The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 01, 1916, Image 2

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A J Willi W fctttMif, fcV q .!. t,
' ! t titmvr i a. if i.
".. , 1 rk, tow, t-hrl Imtntns . Pitt
. " Art. Ut 4 rtiN( 4rtiiiH ! UkM
- mmm mw tmtf tr riMMN
7 f.ft4altm.b
1 tit Ar f rMalc,alrMln lUlftt
university or Oregon
cubic toon, rukiuMi
; simtcmnuw
V Slrtrll m At-nci
TV Vt..., ,.,......1
Si Moiitli.. ..........
'mi M nt H .
Every week is Pay Up Week
at the Leader shop. Don't
run behind run up and pay
; the Editor man for your sub.
la the Orrvit Vmtrt ft the Stale of
Orrgoa fur t'matllta Coooiy.
r. D. Watt. Plaintiff. s. Anna Tounr.
Kltaa Chester, Carolina Schmidt.
l.oula Tounr, Ida Young, I.ydla
Tonne. Wlllard Young. Allca Tonne
Mlrhael Yean-. Harbarm Young. Hii
ro fk-hmidt. Cjrntaia Brophy, Airne.
K. Jones, Jamas peters, Maggie Pe
Irra. Rtrhar4 Peter, Samuel Peteia,
Myrtle Pra. Joha Peter. Kthel
It. Peter. Wm. Peters. Bessie Pe
ter. Orln Petera and Josle Patera,
hta arffa, Albert Touuc. Or a. Ma
ker, Joha Maber, Solomon Peter.
Char! H. Peter. Sarah Davis, for
mer: Sarah KUtridtre, Mlrhael K.
Tousr. Mrr Young. Mlrhael or
JHlka Peter. Agatha Taylor, Slella
Peter. Olen Petera. Nora Watt.
Grace Rosen. K. C. Roger. K. M.
Pater. mealey Rldenour. other
wise known as Eroely Rldenour.
Mionla la. DePeatt. Jana DePeatt. I
Kallla DePeatt, Katl PePeatt. Wll
11am DePeatt. Ralph DePeatt.' Zel
aa DePeatt. now Zelma Harris; Mer
aa DePeatt. bow Merna Smith, and
A rat ha Taylor, iruardiaa of Siell
Petera and Glen Peters, minora.
To William DePeatt. on of tha above.
: named Defendanu:
la tha Name of tha State of Ore on,
tou and each of you are hereby re-
oulrad to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against yon In the above
entitled salt on or before the 25th day
f September, ltll. and you will take
notice If you fall to answer, or other
wise appear In aaid ault on or berore
"" UlntiffabovaBamed. for
w ,sawia tvi wr I "J -
entitled court for tha relief prayed for
In plaintiffs complaint, on fit in said
suit, to-wit: For a decree of this
court requiring each and every one of
-these defendant to show and make
manifest the exact nature and extent
f tha right, title. Interest or estate,
which each, any or all of theae de
fendants claim to have In the real
property, described in aald complaint.
; The SEW of the NW of the KW M
of Sec. 13, Twp. N R. 7. E. W. M
the West 2 feet of Lot C in Block 2
and Lot 7 of Block 2, and the West (
feet of Lots 2. 1 and of Block 2 of
. tha Town of Weston: Lots 2, IS and
Is of Block 1 Baling1 Addition to
the Town of Weston; all that portion
f Block t of McArthur s Addition to
. the City of Weaton lying North of a
. certain east and west line, said line
. commencing at a monument consist'
ground along the west line of said
Block, said monument being witnessed
by being S9 feet Inches south of a
Balm tree, together with a water right
acres the remaining south end of aaid
Block t to be used and enjoyed as a
right of way for the purpose of keep
ing and maintaining over and across
aid south end of said Block t a flume
Hne as now constructed; the right to
convey through tb same and use the
asm quantity of water now and here
tofore need and enjoyed In connection :
therewith, together with the right to
keep aald flume in repair, to replace
the same at any time and to enter
apon said land along the line thereof
for the purpose of Inspecting, repair
ing and replacing the same; also an
andlvlded one-half Interest in East 51
feet of Lot t, S. 4. all Lot 5, the East
It feet of Lot C In Block 2 in the
Original Town of Weston, except the
following described tract: Beginning
at the Northeast corner of Lot ( in
Block 2, thence westerly along the
south line of Main street 21 feet In
ch, thence southerly parallel with
Franklin Street It feet Inches,
thence easterly parallel with Main
.Street ft feet Inches to the west line
,- Franklin Street, thence northerly
along the west line of Franklin Street
IS feet ( Inches to the point of begln
alng: A a undivided one-half interest :n
and to WH Lot t, all Lots 4 and 5.
