The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 07, 1916, Image 3

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.The KItchcnware store is the bcBt Pce to do your
harvest or camp outfitting. Here you will dtul as
sortments of sizes in such enameled ware lines as Itoyai
Steel and the PeerleHS Vollrath in Vhite. In Aluminuin
ware you will find such high grade lines as Vko aj Alad
din ware-the National sensation-and at this. time or
.Wearever (Wcarcver is being discontinued) in big twwrt
mcnts of items and just about all sizes. Then there are
dishes, enameled and earthen, Stone Crocks etc., and by
far the biggest assortment of those thousand and one lit
tle things which are ikely to be needed.
- Our assortments are so large and complete that this
feature justifies outfitting here, but that Is only one rca
. son. Another is our prices, for on an average our pnees
Tro lower than you w 11 find elsewhere fcr equal value.
Then There is the Davis-Kascr Service-the fact that ev
ery Srice and every article is guaranteed with our money
bS S guarantee, that positive satisfaction goes with every
SordwK Tit pays to outfit here. Itenupber us for
KiToil Stole! Refrigerators, Porch Shades, Cream
, Freezers, and all sorts of Hot Weather goods.
CompUU FuniUhm of Home. Omc, Churchy 8choola.
Pianos, I'lMMW)(trh. Music
IMO AMar SU - (Odd fIU.' Tm.l - WALLA WALLA. WASH.
Dr. Alfred F.Sempcrt
Graduate and KeglaUred
KM) to 12:00 A. M.
1:00 to 6;O0 P. M.
WATTS HL1XJ., upstairs
It's True Economy
Th! E:ncny Store
Wt bny fr h end sell
cah-at mull margins.
Crash and Linen Goods
School SupplUi
' . 2
1 Get Tni H tm
Befof Prelnj Your Suit?
You'll win her if we do
the work.
A shave, hair-cut and
shine would help.
R. L. Rey naud I
Valma barkett
Ooud team of work marea, wltn
oolu. f.r mi. Franh Po"" '
Mr. end Mr flojr Kill-"' IIUI
relative on Dry cree during the
. I Mlmi and ny Mead are
vacationing In in neliliborltood of
Ulnfhsm Spring.
Mr. Usal Mnaflld of Alhna waa
. i... ..hM aueet of nr ieier
Mr. J. . Herrle.
ur K M. Warren end dauhUr
.. nn i ha J. r. War
f By a ' w w a ......
rena at Baker, Oregon..
r...ii.r la hare from N
KVll.,.. - -
h.r Oreson. for a summer ai.m
visit with relative ana irw
an., rriiis la her from EvereIC
.... .... ...-I.I.. hla aunt. Ml. A. A.
Kara, and tb friend or nia dothi
... ..a Ura. Harrv Hralh and Mr,
and Mr Krneet nay noma wt. b"-
. ih. Umatilla river for weea in
ramping. . . - . .
Mra. D. T. tavender haa bought th
. raaiitanra orooerty on
llroad and Pomeroy street, which aha
la having remodeiaa. .
U'HlUm Wllanll. Richard Mall nd
uimi Marv 1111. motorUM trom IHp-
" . .4. iKa
a-. U'aak VmM VUaMM HUI V
rirJt r i ha waak at tha C. T. Bulflnch
Ttm p.nrflaion Bulldoggar ralala
that "Darr Phalpa. tha plumbar. had
... i ki. ind Uat waak raad-
. .. . i
Ing. Vaat Iron Binna,- aa ii any
didn't know It"
n-h. i. u'nM aianoad at Waaton
Friday and Saturday for a.-lalt with
k... Mr. and Mra. U B. Wood.
..kit.. Miurnina to Bpokan from a
buatnoM visit to Danvar.
W. 8. Payna laft Tuaaday morning
. kualnaaa trio to Mo OA itivar.
D.rfi.iii Aaiarla and othar polnta In
.... . am. .r ,r i h niMta. Ha la
WW mwmw ww " " -
Bccoimianlad by hla aon, Anion Pnyna
r v.. u'lnku calrbralad tha
...-.k nuita induatrloualy In auparln
nirklna- ooeratlon at hla
-...h.rv nalrh Tha battT CfOP I
mol this yaar. and tna oara "r"'
wa 14 crata.
4T. W. Klmbrall. Mra. VIomI noork
. Hit uiu rtuih Norman of fenairion
. m..Mm durlna tha waak or Mr.
and Mra, B. J. Thorna at thair noma
Rmith Watrr alraau urn. joom.
Is a daughtar of Mr. KlmDreii.
