The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 06, 1916, Image 2

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Slrnlli in AJnct
Tl. Vwr
Ki Month. ...................
fmir Mi'iiilin
AuvmuuNU rami
IVr Iiii li Hr month ,
IVr ilH'll, I'M il.JMHi HHI
l.orm, mt line rm li litwrttoit. .
..II Ml
. . 0 74
. . DM
OtT. . Ni
Freewater, Oregon, Democratic
Candidate for
District Attcmey
raid Advertisement
r alt i4 It pMlttl( ! w.tlwt, UitM,
M IIIM4 llu (Mil UMlttl.
Roosevelt shook Taft's hand
with far less satisfaction, we'll
be bound, than he derived from
"shaking" Taft
votes than the cumbinud Rouso.
volt and Taft vot of the same
year. And Hal, Republican,
for senator, rvceieved 5,000 less.
Here is certainly a gain for the
Democrats and a kws for the
"reunited" Republican party.
in mi fc'rom.-the election figures of
i other year many interesting
' and ingenious auguries can be
drawn. Hut these lone force and
conviction when stood beside tho
fact that the Democratic candi
date gained 10,000 votes (and,
more) over th 1912 Democrat
ic vote, and the Republicans lost
4,000 (and more) of the 1912 Re-publican-Progressive
If the change indicated by the
Maine vote prevails all over the
country, the Democrats will gain
largely and the "reunited" Re
publican party lose and our Re
publican friends can figure, and
but not to think of thnuolves ofl
that account, wat on of Uit pleasant
surprlsea of tho war.
Tho) Panama Canal la clear again
for ships with Ittti draft, and Col
Corthals hat sold thr will nut bo
another slid.
Tho suffragists in convention hav
voted to kwp up thalr lobby at Wash
Ington, and to hav a million-dollar
war fund,, although a million dollar
would buy a lot of hats and gown.
' Under tha provision of th general
Kvvonuo bill, tho paitMgo of which
'was on of th laat arta of congress,
th normal Income tax U doubled, but
twic nothing ia nothing sUll, ao moat
of ua wont worry.
Kir Pronation Day '
Th anniversary of th Chicago con-
rendleton would qualify all larsreiy and the reunited Ke- flllltr,U()n October 8Ul nJ ...,,
were it essential for students to Jjgurei and fijure apkint but ey this Tiro Invention Day.- Th
learn how to bulldog the Texas CJ,nnot disprove the simple arith- Insuranc Dpartmnt of Oregon urg-
steer and dance the " grizzly metic of this,
bear." The same proportionate
change in New York would
Twin, th ,o,.- sv tng iew io w nuwn uy
known of him
Reasonable Valuation of All
No Favors Granted to Anyone.
A Square Deal to AIL .
Republican Candidate for
(tesly Assessor
faid Advertisement.
im a I 250.000 votes. In the whole
J. li. Acker-man , . r) mil.i
has always been connected with Wilson the presidency by
the public payroll in one or an- 750,000 majority of the popular
other capacity, and now draws vote.
twice as much
pay as any nor-
Bells For Cannon
th obiervanc of this day and ar
neatly requeita municipal oflWr to
call th attention of citiian to th
need of fir prevention. -
Bay Harvey Weill, Stat fnauranc
"Fir prevention mean good houo
keeping; th cleaning out of attic,
lor room, closets and basements;
th proper disposal of rubbish; re-
mal school president ever drew
before. Finding Oregon an easy The strong religious feeling of irm flu and chimneys;
cow to milk, he is generously the Russian peoeple, extending PjMi fM Ifarfcrt
ii- i t ii 4 u 4 .. . i ll i in cords; making Leating plauU and
willing to let Pendleton grab a to all classes, is curiously illus- It0VM ,nd fnr ;torgt rf
1125.000 teat ' trated by an incident reported gM0a. Try fir prevention one
from the southern part of the and you wUl find it is to your inur-
A Claresholm, Alberta, field of country, says the Oregonian. The t. 1 am sure th cleaning up of
wheat averajred 62 bushel fmm Dronrietor of a large bell factory PWCM WUI m" " P
i i u
Now Is tho time to pet that new suit rind overcoat.
Men's suits, blue serge, plain urey, brown or fancy
mixed goods at $9.90, $12.60, $14.75
Men's nim'klimwn, iKmmIIiI RMnrt
ment ... UPM .VtW W W 7.46
Sbevii llnml is win I.1.IM SA.P0
OiTiin City flannel shlrta ...
