The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 09, 1916, Image 1

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NO. 31.
Earl Kitchener Goes
Down With Ship.
From All Around Ihe Cartft.
Warship Hampshire Car
rying Minister and Staff
Sunk by Mine or Tor
pedo All Lost
London Admiral Jelllro, com
mander of th llrtttart grand float, tut
reported to th admiralty that th
British cruiser Hampshire, with Earl
Kitchener, British mlnUtr of war,
and hla staff aboard, baa been luat off
tha Wat Orkneys. Tha liampehire
waa sunk either by a tnlna or a tor
pedo. Admiral Jelllcoe report thara
la Hula hop that thara war any sur
vivor. Karl Kitchener waa on hit way to
Rum I a. Tha namaa of tha member
of Earl Kitchener' atalf bav not yat
been learned. Sir William Tlobertson,
chief of tha Imperial staff, la in Ln
. dun.
Accompanying Earl Kitchener aa hla
atalf wara Hugh Jams O'Brelne, for
mar councillor of tha British embassy
at Petrogad, and furmer minister at
Softs O. A. FiUgerald, Earl K Itch
anar'a private military secretary;
Ilrliradiar General Ellershsw and Sir
Frederick Donation.
Admiral Jallicoa "a report to tha ad
miralty fullowi :
"I have to Yeport with deep ropret
that Ilia Majaaty'a ahlp Hampshire,
Captain Herbert J. Savlll, K. N.. with
Lord Kitchener atid bia staff aboard,
waa sunk Monday at about 8 p. m., to
tha waat of tha Orkney aither by a
mlna or a torpedo.
"Poor boata war aaan by observers
on thore to leave tha ah I p. Tha wind
waa north, northwaat and heavy seas
wara running. Patrol vessel and de
stroyers at onca proceeded fo tha spot
and party waa sent along tha coaat to
search, but only soma bodiea and a
tape lied boat bava bcn found. Aa
tha whola ahora haa bean Marched
from tha aaaward 1 irreatly fear that
thara la little hope of thara Using any
survivor. :
, "No report haa yat been received
from tha March party on ahora, 11.
M. 8. Hampshire waa on her way to
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers. .
Little Hock, Ark Flfty-nlnaper-aoin
are reported killed and more than
100 Injured In tortus of tornadoes
which sweut Arkanaaa Monday after
noon. All meana of communication Rnpf r?fXi!l flf fop.Pttl Kpwt
era rrippieu anu 11 la reared me usi 01
dead and Injured will be greatly In-
creased by later report.
At least four persona wara killed
and half a docen other were' injured
seriously In a tornado which 'swept
aero Garland county and through tha
aouthweet portion of IJot Springs, Ark.
Thaiartriejight airjnt Uve News Items of Ail Nations and
mere waa put out or eommisaionano
tha city waa without llghta or car
Tha atorm came from tha aouthweet,
touching tha city firat In tha vicinity
of Oak lawn. Thore Methodiit church
waa blown down. Then tha wind
rruahed a few frame building aeroaa
from tha Oaklawn track entranc.
Farther on aeveral email house
weaa lifted and crumpled until tha
wind reached tha Majeetic park, which
la tha Spring training home of the
Boat on Americana. That waa awept
Then tha electric power plant waa
alruck and damaged. From that point
northeast, where many home wara
damaged and much property waa lost.
The dead thue far reported are aa
Judaonia, Whit county, 26 known
dead and 60 Injured.
Iteber Spring. 18 dead.
Da Lark, Dailaa county, 4 dead.
Cabot, White county, 6 dead.
Hot Spring. 4 dead.
Morrillton, 1 dead.
Greenland Waahlngton county, 2
North Arkanaaa appear to have
suffered moat aeveraly although the
itorm waa general throughout the
At Judaonia one-third of tha town
waa aaid to have ben awept away.
Twenty-five bod lea and (0 injured al
ready had been taken from tha ruin.
Senate Is Accused of Yiolaticg
Partiamestary Uw of Adjourcmcat
t!STisif m mws toss ti?wq ttt?mc
Of Cenend Interest
Peking Yuan Shi Kal, president of
tha Chinas republic, died Tuesday.
