The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 13, 1916, Image 3

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After til. nothing bring ont bigger return for the money
Invented than that Invented In the things that male the
home inviting, cozy and comfortable the thlnga that bring
pleasure and contentment, the Joy of living, the thing worth
while. - .'"0
Divided by the number of yeara of aervlce auch thlnga
will bring, the ctwt per year U aurprUlngly amall m amall
in fact that it aeema alrange that any one ahould be willing
to do without aurb homo comfort and convenience na they
can take real comfort and pride in.
Our etc art large and brUtUng with good of the dia
tlnctlvo eort. You can aclect modestly priced f urnlahlnga
here and ytt give your home that touch of individuality ao
much nought.
In Furniture, Bugs, Drapericn, Dlnnerware, Lamp, and
elntilar line our aaaortmentfl are unusually attractive.
PiamiS, Phonographs, Music ; Complete Home Furnlahers
Better than Gas
You don't even need match, as the
fire is never out and the whole house
is heated comfortably. Perfect baking
and cooking made easy when you put
in your home . . "
Cole's High Oven Range
1 The Oven balee perfectly It la In the perfect baking
top, bottom and aide, retulta and combined heater
The Oven heat quicker ,, nf range work that all Irai. ;
than oven of gaa rang. ' u,l0M !
The Oven can be instantly Put Cofe'e High Ootn
controlled by aimpto adjust- In your home today. It pays
ment of drafts, j 5 lit way.
5ee In noma "Coe'a" on th oven door-'
none genuine without if
Vesfca ! -Crep
Rogera MA
Straw for sal. Fred MeGrew,
Psndleton's city budget for M7 Is
Mt at 50,000.
"Calls laslt" Lsf MePridVs Is al
ways at your dispossL Phone 92.
Mrs. Btells Storey Is btr from Spok
ane for a visit with her mother, Mrs.
L. Vanderpool.
While In town the other day from
Fslrvlew Farm It T. Johnson renewed
his UEaocs subscription for tbs JClh
successive yssr.
Postmastsr Vsn WlnkU wss out ths
first of ths week Inspecting ihs mail
routes, ss required by ths department,
snd took each carrier a spin around in
bis automobile,
Clyds Etsggs was In tows Satur
day from Milton, wbsre bs expects to
return to work on November 1st with
the Milton Garsgs. Us has been dis
abled for a number of weeks with a
broksa arm.
Those indebted to me who overlook
ed the annual payday October 1st, are
herewith advised thst it is not vet
toe 1st. I will sUU be gtsd to oblige
with my autograph attached to a re
ceipt L. I O'Uarra.
Mrs. Cera MacDuif and daufhter
havs srrived from the Okanogan
country to mak thslr horns in Wss
ton, and hav taken a cotteg on
Washington ftreet Mrs. Mac Duff U"
. suffering from a protracted illness.
' The champion sppls of all so fsr re
ceived st the Leasee shop was brought
In by Scott Banister from the orchard
of Mrs. Barbara H. Pruett. It meas
ures 16 inch around. Two other
from ths tame tree are nsriys large.
Csorgs Schnitser Is reveling la sod
' dsn wsslth, having mads $100 in thro
days last week through applying his
mechanical knowledge. He recover
ed a lost pise of piping from ths hot
torn of a well 800 feet deep at the Z.
Lockwood farm.
Maxlne, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Sim J. Culley, was rendered
unconscious snd had bar noes broken
by a fall wbiis playing at ths school
bouse. The little patient was taken to
Walls Walla yssterdsy by ber mother
and grandmother for suegical attention.
Laf McBrid hss equipped his
transportation depsrtment with a new
Ford car of the 1817 model, bought of
U. L Hedrkk at the Wsston Garage.
He traded in his old car on ths deal.
Lsie derive nearly as much pleasure
from driving this car used to
from holding the ribbons over a pran
cing span of trotters. ;
IBMpijii mini nisiaMii
n ft
and we'll put the Pendleton Normal bill
in the hearse.
. .
