The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, August 11, 1916, Image 2

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    A3 tke corrrenscn
cea of gat better
cooking ad a
, , u i i . i Kjt- 1,1 1 w
A.S tlW
ClAsK wOOD, "sUUMt
BaVes, broils, rossta,
toasts. Mora efTklent
than your wood or coal
stove, and costs less to
operate. Your cooking
is better, too, because
you have heat-control
like a gas stove.
' . A The New 1
. Bat
r5 - rim a clMn. odorless.
T; .fT"" f SOOtleSi SaOMtMCkUM of
f . J the Ions blue eniraoeya.
1 . I I Cuts oat the dradgry of
j, , J . wood Of coal. ATeepa
1 " - t L- "law voar AifeAea eooi. In
ovens eeparete. AIM
Cabinet modela with Fire- '
Im Cooking Ovens.
Ask yoor dealer today.
Standard Ol Co.
SiridN in 4ifce
T1i Year,.,.,
SU Mould
fmir Mmiha.,
nvrRT!MN Am
IV Inch per iitiiMlh ..........
Vr Inch, iwi Itnertlim. ... .....
(netua, per IIhvmu'Ii Inaetlinn..
.11 Ml
. t
. 8 AO
...t W
... .
IS.N.VS t th ae.temc l Wolew. Ortjee,
M claM Wail Mttr.
Tor Sale by
The tar jest stock of
Cigars, Tobacco and
in town
Claiming that ninety poreent of the
cditort of the Mate favor iu attempt
ed grals e wonder how Pendleton will
assimilate the following jolt from the
Monmouth Herald, published In a nor
mal school town; 1
"If rendletoa bases its campaign for
a state normal on the ground that it ia
not s email town it will die a pit rail
htto which it may later stumble. Ihe
tiie fact should be kept in the hack
ground. The influential norma la of the
country areinsmsll towns where the
school spirit is beat developed.
rents hesitate to send their daughters
to the larger towns where they are
subjected to the large town Influences
aid temptations. A town where the
school ia the whole thing and there are
no distracting influences. Is ideal"
Or this from the Aurora Observer,
which may be taken to be fairly indica
tive of Willamette valley sentiment:
"The Weston leader hands Pendleton
a few hot shuta for its attempt to be
guile the voters Into giving Pendleton e
12S.OOO state normal school within two
years after the electors had voted down
a proposition to restore to state use the
75,000 plsnt at Weston (in the same
county.) In spite 6f the fact that all
the county superintendents in Oregon,
a well as the state superintendent.
have indorsed the bill for this 125,000
nieea of state Dork, the proposed Pen
dleton normal win gei lew tow mi
this neck of the woods."
Or the shrapnel poured Into the Pen
dleton camp by the Gate City (Nyi
(Medford Mall-Tribuue.) I Journal and the Medford Mail-Tribune
Concealed behind the veiled pre-1 whose remarks we reprint in another
imw of validating; the state untver- I )..- other comment of the same
sUy at Eugene and the O0" A I sort has reached us, but this ia aU we
cultural count? vu,... .
ton ha Initiated a bill upon the No- have space for st present.
rember ballot for the establishment
"Cracked Building" Falsehood
Denied by Thou Who Know.
3U& Prated asABts! at aUu Mntiat el
atlwti-Wastes Retail taisrttd.
Athena. Aug. I. At a meeting held
Weston. Ore., July St. tTo the ra
il or. These are a tew words or
t'oiunet Hnosevelt tn S letter sddrfaeed
to the rt-reslve Nallosal committee
at t'hlraeo June It. In regard to the
Aermas-American aillanitei
Thia Alliance had ao liking f-r Mr.