Premier Tuan Chi Jul immediately
advised LI Yuan Hung, the vie presi
dent, of hla succession to the presi
dency. .
I Yuan Shi Kal had been III for aev
eral days with stomach trouble, which
waa followed by a nervous breakdown.
i Quiet prevails In tha capital. Tha
death of tha president apparently
solves tha heated political problem.
U Yuan Hung's succession to the
presidency meets the demands of the
leaders in the Southern provinces. v (
-i " f ' . , :.4 ', , J
British Lota Lata Qslns.- "
; British Headquarter in Franca
Tha British and German are fighting
hard in the region of Yprea, where last
Saturday the Brtiish in hand-to-hand
encounters recaptured most of the
tranche the Germans bad taken from
. them pevioualy in the sector from the
Yprea-Cominea canal to Hoog Point.
In the face of repeated attacks the
British have been unable to retain the
bulk of the recaptured ground, but still
are fighting strenuously to keep what
they have and to recapture ; what they
have lost."-.-
711,828 Awarded Indians.
Washington, D." C Judgment
against the United States for (711,828
' was rendered by the Court of Claim
In favor of the Mille Lao tribe of
Chippewa Indians, Minnesota, in con
aideration of landa and timber taken
by the government, homesteaders and
the state of Minnesota. - The judgment
Is based on an award to the Indians of
credit for 81,692 acres of land and
1202,318 on account of value of timber
' cut from the lands with interest
Washington, D. C Members of the
nous were much exercised Tuesday
over what they insisted .was a viola
tion by the senate of tha constitution
al provision that neither house shall
adjourn for more than three day at a
time without the consent of the other.
The senate adjourned Saturday until
noon , Thursday, the leaders counting
that a thre-dy reccea because of the
Intervening Sunday. Republican
Leader Mann, supported by Represent
ative Garret, of Tennessee, and other
house parliamentarian, brought the
I matter formally to the attention of
Speaker Clark, and the Speaker agreed
that a bad precedent had been set.
Later Democrat senators suggested
Informally that the house dispose of
the situation by adopting a resolution
consenting to a four-day adjournment.
It waa aaid this might be done.
; force oa Greece Urged.
Petrograd The Russian press urges
the entente power to bring pressur
6t bear on Greece because of the an-
tagnostie attitude of that country.
Something ot a sensation ha been
caused by the articles, especially those
in the Bourse Gstette, expressing the
opinion that the king of Greece "would
do well to take a rest of some duration
at some place better for his health
than Athons." ;. v- ,
The other paper denounce "the po
litical felony" of Greece toward the
entente. The Novo Vremya declare
the measure taken at Salonikl as in
urricient and call upon the entente
powers to take necessary step at
t'iraeua and Athens.
On hundred and eight precincts out
of a total of S297 In the state of Iowa
give for suffrage 8089. againat, 11,062.
Every state in the Union la repre
sented among tha 1700 men who have
arrived at the Grit I'iatUburg, N. Y.,
camp of military Instruction.
Only the eignatur of President Wil
son la now lacking to complete the
final enactment of the Oregon and Cal
ifornia land-grant law, the bouse hav
ing ratified the conference report.
The suit brought by George J. Gould
and other tnulecof the estate of Jay
Could to recover f 1,741,000 from the
St. Louis, Iron Mountain A Southern
railway waa dismissed by Federal
Judge Hand.
The fiawley Pulp A Paper company.
of Oregon City, announce a change In
iu mill from the rwo-shlft to the
three-shift plan. More than 60 more
men will be employed under tit new
Russian force have won great aue
eeese along tha front from the Pripet
marshea to the Roumanian frontier,
according to an official announcement
from Petrograd. It la staled that the
Ruaaiana took 13,000 prisoner.
The U. S. Supreme court Interpreted
the Harrison Federal Drug Act of
1914, making It unlawful for any per
son not registered under the law to
have opium in bis possession, aa apply
ing only to those who deal in the drug
and not to those who use it.
London The Britls admiralty Mon
day Issued a statement
was tha strongest ground
lief that the British navy In the bat
tle with the Germena off Jutland last
week had accounted for a total of 18
Carman men-of-war, and that there
waa nothing to add to or aubstract
from the original naouneement of the
British losses.
