t i li Weston EADER VOLUME 3D WESTON, OKECON. FRIDAY, OCTOliL'K 13, 1910 NUMBER 17 1 peslctoii roo u? steg:;giy scored i Pendleton's Round Up It receiving nulla tilt of critical eltontion from tyregon humanitarians. Inevitably Hie conclusions will be reached by thouirhtful modI that a rood Round Up town la not good normal school town. Ona of tlia atronvaat artklaa In condemnation of tht Round Up a p. peered In rtcant Issue of tht Ore- gonlan and la reprinted belowi rortland, Oct. 8-(To tht Editor.) J da si re to offer thankt to Mr. II. M. tfmlth and Mr. John Edwards, who havt, through tht Oregonlan, raised thtir voirta in protest agalnat tlia l'tndlaton Round Up and all othtr smalltown Round Upa thai may fol low In IU wake, and who havt ao efll- clantly parfotmad tht (ask. have been an burning with Indignation, lor some time, but jiad been prtvtnttd by itrvi of other affaire from trying to start tht hall af "pretest mi:n. f oof crated creature driven around ringi caught by whining lariat, roped and thrown In tht duet with bletding horns and with sides torn by eharp jlerclng spurt. How delipjht- urlt muet be to the animal until tut neck It broken unleee tht ' animal yielda and fella to tht ground! But wortt tnd worn to havt an Inhuman creature, called "a man, graep he eteer't lip. wlfn hie Uth id hang on uklU .1.1 .....1,1 ...... I k.. mr. 1. .7 li-- .-Li .u- -i.-.. thoughtless, tWy q, Intentionally . -t ,hT '. ' TblaJegant amusement Is called UIUU., ReAnad n.m.l Refined performance. So aJavatinf SucJ higher education to tht onlookers! . Can w any longer ctnaurt Spain for " Thoet Florida bandits who nrst am IU bull fight whan we ao nearly ap- buehtd a pursuing poeae and then ra proach them In character? palled It by alnking.ita boat must havt Whart la a censor or cenirort for tht got thtir training in a typical movie randletoa Round Upt Let him or drama. them come forth. Do they ":TGWihtoUm tht moving picture manager nearly all the timet Are they not sometimes a llttlt over severe T Do they not endlessly talk to him of the Injury to tht child if his pictures show a bur- lar, a bank robber, a ditched train Do. they not censor until one would think lha moving pictures were made only for tht children, and older poo- pit would better stay away 7 , fiow let tht persecuted movie manager rest awhile and turn the full fight of can- sorshlp on tht Ptndteton Round Up. the golden rule abroad. Ui it nuke known the far greater gt. Louis reports a shortage of nick evil that will come to the children thru ,t. Taking a leaf from tht baker's seeing the brutalities of tht Round books, does not St.' Louis us Up ring than could coma to them from a. m gubsUtuta. - ; the most refined moving picture. I do Jwt know at ytt, to whom It cmiM thu year they raised tht price Mt. uti. Open door; King, Col belongs to put a stop to these inclpl- af coal without compelling tht public ona,t Christmas dinner; LiljecranU, tut bull Ughta. But I do know that to listen lo any elaborate txcusts. ytf a Lucky; MacDonald, public opinion tnorougniy arouaau w a powtrful weapon. I now urge to tha utmost every man and woman who has In hit or her breast a tpark of love for animals to do their ut most to free thtst creatures res from tht domination of tht human ftatooln, spur-digging, eteer-roping erual tvrant It la not alont tht ptr- - - - .... . .u formanca that it. so deadful, but tha .'Sisny rehtarsalt' to bring tht poor non-comprehending animats up to we proAciency axacteOr tht human ' brLet Limine Socttty. all Under- hearted man. and anlmal-pitytnj wo- tnen, givt tha Round Up opposition ball a thovt and a thrust thst shall cause full alteration to thit huge tvll- prtadlng blot upon our lUtt. r Harley Yttter, a rtsidtnt of Wild Horst