The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 14, 1916, Image 1

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New Supreme Court Member and Wife.
Of Cencryl IntorestJ
About Oregon
Ericf Itee of tad News
Uve News Items of All Nations and
. Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readen
A rharry tree at White Salmon,
Wash., ylelde 1071 pound of fruit
Th iuiUm onrush of Russians
tha East front uuM the Germane.
Th French take Hill 97, which dom-
. InaUe the Somme, point of vanUge.
Tb winter wheat crop of for th
Northwest U eetimaUd at 13,000.000
bushels Um than la 1915.
Th funeral of Lieutenant Adair;
klllod In the Carrlial batata In Mexico,
waa bald In Portland Wednesday with
military honor.
. Malor U. G. McAleiander. of O. A.
d haa been promotad by President
Wilaoii to tha rank of lleutonant-
colonelof th Oreaxm troopa on tha
Th Union Paclfla decldee to cut tha
lumbar freight to F.Urn poinU
cent, making tha tariff 45 canta par
hundred pounds. Inataad of M eanta.
Tha change la dua September 1.
General Smuts, In command of tha
British foreea in Carman East Africa,
bu occupied Tenga, according to I
iii.nmt lumxl bv tha war office
The Carmana offered only alight reelet-
No traca of, 3. F. CIHiea. tha em-
wh4 escaped from tha Tburaton county
(all 8und. haa bean rouna. na ta
thought to ba eluding tha law In feml
nine apparel.
.' Captain Koanlg. of tha aubmarfne
which auccaaafully ran tha Brltlab
hlnrkuta end landed In Baltimore Sun-
day4 doc larva many mora aueb craft ara
being bunt ana wui oe put into i
eervice of carrying commerce.
An Amatardam dlapatch aaya that
Pr. Frederick W. K. von lltarg died
$' Barlln Sunday. Dr. von Xlberg had
a apaclal caaa of tha throat aitaction
from which tha Carman emperor fcM
Buffered for many yaara and waa ona
at tha emperor'a moat intimate manna.
i Tha Dagene Nyheder, at Copenha
gen, announcaa that a aea. battla la
believed, to have occurred In tha Baltic
uuulde of If aafrlnga on Sunday night
Violent eanntmadtntf waa beard from
aeverai polnta on tha eoaai ana ii ia
presumed that tha Carman and Russian
tntrolllna aauadrona claahad. '
a" a
$Aeordlnar to tha London morning
papers it probably will ba wall into ina
year 1017 before, tha new Irlah parlla
mmt ia act up. Little can ba dona
other than' the introduction of tha bill
hifar ' rartlament riaea earl in Au-
cuat for a receee of aoma all to eight
waeke, ao that tha paatage of tha bill
ia not likely before late in October. 1
German casualtlea from tha begin
nfpg of the war to the end of June, a
computed from official German list,
are given aa 8,012,637. Theee flgurea
Include all Carman nationalities They
do not Include naval caaualtioa or eaa
uaitlea of colonial troopa. They ara
not an eetimate made by the Britiah
authorities, but merely caaualtlea an
nounced In German official data. r
Ruaaaian army In Turkey retiree 80
mllee In Bagdad region to await cooler
' weather, -
The new Swlaa war loan of 100,000,
000 franca at 4 per cent, iaaued at 97,
haa baan overaubacrtbod by 61,000,000
franca. "-' : A"-.
Admiral Jelllcoo, of tha Brltlah
navy, reporting on tha North Sea
naval' battle, eatlmetaa tha Germane
bat SI ahipa.
A new project for saving Ufa at tha
time of naval engagement! ia reported
from Copenhagen. It la aald aeverai
prominent Dane! Intend to organiie a
fleet of aeverai hundred motor boata
along tha weat coast of Jutland. Theee
boata, flying the Red Croaa flag, will
ba aent out to pick up the wounded
after each aea battle.
Fetitlona carrying 75,000 namea in
aupport of initiative No. 24, which au
thoriiea tha operation of breweriea and
aala of bear direct to consumer, were
filed with the eecretary of etate of
Washington. It Ii estimated that 50,.
000 of tha petitioners will ba found
qualified to sign, while the law needs
only 82,000 signatures to place on tha
- Vienna admlte defeat of tha Aus
trian, when they were driven back
nearly five miles from their positions.
Theodora Toblason, . owner of a mil
linery store in Spokane, waa ahot and
killed In hia store by Alphonse Pan
efera. Pansiera, according to tha po
lice, said Toblason owed bim f 5000.
; It ia understood that the report that
Sir Edward Grey, the English foreign
secretary, la to be raised to the peer
age, la correct, and that in fact ha al
ready haa accepted such an offer. A
baronetcy of the United Kingdom
probably will ba conferred upon him.
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This photograph show Associate Juslka Louis D. Branddf (or th firat time la bis
robe of omc.
