The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 22, 1916, Image 2

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1. 1 AUK '0I, ri.Wi.l.i
The ViHir .,
l MxHtlw
Four Month
AovrmiMMi nif
Per Inch l month
Fr r Ittfli. mif tnf 1 1 i-ti . .
l.oCfci. ft liitf each,
. t r
. II M
(II Ml
. I
S3T 12 Ni
rl .1 lh .lt.lif at W.ttea, !.
WWt (ItWt IPItl tll.
Its constant internal feiwnt
imiH'ls the reflection that iYn
dlcton would be a lovely place
for a normal school were it e
scntial for the sliulcnU to loam
how not to treat one another.
Personally we are willing to
aJmit that we can learn a thins
or two from Europe, as one
those jumping juggernauts
j jst what we want when we jrc
into action against Kernel Loyu.
The pledged allies seem to re
gard Berlin as the most advar
taireous place in which to talk
peace to the kaiser.
In doing their fade-away th
Bulgars are putting more thar.
the usual amount of atir into
Dimitracopulo A&ka Tint;." Ore
Roman headline.
'Sal rizht: rive him time.
Give him a century. It's al
Greek to us, anyway.
Portland's death rate is onlj
8.4 per thousand, which, is con
soling to ail but tne e.4 pei
Weston had the best norma
school plant in the state whei
the three schools were abandon
ed by the legislature, but a 1'en
dleton booster glibly, valued it a
110,000 in a recent talk with b
Salem paper. We suppose h
would rate the other two a
about thirty cents each. '
For the first time in years
thanks to the reservoir lake,
Weston is receiving an ample
water supply at this season With
out reliance upon the auxiliary
pumping plant.
. Should the .Multnomah hote
continue to be a financial failur
at Portland there wouid be m
objection here to moving' it fr
Weston. The Leader will agre
to publish its list of arrivals.
Whatever arguments Fre
Lockley whites with regard to ,
Pendleton norma ; apply wit,
double force to tha Weston Not
mal, whicii is already equippet
with . buildings and ground,
owned by the state. '
Villa continues to be just abou;
as Balibrious as tha bubontt
plague, although, not quite st
easy to catch.
Booze shipments are increas
ingly heavy into Pendleton, bu'
the statistics will probably no
be incorporated into its norma
school literature.
There is no American in whost
integrity of opinion, strong senst
and good judgment the peopi.
of the United States have more
confidence than Thomas A. Edi
Bon. : "..
Sir. Edison publicly announces
Jus suport of President Wilson.
Ur.efed. his reasons are :
Faced with a sucession of tre
mendous problems, p.ny one ol
which decided wrong woud have
been disastrous, Wilson has not
got us into trouble nor is he like
ly to.
He has given us peace with ho
nor. Talk about the United
States beir.g despised is non
eense. Back of our neutrality
aits international law, the rights
of humanity and the future oi
civilization. reierence to Mexico, the
nresident has acted wisely, just-1
ly and courageously. J
V, ith rvforrncc tu r-rviarvJm s
tiling to iU
luiv upvniv'es ot nt.iut.
A t:nfl i!iii.risston will tak-' U
tar.flf cut ul poLti-:-,
"They sy that he has blund
ered. Perhaps he has. But 1
notice that he usually blunders
In the railroad controversy,
the President ai ted with his us-
courage and sanity.
Hughes' hindsight, wo learn
'rem h s speeches, i highly de
ekpl, but as to his foresight
ve are not equally will inform
ed. This h nu time for Republican
ism or lHantrvracy. Ileal Amer
, and must got down to funda
Tifntiil rrinciDix
It is not now logical or sen
ilile to change' to an incxperi
nced and untried nt. .