creek, waa fined $260 and had hit hunting privileges rtvoktd in Ptn dleton Tuesday for tht killing of a China phsasant. Frtsh plumes of tht found on hit Premises, and bird wtrt his itorv that "flrgslnst a, wire was not believed by Rustic Parket. Camt emctrs who mada tha arrest rtctlved a tongut lashing from the lady of tlia house but want ahsad with thtir duty. Ytt ter failed to pay his fine and it now in Jail, and a charge of perjury may ' . ...... t, i .k. .i...,it prtsstd against nim m u v... inilrt all irt-all of which ihowt that it if lv unlawful but extremely un- wist to kill Chinese pheasants. T - . Blu Valuahla Grant County Stock aluablt . the great Wealth of Grant county " lies In Us livef.ock. This feet Is bt ought out on the assessment roll. All of tt, m tf thn tff nty is by no means on ihe toll nor Is the same on tht roll for its trat cssh value. However, out of about seven, million A,M.r. .n the ta roll mort then a the assessment on livestock according to the 191 tax roll. Thli is divided M followti Cattle, $1)95,086; sheep, ru',(iKli horses, $.111,090; hogs, $10 712 and mules, 8,0Hf, The himii- muii I of the cattle amounts lo about " seventh of tht entire roll. Ulu Mountain Eagle, Ad,w M"d A" A an indication of the rise in farm '"" v,lu nty dur" ti v years la lha aula of a half taction of whaat land naar Adams on Monday for ft 0,000, says th East Or egonlan. Tht land waa told By D. II. Nelson of l'tndlaton to Art Crovtr of Halls for $125 an arra, and till aama land Mr. N el noil bought five yaara ago lait January for f 24,800, or $77X0 an acre, Tht land liaa about four miles from Adama and la a good aa any wheat land In tht county. t Timet art not what they used to b, or there would It propriety pill on tht market laviahly racommended at cur for Infantile paralysis. , . A LITTUEIT Of EVERYTHING No wonder Mr. llughaa' speech at Shebogan was a slstltr. That's whore they make things pop. Tbt pay of tht Carman army offl cars is to bo taduced, thus offering an opportunity for a strike, Hh which ever y bly ould pa ayinpalhetlc, Rav, John Ilaynes Holmes says that T. HIM "monstrouj survival of a P"' "V Thata of tht least things tht Colonel baa survived, Mliatlone art that tht Carman- South African conolnlas will havt con- H Ml frt k P11 0f the Allies' to cut off Turkey Is a failure, but we notice they art plan- nng Ba atrial post from Berlin to Constantinople. ' w'hy not invite Villa to that New London conference?" demands tht Pittsburgh Dispatch. He wouldn't wait for an invitation If he ever do- cdd to go. jt it understood that recent tnor- mous purchases of iron and copper do ,.. contemplate a reinforcement of Thanks are duo the coal baront be- - 11. I. a,.. nf ... . 1. . X J.t ln .1 In 1 ""T v ?' ""rr"-' " ... a S l Somehow or other wo teit comiaent Dobrudj. would bt tht plact pdt , Anvwav tha Carman armlSS art not r l0 forWBrd looking as they were a few months ago. ... , ' Bermletott Lady Injure 'Whita Mrs. Frana was driving u.to town Friday morning the horst be- cams .frightened near the Baker ranch and Mrs. Frana was thrown outbid her right shoulder t dislocated. She sufftred other bruises from tht faa, L..4, aiHna saviltl IS Maljllfall Sill eWaiaT but nont serious. u.u. - tummontd at quickly as Pos.iblaand tht Injurltt attended to. Herald. ,,,...1.4 n Harald. Ta Calculate Cenaresset. To determUit the yenrs covered by a H h ?' which the coniirwis cloned. Take, for example, tbe Ttilrty-Hftu conuha Doubling It gives ns eeveutyt add t?8tt and we bare 1S."U, the yenr lu wblch, on March 4. tbe Tlilrty-flftb congress doted. To find tbe number of a con- . u.l..- I ..... .ill., rd.