WES' roN EADER NUMBER 15 VOLUME SO WESTON. OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 191C L: FEDERAL FMIil LOAIiS CHEAP met Low latere! sad Long Tim Ar Feature of Rural Crtd II SjsUs. The Fdral farm lota act," popu larly called th "Rural erdlt law,' wat signed bjr tha President and , became t law oo July IT, lle - Tha orlroarr Durooe al Utia act t to promote agricultural prosperty by enabling farmers to borrow mon , ay oa farm mortgage aacurily at a : reasonsbl rata of Interest and lor : ralatlvaly long period of Urn. To : attain this object, two fsrm-morU gag system ara provided! (1) ' A system operating through regional bank, and (t) . a system , oper f. atlng through Joint-stock land banks. ' . To attract money to th (arm-loan field tha act provide method whtreby the"who hav mony to lend can And aaf Investment la th ferta of debenture or bonds, ol email and larra denomination, la sued by the bank and baaed oo the security oi mortgage on larm inu ThM two afatama ara to be uii- der the general supervision of a Fed eral farm Loan Board la tha Treae tiry Department, composed of the Secretary of the Treaeury, at chair man ex officio, and four member, appoint! by th Freeldent This ' board ha authority to appoint ep ' praissrs, amiura, and registrar, who will be public official. Federal LaadBaak Bytiea. Under the Federal land-bank aye tern th act provide for Federal land bank whkh make loans, ioi tha first IS month xcluvl through local mUouJ farm-loan e aoclatipna "composed of borrowor. Thee atociaUont ihl le tharo ' ' holder In the bank, and In Ul way tha member who are th bor rower will ehar In the proflte oi tr.i tank. Tha" money for th loan la to coma partly from th capital oi tha banka and partly from the aal by tha banka of bonda secured by first mortgagee on farm lands. Tn act define eulcUy the purpoeea foi and the condition ander which loan are to bo made, and require that the rale of Interest charged on farm loan ahall not exceed eix pet cent par annum. Telt Federal Land Banka. Tha Unltod State ahaU bo di vided Into li farm-loan dUtrlcU, and a Federal land bank with a tub- ecribad caplUl etoek of not lea than 1760,000, each share to ehail be aUMiebed In each district Each Federal land bank may . Mtablieh branches In It dlatrkt Within 80 daya after th capital atock la of fered for tele It may be purchased at par by anyone. Thereafter, the , atock remaining unsold ahall be bought by tha Secretory of the . Treasury for the United States. It .J - la orovided. however, that the Gov- ernment thtll not receive any divl danda on iu ttock. Ultimately, It ie intended that all tha atock in the banka ahaU be owned by the associ ations of borrower, and provision . therefor! I made la tha law for tranafirriitf the original ttock at par to these association!. ; Farm-Loan Association. Th i provide for the creation i of local national farm-loan essocla tiona through which It It content- plated that th Federal land banka hall make thtlr loan. In the event that a local loan anoclatlon it not formed in any locality within .., a' ye pif FHeral Form Loan Board' may authorise federal land bank to make loana on farm land through approved agento. Ten or ' v mor pertont who own and cultivate farm land qualified el eecurity for a mortgage loan under the act, or ' who are about to own and cultivate such land, may form aucb M . elation,.' provided the aggregate ol . i j.ia ti tVa mamber- in wane ..w - ship I no lest than 120.000. Each T member must take stock In hi as , toclatlon to an amount ' equivalent to 6 per cent of the amount he wish- et to borrow. This ttock the asso . ,t.,in. hnlHi In trust ae eacurity for j the member'! individual loan. The association, in turn, when applying for money from the bank, must sub . V iv. fr itack In the bank to an the turn it wants to obtain for it member. Thla atock la held In trust by the bank ae eacurity for the loana It makes through tha associa tion. If a prospective borrower haa no money with which to pey for hie association atock, be may borrow tha price of that, ttock aa a part of tha loan on hla farm land. Under thla plan, then, every bor row must be a etockholdar tn his local aeoclation, and every associa tion a stockholder In it dlatrtrt rfatik. Lach stockholder In a that esMwiatiou op to twice the amount of hla atock. - ' IIow Loana Are Obtained. A member of a national farm loan association, before obtaining a loan, must drat nil out an application olank eupplied to the loan associa tion by the Federal Farm Loan board. Thla application blank and other necessary paper will then be rafarred to a loan committee of the association which must appraise the property offend aa eecuniy. fiucn application at la approved by the man committee It thea forwarded m the federal land bank and must bm InveatlBauifi and reoortod on by a salaried appraiser of the bank, be tor a loan It granted. Thlt ap praiser it required to Investigate the aoKeucy and character of toe pros pective borrower aa well aa we value of hla land. When a loan la granted the amount la forwaraed to the borrower through the loan as sociation. . Condlllona Under Which Loana May v ps gained, ? ( The act avtctflceJly deftnea the; purposes for which loan may bo obtained. These are: (a) To provide for the purchase uf land for agricultural use. lb) To pi wide for the purchase of euuiutttiit. ftruliaara. tud live stock' necessary for the proper ana .eaaonabio operauoa &( tnf rourv gsged firmi the term "equlpme&t to bo denned by the Federal Farm Loan Board, " ' . :,...,....