The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 20, 1916, Image 1

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roN ; Leadei
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To irry Umatilla county for Hugh
. s by tha hlggeat majority aver given
preaident unci lo elect the straight
republican county ticket from top to
bottom U tht determination of the
Umatilla county central committee,
thi'y' are) now confidently aaeertlng,
and to achlevo thU big success they
. have arrang 4 for one of the moat ex
haustive and vigorous campaign v.
r put on. From now on there will
be something doing every day. The
candidaUe, In a body, will llt every
town in the county and such, speaker
aa Congreatman fiinnott, A. t. Clark
of Tortland, Frederick Stelwer, Mr,
t. B. Hanley, Waller L, Tooif and In
r Water, Oregon. lHirnoc"raUc ?" u,yjS!.,fr
lift w Ml m W tu" we taaw a a tea -
clpal address on theaa occasions,
lb first meeting will be at Hilton on
the evening of October 10, with Mr.
E. B. Hanley aa the speaker. The da
tailed tour U aa follows:
Oct. 19 Milton, Mr. . B. lJanley,
tl pekr.
H Oct. 20-tier ltU ton, netting ot
ii night.
Oct. 83 V'klah and, Albee. meeting
Oct 24 Adam.
Oct. 26 Slanfield,
OuV. 84 Umatilla and Echo, nieet
ing at Echo.
Oct. 87 IlelU. . . . .
Oct. 80 FreewaWr.'
Oct. 81 Umaplna and Ferndale.
Nov, 1 Maacham. 1
Nov. 2 Wanton,
Nov, Athena.
No. 4 Pilot Rock,
Speakers for tht date not announ
ced will bo selected later, and also Uia
last two weeks may . be changed to
2 matt tht demands of the opmraunlti
i ani) the apeaksra as they art secured.
Candidate fur
District Attcrcey
(Paid Advertisement.)
Dvmucratic Candidate for
re-elton, M
County Sheriff
IM4 aUfvrtlxewal)
Reasonable Valualloiia of All
No Favor Granted to Anyone.
A Square Deal to AIL
Republican Ca'KlUlste for
Paid Advertisement.) ;
Wilson's Stand on Volos For Women
Gonlrastod With Hughes' Wabbling
lie did ant voia for Suffrage wbea
be bad toe ruauoe.
ulTraiie plank la ltcpulil sa plat
form: Tue llcnillliao party, re
affirming Ha fultb lo government
of tl people, as a niraaure ut jus
the to oue-balf lb adult onla of
the ronnlry. favurs tbe esteuelou
of lit eiiffrage to women, but ree
ocular lb right of each State to
eetile tills question for lUetf,"
A few daya before bis public In
dorsement of tbe rrdvral Btiffrsse
amrodnieut, a committee of An Us
turned falm. reine out smiling and
aald be was tba man of the bour.
Tbe Huffraglat bad a elmltar
perieore at tbe earae time. ,
He made a ilal trip to New
Jersey to vuta for auffraga.
HulTrsie ptaub la Ixnorratlc
plaifurm: "We rrommvud le !
Ii'imlua of tbe rrurul lo (be wo
mra of Km country by tue Htalea
upoa tbe sama tenua aa to mea,"
' On pt 0 be msde a eperlal trip
te Atlantic Oty to address tbe Na
O'lial Woman tludrago Aseoda-
Mr. Hushes be said that suf- "l bare come to flgbt wltb you.
frags Is tba result or eo tsl uormt, ,, asaluet you." be aald. "Woman
that It will caaae eei autsgimlsm suffrage U a great vtalo of duty
od that It raises a dlatartMoo womro bsva seen. Tbe tide la lis
wblcb might as well be atopped., in and cannot be stopfied. la tbe
, : Mig run we wtlJ not guarrel as to
la a letter to tba New Tors. World. Foostor C 8. Tbomss. of Colo
rado, a member of tbe Committee on Woman Suffrage of tbe United
Stair Peuaie. aald on Kept. It:
"I am moved to propound tba following Inquiry to tbe Republican can
didate for President: Ild be not my to a commit tea of AnU-HuffragUta,
l bsvo always been oppoeed to woman sntTrap. probablybe-aiiao lira.
Uugbee bas always been alroogly opposed, snd my daugblere tbluk wltb
ibelr mother. Tbe Increasingly scuts femlubt uovemeut, to lay mlod,
make tbe ultimate granting of rolea to women tameutabla. but Inev
itable. Bes antagonisms and tbe aabveraioa of national bwuea Into petty
personal lasuee to to me mora lamentable atill, more ruinous to our
womanhood and our country, than tba doubling of tbe electorate, or votes
for women, calamitous as thst may be.""
