Royal D-Lite CcmforUUe LADIES SHOES .. ELJ9.Cn ft. sWat AQ Style AH SIses Royal Shoe Co. . 143 rourtn St. 4 Near Montana I sisipseay MttMg Id IMM HWh It Mwa-li( leatja C.niiieiaa.IMu.tMjee, EUTTERFAT-BUTHRFAT make your next ehipment to EA2ELW00D, FORTLAXD Cream checks back by return mail. DO IT NOW Hazelwood Co., Portland New Houston Hotel SIXTH AND EVERETT, STS. Four Blacka free Unine Staikm. TJadar Mnr SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Rata SOc 7Sc $1. Jl.SO hrSu Northwest Land Product Shew at asattle, Octobtr 4 to 14. Seattle. Opportunity for all com tnunttlee or counties In Oregon and Washington to make agricultural and horticultural displays la offered aa a result of the hohltnit of the Northwest Land rroducts KipoaiUou at Seattle October 4 ta 11 Thla will be tha ftrat show of tha kind ever staged In Seattle and U whole of tha Northwest la Invited to participate, Tha exhibition baa tha endorsement of cotnniarclel bod lot and tha ratlroadf and tba purpose of tha display wilt ba to bring about a hotter understanding of tha many opportuni ties offered to homeeceker la lb Northwest la addition to display from Orerroo and Washington, Idaho and Montana will send exhibits of fruit a, grains and grasses. Alaska, too, will have a sec tion aet aalda for agricultural display and British Columbia will have part to the undertaking. Oregon, Idaho and Montana will coinbin on a special day at tha expo sition. Prom Montana la coming an exhibit under tba authority of tha stat and a special excursion party composed of mora than 100 business men. It Is hoped to hav tha gover nor of Montana, Idaho and Oregon aa well as the governor of Alaska and the Premier of British Columbia pres ent at the exposition the aame day. 8lncr Portland wilt not repeat Its annual land ahow this year, the Seat tle exposition will afford exhibitors at the Salem fair an opportunity to place their diaplaya before thousands ot vis itors In the Washington metropolis and bring the truthful story of Ore gon's countless opportunities to the at tention ot many men and women In terested in a home on the land. DAfM TO WHEAT SENDS PRICES DP Reports if m E.'jck fast ini E!$t ta ef Sofia Advisee. SPRING CROP BADLY AfftCTED Most Damage In North Dakota, Min nesota and Manitoba Orders Cancelled by Merchants. Fcra I! crsD Try h AiW x. Gum i w I H J -W 1 aJ HAN FORDS B2!sam6fHyrrlii A LINIMSN T r 'N MW1 KumE AUTO SCHOOL Tfce only Aataanofcfle School sa tho ! elfle Ckmt inalntamirar a Cm Treetar Ito. Vtimm HH (atarpSHar. C. L IM Imkhro aad baat Tractate, bath ia ika eoke.1 and Ofxratinc Said. 4M hWx A .a. Pardaal On. Oregon Kamia Institute Rapture treated iihsntcaBy. Private nine name. Iiiert Uotimoaiaia. ILm ealu suerentaad. Coil or srrise. JOHNSON aV UMBARCEX 411-411 AUqr finli.o. Or.a a A Dcclduou Tree. John Drew was congratulated at the Player In Oramercy park on the abundant hair with which, despite hi years, he la sail blessed. "Thank goodness,'' said Drew, com placently, "I'm not like Tree. Tree went Into a Lo Angelea bar ber shop the other day and said. . "Can you cut my hair without my taking off my collar T . "The barber, with a ; loud laugh, slapped Tree' ptnk and polished dome Jocularly. ... " 'Why, bless your heart. Sir Her bert,' he said, I could cut It without your taking; oft your hat'" Wash lugtoa Star. KI2ES, PELTS. CASCAXA BAM, ViwwL A? J L..XiX. ft east at pa am n tar sricts aisftiftittfcgt TSi H. f. KSRTSI CO. IMaai, Bra. taS. n o WE PAY MORE FOR OLD AUTO TIRES hfkMMkt rtkfcrtriaa.: OKKGON VULCANIZING CO IWWaoMactoBSt. Ponteod. On SAFETY RAZOR BLADES ion sTrooDd. AatnowtM ILmm EAzm Cw ffwuiunnitnui4tMi 23 Br borfoa- dinet fnxs as at wlialnssls priess ns avra tbo pjynbar's profits. Write as to Sojr jroar nmAt. W will gin yvm ear nek' hota dirct-to-yr" orieca. C v a. rail or boat. Wa aetaaUr aaa jwa from 10 to at par ecnt AH s-oodo siMrantaad. Kartkweat headquarters for Laadar Water Sstaaa) sod Fuller ft johmna Enciacs. STARK-DAVIS CO. ZiZ TUrd Straat. Portlaad. Oraaaa Queer, But True, "It's a queer world. "Whyr "Stand up and say that riches dont make for happiness and everybody will agree with you heartily." . -That's eo.