The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 28, 1916, Image 4

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    .., Royal D-Litc
j L . 4f t ""
' alt1
A9 Sty! AB Saw
, i v Royal Shoe Co.
V fWth Si.
(mM f in "
twmrf Mr aa . ! Rr4
1THUI1. AaKMW Ikaaa kM Uk. I1
taarui dl. ruwa, Um
I'M tk ilnnrfc'K rW K fcmiU
traaama fc4ui fi M-t-Ht. I'arwTOal atiaa
Una. I'xwurtti k (otntwl. Nm AUaaf
lltaa. Ut. rs aa Miimna. t-artaHBi.
' la), aaurlkaMl. Ti"iiw. W1M,
M4t Tra. rWrt fraf Tret
at, fwarn' . Laallaa
M MraiM) Nw TIKM rtaiaa,
MwHMkML rwpr tail
Thi R. r. KaKTBI Cs. rmt ft. Suflk;
s::i mms vmiited
Taka an tor RaanthkT. Shank Act aa
rtUHM arml. Writ UkIkt lor tinutti , MaM
.it W a) . waakiir: aara a.
151-11 rest St San rrejnclaco, CaL
New Houston Hotel
fanr IMi fnaa t'aaia. StatSaa. Uaaaraaw
.1-1 AH iwa aaw fraa.laa.
jm SOc 73. (L l-50 Par r
rmhM aa aaort . Wr! I
Bote of Fricaa. PwrtlMMl Efcttlutyaa
Orep Hzmia InsliMa
Raptor traataa jarfcankmnr. J'"
411-412 AS- aVaaia. rartaaW. Oraaaa
la Jm andlaas ehaia af atiaaeaaoi abiapars
0itiaa- hm-m bm
W.I1 akaaid wttk the HaaaHroa. Ca. and
wfetnmr w. lun Man vaal ar mam
auratr atria ta rao. Vooia traly. H.E.8.
Original aa oat la saroOce or iaapaetloa.
War aat ahtp aa aaaroaan. Mr. DairyamT
Piaaamataraa: aarrart Maia.
Gophera Killed With Automobile
Vnlng antomobllea aa gopher killing
machines is the novel aerrlce to which
car hare been put by. Oregon farmer
who b&TS set about to kill gophers,
and other burrowing animal that
damage their crops. A car, preferably
one that is light, is driven' into the
field where' the gophers live. The en
gine is allowed to continue running
and one end of a hose is attached to
the exhanst while the other end t in:
serted in a gopher hole and packed
about with a cloth and little dirt In
a short time the fumes penetrate the
various passages and issue from other
holes. These are then plugged op;
after this has been done the gases
penetrate to the remotest chamber,
and the inhabitants aie suffocated.
From the August Popular Mechanics
Magazine. '":
Different. ' ','
' Hostess (at party) Does your
mother allow you to have two pieces
of pie when you are at home, Willie?
Willie (who has asked for a second
piece) No, ma'am. .
"Well, do you think that she d like
you to have two pieces here?"
"Oh," confidently, "she wouldn't
care. This isn't her pie."-Philadel-phia
Publie Ledger.
. . Hlflh Cost of Ufe.
Wayne Brown does a lot of enter
taining at his country place.--
Payne Does he succeed in growing
Wayne His mortgage has grown
from $2,000 to $5,000 since April, and
will probably jump another thousand
before August Pittsburgh .Dispatch.
judgeYoB let the burglar, go, to
arrest a motorist? -
Policeman Yes. The motorist pays
a fine, and adds to the resources of
the state; the burglar goes to prison,
and the state has to pay for his keep.
London Answers.
Stark Realism.
Mother (entering the nursery)
Children, why do you sit about look
ing so coleina and unhappy? Why
not play a game of some sort?
One of "Em We are playing. We're
grown-up ladies making a call. New
York Times. .
Veal, Pork,
Beef, Poultry,
Butter, Eggs &
Farm Produce
To th OH RtHabia Erdin hnoaa arttk
t, .wit of V, wi ot S.iuar Daiin and ba
aaaured 2 ..
Top Market Price.
45-47 FroaJ St, FCULASDl CEE
p. m. u.