And wben Candidate Hugbee eubweoucutly declared for tbe Federal
amendment It waa on tba ground that, biasmut b as tba women were
bouud to.bsve tbe rota. It should I given to tbem by tbe abort eat dus-
alble route, ireeapectlvo of tbe merits of tba question.
Trouble haa been brewing for some
time between Frank Rogers aiid J. W.
Maloney, promuiont rearvation farm
ers, and liwir nmpectivo crews over
poewsaion of a piece of Indian land
which each claim under leaae. Tues
day Mr. Rogers took bis men to the
uiapuled rancb but found it in poaaea
sioii of tno Maloiwy force, of tba
eubawjutiiit unploaanUiM lb Laat
Uivgoiuan :
"1'he Kogois men camped in tbe barn
and claimed lo have laaea powoaatoo.
According to Alaioiiey Uiy oid red Inm
otf tne piace but Urn requeat waa rv
(uaed ana too iivgers crew ordaiod to
ceaao irvapaaamg. Weuneaday threats
were made uy Kogeia Ibat Umi alutibio
would be burnetii whuo tbe klukn.ey
lock waa in the Held. At tiua aUge
the Maloney Xorcv mUrfercd and they
earned a auoigun wilil Utem to the
held in order, ll la aaid by in Judge, to
protect tbe live vl bu &i bead of
bora and ruuiea. tiuruig tba arg u
Uient Juoge atatoiiey Oimi urn gun iuio
too air to snow it waa loaded, alter be
bad been goaded with tne remark it
waa not, ttogers then loft for town,
Baying be woutd nave a warrant a worn
out" v,
iue Lkadeb ventures the sugges
tion tbat tbe Oelligereuia luaao at inur
ed cars of caterpillar engine, ' build
some aircraft and settle their differ
ences In a modem aud eniigntened
way. bam Fambruu might even kxui
'em hia duck pood tor- submarina
warfare. -.
tut i r
'( ' I
IK l
Democratic Nominee tor
."Less Laws and Better Laws."
(Paid adnrtla
1'he building of the proposed road
across the JJloe Mountain connecting
Walla Walla with the Wallowa coun.
of Wilson just because he does
not allow them to dictate the pol-
Tho Central Trust Company icy of the American government,
of. Illinois, Chas. G. Dawes, for-
The A. I biiiip sale, conducted Sat
urday by f. U. Lucas, attracted a
good crowd of bidders and waa quit,
successful, bales of chattels aggre
gated oOU Mo real estate waa sold, '
although the holdings of Mr. fhillip
war ouered in the sale bills.
m wmumi
ffrMT mm is eora
For rresidtnt of the United States: .
Charles . Hughes.
For Vice-President of the United ,
Statea: - - . -. .
Charles Warren Fairbanks.
For Representative in Congrees, Sec
ond District: '
34 N. J. Sinnott of Wasco county.
merly McKinley's Comptroller
of the Currency, President, in its
' . ' 1
i. i
' '-a
" i'
Dr. J. A. BEST
Republican Candidate for
State Representative
v- A friend of the common
rlil drrtlKmul.)
try wu given added stimulus whan published report for September,
Congresanutn Larolletta pledged him- reports:
self to lnd hi aid in geiung an ap
prdnriation from the special good
Wheat is booming today. Tbia morn- For Secretary of State
ing a Chicago quoutione wired to tne afiBen W. Olcott
. Weston Warehouae compaiiy were L 7(1 ... , m
Tha newnDsner man find a mnrrh. . s. a .... For Justice of the Supreme Court
r iih acuujiuijfiE biu H.W71 iui ni a . .
for be i lumber and ai.0 for aiav
ant her and there who says he be- Manager fnco bougui X6,WAt buaheia
Iiaivsifi in Aflvgarl tuinr t nnmu nnl lake .t
ITk lQir1rt .tir uwvuigni.aiei.ov.
. v. .. k..v. , newspaper space, tie u inclined to
J, M, liauiater is reported to hae
Vote for two:
SS Geo. - U. Burnett of . Marion,
County. ,
40-Frank A. Moore of Columbia
' "' County. ,
For Dairy and Food Commissioner i
43 John D. Mickie of Multnomah
For Public Service Commissioner:
45 U. H. Corey of Baker county.
folds fund provided by the eovern- imports greater balance of trade favor handbills or roadside signs, ny sold at HLWJ.