- "And everybody will ro out and keep right on trying to get rich." Detroit Free Press. . , , . Excellent Plan. "Why do you work the back alleya, my good fellow? Yon dont look like a tramp." "I'm not I'm selling a ' vacuum cleaner, and wherever I And the head of the house beating; ruga I have) a good chance for a sale." Louisville Courier-Journal. Affection's Pang. ; "Do yon love your country?" "Of course 1 do," replied Senator Sorghum. "And I don't mind saving that it gets me riled to see my coun try flirting with people who dont be long to my political party." Wash ington star. Chicago Hail, black ruat and blight darnag to tha aprins; wheat crop of tha Northwest caused an advance of 4 cant a bushel on the Chicago board of trad Saturday. A 6-cent advance was scored Thureday. At toe Ugh record price were S3 cent higher than the low point ia June. September cloaed attl.34,. December at $1,381. and May at tl.43. Reports reached the trade some section of North Southern Manitoba the crop ruined by hail Wednesday Thursday. Several large companies with headquart eago received measage saying the crop wa a total loaa. Most of tha hail damage was in the northern part of North Dakota. Tha crop in Bottineau county I ruined. Mercantile companies in that section have cancelled all order for future do- livery. Even order for such neceeai- tiea a shoes and stoves have) been can celled. Ordinarily a S3-cent advance ia the price of wheat in a little mora than a month bring fortune to many of tha big operator on the board of trad. That has not been true during the present rise. Nearly all of the big lo cal trader have been fighting the mar ket; or rather fighting tha damage rev porta, and price hav gone up without their aid. Even the Northwest; where the damage wa taking place, wa a seller of wheat in this market until a few day ago. That caused the belief that tha damage report war exaggerated by tha market bull. Some of tha board' exporter have made large winning, and a coterie of Wall-street grain men, who are said to have Urge holdings of wheat under IL20 a bushel, are credited with prof its of around 12,000,000. Tha disaster in the Northwest ba proved a blessing to the winter wheat grower. Thirty day ago they were able to get only $1 a bushel for their grain. Now tha price Is a third higher. . For CaHa, VVirw Cut, Lameneas, Strain, Bunch!. TKruah, Old Sore. Nail Wound, Foot Rot, Fistula, Cleading, Etc- Etc. L'&de Since 1846. k,kJ?F tVteeZ5a,S0eaai$1.0O AH Dealers sSHfr tcssrt sctt Fimnu BLACKS H I ..iii.4 w iidLliJj. ITTtt'l BlACalt. PM.U ,a. 7 aa fV I si ktf Nafcp , -W..-. taV.V It m ntuV II that in I j" wra.aiMM4Md.kx.. IL, II Dakota and R aSE?2!!!KM! 2 had been! li i',liii.i-hnwu.i iaii II nignt ami i 11 j,,!,, w vA.viKas mb m.ums II Insurance II JJ ""'- II ars in Chi-1 U tin Me tsatistsiv. Main, t "! n that I aa r i .'---t-tt-w niNtnTPnir m vaui rs.s SV1S.U.IV-aiiruta aa4 aula - . 'f jJ a. M.aaal f 9 I Ut ..4 ,W W 1 l.l.t.a.ythl.,, .s.taai v . fta br Sm , iMHtianaaa - i i-i alkall. tsaei somas, xat salaat A. Smilra. M. T. . Only a Lady In the Making. Five-year-old Freddy often showed pugilistic tendencies. One day he bad bean using hi fists oa I year-old sis ter Helen. Hi visiting auntie said. 'Freddy, don't you know that a gen tleman never strikes a lady?" Instantly Helen stopped crying and exclaimed. They do, too." Why. Helen." said auntie. "When did you ever see a gentleman strike a ladyr with aa air of convincing proof the little maid replied. "Why. my daddy spanks maChrlatlaa Herald. NORTHWEST MARKET REPORTS; GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS Portland Wheat Blueatem. $1.05 per bushelj forty fold, 8 be) club, 7cj red Ufa, Tc; red Ruaalan, 8 To. E!!irced8pot prten: Kran, t?"S tO. 60 per ton; shorta, 2Val.28.J0( roi led barley. 