The statement gave the Carman
losses aa two betttieehips, two dread-
naught battle cruisers, four light
erulsera, nine torpedo boat deetroyer
and a submarine.
The pessimism which prevailed aa a
result of the admlraltiy'a original
statement of loseee, which is consid
ered to have been needlessly candid
and conservative la undereati mating
the extent of the German losses, aa
compared with those of Great Britain,
haa been greatly lessened by th latest
A dispatch from Copenhagen aays
rumor are current in Hamburg that
two additional German warships be
sides those announced in th German
communication tha battleship Westr
falen and the battle cruiaer LuUowd
were sunk in battle. A wlrelesa dis
patch received her Saturday from
Berlin aaid the German admiralty ad
mitted the loea of the Weatfalen.
Th admiralty statement declares
that th German in the fight
were not only relatively, but absolute
ly, greater than those of th British.
Maintaining Ita practice of caution,
th admiralty still refrain from giv
ing th name of tha lost German
The official list of the casualties
among officer show that hardly a
aingle officer of th tin escaped from
tha British cruisers sunk in the battle.
An additional casualty list of petty
officers shows that 43 of them were
saved from the Queen Mary, Invinci
ble, Fortune, Ardent and Shark. None
waa saved from th Indefatigible, De
fense, Black Prince, Tipperary, Turbu
lent, Nomad or Neator.
About Oregon
for the be- r
University of Oregon Celebrates
Fortieth Anniversary This Week
University of Oregon, Eugene The
fortieth anniversary of the opening of
the Unlvarsty of Oregon was cele
brated Monday Jon 8, Other events
of the day were th commencement ad
drees by Dr. Say Lyman Wilbur, pres
ident of Le land-Stanford university,
to the University of Oregon graduat
ing class; and th laying of the cor
nerstone of th new Education build
ing. The story of th founding of th
State University haa a romantic cast.
The pioneers of Lane county hard
working men with few resources;
most of them raised 850,000 to in
due the state to locate the university
at Eugene; and their 850,000 waa
devoted to the building of Deady ball.
Thee early settler mad all kind of
sacrifice to raia th money; One I
man would sell a eow and give a por- i
tion of th proceeds; another would
give the returns from two or three
sacks of wheat from a load he had
hauled to town.
The graduating elase this year num
bers about 100. Some of them will
pursue poet-graduate work, some will
go Into business, a few will continue
work for professional occupations, and
many will enter high school teaching.
Great Oriental freight Cargo
&9 naflOSCO rtCr EOri completed Wednesday and the seaaion
adjourned. No meeting place
Royal Arch Masons Beet
Officers at 56th Convention
Albany S. S. Spencer, of Eugene,
waa elected grand .high priest of the
grand chapter. Royal Arch Masons of
Oregon, at the 56th annual convention
of the grand chapter here thia week,
James r . Kobinson, ot Portland, waa
re-elected grand secretary for the 26th
consecutive term and David P. Mason,
of Albany, waa chosen grand treasurer
for toe 25th annual term. Both Mr.
Robinson and Mr. Mason axe past high
priest. -
Th work oi the convention waa
' i f Goethe! Ready to Rt. '
Washington,- D. C. Major General
George W. Goethala, governor of th
Canal Zone, conferred with Secretary
Baker, and is understood to have reit
erated hi desire to retire to private
life. Secretary Baker declined to dts-
cubs that feature of the conference.
He probably will present the General's
request to President Wilson within a
few days. General Coethal expressed
satisfaction with the condition of the
canal, telling the secretary that ade
quate precaution had been taken to
guard against recurrence of slides.
Tornadoe Kill 107. "
Kansas City Death lists in the
storm-swept sections of Arkansas,
Missouri, Mississippi and Illinois grew
hourly a belated report were re
ceived from communtiiee which uf
fered in a aerios Of tornadoes Monday
night and early Tuesday. The deaths
of 107 person had been reported, a
number of other persons were unac
counted for, and believed dead, and
several hundred had been Injured, of
whom some will die.
