The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 06, 1916, Image 4

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    rz i ri r ' i j
iMaiF ill ril
or stoop
ing; as
oven is on"
level with shoul
ders. You can
easily realize what
a bisr difference it
makes in the days wort.
High Oven Range
has no Superior when it comes to quick and perfect
baking results. It will heat your home and cook
your meals with one fire.
Think of it burns either soft coal, slack or
lignite. They are all cheap fue'j and are burned,
bright and clean by the Hot Blast fuel saving draft
Put one in your home today. .
m IA Nmmta "Co V'oi Own
Horn Cmmm Wiikomi U.
Westca Crepa
v. n
I Dr. a. S. NEWSOM
J Physician and Surgeon
Post Building (Dr. Stone's for-
X mer office) Athena, Oreg.
Office In the Klam Building, Milton
Hours, to 12 and 1 to 5
Physician and Surgeon
Office in
Watts building
Practices In all State and
. E. E. Ceias was up from Pendloton
Ir. K. IK Watts was aWnt during
the first of the week on business
visit to Washtucna.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McRae motored
Wednesday to Walla Walla, accom
panied by Mrs. J. Kirkpatrk-k.
J. F. Snider has improved Ms cot.
tajre property on Normal Heights
with a new porch, kitchen and bath
Stephanie Temple, Pythian Sisters,
will resume its meetings next Monday
evening. All members are requested
to be present.
Mis. Mark Ray is under Dr. Smith's
care at her home on the Rood and
Hawley uplands with a serious attack
of kidney trouble.
Lester Stoddard, SO yeaia old, the
son of a millionaire lumberman of
La Grande, has gone to Australia as a
Mormon missionary.
A cornstalk about twelve feet high
is displayed at Frank Price's office as
an example set by Weston country for
Missouri and Kansas. It was raised
on the John Banister place.
If you like good musk com early
and enjoy our half hour concert by
our Concert Band, starting at 7:30 p.
m. - Tha Girl of Eagle Ranch,"We.
ton, Thursday, October 13. (Adv.)
Two down students have bean an
rolled at Fendletoa for a high school
cadet corps. The federal government
furnishes tha equipment free of
charga and tha uniforms are secured
at nominal cost.
Three head of stock, besides hay
and farm machinery, wre burned to
death in a fir Saturday which de
stroyed the J. M. Labadie barn near
Freewater. The loss was $1000 with
litUe insurance.
Lliil-Jiii i3)
lie .0
klera ita
Friday and' Saturday
With each pair of boys' shoes or -each boy's suit
purchased we will give, free of charge, an AIR SHIP.
This is a fascinating toy and will give the boys no
end of pleasure.
. 1 ?
IVatcli tlie WMov for Prices
ifiyllM If
Those indebted to ma who overlook
ed the annual payday October 1st, are
Federal here.wita advised that it is not yet
too late. I will still be glad to oblige
with my autograph attached to a re-
' ceipW L. L O'Harra.
Mrs. Rabb, representing Miss Moore of Walla
Walla, will be with us but one week longer. She de
sires to supply your wants in her line, and has espec- I
mlly priced for this store a most attractive display of
the season's choicest. creations. Watch the windows.
The Universal Car
The new Ford cars are up-to-the-minute in appear
ance, with large radiator and enclosed fan, hood
with full streamline effect, crown fendera front and
rear, black finish with nickel trimmings -a snappy
looking: car and with all the dependable, enduring
and economical qualities that have made the Ford
"The Universal Car.'' One fact is worth more thtn
s ton of guesses. Ford cars are selling from five to
ttn over any and all other cars, simply because they
give more satisfactory service, last longer and are
easier to operate and cost less 'to maintain and
there's no guessing about the reliability of Ford ser
vice. Touring Car $414.85. Roadster $309.85.
Contractor Ash worth and bis force
of carpenters, consisting of Will Gra
ham, Charles Van Hoy and J. B. Gor
don, left Wednesday for LaMar gulch
to begin tha construction of A, IV
Swaggart's new bungalow.
At The Roundup
C. T. Diamond, a merchant of Turk,
Wash., who is 102 years old, walked r ,
eight miles the otho. day whila going ? Cowboys' Bucking Contest.
to Spokane. He refused to be inter- itj,(:k,OB Sundown, Ncspe-
viewed, saying it was "business first, j(m yy-,,,!
last and ail the time- with him. - slcond-Kufu. Roll.n, Tulsa, Ok-
Says the Condon Globe "Robert Uhm': . . t ,
Nelson raised 30 acres ef wheat on his j Third Broncho Bob Hail, Indepen-
homestead this year which paid him 3nce Onon-
f 1250. This is better than $41 per - , . Balldogglng
acre. Is there any ether country in First Frank McCarroll, Pendleton,
tha world where a single crop will Oregeon.