-t ITSIl from h ,f tb. ,mt . , tv,a v. ... -- ....... nUnjber half that number win give tue congr,M ot which tbe year lu quesuon taw tbe close. If the result la au oua uumlier add one. and half tbe result will give tlie congress fa which tht 1 question was the flint year. th- conErll tlttius lu gUotract 1T80 from 185S and tbe Wit,it u sly-nlue. Add obe, making seventy, and divide by two, enowing thst tbe Tblrty-Crat conRresa was hold ing Its Brst regular session lu tbnt yenr. Tbe year 178J ta tbe basic num ber, because that was the year in which tbe constitution i vup.v- . , conTsi-rbUsdslpbla WHAT THE PRESIDENT ACTUALLY ' DID TO AVERT STRIKE DISASTER Rfra t romiiKM with Itirm ((ho re 1 1 road nwiitUfa and rrpra . actual I vni of Ida rmUo ai I oiaila mM-lf arquaiulcd with tba polnla al cli(rrarajf, ' The flrat tbliis I told both alrfra waa that I at1 for Ilia alsht hour day. U'e lltva In lha elsltl bmr day iMx-aiuw a man de lirtlar work within rinht boiira lUan ha dora In a mora utrudisl day. I aatd in the rallnat aiwullvae; Ta are anklng lhal tlia rvMill of lha eight hour day I predicted. end lha imllHlna be arbltratMl. Tha rmaunahl t din at lo d la In grant 1)fht hour day, not bm-auae lha men demand It, tint bacauaa It at rllil, and M Die (Pt authority front Cntigrfaa to aiilmiiit a cninnibaloo lo olwarrt lha raaulta and rrwrt. in order that juatli a may ba'looa Iba rallruada In renit of tbt "Mil of lha jcr1titit.' Thai waa lha irKMat wbk-b Ibey rrj tl and bb-b Congrtm put Into law. a (trMaal which made to thru bafura I confrrrrd with It. Whk'fc I urged upoa them al every confereine and which, when lha one aide rejected and the other arnrpted, I went lo On greaa and aabad t'cngreaa to wa-t X did not tik cither lids whether it suited them, and I requested my friends in Congress not to ask cither tide whether it suited them. I learned before tht controversy began that tht wholt temper of the legislative - body was in faror of tht eight hoir day. la tht Ilouao of Ketreuiatjve4 the ilao was newed. waa aanc tinned by a rota wnkb tnrludad aruty Repuhllcana ae again! ' flfty-fnur Republlcana. In tba Senate tba Rvpubll-an membera beld a conference In which they determined to put no obstacle In tba way of the oMge of lha bill. Sow this waa becauee Iba proimaal was reasonable and waa baaed npon right fro fmidtnl Wilton' Spmk to A Jerary Btlm Hen at fiaadois Lairs, Long Braw. A'. J, Kept. tX HAVE YOU Ti'lEFOHEEAO'HG? NEW E00KS ARE HERE y Tht Weston i branch library eelpt of tha following new U is in re- books frura tha county bbrariau ; latin, rromlatd Land; Begbie, Oth " SnMP! Bennett, From tht log of tha Valaa: Brockwav. FiftY vaars of prison service; Call, Every day living; Confessions of a clergyman; Edwards, Our common road; Lincoln, School kitchen text book, Living without a boss; Towell, Fighting in Flanders; Richardson, In the garden of delight; tanguaH; Trley; Voy' ages of Captain Scott; White, Afri can camp fires; Worcester, Religion and medicine; Zangwill, Melting pot. ' V,; rfclk; ":" Balsac, Father Gorlot; Carrie, Lit tle minister; Bordeaux, The house; Bosher, Ilouse of happiness; Brady, Hearts and the highway; Cather, Sung of the lark; Churchill, Crossing; CuUlng( ytl, itri, of married We; Davis, Captain Maclin; Day, Landlop er; Douglas, House with green shut ters; . Fisher, Squirrel cage; Foots, Last assembly ball; Ford, Janice Mer edith; Class, Potash and Perlmutter; Cordon Glengarry school days; lug- Malbone: Holmes. Elsie Ven . . . . . : . . ,. ln Ev,un, f orru 1 VFlWItW VO ttusnsriwa a mnn, ,.. R-,i pftDMr. Robertson. TC. .nVel. Tar to tVd Stockton mult; White, Empery White, In our . nn..i. r-.v.lrl Muriililiii hwh ni(ui ,mm .... , WUgoni und claimen; Wright, Wln- ning of Barbara Worth. Children's Books Alcott, Old fashioned girl; Alcott, Spinning wheel stories; Barrit, PeUr