No. SI. 19)6
VB,"V tUI'- to a4vertiocrs, Haaa swa I
ta!rits U U JLTswd M Ss: 160
iUrc Tracts IHs f al
AH Unds Classified is Agricultural
S, aa,
to Be Opened-wori w uuis
ing Wia Begin it Once.
Portland Just a fast a it can be
classtfled. atrleulturaj land la the Ore
gon California land frant In UU
state Is to be opened U entry by actual
This official Inf ormatloa was brought
from Washington Saturday by Loui
U Sharp, chief of the Bald division of
the rnaral land offlca, following his
return to Portland from a three weeks
conference In Washington with Com
miaaioner Qay Tallman relative to de
tail! of the claawflcaUoa and opening
to entry.
By the latter end of next wee Mr.
Sharp experts to be on hi way with a
r man. Inrludlnr exDert timber
cruisers, to begin the Immense task of
classifying the lands, a praiimiuj
Mceesary before they can be opened to
entry. ,
He will start this wore in aw
la alttiar Jaekaon or Josephine
counties, which contain a greater pro
portion of tho frant lanas wan any
other counties. .
The Oregon A California land frant
in this state comprises a total of t
00,000 acres. Only those land that
are classified a agricultural will of
opened to entry. "
t... h.t nmiuitin of tho rrant Is
daasifiable as ajrri cultural land nobody
knows at this tuna. oe newt aw
mate can be no mora than a fness.
And It was aa a roes only, though one
based on ail tho information at hand,
k. U, Skim axTlraaaed the opinion
that probably one-half the land will
fall under tho eiaaaincauon 01 aajnnu
turaL Deducting to beg-in with from the
2,300, OOO.aerea of the frant aomo 800,-
AAA a AWakaS tKmt indoded in forest
reserves, leaves approximately 2,000,-
000 acres to do eiaasineu. u. ma
mated ratio of eno-half is mainUined,
1.000.000 acres of this 2,000,000 will
eventually be classified aa agricultural
and opened to entry.
- Mr. Sharp said, however, that the
public will not be kept waiting for the
.i.iAntinn tn ho eomDleted.
Just as quickly as enough of tho land
can do ciassinea u uuv
-k;u Km amiainL it will bo thrown
open to entry. This process will be
continuea nnui su uw nauiui
land is opened to entry.
"I do not wish to be understood as
making any definite promise," aaid
Mr. Sharp, "but wo hope to open the
first batch of land by early falL This
land will bo tn Southern Oregon, in
.ithar lmr kaon or Joseobino eoantiea,
for we shall begin work there first."
Caled Sales U td Ef&S
9 Kssavt tMst iw
Washington, D. C. President Wil
son and bis cabinet determined Fri
day to insist that England remove
American firm from her "blacklist."
The entire subject wss considered at
the cabinet session held Friday. The
conclusion was reached that action
should be taken to terminate this
method of interference with American
trade. In accordance with this decis
i, m PnlW aant instructions to Am
bassador Page In London directing him
to make emphatic represeniauons to
the British foreign office, not only
against the blacklisting of the firms
whose names have been made public,
but against the continuance of a prac
tice described as in violation of inter
national law.'
There is reason to believe Oat Eng
land expected some such action by the
Washington government. The firms
blacklisted were selected from a long
list in the possession of the British au
thorities. Against those placed under
the ban it is asserted the evidence i
conclusive and when made publie will
convince the American government of
the propriety of the measure adpoted.
Japan Gets Russian Une.
San Francisco For $7,000,000 Ja
pan has acquired from Russia 76 miles
of the main-line railroad through
Southern Manchuria, according to re
ports received Monday by Japanese
residents of this eity. The concession
was paid for, the reports said, in war
munitions, including aeroplane motors
valued at $1,000,000, manufactured in
Berkeley, CaL
The firm of Mitsui k Co., was cred
ited with having engineered the deaL
knowledge of which was denied by the
Japanese consulate here.
, "Women Workers Parade.
