r 4 . V i' TON EAD VOLUME 80 WESTON, OREGON. FRIDAY OCTOHEIKJ, 1916 NUMBER 13 . WES ER 3 I 7EST0;iLilKESCUI3 CEGE1S FOlQTil YEAR Hi Saturday Afternoon dub will resuma IU activities tomorrow for ; tha new club ye.r. It will than hava ' entered noon tha fourth yaar of IU ealatence. durln which It haa dona much for tha promotion of civic good and for tha social and Intellectual benefit of IU members, . Among tha Club'i graateat achieve- mania wai tha transformation Into . mmm tt i-k. wall rruud and eonUining an attractivo pavilion ef a tract of land naar tha canter of town whkh had formarly baan a carrtrjng ground and had bacoma littered up with all aorta of trash and refuse. , Bacomlng uaad to it. mala roaldante In g.n.ral continued to ewwert band, beginning at 7:30 p.m. tolerate It year after yaearj but to Doors open at 7:18; show at 8:15. Ad tha club ladies It waa an eyesore, lt. W cents; children onder 12, 28 and they went to work with rakes cent." Ml hot. tad cleaned It up. Now It . - . i. . .nurr. f nrlda to lha aommuni. Cr,M Fv Bod t. Another club aomllhm.nt was tha buildlna- of a Dublie tennis court, located on North Water street. wn? "o7aVmTt tl . - i. : picsewwiny ewminMoiiy mvTenwnva. ewe ww ejwiiiiMw ew - wfv)wvS m - - . ... avosT atrlsi of eoncerU and wclali. fvr proposed John Day highway. Tha m an th. man of tha citv aark re. aoclaUon went on record as unanl. ftrrrd to. for th. beneflt of tha We. . ... .a t. it.. nf ik. W..T tno ciuo is anm.a to. gon FMcreuon f woman', wuoa. IU membership ll.t la limited to 2S. It is gay a. w.l a. gw. winter presented at both Weston and Athens a most .uccsful mu. nd A then, a most .uccssrui mu- .leal comedy, Th. N.w Minister.- and are Invariably regarded by the ----- - member, aa quite worth while, from th. standpoint of wterUlnm.nl aa well a. instruction. They art held alternate, Saturday, at 2:30 p. n. Th. hostesses for th. year .ret October T Mm. A. J. Mclnfyra. October 21 il re. J. Wurser. November 4 Mrs. W. A. Graham, November IS Mra. J. A. McRss. Decmber J Mrs. F. D. Watte. December 1ft Mrs. R. Morrison. Dec.mber 30 Mrs. C. II Smith. January 13 Mrs. E. M. Smith. January 27 Mrs. J. W. Porter. February 10 Mrs. E. O. DeMos. February S4 Mothers' D.y, March 10 Mr. W. A. Barnes. March 24 Mrs. Win. MacKenti. April 7 Mrs, a A. Barnes. AprU 21 Mrs. W. E. Woods. May ft Mrs. R. W. Brown. TV. .I..k . .... ..... V.. I. VIHW 9WUWW m 1m VW. M. BHIilf UUlVr Vl.lt Hill AfHUHU w. .mw.H- S Oin Oi.rk printed at th. Leader office, In which class; reading by Cmtrlotto MaeK.n- Th. building wa. valued at $30,000 - f . . tha natur. and program of wch of sie; Instrumental solo by Gwtrud. and th. damage will probably reach Two large deal, in mot Bock flirt IU meeting! ar. st forth. Ite offl- V.n Winkl.; song by th. Cider b.twe.n 27000 and 110,000. Th. ok P'" t tMk JT a c.r. art twin.; "Rally Day." by Mr.. J. IL flooring will hav. to b. rpl.d tn. f Wm. Evan. 680-acr. grain and Mra. E. 0. D.Mom, pr.sld.nt; WUllamsj "Our Rally Day," by boy.' tlraly and all of th. timber, of th. tock ranch wa. announced, a gentle Mr.. E. C. Rogors, vice-president, cisss; reading by Ermna Mclntyr.jbas.rn.nt Th. Are burn.d the walls man from Adams by ta.nara.or. Mra, Robert Proudfit, secretary; Mra, W. S. Price, treasurer; Mrs. F..D. Watts, reporter. Asld. from th. officers the elub membership roil include. Mrs. W. A. Barnea, Mrfc i. A. Barn... Mrs. 8, w nmM Mr. n n r.rmi,t,.t W- B?.wn. rl-. Cm'.?' Ctrmichaet. Mrs. W. A. Graham. Mra. Wm. Mae- Ksnile. .Mr