and the North Half of Lot In Block
of Westoa; an undivided one-half
Interest in end to Lot 7 Block 1 Hart
man's Addition to Weston.
And that aaid claim and each and
all of them be declared void and of no
effect and unfounded in fact or In law
against said plaintiff, his heir or as
sign; for plaintiff costs and dis
bursements herein, and for such other
and further relief a pertain to equi
ty and good conscience.
This summon I published pursu
ant to aa order of tha Hon. Chaa. H.
Marsh. County Judge of Umatilla
County. State of Oregon, for the rea
son that O. W. Phelpa, Circuit Judge
of the th Judicial District of aald
iat I absent from aald county; said
order wa made on the 7th day of
August, lilt, and provide that the
first publication of said summons
shall be made on the 11th day or Aug
ust. Il. In the Weston Leader.
" FEK A FEE. '
Attorneys tor Plaintiff.
Poatofrtc Address: Pendleton, Or.
... 0 I
... IW
IVr liwh ter nnmlh ......... v.,.e
IVr Ittrh, me lHrttm
Irais. r line each liwetlhm.
fettte l Ih aarfaflit at wtfte. Owe,
at mead cunt anil Mtr,
having been greatly developed by pa
tient and conscientious study. The
rommuntiy of Weaton hut feeling Of
pronounced Interest and prld in her
career, a her girlhood spent In
this city and she la a graduate of We.
Ion High school. She pleased (he
large pioneer' reunldn audiences
with her singing last Jurta,
Ia the Circuit Coart of the Stat of
Orrgoa for I'matiHa Conaty.
Minnie Stone, Plaintiff, vs. Fred A.
Stone. Defendant.
To Fred A. Stone. Defendant above-
Ia the Name of the Stat of Oregon,
you are hereby summoned and re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint of the plaintiff filed against
you In tha above entitled court and
cause within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mona. to-wlt: On or before Friday
the 2Ind day of September, ll. and!,., to donate some to Mr. fughe If
you win taae nouce mai you ran to nv want to answer tnoa wen-anown
sppear and anawer aald complaint orJquntona by those well-known writer.
otnerwue pieaa tnemo wiinm saiu j.i now the propnecy or a long,
time, the plaintiff, for want thereof. Iid winter would by no mean strike
will apply to the court for tne relief I . dismal.
prayed for and demanded In the I The g. a p. Is so harmonious In Cat,
prayer of her complaint, namely. forfr, .k.. it make sound Ilk a
a decree of the court forever dunoiv-1 Hottentot band.
ing the bonds of matrimony now and I Tli esteemed Oregonlan headed an
heretofore existing between plaintiff 1 editorial "Deserving Democrat," but
and defendant and for other equitable 1 we found that theae were the only
it looks now aad thea as though
the democratic donkey I getting too
much Hay.
Eugene Lane having married Mia
poos Bay, before long thetVII b a
UmvKe maybe.
Aa though n hadnt troublea
enough. Kelr Bill will now hav to
look out for the Roumanian urnu
loose by Mar la the Balkan.
The recent grewaom casualty list
from Kamaioo' Recreation park
Indicate that there ought to be
pleasanter method of suicide . than
automobile racing.
Mr. Hughea would do wen to save
part of hi shrapnel, a after the cam
he will have four year more In
which to bombard the Wilson admin
istration. ...
After November Pendleton oniy
surviving bill will be a lai one .or
campaign expense.
