The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 27, 1916, Image 1

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ll Writts at Ttrlli at Oiut City" lw
Ut UMIii'i Colsauu - lea ML
(Uk tttmki Is Kiyatfc) ' It Mm MittttUs)
KrfewattT, Oregon, Democratic
Candidate for
District Attorney
J PM Advertisement.)
" v
8 &
56 X T. D.
Democratic Candidate fur
reflection m - '
1 K. Itorlun, Editor of Mm
I'llut Rotk Record '
When Colonel Wood came before the
rurUln Wednesday availing and ad
mitted that 1 waa tha best aditor be
tween I'andlalon and Uklah ha did nut
tail you half tha etory. 11a ahould al
ao hava publicly admitted that ha had
: requested ma to MwriU-up" tha play
being randarad that evening, because
ha know 1 would be in a "particularly
Jubilant frame of mind after having
had tha pleasure of witnessing one of
tha beet homa talent effort it haa av
ar been my pleasure to critisiz or
command In tha columna of a oewa
papar. Tha Colonel himself, natural
ly, would ba Inclined to dovota con.
aldarabla amount of tpar In thia ia
aua of tha Leader to hi own effort '
in tha play In ordar that ha might
publicly acknowledge hla auparlority
on tha boarda ovar hia arch-enemy
ovar tha hill our mutual friand Col
onal Boyd. Tha wrltar of thia articla
seriously, howavar, la Inclinad to ac
knowladga himaalf that Wood ia Justly
entitle! to hla ahara of honor in mak
ing thia play tha grand euccos it waa.
Aa "Oln Ban", tha man with a past, ,
., ii '. '
" '" i A -- i ' '
rw SILO m flU-T
h. I MIX
a ji i&w - Jos , i u
r- -as3C V - ;-
SlplIlUBt SUUarat tim Sit Uar4 Ctey,
ttfui't rretp SeaeUfj'.
M ui ia ay Ft I
London, Oct 25 Anothar import
ant contribution to tha dticusaiona of
peaca waa made by Viacount Grey,
becretary of Foreign Affair, at a
lunch given by the Foreign Pre Aa
aoriation, at which tha diplomatic re
preeentative af oil tha allied coun
tries were preaent
'I he Foreign Secretary made it plain
that tha al!i were not prepared to
diacuii peaca term, and gave no indi
cation of what their term might be,
but welcomed any effort. by neutral
countrie for combination to prevent
further war. Soma of tha moat im
portant passage of tha Secretary'
apeech follow;
Object of Wur Dlacuaae4
"I would like to talk, not, indeed,
about actual condition of peace,which
can only ba atated and formulated by
tha alliea together, and not by ana ona
of them aeparateJy, but about tha gen
eral object which tha alliea mutt co
cure la thia war. And to do that I
would ak yon to recall that we never
must forget how the war came about.
If we are to approach peace in a pro-
Oniha Bee.
on Cermany, but waa forced by Ger
many upon Europe, that it ia the alliea
who mtut have guarantee for future
"In July, 1914, no ona thought of at
tacking Cermany. It ia aaid that Ru
ata waa tha ftrat to mobilize. That,
I understand, la what ia represented
in Cermany aa judication for tha
statement that tha war waa not an
aggressive war on Germany'a part,
but waa forced upon her.
"Russia never made the mobilisation
of which Germany baa complained on-
til after Germany refuaed a confer
ence, and never made it until after tha
report appeared in Germany that Ger
many had ordered mobilization, and
that report had been telegraphed to
Belgium Sole German Plea ,
Tha whole plan of campaign of tha
German staff waa to attack through
Belgium, and now it I reported that
they had to attack through Belgium
because other people bad planned to
attack through Belgium. 1 would like
nothing better than to see those state
ments that Russia's mobilisation waa
an aggressive one, and that other po
wers, any other power, had trafficked
in tha neutrality of Belgium, or plan
ned an attack ,. through Belgium I
would like to tee those statement in
vestigated before any independent,
impartial tribunal.
"German organization ia very suc
cessful in soma things, bat in nothing
more successful than in preventing
COUlltV Sheriff Z f"'4 ibVmr'ct1w1of 1m'n " In avening'a entertain- in city
W y " V - M who Mrt M U,a broken by a niot w, 0f aUgo- against
(f'al'l tdttrilMinrat) , (j
Reasonable Valuations of All
No Favor a Granted to Anyone.
