-Hig Dinnorwaro Storo Always remember tho Dinnerwaro Store, whether you need a fino tablo service or jut a few dishes for the cock houso or tho camp-hotel dishes, too. In the ordi nary ware we aim to keep a good assortment and at bcttcm prices, but it b in the medium and better prada Hero you will find nix patterns in white, six in white and gold treatment and nix on other decorations. You will find four patterns in Haviland & Co., China, threo in Bavarian, four in tho celebrated made-in-Amer-lea, rope-Gouser china and eeven in various other maken, all in open stock, to be had in single pieces or full nets, as , 'Wanted. Just now, too, we show two styles in 42-piece seta only, made of a rood grade of Domestic Seml-porce- lain at i 15.00 and $5.50 the act. One of these is in white 'with rold lines, the other has an added floral spray, both .1 a 4. ..I ..I.U .l.nni J.rwl A 1 t frlnvul find Deing in a WU'IUI, iiuiil waj.rc, Divuuiuijr biMA.x miiu guaranteed not to craze. Lovers of nice dishes should see these lines-we're always glad to show them. If unable to come, write for sample and prices, stating about style, and price you are Interested in. BREVITIES THE BAVIS-KASE Complete Furnisher of Home, Omrae, Churches, Schools, ' . " Pianos, Phonographs, Music. IMSAMarSt. - (Odd Fellows' Temple) - WALLA WALLA. WASH. i! KOi Dr. Alfred F.Sempert Graduate and Rofc-Utared DENTIST orriCE houks 9 .-00 to 12 410 A. M. 1:00 to P. M. WATTS M.IXJ., upstairs It's True Economy TO TKADK AT Tks E;:a:ny Storo We bny for fh mid sell for eaab-at mull margin. OKOCHKIIZ6 Croh nd Linen Goods NOTIONS School Supplies fr phone no. sen MM BARNETT Nature's Food ' for horse and cattl In the rrw that rmwn on mwl..w and hill. 1 ha next Iwat thing la swart, clean, hay ami feed that come from our mill. When you need rullril irraln of the rtirht aort for Iteepl" yur livestock in fine fet t. look fr wir sign and ih gond lhif" fr tor your dumb servants antral In nnr lin. Wi handla Hteam Rolled Unrlcv, Oata and Wheat; lud llav. MilUiurta and Chicken Fred. We're local amenta for Ptvock Floor and lilaichford'a Calf Meal. Phone 281. D. R. WOOD the Feed Man DR. C H. SMITH Physician and Surgeon Office In WatU building VM'SION OWKtlON drTw. g. hughzs Dentist Offlce In the Klein' lliiildlnir. Ml lion lloii-Tt. W to 12 and I tu 5 Antra fiarnee of Waalon has barn elertad to a pneltlon la Ua B'.an- field avhoola. Mm fcii.n rt.her if llard'and. Ml aourl. arrive iat Keiurilajr 'or aa as ended Visit with har alalar. Mrs. B. O. 1'rlre. Mra. C. R. Walker and dsuthtera ot i.i.iii.iir. Wuh.. ara visions her par enla. Mr. and Mra. J. C. IMvla. at lha ruller ranch. If you hevea't had tlma heretofore lo aviila your account wlih ma, I would ba pl-neea to receive you now. U I. O-llarr. Mra. Vara Hall vlelied Walla. Walla laat waok la uka part la lha public rarllal clvan at lha Whltmaa Con aarvatory of Mualo. FrniUrinn haa alartad a woman, Mra. HiaPhrn A. Iwll. aa nwmnrr of Ma ai honl hoard. Hh raralvad HI volaa to Ml for Ir. I. U. Tampla. Mra. F.mma Allya of lona. Oron. after Vlallina for a wralc with lha Oaora Carmlrhala la Walla Walla, la aprndlnv a faw daya with frlanda hara. P.i Mrrddan laft Wadaaadar for (larkiimaa to Join tha Oron nation al goardaman, having; anllatad whlla a atudont of lha Oragon Agricultural (ollrga. Mr. and Mm. W. P. Hall. Mr. and Mr. J. It- llanna and aoa and Mra. r. M. Kdwarda wara In Waaton Sunday lo atland lha funarml