Congress will enact aa eight-hour
law. the railroads will be permitted to
raise their rates, tn consumer wm
pay the bill aa usual and the great
strike will pas Into oblivion, sucn
ur hopeful prophecy, and we'll allow
one guess to every reader,
of twa nromlnent xecuUve Just
now. President Plnkerton of the We-
Concert band seems to hav more
of a sinecure than President Wilson
of the American republic.
Portland' health bureau I distress
ed over the fact that billion of bac
teria hav been found. In the city'
awtmmlng tanks Just aa though the
poor little fellow didn't neea a oatn
a much a anybody.
Kin Ferdinand of Roumanla Is a
Hohenxollem. but ha managed to
nxni thai fact from warping hi
The Russian take Mush occasion
ally without cream and sugar.
Just wait for tb horse laugh when
no trains are running and no gaso
line can be had for the bus wagona!
No more suggestions are heard
from Berlin that the entente aine
ought to u for peaoa because they
are losing the war.
Our space to limited, but we re wiii-
Dealh of Mr. H. &, Vsa Hoy.
Mr. . 8. Van Hoy, formerly M Is
Msry Jan Rllla, passed away Friday
night, August 15, at her home In Wes
ton. While she had been an Invalid
for fifteen year, there was n Intima
tion of her approaching deaths -which
came a a surprise and shock to her
family and friends. She waa appar
ently In her usual health when she
retired fur the night, but next morn
ing was found dead tn bed.
Mrs. Van Hoy wat'born In Colorado
April I, lilt, and came to Oregon
when a young girl. She wedded Mr.
Van Hoy in 111, and had lived maav
year In the Weelon neighborhood,
where she was highly respected. She
la survived by her husbsnd and tour
children, who are Mrs. Jennie Sloan
of Burn. Oregon; Charlea Van Hoy
of Weaton, Mrs. Bertha Coverdal of
La Orande, and Mis Mary Van Hoy.
She waa a member of the Church of
the Brethren.
Funeral service were conducted by
Elder J. B. Clordon Sunday afternoon
at the late home of the departed wife
aad mother. Interment waa had la
I. O, O. F. cemetery.
rmtjTvwtn iinj nt
' The threatening aspect presented by
the strike of railroad employee cast
consternation In the rank of fruit
grower of the Walla Walla valley the
paat week. With the highest price
ever offered for prune In the history
of the Industry, and the fruit hang
ing on the trees ready tor harvest, or
der cam from the shipping houses
that no prune would be accepted for
the market after Wedneedsy noon.
In fart, several of the shipping con
cerns refused acceptance of all fruit
after Tuesday night. All stuff accept
ed Wednesday was at the growers'
risk, and the satisfaction felt early In
the season for a good price for the
bountiful crop haa been changed to
gloom. Growers scoured th. country-
aid for pickers, offering It cents per
box where In former year they were
surfeited with help at I cents for this
diss of work. On of th houses lo
cated at Freewater had force work
ing day and night shifts to get the
fruit already on hand, to rolling east
ward. Several hundred people were
employed at th task.
Laander B. Bloyd. a wealthy Colum
bia county farmer, wa Instantly killed
Monday by barking his new automo
bile over a grade near Preecott He
had evidently mistaken th lever
when- be tried to change gears and
had thrown In th reverse. Mr. Bloyd
owned 2500 acre of land. I
r hiiiiiiim' 'ifuinttateo pu i
ant to an order made and entered
herein by Honorable Charlea H.
Marsh, County Judge of Umatilla
County, Oregon, In the absence of the
Honorable Gilbert W. Phelps, judge
of the above entitled court, from the
Sixth Judicial District of the Stat of
The first publication will be made
on Friday, the Iltn day of Auciiat.
1(1. and the last publication will be
made on Friday, the 22 nd day of Sep
tember, nil.
