The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 26, 1916, Image 2

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    - - '
Coolc in. a 1
cool Mtchen
AH the heat Is concen
trated where it U dmJJ
keeps you cool end
mekea for bettercooling
OIL cg$s3&pv&.
CUR 00U, NMbhe?
simwmmoN Am
(The Year,,
ilia MohiI.k ,
emir .Iiimi tin , , . . , , ,
AnvrmutNU tAm
IVr ItM'h ir kmhiIU
IV lu ll (MM tllMMTlklH
Inrat. per llnv em-h ItiaeMbm. . . . ,
. t art
AAt 14, W4
toiler and It militarist advUwrs, snd! HDIJU A DV Fl FPTIHM
that they are not vn flKhttt now to V'Trtrl LLUVellWil
eave Germany but toaav 111 royl u
toe rut. When thla time coma (hey
will also And that IN pledged utile are
willii)ff and anxious to mad ec on
term respecting the honor and Integ
rity of a German republic.
r u . jix-
Otie by o I he Hughe ecllp I
blotting out the favorite anna.
....- .i .'.i' J
Why not cook with
e modern oil atove this sum
mer and b com fort able i
Bakes, broil a, roasts, toasts.
More efficient than your wood
or coal stove, and coats less to
Better cooking because the
long bluechimneys give stead
ler, more evenly distributed
heat, under perfect control
like gas. No smoke or smell,
la 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sires,
ovens separate. Also cabinet
models with Firtless Cooking
Ask your dealer today.
k 1
l lh Ht at , Orteaa.
t ww4 lat tMt MlUf.
The fact thst the bos weather man
was enabled to visit. Weston without
When Dean Collin reveala the abort-
eat pome In the Kngllsh Unguals the
readers of hie eolyuro are apt to And
hey'v been stung. Which reminds
ua of a
If he hadn't said the ahoitt pome
leaving hi mangled remains, ! !-,,. .,. i i-h... ,ua
well for the forbearance of our people. t , . .
Mr. World now smile upon the grad
ttatce, but blackjack may be con.
ceated in hi bouquet.
For Sale by
Fofflil of My CBLIRA1H
Under the Auspices of Merchants' Association snd
Walls Walls Commercial Club
Walla Walla, Washington
To our Jaundiced and critical eys the
girl on the Roae Festival poster re
I aembtes nothing so much sa s composite
wrsilh of the ok! North End.
Having made untold wealth out ff
the primary campaign-about $9950 less tYH'HTtl OK 3VLX CVXfJMWTlOS
than ten thousand dollars epiece-tnei AT v.lIA WAIAA.
country editor have been debarred
from investing it in gilt-edged roaai -p, rtty Watla Walla will ele
I bond securities by sn Inconsiderate I brat the Fourth of July thta year In
electorate. """" .k! .I
be held under the auaplrea of the Mer.
T)e disnatchea ssv that T. R. glared chanta aaaorlalloa and the Walla
I i i i.. k.-u tt;rlnv In an out-! Walla Commercial club.
r :V:7 " .k., the dya proafm will
icrn mun, u.a ...w. hlg miiUary parade and ittwl
judge and lawyera were eompelled to paant. athletic sports, with cah
wear blue spectacle. Olarlng M the prise, tree up-to-date street all
best thing be does. ZZZ -'?... 7""' "
the down-town streets etc.. snd music
rrofeaaionsllv nroficieiit in the houee I by a halt dorea bands
I., l ti avaran h.nk I Aa extraordinary attraction will be
" v. ..TT.Ki-. ",.( the famous New Tors Marine band
ageiiiounni w "'""'V T Tu r mualcal orsanlsat Ion.
like s greyhound sfter a jsckrsbbit. , th. woru. which win be in Walla
I Walla aa a Chautaaqua feature.
i - - ...
. . . v.! la annais. I More man ever mis year oe run
French strategy at Verdun is sppsr-
ently based upon awapptng so mucn, ...rclaea. In chars of the cele-
I around for so msny Uesd oermsns- bratlon are the followlne esecutlve
I coupled with retaking the ground at Chairman and general manaser. O.
tbeeoat of .certain number of dse. vfTr.urTrw.'T C.tper"; 1
rrenenmen, ana swsppina; "i. tar. II. W Btelnberc.
A program that will please. One that will help you to
enjoy the Big National Holiday
i ONE i
; DAY ?
Ttssfiy, July i 1915'
ine propoeea HMuanTw im i William O. (Whltey) Marren was
the manufacture of light beer in Ore-lf-,unj jullly of manslaughter Tueaday
ron is logical and consistent enough, for rsuslns th death of Wendell .
Since beer is drunk in Oregon it may aa PhPa by a pl.tol aho. In a Pendle-
. , r. u?k It.l (1 rooming houae. The dying dec
well be made in Oregon. When Uncle lar)01 of young PMWp, ,Mro.
Sam'a conscience finally persuades him ducd .na contradicted the teatlmony
In retire from hia profitable but evil of Dee Matlock and Marren that the
U.,i.r.K!n ith the liouor traffic, snooting was sccioemsu m penalty
IT- J... M fnlm . into. fr manslsughter U Imprlaon
testing drtnlt win oe permiiiea any- of 5oe.
