The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 09, 1916, Image 4

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    Veal, Pork,
lWf. .Poultry.
1fnS Butter, Egf.&
Farm Produce
T H CM H.-fcai't. rwi'l i " ",
x a !
Top Market Price.
4S-47 frl St, rcsTuxa CRI
Mr. Dairyman
fWl MiM Our Offat far Jw T or
nrin ttM Haa twAini ''!
l.Ji r. Itaaatw.alH.i.iar a4
). Craaaa. a4 ww t waa4 xrpl
MIM . ia at Ki4-n aa
aa km of r"4 cmua W antra la Partlaad
JafMfOT. Tk arar tm " aa twaaara
Uua, J5-" mi H H af rrr
JViar Blocaa fnaa T'nioa Stt. MM
Ratal SOc. TSc L I SO fw B
I'ntfl ro t raad r tvm iMCJwtk the
. .--. Taa-a-iilt t r'
I, twiin ifrr hrHr "
Ctl Ghaa im rutTIANA OKI
Portlasa Y.U. C. A. Auta Schss!
Pro mi atrtit i tm
la nvatrlnc. nnl a4 aaacaftia
frarlm at. Tim. iinhowtad. I' 'f ft
A Full Una cf Big Values at Low
Prices, sew rca oua catalogue
If ytm emBot torn
Portland w r r
irn Mad. I wvl anad
Tom war Uwd of tt-
bccyMbrMU. No
al m uitm kmt anwn
Wttar thmm mf with
wt rd m
tryin a at yvorwiz.
OntAt at .pHaUfc. 8TAf1.t3. tW J-alar-uaUcta.
1K Mwiaaa aU rarUana. Onsam
k::es, pelts, cascasa bark,
THI L F. KOBTM C. rwtoal , JattX ti
rtriTiiTf ifATADP
VM)JC. kWO. Soli. R Rn-irjal
BonaaK ear. lOt. Portland. Ore.
DecLIe Treai Podar! Fraaf Tnt
Madefrnca Tour old anea. laaxaaw
Urud Nw TIKKS Writ aa.
tH) Waahinatom St. Porllaod. Ota.
When Whlpptno Cream.
To prevent aplaahing and waste
when beating eggs or waiyye,
Arrir hjtnr. cat B Diece OI
i ,;. ointh nr brown paper
across at right angles ta the middle
so there- will be lour imui imvn.
.i rfnwn nvor the handle Of the
tez beater and let the outer part of
the paper cover we ease m uj
' Ma K new. .: ".i . ..
"The man is best governed who is
least governed." . .
"That's a man's theory," spoke np a
henpecked husband. The women
nave never suoscrioea w -Louisville
For crushed finger thoroughly apply
Hanford's Balsam. Aov. "
"I saw you put in your new car yea-
flu I iw " "'
"Well, no. Vou had an air or re
sponsibility that gave you away, nut
that will disappear in time. Birm
ingham Ageneraia.
6omewhat Euphonious, t
"Vou must have cut a dash In Italy
"Why do you say that?"
Mr l . .Mtfal a nnlflCA.
s urai mm . v. r
' arAii IK. re, I MtfltA ftEPTlL CAlied
"cu, J ' - " . .
It a palace. Real estate agenU, tbe
world over, are much alike. Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
r- r: Polinta oro twit tar liver.
bowels and stomach. One httle Pellet
for a laxative t&ree lor a cauiaruc
Tha Substitute.
"Does heap big Indian ever smoke
the pipe ot peace any more?"
."Not these days," Said the Carlisle
graduate. "Have a cigareu uuuur
viile Courier-Journal.
I"K .
. Keep Kids Kleen
aanaoMl . rif mrmtoA tor oMdraa I to
6raaio4aar. Mfc ia oae ana an
laalrwaaW NoBMWoaaa,
la ava orcswioa. ivmo am
J - - mmA klw ud arbiM hickarr
r ihamnwa. Ala
a WM waaW. Kdow aaioiai a
jl oari Uae. exln biae. laa duk nd
toaaatd arirh b - color aakua.
Madcia Uok sack wan oww
ana aad hash aack aad taai
75c the suit
I a ) I real Ji I aa al aa ml) aai,
I " H 'faam.rfiaiaiiliiaj)aal
. ' 1 aa ncoa of onca. 75c aadk
fcrwKtrfl il.r II Uoaior
IU laeTwHooaltaUboi.
