Tl.a SpinoloffUt One? Ilpman Spine fa 1G00 Is Perfect If yon ar . Sktt your Sprt is out ttt tlimmnt After a thorough srjinal ' examination I am able to tell you all of your physical trouble, wttnout you - 11imr m. and with bit SoeciAcal i Spinal Adjuitmenta and your aid a per my instructions, 1 wm mvtjrorat your aystem Witt ronewea energy, nomw ' Icin. vibrator, electricity, maasaree. ' Only Spinal Adjustments. (000 in and about Portland 1 hav relieved ana cured. All Female Trouble and ehil- Wi ailment reached b mv BVStem ' regardless of at- I will tell you which r . m e at . Ey .or Ear, wnetner uatarrn oi uie ' Nose, BronchiUa or Asthma, Whether ' you have bad Fever or Luna; Trouble, ' liver or Stomach, Kidney or Bladder uVnu Pile (blind or itchinf). Con stipation. Lumbago, Rheumatism of Anna or Legs, Dropsy and Varicoae Veins. Moat all Skeletal Delormiry MrmrlMl. iVin years Portkmd. The only system to bring nerve life to all para lysed organa. ' D! GEOIbREITLE Ceaf V7. Pmtmf ScKoalafCHnptmcHc. Dm Re.. East 2454: Office, Main 8608. Royal Building, Broadway and Morrison Office houre: 10 to 12 a. m.; S to 6 p. m. Sundays and Other hours by appoint- Portland, Oregon. Ortion Heinia Institut. Kttptmo treated1 mnfc-jAs-llT. It tun room. HifbHt tmUmoeS-X Ur alls puwH-t Call ar writ. JOHNSON UMBARGEK 4I1-4IS Afckr r- CraaoIafeJ EycDis, Sltir 8 Er" mSamed by po WJ4aa V ' to s. fie !!- Eye quickly relieved by Hariaa OEysfesesdy. NoSmaTtirg. 1 . rAfnfnrt. At Your Drwl'i SOe per Bottle, "f Salrein l ubwc r or - Druggists or MariM Ca..Cluto Farm Machinery Driven By Motor Car - To enable a motor car to be used for driving various kinds of machin ery, a convenient, although wasteful, power-transmission Jack has been de vised by a Minnesota man. Two paral lel shafts carrying dish-ahaped rollers at either end are mounted on a heavy timber frame which supports them ' several Inches above the ground. This forms a cradle for the rear wheela of a machine, permitting it to run smoothly and without any strain on fta working parts. A pulley held at .an end of one of the shafts receives a belt that is extended to whatever machine ia to be operated, as, for in stance, a circular saw. A car is run onto the rollers by backing It over planks forming a track laid parallel with them. From- the July Popular Mechanics Magazine. For any cut use Hanford's Bal aam.'" Adv. . . ! T Assertion of Authority. "Of course, you have taken an In terest in votes for women?" "Yes." replied Miss Cayenne. "There's no doubt that we women could manage politics easily IT "If whatr "We found It aa easy to boss other women around aa it la to exact obedi ence from the men." Washington SUr , , ; ... - Whan to Make Concessions. When a man knowe he ia In the right he ahould stick to it. come what may, unlesa hie wife insists on having her own way. Philadelphia Inquirer. Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs & Farm Produce To the Old RatiaMa Erili- tas with a rarard of tfjraanof. Square DaaJuac and be aaiiired ef Top Market Prices. , F. 1,1 CROIifflTE, S, PSmANMRE AUTO WRECKING PARTS FOR 1-2 rrf oar 0 makaa tui modal, at half tha re larerie. Buy ir was aete parts tro aU-eatahUahed mat reeetabta dealer. wt tees raputaboa to pre tact and aondnaW the ausaet parts ator asd earriaa the lniwt erxnpertaae aortnantef eaai aula parte ef ear company tWa atdaaf Cbiease. Our prlcaa aro losa. and for tbia Maa ata!l all othara. AH parte are sear, sntard to ba ia tratlaaa coditiso. . KOTOH PARTS OFG. CO. 82J-J2S-327 ISIRKIK IT, rCITUSD, 81 P. N. U. No. S3, 1918 "T1! aeli SMp SUCCKS fOUOWS BIG DRIVE BY AWES SrHiJS t Uhzi fftfS fefi2S After Iterate Battle. lOT ADD COS PRISOIffi Teutons Retreat Before French Drive - Near HardscourtLose Many Trenches Also to British. r