ment at lb mat session of ccyigres. i our isvor, fmiv,vw,wv. wcr- -TIL" ,
The government votod an appropri- chants shipping makes HfW rec- Tt Wler are contrary to every Tuesday night marked another lit-
Uon of about 1,0.000,000 to b divid- 0rd: omS of American ships Ue flurr in lotl whel
ed amen. fk. dMr.r,nt stato. In the thl4Vmes that of 1914. Finan- S SSJH Whe "T ". bushel, in three
union tof the purpose of ldinf In th . . ot! wv f j,ow , . " "pfT w mt."!, , na loU were bought by Frank Price, man-
k..iMi.. . i it u ut of thaaa corporations mora man logical sense. -Reason Why adver- M, , ,
ho) WnatAn WarkntmA jaim
fund, that Congressman UFollett doubled. Gross and net earnings t lf. Very little Weston Fw Senator, 20th Senatorial District:
hopes to ur an appropnauon tor oi raiiroaaa greauy lncreaaea, T - , r " Z .
th.con.trucUonofth.propowdBiu idle cars August 1st, 11,000, a- 1,5 tm Sin
!2Jr. frit 265.000 a year ago. SSSStd Vi uStL'Z
Zm Z T.;t wXw. counr Frank Carter Vice-President two feet high. Wa .van . pedestrian
1; i llmilla Of the MercanUle Trust Comp- d consider . biU Be. DuPui. like. Montana
with it status of the Blue Mountain any of St Louis SttyS! ; bMrt 0n h hate it Ben F. DuPui has returned from
. ,. . . . .,,.. .u. ..ii -n-.i, , 4, ... , . . intrusion on the scemry and curses the Montana, highly enthused over the
LTt riSjS. J2L - who eject it. - tetil. nd beatif ul country which he
,:Z V" .:,I .V;.i L. ,.r.8 lw ."t,.,". UMV Vyul.u.w, Advertising by handbill left at the found a few miles east of Helena.
cwny eiuve w.e WUSOn SnOUlO 00
becom so univeraau
wheat, including only on large lot,
now remains in the hand of th grower.
A Hvnrf t'elnie hv hn nrlKUlal laaffr f f Vtaa f rnn4 aa mitAa a a erf
re-eieciea is doors may have seme value. It may Supposed for years to be fit for gra-
tna unusual condition in Damcinc u. . - i t v u . .u:. j j . .
... ..- .1'. Il.iu'i w II nir. , . , 7. i ii , www w HiiHBun wie wura vi uig uiuduhi vuijt, vuia uuiu maim f Of sneria:
Congressman UF ette . wi ling- circlos ln that there is no atten- thenewsnaner But th. winter with nlow until two vear. .W Now it T
to co-opraw wiw wis wregon t on h n- fttt d ta tha fi t un ..-. ," ,. r ,n ;-..J . ! ' t "
inH ixtnirraiutian ln aacurino' . .i ..7.V-- j.-i. v. . " ' rr" "- r-v. - For Count
wnin Hxiiiiiinir f-rwiii.N. hh i h.h . . . i . t . . ... . . ,, .
there to
; 47 Frederick Steiwer.
For Representative, 22nd district, Uisk
atilia and Morrow Counties:
48 R. N. Stanfield.
For Jtepreeentativ 23rd district
:;tVote for twos
4 J. A. Best. ' -. "
60-Roy W. Kitner.
For District Attorney:
64 R. I. Keator.
Qerk: '
87 R. T. Brown.
For Recorder: .,
, M B. S. Burroughs.
BATJ3Y A!3EnS0ni
Democratic Candidate for
A practical farmer, fsmilliir with
, the county neens.
(raid Advertisement.)
ftlS2IIRa ln 't? Pri0U2 wouli rather U VmZZir :
: hV.n .; jv. W in. Si"!"p." & Prfnn id hin nd command, a big pr.
r 7LA i Z,iul lu j i u money. For he wanta his customer inium in the market. Photographs tor ireasurer:
UresUd In bu nf the T- to give them a big Order in the to b, Satisfied and to see result. brought home by Mr. DuPui. .how 60-Grace A. Gilliam.
, n tfnli u tf! .ontlLTn sel business, and each one told Th, circu)ar may niay not u ,ielJ, Krain t ont would not For aot- .
W. iy Sl- me ejr mUCht,n hand " read V tmUy it is dumped pact to find except in a district that A. Yeager.
j-.i .1.1 .... rrn,.Kt ,AiMi tot tt ,trw gttr. , . cereal, yet the grain cam up from th 65 L E. Young.
i valinl oueaUom Thi toiUinl Jhn M' Hode f thfl Fort Th9 MW8P"P. tt othw hnd. plowing of th, virgin .od. Score For Surveyor:
taS wE Tth. nsh. forest r.! Dearborn National Bank in an J, gX!"$ ' 'J'Z' tnm 66"WiW BradIey"
..rve. will b. 1UU. ;fw"ftf tT- i
prompt tUntlon from th fdral au- Stay With Us After the Ww," in ,,",'. u ,k ,v,. i ?.t , a . ' 5 t ' 67-J. T. Brown.
iu1! Chicago American, says: thing that is worth riding U read, ud, according to th. reporU heard F?ftCo"nt,f ComJ?l"er!
state and county aid wiould b givn Mt vn.. ii..i !ivj v. .ii,. . .... . . , . t 70 William M. Slusher.