Dated this 2nd day of August. 11.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Postoffice Address: Pendleton, Ore.
words In the entire article of which
we could approve- -
With lll-dtsgulaed envy the Weakly
Bulldogger liken th Weaton Leader
to the Congressional riecora, mua
recornizing an intellectual eminence
which It Itself could never hop to at
tain. -
Wouldn't It be Just as well for the
Astoria man who sold Astoria town
lots to Weston people to devote hi
future attention to selling Astoria
town lot to Astoria people?
Rescued after falling Into a crev
asse, a Port Angeles banker one more
find life full of interest.
Germany to pretty nearly fighting
th whole world, but there will always
be a rather definite suspicion thai she
didn't need to.
However, we'll let Mr. Rooster do what
Crala Hea Qdt Hrjlefr
Weaton grain dealer were notified
Wednesday by th railroad company
that no more shipments will be ac
cepted. In view of the great strike
called by the railroad brotherhood
for next Monday. September 4. at
p. m. They are consequently out of
the market until tb situation la re
lleved. Th last quotation of the
week were received her Tuesday,
when $1.15 wa offered for wheat and
S3S for barley. Th latter cereal waa
not affected by the,. pronounced drop
In wheat, and one lot of IBM sacks
wa bought Monday by Frank Price,
manager of the weaton warenouse
company this being the only trans
action reported for th week.
Weston grower are In rattier
f l'lnxaMaiiiiii,.saiijL..jiiei
little erowing may be necessary. Wet fortunate position with respect to the
merely wish to ay that we will appro- trlk. having sold larg quantitle of
ei.b. .one .r.. I m i;. I Aa wheat ana oariey at mgn prices.
and Blatcbford's Calf MeaL Phone 281.
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
...111 ka eull a whM rlatlf Vasraw"
our best to earn your good opinion. Lt the warehouses, and whatever
Rolled Barley, Oats and Wheat; Baled grief results from the Immediate car
Hsv. MillstuflTs and Chicken Feed. I shortage or th prospective strike
We're Wat sirenta foe PVnelr Flnn-lmUSt b bom by th Shipper. Wal
have largely sold f. o. b.. It I said,
and wtll not get their money if the
car wheels fail to revolve after next
It la estimated that (4.000 sack of
barley and 150.OOO bushel of wheat
hav been bought by Weston dealer
during the season, and there ahould
soon be plenty of local money in cir
culation. Moreover, If the worst nap.
pen the country town like Weston
will be better situated than the cities,
aa their people can live for an lndef
Inlte period on the foodstuffs grown
In their vicinity. Even a few days or
paralysis of the country's system of
distribution would cause great hard
ship and suffering In center of popu
lation Ilk New York and Chicago.
Not all of the grain sold here is
tributary to Weston. A considerable
quantity of It is or will be stored at
other station.
trade marks maArttvjrMankmt4 or so
f.T. Km. Mudrt. Or tlM4M OH. tfo
mxitUm for gBgg SEARCH aa nsurt
ok patretaMHtjr. Bwatt loftttmtc :
yem. Ow ftw booklet Crli bow. vbtttoNtvn
yam Monty. Wrtto today.
I 4A4 a. L. rl va--,s.f m Jb
to pay your Weston Leader "sub"
, -trcf sg W4
md Mew
Made of Malt a refreshing
temperance drink.
Pool and Billiard Hal!
E. E. ZEIiT!
1 1 t MiMmWMtMMWWMHimWfHHrfH
Mix Simpson a Chaotaoqaa Singer.
Mis Zllla Simpson of Walla Walla
was a guest Saturday oi huh josie
Lavender while returning home from
Bingham Springs. Mis Simpson has
mad much progress In her musical
work and lately finished a successful
tour of th Ellison at Whtta Chautau
qua circuit In Montana with a trio
consisting of Carl Genael, baritone;
Ferdinand Falllon, violin, and herself
a soloist and accompanist, Her pros
pect are excellent for a similar en
gagement la Chautauqua work next
season. She at present ha a position
as teacher of piano in the Malen Bur
nett school of piano playing at Walla
Walla, of which she 1 a graduate,
and ah will also teach voice indepen
dently. Miss Simpson Is a singer of
rare attainments, her natural gift
Prime Beef
Pork Mutton, Veal
Dressed. Poultry
FISH Monday and Thursday
Get Our Prices
Phone No. S3. Order taken by
t phone for aiail route. ,
Ten percent interest on all ac
counts after 80 day.
