The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 30, 1916, Image 3

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Tho eight honestly built walla of the Automatic ac
count for it ico economy. It's automatic, one way, dry
air circulation keeps foods pure and sweet. The Auto-
Bittfe tf bu!!t to wva endure. It I not the f hrrpett HefHgeraiw mad-,
but th blggeet nd t"t vmIu. ami no ltllir than other at that. Writ for
talogu aitd tce If unabl to com.
You can't begin to realise how many
reyU Auto-Front McD.Higll Kitch
en Cabinet can Mvfiryou. Whan
ill Ha convenience ara pointed out to
ju, ytHi will marval that anyona ahoultl
have thought of ao many thing. Thla
wonderful labor aavr PN conomy
In any kitchen.
Price on ganulna McDougall Cabl
MU from 128.10 to 144.60. ,
Ice Cream
Tharaara many raaaona for making
your own c cream, and It'a ao littl
troubla If on baa a food frvaaar.
Lightning fraeaara will glv amoolhaat
cream In quickest tim and with lea
Ic. Mad axtra wall throughout 1
qt. II.M; 8 qt. M.2B; I qt. 12.76; 4 qt.
M.2; $ qt. 14.00; I qt. 18.86; 10 qt.
Uliuard rrr, naxt beat, I qt
W.OOs S qt. 12.26; 4 qt 12.76, 6 qt
$3.60; S qt 64 W.
CAmpWta rumuihara of llomaa, omee, Church, Schoola.
,".' rianoa. Phonograph, Music
IM0 Abler St. - (Odd Fellows' Temple) - WALLA WAU.A. WASH.
Dr. Alfred F.Sempcrt
Gradual and Registered
1:00 to 12:00 A. M.
1:00 to 8 .-00 P, M.
WATTS III. IK., upatalra
It's True Economy
The Econsmj Store
W bny for eeah and aell for
tssh-at amall margin.
Crtsh and Uncn Goods
. , School Supplies
jjar riioNENol sets -
i 6:1 Vcsr H frcsl
j ; Before Prcsdng Your Suit ; ;
; j You'll win her if we do ; :
t the work.
it A shave, haircut and
i shine would help.
I R. L. Reynaud
Physician and Surgeon
Offlr In Watt buMing
orh In lb Klain KulMliig, Mllion
Hour, to 12 and I u S
Mr. and Mr. A. U. Boyden left
Mondar for P.udleton to make their
nnm, ..'..'.
Mra. William MarKanile and daugh.
tare returned Halurday from their
Seattle vlIU
Tha Ladles' Guild will bold IU next
mealing July ilh at tha bom of Mra.
Ulltaa Fredericka.
He big ad, for thla whIi'i eacrlflre
after a phonograph worth lit for
lit. Wall Slogans,
u tuna Lanedale arrived Catur.
day from CorvalllB lo Join bar hue-
band, who la Vlalling in me( wreion
I am putting In a aampl Una and
will bo pleased lo lake your ordere
for aasullne engine and farm Imple-
m.nta. A. Phllllpe.
Tk. i a. UrfiiM and tha R. Mor-
rtaons molored Bunday to Adame.
whara Ihey wara dlnnar fueeta of Mr.
and Mra. 1. O. Hal.
ah., . .n.nd.d vlalt with ' bar
aoa and daughter at Waaton, Mra. T.
II. lmiha will laav tomorrow on nar
rat urn homa lo Haaltla.
inoMd at hla buataaoa In-
laraata In Waatna Orval bunran Irft
u.h..v ti,r Kurth Taklma. waan.,
whara ha oaparu to locata with hla
Mnvor and Mra. Homar I. Watia of
Alhana haa planned fortnliht a
aulomoblla lour of Montana, and will
o lo Yallowatona Para oarora rt-
turnlng homa.
Uaorga Waldan rama down Satur
day from tha Unaka llrrar branrh of
it., o.w n. A N. for a few day
vUlt with bla fathar and frtanda. Ma
la aarvlng with a brldga rraw.
Tha Athana Prraa raporta thai Iwlo
fawna born aavaral daya aco at tha
Pambrun daar park aouth of Athan
Inrrraaa Mr. Pambrun'a hard of daar
to aavan. Flva ara mula daar and two
balong lo tha amallar black tail fam
With tha trua eoarman'a Ida of
amballlahmant, Jim Llauallan baa ar
i.k.ji ki. uitl. mlth tha hlda of a
jrattlaanaka four fort In langth. Ma
kllird tna anaaa noi long ! ""
riding on tha Buck croak rnnga with
Ralph Turkar.
