The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 22, 1916, Image 1

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    T T
Headed by four buglers the West
ward Ho panda, the spectacular
street presentation of the paining
vwait, will be hold on Saturday of Oia
'Ruundup, September SS, at 10 e'
clock, r otlowinf tha bugl.ra will be
"Jinks' Taylor, wall known Roundup
booster. Mr. Taylor haa had toll ho
nor tarn yaar of tha ahow.
There will ba flva landi, Milton,
tha U Grand Clka' band, Athena.
Weston and tha Koundup mounUd
cowboy band. Sixth in Una will ba
drawn Queen Muriel of tha Roundup,
laWi Saline) who will ba accom
panied by maid a of honor. Tha quaan
will ba mounUd on an Imitation of
tha 1010 priia aaddla in tha bucking
Mora Indiana and cowboya than av.
ar before will b drawq in tha lung
linev'tacn Um 7W if. drawn. in a
- float with tha exception of thor"-.
tad Pendleton band.
The aarede will form on wat Alia
Tha later Rata rld by tha itar.
wwh and Um Una or mare wiU he
M fallows! U AIU to Garden atraa.
Mrtai Mt Utrdea around tha Hot
seiuiiatna to Main street souta
Main street to Railroad street, oast
OK Railroad to Cottonwood
iwrth an Cottonwood to Webb atraaa.
art an Webb to Collate Street north
Joll to Court atraat and west
vm Court atraat to Roundup pert.
Director CUuda Panland. who ia la
fcarge ef the Panda, haa outlinaa
tiia spectatcio aa fouowsi
1 austere. 1 American flsg born
by imks Taylor. 8 -Pennant nan
a Rovnaup mounted cowboy tnuw
" , r- Rounaup direct.. 6Jvie
)umI of Utt Rou.uiup. V buw
t- c carryini' rormw Kjndup dim--turn.
t La Grande tiki Rand. -Rug
coach driven by George Meek
ar. 10 Cowgirl mounted. 11 Ath
ena Band la Boat drivau by John Rata,
li Cswboya mounUd. IS Suva
tMth driven by U. . Huay. 14
Miltoa band la float driven by John
Uew. 16 Sharkey, the famous Bel
grade bucking bull, and tha femow
busting horse. ! Fourteen rout
team driven by Mr. Meeon. 17
U pack horae outflt of 4 ink Taylor.
U b'tage coach driven by G. Miller
j Waaton Rand In float. 2 In
diana la full iiauve coiiuma. 21
Slag coach driven by Gilbert Mia
thorne, a full blood Indian. School
children in cowboy and cowgirl cos
; tumea, In charge of Adah Loth Rwae.
The now pavilion for Happy canyoi.
waa completed Tuaaday night and on
Wadneaday night the first dance wai
hold. James H. Sturgia ia director ol
dancing. Tha floor have been sandeo
to a fine amoolbnaaa, the pavilion i
well lighted and tha beat of nuuta ha
been provided. ,
One of the novel faaturei of tht pro
gram at Happy Canyon will be tft
diving girl. Mre. Constance Meyer.
champion lady swimmer and diver w
j. Ihe coaat, and two other ladiaa ana
two man members of the Multnomah
.Club, of Pcrtland have consented to
- pul on a strong act. A big pit ha
bean dug tn tha pavilion and above
thla will ba a tali cliff from which
they will diva.
Only a faw of tha feature of past
Happy Canyons, such aa tha wild
steer ,the bucking horses and burros
and Indian war dance, are being re
tained. Some of the new faaturea art
being kept secret btA the committee
promiee that the ahow will be three
or four times a attractive as thoee
of past years.
Halfway Good Point
Fred Gerberdlng, former Weston
Itt Who waa here thla weak, accom
panied by Mrs. Gerberdlng, from
v Halfway, Oregon, aays that section of
the state Is enjoying Its full share of
' Oregon prosperity. Located in una of
the richest valleys In Oregon, the
town of Halfway is constantly grow
lug and carpenters are in big demand.
A new school building was lately con
alructed at a cost of about 18.000.
It is three stories in Height, witn a
four teachers in its high school and
seven in the grades.