Hushes, but solei la defeal me for
the nomination they are eater to sac
rifice the Interests of the t'nlled
Htates whenever Its interests eonflht
with Oerntany's. They repreent that
adherence to the polltlco-redloal hy
i. ,k. -nt .. u u .ii v nheA wn on is tne oaur
recorder, and prwU.ted wl by Mayor j moral treason te Ihe republic. They
Homer t. Watts, cltlsens adopted lhe;e "" "
following protoel aswinat Ihe propMed -errert a viceroy or m."n
bill for a normal avhool at Pendleton: 1 fror. I have slnled IheiM. men out
"We, the people of Athena, Umatll- ror epecme oenunc.aimn. ana swuren.
la county. Oeeion. In a maea meeting I 'Y If I support a candidate It may be
assembled, do declare It to be our be-j rroor mat i am -;''
llf and opinion that the Temtleton 1 ht the candidate Is Im enable of be
Normal aihool bill ehould be defeats.!. Influenced by the evil Intrigues of
of a tllS.OOe state normal school fori
eastern Oregon at Pendleton.
If Mfdford Initiated a bill to estao-
lish the Southern Oregon State Nor-1
mal School at Medford the action!
would be similar to that Initiated oy i
For many years the Eastern Oregon i
Uniting Leamina and Labor
. THE 0HC0:i
" la iu Sle Schools snd Forty-eight De
partments is engaged in the grest work
t uniting Learning and Labor.
i Fetly-eigbtk) School Year Opens
JSEPTEKBEB 18, 1916.
' fiiegree Coorsee requiring s four-year
kigh school preparation, are offered ia
the feilowingi
AGRICl'LTUKE, 16 Departments;
EERING, 6 Departments; MINES, 3
Departments; FORESTRY, 2 Dcpart-
saenu; homb sujwaiui, e ue pan
men ts; and PHARMACY.
Vcatienal Coarses requiring an
Kigbth Grade preparation for entrance
arc offered in Agriculture. Dairying.
Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, sod
Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two
year high school entrance requirement.
SCHOOL OF MUSIC Piano, String,
Band and Voice Culture,
Catalogue and beantUnl illustrated
booklet free.
" ' Address Thr Rkcistoa,
The junket of newspsper met to
Southern Oregon wss ha Wiled ad
mirably from the Portland end by
Phil Bates and from the Medford end
State Normal School was conducted at by Ben Sheldon. Bates wants all the
Weston. Just as the Southern Oregon credit given to Sheldon, but the Lead
Normal School was conducted at Ash- ER mRll feels that Thil is at least enti-
land. In both towns the state still re- ,o gme, of m j,,, This man
tains a consiaeraoie uhwuwih . . . , j, --j oni tn
and buHdlngs. If the normal schools Sheldon is a wonder second only to
are to bo re-established. It Is to the Crater lake itself.- He is a 'live
taxpayers' Interests that they be re-1 wire" of about one million voltage.
established at their former site. Just tjuk f transporting lTOnewspe
treatment of the towns that furnished . . . . fc ,
subsidies and assisted In the roalnte- -In A. ;,vl
r.r tlu, normals demands It. - I 01 . '
The attempted Pendleton grab to an I out dropping anyone over a precipice,
abuae of the Initiative, for only two I was itself a Cyclopean achievement.
years ago the people voted against re-1 rckley and Aldrich might perhaps
roeUrrng bar. been n-red, but the rest of the
ton but Pendleton having success- cargo was precious. nu
fully stolen a quarter million dollar I free automobiles for a Siskiyou excur-
state ssylum from Baker, has no ecru- I m crar lake excursion, free ho-
ples about robbing Weston of the Nor- . . . funched and ban-
mai. i . . ... , ,
fiueveu it iwifcuiiiw k ... . -
tion. It war a wonderful snowing oi
hospitality, and sets s fsst pace for
Pendleton, where the state aMocuttion
meets next year. . . : .
Weeton Meat
Prime Beef
Pork, Mutton, Veal .
Dressed Poultry
FISH Monday and Thursday
Get Our Prices
Phone No. S3. Orders taken by
phone for mail routes.
Ten percent interest on all ac-
counts after 30 days.