Physician and Surgeon
onv in
WatU l.ulMInf
MIm ByWta Baath laft Monday for
a vUlt at Baattl. wonianyin nr
molhar. Mr-. T. H. Baath. and may
....i. ih.r. narmanantly. Hha haa
h.. nnalllnn With tha Moa-
grov MarcanUla company, Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. Oaorga U Horaman
-. u....i.u rnr Portland, whar thry
.in tholr daushlar. Mra. Waller
.1 ..-. ..i i. anil tha narenta of M
lluraman. They will afterward go to
..V, .. K'amnnrt. Wajlh.. for
summer outing.
u .nA Urm 1. H Iailbara and Mr,
and Mr. Nat Bhaw of Irfflnirton ware
Fourth of July vlallora In Waaton ana
Pendleton, having motored up from
Morrow eounty. Mr. Fadberg My
hat hla ranch elahl ml Ira aoulh of
Islington waa vlalied Iwt week by no
leM than three email waterapout.
whkh came on Monday, Tueeday and
Halurday. Monday wa th largrat.
and a torrent of water Towed near hla
house. - But liltle damage occurred,
however, and tha crop outlook haa
been enhanced by tha abundant mole
lure. According to record kept by
W, T. Campbell th June rainfall In
tha Islington neighborhood totaled
two Imhea, which broke all record
for th month.
Whiu A. W. Rnaer wa engaged In
packing th piatoa of hla gas engine
at hla place near Iowa ha thrust hla
l.r. arm h roll ah tha flV WneeL 1TI I
the angina atlll ha4 a "kick in It" waa
U.-..a-iial erheny an Intareeted If
... i.iidn.t bvatander . thumbeo
Ka anarkar. ttafere Mr. Kogefa COUld
I withdraw hla arm tha iMOara or tnree j -
rmr.ra haa haen neavrlv aevered ana
anuii kniu hmken. Ha will thua be
compelled ta carry on arm In a ilng
ait durina tha harveet aeaaon, wnen
i.a olll nawi imth srma batJIy. I'r
Smith attended his injuria,
ttr anl lira, frank Godfrey are via-
Iting at th iiom of Mr. Godfrey
nsrenta. Mr. ami Mm. rotter un-
am. ar. Frank wearing a wooden
f . l..1m. Ana nf hla nn In
accident last (Jcwlr at A vary, Walm,
artiara tie vaa eniuiiueu aa a wnar
maker. A ear Itch engine "truck ami
,Hwl AMaa liln. aa ha .t m MM in If til
IVIIW vw v -' - --- -
n anla ailih a sack of eoal on
Ilia Lack, and hi eacsua from death la
L..i,uJ n.lrajuiloua. As tlia eo rine
warnlnif. he baa a claim for
dainarea nendlng agaioat tna juuvau
kee raiiroaa
rr n n Vawaom. formerly a We
toa practitioner, waa her for aa hour
or two thl week, accompanying
'gquir Blcharde of Athena. Dr. New.
eoro was 1 orated at toanon ourina
the pa at year, but found that tne
h.aiih of hla aon. Master Max New-
anm aamanded a. chang of climate.
He rontemtiletee , going to wauowa
eh. (Frank and Robert
Proudflta returned Friday from a very
pleaaant camping vacatloa at Bingham
tr.rin.a Tha kodak collection Boo
hraueht home would give aimoai maj-
... .ha niiiina- frvar. At ail events
Th. l..iU. man haa about decided to
o to tha river hlmaelf aa tha oniy
mean of getting any neh.
Mra. it. C. McCabe and ner oaoy
boy were drowned In a cloudburst
ftui aaiiiritav avanlne at tneir Home
In McDonald canyon on upper Butter
rraak Tern men and tha three other
children barely escaped with their
Uvea. Mrs. McCabe waa tne wit o
a a,aii. known rancncr. wno waa in
Heppner at th time,
X )
Binder twine is now in season. We are selling
and guaranteeing the price." We have both ' the
Standard and the pure Manila. -! -
The bargain offered in a beautiful cabinet gra-j
phaphone last week is untaken and so we make thd
Hundred Dollar value at $58.00 this week for cash
or good as cash. ; , v U
McCormick Binders, Racine Thresher, McCormick Combirte and sift
sizes of engines on exhibition now. v.,- "';
Think of a high grade combine handled by 8 or 10 horses and two men!
Come and see and believe. t.. ' ;
1. . . - , -. , .. . .."tiS"
J. N. Vork la cutting wheat hay at
hi place north of town and will begin
binding harley next week. Following
.u. .). ralna the nroaneet ba
Imprared greatly and hla barley look
einecta hla wheat to run between 33
ami 40 buhl. . ,
Kihel Ilftla. arreawd Jointly with
H. It. Haraon, ttanager or tne w
Musical tloiiiedv company, withdrew
her plea of guilty "lo Recorder liar-
-...' aauaaetv n 1 enirad a idea of
....lit. Kha nald a fine of fix Par-
Whll Wealon did not celebrate tne
Fourth, the neighborhood atork did by
. .... . .,-..... at tha home
leaving a au ismiv... " ,7
of Mr. and Mra. F. O. Iaic. Among son's C4wa 1 tUI peodlng.