Crops are splendid throughout the
valley. Grain ia late, and is just a
s bout ready to thresh. Oats and bar
ky promise well. The hay crop waa
excellent Mr. Gerberdlng had 128
tona of timothy' and clover from 60
acrea of ground in one cutting, and
his neighbors were equally fortunate.
The near presence of a busy mining
district create a good market for all
Among Halfway'a entrpria are
two flourishing cheese factor!, each
of which rscalvee 8000 pound of milk
per day. It tarrest mercantile store
waa eatahllshed by a local stork com
pany almilar to that at Weston.
The body of Ruben Gaunt, Hoppnar
rancher who waa lost in the heavy
snow last winter, was found last wok
by a ehatpherder. An extended soarrh
was made at tha time of hie disap
pearance but without aucceM, and tha
dead man's brother remambere hav
ing passed within a few fact of where
the body waa found.
The Pendleton City Marshal des
troyed four gallons of whiskey and
two of alcohol found in an unclaimed
trunk at the railroad station. Judging
from the actvty of tha officials liquid
"enthusiasm" Is going to be high in
price and hard to find during Round
up. ,
The East end of the county, with
its large population, la asserting a
claim to representation in the Legisla
ture, and the friends of Louis Hodgen.
well known resident of that section ol
the county, have persuaded him f
consent to enter into the legislative
race on the Democratic ticket. Mr.
Hodgen will run for the place for
which J. R. Raley waa nominated but
refused to accept It la generally un
derstood that one of Mr. Relay's rea
jons for refusing to accept the nomi
nation waa the feeling of diUX ac
tion ia the East end of the county that
that portion of the county was not
.'airly repreented upon the legislative
ticket For tome time pat it has been
known that the peop!e of the East end
rf the county have felt diatifact:on
ver the fact that they had been give.v
no representation whatever on the leg
tiative tkket In former yare it w
ihe custom for one of the tepreenu
tivee to be selected frctn that region
and the East end people now feel that
t la only fair they ahould have a man
on the delegation. They have had i
representation during the last four oi
its yeara. ,
Mr. Hodgen la a competent and pop
ular man and haa resided in the East
jnd of the county practically all of hi
ife. lie has also many friends in
joth partiea around Athena and Ten
ileton, through the fact that he has
mgsgod in farming In these vicinities.
Por several years he was a pardner
with Judge J. W. Maloney in farming
.tear Pendleton. His "friends claim
Jiat his support will bo by no means
.onflned to his own party.
The list of candidates for the lower
house as now arranged will be as fol-
OWSt '
Republican nominees Roy W. Rit
.ier and J. A. Best, both of Pendleton.
Democratic nominee W. T. Reeve
af Stanfteld and Louis Hodgen of
For the Senate District Attorney
Stelwer haa no opposition. Neither
haa R. N. Stanfleld, Republican nomi
nee for joint representative from
Umatilla and Morrow, counties Tri
buna. -
The home of Mr. and Mrs. aJss
Tiordon in the Gherklng Flat neigh
borhood was totally destroyed Sun
day afternooo by fire during their ab
sence on a visit to Weston. They
wara notified of their misfortune by
phone and returned to find their dwel
ling place a heap of ashes. They had
nothing left but the clother on their
backs, and their loss is about $1000.
The house belonged to Sam Dixie,
now residing in Arliona, and the eon
tents only wera owned by the Gor
dons, who carried no Insurance. The
barn was tsvldV
For running an automobile without
license three young men from Walla
Walla were arrested Sunday at the
Main street fountain by Chief Wilson
and gave bail In Recorder Barnett'e
sourt for their appearance September
30. They gave their names as Frank
Derhv. Oral PessmorO and Earl Kel
son. As the young men seemed t
be slightly "stewed" and objected ra
ther too strenuously to the holdlng-up
of their car, Chief Wilson searched
it also and found tventy-one quarts
of beer and one quart of whisky.
Ihet were en route for Binjrhan
Springs, evidently for an ardent cele
bration. '
What is known as an"lntrruDtr,"
an automatic ringing device, haa Juat
been installed at tha Weston exchange
of the Pacific Telephone A Talegiaph
ompay. Now the operator la enabled
to ring up each patron by simply
touching a button, and is happily ap
orectative of the Improvement.