Uniting th Family.
flow mauv households tiara a f
lly hour a 'Mutt time hi the wevi
lieu all tt uifiuU-rs of the faiiill.
atVr hi rftH-i n'ivim.v for an liiior.
kal of yt'iiulita viiiiuuiiliii AUhnnth
t Irl.ltitlun tii-tiij.- many mlviiKif lu
lis iraliu 1 Una lli nn'ut fault of Icud
Ins . disrupt fwmll.v lntprt-oiir'. liob
uiriulK-r lias ! imiti.r ItulivMual arllr
ltl. I'atlipra hav tlifir tuiKiiuwa;
Hon, ihvlr liiHlut'iMor etlm allou: luotb
rr, ttwlr doUii-llc dmica or wh UI ov
vuiwiIiiiih: dmchttni. Ihrlr IxiNlnras.
tlu-lr r-lmailmi or thrlr aot-lal life.
All tlirnp tliiiiiia are rU-lit and worthy
lu thtjium-lvaH. but thojr do ul lend to
rihl t tit? family. 'If DietulHra of a faro
lly will nmkp It a rvv to tU'Vote them
mc hf for one dour lu the wtvk wholly
to one another I lie llrlt t'f fauill; life
will W qiikkprnd a u J truii.f limed
Often tlio u.onil of a faintly untue
-nllel fonrxesi that do nut lmervt.
it It men ilnliiuJe lo liit out that
trvut evfiit-travel, tunrrlace, deatb
aud the like oiuxt loevltauly rauae
dlMliiieKratiou. Hut mi Ions a lliefam
ily U toKfilit-r umUT oue rnif the aplrlt
of union and t-otuiuon Interest aliould
I fottlered.-YoothV Couipuulou.
A Bird's Barbed Wira Fancst.
Tliere U In Outrnl Auiul a a hrown
reu about the site of a canary which
liulM a turiju.H uest. It xelerta
small tree with boilnmtdl brnmhe
itrowlnit close tofietber. A iron tnoO.
the liratieheit It kiya ath-k fastened to
tetln-r with toupj Blr uutll a plJt
form alMMit U ftt ktuj by two feet
aide hat Ihvd cotixlrutted. Ou tbt
eud of tills platform nearest the tret
mink It tboti builds a bus dotm
baied nest a foot or a blb witl
hit-Is xtdea of luterwoveii tuunia. &
wered iassrfjeway la then tnnde fron
the uest to the eud of lite platform It.
as rrookrd a tuanni-r as posxllile
Across i the outer end as well as at
short Intervals along the Inside of tbb
tunnel are plated cuuuluit I:ii!e fom-e
if Ihorna with (tint arl'e elioi'sh fo:
the owner to ias thrmisb. On polu''
nut thfc ojn'iilrF Is e'osrd by the ow n
er by pluiinsr tboru atrtwit; the pate
way. and Ihtia the safety or the eiw
r younu w aoreu.
How Chalk la Fortntd.
ret:!ts tif h i lk are found on aiitm-
shore of the sea. A pie e of mala
surb as the teacher ust-s to lilustmtt
sotretlilnc on the UlacUltoaid nt school
.Dimista of tlte n-maltm of ffiiiuannda o'
Uny reaiares that at one time lived It
thp sett. All of Ihelr bodies, except Iik
be i bitik vailed mrboimte of lime li
K'ientllie tanuase baa dit:ipenret
md the cuak that was left was He
ip wiiere It fell at the bottom of tl)
x-euu. ea. U (wrtice prewttti over u a.
tntll It he aine a'uiost solid. It toor
botisutnla of re irs to rsnke theav chnl.'
leoslts of the t'ak'Uuesa lu
hey ate found. , Lo'er on. tbrougl
hiiiipa in the ennUi sulfate, th
inotuitaiu of t h'ijIU was raised utdll I
stixd out of the water end th :s be
nine mi'f'K.u.e to uiuu and school
est lit'fa. '
'Tall a ra'j" '' Laf
ways at your d'rs1.
T'hone 92.
And the glory of the straw hnt i
One Rathrs that Senator Callin
er's favorite nower is tne renrose.
Notice to Patrons
Those wanting shoe repair
nay leav their shoes at tin
rVeston Mercanr.ile Co.'s ttore
jr bring; them to my house. Le'
me repair your harness.