A Suuara Deal to All. -
Republican Candidate for
'-felly Assessor i
fatd Advertiaemenl.)
or country. Vote 815 x No
laiuuaaa woman anu wno secern frght in any degree. Another thing "Oregon breweries used only, two
worthies outcaat, only to rise from y,,, w, nouCtabla and which desert- per cent of Oregon hope. Forty-aU
the dust In hi lust for ravanga upon mtnUo w y,, tct that at no per cant want to other state..; ftfty-
tha vlllian. Uaving found hla daugh- wtr, Ui,rt jong delay between two per cant went abroad. For yeara
tor a grown-up and beautiful young or .cU. The different aetUnir the larreat Portland brewerv brair-
..par spirit it can only be by collecting
and recollecting and recalling and nev- y, tnm nhing their people
ar for a moment forgetting what the and preMDtille to them a point of
real I cauae of the wai : waa. . vkw wnkll j, ot
"Some people aay: 0h, wa need not,
go back over that old ground now;
everybody knowa it.'
Cause Affect Condition.
could be expected under the circunv
atance and the whole performance
moved along a though a piece of wall
oiled machinery. Tha writer trust
woman, he had no amall part to play
in re-milling bir with bir husband,
Kenneth Marston, who bad left her
when hia mind bad bean poisoned by
tha vlllian, Churchill. Ernest Clufa-
gren took tha part of tha villiau and that it will ba hi privilege to agaia
io aay mai avrnes wae.gooa, is Biev- wjuiea Weston's bom talent lnl
Ing bi ouatUJcaUona k thia role wry g:raUr maniwr ta y,, iaut. -
mildly. 1 hot who aaw tha play Wad- - '
. F .. ...... ,; .nu. . - J tt
nasuay nignt are : wimm u auuuv
that Ernest displayed ability, which,
if properly developed, would easily
If Standard Oil stock ia entitled to
go to $2,000 oa tha war boom what
the farmer can't understand ia why
You cannot go back to it too often, there should be such an outcry againat
war prepared with aa little wait a ged in it ads that they used imported It affect the condition of peace. Ger- 16 cent cotton and S9 flour.
Dr. J. A. 'BEST
Kopublfcan Candidate fur
St:!eRtf reserve
It -- .!" i .
A t riaml of tho common ,
' ' people.
, , dlllIOUI.) - ,.
. Delta Sigma Entertain
The opening meeting of Delta Sig
ma was held Friday evening, October
80, atMlgh School auditorium. With
tha aid of the graduating das' of
1U16 the following program was giv
en: "
Initiation of new members.
Piano solo Ruby Price.
A farce burlesquing tha faculty of
Chamberlain is Coming
Horu-Ceorge E. Chamberlain, son-
place him la tha front rank among for United State Senator from Ora-
BifeuionaI actors. Claud Price, who gon, will ba in Umatilla county tho
took tha part f lyrold Westerly, a "r par or una weea ana ine nr Weston High and the Weston school
man among man, bandied thia role in Part of next week to apeak to the vo- trd.
an unaffected manner that character- tor In tha interest or tha canOi-
Ues hia every day life aa wall aa hie W"7 of President Wilson. .
work on tha stag. Claud had tha a will be in Pendloton on Satur-
part of a young man who chief aim day, which ia Wilaon Day throughout
the united bta tea. 1. he . Democratic
waa to prove hia friendship to Kan
neth Marston and ba won the heart
of Clytie Hath, tha lively young lady,
in tha bargain. Tbi latter part was
handled by Gladys Smith, and Mist
Smith had but to act perfectly natur
al to win the heart of ber audience a
well as tha heart of her vr Harold
Westerly. Earl Olson handled tha dif
ficult part of .leading man, Kenneth
Marston, In a manner that would hava
Central Committee and tho Wood row
Wilson League hava completed ar
rangements for a big demonstration,
tarty in tha evening a parade of foot
marcher will lead tha way to tha Or
t goa theatre where Senator Chamber
luin will make an address.