Perry & Weber
i v 'f sadfoWej lnj
Coett. KMr.oon
ft li snd TisvJ Servie
K--, funwhed FREE to
prerpectiv Psck
vudtonv ,
V'" i, -". i
DROP-a -urn
Aterxl, Portland. Of
ash your total O-W.
ic n.aci. Agent.
(Spokane Interstate Fair and Live
Stock Show, Sept, 4-0.)
Uniting Learning and Labor
In iU Sis Schools snd Forty-eight De
psrtments is cnesKei) in the great trork
. : . j 1 w -1.
Forty-Wghth School Yar Open
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
Degree Courses requiring a our-yer
high school prcparatioa, are oacna tn
the following:
AGRICULTURE, 19 Deprtmeoi ;
BERING, 6 Departments; MINES, S
Depart menU; FORESTRY, 2 Depart
ments; HOME ECONOMICS, 4 Depart
menu; and PHARMACY.
Vocational Cours requiring aa
Eighth Graile preparation for entrance
sre ottered la agriculture. IMirying,
Commerce, Forestry, Horn Maker., ami
Mechanic Art. Pharmacy with a two
year high school entrance requirement.
SCHOOL, OP MUSIC Piano. String,
Band and Voice Caltnre,
Catalogue and besutiiul illustrated
booklet free.
Adilre. Tag Ri?f".tSTA,
am Pamhrun's Wheat rrop In th
flprlng Hollow district south of Alh
na averaged 40 bushel per r.
Allck Juhneon cropped gbollt 0
bushrl to the acre of red chaff wheel
from hi home pine northeast of
Ilev Winn's outfit Is threshing lit
th "Oregon hills. H and has about ten
day more to run. Onod yields r
reported front the light lands lit that
locality. '
Tho IVIo A I'rlca cmtililo lilt lln
l.litsl lis run an.1 was lmitwl We.lcs
tlav. flail I'rlo hl a Itarlev vr
sire of lleen tti ami 70 btwliel liviti
Hi acre,
O. W. Winn wa pleaantty disap
pointed In hi barley crop, which
better than early prospect Indicated.
He had a average ot tl sack front
Itt acre.
Mrr. S. O. Price barley erop front
IT arrea of the Price farm north of
town made the hsndeom averag of
T buahela per acre. It wa sold for
t4 Pr ton.
A number of crew operating near
Walla Walla were compelled to top
work early In the week because of the
hot weather. The temperature reach
ed a maximum of let degree.
jester Wllsey had an cllent crop
of club wheal from II acre or tne
Wllsey place east of town. H filled
HIT sacka, and the wneat win weign
out IS bushel or better per acre.
W. B. rerguaoa had a barley yield
f about 40 bushel to th acre from
hta land north ot Weaton t formerly
th Turner place.) HI wheat on th
reservation averaged around 4 bush-
Hamn Booher took HIS sack of
Russian Red wheat from Tl acre of
hi fin farm south of town, and I
now busy delivering It to th ware
house. The average wa around 14
A. J. Mclntyre formed a very mod
est estimate ot hi crop from 111 acre
of spring-sown wheat at hi place
north of town. He bought only 1SO0
ark to start with, and later found
that I US wer required.
J. N. Tork harvested tl bushel oC
extra heavy hybrid wheat to the acre
from Ht acrea on the ous creek
ridge. At hi horn place he took III
sack of wheat from 17 acres, ami his
barley from 44 acre av. raged 41
Having sold hi wheat crop at 11.01
Jack Chapln Isn't worrying about I
railroad atrlkea. car shortage or th I
possible opening of the Dardanelles.
He took ltll sacks from TO acre, or
41 bushel to th acre. Th aveag
weight of th sacks I 1IIV pounds.
