabie security. . . .v
Lnkss this measure u swamp- pr,tt, Uow.
votes. avr, coa prvUbly ewf jt to utat city
ed. under a llood ot So
We art not brintlnf rwih KratU but la WnlMi,
tTtm. t ui b or eamiant aim lo patrons
, ytl Ua twai cval can praruti at tb totat prk
cgtwiatant itk a rtuwaUt riBt. (Htm ho. 12.)
Iaim luid and (nan rw.1 mih In a(l.-h kmu i:rEir.iv tA
values wul drop out ol sight t- t' "l thn n T MAMDAIin itir r
lor, their uiuortanate owner u u " AkBOUK 31 VVCStOn Brickyard
v. a ,
can catch their breath.
Sea paof Ja rsJil aorir Uial
ia Lcs:" ewnatry r iia-naa rtfikz4
a fox-autL A fa host ia a Xai.-a
u ta tax rita ay.
With such a candidate as Pre
sioent to ilaon and such a record
ol party acoievement there lu
ovtn uom tne stait of tne cam- -iMufcn
tne matt soba ground v
aope i or ltmocrauc success.
xour the ttiaeixts o VKtoiy De-
gin to appear.
ltie ducago Tribune, the lea
ding Kepubijcan paper ot lai
MMtuie eat. aunuis tiat the at- ,
Uk-i u rock-rawed tupitM:a
umu: oi LUiiiots is veiy uouOwul
a tact sooie tone ago knon to ,
tnwa lamJLar iui tue s.tuabou.
rianciS J. lieney states uuu
Caiuoi ma. is sure tor W Uoon. tne
rtogretesivta there not betng
Jhetp tnat follow Liindly, but,
yeopie whose pofcucs are based
mvdiAWrtnce.oth.New fe R. T. BROWII
lont fcvtrucg nobt, aier a tour , " vw v i,'w 11
oi tne state oi AUunesota, pus RepubHcaa Momlneefor .
Uiat state in tne tvuson column, r,Ainf Vtb- .-
NO IvED TArE ' u ;
Hartman Abstract Go.
Corner of Main and Court Streets
Vcte 3C3 X K9
and IdUchig&n is placed teatue .1
wy many political jiugea. uxnuf
attention usually given it ty tne brir -w, TSm, iwSa!
rwwr cu, near aebuoL
The Adam V period Bedroom
buite in the OLD IVORY is abso
lutely new hot from the factory
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon Waibbarg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected blue-stern in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
- - -
X "
Sold In Weston by
I'eston Mercantile Company
Bepuoucans. rxoia the b;g guns
uy are tiring tnere one would
thmlf it a Uemocrauc Verdun in-
svumi 01 a state rolling up a ZW,-
uou Kepublican majority,
r'rom every state reports back
ed by solid .acts and reasomng
come in snowing a tide ol laitn
and loyalty toward the Preso
tct nxviEg steadily over tie
land. ' .
it may lack sound and fury
and speciaculanty; . there ait
none ol the Ibying 'or "scour-
gisg" or the -sinning them a-
hve" features in the movement
such as characterized tne epuu
hcan campaign. It is too deeo
for sound or loam. But it mov
es forward and onward with in
evitable impetus, having behind
it as its source and lorce tee
growing belief that frcudest
ViLn has preserved us from
war and more than maaiained,
has in fact increased the naUonal
honor; that he has served the
farming interests and the
ug interests of the cation
Dresser..... ........
Top JOxX
t rwicli Mirror 30x39
Top ItiM
FrwKblmr 1520
Dressing Table... ,..$ai.00
Top lMjj
Hu Knrnch Wirrura ,
Two 10x18; lU3i
Bed-Wooden $18.00
v Full aiaa-4 fl. in.
DeTxxrratic Kominee lor
' ' '
H aJWVH II II 19 fl 1 V4 a v V
Made of Malt a refreshing
id the"rprg s ' '-"i.iwt
Poo! and Billiard H!i
j (
wisdom sxd courage; that he tu