Perry & Weber
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
miuuiv - I . M. - i- : , U J
Stone, Defendant. I 1 ne campaign nr muvmij aurwu
To Fred A. Stone, Defendant above- I in the land, report having reached tne
named: I I.RinEn (mm Hood River throueh a
In the Name of the State of Oregon, .. . . ,. Normal
l v. . I -
yuu arv nr. r . r vui.,.vuw , v . .
quired to appear and answer tne com-. K'-t - -"-,
plaint of the plaintiff filed against j laiseDooas mere to ine eueci mat rr es
yoa In the above entitled court and I ton is situated in a gulch and is spt to
cause within six weeks from the date wasbe(j ,way together with its
or me nrm puomiuon " I uJ V.n;Min. mt an time
,. - rt Hfnr SV1HV I " --
the J2nd day of September. 11. and mis sianaer indicates u.e aesperaie
you will take notice that if you fall to straits to which Pendleton is reduced
appear and answer said complaint or I for vote-getting buncombe, and would
otnerwise pieaa inereio wiuim asiu ..: Knt tnr th txet that neonle
When Ihe voters and taxpayers of the
state deem It advisable to re-eetablleh
a normal srhool In Eastern Oregon,
we believe that the stale school now In
existence at Weston -w hich waa never
abolished, but merely failed of sup.
portshould be restored to usefulness.
We regard the abandonment of thia
school by the stats senate In ItO as
a high-handed act of political reprisal
"We deplore Pendleton's set In re
newing the Normal school agitation
at thia time as precipitate and Ill-
advised. We fear that Pendleton -e
overweening ambition, which Is well
understood In Ihe Athena community,
has In this particular Instance warped
her Judgment In our opinion Uma
tilla county. Itself, will cast a substan
tial majority against the Pendleton
bill, and Its defeat la practically cer
tain. We fear a fiasco resultant from
Pendleton's campaign that will react
against the normal school prospects
of this section of the stste.
ExrrptkMM to Statement.
"The statement published the
Pendleton committee that the state
school plant at Weston la worthless
and the : administration building
cracked from top to bottom.' Is false
and misleading. Athena Is situated
but three miles from Weston and we
are familiar with conditions there. We
consider the plant aa ample for the
requirements of an Eastern Oregon
Normal school, ' It la in good condi
tion for use. and la now, In fact, be
ing used under lease by the Weston
school district. .Were it true, which
It Is not, thst the principal building Is
cracked from top to bottom.' such
unfitness should militate against In
vestment by taxpayers of In
a new school plant at Pendleton. The
state built at Weston. The Pendleton
charge of failure Implies Its Incompe
tence. : .' .'
"We know of- the good work done
by the Weston Normal under serious
handicaps snd of the professional suc
cess, of its graduates. If, as the Pen
dleton statement claims, this school
the hyphenated Americana. "
What la the meaning of
words? la It not vry clear to the
mind of any Individual of native abil
ity what will occur? It seems very sp
psrent that Mr. Koneevelt. during this
campaign, wilt be the mouthpiece for
Mr. Hughes, snd If Hughes Is elected
will no doubt be e member of the
Can those dissatisfied German
Americana bank on Mr. Hughes giv
ing them any.squarer deal than Presi
dent Wilson has? Will It not be much
safer to support Mr. Wilson for the
preeldency Ihsn to support a msn sup
ported by Mr. Roosevelt?
In the Court of Ihe Stele el
Oregon tor I'malllU County. ,
F. D. Watts, Plaintiff, vs. Anna Young.
Klltn Chester, Caroline Schmidt.
Mule Young. Ida Young. !ydla
Young. Wlllard Young, Alice Young.
Michael Young. Harbara Young. Hu.
go Schmidt. Cynthia Prophy. Agnes
E. Jones. James Peters, Maggie Pe
ters. Rlrhsrd Peters. Samuel Peters.
Myrtle Petere, John Peters. Kthel
R. Peters, Wm Peters. Pesats Pe
tere, Orln Peters and Joels Peters.
his wife. Albert Young. Or S Ms-
her, John Maher. Solomon Peters,
Chsrlrs H. Peters. Sarah Davis, for
merly Sarah Klltridge. Michael K
Young. Myra Young. Michael or
Mike Peters. Agatha Taylor, Slella
Peters. Olene Peters. Nora Walls.