London British women gave an im
pressive demonstration Sunday of their
work in the war, thousands participat
ing in a parade through the central
districts of London. The parade was
divided into numerous sections, with
tableaux on lorries representing women
in working costumes showing how
they bare replaced men in various ac
tivities. There were women in overalls
from munition factories, nurses, chauf
feurs, streetcar conductors, railroad
workers and agricultural laborer. In
the procession also were floats.
Rotarians Pick Atlanta,
rintnnatt Atlanta. Ga.. was selec
ted a the convention city in 1917 of the
International Association oi rotary
rinha her. lata SaturdsV by the new
and retiring officers, who are empow
ered to make the selection, avansas
City and Salt Lake were a!o In the
field for the next convention. C R.
Perry, of Chicago, was re-elected sec
retary. This concluded the work of
convention, which
had been in session since last Monday.
To Cool a Burn
and Ma
tho Fire Oa
K Be frfra4
Balsam of Myrrh
For Cuts. Cum.
rtruiae. Snrain.
rj:!h!.!na lam Rack.
ni l em Ones Wounds.
, , -
a-wl all Extern! Luuriea.
tlada Since 1848. J2t
Price S5.B0cad $100
, a warn
All Dealers &S3&fr
tat orrrtt uaoT0v. atnrv. ci.'
i.iiit " "" a-aaiamam
V ...l.iv. ,
- ka itm.
sur to Sea, ) and let
nurkly raliewd by atsxwe
y Brawdy. No Saautixf.
4f , us
Tour Dnatrkt $e tt Bon'- CtJ
iiTw.2S. rBaiiwtrrra-k
H.a Pa tiller Co.. Chtrase
lDSjaa w -
ha. tfcn,, I aiil)
a. kl...l
,1 mat Miala
l.l.rtf a.rlaV.
y- aaaaa jaaaaBalt a. llnUTa, W.
" He Dldnt Suffer From That
a -a anr ta Tiolnc told concern
ing the head of Cox's, the famous army
bankers and a young oiucer cuauw.
n-u- Hktitm mIImI one Any and
asked the cashier to let aim have aa
overdraft of 60 pounds. '
"I am very sorry. Lieutenant Blank.
.. ,k hnt vonr account it
already overdrawn 100 pounds, and.
you, see, we nave no secuxnj. waF'
your life." - -
But Lieutenant Blank was not to be
put off like this and demanded to see
.v - v.,i tk, firm To him he re
uia iimi w. - -- -
pes ted his request The banker was
courteous, nut nrm.
"I am afraid, as the cashier says.
l H .Mnritv frr in further
afj ii.ic w wvu. "I w -
advance," he explained. "Ton might
get killea. you see, ana ju m
we shall lose what we have already
let you have" . w
The subaltern regarded the banket
with a scornful "tare.
"Oh. all right if yoe won't," he said
haughtily. "But" scathingly "let m
tell you this you "re "bally well losing
your nerve." Pearson' Weekly.
n du.'. SVamrito PraacriDtion
LSI. Kivt - - . 7
makes weak women strong, sick women
well, no aiconok ootu m iaumv v. m.
His Only Chance.
.hnr tima im on the ahootin
range a recruit was taking a leuon la
firing, but not wun very promwiua ry
-..I,. Attaw ranoatarilv falllnC tO hit
Ulka. - . . .
the target at S00 yard, the Inatructoi
tried him at zw, wim uio aauia
u ,aMiMl to trv him at 100
yard, but the resulu were even worse
than before. Losing au patience, u
i .yMhIitimI In diasust:
UIOU u.. .v. " - .
"Fix your bayonet and go and stat
the wretcnee wing; its your umj
chance!" Toronto MaU.
Easily Read.
They were at an afternoon recep
tion and were absorbed in watchini ffnvnnl women.
"I think Mrs. Cameron is so sweet,
don't you, Helen?" asked ines. -ioi
- a a rat. tar in har turn'' '
"Yes," replied Helen, sarcastically,
"you can if you reaa Between uw
lines." National Monthly.
Cubist Teacher Can any one giv
an impressionisuc ueuuiuuu ,.
York? , , .
Bright Pupil A small body of lim
ousines almost entirely surrounded by
Ford. Houston Chronicle.