31.60a3x,60. Corn Who Isl 138 por ton; cracked, 138. Hay Producers' price t Timothy, Eastern Oregon, tHeOO per ton; alfalfa. 113.60 tl 14.60: wheat hay, 13.6OCU.60: oat and vetch, It 60; cheat, tilt clover, 110. Butter Cube, axtraa, IS per pound, Jobbing price t Print, ex tras, s7a29; butterfat. No. 1, 18c; No, f. He, Portland. Egg ' Oregon ranch, exchange price, current receipt, &! par doaen; Jobbing price: Oregon ranch, can dled, S6)((tS7c; selects, 17o28e, Poultry Hens, 14ffll64i per pound; broiler, 163tl7o; turkey, live, I0it tie; duck, 11 He; gease, 84C9e. Vea! Fancy, 11 per pound. Pork Fancy, Hie per pound. Vegetable Artichoke, T5cRtl per doaen; tomatoes, 60c4j.ll. 10 per crate; cabbage, $1.76 per hundred; garlic.. lOe per pound; pepper, 6$7e; . egg plant. 10c: lettuce, tl par crate: cu cumber, 76480e per bos; pea, 4(fJ5c per pound; bean, 4fl7e; calory, 1 per doaen; eom, 80540a, Potatoes New, 11.05 Q 1.85 per aack. Onions California, f! par aack; Walla Walla, ft per aack. Green Fruits Apple, new. tLS5 1.75 per bos; cherries, SlOe per pound; cantaloup, SOcQtlt per erate; peachea, 85C75a per box; watermel ons, lllic per pound; flgc, l(SLt0 per bos; plums, 75c4t$l.S5; peara, tl til; apricots. tl(TH.10; grapea, $1.75 4(2.25; blaekberriea, tL25; loganber. riea, fl.25; raspberriea, tl.60dCl.75. Hope 1916 crop, 84lle par pound; 1916 contract, nominal. Wool Eastern Oregon. Una. 23( 26c; eoaree. 80CS2c; vallay, tOojSSc Cascara Bark Old and new, 4 per pound. Cattle Steers, choice, I7$)7.50; good, tmrli cows, good, $3.60(0,8.25 heifer. t 8.60; bulla, ft U 4.75 tag, $4.50i. Hog Prim light. $8.609.t5; good to prim. t7.75ftJ8.10; rough heavy, t7.60tij7.76; pig and skip, $8.60(37.10. Sheep Yearling. $5.75 & 6.25; wethers. $4.766; awes, t8.60o.50; lamb, $6i(8.25. When You FollovL Tho Trail ei a i 1 0. d , t 'UkJ. mvm (mm VJU Equipped Wiin iff fF,&l7r 4 71 mm? 5s"ix'w1.;i' Potato Doughnut tWriM aw BarW ' ' retain the moisture several days. An excellent wholesome food when mado with the pure . ' ' II Baking Powder f;,v- Always sure to please. Try a can today at our risic. 1 a A Handy Book containing 10 Cook Ing Laeeona and 54 Testtd Radpae will be mailed yea FKKB if you wUI asad year aame and addrea to JAQUES MFG. CO, C1UCACO I 2 J oil . V--S ' J ) Bringing It Homo ta Her. Tb glad to know.- said he Blll- ville matron, "that there' such thing as a conscience fund In this country and people are secretly re turning to tha government the money they embessled from It How nice!" -Tea," growled the old man. "It 1 aloe; and If I bad all the dollar and dime you've frisked from my pocket overnight, there'd be a home-consci ence fund that would ba a great relief to oota of us. Atlanta Constitution. He Didn't Enthuse. "I saw soma nice gowns today, hub- by." Tgh.- My 1 have one? They're very fetching." 'All dependa What are they fetch- tngr Louisville Courier-Journal. Ship VeaJ, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs & Farm Produce To the Old RAabla ISnrdinv hmaa vita a rmord af 46 rears ef Square Deaiwsa and ba saaured ef Top Market Prices. F. U. CRONXIIITE, 45-4-7 From Si, PCaHAND, ORE Her Guests. "We're goin' to have company at our house." said Rose Elizabeth, age 4. "And I'll bet you dont know who It Is. either." "Who is itr 1 "Two lady girls and a aentle bov." Indianapolis News. The Way of It "There was a great wreck of schoon ers lately." "How was thatr "The police raided the place just as the schooners were crossing the bar." Baltimore American. . In Desperate Straits.. "What do you think of a man with a rent in his coat and only three but tons on his vest?" "He should either get married or di vorced." London : Saturday Evening Journal. 