- '"' ' i (e) To provide boildUiet and lor la Improvemenl oi farm Wndej the tarm "improvement- to no wn jy the ledoral Farm Loan Board. (d) To liquidate Indebtouneaa w ihe owner of the land mortgaged, ..v,utin at th time of the organisa tion of the first national farm loan leaociation established in or for the county in which the land mortgage ia aituated , or Indebtedneaa subse quently incurred for one of the pur poeea mentioned In thla taction. Loana may? be made omy on nw mortgagee on farm land. Only those who own and cultivate arm land Br ara about to own and cultivate such laud are entitled ; to borrow.,, ,:' , ' ' ; No one can borrow aavo for the purpoee stated tn this act, and those ho afUr borrowing oo no use w mnnav for the Durposee specified In the mortgage are liable to have their loans reduced or recalled. oe wratarv treasurer of each associ ation la required to report any di vision of borrowed money irom we purpose sUUd In th mortgagee.' , No Individual can borrow than $10,000 or lest than $100. Ko loan may be made for mor than 60 per cent of the value of the land mortgaged and 20 per en 01 the value of the permanent insured improvement upon It. V Ihe loan must run tor not than 5 and not mora than 10 years. Every mortgage mutt provide fo' the repayment of the I-n under amortisation plan by meana of a ilxed number of annual or teroian- nual Inatallmenta tufficlent to meet all Interest nnd pay off th loan by the end of th term of th loan. The inatallmenta roqiUd will be those published, n amortisation -tablee to be prepared by the Farm Loan Board. Th bank la given power to pro tect itself In case of default by re calling tho loan In whole or In part, or taking other necessary action. Mn Fadaral land bank It permit ted to charge more than 6 per cent per annum on It - tana mortgage loan, and In no case shall the Int rst charged on farm mortgage ex ceed by more than one per cent the rate paid on the last Issue ox oonaa. For example, If the bank pay only four per cent on an issu of bonds it can not charge more than five per cent for th next farm loan it make. ,Out of thlt margin of not (Continued on Second rage.) "What Would You Hare Done? The People Have a Right to Know EOT wu'W'A, i - ' 1 t rw 1 - J 'im. EUG3S LAWYER ESEiTS rJSREPRESEI- Wm FEATUl Aa Argument Against the- UlliaXite Bill to tatabliah A New Normal School at Feadktoa, 1 (By S. D. Alien of Eugene, Ore.) MiaaUtamanta rurardina' th Pen- dlaton Normal Bill, made to members of my family and my acquaintances. oy the circuiaiora ci peruone rr pie cing tho bill upon the ballot, led me publicly oppose the bill. I am not opposed to another Normal School fox Oregon, I am not even opposed to pia ang It at rendleton, provided the jueation of ait ia fairly and honeatly submitted to th voters, but I am op posed to thla particular bill and the methods employed to make it a law. i am greatly Interested that wrongful political methods In Oregon should .mm, and thla Interest alone leada me to make thl argument. fh Sluatlon at th Tim the Pcndle ton Bill Waa Framed. At the time thla -bill waa framed Lhara were three educational inatitu- uona mainUined by the State of Ore gon, tho University at Eugene, open ad for Instruction in 1867 and In which jistruction haa been continuoua for 4 ya&rs, th Agricultural College at Oorvallia, maintained in continuous uperation by the state tine 1835, and iha State Normal at Monmouth, open sd hi 18S2, and since, with the excep tion of a few year when no appropri ation waa made, In continuoua opera tion. All these are In flourishing con dition, hav extensive plants, and axe liberally mipported by permanent, continuing appropriation. These three institutions ar named in u Pndlton Bill and purport to be af fectedbylt ; ' ' , 8 ; . From a tlm prior to the establish ment of the school there wat clause In th ttata conttitution Mad ing aa follow i , "All public instltutlone of th atate hereafter provided for by the leglilaUv assembly shall be located at the eoat of govern- AM 1 men. , ' , , Thla clause wat not understood at referring to educational institution and tha University, the Agricultural i"..ita and four normal schools were located away from the capital while it waa In full force. The clause was considered by the Stfpreme Court In the case, '' SUU ex rel. vs. Metschen, 82 Or. 872. where that court referring to It says: "In view of the practical con struction of the Instrument by the legislative and executive de partments for at least if not quite a quarter of a century, bb evi denced by the location of educa tional institution away from tha teat of fovtrnmtnt U no doubt , - t- l" ' f YhHWj. ' r fell in I --Dsvton Nemra OF PIiDlETC:i BE ; ahottld now be eanatritadaa-ae to , ibCiud uniy euch institutions aa aie rtrktly govennental in thei.' cftaracUr, An a. ylum for the in tune luiues dearly within thw construction." , . Sine the Supreme Court so tpoke ther hav been 21 year of added practical construction, in which the ttate has maintained these Institu tions away from the aeat of govern ment If the court in 1886 could say there waa "no doubt" regarding the proper construction of this clause, what man or court should question it now, even if there haa been no addi tional legislation affecting the situa tion T But there has been additional legislation of the moat decisive character,.