L Strmoaa A Co Saa Fraadaoa
6DP1ZC alMf.M.t J
P. N. U.
No. 24. 1918
.r. ta xi.arlliaia, ajaaat
( )
OopEa 138,214 ht;'t ia Use
ta Bdu!f cf Defense.
Other Cities Also Indues In Monster
Celebrations to Give Emphasis
to National Welfare Call.
CMeago-Th greatest parade w
held in Chicago ended Saturday night
after 1S0,1 peraont, one-ixth of
whom wm women, had Hied through
k. at.a-.ta In th nreoarednesa demon-
stration. Tha parade waa 11 hour
... -a a AAA AivA aua.
in passing. Mora wan i,vw.w j
aona ara estimated to hav witre-aeed
it. Tha night division waa mada up
largely militia organisations, which
included all branchaa of tha army and
nary service.
Tha parada began at 9 o'clock in tha
morning and did not concluda until
nearly midnight.
AU day long and far into tha night
tha marchera, maaaed from curb to
curb, rolled like a tide through tha
I tree U. It waa aa if tha great aky
acrapera wara tha banka of a rirer and
tha marching thousand, each paraon
with an American flag, tha water moT
ing between them.
Major General T. H. Barry, com
mander of tha Central department, U.
S. A., who aat in tha reviewing atand,
declared it to be the greateat and moat
inspiring spectacle ha had arer witr
tk. damonatntion impressed by its
v.,11. avl hv tha abaence. to a large
extant, of tha hilarity accompanying
most parades. There were no noata,
no comic costumes and little of the
holiday apirit apparent . The aire
played by tha bands either were pat
riotic or military.
Portland Haa 15,000 in Una.
n PMnfal This waa the
( awuM . . -
unaueatiooed sentiment of what is
variously estimavea at wiar '".
. i oa Ann .itiuiM who marched
through Portland's street Saturday!
night, their ahoulders squarea, umir
aW&a&jlai tin . Wt awl raadv. facinir the
duties of today with confidence and
courage. '
It waa one of the biggest paradea
ever held in Portland. It required one
hour and five minutes to pass given
point. ...
On this basis ft Is estimated that
the number in line was approximately
15,000. This waa the figure of Judge
C. U. Gantenbein, chairman of the
committee on arrangements, who saw
the entire lines pass in review.
Other unofficial estimates piacea uw
number at as high aa 20,000.
The marching column called atten
tion to a world on fire, and drew all
eyes to the lamentable fact that Amer
ica is living in bouse immeasurably
far from being fire-proof. '
ti, a a n. that ffnrt tm1 vervwhere
waved the . messaged to prepare, to
guard the country from every poaioi
ill, and they roused In the watching
thousands the spirit of the occasion.
School Girls Form Living Flag.
ivnn'jnua P I "RhAcV Ialand men
and women 62.622 strong marched here
Saturday In a preparedness parade.
The procession was nearly seven hours
S naaaimr thai KviewinOT BtaAlL ' A
feature was a living flag, composed of
1560 schoolgirls.
, 17,000 Parade in Rain.
I Hartford, Conn. Men and women,
atimariMl in number at fully 17.000,
marched here Saturday afternoon in a
"preparedness parade," Bam ien ai
frequent intervals, but the 16 divisions
ntinir ateadilv alon?. taking nearly
two and a half hours to pass a given
point. '
60,000 in St. Louie Demonstration,
fir T-rm,' Mnr than 60.000 St,
Louisiana inarched through the streets
here Saturday to demonstrate ine
city's overwhelming favor toward Na
toinal preparedness. ,
10,000 March at Salt Lake,
Salt Lake City The "preparedness"
mrada here Saturday afternoon
brought out a body of marchers
ti mated at more than 10,000.
6000 Parade at Lima.
Lima, 0. Six thousand prepared
ness advocates inarched in parade
bere Saturday. Every marcher car
ried a flag. ' ,
BOOO in Parade at Springfield, O.
Springfield, O. -City and county
nffiiala larl rmtnaredneas Darsde in
Viw.w t 1 -
which 6000 persons participated here
Saturday. '
Mail Rifled of 4000.