Key, Johnson A Booher r wind
ing up their successful harvest season
this week with an oyster aoup and
fried chicken dinner for all hand
The boy ia thl outfit have fared ex
tra well, with two very capable rooks
to minister to their gastronomic
want. Moreover, the cook wagon
was supplied from the grocery depart-
moat of the Weaton Mercantile Co,
Wheat sown In th aprlng on sum
mer fallow ground la yielding better
in the region south of town than wa
expected by the grower. frank
Greer came in Tuesday after more
sacka having underestimated hi crop.
Eighty acre of hi holdings averaged
about 40 buahela At the Dearaw
f irm Kim J. t'ulley eroiiexl Imal.-I
it) im acr from nt spring-sown
John Beamer cropped 1ITS sack of
uanejr truin .v seres, ann ireva nis
mind by selling th same at IJ0.80
i per ton. He might have held out for
'a couple ot dollar more on the ton.
' but la an amiable man and willing to
: let th' other fellow make a little
profit ' He estimates that to acre
of hi land averaged to bushel to th
acre, which Is the best barley crop w
hav heard of thl year.
: Th new Itacln separator, built for
small farms, put In th field by Al
bert O'Harra and A. W. Roger, is
running nicely, and la threshing be
tween WM) and 400 sack of bundled
grain per day with eight men In th
crew. It la said to be doing extra
clean work. Albert's wheat crop
ran about 41 bushel per acre, and hi
barley 40 bushela Mr. Roger I get
ting an average vf about It bushel
of barley per acr. ,
According to th East Oregon In
th highest average wheat yield re
ported In Umatilla county wa that of I
James Hill of Helix, who grain on
th home place went It bushels to I
th acr. Arnold Planting of Helix
harvested 3 200 sack or approximately
7100 bushel of wheat from 140 acre.
an averag of tl buahela to th acre.
3. B. Kennedy who ha a farm In th
Helix section report hi grain aver
aged 41 buahela to th acre.
H aaV H mfm. P""al "B
. For Fall
Wo are now showlnff n ptronff line of now
fall pootla. Soe our line of fillka. Have the new
stripes and plaids; also the new shade In plain
colors. Compare our prices with others And see
what we can save you.
87 Inch Jap silk, alt color ,.,.40c
V Inch MoMatliHr, all color 6De
M Inch Tfft fctc-ll.ta
M Inch T(TU, n eilra food value,
black only IMW
SI Inch black I'.au-tle-Sol.., 11.44-ll.f
M Inch black Dutha aatln ,.....$1.4
V Inch fancy plaltl am) Itri lilka, th
vry latest tWc
M Inch fancy silks 89c-M
4) Inch erepW rliln ,.,., Mk41.t1
10 Inch Ceorwetl rreti.
the new shstl-.. ,,
gec our lln t check., pls'tls, etc., In
t to new fall tlrf mfUt kava them al
Kt,.tm ..... tfi..! ....... l4 to lt.41 )dt
New rrep l lkrchlfl Jst th
thini for a f ft - Ift-xM
Itoutlolr ci In atl stylos; e tb h
stripe at be I other In a variety nf
atylva - tt-4lte-!IM
New auto rap and aearfa all prle
Visit our Rcady-to-Wear Department. We
are showinj? an admirable line of Suits, Dresses,
Coats and Skirts.
. aW WaV sarigBSaWaT ae-
he. J
J.C.Pennev Co.
Athena - - - Orcoon
Fania ILoanas
llartman Abstract Co. I
Corner of Main and Court Streets
t444- 0440404404444
aby Day
We have something for the baby every day. Visit
our Baby, Department
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the Leader, office
Sixty (minimum),.,.... $0 85
One hundred... '.-..vr.w. 1 15
Two hundred............ ; ."TUS"
Each additional hundred.. 0 40
St ....
! Est Tnr M Mi
Before Pressing Your Suit
You'll win her if we do
the work.
A shave, hair-cut and
shine would help.
to your measure
R. L, Reynaudi
Prcstoh-Shaffcr Milling Co.
Established 1868
Athena, Oregon s Waitiburj, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure Whito
Prctlce In all State and Federal
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest
Sold In Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company