2ckt!i fails U teat Is'. London Sir Ernest Shack teton ha again failed to rescue tha main body of hi Antarctic expedition left on Ele phant island, says tba Daily Chronicle, and has returned to the Falkland is lands. Sir Ernest returned on board the steamer Emms, say a Reutar dispatch from Fort Stanley. Tha hlp forced back by heavy gale and ice and it wa found impose! bl to get near Elephant island through tha pack ice. 1 no snip was badly damaged, the en gine were damaged, and tha Emma wa obliged to proceed under aJL Sir Ernest, tha correspondent adds. recognize that it is useless to fore a passage with a light ship and ba is waiting for the steamer Discovery to come from England. . frffid. Mk Tsree-Lle Strip frca Gorans it Yenfsi ' Twice Worse. A German spy wa being marched oa a very rainy day to the tower. "What brutes yon English are," b said, "to inarch me through a rain Ilk observer thla! "But how about us 7" grumbled one of his escort "It's worse for a. We've got to march back." -London Opinion. , Hop Crop Is Doing Well. The Oregon hop crop I doing well and hop men are particularly pleased with the condition of tha yard. Tb market is decidedly dull. Tb Chicago Brewer' Bulletin aays of tb trade situation la tha East: Brewers are not buying except an occasional email lot for immediate want. Most of tha brewer are cov ered by contract for soma month to come. Dealers ar offering to sell at somewhat lower figures than of lata, the decline in the Coast market hav ing mad itself felt in tha local and Eastern trade." The British embargo on hop is not very strict, according to tha Kentish which say: "Notwith- SAMA Criastalei Eyelids. OmC Em intUmtd by eio " tur to a. Deal and lad E jp. quickly rtliawd by Marts VG9 CraWrN8eauac. lust Eve Com fiirt YW PrrrV SOc pr Bottle. Marie t fatviaTules2e. rwaeataltksEyerraasak Druggists or starts Cy tostdy C., Ckka Hi Start "I hear. Miss Gladys, that your brother la ambitious to break records." "Well, he's begun practicing with the most expensive one we bought (or our Victrola." Baltimore American. London J off re's men are masters now of a bloodstained strip of ground three miles long and about a mfla deep just north of Verdun, which they have won from the Germans in ona of the most hotly-fought and bloody battles of the long struggle on tha Mens. At the close of thro day of their offen sive they hav conquered ground which it took the Crown Prince' army more than four week to wreat iron. I aaaaegMas . ' - . - Important Service. "Weren't you the favorite oa of your tate?" "Yes. I waa of considerable service la that capacity." "HOWT" . "I helped to make tha party look as If It had mora than on man it would consider if It wanted to." Washing ton Star. Of Court "Why do you alwaya have to be ex amined by a doctor before yon can gat life insurance T 1 presume the company wants to know whether or not you are strong enough to carry It" Detroit Free 1ess. ., Good Idea. "Do you think anybody will find out about my balr being falser 'Keep it under your hat. advised the helpful sale lady. Louisville Cou rier-Journal. - :- GOOD Paint Means GOOD Results See Your Local Dealer Now HE HAS IT. FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 5, 1916 Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Letterwriting, Arithmetic, Commercial Law, and all commercial subjects taught by ex perienced teachers. Civil Service training a specialty. The demand for our Graduates exceeds the supply. Write Today for Free Illustrated Catalogue. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE A.T. LINK. Principal. Phone Main 6CS3 Tilfard Bld'g, Tenth and Morrisoa Su, Portland, Or. DR. EORINEI'S DISTEMPER REMEDY U rothinc ta tha errant ef braathhie and Is a wan eorful racnady for eouaha. eoUla, eore throat, eatanra and hi-avei, mid whra fevar la praeent It reoKnree it quickly wiLhout injur to tha animal. Ih- rn'nt' fa!! Pnwilar "Heals while tha MrZM w irv. toma worka" For f't nils, aora sbooldera. wire cuu aad aid oieeratad loraa. Vt. fcrmek Absorbent Blister tif Uravirtsl. rirw-bo&s?. nd-4MMeasi hinnv.iaiav in m. tic, Umy rnliuY0mfiu and pmmotirt tb rtpenmr pmemm of Any a.' tS luilowiag wmmmhaa will quicicij comet mar f rconmndrd : aKam'lF&XiSP?,, OR KORfNEK'S WORM CAFSUUE3. D?. KV'RfJ' .?. fJ'Jf'X CAPSULES. . . PR. KORINEK'S TONIC CAPSIJIF " M HVtR CAPSULES. DB. ltORllFJC- PUVr r.iimr. -.