, J. F. S&nTf.E.
Attorney at-Law
'Practices In all State and Federal
W. M. Pctcnon ti. H. Bl.hop
Peterson & Eishop
Pendleton, Or, Freewater, Or.
Olllce Iti'tlie Ilium HniUlliiK. Milton
Iiyut s. 9 to li and I to i
i f HHHMtutMtiMNU
It looks a if Macedonia would need
....-.... k.x ......... mA h.r
. . ,, . . bltib iota. It I alao tsihired to ault
Kallroad owner, nor railroad work- ,M ( HIH b ommitr th u
era should never be allowed, to take , ..tsrhMoat to utake you
Uie businew ol this country by th know the tl.trcraii.t Iwtwevu (be sea
throat and tbe dry laud. Historical ireow
Considerable paper mlyht U ssved H'T ireoKtapUy with wbat-
of cepiea of the Contwlonal Kxrd , (f ttlteri,,IWi ,ii,lBa ami muer
orlnted were cut down to the numUt j fl(lr- tm fMUlm (ll p,,u. To iua a
of those who read U. ;, j hiatorlt at awisrapby art a few races
Railrold stril ee and every kind t-; and distribute tbe.u are..lln to your
.olvint InteraUte commerce must beT over a pink a.ea In arlouo
. . . . .. .i m .t . shades to show bow Ibar spread out.
.lUd by arbitnUua of the most com-, B1.,, wf f,et. they did umhlu,
pulaory kind. . !tf tbe sttrt Hut that uiakea me hle
Why not buy an automobile? Then turh-al frenRrai'hy all tlie wore lnle
vou wont care so much about railway eilwr. In tbe hands of sro'liea h
Urikea. : rr Ufapbl' nr f'nentl Itelleved
..... . . . . . r, 1 In for yeare by coutldiim rnplla.-Ufe.
Mr. Hughe has found out at Den- . '
-er how to bring his auditor to their j
'eet with roar of enthusiastic ep
olause. He has only, to mention
At Lloyd in London, rxace hi Ru
ope is not looked for much before the
nd of next jeur. and tlie inaurunoo 1
ramblers there cant insure it then. J
If the shoe fiU, it' a sure sitfn a ,
eoman will ask for smaller aixe. i
And one gootf turn is surely fol- i bulimia, and tbe ropa of broadsides
owed by two bad one In a variety I printed before tnm that are now In el
j, w ! Heme are sup"ted t liumltef alaoit
None can dispute that Mr Ilughea wn rtMn4. tbe
a a well balanced man, whiskeriously ; iinrk Ht(,r UMHrul. it tbe
tnd otherwiMb j iij tinned as a rbMub ler of ban-
Oh, splash! The ultimata contunv ; pninm and a loinuienintor on hiIUI
r Is not even a goat he is sheep, mi, tnllltary and other publk' eventa
V root would neve be so easy and uutll the middle of tbe nineteenth ecu-
One thing to be said for the female ; The -topiear son. or to-
tenoKrarher is that she .eldom know, j lyKT
low to whistltt.
Cleveland has a dancing mauter who . Kngtt
nade $1,000,000 by barling the tango. Ki ,hrt, Trirs
ut think of all the excitement he . tRUi to gt;i (u (Ue irr atajr of deveb
niscd. optueut. Bi far praetlcally ot tuanu-
Louisiana's John M. Tarker may ,' fu. tuiina ludtistrl. have yet Iwen ea
laim to U the guiding spirit of tht i Ubllsbcd. and. ailde from tbe luipof.
nly acephalous party that thii coun- f WPP" " ,0 u Kf'"""
y.A . Hrt. tbe only law Industrial euitr-
.y ever nao. ,. j prbea are tbe mllwaya and river Iran
How needlessly explicit are the ; K,rtlltlon u my M!d tbut
ign-board in these dry states that
ear the word "Soft drinks" as If
hey could be anything else but that
Whi'e it sound threatening IUly'a
i . i.