LydiA E. Knkham's Vegeta
ble Compound Helped Her.
Wt Danby, N. Y. "I kav bad
nervous trouble all mr life until I took
Vegetable Com
pound for nerve
and for female troo-
blesandit (traight-
ened me out In good
ahaoe. I work nearly
all the time, a w
live on a farm and!
have four girla. I do
all my sewing and
other work with
their help, 0 It
how that I stand it real welL I took
the Compound when my ten year old
daughter came and it helped me a lot
I have also bad my oldest girl take it
and ft did her lot of good. I keep it In
the house ail the time and recommend
it" Mr. Dewitt Sincebahch, West
Danby, K.Y.
Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil
ity, backache, headache, dragging sen
sations, sll point to female derange
ment which may be overcome by Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vtgetabl Compound.
Thi famous remedy, the medicinal
Ingredients of which are derived from
native root and herbs, has for forty
yesrs proved to be a most valuable tonic
and invigorator of the female organism.
Women everywhere bear willing testi
mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia
E. Pjpt-ham'a Vegetable Compound
nka am.
an aat aai !". aT AalIU I'm (axaaoaa,
I? Mot av iw- awMdaa, f-a aa
aaJrr-ai-Tail -ftraaaU Vaacaa,
C imi,i,h .aaaifc
, .... J
in,. c;
London Premier Amutth Monday
..l 4 it,, kmiaa of nunnioiil for Vote
of credit of 11,250,000.000 and the
total since the tvasinnm oi n war
to BIfpruainiaieiy HilviCviAWvO.
Tk. aai.l tha recent axnond-
Iture waa approximately $25,000,000
daily. AU the expsnauure irwm 1 laat Katunla was UTttS,-
000,000. Mr. Asqulth Mild that the
navy, army end munition coe .
895,000.000; the loans to Great Brl
.!.. .niaa HA. 000. 000. and food.
uppHea, railway, ete., $115,000,000.
The average daily expenaiiure on u
war, be aaid, was $24,750,000.
The July total, continued the pre
mier, probably would be higher than
that of November and It was expected
that the present level would be main
tained foe the near future. The muni
tion expenditure bad increased steadily
and continuously up to May and In the
month and during June and July it was
fairly constant.
After a pch by Wlmiton Spencer
Churchill. erttlciinf Premier Aajuith
for not reviewing the war situation,
David Uoyd George, secretary for
war, replied, aaylnf that It would be
premature to survey a military i Wa
tt on and the prospects in the middle of
the battle.
"Th prospect are food," the war
secretary said. "Our generals are
more than satisfied with and proud of
the valor of our men they are leedtcf .
Greet as the British infantry was in
Wellington' and Napoleon's day. they
never have been greater than now,
testa! taste Cespasi
AgenSs CaScd Ci.1 ea Strike
New York Agent ami collectors
employed by the Prudential Insurance
company were ceiled out on trik
Monday by a union recently organised
among them and known a th Inter
national Insurance Agent' Protective
association, with a membership of
6000. Although assertions of the com
pany and the union were conflicting, it
appeared Monday night that at least
600 men in the district have responded
to th strike call thu far.
The men demanded more pay, recog
nition of the union and "more reason
able" working hour. Telegram from
branches of the union in different
state in the territory cast of Chicago,
leader here declared, indicate that un
less the demands of th men are met
all the 6000 will follow the lead of
those already out. About 13,000
agent and collector are employed by
the company.
Lack of lufficient collectors to s
that premium are turned in at the
proper time, . the triker assert, will
result in th cancellation of thousands
of policies. The company announced
that none of the men who walked out
would be reinstated. .
. Sxtea ia Ttttt rsassftt Deal
Cleveland Imprisoned in a new wa-
tnrn.1 nrW Ike Erie B
result of a terrific explosion of fa in
the tube, 16 men are believed to be
The blast oecurrred hortly before
:ji.. u.i arwl llfaaaver and
Ui crew of th fire boat rushed to
the outer crib five mile from snore
with lung motor, prepared to enter
the tunnel and rescue the victim alive.
That any survived tbe gas explosion
i considered hopeless.