K. MscK.nils, Mr. ' J. A. McIU., lit. R. Morrison, Mrs. A- . ftsemtyra, Mra. w. b. J.yn Mr.. C. L. Plnkerton, Mrs. J. w. For. ter, Mrs. J. F. Snydsr, Mr. C. IL tended by th. immediate relatives of Smith, Mra. E. M. Smith, Mrs. L R. th. brtd. and a f.w neighbors. Fol Van Winkl., Mrs. Mlnnl. Walk.r, lowing th. etrtmony, which wa. per. Mra. J. Wurser, Mm. W. E, Wood . formed by Rv. W. B. Smith, a boun- 1 1 tiful wadding .uppr wa. served. Mr. Runy.n Plead. Caltly and Mrs. Carlson hav. hearty wall Gtarle. Runy.n, Indicted by th. wishes of th. many friends of th. grand 'jury on a charg. of assault bride throughout th. Weston coun with a kngeroui weapon, appeared tryslde, where ah. ha. liv.d from l.sfor. Judgs Phelp. In th. Circuit Court and changl his former plea of not guilty, with a request for the Ion- i.ncy of th. court. 11. wat giv.n tlx months to 10 year, in th. Mat. p.n. Kay, hat been first In her clan at th. . . ;ro..ro.m wlil b. fitted un th ncy. Charlet Serrell purch it.ntl.ry but aliow.d 10 day. In which ttet. .ehool club .xhlbit at th. BUM r " ' tn" "I ondl d'clar. they Med 40 crM tot im nd V,n 'itonr.oar.apetUlonforparol.. Run- Fair and will again h.v. th. oppor- ..JJ 7 Orsdatl paid $7080 for 80 acres on van snot ueorg. epearman at we . H . 1 .4 . CayuM roundup s.v.ral months .go mer court, at th. Oregon Agrlcul durlng a quarrel when Runyan re- tural College, th. reward for winntr. nt.il bains- called a aheeDh.rdw. in all clatsea. Hat tpKlalty 1. tur li..th man ar. cowDunch.rt and wer. ..-li. . tt,. rnnnftiin It wu thot -T- It th. tlnf. that th. lnjur.d m.n would not recover but h. wa. out of th. hoipitai ln a short tint, and lata- ly wat riding in bucking hort con. tette-TribUnt. stav Gravel Roadt .... Dr. M. S. Kern announced to we rommerclal association last night mat -JscS .. -.. T.Z u. :.nlil for the purpose non w - - ..., -j. 3 CSftSir lllg Teal Show Coming The Girl of Eagle Ranch," big weatern piny with twtnty people in the rest Including band and orchestra, will be produced h.rs under eanvaa, Thursday, October 12, for on night only. Th. tent will b. pitched on north . Water street Tba advance man aayi of tba ahowi "Taka notlca that thli la not ring elrcu. or moving plrtiure, but a blub claaa atego production for ladle, and childran at wall aa gentlemen. Tha company rarriaa U own apaclal seen- try and lighting .flecte, and muaic U randerod during tha action by iu big flv.-pelc. oarhesUa. Tha six vauda villa acta In connection consist, of singing and dancing, arrobettt and tumbling feats and laughable comady and musical sketches, "Everybody Is invited to coma aarly and enjoy tba half hour concart by our At a meeting of the Grant county gxl oal MoelaUon held at John JJy Jjjjjj' JjJ ,1$" "on In the near future to decide wluthar tha eountv shall bond itself - -- for th purpoM of contiractlnff tho mously favoring the bond Issue, A mou..y S2JS iA-ffSSuSS " .fc" "! ,1.1 vn.i t m-m ........-.. ' pUo of thi. ,hort ,Xrip A ,um' W,U eora: wry hort time and ' Plnloa ,ttd Hagn.y -- S'rM ii . . proper appicauon were swn. U.B. SONBAY SCHOOL llflllltf niWtl ri'")ltf KALLT HAT esUf.yAT R41y Day" Ui announced far next Sunday at 11 a. m. by th. United Brethren Sunday sch'ooL An inter- .sting program will b. given, and a collection will be taken for the pur- pose of repapering and otherwise beautifying th. Interior of th. Sunday school room. Th. exercises will in- clud. a song by th. school; invoca- i. a total loss. A great deal of it was J N yorC( on9 