Grace Rogers. B, C. Rogers. K. M
Peters. rCmesley Rldenour. other
wise known ss Emely Rldenour.
Minnie U DePeatt. Jane DePealt.
Nellie DePeatt. Katie DePeatt. Wil
liam DePeatt. Ralph DePeatt. Eel-
ma DePeatt. now Zelma llarrle: Mer
na DePeatt. now Merna Smith, and
Agatha Tavlor. guardian of Slella
Peters and tilene Peters, minors.
hss cost but t!7t.eoo during an 1-'to William DePeatt. one of Ihe above.
year penoo. we consioer mat tne Mmti Defendants:
money was unusually well spent, ma ,h. N..m. of lh, g,.,, Oregon.
oeen mainiainea until tne present .nd each yo0 ar, hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com-
Have it In tho short or lontf
at prices that cannot bo du
. . ... a a m a aw.
Elk and Mulesktn i 411
Shoes at - P,ty t
sleeve, kneo or ankle length
plicated cbowheiu Sec our
$1.79 and $1.98
Ribbed Union Suits (all sites)..: 49c
Mesh " " " . 4Se
Athletic " , " "
l. V. l M " " H,,f
Chalmers IWdinll " Mr
War..i 's Spring Needle Union
Kuila, iithi-is' 1.80 numlier 9W
Bovs Union Huita, short or I ng
sleeve, knee or sukle length,...ltSe-4e
lkys' Chalmers' IVruakmi 4&c
. . ,
Muleakln SHiiet, ethers' 1100 aukiber,
IHlT pr'll ...tin tft niitiiMitM 1.4
Klk Slow, others' II W l IS
iiii.kcti 4H . .. i.4a, i i.w
Vjuilte .. . . BM, lt.41, l M
it sos, Tsrpt ti es
xl4H-.S. " lUt
SI4 lt s. " M
sUllfa. " .......lie.
SO Inch Unvst tic. to In. V, it. 1H
Don't forpet our Oshkosh. Bijf 3 and Ehrman (Never-
vcarM)Ut brand) Overalls at a saving of 25 to 35c a pair
Khaki Tants: 08c
A . aw. Sk
J.L.rcnney co. inc.
m m
Athena - - Oregon
time we feel assured that It would
have become a flourishing and suc
cessful Institution a 'standard nor
mal school' In fact.
District Large Enough.
"The district of Wseton Is large
enough to furnish sn ample number
of grade pupils for a model training
school, wherein the seniors could pur
plslnl filed against you In the shove
entitled suit on or before the f Jth dsy
of September. UK. snd you will take
notice If you fail to answer, or other
wise appear In said suit on or before
said dsy. plaintiff, sbnee named, for
want thereof will apply to the above
entitled court for the relief prayed for
sue the study of methods by observa- tn plaintiffs complslnt on file In said
. . . . . ...i, , sa - .m, nf thia
lion ana practice. ne assumption v -.. .
that Pendleton WH1 turn over all of .court requiring each and every one of
grammar grades to a Normal thee defendants to show snd make
school for practice work we regard as manifest the exsct nature and extent
amusing. It would be easy for the right, title, interest or esiaie,
Weston Normal seniors tn aenulra ae. Which each, any Or Sll Of these Oe-
tual teaching eXDerlence in the rural' fenrtsnts claim to have In the real
schools of the neighborhood. In view property, described in said complaint.
of the fact that many of the a-radu- i to-writ:
ates would be required for the rural
schools of this section of the state.
such experience would be Invaluable.
As to climstlo conditions and st
tractive environment Weston Is sn ad
mirable location for a Normal school.