At 2:80 a. m., G. 0. Van Duxen,
with eight member of a rescue party,
were overcome by fa in the tunnel
trying to reacu the 14 men trapped In
the. water work tunnel. Two other
in the party were saved. It I report
ed that the rescuer were near death
from the gas. 1 . ,
"Ccssdcnce fasi" Gets Read Suns.
Washington, V, C Contribution to
,k. rraaanrv'a ''conscience fund " f OT
the fiscal year ending June 80 amount
ed to $4,923.15, making a total of
ins iai ka ntiimwl hv neraons whose
conscience were uneasy over frauds
against the government , '
Return were much larger during
the past year than ever before, chiefly
because of two unusual contribution,
one for $30,000 and one for $10,000.
It waa in 1811 when the first $5 was
sent in. It is an unwritten law of th
department that no effort ball be
made to learn tbe identity of the con
mvnn in case where the
writer baa confessed to theft no effort
i mad to prosecute. $
Lot in Officers Hug.
' London Casualty lists issued by the
war office how that during June the
British army lost 423 officer - killed,
1032 wounded and 46 missing a total
ikio Ttmaa flimres brinsr the ag
gregate losses to date to 29,424, of
which number 8997 nave neon xmeo or
died, 18,456 wounded and 1971 miss
ing. Heavy fighting around Ypres
caused losses among officers in tbe
Canadian contingent of 109 killed,
304 wounded and (1 missing. Of
the Australian 14 were killed and 82
wounded. ;, ...
Turk Snt to Glici.
Berlin, via London Important de
velopment ar impending on the outh
east front; the fes will oon be seen on
the Danube, -To tbi cryptic utterance
of a chief of th intelligence depart
ment at th luncheon to the American
correspondent at German headquarter
last Sunday th Associated Pre i
now abl to add the- key. Turkey baa
placed a force of Ottoman troop at
the disposition of the Central power
for service in Europe. These troops
ar now in transit through the Balkan
to Gallcia. - ,
Bonl Ha Nw Evidence.
Rome On behalf of Count Boot de
Castellane bis attorney in the suit be
fore the Holy See for the annulment
of hi marriage with Anna Gould has
presented to th Pope new evidence
which, according to the attorney, will
prove that Miss Gould married Count
de Castellane with the intention of di
vorcing him If later she became dis
satisfied with the marriage bond. Tbi
is sufficient to annul a Catholic mar
riage, the attorney says.
Portland Wheat BluesUm, $1.0t
,,,.h.i furtvfold. 93a: lub, 93c;
red Fife, 92c; red Kua.lan.80o.
MllUeed Spot pn-i "". "iv
sii Bar ton: snorts, i vol roi-
led barley.' $3l.0d(t3i.50. '
Corn Whole, an pr wnj
tz' t.klArlKiaa. 7&cdttl P
don tomato, P" "a,
cabbage. $1 per hundred; garlie, 10
per pound; popper. c P,-n
15c; lettuce, l Pr crsvaj mv....".
at M nn baa. 3((4e per
pound; bean. 4t6o; lry, $1 per
dun; corn, BOQtOue.
PoUtoee New, per pw.
Onion California red and yellow,
1176 per aaek; Walla Wake, $M$
P" ck- .. ..... ., --a
Green tTruiia Appi. new, .wua
L90 per box; cherries 4t8c per
pound; eanUloupee, $1.10m.3.60 per
crate; peach-. 60ct$ P- !
l,a llf.Mlnnar Douml: fis. $1
ttl.60 per box; plums, $1.25ltl.0;
prune, 4l.K0flCi.ou; peats, .
apricots, $L85L60 grP.
per box; loganberrlee, HeQtUl rP
berrias, $lajil.; blackcap. $L60a
I a -
Egg Oregon ranch, exchange
J rice, current receipt, Ke per ewn.
obblng price: Oregon ranch, candied,
25e; eslecU, S6e per dosen.
Poultry-lUn. 1414l; brollara,
16$18e per pound; turkeys, live, $0(0
$2e; duck, 12fttl4c; gee.
Butter Cube, axtraa, no bid;
prlmfirU, 4e. Jobblnf pri-:
prlntt, xua, 87fit29c; buttwfat, No.
t ( 9. tic Portland.