0f tne most suc tion by th. pastor; prayer long by bunred outright and the balance was ,Untj,,i farmer, in the district north Mrs. Kennard'. class; "Paul'. First so damaged by smoke and water that of town n(lI tought UQ acrea from Missionary Journey," by Gall Will. It Is practically worthless. Th. .tock p G StM p,yng ioo an acre, spot lams; Tsui's Second Missionary was valued at approximately 124,000 cmu rg Mr. York'. Nev Journoy," by Hilda McRae; "Jesus by R. Alexander, th. owner, and, th. flrfsil um 640 crM K00j Will BI.sa th. ilttl. One" by Cur- insuranc. wiU cover only about half ,w land . to on, w- .1. Ck.tl.U.-. ..J U.w V..-..J'. instrumental solo by Isab.ll. gi MIT Ksnile; comet solo by Harvsy Lun dell; song by th. school. '.' - An Vpl.nd Wedding Mr. Arthur L Carlson of King ? , t. . T ,,. , county, Washington, and Ml.. Lor.na ni,u. a.,.u.. r m, .a Mm , c. Hopkln., w.re united In mar- Sunday, October 1. at th. hom. 0f th. brld.'a DarenU on th. Wwton un'ands. It wa. a aulat affair, at- girlhood and I. held In high tett.m. For th. second time In two years, Carm.n Jonas, of district No. 99, Me- tunny vo buv.hhk- w hh ,uii. . 1 1 i i t - J.rn.l-. - ' IV. ... keys and th. das. is designated a. Poultry ralslnff No. 2. She mad. a , . . remrKaiii. recora tan year witn ner birdt and thle ytar, though th. com. petition wtt greater, and her showing not to good, th. wai sucwssful by a Clear margin, vm ovn. i v...- .tills county prls. wlnnert wat almost among the flrstt at the state show. .-.. . . ttMiitotn. 1. 1 f !- ww'w v........, r. - o ou. v, . J-"T'" is second In that class. i .... ih vndf a bis. aa. ii v nil r ni a t t .... thechUdren return.d Saturday mor- ln from th. fair. Th. other, wer. phnin Faucett of Stanfis d and Dor- Iffw uSSZl'&kuu Going Some arid Still After Him - " w f - V'V x - . -taw---- . $1CO,C03 FOE GUTS T,"r, w ' FH3LET0:i STORES; Damage that totals around on. bun. - tord, morning by a basement nre u th. Schmidt block on Mala Street in Pendleton. Douglaa Bella, a former Pilot Bock stockman, who Is own.r of th. building. Bond Bros., and th. Pop- gM Ctih SroU who occupied the low- er ftooc of th. buIlOing, are th. he.v- pmiwwiw TsndJeton papers My th. fire was ua buys, .knowing well that he has th. most disastrous in years. Th. nj, money out of land in thi. sec flame, wer. conflnad almost entirely tion before and can do it again. denM th,t t rmn found 14 1"1P- siui. gei aown wner. uiey coma tL AU they could do was to pour water hito th. basement and drown out th. fir. and it took mora than three hour, to do this, Th. origin of th. fir. i. unknown. Th. alarm waa turned in about 6:45 a. m., and it was past 10:30 before th. flame, wer. under control. Th. stock of th. Popular Cash stor. tk.t . miiv.1 v we ewwi'B mww. m w,-w plsc.s. Mr. Belt, think, hi. lot. is covered by insurant.. Minor damage was don. by th. smoke to occupante ef th. upper floor, AU of th. room. wer. to heav with amok, that they could acarwly b. n- f!? c" . !r.Lu .v.u tewd. Som. war. abl. to move their '",',in t B?nlB"s' '.T m 1 ,v.vv'. -- worth about 181.00 and th. insuranc. carried amounted tw only about half barley crop averaged 45 bushels per that amount A great deal of stock acre. The new owner will take pos in the bas.rn.nt wa a complete loss, session of th. place during th. month. Thi. wa. worth at least $30,000. All Tob. Bush sold his Birch creek that wa. not burned wa. carted away farm a few mile, below th. Bock, as toon a. th. amok, cleared and wa. consisting