V U Iff! I 1 1 t ur 4hhs I BREVITIES Two Stoves In One No need for that heater and old fashioned cock stove. You can cook, bake end heat, all with one fire, by using High Oven Range It saves fuel; it saves labor; it saves time. Reduce Living Cost Why buy extra coal and have all the extra tioulle of tending two stoves w hen one Cole's High Oven Range will heat your home and . cook your meals with one Bre, giving better results than the two old stoves put together, and with less than half the coal bills to pay? Breakfast prepared vith fuel put in stove the even tag before. Think cf the time, labor and money you can save by placing this modern rane in your home. A heavy bui't range of large cooking, baking and heating capacity that occu pies small floor space. Make room for it ia your borne. fee lA mam "Colt'i" on (A even) e'eor nana g mum without it. VQgkitfi 4.7B G0IMJ RULE HOTEL Pendleton Oregon Well-Appointed Conveniently Located Pleasant Comfortable Reasonable Rates J. LI. Bentley, Prop. - M. A. Ferguson, Clerk 1 Wanted to rant or m11 a concrete garage, a. rhiiiip. i J. M. Ilanlator ia driving new OkU mobile CHr and K. W. Brown a i'alge. i Mrs. Ilanrv Keen and MUa Zola' Keen of Athena war guests Satur, day of Mrs. R. Q, Saline. . I Mr. and Mra, J. C. Yandoll. formarb of WmUui. arrived Taaadav for a eta- It with their daua-hur. Mrs. liertert Bake. MUa Mamla Taylor la resorted ta b quits eerinualv ill wit euneadi cilis at the home of Mr. ami Mra Henri Man. Kred E. March of Weston was drawn ai one of the seven "good ma and true who are now serving the county as grand jurora. .. t j Grandma BanUter rotrunod Sunday evening from a visit with relatives at . C.4fax. Sli was accompanied t Weston by Vr. Alf Coppotk. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Kury Warren aavw! returned to WeMon from the vicinity i of Adam. Mr. VV.enu having miirrt-! ;! as foreman of the Frank Rogers; ! farm. j ... i L. L. Davis, a Snake river farmer, 1 is visiting his brother, L. B. Davis. ' until after the Roundup. For the past month he has been renewing old friendships at his old homo in Camas ! . - w prairie. Albert Coutd has finished his grain harvest on the Weston uplands, and found that his barley was not quite! up to the standard set by his timothy. Filled with wild oats, ths field of 40 acres yielded only 700 sacks. J. L. Hodgson has disposed of hiaj lease on the Kirk estate lands near; Athena to Charles Kirk, who has also 1 bought Uie Hodgson outfit and will on- ' gaga in farming. Mr. Kirk is selling ! out his hardware and implement stock ' at Athena. j I ine Farmers Bank of Weston n J en given a Judgment against ta Hlue Mountain Sawmill company oa s -""HMuty uoxm tor SttUVU. An era- M'M ntmt rv uts conn prnna ng far the aala of tha prooertv fee I o secure Uie indobtsaneaa. . i The Oregon Lumler Company, o' which D. C. Eccles is president, ha bought 15.000 acres of timber lands leer Austin, Baker county, .from a opokane concern. The tract contain; pproximatly 300.000,000 feet of yel tow timber and has never been logged Iflff vi6iiun UUlCillllllO uuupiiy MILL! X tV7??flkff ?Tkir8l,,l75TlL nfTVTut JLV A U AJ UilVILl2lN A We are pleased to announce that we have ar ranged with Miss.Ella Moore of Walla Walla to show a full line ot millinery. 1 he line is second to none, showing the latest creations, and the reputationt of this store is sufficient guarantee to warrant your pa tronage. A competent milliner is in charge and will do trimming as well. We ask you to inspect this line, which will be on display for the season. Coats and Suits taordtoasy waO1 Last season we bought too heavily and as a re sult have about 200 garments on hand of the last season's models that will be sold at a sacrifice. These are splendid suits, coats and skirts; many sold as high as $25 and $30, none less than $12. We have divided them into three lots. All garments up to $10.00 will be sold for... - All garments up to $15.00 will be sold for... All higher priced garments....... ..$5.00 . $8.00 $12.00 Weston SUI ercBntile Company Butter Wrappers Furnished and Printed at the Leader office Sixty (minimum) ..." $0 85 One hundred 1 15 Two hundred., ... 1 65 Each additional hundred..... 