Veal Fancy. 12c; prim flntta, 24
84 i per pound.
Vterwranev. 101 iff He nor oound.
CatUe Steer, choice, $7.(08;
good, S6.750e7.XS; cows, choice, $6.15
667; food, $6.60C6.85; heifer. Htf
6.60; bulla, imo; ".
IMm. lle-ht. M.60iif 9.06:
good to prim. $7.76&8.10; rough
heavy, 7.6i7.i0; pig ana aaipa,
CkX, Yaarltn-e. 15.75 tl IMi
wether. $4.75 6i 6; , $2.50
6.50; lambs, iBOtB-xa.
SeatUe-Wheat Bluestom. $1.02;
Turkey red, $L01; fortyfold. 0S;
club, 931e; lire, e; reu neaiw,
92c. Barley. $28 per ton.
Tacoma Wheat Bluest nv c;
. . . . J i ar. aa.
fortyfold, e; euo enu mi
Washinrion's 1916 AddIi Crop
Estimated at 16,000 Carloads
Spokane, Wash Sixteen thousand
ear 1 th Umta appi crop m
.., Waahlnvton thi VSST. Thi
i. aium l .iiaa el the vlald of
a oww v ... -- . I
1915. Th peach yield I pleed at!
1063 car, pear itiv cars, ana iuu
nd prune 396 ear. :'
R, G. Page, president of the Arcadia
Valley Fruit Growers' asaoclstion, n
nounce that plan are being drawn for
a torg warehouse to be built near
Deer Park thi season. The building
will be 100x100 feet, of reinforced
concrete eonrtructlon.
Announcement i mad by J. M. Bal
r,. ,k., ka Ratfonr-Greelv Grain
company will establiah a plant hereto
tor, clean ana freoe Montana im
rv. nnlt a,lll mat 115.000. The
company' plan 1 to bring wheat to
I. f a a.a . -It aaa. Ct
.ai4. iklndr into and throueh Mon
tana, and to tupply cleaned and graded
wheat to the mill of th Inland Em
pire and to the Coast for export and to
the East The Monlaha crop amount
ed to 40,0UV,VUU Dusoei wai oox.
Parable of the Sugar Bowl. :
If there is Just o much avatlaUje
rtiilt In an a era of soil and you US
part of it in making a corn crop, part
in an oat crop, part in wneat, ana en
haa nart In vTBsa. and then begin tbe
rotation over again and keep selling
off the larger part oi it au mm uuw,
ara Ilka tha hoOBeWife WbO ha
bucket of nigar and dip out on day
with a teacup to make a' cake; another
time fill th sugar bowl and another
time dip out with a spoon to iweeten
lemonade or make cookies, wiinoui me
bucket being refilled. Green' Fruit
"'.it 64,478 File for Land,
Spokane Th last wek of the Col
ville land registration began her with
a rush, notaries in the two booth be
ing kept busy registering many land-
aaalrara frnm ant of the eitV.
At the ix registration cltie tn
Eaatem wasnington, up w ""
Amu ka 178 naraons had Daid th Fed
eral government 26 cent each for th
privilege of participating in a rowing
k.. ti e? Ifnat nf the outsider
Wl, W tj www -
that bav registered at both place are
from Montana and Oregon, rew cam
from great distances.
Rain of Bnfit to Crop.
Baker, Or. One of th most bene
ficial rain of th season fell nearly all
day Tuesday ana rancner say n uiu
thnuaaiula nf dollars' eood to fiTain and
hay in tbe vicinity. Nearly an inch
fell, after two week ot unahine, so
that rancher bav not only caught up
tuwaiiaa at the lata aorina season, but
may get even more than laat year's
yield, Som nay wa caugnt uown,
but no damage was done. Rancher
bav cut th Bret crop or anaiia am
expect the second crop to be a bumper.
Th first lot sold was 400 tons at $7.60.
Montana Wool High.':':
Billing, Mont The largest clip of
wool in Eastern Montana na oeen aoia
tn a Rnaton Arm at the highest price
on record, 84 cent a pound being
reached in thi transaction. George
Herd, of thi city, has sold hi dip, es
timated at between 240,000 and 250,
000 pounds, to Claude Ketcbum, repre
senting a Boston bou.