Instrumental duet Ruth Read and
Gladys Smith. '
The farce, which had been writtan
by Professor Robinson, was well pre
sented by the young performer and
proved to be highly diverting. Tha
several impersonations were: Profes
sor Robinson, Kulin Smith; Miss Noun,
Gladys Smith; Miss Cogswell, Ruth
Read; Director Wurzer, Carl Brandt;
Director Banister Robert Hodgson;
Director Staggs, Earl MacKenzic;
many talks of peace; ber statesmen
talk of peace today. They say; "Ger
ffiany must have guarantee against
being attacked again.' If thia wax
lud been forced upon Germany, that
would ba a logical statement. It U
pieclsely because it waa not forced op-
The custom of striking ia becoming
entirely too general, for we see where
a hundred grave-diggers in' Long Is
land City quit work in an effort to get
a shorter day and bigger pay. - - -
The Senator will spend Sunday in n.v. Lavendar. Henr Dowd.
Pendleton also hod a banquet ia being y Games and music contributed to tha
arrangaa w, mm, uonaay a wui ,vtnjnir . oleaeure. and ice cream and
Mark X between the numben,
and names shown below.
17 Oliver P. Coshow
IS lfert E. llaney
l: Sorter J. Neff
i Danlei W. bfteehan .
XI John H. Stevenson
and Eignify your choice.
For President of the United Statea:
Charle E. Hughes.
For Vice-President of the United
Charles Warren Fairbanks.
For Representative la Congress, Sec
ond District:
34 N. J. Sinnott of Wasco county.
proven satisfactory to even the mosf make addresses" at Adams, Athena, cajj, wwt wrved. Guesta of the so- Fr President of the United For Secretary of State:
critical kind of an audience. Elisa
Morrison, who took tha part of Lillian
Marston, hia wife, 1 equally deserv
ing of ber share of the verbal boqueta
.that were handed. out promiscuosuly
by tha audience. Rulin Smith look
ad like a real honest-to-goodnes de
tockativ, with hia long moustache and
waa almost kidnapped at ona time by
that dainty and ahy young maid, Jane
Ann Deverill, who waa no lesa a per
son lhan Mis Josie Lavendar. W
would like to know who tha person ia
that could possibly hava recognised in
the make-up of Jnne Ann Deverill,
Weston, Freewater and Milton, bis
schedule being as follows) Adams 9-u
m., Athena 10:80 a. m., Weston 1:30
eiety were the Misses Barnes and
Wagner of Athena, &iaa Dryden, Miss
RintouL Miss Workman. Miss Airer
p. m, Freewater 8:30 p. m., and Mil- BIM ua Ora Martin. Tha graduat
ion T;30 p. m. ing clagi of 19J8 w represented by
Senator Chamberlain is only one MeasrtH U9l9ll DunwaI1 ,nd AUison
of a number of Wilson speaker who wood.
will stump the county. " .'
Original Package Saloous
Speaking before tha Stat Conven
tion of tha Buptista at Salem Friday
afternoon, October 20, R. P. HQtton,
, DtsUU SotiU Ea4 Dirt
" Pilot Rock Record) . .
The Geo. Stangior ranch of 640 ac
res, lying a few miles south of Pilot
Rock, was sold by the owner to Tom
Hampton of Pendleton this week lor
I ff l I
iMHiai aaeti
Democratic Candidate for
A practical fanner, familiar with
. the county' need.
(Paid Advertisement.)
of the Anti-Saloon League, broucht
this young lady wKo in a vary day llT out the fact that tha brewery amend- a consideration said to be in the neigh
l. l,tlin .nl numl,., n h. Wu. mant would narmit tha establishment borhood of S26.000. This, is an ad
aJ aati vsys 4f wieiiivw -w mw wm- ------- - - - "
ton Mercantile Go's force. , The make, of original-package saloons next door Pc f aeveral dollars per
up of Mia Lavendar In this character
Wootirow Wilson
For Vice-President of the
United States.
Thomas K. Marshall
Our present capable incum
bents. For Justice of Supreme
Turner Oliver
of Union County.
For Representative 23rd
District Vote for two.