Eoundun. Mont A pouch containing
registered mail was cut open and rifled
nf Mveen 14000 and 15000 in curren
cy In the Milwaukee depot in Roundup
Thursday night, according to miorma
tiAM m van nnt hv noatal authorities.
The cache is said to have consisted of
bank remittances and postal funds
tmm ITlotn ta tha deooeitaxT at Hel
ena. The registered packages were
inclosed in an ordinary nrst-ciasa man
pouch. The robbery was not discov
ered until the clerk on the train opened
the pouch to sort its contents.
Japanese Honor J. J. Hill.
Seattle To honor the memory of
James J. Hill for his part in develop
ing trade between the United States
mrsA i.un. SO Jananese business men
of Seattle gathered at a dinner as
guests of U. T. Tananasm, prra.ucra
of the Japanese association of North
and fnr 20 vears a friend of
Mr. Hill. Tributes to the dead "em-
nira builder" were riven bv prominent
J.nanau A larva Dortrait of James
I Hill aunnlorraantod bv an emblem
with an elaborate wreath, hung at one
y-r, Watorlaaa Htxioaaf laaa faat.
rs r.lMt lrtlai
f 1 Virnti,., ! ria,,iiai a4
7 " ' lm I M. mall. t .
if ... I at Ko Valfc Ka
X twitim Na tna-
. f d.ia. llaalrv. tl M
h, 1 kUUaw4.
t v. i; s v g a I w
Wataraad A'r S'l
teMMtair. V ill I
Imiowhl a ataaa m-taaa- ti'
,M, itk tar I a tt.i."'i. (Ju
lt.. Ka rnaaiaa " Au
tUa.-.lM. kaattua.
W r4M rVvfatakaj, rYtaaa aa4 TwUMlaki
Sarorr raa
Mh hat Tltla A Traot kUaas. rVarttaa Or
. A Kansas Editorial
k aHasaaMSLrl Alia KaWAirf 1 tha olhsr daf
to so a top hussy, new and glisten
ing, claim a place among the motor
. . rama aafnui in the rank
l .l H. ' .
around Cnlrvllle s court house
square. When we rouna out who w -d
that bimgy couUIn t ho'PJ
chuckle. Iloilxe's boy has the rlxM
Wea; gasollae can Burn np ma nmu,
but a trusty old nag with a bum will
find the shortest way to Haraha heart
Bide your tliud. Jim! The good old
country buggy la still ths king of siege
guns In CenterTllles affairs of affec
tion. Two or three nights a week
young Shaw takes Sarah for a spin la
his flivver. Well, let him and as of
ten aa he wantsl Mere speed cant
win a girl like Sarah. Give Shaw his
choice moonlight nights and be you
content with the dark onea. Hie eyes
are always on the road. Hla hands
are busy with tha ateerlng wheel. His
voice is drowned In chugs and whirs
and sputters. Here lies your Incom
parable advantage, Jim: you can lay
down the reins! A long road and a
shadowy one. Something to say and
an eternity to say It. Colltera.
Onion Seed Poor.
The average germination percentage
of onions In Oregon is low this year,
only 51 0r germinating, as compared
with IWI for last yea- The ger
mination ot over S of the onion
samples was below 25.
Onions make up over ten per cent
of all germination tests made In the
Oregon Branch Seed Testing Labora
tory this year.
Practical Prohibition.
"I understand you are now on of
the officiate of Crimson Gulch."
-yep," replied Bronco Bob. "I come
In on the prohibition ticket"
"And how la prohibition working
-Fine, We've got It fixed now so
a... iuv4 kni tha nartirutar friends
II. . uwwuj " " - a
nf na authorities can buy or sell a
drop." Wichita Eagle.
of being able to eat without
any annoying distress must
have its Deennninsr m
stronar. active stomach.
If you suffer from poor
nnnetite. heartburn, cramps,
rr ....
biliousness, constipation or
malaria, JUST TKi
63 Years a Family Medicine
Aaa of Corsets.
ar. .an mov fiiat when CO 186 ts
tj vuv "
first originated, but that they are of
great antiquity is provtsu w -v
that Terence, a iamoua nuumu m
list, whose plays have survived 1300
j.rihm una r hla characters
rcaii, iiwv"1-"
as being -''not like one of our girls
whose mother compels ber to tighten
her body in order that she may bare
a small waist" -
It Stirred His Bile, Though.
"I've Just left Walker. He's laid up
in bed."