- .. . " "' At tho 1908 general election, the people of the state changed thla very clans to at to read: "All public institutions of the atate, not located elaewhere prior to January, 1907, ahall be located in the county whera the seat of government la." . , For what possible purpose could th words "not located elsewhere pri or to January, 1007," have been intro duced Into thia clause but to effectu ally silence the claim, sometimes made, that the educational Institution ware not legally located t What at torney would hav th hardihood now to contend before a court of record that thla amendment did not accom plish th purpose so evidently intend ed? - :- ' But th constitutional change ef fected tn 1008, ia not all that ha been don. At th gnral election of 1910 the people, by an initiative bill, pro vided for the "permanent support ano mainUnanc" of tie Monmouth Nor-; mat, by a permanent annual tax upon all the property uf the state. The Pendleton bill does not go near to far. It purports only to validate what has been done. Thia school was in actual successful operation, the atate from year to year enlarging the physical plant and having, at w have aeen, made effectual provision for it "per manent tupporU" Yet it ia reserved for ambitious rendleton from it po sition across tha mountains to disco ver that something wat still legally wrong with the Monmouth school. In 1012, by a referendum vote, the people provided for the erection of costly permanent buildings for the University, and they have since been erected. In 1913, the legislature also provided for ha support a continuing annual tax. II ratification of its lo cation were noedod this supplied it. Yet it was reserved for the Pendleton boomors, from their vantage point tgroM the. Cateadca, to disjsvw that ker at ' v ! somathlng waa legally wrong with the University, and generously to proceed to corm-t the wrong. la lik manner the legislature of 1913, provided for the support of the Agricultural College by a permanent continuing tax. 1 do not recall any act of 'popular legjdatkm ratifying the location of the Agricultural Col lege, but there ar facta, obvious to any thoughtful mind, that have made tho location of tho Agricultural Col lege permanent at Corvalli for be yond what could be done through pop ular or represanUUva legislation. Here is a great atate farm, highly de veloped, and a costly, well piauned agricultural school, whoa reputation extends for beyond the limits of the state, lb location of such an Insti tution must neceeaarily be rural. Am bitious citiee may not bid for it loca tion. No salt mun can Imagine a popular frenzy that would bring about ihe removal and consequent oca true uon, of thia megniheent plant. The framer of th fandleton bill did not anticipate any such reault. They did not anticipate; that support would be denied the Agricultural College be es u of any supposed invalidity In 1U location. O, no! They were too smart for that They brought the Agricultural College within their bill lor a far different purpose. - . , XL .- . Why Did The Framer of Th Bill To KetabUah a New Normal At Pea diet on Bring Within The Scope of Their Measure Threa Ex- . letiag Iastilutiooa Lang Es- ; tabdahed and Permanent- ly Provided Fort The answer to this question it not diflurult . of solution. The inclusion bait I kcro. By it they expected to win th t-nthinking aiu uninformed friends of these existing institutions and get votes that on the traigbt proposition to establish a new normal could not bo had On the straight proposition th framer s bad reason to expect defeat for their mea sure. ..In J914-, initiativa nwasuret to reestablkh normal work at the Asn iand and Weston Normals had both been defeated. Tiroes are now tard er and tax burdens weigh more heav Uy. The f ramera of the measure rea- ,ized that a straigat measure to es tablish a new normal at Pendleton would fail. They thought to throw a scare into the friends of the three ex isting institutions and so get their votes. Tha intimation was to be made general that these three institutions were rot legally established, that their maintenance waa imperiled, but that thia new bill would give them a per manent, legal status. I know perso nally that thia claim waa extonsivo- y made here in Eugen to get aigna- and his thigh and leg mangled by the lures to th initiative petitions, and I know that signatures were obtained on tho strength of it , The quack doctor tell you how ser iously ill you are but he has a cur for you. Death is imminent but he holds life In hia hand. Of course you want itl You tie. up the horse's toot until tha pain gets intense, and how grate ful he ia to you when you come and release the foot! Would any atudent young or old be ao ungrateful aa not to aave his alma mater when he may do