and Wendy; Bengston, Wheat Indus try; Burnett, Sara Crewe; Caldeeott, Picture book no. 3; Chaucer, Stories from Chaucer; Cheley, Told by the flr crane, Pu'sa In bo.ots, Three r ... . . . w b D,vi,8t phylliaj Field rOMVV, ol. Field, Lulla insmen; ' . " Harris, ; Aaron In the wild woods; Hurll, Landseer; Lindsay, Story, tel ler; Lucia, Peter and Polly In spring; Meigs, Kingdom of the winding road; O'Neill, Ktwple KutouU; R Koit-wneei- lif .vara; ni.M,i and avnlnrara: Var- ... .v. .. i . w.Ha rill, uncia w.inH.i. workars- Wit en. Story 01 Patsy; Williumi Fair ftlav. .,... , - Oregon Counties tn , Polk County, Oregon, was awarded roix-vounty, vrK", .. . . ... . tjnft - . th. K.,t eoUntv . . g. . Pierce county, Wsh won second and Morrow County, Oregon, third prise, Polk also was given the handsome trophy banner. Pierce received $200 and Morrow $100. Oregon also cap- tured first prise in the WlvUfam t?J!2SF& xey oi mumiij la tinn munt banner larm. roi ,,n In rharca of Mrs. Winnie Bra- . ........ Hen ol yaiias, receiver pu' vm ioliiW .' ;.. EEEMOT KQ3 AHO DAIRY AND SCHOOL FAIR ' " Tbt Fourth Annual Dairy and Hog North Bend men start new shingle Show, in connection with tha West mill on Larson Inlet. ' Umatilla County School Fair, will bo Douglas county Pomma grangeis hekl at Hermlston, Oregon,' October iO gusted with political agitations, is and a, 1916. The cash premiums total working for the establishment of 7j0. A student judging contest, Open ar.niA rhonu fartAria. 40 " hih cbooU " thtt county, and a w.yuuvt k" Pe a among the features. Entries should be made with County Superintendent I. E. Young or with Superintendent 11. hi. (junu of Heriuiston. Corn, apples. E,f and other -produce will be dia- played in competition for cash prizes awarded by competent and experienced judgea. Premiums are ofTerud on all classes for dairy cattle and bogs. For the Milking Contest $66 in cash pre miums is offered. Keduced rates of 040 and one-third fare are granted frum O-W points. For entry canla or further information write H. M. Slutw, Secretary Ueruuston Dairy and Uj Association, Uerunston, Oregon. How Editors Get Rich A great many persons have won dered how editors all get rich so quickly with such small effort. One of them who has grown so rich has at last told the secret of it. He out lines it as follows: "Nursery firm will send us an eigh tv.fi- r0-.h..d fr ts worth nl u , m.nt for nn. vr n pan oat a irrnam TnT. " ' " " - i i a "Aeout a ooxen arms are wanting fvo up shares of gold mine, for eTOT eV WW UI Di UVVrVUUf ROU R fm a wsm ersn Knv St ifvrtsl Th wheal aalla for iust 12. "A fellow out west wants us to run a lot f advertising for him for noth ing and if it brings him results he may become a regular customer. For running $12 worth of locals wa can trat ua two tickeU admitUnir us to a circus in the city and pay our fM Gun firm wanU ua to run $19 worth of advertising and then send C i. O U HQ in axchange for-a shot-gun. Such a gun would retail at about $6." . j i ' Men Wanted In West End There is such a demand for men and teams in the Hermiston country, says the Herald, that the shortage is very noticeable. Employers now talk very nice aim ajr u,a """ to iret more heln. Even such tactics, . :1 . 5. nowever, wiu nwi, no help to be naa. sne retmiuawvu ... . . . ... 1 Al. - sarvice IS one Ol tnose mi oy we vl " sent condiUons. Ail through the yeaer nn tha wst extension work on the west extension work has never been more than 90 per cent nas nevi . ,, . , ia WBntM fo-work ' HBrmiston. With tha irrietion season over the service desires to start lining, repair and oth- er work usually carried on during the winter months, but so far have neith- w men n0r teams. Crews will be put to work a, fast a. they can be had. Another doa, in Pilot dirt was ....... i. t r u,,rA comnievea wis ween . . boueht Uie 24U acre wuck pm, . v , . j t.