"Automobllious. He wss knocked
down and very badly bruised." Bos
ton Transcript
Some Have to Keep on Until
They Almost Drop. How
Mrs. Coniey Got Help.
Here is letter from woman who
bad to work, but was too weak and suf
fered too much to continue. How she
regained health : . "
Frankfort, Ky."I suffered so much
with female weakness that I could not
do my own work,
had to hire it dose.
I heard so much
about LydlaK. Pink-
ham's Vegetable
Compound that I
tried it I took three
bottles and I found
it to be all you
claim. Now I feel as
well ss ever I did and
am able to do all my
own work again. J
recommend it to any woman suffering
from female weakness. You may pub
Uih my letter if you wish. " Mrs. Jam E3
Conlet.616 St Clair St,Frankfort,Ky.
No woman suffering from any form of
female troubles should lose hope until
she has given Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg
Uble Compound a fair trial.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which are derived front
nstive roots and herbs, hss for forty
years proved to be a most valuable tonic
and Invigoratorof the female organism.
All worarn ore Invited to write
to the Lydia K. l'inkliam Medi
cine Co Lj-nn, Mass for special
aArUxiflt will bo conildeiitiiaU
fesrtcca Erijyi, &t tea Slips
A&ttel to Rjvt tea Scsk.
AH-Night Engagement In North Sea
Greatly Aided by Zeppelins
Casualties Reported High.
London Picking its wsy from IU
base in the Kiel Canal, tha German
hik-h-sea fleet Wednesday afternoon
amersed into the North Sea, and, off
the coast of Jutland, engaged a British
flaMit throughout the altar noon and
night in what probably was the great
est naval batUa In the world's history
so f ar aa tonnage angagea ana tonnage
iIuImvJ araa WBi artaad.
When the batUe ended Great Britain
had lost the battle cruiser queen
Mar Indafatlaable and Invincible,
the cruisers Defence, Black Prince and
Warrior and eight torpedo boat ue-
strove r.
The German battleship Pommern
was sent to the bottom by a torpedo
and the cruiser W leseaaen suna vj
n.iti.k, -. in addition several
German torpedo craft ar missing and
the small cruiser rrauenioo waa sera
badlv listing and was believed to hav
w . ... . .....j
These losses nave an been aanutwu
by Great Britain and Germany.
a.m. rmm P.-at Britain'a conceded
losses, tjermany Bays that the British
battleship Warsprlte, aisvar snip h
iiw. rt.aaam r.Haahth. and on of the
l.raaat and moat nowerful ship afloat,
had been sunk; that ine Daiueanip
Marlborongh, vessel or 10.UWI tons
had been hit by a torpedo, and a sub
marine had been destroyed. Britain a I an added to Ger-
..IrnnaMnwl loiaaa with the
claim that on dread naught of the Ger-
mnaKsiser class vessels or
ni M-ra-vlnv a eomolsment of
1083 men had been attacked and de
stroyed by British torpedo craft; that
another battleship or ine same ctass
.... h.i;.i a Kara been sunk bv
gunfire s that one battle cruiser had
been blown up ana two outers obrmkn
mA tK,t ai rlaat-mvera. and subma
rine also had been sent to the bottom.
Great Britain's admitted loss in totv
nsirewsa 114.810 for six bsttle cruis
ers and cruisers. That of Germany,
excluding th tonnage of the Wiesoa
dmn. ot which vessel there is no rec-
1 IK 179.
That the casualties in th fighting
off Jutland were heavy la ltwieaiea oy
.v. t.t Ka nf tha n of some 900
on board the Indefatigable only two
men are known to bav been aavea.
Six Zeppelin participated In the
mxnent. aecordinM to dis
patch from Copenhagen to th Daily
Mail. One or tne oingiDies, vne tr-,
ti hit aavaraJ times and badly dam
aged, the report says, but she was able
to reach the Sehleawig coast. - Saveral
of ber men were wounded, and all of
her supplies had to be thrown over
board, ...... ' . - , ,
The seen of the battle wss in th
Raatarn waters of the North Sea. It
is probable that the German fleet was
An km nf the excursions Into the North
C ,Mh it. haa taken from time tO
time during th war, and met, whether
or not by design, witn tneunusn
, Skager-Rak is an arm of the North
Oo hntaraam Nnrwav aM IHnnwi,
Th. nnint vafarrad to in th Official
nmw,m.n atatamant aa norn mu proo-
- r - , .