Poaaible danger that th present
ttrlk of , the Butt . Workingmen'a
Union might spread to the mines wss
dissipated when the electrician in the
employ of tha mining companies met
and determined not to go out In sym
pathy with tha smaller unions of. the
city under any circumstances.
Th British destroyer A casta, which
the German reported they had sunk,
baa arrived at a northeaat coaat port
under tow of another deetroyer. Th
shell which put her out of action, after
she had been in the thick oi to fight
ing for 40 minutes, exploded in the
engine-room, killing ov men. ;
Th U. S. Supreme court holds that
lnterurban electric cars, crossing state
lines, are amenable to th safety ap
pliance act, although they move for a
part of th rout In a city service.
Conviction of the Spokane & Inland
Empire Railroad company, operating
from Spokane to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho,
for failure to comply with the act, waa
upheld and a 81600 fin imposed.
A Reuter dispatch form Zurich aays
that member of th German Land
stum, clasa of 1917, who are living
abroad, have been ordered to return
home Immediately. - The Lands turra
is a home defense fore which in
cludes, in addition to trained soldiers
between the age of 89 and 45, all
those between the agea of 17 and 89
who have received no military train
ing. Progress toward the completion of
the new automobile " consolidation,
which embraces the Willys-Overland,
the Hudson and tha Chalmers automo
bile companies, as well aa allied con
cerns, including the Autolit company,
waa' announced Wednesday. The new
company, probably will bear the cor
porate title of the American Motors
company, " with 870,000,000 of pre
ferred stock. -,-.; . .
San Francisco Five thousand tons
of frlcght from th Orient, which
were unloaded Sunday from the Shin
yo Mara No. 2, a Japanese freighter,
and a concrete pier recently erected by
the state at th mouth of Islais Creek,
were destroyed In a spectacular blaze
of. unknown origin here early Monday.
The Shinyo and the General Forbes,
another freighter, which were tied to
th pier, were slightly damaged before
they could be removed from th fire's
reach. Steamship men aaid th lose
would reach close to 8300,000. -
The Shinyo arrived Wednesday, but
th cargo was not touched until Sun
day, when Its owners granted the de
mands of the striking longshoremen.
The boat was emptied at 11 o'clock
Sunday night, three hour before the
fir started.
Two coal bargee and aeveral box
cars were also damaged. One of the
bargee, the Melrose, the largest on the
bay, which waa tied to the pier, drift
ed out Into the stream with her cargo
ablax when her moorings burned. She
bumped another coal barge, which waa
anchored off the pier. Both burned
freely until fire tug flooded th coal.
Later the two broke loose and drifted
down th bay with their cargoes
smouldering. Tugs caught up with
them off the Ferry building.
Several narrowly escaped being
burned. Custom Lieutenant Patrick
Barrett and a pier watchman were on
th pier when the fire 'started. The
flames spread rapidly and drove the
two men aboard the Forbes,
When the fire broke out, Japanese
swarmed from the Shinyo'a forecastle
and spread over the ship, seeking ref
uge. One jumped overboard, but his
mates hauled him back on a life pre
server. From nearby cities and from far out
at sea the sheets of fire and the glare
could be seen. Th bias waa the
most spectacular .and destructive that
haa visited the local , waterfont in
years. ' ' 1
was se
lected for th next annual convention.
aa the grand chapter meets at - the
same place as the grand lodge, which
will select the convention seat at ita
meeting which immediately followa
the Royal Arch chapter convention
U leer o racer for the ensuing year
were elected as follows: Deputy
grand high priest, Silas M. Yoran, of
Eugene; grand king. Max Bollack, of
Oregon City; grand scribe, James H.
Richmond, of Portland; grand captain
of host, Thomas M. Baldwin, of Pnne-
vi He; grand orator, F. S. Dun, of Eu
gene; grand chaplain, L. A. Wright,
of Union: grand principal, sojourner,
Frank W. Settlemier, of Woodburn;
grand royal arch captain, Walter R.
Bilyeu, of Albany; grand master, third
veil, F. M. Patterson, of Portland;
grand master, second veil, George G.
Brown, of Salem; grand master, first
veil, C. H. Marsh, of Marsh field; grand
entineL D. G. Tomasinl, of Portland.
Aid Promised to Baker.