of thalr graart miHhrr. Iba lata Mra. Wliabath Hall. Tha Waakly Bulldogaar qulta waak ly ramarka that Ha Kla of fHnaaa la 'Wallar Hoaa alnalnf at a Toral ahow," Py any olhar aama. how avar. Waltar could atlll alng aa awaatly aa a martlnaala. Mr. and Mra. J.W. Portar want o Walla? Walla Runday to aay good-bya to lhair boy, who waa aummonad to tha color aa a m? mbar of lha National Ouard of Waablngton for aarrlra on Iba Maxlran border. Mr. and Mrs. 1 M. Punk and lltlla dauahlar of Walla Walla wara guaata Hundar at tha . P. Bulflnch raal- danra. Thay wara accompanied to Waaton by Olny funk, who motorad ln in Itinirham Knrlnaa. Maatar Malvln Moora coma up from Portland Monday avanlng to join hla mother. Mra. Charlaa Moora. who la vlaltlng bar paranta. Mr. and Mra. Richard Paamar. and othar rrlatlvaa In tha Wcaton nalghborhood. Tha aataamad Athena Praaa promul ! galea lha following bit ot baarball 'wladom: "Tha proper plara for tha , IMua Mountain laagua, and whara It balonga, la within tna anaoow or ina mountain that glva lha nama." I At tha annual arhool meeting Mon- day Oao. W. fttagga waa elected achool director to auccaad William MaeKen ile. who retlrea after elaht yeara of aen'lra. rranK Prtc waa re-eieoieu j clerk. Tha clark'a annual raport waa Parorabla repnrta ara recalvad from rhlrano aa lo tha condition of Mlaa Thelnia Anderaon. who aubmlttad lo a recent onaratlon Ihera for tha rallrf' of her crippled ankla. Tha plaatrr caat baa been removed from bar ankla, and good rraulta ara Indicated. SHE SEASON' IS OM FOR COOL SUMMER MATERIALS WASH FABRICS AMDD1ES Dainty and cool 12c A splendid assortment, and 15c lawns specially Assorted patterns and priced at 9 1-2 cents. white for children and All wash goods for- ladies, $1.49-1.19-98c-73c merly priced up to 23c, an( this week for only 49 Cents 16 cents WHITE SHOES MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS PurnpS oxfords, rub- The season's best, in ber and leather soles, stripes or plain, 1.50-1.25 $1.48-1.69 and 98 cents $1.49 Be loyal to your town. Buy a pennant for your car. Show your pride and at the same time advertise "the best little town on earth." For this week's special we are selling all pennants up to $1.25 at Mercantile Tha Ho.y Ilea flub orwlatlna' of How IWIr ami bar aavan luoala fnu illa- K.tnma TlHieny, tlenla lloif. era, Mary I'roiHlrtt, Ula Nallotf, I'uli laMnaa, Haymotxt lUnlatar and Juan It a Kluif-anlartali! a larya numlier of hair fnefxl. at Ilia llvalar real danaa Hatunlay afiarnoun In honor of allaa Kloia Mot 'onawyhy of tha Piachrr School of Mu.io. Tha naMna war prrttJiy Avanil In iIm !u)wmm. Silnk and frrtn. and "lib maaaea of lowara and tlnaa. Tha flarnoon waa aint In plarlnif yamea ami lha dellvlilful aurprlaa Inleixled for Mlaa MH'nnaughy, who arrlvad oa lha afternoon train, waa rompleta whan ,lhe Hit la mu.lc rtaaa gava their recital for har. A dallriotta luncheon anded lha afternoon for lha llltla people. Eureka Aaoembly No. 14. Tailed Ar. Ilaarta. bald a vary pleaaanl family ae rial In Horlety hall laal Monday are nlnjr. Tha gama of "progreaaiva rook" waa played. In which tha royal prime waa woa by Claud Prtra and tha ron aolaflon prlta by Prank Lavender. A pleaalng program waa randarad. and Included a piano duet by Clara and Ruby Prtra, a reading by Marjorla Itulflnrh, a piano anlo by Oenevlave Itogara and a vocal anlo by Claud Plica. An elaborate luncheon waa aerved la lha dining hall, and