of 240 acres, to W. J. Con stored tn th. vacant room In th. Judd dra.. Th. pric. is not giv.n, but it ia building. Th. aalvag. may amount known that it run. well Into th. thou to $10,000. sanda, E. T. Wad., th. Pendleton Bond Bros hav. already laid plant ral .state man negotiated th. deal, for w-openlng th. itor. Both mem. ndi,n goM ' oors m wie urm wm iw -- v . ...... .i..U ,r . MnrtmA . k- .,-.. Mean. " ' ..... . Sevanteen hundred liquor permit, wer. Issued last montth at Walla Walla, an averts of 68 a day. At ... ....... .-it m.n mm vvu..., j... w..., .." ln c,iit wj,il. a yta. ago on that d,M th.(r. wart 29. A year ago on October I, 229 men had bean regit- mti tt y,, jail on(1 m y.ar ther. httv4 bMn 1U4 . Everyboily enjoys a good show. Therefor, you will like "Th. Girl of 0f Mot Rock and other, helped trans Eair'.e Ranch," north Water street port the fish from the depot to the We.ten, October 12. (Adv.) ' Grant, rass. .osepmne coun. lti $3009 mora for racist Uiihway. Grants Pass. Josephine county . tin. "S. WW r-A;. 'I. ," f f'A Cleveland Plain Dealer. ' " LMEElG FAFcJiURS ,mm sMwiM.ew TAKE 03 L'G.IE LAIS Umatilla counly farmer, sr. in f er posiUn than outsider, to ,iM the investment value of Uma- tin county land, which 1. the reason thy nearly all deal. In dirt are mad. between local people. Newcomers generally figure that th. price, are nigh to permit 0f a rwon.bl. ..nt. Th. lo- dta iMttJl UUVI U" IlKUilllK VI. VUtal tvi s eal man does no figuring i. ax. saniaier, mayor ui necwo, ,who ha. farmed in thi. county nearly ,u hif jjf, ,nd owni , j,rB. acreage ,f iubl. land in thU vicinity, hat just taken on a half section more. It is located near Adams, and is known as th. Krebs place. Mr. Banister paid 130,000 for the tract, which he M ntAiy farm in connection with his other holdings. The place will be occupied by Carl McConnell and f.m:iv . deal wm mad. at l par acre, a total consideration of $26,560. This figure included .ight head of horses, farm machinery, all improvement, and th. hay in th. barn. Mr. Evan, retain. - "U of thi. year', grain crop, about fiM hMd of ho., and aoma other stock beside, his personal property. Thi. is on. of th. choice ranch., of th. South End. Only a f.w acres ar. untillabl.: Thi. ' year Mr. Evans' ..... , ... . t.JU- 1.-4 iwg vrvb vi uvau ihumu taut W8r ol by MJor Swartlander at ... Tutuilla. -Tribune. A carload of fish wer. distributed in Camas Creek in the vicinity of th. Lehman and Hidaway Spring, and al- Ti.W .-J A lk.. . C.J-.- ""r """" w" day. Deputy Game Warden Tonkin George Tonkin and Marion Jack,mem- ber of ft, Stat, Fish and Gam. Com- mission were in charge of th. distri- butioa. Roy Ritner and Herman Ros- nberg of Pendleton, George Stangier creek. Levi EWridge t truck also took out a large number of th. cans to UKian rrom wnence wey were uis- w vjiu nv... v, --. trlbuUd by inUmtta parties. Condrmae PeedleiM Dill M-Michalbook of" McM inn villa, Or. agon, was a Weston visitor Saturday, f TrrffT fl?,l PAVC lie likes the looks of the country, and fteUel ElleJ kUlJ would like te trade soma Walla Wall . realty which be now owna for wbaat 1 land In this neighborhood. Ilia hold- "''ril CnMi Cit' " b Lnga there include a residence proper- "" of thrilling malodrama te be ty valued at SM00, a garden tract, preaented Wednesday, OcUAer 25, worth 115000 and an orchard held at tor benflt of WUM Concert IC0OO. Mr. Hicnclbook aays that Mc- 15 nd- All tha masculine members of Minnville .will cut a large vote a- e1 likawiae