Mra. J. fl. Llauallan ronlCnuaa to Im.
prova alnca tha oparatlon which aha
auatalnad at Pandtaton, and will ba
abla to raturn bafora long to bar
homa In Waaton. 8h waa abla to
laaaa tha hoapllaU and la now at tha
homa of har brotbar In Pandleton, r.
8. King. , ,
According to tha Pandlatftn Bull
doggar. "Clark Nalaon and Bill Wy
rtrk bava provlalonad a mountain
cava with anough nuppllaa to laat
tham thraa yaara and at tha flrat In
dira t Ion that thalr country will raaort
to conarrlptlon to aacur war racrulta
thay will taka up thalr aboda tbara.
F. J. Baala. formarly a wall-known
ram-har and atockman or tnia county,
i.i.iw iiintl lo cara of raalatarad
Khorthorn cattla from Walla Walla to
hi aaianaiwa naw haidlava naar urn
hart. Albarta. Bt-ala haa 00
acrra In wheat, and reporta a ary
pmmlaing crop outloog in nia naign
borhood. - ,.
U 6 CzCzi
Dainty and cool 12c
and 15c lawns specially
priced at 9 1-2 cents.
All wash goods for
merly priced up to 23c,
this week for only
The season's best, in
stripes or plain, 1.50-1.25
t98 cents
A splendid assortment.
Assorted patterns and
white for children and
ladies, $1.49-1.19-98c-73c
Pumps, oxfords, rub-:
ber and leather soles,
$1.48-1.69 and
r Be loyal to your town. Buy" a pennant for your
car. Show your pride and at the same time advertise
"the best little town on earth." For this week's
special we are selling all pennants up to $1.25 at
ercantile Mm
Tha MrCormlrk romblnad hanraatar
aihlbltad bara by Walla It ltra haa
baan bought by Fred Mt-Or.w. Thla
mai-hlna la mada by tha International
llarvaatar paopla, and for aavaral
yaara haa baan ua In aWolh Amarl
ra and Auatralla. Laat yaar It waa
aold tn thla rountr, and waa uaad In
cartaln Montana and Idaho rounllaa.
whara It waa found lo ba aatiafartory.
It la daalgtiad t"r amall ('., ant
diawn by from alght to twalra bura.
will cut and Ihraalt about It arrea
dally. Walta A Itogara alao wild thla
waek Naw Hacln Junior Ihraahlng
oulftt lo A. W. Rogara and Albarl
B. K. Zahm of thla city waa for thraa
... a auld ar In tna regular army.
and afterward enllated In tha Waah-
Ington National Ousrd, in wnicn na
held commlaalon aa eacond lieuten
ant Ha lerelved 4wOr aionoar "
report al American take, but aenl
proof ahowtng lhat ha waa unabla to
. . karauaa at a riippled foot Abla
ta ahow that hla wtf and thraa amall
children nra dependant upon mm oa
their meana of livelihood. Mr. Sehm
thlnka lhat ha will later ba releaaed
(ram aerU. Ha aa not wuin 10
leave bla family.
V. B. mlth. Hll baaaball mag-
.... mA u. rtrtawoid and air.
Hmlth. leading buetneea man of that
proaperoua and growing burg, were
rallera at Tha Lander office Tueeday.
Helix loveo P"rt, and they were out
tuwiatina' for a ten-round boxing ashl-
billon In that little city tomorrow eve-
. . . i. . - ..II Dn.L
nlng Between ac mm
and Pata Joat of Pandleton both of
whom ara heavyweight performer or
recognised ability. Tha proceed will
apply on tha coat or tna naw puonc
natatorlum at liens.
u .nil lira' A. T. Turner, former
realdenta of Waaton. have written to
ralailvaa here that their aoa Charlra
haa left for tha front with a Orange-
villa. Idaho, company of tha national
Ouard. Ma la quartarmaater aergeant
f ik. Mffiuav. Waaton people who
remember Charles aa a amall boy will
find It difficult to reoiiae mat rar
k. nn it intn a atalwart young eol-
dler. and although only tt yaara old
la al laat two in neignt.
Tha flrat meaaaga from Bingham
Itprtnga waa received Wedneeoay
mornlna at Waaton over tna newiy-
runatructrd government .telephone line
connecting tne Wenaba ranger eta
tlona with tha "high line" hare. The
wire waa afterward kept quite hot. aa
people from all over the country are
now aerking acrommodatlona at tha
ningha.n Spring raaort and every
con vera lion muet be handled through
the Waaton off lea.
