The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 28, 1916, Image 3

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By Tho Timo
You Read This
Davla-Ksssr'a Orwt Mid-Summer Clearance Bala will ba In Ita
third waak Hearing Ha ami. Ha aura and coma Ink a advantage
f Ihla great opportunity to aava on your honia furnishing nli,
. Tha lima is growing abort. Coma tba vary first chanea. Lai nulh.
biff keep you away.
Davla-Kaaar'a Halea hava always len compell'" bargain avanta,
but In view of present market conditions none of our former tabs
. wara au Important to thrifty homa makere aa tliia one. Mala re
duciloiw I hi year count double? Ihkrum moat of our good ara atlll
, marked on a baala of bcfure-tha.war prices, hence ara distinct
barf ! at tha regular price. Iliir, iihatantial redtictkme (from
V 10 to U pereent on nearly everything) im tup of that makaa bar
gain event nna ean affoid to miaa.
At heretofore, tha regular, plain-figure price tage ara la ft on tha
gonale. Hpectat red lagi (a perfect aea of thorn) allow tho special
aala prieaa, ao you ean see tha whola alory at a glanca.
COMK. A big $100,000 atork of tha rholraat of
' homo furnlehlnge la haro for your selection, at
prices that moan big aavlnga.
Complete Furnisher of lloniaa, Orfleaa, Church, Rchoole,
10-20 Alder Street Walla Walla, Wash.
Dr. Alfred F.Sempert
' Graduate and ItrgUUrred
40 to II.OO A. M. '
1.-00 to BflO l M.
WATTS BI.IXS., upetalra
It's True Economy
4 ' ' ' : ...
Wa'bny for cadi ami elt for
rash -at umall margins.
Crash and Linen Goods
School Supplies
fgW PMONK NO. ttt
Team of work horae for aala at
bargain. Mra. Anna Anderson.
W A. MrCork.ll of tho ' RJ I
llawley uplanda, la driving naw Ford
t Mr. and Mra. J. H. Price molorad
.... ..w m ukmu lorlnaa for a
summer outing.
1 A aon waa born Bunday to Mr. and
Mra. Joa Cannon at lhair homa on tha
Waalon plateau.
' Mayor Walla of Athene attended lha
band concert and aociai in
galurday evening.
j ' Tou'll ba repaid for allandlng my
sacrifice aala of eeeond-hnnd furallura
tomorrow (He-turday) at Athene. -
E. Zhm.
I At tha Blue Mountala aawmlll Sat
urday. Mr. and Mra. J. W. nelcher ba
rama tha parent of an eight-pound
I J. B. Kennedy, retired farmar and
promlnant Pendlelonlan. waa here
Monday for a vlelt with hla daughiar,
Mra. W. H. Payne. ,
Mr. and Mra. O. W. Vltchell. motor
ing In thalr nw wao. nave won.
Orangevllle. Idaho, for a -vieit w
I hair aon, Preee Mltcneii.
Hdv Kirk and family of Seattle, who
have been gueeta of tha Joa Hodaaona I
at Mradowbrook farm. in iwnmw
.for Alhana. Mr. Kirk la a brothar of
I Mra. llodgaon.
n n n.brUlaon. tha affabla Inaur-
''anca man and amalaur rartoonlat of
I Italrm. waa "In our mldat" Turaday.
.Walon la fond of "Oaba." and would
' illka to aonaa him aa a parmanant fin-
You'll win her if we do ti,ur-
I Marvaatlng waa bagun thla wa in
Jih. fitnt Rock dlatrlrt, whara tha
' 1 grain la raportrd to ba of good quality.
A numbar of Waaton omnia
I . partad to Uka lha ncld
, AuguM.
I G:i Year Suit Fr;:::i I
Before Pressing Your Suit
tho work.
A shave, hair-cut and
shine would help.
taiwh shop;
R. .L. Reyiiaudf
aarly In
Physician and Surgeon
Olllco In
WatU bulWIng
' DnHot
iOillra In Ilia Klnm Hiilulljig, Milton
Iloni. to 12 ami 1 to 8
Every Week 1$ Pay-up Week at the Leader shop jS25?&2:
Mlaa Bula Wood of Amllr. Oraon.
la vloltlng bar brothar. Ba. N. D.
Wood. Bha will ramain in waaioa
rina tha aummar. and will man ac-
iHimpany har brothar to hla alfalfa
farm naar Kadmono.
Mr. Prank Hlldabraod and Mra.