members of gainst tha Pendleton Normal achool that popuUr musical organizaUon, bill. Ha regarda Pendleten'a aasump- h will play on the street in-full tion in asking for a new plant whan uniform the evening of the produc one already exists at Weston, as rid- lin. , fculous. and says that his neighbors malodrama ranks among the look at the matter in the same light, 'trongest masterpieces of Charles Uei, the father of three volunteer Townsend, the well known playwright. soldiers who are now on the Mexican border. They are Captain F. L. Mich elbook of Company A; Sergeant Jaa. and Corporal Roy Mlchelbook. Acknowledging the Coin Since last reports the -following val ued friends and patrons have gladden ed the Weston Leader sanctum with subscription payments thus helping ua at an opportune time. Wading heavy, Reginald Churchill George Sower, Will Beathe, Joe (otherwise Slippery Sam). Gaud Blomgren, Fred Gerberding, S. S. Nel- Price take, the juvenile lead, Harold son, Trajan Tucker, B. Morrison, J. Westerly, a man among men. Earl E. McDanial, Colden Rule Hotel, C Olson is th. second Juvenile, Kenneth E. DuPuis, George Walden, Orral Marston, who is Tis!d in bondage." Duncan, H. A. Sret, L T. Settle, Mrs. Perhaps the most difficult role of th. Susan Tucker, J. H, J rice, Donald P. piece, Jacobs, a Jew double-dyed Mitchell, Herman O'Harra, Jess Ccr- yet amusing old villain i. essayed don, W. A. Barnes, Dr. CI Smith, by Roy Bead. Bulin Smith ia Dex Mrs. H. N. Greer, Jo. Hyatt, J. M. ter, th. detective without whom no Plica. such play is complete. Elixa Mor- LiV.. Oliver Twist, however, we are rlson appears in the juvenile lady lead wanting more, and assure all and sun- as Lillian M&rston, Kenneth's wife, dry thc we are in do danger of "writ. Gladys Smith Is the soubrette in the er's cramp!! from making out reee!pts. role of Clytie Heth, a lively young Drop in any time and contribute. mm mmm will MOLD RALLY AT FEflDLETOU will eing between acta. , . , . That Weston people will turn out Tuesday.Cktobern wfl beeg b political day In th. Omati'la County... .,,hriVm- nH th. nrniin.u .(tiiipeii ji. a mm mm vw tu(iicei un rtr- in tr..i.A. j-- tliroughout the county. Every Hughes household will fly the American flag and there will be a big demonstration with parade of automobile, and Hughe. Alliance OuU in Pendleton to the evening . aiter which Senator fif t Adamf m fair to loM heavU, Char e. W Fulton w.11 address the M . naul of y,, hlTi 8torm people of Umatilla County on the - of few weekg ,g(X wind fan sue, of the campaign at Happy Can- ned the fir, wu in u. wheat yon at eight oelock in the evening. ... 4t . Wn hupnin, eveP The Umatilla County Republican Central Committee is making great preparations for thi. event. A large number of flag, have been ' ordered and th. people who do not hav. a flag of their own can secure on. from either th. Central Committee or th. Hughes Alliance Club. Tan thousand red, whit, and blue Hugh., button, will b. distributed for that day. All of th. Hughea Allian ces in th. county will tend delegate, to Pendleton and they will form a marching club for that evening car-' rying Hughea pennants. - Th. band will meet Senator Fulton at th. train when he arrive, and will also furnish music for th. evening. There will al so be music by local singers of re pute and addresses by well known pol itician, and candidates for office be tides th. address of Senator Fulton. $2 WHEAT PREDICTED BEFORE JANUARY lrt Chicago, Oct S Grainmen predict two dollar