The Weaton exchange has enjoyed
a remarkable growth during the past
dva yeara under tha local management
of E. O. DeMoss, and and the service
is correspondingly good. Five years
ago there were only 25 patrons con-
n acted by phone with the exchange j
and just a lew years prior to mat
kime the ui'ire plant comlbtcd of just
two ub'trn, one at tha dfpot and the
other at an uptown hotel. This num
ber haa since grown to nearly 2D0,
and no lese than thirtoen farmers'
ines radiate from the We,. ton switch
board a do tha spokes from a bub.
in addition there ia a lui.g govern
ment line extending to thr ranjrer
Utiona on the Wenaha f oret reerv
xni also to Bingham Springs. Three
years ago a cable system was Install
ed by the company at a cost of $5000.
and would do credit to a town of ten
times Weston's population.
There is yet a "fly In the ointment"
however, and Manager Da Moa will
not rest content until he persuadoa his
superiors to remove it Weston needs
direct toil line into Pendleton, which
would obviate the present necessity
of calling intermediate points when
rendleton is wanted. Having such a
popular and growing exchange at
Weston, it la thought the company
will grant this additional boon now
that the need of it is becoming dally
more apparent
Contemplating the great conveni
ence of the Weston telephone eystem
as at present constituted, the Leader
man la prone to wonder how the peo
pie of this fortunate neighborhood
managed to get along when they had
to do all of their talking in one an
other's immediate proximity. Also
.t provides a safe and satisfactory way
for "us ourtlves" in telling Kernel
Boyd of the Athena Press just what
we think of him.
It's Already Boys
Last evening the big first prize
cowboy's bucking contest saddle was
finished at llamley s and put in the
window where all last evening and to
day it has been the center of much ob
servation. The saddle ia said to be
worth S350 and eclipses anything in
;he saddle line, yet done in Pendleton.
Theie are conches of sterling alvar on
the front and back of the skirts and
sedation Is liable for tha acts of -toi 'er uck" u sutiopM
mo wo Jockeys or either side ana .
toe verniers "ine Kounauo.' iriuune
Ed Darliiur. former Pilot Rock base
ball pitcher, Was given a sentence of
20 days In jail and a fine of $25 by
Judge Fitagerald of Pendleton, Tues
day, for furnishing liquor to a minor.
Darling waa arrested by officer Ofte
dahl, .
-tlm-h-ater Herald.
Walla Walla. Wash., Sept 21
(Special) W neat the greatest pro
duct of the Inland Empire and tUc
rock foundation of this section's pros
perity, will be king in Walla Walla tn
the first grand Harvest Festival and
Home Coming Geleorsnon announced
for October 19, 20 and XL.
WKb prices high and yields good,
and toe farmer enjoying a graaiei
era of prosperity, perhaps, than ovex
Wore in the history of the country,
the people of Walla Walla have thot
fit to celebrate with grand old harvest
jubilee such as the valley has not seen
for year. All neighboring towns
within 100 miles will be asked to join
In milking thie a big community event
for the entire valley. .
. Wheat will reign supreme during
the three days. At his side to aid
him in wielding the royal scepter, will
be Queen Fruit and her retinue of
ladies tn waiting. Spirited contests
are already oo for the election of the
King and Queen, while all the ear
rounding towns will be asked to send
lady representatives to be princesses
on that 'occasion.
The big celebration Is being put on
by the "Turkey Reds," a permanent
booster organisation of Walla Walla,
named after the turkey, red grain, one
of the staple products of the Walla
Walla valley, ard probably, the high
est priced grain raised in the Western
hemisphere. .
Low rates have been announced on
all railroads, and special arrange
ments are being made for rooming
accomodations for the thousands of
visitors expected in the city during
the three days of the festival Uvestork show,
Tha cautorue ot toe aixtlt annua'
faane International .Livestock Cxtn.
mmmi at North Portland haa been r
tavau. toiretner witn tne touowuut im
IMt which ia eelt-exulamiiuryj
"We enclose nerewtn preiiminarj
ciaiuuncation of our aixth annual t-a
cine international Liveatock luuw
MUwn, to be held at Unon Stock Vra
Nurut Portland. Uecerober -V. 11
"Owing to the splendid manner to.
whir a tbe Oregon bankers' Absoci
t too, the Portland Chamber of Com
men a. the State of Oregon and tn.
ditfarent breed associations have madt
apprvpriauoiis, the snow tnis ye
will take rank with the largest live
stock expositions in tne United Sums.