shrift Prlrnurt. three miles east of Albert, the scene of desperate fight ing between the tsntisn ana uwneie Ka anla.nte allied OfTansiV WSS begun Saturday morning, has been eap- ii that KnriHR arwDrainar w aui official sUtement issued Sunday night CuKatantial rmmat BBS MWI maW In the vicinity of Fticourt. which was captured by us at t p. m. Up to noon some tw man pna era had been taken is the operations between me Ancre ana mj tw- bringing the total up to 3500, Includ ing those eapturad on ouier parts k. e-n-,, Satnrrlav nieht.' The official statement by the French war office at Paria aaya that aoutaoj ik. eAiniiu th Wench have forced their" way into the second line of the German entrenchments at several ami have rentured the Village of Fries and the Mereaucourt wood. The number of unwounded prisoners taken . . .... t. :j A in the two aaya oaiue now w aw w be more than 6000. fin nlfftit'a atatement PV tne Pronrh war office said that in the fighting south of Arras Saturday the Fnaiwh rnok a total ox ouuv Dnsoners. In the course of the night French taoana nntiawl the villan of CurlU. .1 milaai arjltharaat of Albert. A heavy German counter-attack on the village of Hardecourt, norm ox uuriu, romiliuvl the statement adda. After repeated assaults the Germans were obliged to retreat in disorder. London July 2. The British troops in their great drive in Franca nave captured a German labyrinth of tranches on a front of seven miles to a depth of 1000 yards and the villages of Montauman and Mammecs. North of the Ancre valley, according to the official statement, the British have not been able to bold sections of the around gained in their first at tacks. Two thousand German pris oners haw been taken. Eaes Has Tnp to Padfa: Cesst Qies rlrst ef August nHirokamntnn N. Y. TJnleSS be changes baa plana, Charles E. Hughes, in all nmhahilitv wilt inatururat his campaign for the Presidency in the second week in August, staning o a tr which will take him to the Pacific Coast. The present purely tentative arrangements provide lor aaaresses in about 10 leading cities, probably St. P.1 . Portland Or Seattle. Wash.: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Kansas City. St. Louis and Chi cago among others. Mr. Hughes intends mis swing around the circle as merely prelimi nary to one or two whirlwind tours. He hopes to avoid rear-platform speak ing on the first long trip. ttr asd Eaby Wished Away - By Wall f WaUr PAmfletaa. Ore. Mrs. M. C He- Cabe, rancher's wife, and her infant boy were drowned Saturday night about 6 o'clock when a cloudburst broke over upper Butter Creek canyon. 43 miles southwest of Pendleton, and a wall of water swept down upon their home. Mrs. UcCabe's body waa found five miles further down McDonald can yon Sunday morning by a searching party. The baby's body was found la ter. Mr. HcCabe. her three children and some men were in the McCabe house and knew nothing of the flood nnril ir arrnclr- thai honae. tearinK it asunder and carrying away Mrs. Me- Cabe and the cniid. t ne ower cnu dren were rescued by the men. I. W. W. Leaders Threaten. St. Paul Declaring their peraobal liberties aa citizens have been violated by the order of Governor Bumquist for the sheriff of St. Louis county to dis arm all striking miners, nine L W. W. leaders at Virginia, in a telegram re ceived Sunday night, ask it uey are in Russia. The mesaage is a demand that the chief executive of the state remove all mine guards from within the city limits of mining towns on the range. "Otherwise," the sUtement reads, "our miners will be instructed to defend themselves." Troops To Get Extra Pay. Washington, D. C Extra pay for foreign service will be allowed the American troops serving across the Mexican border under a decision by Controller