wheat before January 1, 1917. Today's prices, both cash and futures, range ten cent, lower than the record, of January, 1915. Heavy crop decreases, discouraging Argentina conditions and the allies demand, for Canadian and Australian wheat caused th. price boom. The Board of Trad, stated that th. North west ha. no teed wheat Present seed wheat prices or. four and seven dol lars a bushel, C. P. Strain, assessor, candidate for re-election, solicit, your further sup. port upon hit record. Hit efficient administration and unmatched econ omy do not constitute hit only worth to you. Repeated election, a. asses sor hav. given him an influence which h. regards as yours and which he uses faithfully for your benefit upon all proper occasions. (Adv.) Stop! Look! Listen! The biggest and also the lat tent sho ylayms Weston this season. "The Girl of Eag!. Ranch," under canvas, Thurs day, October 12, (Adv.) Eugene. $2500 contract let for a North Bend. The keel for the lar glass palm loom addition to th. Ho- gest boat ever built on Coos Bay has tel OsbotiK FLAY TO EE GIVE. BY " brilliant, dashing, eciting play. Its thrilling situations quicken the pulse and its tender pathos touches the heart. The humor is abundant, and the dialogue is written in the noted author's happiest vein. Select ed with care, the caat will do its best to please and interest tha local public Clark Wood will appear' in the character lead of Old Ben, a man with a past. Ernie Blomgren is tha lady. Supplying th. feminine comedy Joeia Lavender impersonate Jane Ann Deverill, a shy yet watchfully waiting spinster. Jack Root, a prominent Portland so loist, now a resident of Pilot Rock, w - r a--- re that they will not be disappointed. Faithful rehearsing is in progress. Wheat Again Catches Fire . , .... n, Ki ln -,,-ehousa . . t. ,hMt but ,itU. damage by tt6 -riffinal fil is now worthless entirely or badly smoked and scorched. The salvaged grain wa. sold by th. insuranc. com panies to H. W. Collin, of this city for approximately $73,000 but it ia un derstood he was representing Port, land parties. Had the 6 re sot been fatuied np sgmm to, buyer, would doubtless have com. out of their bar- gain wijth a good margin of profit The original fir. wat put out ap parently by water and there wa. little indication of much fire left in the Im mense pile of wheat until the heavy wind storm came. Ever since the wheat has been smoldering' and heavy smoke is still rising from it Men have Jbeen engaged in rasacking the salvage for several week, and a good many thousand satks hav. already been hauled away. Most of it how ever, will not be good for anything but chicken, sheep and hog feed, it is Mid. East Oregonlan, - Bread Weight Variant J. A. Yeager, state sealer of weights and measures, who has been making an investigation of the weight of bread loaves for th. state department has found that there is a great dissimilarity- in -th. tie. of th. loav.s. At one place he found a 27 ounc. loaf and three door, below found another of 19. Th. average six., he says la about 21 ounces. Tribune. Th. construction of a $2000 athletio hall for th. benefit of the pupils of th. Echo school district will be dis cussed at a meeting called for Octo ber 8. A report from Utah state, that Og den capitalists are adding extensive improvements to the Sumpter Valley B. R. in Oregon, including several new steel bridges. Thursday, October 12 "The Girl of Eagle Ranch." Also six vaudeville acts; 20 people. (Adv.) h.q bid boat to U S59 Us evt ail r