Loulaa )avla wara united In marrtaga
Katurday at tha homa of tha brtda on
Waahlngton itrwt In thla city. Tha
earvmony waa parformad by Ua. Mr.
rhalpa. paator of tha United Urathran
Caraaalng tha aprockct whaal of a
binder tha other day, "Vernle" O'Har
ra nearly parted with hla left hand,
which la now awathad In bandacea.
Tha member waa badly brulaed and
lare rated, and a gloa waa all that
aavad It. -
Mr. and Mra. J A. Ueuallen ara rla.
Illng relatlvaa In Waaton. and aipect
to I pave aoon for Pendleton to realde.
Mr. Meuallen realgnad hla poaltlon aa
chief of police of American Falla.
Idaho, and hna lately been ahearlng In
Montana, .
A day'a outing and picnic dinner
were, enjoyed Hunday by pr. F . . .
Watta and family and B. O. DeMoea ,
and family In the vic inity of tha power ,
plant on tha Walla Walla river. They
verdant ecene in in
car. ."" -
leant inni ny r, vr, luinia ;
while haying In the Haling alfalfa j
field, waa ao badly etuna by beea that j
II ran away. Neither did Ita driver .
aa aia unwelcome attention from tha j
winged Innectt, whlrh rama from lha !
nearby apiary of . II. Inipula. Tha
horeaa afterward woald not go back
to their work while aay beea were In
alghl, and Mr. MrCaupland waa forced if
o'clock In tha morning, while the
honey-makera were taraulng a well- j
earned repoae. While relating tha In-)
rldent Mr. Dupula la apparently unable I
to reel re In hla lauihler. Wa hava, j
however, noticed no laugh on tha face
of Mr, Mct'aualand.' I
Tha conrert and -'lawn fata given j
Halurday evening by Iba Weetnn Con- I
cert Hand proved to .ba ao enjoyable j
and aurcewfiil that 'another la an- I
nounced for tomorrow (flaturday)
evening. IMrector iiundell aeia in ;
making tha announcement that he .
hoped everybody woald coma out and i
enjoy tha free concert program. ancK
that nana need reel obligated to apend 1
- . A... i I i 1 - 1. 1 1. I
rnoney mr i lie rrirrn-"m, .ihwhiii
tha baml roela and will appreciate a
IIli U wherewithal. . Tho nmeart la
i peeled to begin at alglit o'clock.
Three t'mattlla eoanty men, Clark
K. Nelaon.' fharlea E. Heard and Carl
Kupera. ara llaled In tho June blua
book laaued by tha E'lultable Life In-
auranca company amrtng tha l lead
ing producer for tho month. Mr.
Neiaon takea fourth- placw. Mr. Kupera
14th and Mr. Heard ,th among no
than lot agenta In tha writing
of Juno bualneee. These flguree ara
for. tho Equllable'a -eatlr territory,
for tho ft ret alt. montha of 11. Mr.
Keleon renka aa too 41th largeet per-
aonal producer. , , .
Rer. . John Warren,, who aeveral
yeara ago held occaalonal aervlcea at
the Eplacopal mlaajon church In thla
city, died iat May at hla homo In
England. -The letter containing- newe
ft hla death waa eeaeored and da-
laved, and waa only lately received by
hla aon. Bert. Warren, a Hell farmer
Tha lata Mr. Warren waa a very ea-
tlmable old gvntlerhan,-and waa high
ly regarded by member of the Eple-
oopal congregation wnd other frlenda
In thla community.!!.'!
Urn oMk-w
Oilcloth in all fancy dark colors, yd. 20c
'Oilcloth, light colors, yd 22c
Heavy canvas for cook housec etc.,
. 72-m, 79c; 48-in, 49c; 26-in, 24c;
29-in, : 17c
Blankete..i.....?;............50c to $4.50
Comforts.................. $1.50 and $1.75
Towels ........... 5c to 49c
Heavy crash Toweling for roller
towels, yd............ ...10c to 25c
Aprons, an endless variety 50c to $1.25
' Gloves. We have the gloves suit
able for your needs 49c to $1.50
"Handkerchiefs, the kind you use "
" v for harvest:.'..':."'. .v::;.r; lpc
Shirts, a real Work Shirt, full size,
wpll made for 4c
Harvest Weeds
Carhart Overalls $1.25
A splendid Overall, full size,
double stitched, a standard for... 83c
SHOES The famous Mule Skin ;
Harvest shoe. Our price for the v
good one.. i $1'?9
A Scout shoe, light, cool and dur-
able, ourprice $2.35 and $1.98
An endless variety of shoes suitable
for your needs at priees from
Sandals for children from 85c to $1.25
We are closing out White Shoes and ..
will have special bargains for the next
ten days. . . .