Betwn $20,000 and S2o.t0tl will be
given in cash premiums for livestock
ihe Shorthorn and Hereford Associa
tions uf America have made total ap
proprmtions of $5000 which , being
(untuned by the Exposition, makes
piwutums of $10,000 lor those two
breeds alone and insures the strongest
kind of competition in this ciass.
"Close to $5000 is being offered in
the dairy division, which covers Hoi
awina, Jerseys, Guernseys and Ayr
shut... Practically $25W is being giv
en tha sheep classes, while hogs are
recognised to about the sums extent.
The oraft type of horses are given
over X200, divided between tfeePerch-
erons, Befgian, Clyde and Bhires,
Cattle in rarlots are recognized to the
extent of 12500. Tha Student Judg
ing Contest, to be participated in by
all of the Agricultural colleges of the
Northwest again receive l-JOO.
"We call attention of the breeders
to the fact that the closing dates are
aa follows: Bleeding dasies, Nov. 13;
Fat classes, Nov. 27; Positively no
entries will receive consideration an
lass In our office at North Portland oa
or before noon of the above closing
dates. This rule enables os to put
forth a catalogue very valuable to
both the visitors and to the exhibitors.
Entry blanks wilt be furnished upon
application to the undersigned and ex
htbitors should note on their entry
blanks the number of stalls or pen re
quired for their ehowing.
"Member of the Crangea or Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho have indi
cated their intention of attending bi
largo numbera, over 2CO0 being expec
ted. Judge of international repu
tation will handle the different classes.
General Manager.
K.wDort Portland & Wert Coast
R. R. Co. announced that they intend
to begin field operations soon.
Hsrrisburg Nine cara of cattle.
four of har and two of vetch seed
left here In one day for different part
of tha country.
Harrisburr-3923 acre farm nine
miles from here sold for $70,000, $15,
000 in trade, balance cash.
Prinoville voting $100,000 bonda to
aid in financing comitruction of a
r..iiJ irom the main line of the
Oregon trunk to that city by a vol
jf 358 to one, is the greatest adver-
Uement it can srive to the world that
.ants ranital to come there and in
est and that it is willing to back it
invitation with an investment of ilr
According to recent statistics Ore
gon Brass Work do' $225,000 busi
ness with 82 employes. j
Alhnv. Linn-Benton Grower'
sssiciation cannery at Brownsville
has more orders than it can filL
. Marshfield. First car of Coos Bay
:oal shpped over tha new railroad
went to Harrisburg.
Multnomah county's taxable valu
tion for 1916 will show a decrease
of $20,000,000 from 1915 and $3S,000.
000 from 1S13, being just slightly
above what it was in 1910.
Bend. Payrolls here now amount
to $100,000 per month.
Portland. Union Meat Co. is to
arect newf sheep pens at a cost oi
Marshfield. --850-i.OI.V Coos i)v
Pulp mill plant hat Ncn dismantled
and machinery sold to a British Co
lumbia firm.
Bandon. It is claimed that there
are now more loggers at work in
Coos county than ever before.
Astoria. A. Wickerstrom gets a
contract for 24 life boats to be used on
jhips now building here.
, Bend $80,000 hotel to be built
Oregon City Frank Busch will
itart construction at once of a modern
tiver dock and warehouse.
Sutherlin It is announced that ac
tual grading on the new railroad here
ivill start at once.
Astoria. New school house- dedi
cated in the Battle Creek district
North Bend. Bay Park mill starts
with crew of 60 men. .
North Bend. Porter mill shuts
Jown to make extensve improvements
including a big steel refuse burner,
the addition of one-third story, a
;arge machine shop, band saws, plan
er, etc.
Pendng satisfactory legislation to
be passed by Congress allowing pri
vate capital to develop waterpowsrs
in the west a $150,000,000 electric
project on the Columbia river is being
held up.