..n..t tr. .n-h .MU.t
""v'-v" " - r-
ttiona betwen th two countries. !
This nation must not sacrifice the
rbitration principle.
It begin to appear that Crete'
read ws not buttered . on ithr ;'
ide. ' i
Evidantly the sun is also beginning :
o tire of getting up an hour before '
ay- . 'j
Arout the tim father' overcoat !
mcs out of th moth ball mother'
immer fur go in. ... j
Any rower that rule th waves
'iou'd be csrsful what it doea with
ther people' mails.
Despite the doings in Europe the 1
Irangers continue to visit the slaugh- j
re houses tit the stocl yards.
Admiral Dewey's reassuring words j
bout the navy are al! the more con j
ncing in tha light of the recently ,
assed naval bill. I
r.n u 1,-v. bnt.e three I
ys in the week. Some oleomarger.
i families do not hnve it one a year.
Killing the arbitration princVIe
vould te a crime against Justice.
Thia imorovident human rare has
ot yet nut shark meat on th market
St. Louis ha a milk strik but the
imh'e kin continue to chew the
'acid cud.
The Russians have taknn Mush, but
' you are thinking about writing a
oem about (t remember they do not
ronoonce it th wav w do.
"America is destined eventually tr
ule the seas," Hee'are Admiral Pew;
y, but "eventually'' ia a long word.
Perhans the new'Daniah Rlgslar
tay ratify the treaty transferring
'ie Daninh Wast Indies to the United
nts. Denmark must realize that
Ti (ton 000 is a good deat of money.
In Cermanv the fifth war loan just
imied is being described a the "last
rar loan." Draw your own conclu
ions. '
If either (iiarle Huehe or Charles
'airbanl s should enlist now to fight,
or France be would have to shave 'em
Massachufetts spent much less than
he appropriation at the Panama
'aciflc exposition. From the point o'
iew. of some of the other states.
fassprhusetts i alway doing the un
'xoacted. The price of "soft'' cop.l has beet,
ncreased two-bits a ton, the dealer
y because It I "hard" to get
It appears that we might Just a
well give up the Idea of Denmark ever
offering trading stamp.
There may be a serious bread short
iee in Austria but the populace can
always fall back on those Vienna rolls.
Fome of Mr. Iluirhes' opponent are
harprinj? that he 1 behind the times.
He certainly is behind his whiskers.
The report that a highwayman took
11000 from a Boston k Main rail-1
... .. . , ,, f
way station the other day makes th
receivership appear perilously near. 1
c:HKraibjr la tho iuui lotal of all
placve lu Hi loan ilil w don't know
al-oul UAtfrephy I mad up of
bouudary Hue. rlr lines, d Ha am)
dashes llk a telegraph ayeteui aud
1 .haded, t'lari wtt h rrpirwiit the
lallad a NaWsaapera.
Tbe Kilbid. or that form of It whMl
la a kited with tbe broadside, was
one predeeeeaor of tlie newspaer aa a
voniuicntstor on eventa, It wa writ
ten for tbe HKde and aold to the e
pk Printed on jvatr a-r and pard
fniu biind to baial. etudes uf early bah
lada were seldom preserved. Kortif
nately several men t.f the seventeenth
century beuan to mske collections tf
lury aud In the United Biatee a well j
( ,n iH,ineaa nrtlvliles In the rolony are
devoted to tbe collection of tropical i
nroilueta - ruhlier. Ivory, tfiui ropak
i wlm oil aod keroela. carai. ete.-aud
i the runway anj nver service" are m
i reality only acceasorlea to these acilvl-1
h .-i,
ties. b;ivltf been eidahllxbed prliuurtly
I 10 b.i in tue tmusponiiu oi
prmlnet to the mupur:. Tbe gtitber
luff of ruhlier lu Kimiko lu never re
covered Us f'Tuier actlvltj. an J In all
prolmblllty will never airaln b rich
a soun e of Income lo tbe colony aa It
was previous to 1IU2. .
Chip Money.