Tell, write, phone or wire .your friends.
We have circulars.
Get them and mail them.
' Weber, Winona and John Deere wagons.
Portland and Majestic ranges.
The finest line of heaters.
. Harry Brown has re teamed from a
visit of ssvsrsl wseks duration st bis
bom in BoU. Idaho where h at
tended the state fair and automobile
show. H is nthuslastic ever the
latter event, saying that every mak
of ear in th known world and some
perhaps of Martian invention was
exhibited. Whether or not a visitor
wanted to buy a car, courteous rep
resentatives would take him in hand
and explain to him th difference be
tween th differential and the peris
cop. Harry also attended fairs at
CeldwelL and Ontario and feels that
h has widened hi mantel horizon
quite psrcsptlbly.
I Gil IIARUiT irnmL
Home Cciiig Celralion
: Under Auspices TURKEY BEDS at
I S OCTOBER 19, 20 and 21
jaiMMa ewwissajs jta'WlBa. Rws'a'wPss. ajswawsjsMsw
Swnl mnr Elti3Vy sCT i nny
The Universal Car
The new Ford cam are Jupto-the-mlnuta! In ippear
ance, with largo radiator and enclosed fan, hood
with full streamline effect, crown fenders front and
rear," black flrlsh with nickel trimmings -a snappy
looking car and with all the dependable, enduring
and economical qualities that have made the Ford
"The Universal Car." One fact is worth more than
a ton of guesses. Ford cars are selling from five to
ten over any and all other cars, simply because they
give more satisfactory service, last longer and are
easier to operate and cost less to maintain and
there's no guessing about the reliability of Ford ser
vice. Touring Car $414.85. Roadster $399.85.
Why Crcp VcSe
: Fc:2:b $125,'CI)
and one-twenty-flrth of a mill for a normal school
when the state owns S good plant St Wenton which
requires but one-fortieth of s mill annual maintenance
to put it In auccMRful owitiiiT Head page OX of
the votere' pamphlet; and if you want to avoid need
lues taxation, vote
309 '11 iMo
Paid sdvsrt!isment-r D. Watts, Wsston, Or.
Frank OUarra was. in town Satur
day from Pendleton, visiting his bro
thers and friends. Quite naturally
and inevitably, be renewed His sub
scription to th Weston Leader, which
h has taken constantly sine th pa
per was established in 1878. Frank
ases excellent Judgment in th seise
tion of hi reading matter.
East Oregonisn; Eva I Shellen
hrgr ( Weston has filed suit for
divorce against ber husband, Lutber A.
Shellenberger, and for th custody of
thslr two children. Sh allege Cruel
and inhuman treatment, declaring bar
husband to have used violent langusg
toward hsr for th psst 12 years, and
to bav abused her mother. Raley A
Ralty ar hr attorneys.
C. P. Strain, assessor, candidate for
re-election, solicit your further sup
port open his record. His sfflclsnt
administration and ttnrqatohsd econ
omy do not constitute hi only worth
to you. Repeated elections as asses
sor havs given him an Influence which
he regards aa yours and which he uses
faithfully for your benefit upon all
proper occasions. (Adv.) " s 'r "
Last Tussday A. Wood lugged a
sack of chop from th local feed mill
and deposited it at th door of A.
James, tonsorlal artist. In this man
nsr ha psld a bst on th Boston Bed
Sox, who wsr taksn into eamp Tuss
day by th Brooklyn Dodgr after
having won two previous gams of
th world ssrits. If Wood had won
h would hav btea rewarded for his
good judgment with a bottle of hair
tonic Boston having won ths series E.
E. Zshra will b sntitlsd to frs shsv.
's and frs haircuts at th shop of
Mr. Jsmsi for th period of a yssr.
East Orsgonlam W. H. Morrison,
prominent young grain buysr of He
lix, has developed into a full blown
reslty dsalsr and has two $50,1)00
deals to his credit within th psrlod
of a wsek. He conducted th negotia
tions for ths ssls of th Davs Kelson
half stctlon nsar Adams to A. L.