Col. F. O. Locaev local realty oper
ator, la back from ' another Dueineae
irin Into Montana. It la auDDOaed lhat
"Luke" turned one of hla uaual deala
.hi la ahaant but tf BO h M too mod
at ta tall about 1L He eontenta him-
aalf with aaylng that Montana, la a
wonderfully lively and thriving com
nnnaraaith. and that Butte'a payroll
from tha mining Induatry I no leaa
than two and one-half mllllona par
The laat will and teetament of D
vld N. Van Rklvar waa admitted St
urdi-T to probata. Ma bequeathed all
of hla prirty to hla widow. Amy A,
Van tfklver. who hi named aa execu
trix Tha ratal, conabrta of liO acrea
of land valued approximately at 110.
900 and about ISO worth of per
annal property.' Kim Barnea, Oeorge
Ruga and. Jo Btomgren nra named
aa apprateera.
Mr. and Mra. R. G. Baling motored
Sunday to Patwleton. where Mra. Bal
ing aang a aacred.aoio. "Beyond the
Dawn." during the morning aervtce at
tha PreabJterinn church. She receiv
ed not a few warm compliment opon
the power and beauty of her offering.
The R. a. Baling ware accompanied
on tha trip by Mi. I. E. Sallng and
Mlaa Marjorle Bulflnch.
uib. Rvan wall known throughout
tka r..i Knd. ha been hurt again.
and la now In a Mil ton hoapluL Ha
drove on a onoga twin. j-twit
and w-aa thrown from hla wagon and
aerloualy Injured. .Dr. c. w. momaa
took five atltchea in Mihe'a left eye.
two mor juat above, ana one in me
Mavnr and Mra. 1. it. Baniater went
tn nnnkana Baturdav for a atay of
aevaral daya Mr. uaniaier a principal
mlnalnn waa tna inepecuon 01 a new
fanaiad combined harvester . which ita own motive now.r. thus
dlapenalng with norsea or iracior.
Robert D. Compton of Milton waa
operated upon in Portland Monday
for the removal of a auppoaed cancer.
only to find that h wa Buffering
from aPDendlcltla. -Tlie aurgeona ex
claed the diaeaaed appendix, and told
tha patient he would recover,
u.i.. dun arantad hla annual
furlough of 15 daya by Uncle Sam,
Clay Bmlth. wa relieved a mail car
rier thla week by Selmer Thompson,
and left for a vlalt with hla family
on their homestead In Idaho.
"Twenty-flva Teara Ago" in Wed-
neaday'a Oregonlan: i. Mr.- Abigail
Scott Dunlway of thia city naa ac
nntaA an invltatloB from tha citiaena
of Alhana to deliver tha Fourth of
July oration at that place this year.
A lara machine ahed haa Juat been
completed for housing tha Implements
used on the PeQraw farm south of
num it ta Slxto feet In slaa. and
"Dad" DeGra.v himself waa superin
tendent of construction.
Rev. Dr. Oeorjr B. Van Waters of
Portland will liohl services at tne
Eplsoopal church next Sumiay morninjr
and evening, Juljr 2. All are invited
to attend.
t. ani Piam RowpII and son
Bonnie Blair of Oanlena, Wash., vis
ited Wednesday wan me u. a. vtu
seys whjl oa. their way to Sheridan,
Ore iron.
Miss Gladys Banister returned
Tuesday from Portland, where aha at
tended the wedding of her cousin.
Mist Minnie Grose, and Mr. Jonn
Rev. W". B. Payne responded to a
call from Walla Walla Monday to
conduct the funeral eervicee of the
lata Charles Sams.
After a nlirht of airony Mat Riley. 25
veai old, died at. Umat illa Wednesday
niorninif from an accidental dose of
Superintendent" Robinson of ' the
Weston schools is attending- tha Uni
versity of Oregon summer school at
We have on exhibition tha McCor
mlck Combine for email or big farm
ing. Watta tt Bogara.
A Few Auto Tires Left
01.. ,i.La at Westoo onern bona
Saturday night, July 1. (Adv.)
tti tn.i-it Smith of Walta Walla
ta the guest of Mlaa Eunice Wilsey.
i tklnl annual Chautau-
.iiuirivu . -
qua oened Wadneaday U Roundup
l I...t.a rtn-ann and Mlas Lucile
iH.. ,n nr ivanm aira arv wvuw
guest of Mra. Earl Dudley.
lihTli,.. haa fintahed the
conMrucllon or a wmem riu
trough at the farm of A. . aicjoijra.
The McCormick 8 to 10 horse Combine is on
(It will do you good to see it No more to be secured thia year.)
McCcrmick binders galore with or with
out motor.