We are glad to say this In justice to
our neighbor, although Weston and
Athena are to a certain degree rival
towns for the trade of adjacent terri
From the viewpoint of the taxpsy-
The SBU of the NWU of the NWtf
of See. t, Twp. 4 N R. II. B. W. M.:
the West It feet of Lot In Flock t
and Lot 7 of Block t. and the West
feet of Lots t. t and 4 of Block I of
ths Town of Weston: Lots 1. II and
I of Block I Sollng's Addition to
the Town of Weston; sll thst portion
of Block of McArthur's Addition to
the City of Weston. lying North of s
certain east and west line, said line
commencing at a monument conaist-
tlme, the plaintiff, for want thereof.
will apply to the court for the relief
will be found to believe it. Pendleton
prayed for and demanded in the was compelled to Dttiia an expensive
prayer of her complaint, namely, for I levee to guard against floods, while
Weston never has been snd never will
a decree of the court forever dlssoly
I rig in wool Ul jnainniunf nw kiiu i . . .
heretofore existing between plaintiff I 1 "Ber-
and defendant and for other equitable
relief. I The East Oreconian venomously at
This summons is puwisnea pursu- ,v w. w.ttsof A then, far tsk.
ant to an order made and entered!. .... . .
herein by Honorable Charles h. " Prt " th mM meeting there at
Marsh, County , Judge of Umatilla which the Pendleton Normal scheme
County, Oregon; In the absence of the I wss strongly condemned. In thia the
Honorable ouoert w. fneips. judge mavor was merely nursu inte a course
of the above entitled court, from the!,. . . , . u . u: .
Oregon , I public official, Athens sentiment being
The first publication will be made I practically a unit against Pendleton's
on Friday, the 1 1th day of August, sinister designs. Mr. Watts, however.
1916. snd the last publication will be needg defense at our hsnds. as he is
made on Friday, the 22nd day of Sep
tember, lll.
Dated this 2nd day of August. I9Iff.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Postoffice Address: Pendleton, Ore.
an upstanding man accustomed to fight
ing his own battles. We will merely
say that he would never, ss Pendleton
hss done, betray s friend.
'raciicr in bii otaie
ami ' Federal
r.ftnoa C. It Biihop
. ; r.on Ee Bishop
Freewater, Or.
l a ta A A
Having said that the Pendleton Nor
mal has received a "strong endorse.
Iment" from R, C. French, the Pendle
ton press is evidently in error as to
what constitutes a strong endorsement
The sadden agreement of the rail-
Irosd employes to accept mediation re
lieves the nstion of a great impending
j calamity. .-
' , While not admitting that it is playing
"dog in the manger, Weston would
prefer this role to thst of "snake in
the grass."
I' fhtttr tirtrtra Mnttnatt ta tip nil Pn
However, we'll let Mr. Rooster do what dIeton'g thunder, Chicsgo having sp
ume crowing si.; wncHOTM,. " ninrl a traind-uo for Auirust 15-27.
merely wutn vu sy nisi wo win sprv-
jiale vour uatronaff e in our line snd do
,Mir het tn earn vonr o-ond onininn. 1 Ai S rsy Of Sunshine through S
Rolled Barley, Ostssnd Wheat; Baled I ciouaea sky is Atnena s set or irieno
Hay, Millstuffs snd Chicken Feed.
We're local agents for Peacock Flour
and Blatchford'eCaif Meal. Phone 281.
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
I ship in Weston's time of need.
It is becoming apparent that Hughes'
discarded habit of silence was his
strongest recommendation.
Ing public outside of Its Immediate en- Ung of a three-Inch pipe driven In the
virons, Pendleton's claims would. ground along the west line of said
seem absurd. Speaking for them-, wioca, said monument oeing wiinessva
selves, Athena taxpayers object to , br "lng feet S Inches south or a
navlnr their share toward a tl2S.o0 ;Balm tree, together with a water rignt
school plsnt st Pendleton, when an iscroes the remaining south end of said
adequate plsnt at .Weston la already 1 Block to be used and enjoyed as a
available. They further object to pay- fright of way for the purpose or keep
ing an annual tax ot one-twenty-ftfth Ing snd maintaining o-er and across
of a mill for a . Pendleton school,
when one-fortieth of a mill would re
open the Weston school with sn an
nual Income of more than double Its
former maintenance.