Stag shlrta at M 41
Wool shlrta, military oillsr, bnwn,
grey ami tan 9Hef MM I.UM
Sweaters, cual ami jeraev
twe to 5 l
Cunlurxiy pants II. US to 1DS
.f- ' V. 3 TJfi-'Wi.t WH"
Canhmer ho, black, grey, natural
.., ; 'it
WimiI mined sor
Heavy wratl tot Ufa-MOe
Men' evening alipr... Ue to It.nV
Tan rlnfrel hmit IS. 49
illark and tmoko I7.UU
M Inch tan or buckle ho UM
13 Inch tan VUcl shue 4.US
& Inch VuHHtlaho 0 4
See our big assortment of MEN'S DRESS SHOES,
English lasts, tan or black, at... $3.50, 4.98, 4.60
Black or tan, button or lace, box or plain too shapes
from $2.49 to 4.98
J, C. Penne y Co. nc.
1000 acres, which is advertised had sent three sons to the front
f don Meat!
mean sanitation
as fir prevention.
1I t .t..l Aim-
t .. 4.-4 ... . J- - 41-4 It 4V...
as Deaung me woria s recora ana mae iw wiam u icy rc- kt to hold appropruU xrci and
formerly held by Whitman coun- turned safely he would donate fir drills, if any schools art inUr
ty, Washington, "with 51 bush- every bell in the factory for the std probably this Department can
els." Possibly, for bo large an purpose of making cannon. Re- ffr uggUons for U school pro.
acreage. However, Weston once .cently they reached home, one of Kr,m ....... ,
t u 4 ..l 4V v - - Jw.nm,.tn. I trust that th Iniuranc agents
came to bat with an average of them bearing a decoration for ... . .... ... - . ,
heroism, and the father, in ful- m,nU ,nd 6ffic,ri of differnt mu-
62 bushels from 240 acres.
Wo art nut bringing roala to Kewrastl but to Weston,
Oregon. It will be our constant aim to supply patron
with th beet cval w can procure at tho kweet price
consistent with a reasonable profit, ;J'han No, bt
Prime Beef
PorK, Mutton. Veal
Dressed Poultry
FISH Monday and Thursday
Get Our Prices
Fhone No. 63. Orders taken by
phone lor mail rout.
Ten percent interest on all ac
counts after 30 days.
With the caption, "Quick, Da
vid; the Sling!" the Oregon
Journal reprints this paragraph
from the Independence Monitor:
"The light between Goliath
Pendleton and David Weston has
already commenced to get warm
and . will become a great deal
warmer if Weston's money holds bells to the fatnerland for a situ-
OUt ;ina ntlrwioa firiA K1f 4
. y JpTi3 V V46 VTV av'ltfr
, go to the melting pot ha, n his-
Those who are fond of con
fillmentof his VOW, sent every nkipalities In ordr that th many n m u 1 I.DAI II. iiit 4 r i I a
bcU he had on hand to the rail- towns of this suu may properly ob. K. I . M AlLUUI at VVeStOIl tiriCKyarU
way ctation, covering sJl th tarn this day.., .
vailable railway ground and ex- October 9 mighl b a good time U
tending far onto the green be- dean away and burn th dry wmlt LJ 'n , j ,L 1 '
yond. The effect of this has o numerous in Wtoiu
ieen far-reaching, and monast
eries and churches all over the
i.-ind have taken to giving their
demning Wilson's Mexican policy of Ivan the Terrible, in the six
A i U ""t""" .nivnj .uuuiu ictnin century, uuu unit-is uave
ST m TrrV 1 reflect upon Taf.t'8 letter t0 the almost equaUy romanUc associ-
latter telegraphed him in 1911 .
AlmmiK-lnir his iiimrt of President
Wtlauik I, lit her Htirluk. lh urtk-ul.
tory that dates back to thn tinrc turw wtrani or riirrnta. said
j Dr. s. l mim
I Veterinaiy Smgeoa
Main 253 j
Hospital at corner of Main
and Broad streets.
Leave orders at Weston Mercantile
store, or bring work to my residence,
Powers cottage, near school.
I. r. SETTLE Wi.ton
that unless the government act
ed the people of Douglas would
have to vacate the town. Taft
"I cannot order the troops to
cross the border, but must ask
you and the local authorities, in
case the danger occurs again, to
direct the people of Douglas to
place themselves where the dan
ger cannot reach them. "
Was patience in Taft coward
ice in Wilson, who , eventually vid against
did order the troops across the
"I believe bleu in lie the irntnl
fftatesmao lia erer had."
air. Ilurbank. (tie KiIImoh of Iruiltk
bortlruliiirf. Uwlunl Htst wlibuui re
serve be lndorrd Hie iHwltlun anuiHiiw
ed week earlier by TbmuM A Kdl-.
son.. Ilotb Rnrbaiik and Edlsoa bttf
0L ' ,16
V4t ssieisaaiawims)iaisiA
' Japan seems disposed to mak hay
while nobody is looking. -
Uneasy lie tha head that wears a
crown anywhere in th Balkans,
Straw votes show which way th
breath of th straw vote taker blows.