W. T. Reeves
would have dona credit to any profes
sional actrasa. Wa always leave the
best ones for the last Tha character
of Jacobs, tho Jew, which was taRen
In anvhoHv'a hnma. in thJ cltv or cr ovor-'hat Mr. CjUnglW paia lor- -iv aswufcvu -
country: that it might even be put the land a abort time ago. 'ine new For District Attorney,
next door to school house; and that owner-will take possession within the 53 George H. Jilshop
this amendment gave them tho right
to sell . liquor . to . children. Other
by Roy Road, was the one that took points which ho brought out were:
a deal of slaver acting. Thia. char- "Again ,tha brewery, amendment
acter carried most of the comedy of would discriminate against tha farm
clay and the aelection of Mr. Read r. U the farmer mad cider up to
for thist part waa no mistake on tha six-tenths of one par cent, he would bo
part of tha management of tha affair.
next two weeks.
Another important transaction in
South End real aetata 'was completed
yestemay when Frank Humphrey be
came the purchaser- of 11U0 acres of
wheat land lying Southwest on Pilot
Rock, tha Cunningham Sheep & Land
Roy certainely wa there with tha
goods and made a home-run hit with
avary one of hi large audience.
Louis noDoni
Candidate for
in Oregon legislature.
An East End man and a
, Your vote and Influence
respectfully aoliciteU..
(Plidy.rtMtioiU.) A fiU, 4.
yanked up by the law, but if tha Port- to. being the aeilers. The price paid
land brewer made beer aeven times as i reported to be 18 per acre. The
strong, and sold it tfildren, the bill land has 700 that can be used for
would legalise it, and he would ba plowing. .Maj
Auotuer important aeai in soutn ena,
real estate took place this week when
From a- stranger's standpoint tha hailed aa tha aavior of Oregon poster-
play aa a whole waa far better than ty through malting their progenitors,
the average home-talent offering. And "Prohibition keeps Oregon " money
while those who were fortunate an- in Oregon and keeps thia wealth dia
ough to ba present were passing attributed. Th brewery amendment
round tha honunts to tha diffafaiit he. would concantrata it in a eouDle of Or-
tore and actresses thoy should not be egon brewers' hand. Self-interest tion said to be f 16,000. At that price
overlooking the fact that Mr. J. H. join decency and morality in urging the land wa a great bargain. The
William, the director, is deserving of us to vote against the malted fathers' owners will use the ground for
a large share of tha honora for tha bill. grain raising,
auccesa of tha affair. Mra. Williama "Tha brewer' amendment legallsea U is reported that the Dan Russell
evidently understand the knack of selling liquor to children, and permita ranch nnar Nye was sold to Jim Stan
training her characters to appear per- the opening of original package aa- ton this week also. Wa hava no per
fectly t homa. while ij tha t ni loon! ext to f 0U5 h,omi, U it ticulaxi rejardin tht sale,
Henry Casteel of Pilot Rock and Doc
tor t U. i'arker of 1'endlfton purchas-
. . .....ll. I. 1 1 I 1.1
,u e r r. i - DemocratiC county Central Com-
which Jiel near Nye for a considera- . ' .MtM wl" -
For Sheriff.
5G T.D. Taylor
For Clerk, V -
38 W. D. Chamberlain '
For Treasurer,
61 II- J. Stillman
For Assessor, ,
62 C P. Strain
For School'Superintendent,
64 W. C Howard
For Coroner,
68 GeeyD. Peebler
For County Commissioner,
Barney E. Anderson
. Chairman.
Headquarters, 117 Last Court For County Commissioner:
Street, Pendleton, Oregon- 70 William M. Slusher.
3& Ben W. Olcott.
For Justice f the Supreme Court
Vote for two:-' '
38 Geo. H. Burnett of Marion
40 Frank A. Moor of Columbia
. For Dairy and Food Commissioner:
4U John D, Mickle of Multnomah
For Public Service Commissioner t
45 H. H. Corey of Baker county.
.For Senator; 20th Senatorial District:
47 Frederick Steiwer.
For Representative, 22nd district, Um
atilla and Morrow Counties:
48 R. N. Stanfield.
For Representative 23rd district
Vote for twos
49 J. A. Best.
60-Roy W. Kitner.
For District Attorney 1
64 R. I. Keator. ,
For Sheriff:
55 H. M. Allan,
For County Clerk: ' "
; 67 R. T. Brown.
For Recorder: -
69 B. S. Burroughs,
For Treasurer:
60 Grace A. Gilliam.
For Assessor: ' '
63 J. A. Yeager.
For School Superintendent:
65 L E. Young. .
For Surveyor:
66 WiBard Bradley.
For Coroner:
. 67 J. T. Brown. . "
(Paid, Adytrtissmsati