Warwick, of the treasury. Enlisted men will receive 20 per cent additional and officers 10 per cent. The controller also gives the opinion that government employes who enlist in the National Guard are entitled to full pay from their civil position for the first 80 daye of their service, except that the combined salaries of officers will be subject to the $2000 limitation. Italians In New Attack. Rome, via London Continuing their offensive in the Trentlno, the Italians have begun an attack on the Austrian fortified positions between Kugna Tot fa and Foppiano, says the Italian offi cial atatement issued Sunday. The Austrian were driven from sections of trenches north of Pedeacala, the dis patch adds, and some more trenches were carried between Sels and Monfal eone. In the latter battle 195 Aua trians were taken prisoners. n. im eax wots f:g:isi mzm, c:3 to so New York Mrs. Hetty Green, known as the world'a wealthiest wo- m.n wKnee fortune la eatlmstei aa high aa 100,000,000, died hersJMon- seed SO vawre, Phe hmA suffered threat atroksa of raralysts in the last two iiionthiirfiforvealresk3hsd been practically helpless. Her death occurred at 3:03 o'clock at the home of her eon, Colonel E a..wl It R ftraen. adioinlna the plain brick four -story house on the comer of Central Park Weat, wnera atra. ureen ht llaarf latel In seclusion, except for her son and several Japanese aarv anta ana uainea nurse. Wall at rant's estimate of Mrs, Green 'a fortune ranee from $20,000,- 000 to $100,000,000. Officials of the Chemical NaUonaFbank. in which Mr. Green once made her downtown head quartan, declined to haaard a guess Humminf tne else ox nor . Hettv Green waa the world'a most remarkable mistress of finance. The aiwaai nmu in America, ah lived invmt aa frurallv aa a ahoD-rirL Her bom waa wnerever ene time to hang her little black crepe and bonnet, often in the hall bedroom of some cheap boarding hone or In soms remote and modest nat arouna new York. Um Rnaen'e eccentric extremes of aonnomv led to the DODular mlaconcep- tion of her as a "aelf-mad woman." Aa a matter of fact ah waa born rtcn. In 1863 she inherietd aom $10,000,- 000, which accumulated upon I tee U until in 50 years It had mutupuea nearl ten times. She also inherited family tradition which had been a pride for three centuries, ana wnicn ah waa anxious to perpetual in ner children. to far tat kisi Upnssj Parted by R-72I Cninissica inUi The Roval eommlssion which inveetiagted th Irish rebellion ia Its report submitted xueaaay aays ka naannnaiKilit for th Outbreak doe not rest with Baron Wimborne, the lord lieutenant, since resigned, who is declared to have been in no way answerable for th policy of th gov ernment. " . . Th chief secretary for Ireland, au RlrralL who resicned shortlv after th suppression of the outbreak, waa primarily responsioie, saj uw -port. The Roval commission waa presided over by Baron Harding-. Outlining th cause of th outbreak in ireianu, the report aays: "The fact ahould b born in mind that there ia always a section of opin ion in that ennntrv bitterlv ODDOSCd to British "connection and that in time of excitement this section can impose its sentiments on largely increasea numbers of the poeple." TKa rami mints out that it ia OUt- aid th scope of th commission's in- arnu-tinna tn inonir how far th Policy of the Irish executive was adpoted by lLtt;s.a th cabinet, or to aitacn responsioiuij to anv but the civil and military exec utive In Ireland. Th report then givea the conclusions: 'That the main cause oi tn reDei- lion appears to b that lawlessness was allowed to grow up unchecked and that Ireland for several year had been ai,in!atrw! on the nrinciDle that it waa safer and more expedient to leave th law in abeyance if a collision with any faction