ably is th reef off th Horn, on th
southwestern extremity or uenmara
TKi. -a-niild ind irate that the battle
was fought off the cosst of Denmark,
From the reef to Helgoland, tne mam
German naval base in tne norm eca,
( alwinr inn mllaa. '
. A dispatch from Copenhagen da-
It ia nral1v stated in Berlin
.iaitr a tha nrman fleet
vuaa w-s . .j - -
was due to the energetic demands of
Emperor William to bis brotner, aq
;..i Prim-a Honra of Prussia, com
mander-in-chief of the navy, and Ad
miral von ; CapeUe, minister 01 tne
navy, on th emperor' visit last wees
to Wilbelmsnaven.
TArnarfa Boats First In Fight.
Copenhagen A Danish steamer re
ports that Wednesday afternoon, 120
!!., .(V tTon.thnlm It Vkl StODOed hi
two British torpedoboaU to Uve iU
papers examineo. m v
.M 1 aver a .armnn flaet ADDCftlwML
Utll S l"B mmwm-mm w. - r '
and the British warships Immediately
prepared lor action, ine uerroin iiwt
iafl nf flva larire modem dread-
naughts, eight cruisers and 20 torpedo
boats and destroyers. Buoaemj uiej
Anmr arui hundreds of shell
" . a r .
splssbed around tne torpeoo dobvs,
without, however, bitting tnem.
Dutch Reacue Survivors.
London A Dutch trawler has ar
rived at the Hook of Holland with on
dead and seven live Germsns, who
... mmvoA frnm tha naval battle. Say
adianatch from The Hague. Another
trawler has token into xmuiaen tore
German officers and 12 sailors, and on
British Bailor, who was wounded. A
dispatch from Rotterdam to the Reuter
Telegram company reported the tug
hnat Ki-halHeenterino- in tha new water
way with dead and wounded from th
naval battle. A steam trawler also
reported with 15 rescued Germans.
Battle Aid to Peace. ,
Wsshlngton, D. O Reports of th
naval engagement in the North Sea
aroused the greatest interest here, not
nnlv in naval circles, but at the vari
ous belligerent embassies and among
administration officials. It wss freely
predicted that if the German fleet
demonstrated a real superiority, ship
for ship, ths effects on th prospects
for peac would be considerable,
The particulars received here were
inadequate as a basis lor judgment.
Portland Wheat Biueetem, 8S
per bushel; forty fold, I0e; club, 88c i
red Flf. 8c; td Russian. 8e,
Hay Eastern Oregon timoiny,
ti; alfalfa, old crop, I17(tf 1.
Mlllfesd Spot price: I'ran, tw
S6.50 per ton; shorts, iatj.6u;
rolled barley. si.B0(iiaa.Bu.
Corn Vi Ms, 3 par ton; eracaso,
Yrtsbls ArticnotM, t ,
tomato, IB per crate; cabbage,
St60ua per hundred; garlic, 10 per
pound; peppers, t&e; ggl'lant, 0l
26c; horseradish, B; lettuce, 2tiJ
140 par erst; cucumber. 75cill
. a.- aninah. ifitsa oar bound;
aaparagua, vOcQtf 1.60 psr dossn; rhu
barh, lfti2e per pound; pea. tfl0c;
cauliflower, f Lift par crate.
Potato Jobbing prices; uregun,
11.60; California, w, Sftt3 per
pound. .
Onions Oregon, 1.60(Jt Pr wk;
California red. 12.86 per sack.
Green Fruita strawberries, vr-
onyicS V nar rrata.' arillle. II
t 1.78 per boa; goosebsrrlea, 4 M 6
ran.aind: cherrlea. 81tl.80pr boa;
canUloup,4.60it6percrBU5 apri
cots, 1.60 per noa.
Egg Oregon ranch, current r
clpta, 231 pardoan; candled. !4c
Poultry Men. iDeios pwr h'i
stag. He: broiler, tOwSac: turkeys,
live, 18ot:0c; turneys, cress.
2326c; duck. 16f,16; r. 10-
Uuttsr Exchange prie. runes,
traa, 26e; eubea, prim firsts, oc,
.. tii. Jnhhlna? nrieea: Prtnta,
extras, 2729c; butterfst. No, L 27c;
No. 9, 26c; rortiana.