Th Herd clip h particularly at
tractive because of it long stapl snd
uniform character.
University Lest Four Million.
New York. Columbia University
loses a bequest of 14,000,000 under a
verdict by a Jury setting asld th will
of th late Amo F. Eno. This amount
represented Eno' realduary estate,
which hi relatives assert he willed to
the Institution while of unsound mind.
Bookkeeping Shorthand ' Typcwiiilng Pcnsp
Letter Writing Aritbctic Ccsiscrcia! Law
- ". aa commercial subjects tavs.t by reperW
OvU Servka trtinlnf a paU!ty. Vli demand lr uf ,
Graduate. xceel tha .upplV. , Writ Today for Free lllu.
trated Catalogue.
A. T. LINK. Prlnatpel
PVee Mate 1063 TUford BUI'g, Teeth aed MarrWa Sis, Portia. Or,
Baiung Powder
Passed by the Board of Censors
' lt-Tho manufacturer vrlth ibo
r&i& tcsti of the inoriory wiu
v factory ' " '
2nd Th wholes. irooer with '
hit hiih itandini and dcilre to
handle only reliable oodi.
3rd The retaiUrocerwhodetlrci
to handle only thoie brendt he
know will pleaie hii cuitomert.
4th The food bfficiali with their
rifiid lawa for the purity and
wholetomeneiiof food product-
5th And moit Imnorfanf. you, " f
the housewife with your desire
for purity, efficiency and per
; . feet satisfaction. J
Ounces for
CMore than a
bslf for
paH, .m, M aaka. sal meaala, al kalf ra.
alarartM. Bar aa aaai Ml aarta !-
M-MabUaWa4 aa laaulaU saalar. was kaas
WataUaa la amwvl an aaadatts Ifca laraaM
aarwakM ana (ar Ike lafsart aaawbwaa
awtisMtaf aaa wia aarta at aar lie.
ridaafCktrsaa. Oiw arkwe a a-s. aa he IkM
aanavaaatarilallaikanj. AO aart. mr ar
sataa al Iw to M-laa) MHMtlUas.
tn-Ktm $9mbi $T,niui,si
Banquet I Hld In Bern Whll Cow
Ar Milked.
Tot the purpose of emphasising th
sanitary condition of the dairy of the
stats hospital at Napa, Calif., th Napa
County Llv Stock Association held
Its annual banquet la th barn where
th cattle are kept, according to the
August Popular Mechanic Mitlne.
Long table wer placed In u area
between row of stall, and covers
laid for 120 person. In Ui am
room with th banqueter wer 800
cow In their stalls. While th men
ate, th cow wer milked by th em
ploye of the dairy.
' A Hint
Mayor Smith of Utlca waa urging a
municipal reform. .
"It will best be put through by gen
tle methods, by bint and uge
tions." b said. - "Hint and uiu
Hons are oltcn. more efficient than
berolo measure. .....
"A man In a barber chair bad a big
claw on hi watch chain.
"'Bear' i claw r id the barber. '
'Wa It a big bcarr
"About a big a a two-yawld
tvfT. e as
" 'My goodness, sir. how many ball
did It take to kill blmT'
" 'None.
"'My goodness, did you kill blm
with a kntfeT'
"Thenthen, er '
"'I talked him to death," ald th
man la the chair lgnlflcntly."
; Her Next Branch."
Young Lady How 1 it you don't
come to Sundsy school. KatoT
Kate Oh, please, miss, I'm learn
ing French and musle now, and moth
er doesn't wish m to take up .religion
till later. Boston Transcript
It PIsc.
"Th teamer reporta that the crew
found an os swimming about, probably
scaped from a cattle ship, and took
it bord." - M
"Did they put It In tbe stesrsfeT"
Baltimore American.