thia by ao simple an act aa voting for thia bill T And of course those who hav provided such an easy rem edy deserve a new normal 1 Who ould deny it? But I must not dwell longer 01. this delightful phas of the subject What a pity it waa that Ashland and Weston, when they thought to re-establish work in their normals, confined their billa to a single issue, when, possibly, by combining with several other interest they might hav won! III. ' Can The Frienda of The Three Exist ing Institutions Safely Vote For Thia Bill? It was an alleged educational com bine that several years ago led to the defeat of all appropriations for the four normals. I do not know that there was really such a combination but I do know that this bill taken in connection with some of the people who are championing it has a very suSfelcioua look. The experience of the four normals in 1909, ought not to be forgotten. Let ua see what this bill really does, if it becomes a law. The state has a normal school plant at Weston, 21 miles from Pendleton. Th sit has ten acres. Ther is a three story and basement main school building, a boarding hall for young women, a men's dormitory, a gymnasium, a pre sident's house. Owing to a lack of aDDronriation no instruction has been lva then liace, 1909, SUU, tb "VESTK! FREE DAT' SATIPAY, CCT..H ClUrtu Vet Csulawuty t Xcpest Last Tear! tig Sscctu-KeUB Ida1 ' tat CeauBiUaes a?paUU4. At a meeting of citizens Monday evening at the Opera House another "Weston Free Day" waa decided upon for 1'jIS. One was held bat year and proved auch a successful and popular innovation that it was unanimously thought that so prxperous a harvest aa thia year haa witnesaed should be similarly celebrated. Saturday, October 14, waa selected as the data, and tha following com mittees were appointed on motion by the chairman, Dr. F. D. Watts, who waa named by th maker of the mo tion as chairman of th finance com mittee: . , Refreshment E. O. DeMoss, J. IL Price, W. S. Payne, Dr. C U. Smith, . L. Blomgren. . . Finance Dr. F. D. Watts, E. hL Smith, H- Goodwin. . Entertainment J. II. Williams, A. W. LundeU, I. M. Price. ? At was th case last year, every thing will bo free to every visitor. Ther will b fro refreshment, and free entertainment, and hundreds of . gifta will be distributed among th visitors by meana of tho coupon sys tem. The articles to be given away will be hung op ia every business es tablishment ia town, with coupons at tached, iii coupons bearing similar numbers will i , distributed among tha people. Th -vili ensue a merry hunt for tho prises, some of which will be quit valuable. . . Weston farmers were much inter ested in last year's aifair, and many of them contributed gifta for the oc casion. Geese, chicken and produce from the farm were brought in one farmer even furnishing a pig- Simi lar fttJfiaViM. jummmm! .ita yeara adair. . W ild Cat Once a "Tabby" - . Wnen a firo warden shot a strange animal en Mount Emily's peak near La. Grande and didnt know what it was but realized it resembled a large house cat, he slew a pet tabby that strayed from a mountain cabin in that vicinity almost five years ago. In its response to the call of the wild, it had wintered ten foot of snow. escaped coyotes aud predatory ani mals, hunters and trapper a. 'ihe iso lation doubled its size and made it a wild beast ' '''-. J. B. Bluemensttin, a mountaineer, identified the carcass as his lost kitty. stat haa not in any way intimated that it will not in due time resume normal work there." The state could not be supposed to maintain two nor mals within twenty mile of each oth er. This but meana t&e removal 01 the Eastern Oregon Normal from Weston to Pendleton. Precisely the sam arguments ar vsed in support of this proposition that have been us ed for the removal of the State Uni- vorsitv to Portland, that were in fact used in a nublie meeting in Portland during the summer just passed when resolutions wer passed looking to tn present removal of portion or th University to Portland. Western Re serve University had a far larger nlant than that at Monmouth, one that perhaps might even be compared to that of the Oregon University, wnen Cleveland through gifta of land and money secured its , removal to that city. True, wat was not a stato in stitution, but the same golden argu ments that win boards of trustees may win th general public. It seems to ma that it ia imnrudent for t&e mends of existing institutions to line up with amhitioua cities in establishing a pre cedent for school removals.1 , And finally, a miasur for the es tablishment of a school should be free from all taint of wrongful political methods. ! "Log-rolling", "pork", 'fomhinatlon of interest", these are hateful words when applied to any subject of legislation, but they are ahaolutalv abhorrent when used in connection with th establishing of public education. Tha finger OI scorn amnid ritrhtlv colnt to a normal se cured by methods that could be so characterised. If it is right to estab lish a new normal in Pendleton by popular vote 1st that proposition be niKmitted on its own merits and freed from all subjects that would tend to secure votes that are really again that reposition. 5, P. AUXN. amount enulvaltnUo 5 per son of