of th Irish people could therefore be avoided." The importation of large quantitiee of arms into Ireland and the toleration of drilling by large bodies of men, the report aaya, created conditions which rendered possible tn recent irouoin in Dublin and elsewhere, it annaara tn ua." said th commis sioners, "that reluctance was shown h thai Irian emernment to repress by prosecution written and spoken utter ance and to roppres drilling and maneuvering of armed force known to Ka nwtjM Mititml of men who openly were declaring their hostility to your majesty's government . "Than rUmilnned widespread belief that no repressive measures would be undertaken oy tn government agauwi. sedition, "Thia Il to a rapid increase of preparation for insurrection and was the immediate cruse ox we recen uuv- kaak- W, are if the oninlon that 00 th outbreak of th war all drilling and maneuvering by unrecogniaea doq ies of men, whether armed or un armed, ahould have been strictly pro hibited." Seven Killed In Explosion. Emporium. Pa. Six men were in- stanty killlod, one died aboard a train to a hospital and five others were seri ousy burned about the body here Sun day afternoon when several thousand pounds of powder exploded In th dry bouse at tn Aetna rxpiowvee cvm pany's plant. The dry house waa de molished and the ruins ignited, threat ening adjoining property. ' Fifteen men were working in the building when the exploaion took place. Three standing near a door were blown from th building, with but minor injuries. Pause for Peace la Urged. Stockholm The neutral conference for continuous mediation baa decided to request all neutral nation in the world to hold peace demonstrations on August 1, the anniversary of the be ginning of th war, to. express sym pathy with th suffering peoples of the belligerent nations and to plead with them not to carry, th war through an other winter. Th conference suggests public meetings, street parades, pag eitnta, and church service, but par ticularly urges a five-minute pans throughout th neutral world. Russians Continue to Win. Petrogad Russian troops continue to drive back th Austro-Hungsrian army in th region south of the Dneis ter river, in Galieia, aaya the Russian official statement Issued Sunday .Many places south of Kolomea have been oc cupied by forces of Emperor Nichol as. It is announced that on June 28 and 29 General Letch iteky took prison er 805 officers and 14.574 men, making a total of 217,000 A astro-Hungarian captured since Jon 4. THE NEW PERKINS HOTEL Special Summer Rates Coort Reees, Sinsle, TM Debbie OuUUe ReoV 3ale, Hi Debbie, $1 JO (Bala arWIVar ImImM) Reeens with Private Bats, Stngle, $U3 Deohle, $100, fWaaa wRaaUtar0 On ha? Aate-atae Mart tratae, At Ceri flew VeJae IN" re 0r paet NEW PERKINS HOTEL 0WeetasHFlnSI-. rOtTtANttOM NewHoustonHotel sixth and mitrnr bts. ,W Wrt rraa lba Rlalt. Uaearaaw j u AU aaeas ! aaara. amtAL RATKS V wTKK OS5 MONTH Rata BOa roe, f I. l.0 Pas, Portland Y.M.C. A. Anti School renewMeteaea. tv " a NMlrtnc, errrfe ejal e-eWae wet. Ml fcrea. lata akae-r. fr TTNTHAttrrKI'M AMI i UKCUAN- id sumjKU wanii us. Panlaa4 te r- rr ajaa Suae. I eitt aaaS Cmj amaial at taat araa kff bmU. N- aa Saatrabia aa aaraan. al aarrlra awt auMh battar Owe saint aut alaaaaa aniini ev train k B rmimu. , rMtai an aa araHaenaK. BTArVKH. I atar-OaMaa. 4Murrlaia a rarUaaA nsx TEACWCRS AOrNCT. av.w u .11 klw at taarhlne Baaltwne. rrwl raekM W aU U,-ira. a furaa Wat araaaata rat ail poi . wa eiU aaail rae tU aaruculara. i. N. MJJUIT. SM Jauraal Bale. Pattauai. Oratua. Th Wsr Children f Psrl. How beautiful they are. th war ..iijt linn wall cared tor. how l. II I llll V H I ..V ' - - . thriving, and how showered with love! Their prolonged siesias m in the gardens bsve freshened the bloom of their cheeks. Their immacu late plnk-and whiteness seems to tes tify to th girl mother's loving care ol the now aoverelgn baby who for two years haa had no rival The mother a entire Ume la devoted to Ilia Majesty. .v. i-t.