A Famous Physician's
After a series of careful experiment
and test at the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, Butfalo, N. Y., cov
ering many years Or. Pierce, th
medical director of that hospital mad
announcement that he could prove
that a medicine which h called "AN
URIC" waa tbe beat uric acid solvent
now to be bad. Aa a remedy for thos
easily recognised symptom of Inflam
mation ss scalding urine, backache
and frequent urination, a well a i em
inent in the urine, or If urie acid In
the blood ha caused rheumatism, lum
bago, sciatica, gout. It 1 simply won
derful how quickly "Anuric" acts;
causing tn pain and stiffneg rapidly
to disappear. ' ,
Swollen bands, ankles, feet ar due
to a dropsical condition, often caused
by disordered kidneys. Naturally
When the kidney ar deranged th
pouna ana rv.
'ft. ai DuM bl.,a.Mae
Vtf .lVMI y B
Br ftottiar DrMl rnaa waafcaata sra
aa4 aa Ifc slaaibw. aaiatia.. WM a. ta.
tat raw Ma W alii slrt r
Urilaa) " Mrti-U-t" J- ?m
Wot. W.a.allaaaalnaa Mfcetaa
ml AH aaa. saaraaiaal '
Norlaawt aaaJauarlar. far Waae
I,baaa4 Mtal Jaaa, kaslaa. '
tit Tfclr Swat
Sxposlllon Struetur Ar DynamUad.
An vent whlub w not -without H
retretubl aspecla waa the recent
wrecking of th beautiful bwlluinf
and inonument of th posiilon at
Ban Kvenclaco whleb were emcted
only about two yar n. Impiie
any desire to preserv them that ad
mirer may bav h. tb tempurary
character of th btilUlins mad thrlr
demolition advisable. Many of. the
fin monumental trueture.
th "Arch of th Wslrig Bun." ur
mounted by a group entitled "TM Na
tlona of th Kt,' were thron to
th ground by eiplodlng cbarjw of
dynamite under them. Krom th Aug
ust 1'opular Mechanic Malne.
T araal I New Sknea,
atvara.haka In Allans Cool i(aaa. S fnetlar,
I aumkot, wllis. Shlinf, aiilin laal,
."if... (Hirn,. nail. a4 limini!. Al
Ul dnijBl.l. and iwn, b-r. U..UI wil
mr.MtailliKa, aamilamlll fKLW Al4raa
tllaa A jlM.wl, U Hot W. .
; Watchful Wltlng. ,i
"nolnaBnythlng now, Saw, to helo
your wifeT" ,
"Oh, yea, ah." ! '
"Getting washing (or her?" . v
"Oh, no, h." .
"1 supposs you carry horn th wah-
Ing after sli due UT"
"No. ah; I doan de that" '
"Well, wht do you do. Bam r
"Why. I tay bom asd waft'h ds
house whll ah deliver 4d' wsahln',
bos." Yonker BUtesraati. j
"' "','''. ' No rmit
. "Her' lnterUng newa" J ;
"What' dtr .,.' .. I !
"In Seiteiial youse bav to gK a gov
ernment permit to take a bathr
"Dat' d place fer me-i'l'm llway
on d out wlf de ftdmiitlstrarfott."
Louisville Courier Journal.
MJoht Help torn. J
" Preparaiw sa, 'you 'aayT -. '
"Yc. mother. All we girl Are go
ing In for It atrong." - 1 ' t
"Well, I hope that tendonir will
moderate your reluctance to weiir rub
ber In wet weather," sighed 3".
Louisville Courier-Journal.
in j
Wonderful Discovery
blood U filled with polfonou .wat
mattar, which settle Inf the Jtct, an
kle and wrists: or under th fey la
bag-lik formation. j- j
H 1 ut a necessary td keep the
kidney acting properly as to keep th
bowl active.
Th vary best posilbl way to tak
ear of yourself is to taks a glass of
hot water before meal and an "Aa
uric" tablet In thla way It 1 readily
dissolved with the food, picked up by
th blood and finally reaches th kid
ney, where It ha a tonlo effect la
rebuilding thos organ. .
Step Into th drug store and' ask for
a SO-cent parksf of "Anurlo"'or send
Dr. Pierce lOo. for trial pek j. "Acurio"
many times more potent than Utbla,
eliminates urie acid as hot water inelta
sugar. A hort trial will cobvIdc jrt,