Marshfield. President Sproule, of
the S. P. system says now that the
railroads into Coos Bay they intend
to develop the Beaver Hill coal mine
o the fullest possibilities.
Banks. Prospect for a new lumber
mill here.
The Tenulston city council has put
the ban on confetti throwing at the
Round-Up this year. They have a-
greed that streamers may be used,
The county convention of the Wo
men's Chrivtiaa Temperance Union
wui held KeotemUr 14 in the Mth-
odiit church at Weston and proved to .
be an interesting and fruitful eesaion,4
The county president Mre. J.C. Wood
worth of Pendleton, presided. Mrs.
Henrietta Kennard led the devotion
al exercise, after which reports were
heard from tha different onlona regar
ding the year's work. The Helix,
Milton. Tendlaton and Weston unions
were represented, while the others
sent in encouraging report. More
than thirty visiting deltas Us were
Following the forenoon session the
convention waa dismissed at 11:30 for
a eocial time. Dinner was served ia
the church basement by the local on
ion. According to the press commit
itM "the Ions automobile ride seemed
to have prepared the visitora for the
feast The good cheer dispensed ov
er the tables and the association to
gether seemed to make everyone fee
a closer union of local and county ties
in this great work than ever before.
Each one really fe!t that blessed in
dead is the white ribbon which binds
the world in Oke common purpose for
i better and surer Diana ot life tor
all people.
"At 1:30 tha session was called to
jrder and Mrs. W.'B. Smith held the
devotional exercise. All delegates
were present and the president read
ihe namea for the business session
Mrs. Woodworth brought the new
ion? books which are printed for our
State Convention and a rousing good
one1 orvi e war enjoyed. The reg
ular orozram was taken up and all
those who were to take part but Mrs.
W. R. Scott of Athena were present
Mrs. W. S. Ahearn of Milton gave
tome good ideas on strengthening our
ocal work by departmental work, us
ing every department possible In each
Mrs. Edward Ceist of Helix told
ww to; begin our campaign work by .
reading the amendment to "pa" and
Jiscussing it at home and with our
leighbors. Mrs. SewaH of Milton gave
in interesting talk on our publications
ind to'.d how the Young Crusader ia
accessary to carry out the scientific
mperance work in our schools .Mrs.
1. W. Rutra- of Pendleton told of the
interest aroused by the cottage meet
"Some late reports of unions on
membership and finances were gien.
Discussion of campaign work waa
taken up by several delegates. Re
iort of resolution committee was read
nd approved. Delegates were then
jeated in the middle block for elec
tion of officers which resulted in the ,
re-election of Mrs. J. C. Woodworth
for President Mrs. G. W. Rugg for
Recording Secretary and Treasurer,
and Mrs. J. D. Gillis of Milton for cor
responding Secretary.
' "The convention adjorned feeling
that this was the most interesting
program and the best covention Jield
in Umatilla county. Our state con
vention so soon to be held at Pendle
ton for the first time added enthus
iasm to the meeting. At that time
diamond medal contest is to bo held
and many national speakers will take
part It will be free to the public
ar-d an invitation is given to every
me to attend, and it is hoped a lui e
J'ikirstion from Wston will attend.
.J'cxt Tuesopy, the 26th, at 2:-i0
p. m., the local president has called a
meeting at the U. B. church to ar
range for the matters in regard to
dtate convention. All who are inter
ested are urged to attend ana every
one is expected to be present.-
Mrs. W. Payne Called by Death
Mrs. Matilda Payne, wife of Wil
liam Payne, died September 15, at
her home, in Weston. She was for
merly Miss Matilda Culven, and was
born near Lexington, Ky., February
2, 1856. She was united in marriage
to Mr. Payne May 6, 1896, at Erie,
Kansas. They moved from Kansas
to Washington in 190S and from there
to Oregon in 193. -
Although she has suffered greatly
during tha past year from the afflic
tion that caused her death, Mrs. Payne
maintained a cheerful and patient de
meanor until the end. " A woman of
admirable character, she enjoyed the
friendship and esteem of all who knew
The funeral was held Monday af
ternoon. Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor of
the Methodist Church, conducted the
burial sorvivo,