Ihelr children la aiao a rourm
h.,v ('uni Lucas, who waa bora oo
Independence lay eleven yearn ago.
tirtlr In tl. Klam HiilMtt'k. MMMin
II lluura. 11 to 12 ami I to d I
Beginning Jul W Wood's Auto
Stage will cliarge the follnwinif lares:
Weston to femiteton. i.o"; miou
SI r.l. Intertnetllate noinu
r - , . rt
pit)rOrtlonste rate.
j i, O. Wood.
; Bungalow Aprons
A variety of styles
the color you desire.
Neat, attractive house
dresses at $1.25, 98c, 73c,
69c and 49c.
Women's Auto Hats
We have placed our
entire stock of these
pretty caps consisting of
the season's best styles,
the famous "Marie Do
ra" and many others
equally good, priced reg
ularly at $1.50, $1.25 and
98c, on sale at
Your Choice, 89c
Mens Underwear
The backward season
has made it necessary
for us to reduce the price
on Men's Summer Un
A good open mesh un
ion suit at 49c.
Balbriggan. shirts and
drawers each 25c.
Snlendid weave Bal
briggan short sleeve, full
ankle length union suit
at 98c.
B. V. D.; the nation's
standard, at 98c. v
At It Julv meeting tha city council
. t : 1 L. AntnmiLUie , tO
nurchaa a aiiply of circulation nil
for ue in freaueniag tna -ueaa emu
In the local trrrK i
artae a visit with hi family near
I - - - vr r nfMjl
1 Red mono, itreg-n. nn. .1. - -haa
returned to hie work as pastor of
I the Methodist churcn.
.... imnwitat IT. Waddlnirham re
.U!ll . ... - - - - - . ' " ,
turned Tuesday from Hot Iake, where
he has been receiving treatment ior
That tan- horea MoCorroick Combine
operated y two men la well worth
vour lime m ooiub .in tcw. - "
. .t..... mm mnra Vaaiut men arc
n iiwuv. .C 1 .
manning to go to wkww w .-.-w.
for the Colville reaervatlon drawing-
-. ...JtM k.M.ln llilt WMb Is
1135 mblier tired buggy for !8.50 cash
or good aa cash, waiia s noger-.
a .1. ..... .t' Wirn Jilt S to Mr.
an,! vtr. fliarlpa Winder on tha Reed
at Haw ley uplands.
Mr. Fannie McBrlde la visiting tha
, N. Vork at Nercriau larin.
f . ' a. a ; ' I "
Keen m mmd tnat m
1UC taiUllll5,tlVWUW " , , T-L i.
addition to daily receipts; of Seasonable Fruits we
have Jars, Jar Caps, Jar KuDDers, mruieiiwcuu.
Always the Best of Everything for the laDie.
Tamarex k School Program.
A mid-term achool entertammeni
alven Frloay. June I, at me
Tamarack ectvool on tha Weston up
lands, ,t)nder.. tha direction, of th
. 1 - Mia ttarV Lansdaie. and af-
AM.a mi.rh anlovment tor ail A
. Wl u u . '
clonic dinner waa eerved at noon, ai-
... ..hih a nmrpam waa given wnicn
Included the following numbers: Song.
Our Greeting." achool; recitation.
"The Boya," Creed Nunn; recitation.
wiriia" nale Tucaer: vioun
Ta Jonea: recitation. wur
Teacher." Kate Visaing; recitation,
"Sands of Dee." May 8mlth; dialogue.
sm.h nt tha. Sea. Joe Ray. Clifford
frawrnrri and May Singer; recitation
The Soldiers' Grave.- Ada Kay; song,
n..wt Unniliu. Merrv Sunshtne
Rose and Kate Visaing, Dorothy Twee
dy and Mattle Smith; recitation, -uur
Flsg." Joe Ray; dialogue drill, "Fairy
wi.h arhoot: recitation, -w inter ana
a..ntaj- (Clifford Crawford: reclta-
ir.n "Whan I Waa a Little Boy." Mar
vin Tucker: aong, ;"Never De1lr,
Mtsa tanadale; reciutlon. -uniy a
Kenneth Ray; recitation, Koe
wiaalna-; recitation. "An Iceberg," Por-
.ih. i.iv: tons. "Boy ana vuck.
Dorothy Tweedy, May Singer and Joe
Tlav: sons. "Good - two u. o.
school; violin solo,' Ray Jonea.
urn m
Wood and toal Wanted.
(Ualad hlda will be received by the
undersigned until Monday. July IT. at
. ...iir r. m . tnr IS eorda of wood
.. an tnna nf coal, to be delivered at
the achool house 18 district Ko.,1 on
!r before September 1, ti. oa
ia .ir. tha kind of wood or
coal to be furnished. Right la reserv
ed to reject any or all bide.