aa an evldanco of lha culinary art of tha caterer, left nothing to ba dealred. Tha aalada wara especially dellcloua. Tha younger gueata ended tha evening with popular athletic gamea. Charlaa H.ina. a former raatdant of Drtr rrrak near Waaton. waa munlared In hla Iml We1ne1av nlrht at hut homa at V allar f naprl, Huh., aavan nil lea north of Mllum. At aliout II o'clock twoahota wara flrel Into Kama' head liv an unknown Intruder, and ha tllod Ihraa hour hvar. Hla wifa waa leeplnjf by hla aldo and waa awakened by lha aaund or tna nnnr. K mo niurriastr mula hla eacaiie hefota aha rotild aoa him. Ha laft orienad doora he hind biro, walla walla authoritiea hava aa rat found no clue, althoovh Ilia BalKlilmrhood la aald to hava Tia auapiclona. Kama la known to hava fun if learrd a viola nt wain. Adama and Athena hooked up Sun day In ona of tha faateat ball gamea for aevrn Inning ever aeen la lha buahea. In that many cantoa neither alda acored a lilt nor a run, with Mc Oarrlgla and Prtaraoa working for Adama and Phkk and King for Athe na. Both aldea then linened op. and Adama took lha long and of tha .cor ing by alx lo ''ii. Blomgraa. Rarne and Kirk patrlrk went to Adama from Waaton for tha occasion and player with Alhena. Blorhgrea taking hla old. tlma poaltlca at abort. Tha othar tw? local ball toaaera ravoii.d la tha outfield. Mr. and Mra. B. M. Smith arrived homa Saturday from thalr vacation trip to rortland. Albany and Madraa. Mr. Hmllh attended tha bankara con vention at Portland and tha Maaonlc grand lodga at Albany, and returned by way of central Oregon to look af ter hla ranch Intaraata. Whlla wlah Ing to reflect In no way upon tha as reliant character and aound Judgment ot Mr. Smith, wa nevertheleaa feel It our duty to point out that ha muat hava bean neglectful of really Im portant matter., aa ha took tlma whlla la Portland to attend only . ona ball gama. , . J. B. Hart and family motored Into towa laat weak from thalr farm near Walla Walla on a holiday excursion acroaa tha Blue mountalna. They will vlall tha Fred Oerberdlntra at Half way. Oregon, and niece, Mra. Wilbur Getting, at Elgin) They alao expect to camp out on tha ahorea of Wallowa laka. Mr. Hart Invited ye editor to accompany them, promlalng alt klnda of fun, but Bill ; Powrra promptly balked at tha job ot running the Weston Leader. On tha Waaton uplands Sunday tha lltlla daughter of Joa Cannon fell from a hack, which passed over her body. Sna waaakea homa and a physician waa at, once aummonad by har distressed parents, but mncb to everyone'a relief. It. was later-found that har Injuries would not prove to be of a aartoua nature. Her escape from death la considered remarkable, ona wheel having struck her 'at tha walet.-. Mlaa Kathleen Tucker and Mr. Jainea Orlando Vood wara united in marriatre TueacUy evenlnr, June 20, at the homa of tha bride' mot her. Mm. Stiaan Tucker. The ceremony waa performed by Klder John liooe wilt. Both bride and groom are well Ifhown and popular jounjr people of Wtmton, which 'Will continue to be their homo.