Salem That th claim of Baker
county for state aid in road construc
tion and improvement would be con
sidered by the State Highway commis
sion when th apportionment of next
year's fund is made, was the assurance
given by the members of th board to
the Baker county court this week. -
Members of the Baker county court,
composed of County Judge Messick
and Commissioners Ritter and Welch
appeared before the board with the re
quest. Improvement of the highway
running for a distance of approxi
mately 70 miles from North Powder in
Union county to Huntington in Baker
county is proposed. ' The road ia aaid
to be graded and the county has ex
pended considerable money on it.
Pablo Lopei I Executed.
' Chihuahua City, Mex. Pablo Lopes,
Villa's chief lieutenant in the raid up
on Columbus, N. M Tuesday paid the
penalty for hi crimes. He faced a
firing squad of constitutionalists sol
dier at Santa Rosa ' ;
Italians Repulse Attack.'
Rome Austrian attacks in the La-
garina valley, where a vigorous at
tempt wr made to carry the import
ant Italian positions at Coni Zugna,
were repulsed with heavy losses, the
war office announces. -
Trsason Laid to Mexican.
, Chihuahua City, Mox. A Mexican,
giving his nam as Luis Sanchex Mens,
was arrested by military authorities
here on a charge of attempting to ob
tain promises from other Mexicans to
aid Americana in the event of Amerl-
! can intervention. Military authorities
say Mens confessed and that ha is be
ing held for trial bv court-martial.
Uruguay Will Sand Help. '
. Montevideo, Uruguay The Uru
guayan government will dispatch the
small steamMilp Institutopesca to the
rescue of the Shacklcton expedition.
A Berlin dispatch to th Copenhagen
Politiken aays that th court which
conducted the preliminary examination
of Dr. Karl Liebknecht, tha Socialist
leader, decided that he should be pun
ished for treason.
The Cologne Volks Zeitung says it ia
reported, although not confirmed, that
King Victor Emmanuel and his special
staff bava departed from th Italian
general headquarters at Udine on ac
count of the Austrian offensive and re
tired to Venice, ,
Pierre Dreyfus, ion of Commandant
Alfred Dreyfus, of the famous "Drey
fus Affair," who has been serving on
the Verdun front as second lieutenant
in the artillery, has just been cited in
the orders of the day for having "par-1
ticularly distinguished himself during
the violent engagements of February
26, 27 and 28" in the battle of Verdun.
Twenty persons were killed or
wounded in an outbreak at Maracaibo,
Veneiuela, against General Garcia,
who haa been appointed president of
the state of Zulia.
The planting of 600 acres of land in
the Suthorlin, Ore., district to sugar
beets haa been completed and the
growing crop is considered one of the
best prospects in the Northwest.
Mr. Josiah Even Cowles, of Los
Angeles, haa been elected president of
the General Federation of Women'
Club by a large majority, defeating
Mrs. Samuel B. Snesth, of Tiffin, O.
Shackleton Relief Fixed.
London Plans for the relief of
Lieutenant Sir Ernest Shackleton,
who, with several of hia men, I ma
rooned in the Antarctic, were com
pleted at a meeting of a committee of
the Royal Geographical society. A
relief ship will sail from London by
August 1 for Weddell Sea by way of
Buenos Aires and the Falkland Islands.
The ship probably will follow the plan
of th Aurora, th auxiliary bark of
tha Shackleton expedition, - which
drifted from her moorings, and will be
fitted out in Buenos Aires.
Ice Sweeps Alaska Town.
Nome, Alaska Council City waa al
most completely swept away by float
ing ice cakes from the Neukluk river
late Sunday. Many buildings in the
lower part of th town were demol
ished. Th ice jammed in a canyon a
short distance below the settlement,
causing the water to back up, and, with
ita burden of heavy Ice, to flood the
streets, A bliztard raged her also,
and aluicing operations which began a
few days ago, were suspended.
Marina Are Reinforced..
San VUgo, Cal. The Fourth regi
ment of Marines, stationed here, has
left for New Orleans, where it will
embark for Haiti and Santo Domingo
on the transport Hancock. It is un
derstood the Fourth regiment will sup
plement the marines already on duty
in the turbulent island republics.