.. i iutiive uiat mw iiuuvwi ... . .....t...... ....... 0y atr.-turuis, woo nunseu oecama
i"'""" . will hAvA rnAra fpeitrht arid Das. dience. it is by xar th cheapest xorm ., nnn-h.r t th. .vt.nt f s'n
lenffer business than they can' of publicity, -x, r at S35 an acre, havinir disnosed of hia
DisastroUl Joy Rid handle, Steamboats Will have ' 'i interests in this county. ' He expects
(Paid Advertisement)
to move to Montana in the spring.
The Leader is in receipt of a letter
from S. H. McElmuny of Independ
ence, uregon, in wnicn ne says; i
fund nt.nn. ui't. in a a raaun oi n ure tuuutixv uihu cv wvxvivt . . . .
a drunken Joy rid yesterday morning steel. Woolen and cotton and saw "VT . . One investor who bought last year
anl a "roiion hi.u.a" at tha ranch oi mills and manufactories Wilt be . .... . naid for hia land with ona cron and .. . . .. ...
... . ' . ..i .ui . j j tmpire u tney aaopua we ou:it sys- f r .:: . . r tsunx mat uie rencueion orma
Wyrick Bros., Harry Emory nd Bert , running hg J ,n . . had $525 remaining. The country k ,n outr8g, 0n the Uxpay
ftianafiAirt atrrintaiin ina or 1 van inn rnuiLB hiiu uuiiuiiim iuci tiuiia - - , . . . ... nai iuu navi qt irrowinp wtkauier. jiuu .
,"""' """ "v " " -i -w - - .r . marVnt .nrl nrirnnixjition dnnarlmsnt J nlant at W.tnn whv not use Uia One
by Justice of the r..c. Joe H. Parke. J.ot th, Orego Agricultural College 1 end July X5has 10 mche. of rair.U. have? , wil, voU .m x No
today. The men obtained one of their war S end every beligerent ,, . Tuesda There is no fog and no hot winds. Al- nd . tok prs of Polk
Candidate for
In Oregon leglalature.
' An East End man and
Your vote and influence
respectfully siiliciud.
(PIU dtrtlmtiBt. ,
employer's cars and started with . . country WiU I MWjrOTW TOS companied by G. B. Uegardt, euginuec though the mercury dropped to 37 de- wiu do saraa, except the
party on we joy nue. mnshi u.o S" "2 for U,e Commission of Municipal TO w-aw s, HHk
Wyrhk ranch they disturbed two of duct 8 Of the I SOll, bom , mill and hy tier become, inured to winter cold,
the hired m.n at the pl.e and a fight factory. They will I buy whew lnInd stud .
followsu.' Returning to renaiewn, vn. wirar emi v v K"ua n.v, .ituation. Mr. Heg.rdt , ""","" V. v , T atJdonmouth. I understand the state
utomofcila got beyond th. control of and that market is America." ' "j" . f for a cho,c. quarter section of land guMrinUndent u tlso doiEe all ha can
'big bugs' I mean the county super
intendent, the Monmouth president
and all those connected with the school
land will prepare for it
the driver at the entrance of Wild.
Horse cut and went over the grade, i- poinff UD.
turned completely ovr snd threw the ' , ortrny; orv 1:1,-
occupanU upon the rocks. That thsy , " " ,
escsped death or serious injury ll con- ingratitude in some big business .cH a taxi!" Ufa McBride's it al-
iior4 luirtu(ouij - ' , UtcfCfi VpEOSlllg rtCiWUoil wj t your dispossJ, Fho 13,
... . , says mat 11 we larmers oi Hiia eec- th... k.lin If i. wriow,ui a vu.t m i.
And Steel Common stock pei Uoyn ,d t bulk handUnJ Voti. BAU"' " for Pendleton. Att this move is to
,ta ir nn . V-n ld aU I,rlc records for the county. , i
The land is part of the Jerry Stone
estate and was bought by Mr. Scott
from Mrs. Josephine Stone, the wi
tigw, U is ut summer XallQWt
make a position for someone who is
out of a job."
Good cow for sale. E, Zehau