-n,. far u .k sMi4 IW tx- Ladiea Club Meeting On Suturduy, October 7, al one thirty p. m automobiles ware in wait ing at the furniture store of E. O. I)Mom to convey tha members of tha Saturday Afternoon Club to the plea sant country home of Mrs. A. J. Mc Inlyre for tha first moating of tha year, Jn anawer to roll call, each member responded by citing soma currant vent. Tba normal , school question came up for a ehare of club discussion. A very interesting paper on Tre puredneaa" waa read by Mrs. S. A. Barnes. It brought about much spir ited discussion aa to whether prepar- up by tha merchants of Walla Walla, dness promotes peace or invites war. who are unusually interested in this A piano solo by Mrs. J. Wurzer feature of tha festival. Special win was followed with a few remarks by dow displays and booths will be er- Mrs. F. D. Watte on the National Fe- ected in tha business section and in deration of Women's Clubs, which thesa booths the fruit and vegetable convened In New York City in May, entered for competition will bo ar A dainty lunch was served in the ranged. - .r- dining room by Mrs. E, O. DeMoss and Mrs. W. S. Payne, assisted by the hostess. mm industrial review Portland Longshoreman's strike is to be settled on open-shop basis in .Seattle, u. t. topence, Master or the State products, from tweet potatoes to I Crange says tha People's Land and talian prunes, will be welcomed at Loan measure on the ballot this elec- the show. tion spells convocation for the farm- Complete premium lists have been r , , prepared by tha Turkey Beds, the or- Eugene State highway planned from Florence to Klamath Falla. Salem State sold 25 tons of flax tt 7 MnU a California mills. Same was produced with convict la- bor. State is handling 750 tons. Greaham New garage is largest in Multnomah county. , The third sawmill for Bend has be- gun operations. " North Plains is to get electric light Salem is putting on the one-man street cars, made necessary by jitney competition. . The Oregon Railroad Commission abandoned the valuation work of the Oregon Trunk line of the Hill system, as the Interstate" Commerce Commis- sion is doing the same work., Plans are underway for another large steel ship yard at Portland. The City of Canby has purchased the local water system. Riddle wi llship between 40 and 60 carloads of prunes. Marshfield Is working for a can- nery to handle their local products. The Myrtle Creek prune crop will be approximately 2,000.000 pounds. ,or two carioaas 01 cromiuin oca inOiS iteel UO- at IBlCagO, the Ore- Mn Nickel Mining Ce received a ItMitU faxas the sum of $3,008.95. In the shipment were a little less than vvaea- - " , hove S30 cer ton. A aw creamery will b started at SUnfield; Queen Muriel a Bride . Pendleton, Or, Oct 10 Queen Mu riel, (Miss Muriel Saling), famed aa Queen of the 1916 Portland Rose Fes- tival, the Columbia River Highway, Queen of the Astoria Regatta, and Queen of the Round-Up, is today Mrs. Frank E. Cronan. . HrS V At-it 4-t Vnfl Without the knowledge or xamiiy or friends, she motored to Heppner last night, where she became the bride of the young lone banker, who first saw Miss Saling when she was Queen of the Portland show. The bride is a graduate of. the Pen- dleton High School and is one of the mosi uuiiumr ' Mr. Cronan is a brother of J. E. tw1.rt man. who vramu, j,,u.ii..... . w. , aciea as aumirai v v. gana, ana um tuvuo . . 