- t a: -v ., ; sbeaaaa. the aiisarats (or which tha, , iR. KOSUNEK'S DIARRHOEA CAPSULES. AidcmrdaalwfarKartDdi'aRaBiediaa. Thev are rnaraataad ft-UKwut KtJ&ttJir co., Kenton Station, Or writ direct ta Portland. Oregon P, N, U. No. S3, ISIS " ( ta adrartuers, rl4as Not ThrouBh The Kitchen. "Has the tumace gone out, Brid get "It didg't come through here, num. Boston Transcript ' Fishing Pact May Pass. Washington, D. C. Senator. Lane, who has been stoutly opposing tba bill heretofore paascd by tb housa ratify ing the compact between the state of Oregon and Washington, under wbieb they propose to exercise joint juried! tionl over fisheries in tha, Columbia river, i showing sign of relenting. 11 na ooe uiis tha bill win pass. Senator Lane alone ha prevented It passage on several occasions. The fail ure of the opposing fishermen to file initiative petitions robbed Senator Lane of his chief ground of opposition. Car Shortage Is Worss. Salem, Or. Tba ear shortage on tba Southern Pacific In the Willamette valley continues to increase daily, ac cording to report received by the Ore gon Public Service commission, and u closing of lumber mills Is foreseen unless speedy relief is affovded. The commission was notified Suturdav that in summit Mill company had been forced to close. The situation was called to the attention of tbo Southern Pacific officials, who ordered three cars sent to Summit The total shortage Saturday was 426 ears. - Five-Cent Loaf Decried. Chicago Tba 6-cent loaf of bread must go. This i the cry with which 400 Chicago bakers departed Saturday for Salt Lai City, Utah, to attend the annual convention of the National As sociation of Master Bakers and to at tempt to persuade that body that 10 eenU is the lowest price at -which a fair-sised loaf of bread can ba sold with profit. In tha party were scores rr bakers Not Alwaya. "Like always produces Ilka" ' "Docs itr Then Just you try to get some cold cash from a snowbank." Baltimore American, HUSBAND SAVED - HIS WIFE Stopped Most Terrible Suf fering by Getting Her Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veeela- ) ' He Compound, Denison, Texas. "After 'my Httle girl was born two years ago I began suf fering with female trouMo and coo Id hardly do my work. I was very nervous but just kept (bag ging on until last summer when I got where I could not do my work. I would bsve a chill every day and hot flashes and dizzy spells and my bead would al most burst I got where I wss almost a walking skeleton and life wss a burden to me until one day my husband's step sister told my husband if be did not do something for me I would not last long and told him to get your medicine. Soke got Lvdia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com pound for me, and after taking the first three doses I began to improve. I con tinued its use, and I bave never bad any female trouble since. I feel that I owe my life to you and your remedies. They did for ma what doctors could not do and I will always praise It wherever 1 go." Mrs. G. O. Lowest, 419 W. Mon terey Street, Denison, Texas.- If you ars suffering from any form ef female ills, get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound, and Mssuaeac tb treatment witbeat del tending tb fact that tb order prohi biting the Importation oz foreign bop earn into fore on June 8, import continue to ba received. Tba Board of Agriculture report that tha Im port for last week war 6195 ewt. against S334 ewt in tba eorre ponding week of 1916. Tb export were: British, 890 ewt., against 432 ewt In 1916; foreign and colonial, 199 ewt, against 21 ewt In 1916." Bi Prune Crop Indicated. RidgeflekL Wash. Prune grower In this part of the county ar jubilant over tb bright prospect for ona of tba greatest prune crops in its history, notwithstanding tba large damage done by tba silver thaw last winter. Although It I about six week before harvest, tree in tha