Weston, Oregon.-July T, li.
Clerk of School District No. 1.
Weaton wa a oeaerted village on
the Fourth of July. Moat of It peo
ple spent the great Independence hol
. . .h. ivmiaii tinlanda. where a
" " . M .. nr.
fine celebration waa enjoyed at Bry-
eoo'a grove. All who attenoea mm.
praise of thl event, aaying that the
.h. nrna-ram. the dinner and
tha sport afforded a aplehdld day of
entertainment under tha mountain
,r... .nH that the affair wa highly
...(. hi to the UDlanders who ar
it Tha addresa or ine oar
.... .1..- h Mr. Clarence W. Avery
who spoke well and eloquently. The
ball game waa won oy ine om.n
key from th Dry Creeker. acore 17
1 Th. anarta were numerous, var-
la and dlverUna-. and not a few of
the prise fell to Herman u narra, an
entrant from the Oregon Agricultural
Below Is th program in tun;
If it a. m. Parade.
11 a. m .
Hons "Hurrah for th Flag" ......
Eppa neraoi ana . "
Invocation J. S. McCarty
America" .by the Aodlenoe
Remark by th Chairman
J. R. Engllah
gong "Columbia the Gem of th
Ocean".. ..Girls in ine uwnj va..
HarHtatlon ......... Hugh UOWO
".. -uwi Tnu Come Owr to my
V ' . ... r. ji
House? I'ean ana .iive -
addraaa C. w. Avery
or.n"Riar Srauisled Banner"...
uina tn uuwij
...A n ''m' 1
Honor the Day" ...... J. 8. McCarty
Raadin.- ......i Gall William
rlA U.IW rtrlll .
o. .. . ... - zana ianaaie Henry uowo
Mualc School Uirta
S D. m. Ball game. . :
t d. m. Field aporta.
A badger In a barrel waa expected .
to provide battle royal ror aotna. up
land dog, but none couia w
with courage enough to engage It in
. m
make the white heat. A good upply eormtanly on band.
LEHIGH PORTLAND CEMENT alway in tock. . .. . r .
RED CEDAR FENCE POSTS from Puget Sound fit any quantity.
They are well tarred, or wa will sell you Ui tar to tar your
old poets. , -
(No. 206)
tv Ranfr of Weaton. at We
" - . XL ' 1 . .1..
ton, tn the tate ot vrefr at OT
eloa of Duaineaa June ou,
Loan and discounU 130.676 24
U.-J. al VB.. as It r 1
nillUia BKItU W aa,i.wv.a. ' ... .
Banking houae ........ - 00
KSirnitnre and fixtures 1,000 W
Other real eatate owned 28,729 3d
Due from approved reserve
kanba ..' 8.870 07
Check and other cash item 8,049 66
Cash on hand
ToUl.....:; .. .?192,400 66
Canital stock paid in 80.000 00
Gumliia fund .
Undivided profit, lea ex-
15,000 00
1.168 41
1,743 &2
mmm and tavea naid
Due to banks and bankers ...
j:..:J I JnnA.tta anh.Mt.
inaiviuuai chv.- ucotcn
to check v,u
Demand certificates of de
Dosit Jtlz r?
r. 1 .1 . t . vtl . X wi
lime ana oavnuta ucimiu.
Bills payable for money eor-
80,000 09
State of Oregon,
County of umatiua,
..,..$192,400 66
t it. m Smith. Cashier of tne
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
' E. M. Smith, Cashier.
Corrkct Attest: -,''.'"
WM. MAU&mua,
F. D. Watts,
Directors. .
c.,v.a.wad and aworn to before me
this 7th day of July, 1916. .
.s!i ' . Notary Public
M enmmission expires Dec 5, 1916.)
v j -
Pramleea In all State and Federal
Courts. '
The Universal Car
The Ford factory turns out a completed ear for every car built
by all the other manufacturer combined. And not even this
enormous production can keep pace with the demand for Ford
cara. The big reason is that everywhere, every day. Ford ears
are demonstrating; their utility and reliability. Touring Car,
492.45; Runabout, 8442.45. Onaaleat
H. L. HEDRICK, Proprietor
. Jn....J.jt'ft.l.BjjjjjjjjjjjyTflfJJIItlllll jjl'flrffl"""1"
The War
Gry of Quality
McDougall Kitchen: Cabinets ,
Simmons, Beds . ; ;
Smith's Rugs : ":: ;
Sealy Mattresses : . :
, Simmons' Springs :
Buy Where the. Goods as Vell as
the Price are Riht
Chas. H. Carter Dan P. Smythe
Carter Smythe .
CsH aa-aaG
! r