Veal-Fancy, ll(!tHe per pouno.
n 1. c tUilli. na, Mund.
r taiitj, I r- ,
CatU Steers, choice grain and
pulp, 8.90at9; choice bay, 88,60 H
8.85; cholc graaa, no.i "
ma ttva an- marllum. 87.60t8: COWS,
choice, I7.60SC7.76; good. 76ftt7.28;
medium. 86.26&.7.Zft; Belters, ao.ovus
8; bull. Ii6; atage. I4.60(,t7.
ti Mma llffht 88.76618.85:
mod to brim. 18.60 8.75; rough
h83TT. I9ds.ftv: pigs Bin f. fv
.a. .. aiaA. eUM
17tf7.60: ewes. 6,6(kiit6,60; lamb,
Idaho CroDS Have Suffered.
Tha month! v bulletin ot the Caldwell
Commercial Bank, just Issued, say:
Crona have suffered quit severely
since our last letter, due to cokl
weather. On May 9. 10 and 11 a cold
wave extending over this entire sec
tion of Uaho, and with low temper
ature of SO degree above aero re
mrted. killed practically all of th
fruit and damaged th pain and bay
rrnn to some extent nipped th l
hardy garden truck, damaged th roses
and will mean quite a heavy financial
inaatathe country. Th strawberry
crop seems to bsvs survived ths best
of any of the fruit. Since May 18
the rainfall has been considerable and
of much benefit The temperature for
the month ha been below average.
The usual anticipated rise in the
price of wheat at this season haa failed
this year. In fact an uncertain msr
w. mrittt a rlnwnward tandenrv ha
ruled recently. Th Caldwell Milling
Elevator company report paying
nar ewt. for wheat. 11.16 for oat and
11.25 for barley.
Heavy shipments of hay were mad
tha naat month and practically
all of the 1916 crop is cleaned up. The
first crop or airaira wiu no. no op
average, due to the cold weather, and
will be aomewnat late.
" Cantaloupes on Market
Spokane In apit f th wet end
chilly weather th stores have man
aged to make a brave show of spring
fault and veiretables. although th
local products bav been retarded. The
two noveltie to be rouna are cant
lA,inaa at IS to 26 eenU each and spri-
eots at 25 cent a pound or 75 cent a
boa. Cherries from California are
fairly plentiful at 25 cento a pound
.tit,, r n th livht and dark varieties.
The supply of asparagus has been
lessened by climatic eonaiuona ana u
iAat rmn has scarce! v been touched.
Warmer weather win nnng it in more
abundantly. ; . .
CooDer Mine Reopened.
Baker. Or. Once abandoned as an
unprofitable venture, the old Paymas
ter mine, a copper property in th
Eagl Mountains, is being reopened,
ain tha traces of th rare ore. molyb-
riamlt. with a markt value of 53000
a ton, hav been found. W. A. Gil
liam, Isaac end Grlswoid Miner ana
rt..i. ttma nwnars of the Property.
also believe that a considerabl income
may be netted from the main copper
ore bodies. Assays just msde of some
Af tha ore samnles ffiv 64.8 per cent
values, meaning, at the present quota
tions, from 5300 to I4W a ton.
Strawberries Ar Mor Plentiful
Portland Receipts of Oregon straw-
berries , were larger the first of the
week and prices were lower than last
week, with sales at 2.262.60. Ken-
newicks sold at 83.Z6. uaiiiorni
nku arara nffered at tl.25ftCl.50
a trav and were slow sale. California
nnntjwl at 11.26 a crate.
CIMianii. " 1 - f . ,
A half ear of cantaloupe arrived and
..... ,. ... .a a aa Tk.
sold rairiy weii at as.ow
I a ... . VnwiAm tAtnatAaS tit ths
inaa w v
season was received. They sold at 5
a crate. New green corn jrom mt
South was put on sal at 91 a oosen.
Moistur Lower Pric.
Chicago Breaking of the drouth in
Kansas and Oklahoma resulted in lower
nriMi for wheat Fresh rainfalls that
gave moisture where much needed In
the Southwest left the wheat bulla
.tihif anw immediate argument to
uphold beliefs in higher veluea. Asa
consequence, commission nouaea
liberally supplied with orders to sell
, kLriinira and it wss apparent that
speculative bear had no intention to
delay putting out gooa-aire-j
fore pnee snow too niucu okh.