- ia ha ar fora-otten OX- cept occasionally whsn her thoughts wandering to tne bdbik w, trace In the baby'a dlmpted tac th sometimes fugitive, sometimes strik ing resemblance to hi aoldler-father. Sacred moments these when In the ik. Mitrlw heait and downy IWUIK.U, - - cheek resolv themselves Into th pal or sunburnt leaturea oi one """ where In Franc." Cartoons Maga tin. . - . ' Start the year by getting Hanford's Raisam. You will find frequent us for it. Adv. Gypsies Us Automobile. "Even gypsies are abandoning horses for motors." saye th July Pop- Uuka.lM Maamalne. "A band UHU - of about 40 of these nomsds recently visited Columbus, onio, iraveung id three covered automobile which had been purchased a short time before. Each motor was fitted up in true gipsy fsshion, and portlona of the topa were painted in the bright colore character i-.i. ik. familiar eviiav WBBOnS. IB I IV. v. ..." . " - - In all, three famtliea tnhabtted the three car. The aage oi mo BruuP waa a woman 75 years old: the young est of the children waa three month old" The Best Llnlmsnt tv.. ralla An tcv walka. aoralns and bruises, rub on and rub in Hanford's t.i.. r Mvrrh Annlv this liniment thoroughly and relief should quickly follow. Adv.. Getting It All. The doctor told blm he needed car bo-hydratea, proteida and, above all. something nitrogenous. The doctor ..llA.u1 a I. in o- llat Af fnoila fflT him to eat He staggered out and wabbled into a Penn avenue restaurem. u .kxtit hoAfateakT" he asked the waiter. "Ia that nitrogenous?" The waiter amn i snow. "Are Med potatoes rich In carbo hydrates or notr The waiter couiaa i say. "Well. I'll fix it." declared the poor man in despair. "Bring me a large plate of hash." fittsourg rosu Ths Usual Way. Out of a letter that came to us the other day we grab this little bit: You can tell a man your troubles. You can weep and moan and wail. You can tell him youH go bankrupt. That you'll maybe go to Jail. You can tell your Inmost secret, You can bare your life's one blot And he'U aay: "I want to help you," But what a set have you got?" , Detroit Free Press. Nervy. "Thst fellow'a got hi nerve with him!" "What's the matter now?" , -Um acfnallr aaked me to tend him a i,nnia nf rations of casoUn until next Saturday." Detroit Free Press. - The Smile of 8ersnlty. "Thst man Is surely an optimist'' "How do you know?" "He smiles continually." ' Uavha ha'a an oottmlst and maybe he's a diplomat"-Washington Bur. HELP YOUR STOMACH TO DO ITS WORJ NATURALLY S NORlVlAlXY-.avL V IS NATURES "FIRST AID" IN STOMACH OR BOWEL DISORDERS -TRY IT- aa Ja 1 awawavaaw A Mr m -a" AT . a ? KORTHVMST MARKET REPORTS; GFNFRAL CROP CONDITIONS .-.aiki-vULiiiinn i Portland Wheat Bluestsm, per bushsli fortyfold, M club, ISej red Fif. 83J red Russian. 88a. Hav Eastern Orsgon timothy, 838 (til par ton; valley timothy. ltfl; Mlllf4-Spot price! Brsn, $26lJ 18.80 per ton; shorts. 290t2.t0; rol led barly. Sl.60f310. ' Corn Whole, 83Tton; tracked. 838. VgUbl Artichoke. 7Mf 8 Pr dosn; tomstoes. ll.&O (S 105 per crate; eabbag. 2(il.I8 per hundred; gartt 100 per pound; PPj", eggplant lOo; horseradish, c; let tuce, llotl.18 par crsU; cucumbers, tt.n ll IK nav doaen! Stllnach. A6to per pound: asparagus, 75cil P dosn; rhubaro, i i so pw peas, 4e; esutlflowr, 81.85 par erst; beans, 8U per pound; celery, 1 141 L18 per dossn; corn, 85$75. Potatoes Old. 11.60; California, new, SuSie per pound. Onions California red and yllow, $3fl3.88 per sack. Creen Krult Strawberries, 7&cil $1.88 par erat; apple, new, ft per box; cherries, 86 par pound; canta loup. 60O4CM.I6 per erst; ipniw, tl.86qtl.75 psr box; peaches, fUSl.10 per box; wstsrmelon. 