Cake Making Contest
We will have a cake-making contest
at the store Saturday the 29th. All
All are invited to take part. Bring your
cakes to the store not later than 1 p. m.
Saturday,, where they will be judged
by competent judges and prizes award
ed the winners. The cakes are to be
the Band, who will use what
1st prize, girls under 14, parasol, value
2nd prize girls under 14, middy, $1.19
3rd prize girls under 14, box'trilet soap
Ladies'. Prize All entitled to compete
1st prize pr. black silk hose, val. $1.50
2nd " Dainty Jap Tea Cloth set $1.00
3rd " 3-lb.,can Carnation Coffee 85c
. I 4-n.
given w w. "v - ,
Qiev reauire for the evening festival
SSSSSSZ pds All cate must be at the store ot later
ging to the band , than 1 p. m., Saturday. ...
Heeaa Wolf, aoif' of H. Wolf, who
two decadea ago waa railway agent at
Weaton and later conducted a confec
tionery bualncua here, wan In town
Wedneeday for tho purpooe of placing
flowera on hla mothera grave lo tha
local cemetery. BMee hla boyhood tha
young man haa been engaged In rail
way telegraphing,, lie la In tho em
ploy of tha O..W. R. at '.. aa la alao
hla father, who atnoe leaving Weaton
haa been etatloned conatantly at Dur-
kee, Oregon,
A acore or more of the "young
frlenda and eehoofmatea of Iola Bal
ing were anterulVed Tdeaday after-
aoon at a lawn party given by the
mother -of thai young hoateaa In ob-
aervanca of her eighth birthday anni
versary- Tho little gueata had a de
lightful time In romping and playing,
and wore regaled with tea -cream and
cake. Mra. Haling waa aaalated In
making tha occaalop pleaaant for tha
youngatera by Mlaa Edna Banlater.
C. J. Witt, ' prominent pioneer far-
mer and teacher.. died Friday at hla
homa In Walla Walla at tha age of
7 yeara. Mr ' Wilt waa formerly
realdent of WaltabuHr. and waa wide
ly aod'Tavorobly 'howrr thfoiighout
enatern Waahlnifton.'1 He la aurvlved
by a willow and a' large family of
grown children. Mt.,Wltt waa an uncle
of Mra.. J. i, Beelec Of thla city, who
went to Walla Wala Saturday to at-
: . i1 ,-.."-
The Eaat Oregonlan tella or one
riunday flahermanDanlel Boone Wat.
aon. well known throughout tha coun
tywho caught flh In tha Uma
tilla river between-Cayuae and Thorn
Hollows Yet nobody elae who waa out
tha MUiie day had. any luck,. BUI fet-
eraon caught three loneao me trout and
8am Paine got a few. Boone Wataon,
by tha way, la Juat about an good a
democrat aa he krr flehennan. , .-.'
' Mr. and Mra. Oeo! l Horaman are
now communing with Neptune at
Newport beach, after Visiting' for ten
daya with relative asd frlenda . In
Portland. Mr. Horaman wrltea that
"wa are aura having a, grand ' time
here. Wo were out deep aea fishing
and caught a whale. Pleaae aend ua
Tho Leader. We -mlaa It greatly."
And they'll aura got Tba Leader.
- Tha following office ra of Hiawatha
Rebekah Lodge No. it were installed
Tueaday owning by Ruby Jamea. dis
trict deputy: . MabeJ Ocaham, noble
grand: Zona Smith. Vice grand; Odes
sa Klrkpatrlck, aeretary; Mary Mac
Kenxle, treasurer, t Tha occasion Is
considered unique In Rebekah annala,
In that no refreshments were served.
Tha process 'of oiling Weston's
etreets waa begun- Wednesday with
tho county sprinkler, under tha direc
tion of Chief Wllaon. One car of
crude ,. oil containing ISO barrels, 41
gallons to tho barrel, wma ahlpped up
from Portland. Tho liquid cost
per barrel f. o.-h.! Portland, and tha
freight bill waa tUl.10.