orchard ar breaking down under tha load of green fruit In ao me prune orchard the ground I already strewn with broken branches and grower hav bean shak ing their tree rigorously in an effort to prevent further damage. U. 8. Buya Cavalry Horses. Lewlston, Idaho A dalivery of eight hone baa just been mad by Charle Meikart of tha Upper Snake river, to Martin V Reed, buyer of cavalry horse for the United State govern ment. A shipment of horses will be made Tuesday, going to Lo Angeles for government inspection. Tha hone delivered by Mr. Meikart averaged 1100 pound and tha price waa $100 each. Mr. Meikart stated the season has been favorable for stockmen and that the range in tb uprlver section I in good condition. . L.I-. X J..- . -U-X -L ; Tea Lata, Thla etory waa told by Admiral Dewey of tha United State navy: On afternoon the business agent for a Chautauqua went to a proa parous town to ae some of the natlree with regard to booking a performance and finally landed In the oiflc of Jonea, "Yea, 1 am Mr. Jones." said the oc cupant "What can I do for your "I called to ae you about a Cbau Undue." returned tha visitor. "Nothing doing," curtly Interrupted Jonea. "My wife and 1 hare already decided on a car ot another make." Kansaa City Star. Jarring Colore. Mrs. Toongbride I'd ilk to change these egg I ordered by telephone yea terday. - Grocer What' wrong with them, ma'am T Mr. Youngbrlde Why. tb (hell ar a deep brown and th only egg cup I bar ar a robin' egg blue, Bo ton Transcript Preparednssa. "When my husband proposed to me the poor fellow voice stuck in bis throat" "Then bow did you know be was proposing?" "Well, you see, I was afraid that might happen so I bad taken lessons In Up reading." Boston Transcript Shake into Tour anoes ' ASn'sFeat-Baae, a Boarder for the feat, U caret eeinfal awoilaa, snwrUnav ewwHne Makes saw aoeaa eeajr. Bon vr an tmra"e arm nnoe riaraa, ln aeeepl anr eulMtliuia. Hamate k. A4ira A. ti. Otmetad. m IUw. N . X. "Answered Wsll. Peckem Wbr is the telephone like matrimony, my dearf Mrs. Peckem On, I suppose it s be cause one doesn't alwaya get th right party. Peckem That latrt tn riitbt an swerbut It Is good and we'll let It go at that Brooklyn Citlsen, A Pessimistic View. "Are yon at work on a party plat- Jl llji"'1''1 'JjJ III r 1 -. vi a - ' ' ' I Harvesting Starts Nssr Dayton. Dayton, Wash. Harvest started up quit generally over Columbia county Wednesday and will continu well into September in many part. Tb yield this year Is barely normal, though bet ter than wa expected, owing to th lateness of the season. The light land In th northern part of tba county I bearing the heaviest though there are some nelds of Turkey red wheat at the outskirts of Dayton that ar very promising. Harvest In tb mountain ous region will not begin for three! week, v Cowlitz Fair Date Sat. Woodland, Wash. Tb directors of th Cowlits County Fair association hav put at rest completely, the porta that hav been circulated that the association would not bold the an nual fair this year, by announcing th date a September 14, 16 and 10. The school exhibition rooms will be Improved, although that part of the j fair wa one of th principle attrac tions last year. Crop Prospects Are Bright. Net Perce, Idaho Crop prospect on the Nes Perce and Camas prairies hsv improved during the last 10 days, ana tne spring grain, wnicn was sown bout three week later than usual, is expected to mak a good aversg crop. Several farmer have commenced cut ting the fall grain, and reported a I formr "Yes. And It' a thankless sort of task. The only planks In party plat forms that people are likely to recall are those that you might be just as well satisfied to have tliero forgot." Washington Star. PRINTERS AND PtmiJSIIUU, ATTENTION I PERFECT PHOTS PUTES rvrabaad aa aturt Mttire, Write far Sraleof rrwae. rartUnd tWtoudrne A Sursatrra la, Prae a aurk. foUaadL Ua. ,.' Forest Note. , ( Tb ftrat act of Congresa retatlog to forestry waa aa appropriation of 1200,000, passed