- The - bride jfrooni it a son of Ker. and tin. N. I). Wood. Tha government telephone Una Into W eat on has now been completed, and la aald to be about twenty mitea In length. Three ranger atatlona on the Wenaha aeaerva are thua given high Una connection here, aa Is alao Bing ham Springs, Toll Gate and what to known aa tha mountain "aettlera' line,' Quite a few phones will there by be added to the Weston exchange, which is constantly growing. Mr. and Mr. Andrew Thompson and son Dewey, accompanied by Mra. Thompaon'a aged parents, Mr. and Mra. Jackson Henkle. were over night guesla Saturday at tha J. J. Beeler home. : Mr. and Mr. Henkla are the great uncle and aunt of Mra' Beeler and In aptte ot their advanced age are on an auto trip from the Henkle home at Prieat River. Idaho, to the Thomp son farm at Mon Wand, Oregon. W. E. Brock, president ot the Pen dleton Commercial association; K. B. Aldrlch, editor ot the East Oregon ln: P. H. Marsh, county Judge, and O. A. Hartman, cashier ot The First Na tional Bank, motored up from Pendle ton Wedneaday. Their mission had to do with explaining- Pendleton'a atti tude with reapect to Ita normal achool propoaitlon. , For Sal It IS Holt Oregon Special Oaa Harveater. Ha cut about 1009 acres, drawn by tractor, thereby aub Jacting It to least possible wear and tear. Muat sell quickly terms to auit. A money saver if you need a har vester! For particulars see or addrees me at Golden Rule Hotel, Pendleton. J. Arthur Hanford. According to the Athena Preaa, two deer walked within a abort distance of Fay t Grow near Bingham Springs and casually surveyed him whlla he waa fishing In . tha Umatilla river. It adds that "Mr. L Grow loat a fine picture by not having hla kodak with htm." v . - . a p mm Woodard. an old pio neer, scout and Indian fighter and for mn vr a resident of the reaervo ; tlon near Athena, died recently at the laoldlera home at KoeeDurg. ins rr ! mains wera taksn to Walla Walla for 31 bursal. AUTO Sj,, K .atr, i" a". i 111 ill ill" :! ( 7 Firestone, Diamond and Miller, at wholesale prices for cash. Get your size at once. The Senior member had six blowouts in auto tires in one day last weekso here's to retaliate. (Thank the stars, they were , of another make.) McCormick Motor Binders and John Deere also. Binder Twinethe best, and at the right price. A car of choice lumber just in and more is coming. WATTS 2s ROGERS He what are offerin; to move aula lire. Watta Kofera. Superintendent Wilson waa enframed thia week in flushlne; l he cliy re; voir, wnicn are now iu njrwp The laliea of the Kaatera Star an nounce a cooked food sale for tomor row afternooo at the store of the Wee- teo alercaniile t o. ai U.hK. T klorvan. widow of the late Ken Moryan and dangliler of tbe late J. K. Keeney, a raon mmgv man in rly year, died Sunday in Portland. At rirfwiwrwwi.Hr". ,- Gail Wllllama. one of Weaum' reeenl acqiiUltiona. male bi appearance before a Umatilla county audience. He pleased the crowd with two clever readinjre. E. E. Zehm. without the aid of a nalr of aeaie. I pretty well able to calculate the weitfiu oi a iuii ai-ir teme ranee lager. One fell veaterda.v on his riifhl foot, putlinir it out of eorumiwdon. i m. n.li eltzalmmona. formerly the Cotimeaa Temo Zellen, will tell the remarkable atorv of ner me a no con vention at the foiled Brethren church next. Wednesday eveniojf, Juno 28. The wife of the world's ext hamploo pUKlllst wa at one time ci-tcim.! tn liDa donna, but ha now renounced the Ure for tbe pulpiu FOURTH OF JULY ON - THE WESTON UPLANDS Plinnm W. Averv ha accepted an inviiatinn n deliver the principal ad dress at the Fourth of July celebra tion at Bryaon" grove in we wearon nnlanda. While Mr. Avery i a bit out of practice aa an orator, those who know hla capaouuiee in inai m maiiah km a-nnfident that the Ameri can eagle and Old