Weber, Winona and John Deere wagons.
Here is this week's sacrifice-r-a Columbia
Graphaphone in Circassian walnut cabinet,
worth $100, for $60 cash or good as cash.
i vnuna eveiona descended upon
Weston Monday afternoon, and bora
all the earmarka of Ita bigger broth-
era In the Middle West, lowering.
funnel-ahaped clouda ruahed upon we
town, but did far leaa damage than
hraataned bv their angry appearance.
Singularly enough, while a fierce wind
raged and frollcneo in ine upper pan
of town, the lower part wa entirely
calm, having escaped tne oaoy cy
clone's notice. Another curious foat-
iim i that while large branchee were
torn from tha treee and on tree waa
uprooted, no houara or barna were
blown down.
Tha cvclone waa followed oy an
.iri atnrm and a ' pouring rain.
I Coming upon the heela of a preceding
rain which fell In thla section last
Friday, abundant moisture Is assured
a m.tnn and fill Weston crops From
the foothills and tha lowlanda come
reports to the effect that tne ratna
were of great benefit, ana nave cnm-
ed a doubtful proepect Into a very
positive promise of good crops. Some
little damage wa done, but the good
far outweighed it.
Vfnndav'a alarm wa quit general
throughout the Inland Empire. Great
damage from . riooaa is reponea
around Heppner. Helix had a genu
ine cloudburst, which nooaea us
street and filled Ita cellars. A boyj
named Dick Reser was drowned ty a
ni A Ppaxvitt. Wash.. SJld
tha hnuaa an d all farm improvements
of hla uncle. DicK utter, were
.v navtnea were filled with mud- I H
dy torrent In the Pilot Rock, Echo
and Hermlaton neighborhoods, una
man-a automobile waa wasnea aown
fi.M. ui-h and ruined. - Pendleton !
was only lightly touched by the atorm.
More rain and in great amplitude
fell bere Wednesday afternoon and
t..i.. ..j n.. nl Thuraltr. Wednes
day at 6 n. m. muddy water waa run
ning In the streets ou oiu no .amcu-
l- .1. m. n-a Vrarrono Is tllinklnir
that Old Jue i now entitled to lay
off apell.
it n p-rann. mansEer of the Rex
Comedy company, and Ethel Belts, a.
member of hla troupe, were arremeo
in Waaton Tuesdav by R. L. Wilson.
chief of police, on a charge of unlaw
ful relation. Pleaoing not gumy.
each waa placed under bonds of 150
. annaar Inter for trial In the court
of Recorder Harnett In lieu of cash
ball, Parson put up an automobile ana
tha mnnf woman furnished certain
personal goods and chattel which in
cluded a "prop" revolver.
Paraon and the girl are said to have
ntvuniad tha same room at the board
ing house conducted by Mrs. Laura
Shanks, who supposed tney were man
and wife. It appears, however, that
the lawrul wife of Parson lives at 5J
Union avenue, Portland, and that he
ha been separated from her for the
past three years. The facta were dla
.inaii hv Oenavlave Gordon, who. left
the Rex company while here and be
came vexed with Parson Because ne
would not pay her wages. After com
plaining against him to the authori
ties, aha tried without success to with
draw her complaint, and then left for
The Dalles. Miss Gordon would make
no charge against Mlsa Belts. Who waa
arrested by Chief Wilson on his own
initiative. .
At Parson's request his examination
was set for July 10, aa by that time
he aald he would be in better position
to finance his defense The girl's case
wss set for July . It Is considered
likely, however, that the defendants
will come Into court before long, plead
guilty and pay a fine. They are aald
to have lived together aa man and
wife for a conaiderabl period.
, The Rex company haa been giving
movie, vaudeville and dancing bills
at Weston and Athena for several
weeks. It Includes some half a dosen
young men and women.
make the whit beat. A good supply eonatanty on band.
RED CEDAR FENCE POSTS from Paget Sound in any quantity.
They are well tarred, or we will aell you the tar to tar your
old post. '
The Universal Car
The use of Ford heat-treated vanadium steel makes possible
right weight with positive strength. Light weight makes for
economy in operation and maintenance; less strain on the ear,
leaa expense for tires. The Ford motor give the most power
per pound of car weight, which meana gasoline economy. Tour
ing Car, (492.45; Runabout, $442.45.
H. L. HEDRICK, Proprietor
The War Cry of Quality
McDougall Kitchen Cabinets
. Simmons' Beds ;
Smith's Rugs
Sealy Mattresses
Simmons' Springs
Buy Where the Goods as Wejl zs
the Price are Right
To! O T
S, j w Aval k