The Farmers Bank of Weston
CtlablUhcd IS9I
Hoy W. Hitnor
Republican Candidate for
State RenresenJativa
more than pay for tha land?
Ralph Saling harvested 95 full
sacks of beans from 40 acres of his
summer fallow near town, and at
7 1-3 centa per pound, the present
market price in Portland, he could
realize a little mora than $1009 for
tha crop, t cost him $210 m cash
not counting h!i own labor, and whila
ha found that raisins beans Is by
no means a pastoral idyll he never
theless feels well repaid for utilising
his summer fallow. Ha was able, Wyoming.
Second Henry Warren, Victor,
Third John Rick, Cheyenne, Wyo,
Cowgirls' Bucking.
First Katie Wilkes, Miles City,
Montana. . . . ,.
Third Eloise Hastings, Cheyenne,
, Steer Roping.
First George Wlier, Monument,
Jfew Mexico.
Second Ed McCarty, Chugwater,
In 'order to avoid further penalty, all
unpaid 1915 taxes must be paid on or. Le- "
fore October 6th. ' .
Taxes may be paid at this bank as for
, , merly, saving you ojtrip to the county seat.
also, to employ considerable local la
(For re-election)
Farmer and Business Man
Paid Advertisement.
Butter Wrappers.
Furnished and Printed at the Leader office
Sixty (minimum)............................. $0 85
One hundred 1 15
Two hundred..;.;.:........;............:....;. 1 G5
Each additional hundred..;............ 0 40
Third C. A. Byers, Mulhall, OkU.
, Fourth D. . Clark, Portland.
; Pony Express.
, First Floyd Irwin, Cheyennt,
Second Allen Drumheller, Walla
Walla, Wash.
Third D, Zedicar, Boise, Idaho.
' Cowgirls' Relay.
First Mabel DeLong, Walla"faX,
Herman Ollarra writes that when
he got located in the Arcadia elub at
Corvallis to resume hie work at the
O. A. C he missed something ter
ribly, and school life seemed to have
lost ita savor. . For a week or two
he could not imagine what the trouble ..
was, and finally remembered that he r
had failed to subscribe again for tha Wash.
Weston Leader which is known and Second Bertha Blanchett, fendle-
honored In student circles at the "Pea ton, Oregon.
Hollow Gimlet." Having hastened Third Katie Wilkes, Miles City,
to remedy this oversight, his Ufa at Montana.
the college hereaftar will ba filled Co boys' Belay.
-".I a,,, I 1 u?a , First-Allen Drumheller, Walla
"" vn our usif anu we: Walla, Wash.
suum use a lew more. RnK t ik- w...
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Warburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Third D. Zed lea r, Boise, Idaho.
Fourth D. E. Clark, Portland.
Well-Appointed Conveniently Located Pleasant
Comfortable , Reasonable Rates
J. X.I. Centley, Prop. 1.1: A. Ferguson, Clerk
Reports from the upland regions
say that the winter apple crop was
badly damaged by last week's Wind
storm, which struck the orchards 4 Bob Stubblefleld has purchased the
Jnth such force that many of the Pendleton-Weston auto stage line
5K J"? l tnm , ,trT' J Wo. inaugurated the
short this ear, having suffered cervlc' and took ch,r of bu1
from lack of rain. The vines are dry. nM Monday morning. He immedi.
ing up and the young potatoes have ite'y put brand new Ford ear on the
had no chance to mature. Unless ron and Is making two round trips a
rain falls soon and the autumn fronts day. Mr. StubMefield expects to make
come later than usual, good "spuds" Weston his permanent home and will
will be a very scarce article on the probably buy residence property in
upland ranches. For some reason the near future. Wenton gains one
or other the yield has decreased year of the best boosters m the county In
by year, snywsy, until CO sacks per Mr. Stubblefleld and his many friends
acre ia now considered a pretty fair here will regret to learn of his inten
crop. Double this amount was at tions to move from tbis ectiun.-Pilut
cm Usu ouUuu uuuiuaU BucJt Ricuri - -
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston 'by
Weston Mercantile Company