Batllmora The daring German sea
men who brought the aubmarina mer
chantman DauUchland acroaa tha At
lantic slept quietly aboard their veseel
which lay moored to a carefully screen
ed pier guarded by a strong aquad of
Baltimore police. CapUlif Paul Koa
nlg, tha alippar, had delivered his pa
para to tha North German Lloyd office.
entered his veeaol t tha custom-house
a commerce carrier, and had pre
sented to a German ambasay official a
packet of correspondence for von
Barnatorff .
Now tha aubmarina ia ready to dis
charge her million-dollar cargo of dya
stuffs and Uke on board for the return
trip to Germany metal and rubber
needed by tha emperor's armies nd
Tha return merchandise la waiting
on tha dock, and tha time for leaving
port will depend largely on plana for
eluding vigilant enemy cruiser expect
ed to ba waiting outside tha entrance
of Chesapeake Bay for tha reappear
ance of the vease!.
WaahtntB-on. D. C Tha administra
tion omnibus revenue bill creating a
tariff commission. Imposing a protec
tive tariff on dyeatuffa, repealing pres
ent stamp taxea and providing for new
taxes on income, inheritances and war
munition tiroflta. paaaed tha houee
lata Monday by a vote or u w hw.
Durina: tha closing hour of debat
aeverai amendments, providing for
elimination of tha bankers' tax and
modifying tha tariff commission sec
tion, ware adopted over tha opposition
of Democratic leaders.
Tha amend menu cut tha ealarlea of
members of tha tariff commission from
f 10,000 to $7500 annually; struck out
the provision under which no member
nr former member of eonirreaa - could
aerva on the commission, and provided
aingla appropriation or auu,uuu 10
pay expense of tha commission tne
first year, instead of the bill'a atipula
tion of a continuing annual appropria
tion of that amount. ' Tha entire sec
tion levying a Ux of f 1 for each 11000
of capital; aurplua and undivided
profit held by bankers was stricken
Many amendment proposed by the
waya and means committee also were
adoDted. including one under which
cigarette manufacturer must pay a
ipecial ux or 8 cenu ror every iu,uuv
Growers Steal Berry Plckera.
Tacoma, Waah. Wholeaalo brigand
age axiaU In the Fuyallup valley.
Rorrv niolfor worth their weiffht in
gold are tha booty; respectable citi
en and fellow-member of co-oper
ative associations ara the brigands.
Th human spoil, with all iU goods and
chattels, children and dogs, sport shirt
and scalloped skirts, ia carried away in
highpowered . automobile to berry
patches, where the picker ara wawnau
like prisoners or war.
H. Shepherd, or Aiaonon, waa one
of the heaviest aufferera Tueaday, for
Banks' Opinions Differ.
Vra-W A wlrla divergence of
opinion among tha banks of tha coun
try as to Whether me r eaerai rer
t hu been successful after a veer's
operation i shown in a report issued
Tuesday by a New York trust com
pany, which haa completed a nation
wide survey of the attitude of banks
toward the act More than 6000 re
ptiea were received to the queries aent
out, 1760 of them being favorable, 1773
unfavorable, and 1811 noncommittal.
Ona of Captain Koanig'a flrat acU
after ba moved hia ahlp up the harbor
from quarantine early Monday waa to
announce that the . DeuUchland waa
only one of a fleet of mammoth sub
mersible built or building for a regu
lar trana-Atlantle freight and mail
service. Ha aaid tha next to come
would be tha Bremen, and that aba
might ba looked for at aoma port along
tha coast within eight weeks.
The German catpain submitted hia
craft to a thorough inspection by the
surveyor of the port and aa agent of
tha department of Justice. These
officers agreed that there waa on sign
of armament of any description on
board, and that there waa no doubt In
their minds about tha boet'e being en
titled to the status of an ordinary mer
The capUln asserted that his voyage
had eaUbiiahed the fact that a subma
rine of tha type of tha DeuUchland
could travel anywhere that the ordl
nary vessel could go, 18000 milea, if
necessary, lie had no fears, he aaid,
of hia ability to elude enemiea that
might be waiting for htm off the Vir
ginia Capes whan he start hia return
trip. r' '
"I will be able to aubmerg within
tha three-mile limit and they cannot
catch me after that" be aaid.
fewest Pboto of Repaicaa Osakas
rests &
This la tha latest nhotoirraDh of Wil
liam R. Wilcox, new chairman of the
Republican National committee, who
will menace tha campaign for the
election of Charlea E. Hughe.
while ha ate hia dinner neighboring
grower inveigled his -employes away
by offering the bait of higher pay.
The larger growers have Buffered Ir
reparable loss, and their fruit ia spoil
ing on tha planU because of the labor
shortage. : That i the reason they are
resorting to outlawry to harvest their
cropa. : j
Fishermen Lost in Gulf.'
Mobile, Ala. Tha wreck of the fish
ing emack Philip Keyea probably haa
added eight to the death list of the
r.nlf knrriKIM Two BUrvivOr of the
crew were picked up at Dauphin Island.