Water Supply is Ample.
' Gaston The new water system is
now in working order and Gaston has
an abundant supply of the purest
mountain water. . It is piped from
Sain creek by the North Coast Power
company and is the same water sup
piled to Hillsboro, Beaverton and Cor
nelius. The Dennis Construction com
pany haa had charge of the work.
With the new aystem, ample fire pro
tection ia now assured and with nine
Are hydrants, 800 feet of standard
hose and a fine hosecart, the Gaston
volunteer fire department i now. ready
for action. City officials made a . test
of th new supply and found plenty of
water and good pressure.
Fall On Pick Is Fatal.
Grants Pass C P. Grant, mining
man who haa been working in the
Waldo country for several "years, waa
so severely injured when he fell on a
pick here that he died in a short time
after. He waa working on the roof of
a small shed being constructed on the
Logan property at Waldo when be fell.
striking a sharp pick, the point of
which penetrated his chest five inches.
Dr. Loughridge raced 41 milea but the
patinet was dead before he arrived.
Mr. Grant waa 64 year of age and had
no relative a far as known.
Man Should Pick Life's Work by
Time He Is Twenty
By the time a man 1 twenty, if hit occupation La not been
chosen for him in childhood, and if b hat not allowed chance
opportunity to determine it for him, he (tumid know what his incli
" nations are. If he it to b a mechanic, he will by that time fad
himself tinkering with machines. If he U to I a newspaper man,
he already will hare composed several epic poem and a blank versa
tragedy. If he is to be a politician, he- will b a leader at school
and have several henchmen doing hit algebra for him.
It it inch indication at these that reveal (he boy't real iuo!i
nation. If hit parent and teachers are alert and intelligent enough
to perceive and encourage these tendencies, the hoy has taken the
first ttep toward success. But if he ha a love for building motor,
and yet studic law because he hat an opportunity to go into hit
father' office, aa did one young man of splendid natural endow
ment, he hat foredoomed himself to mediocrity.
For the scientists tell nt that the fixation of habit it an cle
ment which enters into man's career aa soon tt he hat chosen it,
and tlowly hut turciy hind him to it for better .or for worse. At
fourteen, perhaps. Tommy might adopt any one of several occupa
tions. At twenty-one hit inclination hat become pretty well fixed.
At twenty-five he hat begun to discover hit limitation and special
ize upon the thing he can really do. By thirty he is pretty well
fixed in hit position in life, and a radical change will be difficult.
Hit occupation, whether it it the one for which he ia fit or not, hat
formed permanent groove in hit mind. By the time he hat reached
middle age a radical change it practically impossible.
Just Smiles.
Use ef Platform.
Bacon Dont you think there la
great similarity between a political
platform and one on a trolley car?
Egbert Sure; nobody's supposed to
stand on either.
Mother's Cook Bock
. t .. Lucky.
Patience Peggy saya that her face
ia her fortune.
Patrice Well, it'a a good thing It's
the kind ot a fortune she cant leave
to anyone when she's gone.
Not Necessary.
Lady of th
House Sar, Dt
nah. did you clean
the fish? ,
Dinah Law. no
missus! Why
should Ah clear
dat fish? He dona
lib all hia life in
de wattah. Puppet.
. No Doubt. ? '.'-ft
Bill I see that fresh-caught sea fish
are said to form the principal Ingredi
ent in an artificial rubber invented in
Holland. ; .
Jill Come to think of It, Tvo heard
of some "bouncing" sea fish..
' Brought to Book. - -
He (grumblingly) My band's al
ways In my pocket.
She (sharply) Then how Is it you
can't feel there the letters I give you
to mall?
Th Danger.
Tt was while traveling in Switzer
land that I proposed to Mlsa Smith
on the verge of a mountain gorge. "
"Horrors! Suppose she had thrown
you over!"
AInt Thl Awful.
Heiny Anna Little waa recently
wedded to Andrew Lott
Omar Well, what of it?
Helny Oh, it waa merely a case of
A Little becoming A Lott.
Examination Dates Set.