Glory will find la him a competent ana eloquent ex ponent. There will be a grand paraae .a th mm headed bv the Liberty Car driven by Uncle 6am, and an ap propriate program of muaic and exer cise haa been arranged. One of the noteworthy numbere will be a bur- leaoue In pantomime or "im enooiing .f r. MoOrew" which atlrrinar poem mill h rerlted bv Zane Lanadale. A k,..iir..i dinner av-lll then be aerved In the ahade of the pinea. and those who know the hospitality or tne upiano people are well aware that the a tronomic wanta -of all who come will - u . vhaihtir thev brlna bas kets or not. Dinner will be followed by a program of novel and amusing n with a ball nine be tween the Brush Monkeys and the Dry CTeckera. Weston people are esoe tit inuit.it ti i to the nnlanda on Tuesday. July , and give vent to their patriotism. , A FRKSIDEXTIAli CAMPAIGN. rh.m ! in Waahlnaton a studious. middle-aged gentleman whose doings alnce the fourth day of March. have affected the people of the United States In a very special fashion, aay h Raturitav Evenins- Post. With a more or less obedient congress, he haa bound them In many waya mat toucn their relatione to one another, and their relatione, aa a whole, to other great aggregations of people. It would be Intereetlna;. and perhaps rather lm nni4an t alt down now and study the Influence of these doings In order rf.tarmliva tf nflSSible. Which Of them were good and which bad. and .w... Tum henc aomel other studious rentieman. In hla own particular line or trade, win oo wis. s... K.ta-Un nnw and next Novem ber you cannot reasonably expect to hear much truth on tne auoject m gentleman'a partisan, will allege that haniaheit industrial depression and evoked aboundtna prosperity; made greed In business essentially harmless ...j n-rad hack tha advanclnc apec- ter of war thua excelling Luther by vanquishing three aeviis wun toe asm Ink bottle. Opposing partisans will declare that but for a providen tial accident presumably regretted by him he would have utterly ruined the country materially, while. In aplte of accidents, he accomplished a dia bolical purpoae to thrust it into tne lowest possible state ot spiritual de w.Attr. rmm now to November you will get tha gentleman lily white or Jet black. Some yeara aner r k .... .nnr vote vou mav make out hia true color only you will not be interested in u men. ... onntriv.nc for distortion a ' preaidention campaign exceed even a law auit. tA ITS 1 1 TOO H a V T5 1 1 TOO HOT xiroK nr.: "JaaaaaajBSBjaJaaBsWa SPRING CANYON and ROCK SPRINGS COAL Tbe coals that make the white beat. A .rood supply conatanly on hand. ' LEHIGH PORTLAND CEMENT alw.y in t3ek. " RED CEDAR FENCE POSTS from Puget Sound in any quantity.' They are well tarred, or we will sell yon the tar to tar your old poets. . ' . .. ' WESTON BRICKYARD r:.i The Universal Car 90,000 workmen in the Ford factory at Detroit each man con centrating on his particular job. The most improved working conditions, good pay for reasonable hours and well-balanced oTganisattonl These are reasons why Ford ears lead. Excel lence, strength and the spirit of service are built into them. Touring Car, 1492.45; Runabout, $412.45. On sale at WESTON GARAGE H. L. HEDRICK, Proprietor The War Cry of Quality McDougall Kitchen Cabinets Simmons' Beds Smith's Rugs Sealy Mattresses Simmons' Springs All Under GUARANTEE . Buy Where the Goods as Well as the Price are Right IkwEKS !) 4 ( t i I ( I 3sn