0 40 I have some second-hand furniture eft which must be closed out at once. Beds EOc, 70c and $1.00. Good Singer sewing machine, one kitchen stove, se- 'eral baby buggies, good betL-prings kitchen cabinet, a few tables and num irous other articles. Good cow also for sale. E. E. Zchm, Trajan Tucker, the Reed & Hawley uplands farmer and merchant, has fin ished harvesting a small acreage of .arley which he had on the W. S. Fer uson place. lie had an excellent ie'd, 32 sacks to the acre, the sack -veighing 115 pound each, and sole! he barley on the place at $31 per ton Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Woods motor :d over from Walla Walla Monday ringing Mr. Woods' parents, Mr. aw VI m. James Woods of Moro .Oregon who will visit their two sons in thit icinity. They were also accompan ied by Rev. M. C. Lutt, uie newly-appointed pastor of the United brethren church at Walla WaJia. The Universal Car Three Btrong reasons ur$re you to buy the Ford car: First, because of its record of satisfactory service to more than fifteen hundred thousand owners, Second, because of the reliability of the Company which makes it; Third, because of its large radiator and enclosed, fan, streamline hood, crown fenders front and rear, black finish, nickel trimmings, it is most attractive in appearance. To these must be added its wonderful economy in operation and main tenance -about two cents a mtle; likewise the fact that by reason of its simplicity in construction any one can operate and care for it. Touring Car $414.85. Roadster 99.85. IL L IIEDRiCK-lVESTOn GARAGE While perhaps not so fortunate ar he Weston wheat district with ru pee t to "getting the money," the Waila Walla valley nevertheless holds n ind s lenvable pUce in tie littli vorid of the Inland Empire. For in tance, Weston folk were regaled thit veek on delicious . second-growth -trswberries which came from the val ey fruit lanue, Unique Exhibit, Visitors at the Round-Up this year as they go up Main street from the lepot will be afforded a sight not on -he regular program, but which nevertheless, wll be a feature worth seeing. This is the display of Her' miston products to be located where Happy Canyon was last year and hich, in former years, was the site of the county fair. The canter piece of the display will o a bungalow built entirely of hay. Jaled alfalfa will be used for ths walls with a thatched roof, also of alfalfa. fillars will be built of melons, squash, jumpklns, etc. Inside the house will je grouped the other displays such as orn, vegetables of all kinds, fruits, tc. It is not the intention to take 'uttt two or three specimens of each ariety, but a lot of each that visitors nay know they are not showing Just i few freaks. Attention wll be given o perfect specimens rather than extra large. The Farmers Bank cf .Weston Established IS$I LOOK OUT FOR YOUR TAXES In order to avoid further penalty, nil unpaid 1915 taxes must be paid on or be fore October 5lh. Taxes may be paid at this bank as for merly, saving you a trip to the county seat. J. T. Wood of Cem, Idaho, is vis ting his brother, O. R. Wood, local business man. He motored down from .em, and had no trouble until he struck a turn in the road just east of Weston which is the pet aversion of j motorists. Here his machine went In I to the ditch, wrecking the two front ' wheels, and Charley Price had to haul : it to town for general repairs, Mr. Wood will remain antil after I Round Up. . . i ' ' ' R. E. Manning has completed the i deal for the purchase of Lehman Springs and has already taken pos- : session. He will begin work next Monday on the roads near the Springs and expects to spend the remainder of the fall season in preparing the road til'M.MOXB. lit lite Md ult Court or Uie Niaro of Oregon for t'ma tills County. Minnie Stone, Plaintiff, vs. Kred A. Htone, Defendant. To Fred A. Stone, Defendant above named: In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and re quired to appear and anawcr the com plaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from ths date ot the first publication ot this sum mons, to-wlt: On or before Friday the 22nd day of September, ltll. and you will take notice that tf you fail to appear and answer eaid complaint or otherwise plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will spply to the court for the relief prayed for and demanded in the prayer of her complaint, namely, for a decree of the court forever dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff i , . . .. . i ne i . , .. . . . This summons Is pubtlahed pursu ant to an order made and entered herein by Honorable Charles H. Marsh, County Judge of Umatilla County, Oregon, In the sbeence of the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, Judgs of the above entitled court, from the Sixth Judicial District of the State of Oregon. . The first publication will be made I Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon Waitjbur, Wah. American Beauty eand for next season's traffic to and from!0" Frld' th l,th 6 ot Augiut. j th. p..- r. ,l i . t. il"''" and the lust publication will be the Springs. During the winter he ;,aj, on Frllillyt th; d,y 0l fc will do a great dca' of repairing on tembor, lU. j the buildings and by Spring hopes to ! Dated this 2nd day of August, 11. have the property In -better shape I ' ' w'Lt' M- pETEH iOS, Pur White Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold in Weston by Weston Mercantile Company 1 I A. . 1 1