Clay Smith has returned from a vis
it to hla family ..and . homestead . In
aouthern Idaho and la again on tha job
aa mall carrier. 'Hla colleague, Her
bert Baker, expeeta to go to the hay
fields next week for hla annual vaca
tion. Carrier Baker will borelloved
by Robert Reynolds.
Florence. R. Alderman has filed a
petition In the county court to be ap
pointed administratrix of the estate
of Charles A. Sams, tho former Dry
creek farmer murdered at hla home
near the atate line. He left property
valued at about tl MOO. There are
ten heirs. ' A -
Mra. W. H. Ooold came down from
the mountains Monday and went to.
Walla Walla to attend her daughter.
Mrs. Edward Tucker, who recently
submitted to an., operation. Mra.
Tucker's condition-la said to encour
age tha hope of her early recovery.
Ayoushakatsagom, reputed to be 124
years old. died recently In the tepee
occupied by hlmaelf and wife near
Cayuso station. He wan a member of
the Caynse tribe.- - It la said that h
could recall events which happened
during tha war of Jtll.
I hava bought at forced aalo the
entire second-hand furniture stock of
W. H. Markle. Athena. Thla I will
dispose of at stadghter sale tomorrow
(Saturday) at Markle'a former stand.
Come and buy at your own price. E.
B. Zehm. . I
M. M. Johns, formerly a pioneer
realdent of thla aectlon. la reported to
ba III by hla son, Flint Johns, who Is
In Athena from Vancouver. Wash., to
look after hla father's land Intercata. i
When vvc would not guarantee the $5.00 . gold
piece we received bids from 2 1-2 cents up to $4 and over.
Mr. Cleaver, the Black Cat roof paint rtanufactui er
was the highest bidder and now has the gold
piece .that was furnished us by the Farmers Bank.
The phonograph of $100 valuo we guarantee and it Is now down to $52.00
beware lest a jewel at your feet is plucked by a stranger.
Shot Guns, Rifles and a high grade Buggy 25 per cent off up-to-date prices.
See the 8 or 10 horse McCormick Combine, sold for the McGrew ranch and
goes soon. Weber, Winona and John Deere Wagons.
Leave your orders for wood it will be delivered in town FREE
if you receive it from our rancher manufacturer. '
Joa Hodgson expects to begin thresh
ing barley tomorrow. ,
Good work team and barneaa for
aalo. P. T. Harbour.
Good houaa to rent, furnished or un
furnished. Mrs. Ka Shellenberger.
The 3. H. and J. M. Prices ara back
from a motor car jaunt to Lehman
Springs. ;..',.,..-
If quirk about It, eomeone will get
a great bargain In my towa property.
A. PhiiHpa. - : i - . .
" Mra. Allca Banister of Pullman. ,
Wash., la visiting bar mother. Urand-
ma Banlater. ;. ' '
- Nutulier 22 fell to I M. Funk of
Walla Walla lo tha Ifclvlllo reserva
tion drawing, x . . --
The La31e CutlJ will hold lu Au
gust meeting next Thursday with Mrs.
Frank Graham. - .,. .
See how others value our guaran
tee, in big ad., ana wno got me goto.
Watta .Rogera. .
MUs Marv Lansdale has bought the
Ous Olson UmlNjr tract of tW acres on
Ibe Basket uplands.
W. L. Ravhorn and family have gone
to the lorka" of lite Umatilla lor a fort
night of eatnjdog and flailing.. -
Dr.' and Mrs., E. Z. hitman and
MM Dorothy were guests during- the
week of the H. Waddlngbaraa.
John P. MoManua, veteran new
ncrinan, lias retired from the manage
ment of the Pendleton Tribune,
. Me. and Mrs. Lewis H. Dowd re
turned Monday frdm an extended visit
at their former home Id Chetek. U ia-
wniiam Crawford haa sold the J.
M." Speaks place on the Weaton up
lands and baa moved to Walla Walla
witn tola laniiiy. ,v
Mra. JuHenhine-Duncan, formerly of
Weston, recently beeanie the bride at
Jordan. Montana, of Mr. Kephart, a
prominent farmer tcero.
Accomoanled by their respective
families. Lew Van Winkle and Frank
Greer Forded to Bingham Springs
Wednesday for a daye outing.
Burglars blew the safe of the Wil
liams A Oilnjrer Lumber company at
Milton Tuesday night, umatiua coun
ty officers ami walla aua uiooa-
lioutuls are on the trau. '
We would "not guarantee the gold
piece, but I will guarantee my Mua-
aon Six 40 tne oeat auto Dargam i
the country. Would take a good Ford
In exchange. F, D. Watta.