1 psr pound; flgs, tUtl-60 par box! raspbarriea, $8.86a;1.75; plums, , 11.88; prun, $1.76, t . Egg Oregon ranch, change price; Current Ncelpta, tl Pr doten; roU and cracks out, 2e; x traa, 831. Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, candled, t6c Poultry Hens, 14c per pound; itag, 10c; broilers, 17(18c; turkeys, live, 8018 81c; dread, cholc. 83 J 86c; ducka. 16(jf20c; goes. 10SJt8c Butter Cubes, sxtraa, 86c; prim a (il Hrata. 14c: seconds. 881. Jobbing prices : Print, sxtra. 87tf t9c; buttorfat. Wo. i, I7e; no. s, , Portland. . ' Veal Fancy. lOJnClle per pound. Pork Fancy. 10wl0e per pound. Hope 1916 crop, 8ell per pound; 1918 contracts, nominal. Wil Eaatern Ore iron. An. 8348 86e psr pound; coarse, 80tt3J; lay, SOqJSSc Caacara Bark Old ana new, c per pound. r.tttafitaaM. enod. 87.60417.75: cows, choice, $8.76J7.60; good, $8.86 6.60; heifsra, $5.60 ft 6.7b; wiua. f36.75; stags, $4.607. Hogs Prim light, $8.06iSa.26; good to prime, $8j.8.05; rough heavy. $7.60qt7.76; pig and SKip. o.evajj 7.10. ' SKaain Year! Intra. 86.50 (t 7.60: wethers. $S.60.60; wa, t.76($; lamb. $78.16. Higher Prices for Beans Are Named in California Advices Portland There waa aom talk of an 11 -cent baan market Wednesday, but Jobber were advers to putting out such an xtrm quotation, not withstanding in lunoer aafira in tka ftrnith. In fact. Portland lobbing price are below a parity with Call for- . . . . . .. , . i .. i. nla. it ia Deuevea uhuw are, iiiuuau haana here to meet the restricted re- quiremento during th remainder of the olO-crop year, out u me euppiy e arhanatad it cannot b reolenlsbed at existing prices. While the main fac tor in the strangu or to mars, is the nimnimtnt demand, ther la llttl doubt that speculation haa played an important part In bulling prices In th South. Th availabl supply of whit haana In rallfornla la limited, and BD- peara to hav psssed into strong specu lative aanas. AHvlcee received from San Fran cisco said small white wer practi cally cleaned up at shipping point at 8 cents ana very lew uuy wasmng ! naia loft at 0 eentfl. There was a good demand for Lima, which war advancing in sympathy witn in nign price oi wnii oeana. Baker Wool Not Sold. Baker. Or. Out of 148,000 pounds of wool, practically all fine, offered this week in Baker at th annual wool ale, only 23,000 pounds were sold, al though other deal which may be closed later wer pending. High bids on fin wool ranged from 28 cents to 25 cents, while for 4000 pounds of coarse wool from the Sels-Ashford ranch, in Grant eounty, a high bid of 28 cents waa received, isador &osn land, of Portland, was the bidder. With th exception of 10,000 pounds sold by Walter Stelger, of Baker, at 26 cents, to John Oiorieux, of Woon socket, R. L, all th clips offered wer from Grant county. Th only other clip sold waa that of J. C. Moore, who sold to Mr. Glorieux at 24 cents. Mrs. Kenneth McRaa, of Prairie City, had th largest clip for sale, 615, 000 pounds. It is understood that a private bid made top the price being offered openly. Mascall k Ringsmyer, of Dsyvill. were offered 23 cents for their 40,000-pound dip by nr. Kosn land, while C. H. Green, of Portland, offered to take over the 16,000 pounds of fin wool from the Sels-Ashford ranch at 23 cants. - Growers To Be Helped. - Hood River Th Apple Grower' association 0 juart sent out letters asking all affiliated growers to desig nate th different kinds or commercial fruits grown by each. Where th as sociation doe not handle th product of a grower, it will guide th grower to the trade that will handle It Koyai Ann, Governor Wood and Centennial cherries ar maturing this week. The fruit has bean sold to th