1 Save Money on Your
Slump tJiasuuy
Th. rxplusiVci thjt Rct itutnoi out clejwrt nj cjpt
.re those th'.t hive heaving .ntl r"n-a"'WjS
(1um,i just enough to break them up. Ihtn you can
thCm..Th.yfarm.r- My. Eapcrimcnt Sutlon. -.houU uj
,n exptmiv. that it.nus all orUuury ihocki of hilling and
doc. riot easily freeze. IU doe. not need; "Pc""v "
' . veer n can os yes.M Ihouundiuw
and av.
.1 1
W iHt fiv Vjlusbl botikl.
Thry ttll how o wmove flumps
snd bouldtrt. Watt ditrhat,
brrik un iht tubtxil, inj nsv
sariirr bearing, tlirtiiwr of
chsrdl lV bltint Mrs luf
trre. H'nu Of Sso l
A Well Painted Barn
VVM Saw the Coat tvf a New One.
See Your Paint Dealer Now
The Origin ef Perk. '
Mary had a little pl. -
Its tall luollned to snarl;
U followed hr to Wanhtngtoo,
And now It In the ban.
Mary raised this Utile pig
Tilt he became a ehoat;
Then presented him to Centres
TO capitulate mo w.
And now b rule the army.
The ny and lb lake;
Too bad he can't be fsptured,
From tha legislative ias.
What make the pig so popular
The ear peP' W ,, . .'
necaus" there pork Inside blm,
Ana tongress uotn un.
The pen Is mlgbUor than th .word.
W Often liavo uocn mm.
But pen for Consrea porker.
Ar aiwajra omu wn v.
Should Mar raise another pig,
We beg here 10 auvis
that piss are nnt for Coharc,
But should be kept In sties.
Newton Wllcoxon.
a-.. rtAm.atlA Anlmsls. ' '
tr.-... aiilA and aheen ar tlabl
to ore, spralits. gn. ceias. awaa
1. ..Hi. and HanfiirilS l'Sl
U 1 I,,,?, a - " - .
., 1. tha alaiulard remedy
.Mill Ul '''" .
for such rsses. ni-n you
how villiishlri your snn-a i. !'
llttlnain aiv-sys on nana ht Hirm
cheap form of Insurance. Adv.
' ; . '.' Buffieterrt.
"Do you .think we shall ever estab
lish coiiiiuunicailiin Wlin aiarar
,... .... v..u.n fu. Irvine to do SO.
poruulty for dlploiiiBlic InterchaiiKO
. ,fk.l..M Ufa.
rein P'l air.' um.1-!!'-!. - - -
tluwn iiwre. t nemw
The Better the Dsy.
. tr. Wn.b la a-arco. hut 1 lot S lub
lust Sun'lsy that brought me 13.
She What You broa me oao-
HL-Well, one of us had to be broke
Philadelphia Kecord.
Do to Thsm, . r .,
"Why did Mendelawhn compose bis
'Soncs Without Words"?
"I'ositlhly to rrlve the audience an
unlmmpftred chance to talk." Louis
ville tounor-jouruBi.
His Idea of It
Teacher Who can tell m th
. ni.... tt a "rnmtfl.rnliln'.'T
wiaiiiiiii "- ,., , ,
i.i,,i., t,nv I'li.aHO. mlas. It s what
that burnlar was doln' last night when
tbiay nabbed blm. uosion irauscnpi
at. an Imnoaalbla. '
"Porter, this berth has been slept
In!" ,
M, a.h- T nuaiiflh vou. sah. More
ly occupied. Us the one over ths
wheels, sah.' 1'uck.
"Anuric" Will Not FaU
People are realizing more and more
every day that the kidneys, Just aa do
the bowels, need to be flushed occa
sionally. The kidneys are an ellmlna
tlve organ and are constantly working,
separating the poisons from the blood.
Under this continual and perpetual
action they are apt to congest, and
then trouble starts. Uric acid backs
np Into the system, causing rheuma
tism, neuralgia, dropsy and many other
serious disturbances. Doctor . Pierce
of Buffalo, New York, advocates tbst
every one should drink plenty of pure
water between meals. Every day
should exercise In the outdoor air suf
ficiently to sweat profusely, snd from
time to time stimulate th kidney ac
tion by meads of "Anuric." This prep
aration haa been thoroughly tried out
at his Sanitarium, In the sanib wsy ss
bts "Fsvorlte Prescription" for weak
women and "Golden Medical Discov
money because they go furhfr
. ana, la aanettallV
mill Otncrs. Ilirj mim --t
to iuit tftstftn f ai m ctndition.