Children of the Methodist Sunday
acliool had an enjoyable time picnick
ing yeeterdny near Kocky ford on fine
creek. Jiramie neaa uisttnguisneu
himself by boltliog no less titan seven
water anakea.
Tba Coal prodiMnng companies have notified tha trad that on
August 1st tho price of Coal will ba advanced FIFTY CENTS per .
ton. Thia makes the price of Coal higher than it las la.-n for a
number of years.
We have arranged to take care of alt order placed before July
. 29th, at the present prieea. , -
.' Special price will be made on cash ordnra for three or fnore tona,
P. T. HARBOUR at Weston Brickyard
The Athena Press reports that John
and Ad Rothrock are back from a
KTS-mlle -automobile trip through
Oregon. ' Idaho, Montana and Wash
ington. They toured through the
Yellowatone National park.
rj.n ' r!
C 8
The Universal : Cai
U ... , jr
The Ford factory turns out a completed car for every cur built
by'all the other manufacturers combined. ': And VMf
enormous production ean keep pace with the demand; for FonfJ
cars. The bijr reason ia that everywhere, every dayj Ford cars"
are demonstrating their utility and reliability. Touting Car,
1492.45; Runabout, 42.45. On sale at ,
H. L. HEDRICK, Proprietor
W. W. Carlile, an old-time Weston-1
ite and threshertuao, arrived yesteixlay j
on a visit from Kverett, asn., aner
mm I .a am a f .can ...r. 1 l-U I 'bp.
lile and, little aon ace visiting her
brother at Aurora, Oregon.
An Index of prosperous condltlona
througout the East End ia given In the
fart that at the Joe 8cott Bale of
horsea cried by Colonel Lucaa near
Athena last Saturday, all but a 12
note of the I1IM proceeds waa re
ceived In caah.
Weston uplanders are going in for
new motor cars, a Chevrolet having
been purchased by Mra. M. C- Fergu
guson and a Ford by C M. Schneider.
New barns are likewise in order, Mrs.
Ferguson. Mrs. J. W. Hyatt and V. L.
Marr having begun improvements of
thia character.
Farmkrs We are prepared to fig
ure with yon on your harvest grocery
bill. Give ua the opportunity to show
run it pays to trade right here at
home. Phone us and we will have a
man see you. We are giving this
branch of our business much attention
and ara prepared to serve you and get
the goods to you at once. Weston
Mercantile l o.
Chaa. H. Carter Dan P. Smythe
Carter & Smythe
Vestoa Meat
Prime Beef
! PorK. Mutton, Veal
Dressed Poultry
FISH Monday and Thursday
Get Our Prices
Phone No 63. Ordere taken by
. phone for mail routes.
Ten percent interest on all ac
counts after 30 days.
Perry & Weber
present the same with proper vouch
ers thereto attached,! to tie ttrrHfralgn
ed at her home In Weston, Oregon, or
to Homer I. Watts,; her attorney, at
hla office In Athena. Oregvin.yVlthlrt
six months from the date hereof.
Dated thla SOth day of June. ISM.
In tlie County Court of tho State of
Oregon for I'matilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of D. N
Van Skiver, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned baa been appointed execu
trix of the last will and testament of
D. N. Van Skiver, deceased, by the
above entitled court, and has qualified
aa such.
All persona having claims against
aald estate are hereby requested to
Department of tha Interior..
U. a Land Office at La Grande, Or
June th, 11.
Notice la hereby given that Charles
Hulett March, of Weston. Oregon,
who, oa February 18. itJ,' ' mad
Homestead Entry No. ItI.,for SW
NW14 and SY NEW, Section SO.
Township 4 North, Kango iV East,
Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice
of Intention to make three-year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before Frank Sullngi clerk
of the Circuit Cotirt of "matria( coun
ty, at Pendleton, Oret,-m. on tha Z9tU
day of July, 191. ' " -
Claimant names aa witnesses: Pel
mcr O. Thompson. Thomas C. Getting,
Aleck Kllng. ou i Hertert March, all
of Weston. Oregon.
F. C. B RAM WELL; Register.
Practices in
all State
and . Federal
W. N. Pltra
G. ft. Blihep
: Peterson & Bishop
Pendleton, Or. . Freewater, Or.
Made of Malt a refreshinrj'
temperance drink.
n as
Pool and
Tm a.
r..::;-fd v.-j