cannery at The Dalles for a net prle of 6J cents per pound. ' The prospects for black cherries ar better than ever before. Clarke County Hope Do Well. Ridgefield, Wash. Th hop crop In th Western' part of this eounty, In cluding 8ara, East of here, is said to be in good condition, and although th growth baa been retarded by the chilly weather of th past few weeks, the present warm rains and weather are causing the vines to make a fast growth, Th vines are entirely free from vermin wb'ch usually visits this crop. The growers at sara ar very enthusiast! over the prospects of a good normal yield, although it is a little sariy,topr edict m I t -' re ev-aiaw. CI- f.a 6 inches through at top, fivt feet tbovt , pround. . C?nt Stumpinjc Powder did t clean job, taking out S'ST roou and all in tha Ground. ' them know that always sav them money, lim an4 work. 7hf ssv rncmir t Iwcaus lhay lift and hesv as wsll is shsitsr. aaJ to funhsi ihan high explosives thst m.iely ipi tha stumps. Ihsy asvttim. and work beiiuas they gt out th stumps-b.g of Intl., trsetiof dead in condition .s.y to handl, 1 bvf rlujrom Giant PowJers ihsn Ifoin any ihr powdf I hv ttatd, say A. E. Adkins, Woodbum, Or. Ther sr twe Olanl ri Pcwdara, both asd sepeeUllf for Paclne Coall Irm7, Cr.ka Powder Is ol ecoeomlrsl dry ZZL Try laaae two. Compare h.m wlih lbs fow.Wf yoa hr 1-ee Sg a3 voTwm .!,. sVtJUnl la a s-d " wlU dwribewr 'W ca. al lb leweel ms-krt Five Blaitinjr Book FREE Ittiier wsy of ivmovtof Huxr sod Ulder,maWeg dltrhM. aUnlieg live. S-id breaking as tl luheod sr. v (ur weawa fstme.v 10 meet I he condllW , Weiie at for th book o the tabject yo Inieietied la, THE GIANT POWDER CO., Con., S.a FrmacUc MCeryMag rW Btmtmg " . tak (XfUaal aeewle. teeheee. PeellaeA Sail Use Ol. Pe-aee Kill All Flics! VaaaSaaa BBafaABBBBl f WWW SBiaBWaBBWal t 9f mmy MWal.Ilaiaal isantiTiar. w --J - -g rv I - I L - .--1a7Ilaj iOi bin Dale, Pry Killer Aa",?-! jV haiia itaeeui seetese, ise Saa.n ,,a.v. Hsr Proof. Th reading class was la session and th word -furlough" occurred, ui.a t..naa th kitr aaked If any llttl girl or boy knew th meaning of the word. . On smsll hand waa raised. ' "Furlough means a mule," aald th child. . . -oh. no. It doesn't" said in learner. "Yea. ma'am." Insisted the little girl. "I have th book at home that Mies Jones told tne cuiiu th book to school Th next morn ing th child cam armed with a book anil triumnhaiitlv showed a olctur of ... a. an American soldier tilling a mule. under which waa the caption: "Oolng bom oa hi furlough. Philadelphia Ledger. For sore feet rub on Hsnford's llat am. Adv. At tha Top. : Justice Hughes waa talking about th American business man. "It Is bis bard and endless work." said tha Justice, "which put th Amer ican business man at th very lop of tb tree. lie doesn't know th mean ing of the word leisure. "A little boy aald lo his father, a millionaire business man: "'Pa, what's a leisure T "The father looked up from the en velope on which h waa figuring with his gold fountain pen, and answered: "leisure, my son. Is spar lime that Providence affords us for clean ing up various Jobs of unfinished work.' "Boston Transcript British Shipbuilding Cxcssdtd. For the first time in msny years the shipbuilding In American ysrd ex ceeds that In Drlttah yards. For the three months ended March SI, Ameri can yards launched 173 merchant ves sels of 4.484 gross tons, white the lirlttsh ysrds launched 69 vessels of 80.