3 .I.!. .:w...H.a,nnMA d lICAri as an excuse by the younger brother for aaekinff an introduction to the for seeking an ' introduction to the young woman at Happy Canyon this vaar. The voutr couple expect to make their future home in lone, where Mr. Cronan has a position ma bank owned by his father, Joseph Cronan. Ihey will take a honeymoon trip to San Francisco. ; ft that a r.velution on the island ofCreU .iirt nrova much of a menace to King r , . it. lust h. w " UU ...J 4 . wa dont know "uieni vrewir- iW .... . LIBERAL PRIZES QVEI JORV.W. FESTIVAL Walla Walla, Waah.. Oct. 12. -Farmers of tha entire Walla Walla val ley are preparing to enter their high eat claae products in tha big fruit and vegetable show to occur in Walla Walla October 19, 20 and 21, 'in con junction with tha first annual Harvest ' Festival and Home Comang celebra tion. Prixee amounting to over $200.00 worth of merchandise have been put rractically every kind of product raised in the entire valley will be in cluded in the competition at the fruit and vegetable show. In fruits, pris- it&rr S er vegetables, such aa squash and pumpkin.premiums will be awarded to the beat single specimens. Every thing in the category of tha Northwest ganization back of the celebration this year, and are being sent to represen tative farmers of tht valley. These farmers will be asked to notify their neighbors of the event, and to enter their own best produces at the show. No entry fees. No red tape. For full list of prizes write Commercial Gub Walla Walla, Wash. Lost Land Regained Referring to his recent purchase of , quarter section of land, J. N. York, remarked while fa town the other day. that as he lost the same piece in Uiii, under a democratic administration it waa quite a gratifying and proper co- incidence that he was now enabled to fcuy it back under another democratic; administration. Mr. York, ie a rock- ribbed republican, but is willing to concede that a reasonble degree of prosperity is beieng enjoyed under -Unwashed and Unterriued euspic- es whether or not it is due to the war, ' " in 1S83 Mr. York bought 320 acres 0f land from John Ky-k for $8000, or $25 an acre. In 18U2 ha found he couldn't hold it all and "get by." Tht quarter from which he then reluct- aatly parted is the one he has just bought for $100 an acre, or $75 an acre more than he was unable to pay 24 years ago. Having always kept an eye on k ana oeing.aoie 10 acijuuTi to 640 acres. In 1893 John Kirk sold the quarter in quesUon to "Uncle Billy" Bade for only $2800. He took tow money to me nnn - ' valued at more than $20,000. All of which goes to show how Or- egon realty values have gone up in a little less than a quarter of a cea toft - 'A'tfea 4 1 Stt&ifUifli! tlft I Diving and Cloud Jumping ; Constance Meyers and her Diving Venuses from Portland, will give daily exhibitions at the Harvest Festival jgome Coming fa Walla Walla, October 19-20-21, diving from a plat- fom high the air into a specially constructed tank on Main Street. The exhibitions are very thrilling and a bj tiement of danger enters into tha Berf0rmance. Another sensational frtt act will be a quad(Up parachute drop from a baloon to be made daily by Captain a, v. xacv. cClellan. Leaving the baioon ha firat use. . red parachute, drops . l . .. .-.u rt,t jrom uiai, wiia - u"o, - with a blue ana nnauy miius iu vi with red, wnue ana ou ... . ... I L t 1. In TOakmg a triple drop a cloud jumper , w. r.fm -m Korth Yakima recent- , . hi. ,if. in North Yakima recent go it may b, seen this U a risky performance. For the little tots as well as the grownups there will be Lenore with his Punch and Judy show which he will give on the streets. In addition there wUl be band mu sic, dancing, parades, the coronation and many other attractions. If Hughes should be elected and ap- noint neero oostmasters, it will then I ... r, Pnntri. , T9 WWW I"" - - . WA 19 Wilm camgaiga fund, oe v f I til i: Julllloa n4 on haU U rftisat4 la rrw.