Clint farm IWdcrtthe product
of the oldest manufacturer of high ex
plosive, in the United State. are the
only genuine "giant powder, for agri
cultural use. They are mde "
brand. Giant Stumping rowder, ideal
for Waiting in wet ground; andt turtU (
Stumping Powder, the money-eavmg, low
freesing explosive for bUiting .tump, in
dry .oil . ,, , . . .
Ak your d!t fo Giant Powdert sad bl
Lnftupslitt. If a don ao asv them ws sbn
I that you St suppiia.
IWaa, Otnaai .AN rRANOSCO
cat, k.ik Ir-taaa. hanlaaa. Salt Las
Cur, UaaaM
saeaoa. GrtBiitalcl tycTIils,
v V Mramfca.rNrniiMlla4
fCaa .M kklyrlm4bysrla
Your Prngtlir's J4 r" :,L,N,,'!lll,?
Bslvsia I uoea'c- r "77" S '
DiuggiMs Marts tj issawlj C. taksae
Kill AH Files! "322
rtaaai aial" l SMtararaa. M aa4l
Baa). Mf. " a. laaiii . i nl. aa
.am -a
,. i ..I i. ' i .. ...".
The family raverlte. V
"I hear that you hav been mention
ed as a favorite aon." ' .. , ' H
"Ya." replied Sonalor Sorphum,
i,... i,Ih a ffivtiriia aon aenarSlly
means that you're expected to be po-
in. . ...i i.u, r oAv whan fill
1 1 , u aiiv, mm. . " '
pia I being passed." Washingtoo
tar. ' ,. . ... ,.
Th Lssssr evil.
-i.t n, ....... U'h, nnaan't Klhal IHSr.
lILI Ul HUIW ' ' r
ry that young Id lot t I'm getting bli
tired or na coining ur a mwn, ,
tn. Wir. I liotlnta I'd untfea tl
' a
AO Ola, fly Ulller
.'"S,i',..t'Jf aaaa.nlii
have him come bure If she marriss -
him he 11 stay Here, uosion i ran-
script, ' '". -:
ii.. ,..,1'. haa riired inanv
cases of running sore, of uiauy
lauding . aov. r
hortsgs In Chin.'
"I d(n't like the family I'm ld.
Soven courses at dinner." ,
"That's style." '
"Not when you aoltft wash the
dishes from one couru before you tan
go on wid the next" Louisville Con.
lor-Journal. ' - .. - ,j;
Hanford's Ilelsam" should "relieve
even the worst burns. Adv. .
. Familiar Charaetsr.
"I've Just been reading about tbl
latent l fly criminal." . -
. "Welir A
"Hho say. the devil made her do it."
"That won't add snyihlmt to un
written law. lie lias figured In Juris
prudence befor," Loulsvlll Courier
Journal. : " ' e
. Invlslbl. '
"Say," said the landlord to th ten
ant, who was two months shy with
hi rent, "when am I going to th
color of your money T" -
"Can't say," replied the party of th
scond part "Th oolor Just now la
an, Invlslbl green." Indlanapolla
Star, .. -- '-'- - . ;
to Stop Your backache.
ery," the standard herbal system ton
ic (bow or wnicn now imina m
form for convenience of carrying and
.t,i,,.k MAtmrin" la now belna Intro
duced here, and many local people ar
dally testifying to lis peneciuoaa.
When you bav backache, disxy
spell or rheumatism, beed nature',
warning. It means that you are a
.l.ilm a hHa arid nnlannlna. Than
ask your druggist for "Anuria" and
you will very soon Decome one or. Hun
dreds who daily gtve their thankful
indorsement to this powerful enemy to
urio acid.
If you hav that tired, worn-out feel
ing, backache, rheumatism, neuralgia,
or if your sleep is disturbed by too
frequent urination, get Dr. Pierce'
Anurto Tablets at drug store, ' full
treatment $1 .00, or send 10c. for trial
packags to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel,
Buffalo, N. Y.
end of the balL