la 17, for th pur pose ot acquiring Umber for naval construction. Under -this appropria tion the government established re serves containing live oak a tb best timber for shipbuilding. Tb turpentine Industry of southern franc la a man made Industry. Out of shifting, barren sand dunes and a malaria, poverty stricken region, tb French government throunh reclama tion and planting of marttim pine, ba mad on of tb most ProeDeroua and sslubrious section of France, A century ago th barren sand dune of southern Franca could be bought at any price. Today this barren land within tb reclaimed area la worth at tha lowest IJ.S0 per acre, while th beat bring a high a tSt.OO per acre. The' amount of standing hardwood timber In tbla country ba been var iously estimated at from 400 to 6o0 billion feet About S40 billion of tbla ta In th southern states. Voluntoor fir fighters. wb"n need ed, are summoned to the aid of the forest rangers by th blowing of a certain slunal on steam whistle :in many towns In or near national for est In southern California. Father's Wisdom. ' j "Father, Alfred ba something to say to you tonight." Well, and what bave you and your mother duriilcd I muat tell hlmT" London Saturday Kvenlng Journal, .Tha Remedy Tlsprlner Is hot under the col. lar, captain." ' i 1 ben put him In the cooler." Ital. II more American. . fai Kkcii PcsTiis. Wom Inrn Th Human Touch. , "It doesn't make any difference how rich a man gets." . "What now!" -"You csa bet he like to sit down to tb table in his shirt sleeves and go up against a good old-fashlonnd boiled dinner once In a While." De troit Free Press, rrm tut mass in Ait obeook. Pottlund, thl '"'" ' statement V f ! Mydanghtei f ber life lo tl i, S I I Vr- if ir ' Spoiled by the Exception. "How did you find your dinner when you came home late last nlitht?" - "Pretty good, exoept the course my wife Introduced in the bill of fare of tongue served - with bard sauce." Baltimore American. any. Rare. "He's different to most men,, now." "In what wayr "He even knows all tho words in the second verse of America." Da troll Free Fresa. Csrrsnxs's tlmsrlck. 8s ys Venustiano Carranza: "I shall be Just aa good as I can, sir. But the border Is rough. The greasers are tough, and tbey soon may be canning carrania. ' louiivwe courier-Journal Lonely. "I suppose you miss your husband terribly T" "Indeed, I do. You can't tmaglna bow lonely I am with no ons ia the house to contradict." Detroit Free Prsea. Oregon, I and statement with ensure. terontn Ui us oi it. j inros s f a il., vorito rrotcrm- tion. She was, a fx very delicate girl A before using yuur ' Hllolne. . J W'.Aak-) M hav naVd Ui 'Prescription' for weakness rxKtu liar to women and found It pcrinctly wonderful. I have used Dr. i'ierco't Biedicinecffor over thlrty-flv ycarc. "My bnsband ba need th Cough Syrup' and thinks it is great. Mas. L. A. FosTEt, 1503 E. 8ib St., W. When a girl become a woman, when a woman become a mother, wheni a woman passe through th changn of ' middle life, are the three oerloda of life when health and strength ar most needed to withstand tb pain aad dis tress often caused by severs organio disturbances. At these critical time women ar best fortified by th as of Doctor Pierce ' Favorite Prescription, an old remedy of proved worth that keen th entir female system perfectl regulated and in exceuent condition. Mothers, if your daughters are weak, lack ambition, are troubled wjth bead, aches, liuwitude, and ar pale and sick, y, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is Just what they need to surely bring the bloom of health to their cheuk nd msk them strong and healthy. Por all dlar-fwe peculiar to women, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prpacrintiou Is a powerfnl restorative. During the last So years it ba baniahrd from th live of ten ot thousands of women th pain, worry, misery and distress cauaM bv irrecalnrlUpa ami disb&sa of a ktoiiiln cXarocUr. . from Eastern cities. good average crop.