"Whatever Indictment Pendleton
may bring against the Weston Normal
is also sn indictment of the Monmouth
Normal." . ,.. ;
C. L. Pinkerton and J. B, English
were at Portland last week attending
the grand lodge. Knights of Pythias.
as delegates from the local lodge. As
the supreme lodge was also in session,
they found the occasion a memorable
one In their Pythian experience.
I a ke park;
"Breath of the Pines"
4,500 above sea-level, in the"
near Joseph, Oregon. Est, sleep,
play, live out-of-doors. A delight
ful mountain-lake resort. Good
fishing. '
For full Information, fares,
tickets,' etc., ask
8. S, NELSON, Agent
I 0-W. R, R. &'N,
(Spokane Tnl4ntat Fair and
Uvaatock Siiew Sept. 4-t
trtT TOrk lUsrle-st-yt riflttw celstsUttrel m M
ft-, twnssj skmlH. vktXrtm or yHnUm mmA at
se-fitKKw far SCArtCM
tm fafttetitaiWtit, fKk rwt-rwrw-tisj.
f-ATCflT UILO WOttTV tor
fe-a, Ostr f re boottiertA U l berw. itsU to astrgsat
awd seiT yosi nrntmy. Writ lo4af.
1H1 SfVM'a ft! - W.T.Sinnlnn f) f! I
said south end of said Block a flume
line as now constructed; the right to
convey through the same and use the
same quantity of water now and here
tofore used and enjoyed In connection
therewith, together with the right to
keep said flume In repair, to replace
the same at any time. and to enter
upon said land along the line thereof
for the purpose of .Inspecting, repair
ing and replacing the same; also an
undivided one-half Interest In East II
feet of Lots t. t, 4, all Lot I. the East
ll feet of Lot I In Block 1 In the
Original Town of Weston, except the
following described tract: Beginning
at the Northeast corner of Lot I In
Block 1, thence westerly a'nng the
south line of Main street tl feet In
ches, thenee southerly parallel with
Franklin Street If feet I Inches,
thence easterly parallel with Main
Street II feet I inches to the west line
of Franklin Street, thence northerly
along the west line of franklin Street
19 feet I Inches to the point of begin
An undivided one-half interest In
and to WM Lot I. all Lots 4 snd t.
snd the North Hstt of Lot I In Block
f of .Weston; sn undivided one-half
Interest In and to Lot 7 Block 1 Hart.
men's Addition to Weston.
And thst said claims snd each and
all of them be declared void and ot no
effect and unfounded In fact or In law
against said plaintiff, his heirs or as
signs; for plsintlffs costs and dis
bursements herein, snd for such other
and further relief aa pertains to equi
ty end good conscience. '
This summons Is published pursu-
snt to an order of the Hon. Oh as. H.
Marsh,. County Judge of Umatilla
County, State of Oregon, for the rea
son that O. W. Phelps, Circuit Judge
of the th Judicial District of said
state is absent from said county; said
order was mnde on the 7th day of
August, I til. snd provides thst the
first publication of said summons
shall be made on ths 11th day of Aug.
use, If If, In the Weston Leader
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Postoffice Address! Pendleton, Ore.
Chss. II. Csrter - Dsn P. Smyths
Carter & Smythc
This crib hss sll curved lines, no sharp comers, sliding side esn be
closed, numerous nlllngs so the child cannot get out, insures perfect
safety. YOU NEKI) IT. ., . .. ',
' TftTTffl ----- jw ,
I Jll i!
- o-.i'-iiv.fLi.
We Invite You
The Farmers Bank of Weston
Established IS9I
HE REASON banks are glad to open accounts
(especially, with the young) is that it makes
better, more useful, substantial citizens who' work
for the betterment of the community. Open an
account with us; make it grow; be useful. i
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon Waltsbur j, Wish.
American Beauty
Pure White
Ff TCP'.
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Cold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company