Precautions have been taken to pro-
a film famine, what a
Chicago grain men are pre
dicting two dollar wheat before
January 1st. '
Democratic Candidate for
I A practical farmer, familiar with
J the county's needs.
X ' (Paid Advertisement.) '
wwe ww fffff www fTffff www
Mars may as well "go away
back," etc., when Boston and
Brooklyn cross bats tomorrow.
Spud prospects indicate that
the country editor will be apt to
aMSSiOIIy I half on a year's subscription this
winter. "
' in
trad, merit. mmA rowrtirM. otiOinnl or nm
v. IWmcI fMclH. Mtrls or r'- M
riixio. Inr fail SEARCH wxl tworl
1 fMlfMltliMHtr. hiutk Nfwm
and an yna me. Wrttwr.
patent LAWVtaa.
! 3!13 Seven's St., washinqton, D. C.
(Democratic Publicity Committee.)
.Democratic victories in Maine
are like cold days in August.
They happen sometimes, but ve-
Ewimming leaches ought to grow
in popularity as they become less
Field Marshal Von Hindenburg bids
fair to becoma th Lloyd George of
In addition to getting better roads
we should attend to getting commer
cial waterways.
Running for Governor of Illinois Is
said to b splendid exercise for redu
cing th plethoric purse.
If Prof! Taft is really to take th
stump, it is time to mobiliz th giant
sequoia stumpage. ; .
f In industrial disputes tha rights of
th public must cas to b regarded
merely an academic question. .
If housewiver should striks for an
eight hour workday and ten hours'
pay there would b a revolution.
1 1
aim Loans'
Abstract Go,
Corner of Main and Court Streets
I Adam
bf Underwood a Underwood.
been lifelong Republicans. Edison pu
Ittbls way:
"Time are too serious to talk In
terms of Republicanism or Oem'N-rat'y.
When It's America tbst Is si slake
men bar got to vole as Americans. A
fool or a coward would have bad lh
Doited States In all sorts of iroubi.
A It Is. w are at r'1'. th country
was lifter more proxfieroim, and w
bsv the strength that i-nnie wilt bon
er and Integrity of puro."
Bedroom Suite
The Adam's period Bedroom
Suite in the OLD IVORY is abso
lutely, new hot from the factory
Tod 20xM H'
French Mirrur 20x30 1
Top 18x30 !
Iront'h Mirror 1C20 .
Dressing Table
i op ,
Thr l1 ranch Mirrors
Two 1UXJS; on IZXiV
Bed Wooden
Full sis
tf MIMIK i
-4 ft, 6 In.
Transylvania should bs carefully
ry seldom. In such a 8tronr"t,"'u,hd frora Pennsylvania for
Republican state the Democrats r"wy,nw,i?. h" M BoiM reflroM
have all to gain and little to lose. La1"' h it day nd capiui has
The only question which has any ""J dfy".Jbu the? u nsver tno'
real bearing on the November ment Mt Mld tot thf poor o!d PuWic'
result iswhat did they gain, if when men llv "roups not on
thtv cainM flnvthinc- in the pI. 01 wem nioraiiy ire to mak da-
6ratt leneflt te farmer.
When conttrfws piiwd die rural red
itu bill a few wpeks net II lilitred npun
the atatute bonks a nipssnre of greater
direct lienctll In the farmers of lh
UdIuhJ His irs ilmn iin.r icKHiHilnn en
acted since til rresllon of Hie dpsrt
tnent of agrlrultnr. now nearly a sed
ers Hon ago -Tr Nallimnl Monthly.
ADAM'S jFURNITURF Has Come to Stay
Cbas. H. CarUr Dan P. Smyth
Carter & Smythe
Mt'fvm Mrnll ln.HM,ir..4
B, . ... t,w , .... . . - - --"I"
ection Monday, the eleventh of " .-- ..- am, on. mi t.hM of HVsion.Or.
Spntpmbor 1916? - . . To summer allowt has orchard, alfalfa
V.r' ' flli nn. Cre "a. no other cheek to turn n ereek hottomi well
Sills, the unsuccessful Demo- ths cheek flow ,lfl e,,y water, Oho. H. DUniore,
cratic candidate for senator, pol- industriously stniiun by opposing A,D"' 0r'if,,n' (Owner.)
led 10,200 more votes than were powers. We sre on a eauh lal and want no
cast for Wilson in 1812, whllS Tt,.t (U. ;rt..'..-ii. . r.-n.u Plr"K "T other terms. Hub
Fernald, Republican
candidate .university told th graduate. .t . 1'"
"'""vi i"ci ill ULt VUf
0EEU0N for senator, polled 4,000 fewer ey of th world w. not upon thm jlan. TaVLuia.
Made of Malt a refreshing
temperance drink.
Pool and Billiard Hall