(61 gross ton. Merchant ships now building and under contract In this country are approximating those of the British. The totals ar 1(1 ves sels of mors than 1.000 grosa tona In American yards, and 248 In lirltlah yards. Prom th July Popular Me chanics Magaxln. A Mlstsks. "Pa. la your business an unrefined oner "Of course not, daughter. What makes you ask thstr "Because I heard you tolling undo about your gross receipts." Baltimore American. How It Hsppsned. "Strange, one of your twine Is blonde and tha other is a brunette." "Well, we never could afford a maid. I washed one child and my husband washed the other, and that one grew op dark." Louisville Courier-Journal Ruling Thought, Belle Harry asys be la for fair elections all the time. Nell Yes, Harry always did like blonde effects. Fabuloua Country. "What la tbla Never Never Land?" "That'a where the good cooks come from." Louisville Courier-Journal DR. KORINEK'S DISTEMPER REMEDY t anrrthlna- Is tha era-ara ol braa thine an kt a von earful earaadir tor aouaha. aoMa, aora Inmat, aatarrll and haavaa, ant whan farar la praaent II r.raciaa It aulcklr vltboat btluir to tha anuaal. . Dr. Koriaek'a Call Powder KiL". alia, aora ahouklan. win seta and aM alnaraaal aoraa. Dr. lorifltk'o Absorbed Blister "2 af BMrrlaa. rlne-banaa, aM, bona,. lumpy-Jaw In eat. tie. faonr anlaraamanta and Drtanotina Lha rlnanlna mm u-Jtl'LtU? 'ottowto r"'d1 M eerraat anr of tne ailawnta for whlcJti tkay ar DR. HORlNtJC DIABBMOtA CAPSUUtS. -vw-- ' rniaiw wtrawkw. Aaa raw Saalar for Konnak'a RamarHaa. Thar ar tutsan taaj. Or write dlrart w KOR1NEK REMEDY CO., Kenton station, Portland, Oregon - a A without tearm a big holo Farmers who hava wed CASH tkrmmh at hilar). 4 tt PaUJ for BuU- terllle. In- W4jV sect. I buy hundred fur ar - ruu r. -w museums, artwork, study urpose and private eolteciions, 6c to 17 each !. b, pp. fuller FREE. Kaay outdoor ero- ntovmafiL ' SINCLAIR Ba 244, D 108. Lee Aagele, Cat A Leyal Witness. When Senator John W. Krn waa a young lawyer at Kokomo, Ind.. h rp resented on side of a ' la blrh th whole controversy hinged on th Identity and ownership oi a tsertaln calf. Tb chief wttnes oa th aid against Kern was a colored man. it contended lhal lb calf belonged lo his friend. Mr. June. When K.-m aminrd blm the conversation ran something Ilk this: ' "How do you know tbla was Mr. Jones' calf T" ' "Welt. aah. 1 had een It around bla place so much thst 1 Js aata'ally got ; acquainted wllh It I seen It thr with the cow Ita maw and I noticed It p'llcu ly because it bad funny marka on It W hen you a a calf av'ry day you simply become fsmllyah wllh It" "What kind oi a looking calf wa "It waa a rd calf, sah. with whit ears and a whit nose," "And It belonged to Mr. JoBeaf "Yessah." .- -' "Now auptxMO that all the lestltnony here should show that the calf lu this case wsa a while calf with red ear and a rod nose. What would you say about that r "Well, ssh. I reckon I'd say It be longed to Mlstab Jon," Nebraska Leuat News. ;. ; . Prspsrsdnssa. : "There can bo no anch things a urc preparedness." said the man who ar gura vehemently. - : i "You don't have lo be prepared for war If yon don't want to." "No; but If you're not prepared for war, you'v got to be prepared for a licking.'' v What Thsy'll flet "I see they've been tapping tU phnne wires down In Nw York." "Well, If they ever tap ours during the morning they'll get a tot of fine salad recipe and th latest news of all the afternoon card club." Detroit Free Preaa. ,- , .-, ... REDUCED FREIGHT RATES To and from ail point an hmiaalHiU a..ta. B4anM, am) autaxnubllaa. InfurmaUnn oa-a, fully saa. Pacific Cejsl F0lardifigCOH'r4rSt!rt, HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BASK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. , ffl tvt at fM kin. Wrihtir rtaiei4iiplttlari THI H. r. N8RT8I CO. NtUM, On, UsfU, i Dwbk Treii Psadors Frtof Tm Maria fnm rnoraM an, taat Ian a Ilraa4 Na TIKU WriU u. VKWJON VUUANII1NU tX IM Waanlaanea IK furtlana, Ora, ELECTRIC MOTORS BaufM, SM, anaj aa4 aalra4 Kl.luCfkiO WOHKS Bamaida, car. luih. fortlaaA Ora, o t w