Kin- of Annam Deposed
Pari Duy-Tan, tha 16-year-old
king of the French protectorate of An
nam, on tha China aea, haa been de
throned aa a result of a revolt of An
nsmites at Quang-Ngai, which he ha
been accused of having fomented. Th
governor general of French Indo-China
report that the outbreak was up
pressed quickly and the king arrested
near Hue. He Is succeeded by Prince
Bun-Dao, who haa just been crowned
king in hia stead.
Buyers' Week Dates Are
August 7 to 12 Inclusive
The fourth annual Buyers' Week to
be bald la Portland baa been fixed for
August 7 to 12, for the convenience of
Northwest merchants. InviUtlon are
ready to be aent to all the merchandis
ing trade territory, where Portland
Jobber and manufacturers mainUln
affiliation. . ' '
Plana for tha event are being worked
out by the arrangemanU committee of
that city and it la inUnded to mix bua-
inese and pleasure in moat alluring
Following th outline or the highly
successful Buyer' Week of 1918, the
work of preparing for tha 1916 Buy-
are' Week visitor will oe in me nana
of th trade and commerce bureau of
the Chamber of Commerce, of which
Nathan Straus ia chairman.
It la believed that the forthcoming
Buyers' Week will attract a much
larger attendance than any of iU three
The number or buyer, has grown
each veer, and the Urrltory they rep-
reeento haa spread, ao that the annual
Buyers' Week haa become one of the
fixed Institution of th city. Portland
Jobber and manufacturers ret to
gether with their retail irianda rrom
upstate, down st ate, acroaa the river
and east of tha Cascade for a week of
profitable conference.
Neither the out-of-town merchant or
tha represenUtivee of the big mer
chandising esUblishmenU of the city
would permit Buyer' Week to be
thrown overboard. ' -
County Courts Decide to Push
Work on Dixie Mountain Road
Baker Meeting at the dividing line
of Grant and Baker count! ea at Austin,
57 milea weat of here, Tueaday after
noon, member of the County court of
the two counties decided to push the
work on the Dixie Mountain that will
give a thoroughfare connecting the
counties. The toad on tha Grant
county aide waa found in wane shape
than that on' thiazide of the line, but
th! tha Grant County court consented
to remedy at once, with the ultimate
idea of building a road along the John
Day river from Suaanville, touching at
the Dixie Meadowa mine, which will
make a much safer grade than that on
tha road now In use.
In regard to the atat highway, fol
lowing tha John Day river ana con
necting Baker, Grant and Malheur
counties, the Grant county commie
aionere announced that they will push
preliminary survey. It waa ascer
tained that the United Sutee Forestry
department would pay tha greater pert
of the survey in Baker county. No
arrangement were made aa to bow tne
balance of the expense could be met
To Pay Families.
Ore eon City Familiee of guards
men who were employed in the local
mills of the Crown-Willamette Paper
company will ba eared for by the mill
aa Ions "aa the Oregon aoidier are
away from home. Mill officials have
found 11 families which were left by
miardamen employed in the local plant
The money will be paid to the wivea of
the men. the mill giving ZB oays pay
a month, leas $15 paid by the govern
ment to the soldiers. . The urown-Willamette
mills and the Hawley Pulp &
Paper company are holding jobe open
for men now at the border. ..;..
Bond Issue Carries.
Medford By a vote of nearly S tol
.inna for and 866 arainst the people
of Medford Monday approved the con
tract with Mr. Bullia for the construc
tion of a railroad to the Blue Ledge
mine, just over the California line,
about 86 milea from Medford. The
Blue Ledge boosters celebrated their
victory by a parade of automobile
with tnntinor horn through the Street.
bright with red lighu, led by the Med-
for band. Leaders or the movement
mnr serenaded and aoeeehea were
made on tha street by enthusiastic eit-
itena. ... , ...
Forces To Be Combined.
Bandon Roderick L. Macleay, man
ager of the Wedderburn Trading com
pany, which a few month ago pur
chased the Fishermen's Co-operative
Cannery, on the Lower Coquilla river,
announces that, force of the local plant
at Wedderburn. on Rogue River are to
be combined. This ia made possible
by the fact that the salmon do not
commence to- run here until after the
season ia over on the Rogue.
ImprovemenU and addition to the
local plant ara being made in prepara
tion for the fall eeaaon.
Corporations Are Formed.
Salem The Peninsula Lumber com
pany, of Portland, which In the past
haa been operating In Oregon aa a Wis
consin corporation, organised as an
Oregon corporation with a capital of
11,000,000. The Old corporation wiu
withdraw from business in the state.
Officers of the new company are:
Charlea A. Hart, G. C. Frisbie and F.
C Knapp, of Portland.
The North PaciBe Shipbuilding com
pany, capitalized at 1100,000, was in
corporated here, with headquarters in
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