Chm Ice I. a a lidly lu need of moo
ev. and bis attorney general lu lbs
, uuri of bl antbpiarlau rettean be
dlMti.vercd Hint In the dim aea .f the
Not t!io rromi b "l bunetl writ to tn
cities and towns on the coat rciilrtujf
ibciu to pMvlde lewela for tlie royal
ncedV "lid be NU'evted Hint till an
i lt iil rlclit uilehl be bmueht Into ue
atralii. lusttiid of the actiml vetola a
luont'v conirinmion luini oe esru
intu-ad Thus tbe klujr would lie able
to tax a larger purt of the realm while
tlieoretlcnlly observing tbe laws. Writ
-Wl """' """tUmlr I-
but tbe palrl. Joint ilatupden
declared that they were Illegal ana
robwd such a (irotrnt against tbeid
thai tbey were pra tioally o nil I lied.-
Weed Pasta.
Of tbe '.1i0 spe lea of feme Dative to
Ibis country a few bare lat-onie uior
or leas scrtoiis weed ia. Tbe miMt
troublesome ere tbe bay scented fern
and the brake A'fonlliig lo a bulletin
f tbe tli'i'artuieiit of sericulture, cut
tins' off tbe lops rlo to the Soli sur
face twfce a year for two years will
kill out nearly all ferns. Th best
times to do the cutting are Jimt prevl
oim to snoring, or about the middle of
June, aud I be middle of August.
Life In Osrmuda.
A feature of lire lu Itermuda whjcb
always luireHe tbe straiiger Is th
apparent rosierlty of tbe natives,
white and colored alike Ilstreslng
poverty la unknown, and eveu the poor
est families cau IsaiMt of a stout nous
aud a Krdeo.-Arguuaiit.
Th Twin.
We have beard of several rases
wherein twins have borne a remarka
ble likeness to each other. Hut tbe
must curious was the case of twin sis.
ters who bad to Ih Mid everytlibig lo
nether la-cause It was luiKwill)le It)
tell tbera apart.
"My huhfind telbt me that be wa
out Inte Inst nlulit with your husband."
"That Un't so. I want you to tinder
rtiiinl that my bnsband waa out with
rour husband." -fietrolt Free Press.
Put Out.
-Why di writers always talk of an
gry BsmesT"
"Hecause. If you imtli-e. (lames ar
usually put out." Mt. Uula tllubc
Calendar Tim.
Mr. Kai-on- What are you doing with
(h it old. faded calendar .Mrs. Rncon
-Oh. I Just like to look Into the dim
nd distant pastl-Voukers Kttvlestrsn.
! . . ...
A tnca Is at tbe lst but a tSHb
thlua - Le Raua
Our stock of Men's Suits
is now complete. Blue
serges, greys mixed, plain
greys and brown mixtures.
These suits were aclertcd for style
and ncrvico. Snappy, cIoMj-Attinj? Kn
tfllsh models or full cut Rtuple-Bhnpes;
in fhet, any style you wish.
Tlie prices of these suits are nston
ishinjrly low. All wool suits at $9.90,
$12.60 and $14.75.
Such values are unheard
of except iira Golden Rule
j J.C.Pen ney Co. hcJ
g0" We are not brlngii g roala l Newraslte hut U Wsston,
OrKon. It will be our constant aim to su ly palrun
with the best coal we can procure al the lowest price
consistent with a reasonable prufU. (I'hona No. 61)
P.T. HARBOUR at Weston Brickyard
ilartman Abstract Co.
Comer of Main and Court Streets
Mam Bedroom Suite
The Adam's period Bedroom
Suite in the OLD IVORY is abso
lutely new hot from the factory
Top 2030
French Mirror 20x30
Top ISkIM)
French k.liror IfkiO
Dressing Table
io, m4 .
Three French Mlrrots
Two 10ai8; on 12kM
Full sie-4 ft. 8 In.
Made of Malta -refreshing ,
temperance drink.
!! Past!
Nase vJ.. wi
Has Come to .Stay
Pel and BiHiard Hall