Grover for $40,000 .Monday . and at
the same tim sold a quarter section
of Grovsr'i a mils snd a hslf north
of Hsllx to Mrs. Martha Rush, pro
minent Hstlx pionssr lady, foi $18,
600. Morrison also handled th dsal
by which Ed Potts purchased th John
Tompkins land, leas and equipment
J.S. UeusUtn, candidate for re-election
as Justice of th peace for the
Weston district, will not hav to be
re-elected, although he has no opposi
tion and will doubtless hav re-election
thrust upon him. As a result of
a decision given recently by th su
preme court in a case Involving; a Ma
rion county justice, th local mag-is- Z
trate holds offlc four years longer.
II was elected two years sgo, and the S
court holds that th amendment pass
ed by the people making judicial
term six years applies to justices
of th peace. ,:
" Geo. D. Feebler, president of the
Umatilla County Pioneer's Associa
tion, was a Wsston visitor Saturday
front Pendleton. - Mr. Peebler is a pi
oneer of 18S3, having crossed th
plains when only two years old. In
cidentally b is ths democratic candi
date for county coroner, having con
Mated to make the race in order to
fill up a hoi in th ticket. H says
he rathsr likes to travel around a bit
end. hobnob with th voters, as h
meets old-time friends in vry part
of th oeunty.
During ths. past wsek th offlc of
th Wsiton Warshoue company was
a busy plac. and Manager Price found
considerable , us for th company's
new check protector. Sales of wheat
for th wk to this concern aggrega
ted 23,121 bushsls at prices ranging
up to $1.85. Sim J. Culley was am-
on Saturday's sellers, and dispossd
of 10,660 bushsls at $U5. H want-J
d to go hunting, and couldnt do so.
and watch the market at the earns!
time. v
The City Council has dtcidsd upon
a campaign for better sidewalks and
in aocordanc there wito. tb stmt
committee has ssnt out notices U
soma twenty-five property owners wh
have Bsrmitted their walks to becom
mor or lass dilapidated, in nowce
reads thst if th walk speeded is not
repaired or rebuilt within 49 hours
th work will bs don by th city and
th axpsns charged as a lien against
ths property.
John Tompkins sold to Ed Potts,
last Thursday, ons-half section of fin
wheat land, 4 1-2 miles northeast of
Helix for $37,000. Mr. Tompkins will
vacate Immediately and will spend the
winter in California. In connection
with th purchas. Mr. Potts leased
of Mrs. Wm. Tompkins 800 acres for
five years.
They say Billy Sunday will give
Boston 10 weeks of his tim. Boston
will givs Billy Sunday about $50,000
of its money. Only $50,000 T Billy
gyt ifes, gfrto Vr$la rrlcts
- Agrkultral, Horticultural and Livestock Exhibits
Musk sad ftefreshneata ' Afteraooa aad Night
Manufacturing and HOME INDUSTRY DISPLAY Shewing Factory
Product a of Hail WaUa Valley Marathoa Race, Football Gaase be
tween Whitman aad Idaho and Many Kxcattag Athletic Kveats Mag
nificent Street Pageant Each Evening at fM, Crowning of king
Vi heat. Queen Fruti 'thuraday
Three Glorious Nights of Fun and Froiic
Big Program of Thrilling Open-Air Attract iona With Something Doing
h-very Minute Five Bands, Free Street Dances, Old Fiddler's contest,
Automobile Stunt Races and Numerous Entertaining fcventa Cone
and Join Us and Have ONE GOOD TIME in celebration of bouatitul
harvests and prosperous homes. .
Vote 312
Save rBuMday
A vote of 812 X Yes is a vote against the "Blue
Law," which forbids all Sunday business ;
except to the drugstores.
21 Paid Advertisement E. E. Kirkpatrick, E. E. Zahra, Weston, Or.
Perfumes and Toilet Articles Rubber Goods and Sponge
Fin Stationery . Cigar Pure Drugs and Medicines .
Tha Qicsff; Store