Salem Examinations for state
teaching certificates will be held in
every county in Oregon June 28, 29, SO
and July 1, J. A. Churchill, SUte
superintendent of public instruction,
announces. Notices to this effect were
sent out to all county school superintendents.
Husband (ang
rily) When
married you
thought I was get
ting a helpmate.
Wife (calmly)
And I thought
waa getting a man
who could supply
the meat so
could help myself,
Its Contrariness. -
"A club buffet furnishes but par
adoxical comfort,'
"How sot"
"Because the members often use it
when they are out of spirits."
About Women
Of the 6,864.492 farmers in the Uni
ted States, 257.703 are women.
Miss Maude Meagher la th world s
successful writer of masques.
Women in Denmark, Finland and
Sweden outnumber the men by over
800.000. ,
Mlsa Grace R. Finney, bead of the
circulation department of th publle
library of Washington, handled over
800.000 book last year.
For her relief work in behalf ot
French war sufferers, Mrs. Edith
Wharton, the novelist, haa been pre
sented wtta tha French Legion of Hon
or medal.
Women are in a majority in nine
occupations musicians or teachers of
music, school teachers, boarding house
keeper, housekeepers, laundresses,
nurses, servants, stenographers and
Fruit Bar.
Mix two and one-halt eupfuls of
flour, two and one-half eupfuls of rolled
oats, on cupful each ot shortening
and brown sugar, one-bait cupful of
sour milk, and a teaspoonful of soda.
Flour the board generously, roil this
and cut with an oblong cutter. Put a
half pound of datea and a half cupful
ef pecan meats through the meat chop
per, mix thia and roll out In a thin
sheet and cut with the same cutter.
Put a layer cf date past between
every two ot the cooky dough, sand
wich fashion, and bake in a hot oven.
When cold pack edgewise in a jar.
Hide the jar. '; -
Apricot 8hortcake.
Make a rich biscuit dough, roll out
and cut with a large biscuit cutter
and bake. Cook aiz apricots either
fresh or dry with tit juice of half a
lemon, and half a cupful of sugar,
mash, strain and flavor with a quarter
ot a teaspoonful ot annond extract.
Put three half apricots between the
cake snd a half one on top. Pour the
sirup over all and fill th top apricot
with sweetened whipped cream. ' -
Jam Omelet.
Beat the yolka ot five eggs light
with a - tahlespoonful of powdered
sugar; into this stir a teaspoonful ot
cornstarch mixed with three table
spoonfuls of milk. cook. Then fold
in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs ?
and cook in a buttered omelet pan
until let. Spread with jam, told and
serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Serve as a dessert :
Eacalloped Egg. r
Make a white sauce as for creamed
eggs. Cook six eggs in the shell, eut
In eighths lengthwise, put a layer of
white sauce, then a layer ot eggs and
a layer of chopped ouvee using a
fourth of a cupful ot olives, repeat and
finish the top with a thick layer of but-1
tered crumbs using a cupful and a half
of crumb. Bake until the crumb are
brown. . , .
Egg snd Ham Tlmbales.
Cook together two tablespoonfuls
each of flour and butter, add a cupful)
of milk and when smooth and thick
cool and add three beaten eggs and
two eupfuls of chopped ham. season -
well with pepper and salt and put into
Umbale molds to cook in hot water -until
firm. Stuffed egga are always '
appetizing and may be served at a
hot dish with a white sauce.
' Hit and "Miss :
Patent leather shoes never remain
aa black aa they are polished.
Human nature makes us attribute
the success of others to chance.
The woman who repeats a scandal
adds her stamp' of approval.
A Du'a strength is estimated by
his ability to fight against odds.
Smiles add much to a woman's at
tractiveness, and they cost little.
A good mirror tells th truth, no
matter upon whom It may reflect.
Some men who pay their bills
promptly expect a lot of credit lor It
A narrow mind "overlooks a chari
table act and looks for the motive.
It tha husband foot hi wife's bil'-M
she should at least foot his socks, l
Some men would grow! s.lxut the
weather If it rained silver dollar.
Advice to an actor: When the whit
tle blows look out for th locouioth'.
Not Entire' a Fool.
Knlcker Did Jones lock the ifsiii
door after the horse was gunut
Booker Certainly; there was asf ?
er horse.