I k . i- k TTnUxt Stataa. Not until I
Lu -n .v.- .; m.. !. I Good merchsndlite U wealth. Mere
then will the liquor problem be sstis-1 h no Bu, od(iy an(J omwN
fsctonly settled. Mesnwniie wregon mw w.11 swap gooda for money with
is foolish to prohibit the manufacture you and give you all the beat of It
of beer when it permits its importstion, eaton Mercnntiie t o.
The primary rewrite In t'malllla
county contained a few aurprlaea,
among whlih were the defeat of
rrank Haling, cleik. sad Oeors W.
rradley. iresaurer, for
Poth are recosnlied aa efflrlenl offl
eete. but the argument that they had
"been In long enouah" aeeina 10 have
carried much elht with the voters
who thua dirferentlated between pri
vet snd public eniilmn.
A pereiinal houae to hone rsnrsaa
mad by It. T. Hrosn, who de
feaied Mr. Haling fr the repunllta
nomination, and lo by Moaoo I.
Keatoe. who landed Ihe republli-an
nomlnatl.m fr dlalrlct attorney. The
mirceaa of this method will doubtleM
lead to Its greater employment la
J. M. Ashworth, Weaton'e only can
didate for sny Job. wss besten by W.
M. ttluaher for the county comnila-
a'onerehlp nomination. Jim ha a
right to feel ronaoled, however, by hi
splendid vote In hi home town, whli-h
rave him 114 ballot to II for nu op
Although Homer t. Walla waa beat
en out for d!etr-t attorney, he receiv
ed a fine vole In hla home town of
Athena and Weaton,
Aa predicted by thoa who had
enaed the at rone farmer Influence
aralnat It. th bond laaue waa over-
helmed under an ava'anch of votes
oesrly four to on. Weaton's three
prec'nrta Joined In Ih landallde by
giving t?T vote sgalnat to it for Ihta
meaaore. The county a vote a
Tea ItSt. No 40S.
The democrat nominated Rtlllman
for treaaurer over IMcfcinann. IIS to
11. and Andt.rn for commlavloner
over Cremy. tit to 4t.
Pelow la th rounty'a vole In the
republican prtn)rlra on aome of the
contacted office:
Kor Trealdent rturton. 411: Cum
mine. Mt; Hushes, till.
Secretary of Stste -Moores, tilt
Olcott. 1J.
Public Kervlce Commlaaloner o.
rey. 114; Kyle. ISJI: McCuiinch. tit:
ttuak. 4l; Mervlo. SIT: Wright. 114.
Dlatrlct Attorney Keator. II 41;
Smith. Ill: Watt. 101J.
County Vlerk Ilrown. 1004; Sal
Ing. 14S1.
Treaaurer fradley, Itll; Gilliam.
1101; Wolfe. IIS.
Coroner Brown. ITI0; Folsotn.
County Commlaaloner Amh worth.
lilt; ttluaher, 1744.
Weakly Bulldogser: W don't mind I
eelng a man licked but after heal
licked he ought to be allowed to re
cuperate In peace. We make thla re
mark apropos a certain demonstra
tion on the atreet laat Saturday morn
ing w hen Jack Itoblnaon, th father I
ment'of the road bonds, came down town
Featuring Military and Fraternal Organisations. Beautifully Decorated
Automobiles, etc Six Bands, 1000 School Children in Fancy Costumes,
Patriotic Exercises, Free snd Up-to-Dste Street Attractions, Big Pro
gram of Sports and Athletics. Cash Prizes, Automobile Races (big
event, inter-city contest,) Baseball Tournament, Street Dance and
Street Carnival under Enjoyable and Clean Auspices. Other Entertain
ment Features too numerous to mention. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
WATCH YOUR STEP Something Doing Every Minute
Reduced Rates on All Railways ALL WELCOME
Ben Olcott's record earned more
I weight than the governor's confidential
letters., f
Assured that Booming Bill Peterson
will go to the Democratic convention,
. I
we care little arjoui me rest oi uw
Those who
would better
Europe. .
like an insane Fourth
celebrate this year in
JUNE 7-8-9-16
ii Columbia River Highway
The army program adopted by Con
gress is just sbout as sufficient as one
limburger sandwich at a Dutch picnic.
We trust we are violating no confi
dence in saying that Colonel Roosevelt
is apparently not in sympsthy with the
Administration's foreign policy.
and the very best travel service to and from
will be afforded by the O-W. R. R. &. N. Co.
Union Pacific System
Tickets on Sale June 4 to 8
Final Return Limit June 17
Ask S. S. NELSON, Agent
H. H. Corey of Baker county has
won out over his five competitors for
the Eastern Oregon public service eom-
tnisskmershin.v His nearest rival, Ed
Wrisrht of Union county, was a few
hundred votes behind. Hsving beaten
some of the best men in this part of
the state for an office of the first im
portance, the new commissioner may
with reason be expected to justify the
trust and confidence reposed in him.
As the honor is great, so is his respon
The time is evidently coming when it
will be demonstrated whether Germany I
would rather fight thsn eat
We need more insurance thsn Con
gress wants to give us, as the Euro
pean conflagration may at any time
aweep across the pond and the Mexican j
flames have already scorched '.; our
southern border.
The largest stock of
Cigars, Tobacco and
in town
Kirkpa trick's
for th first time since the murder of I
hla "child." A lot of thee malefac
tors of big farms formed their lx
cy Under In a parade and slowly fol
lowed Jack down the street, honking
their diabolical home th while. And
laat week waa "Be-Klnd-to-Anlmale"
week, too.
fine the merger we have been
ovrtocked with men's hals, snd are I
almoat giving them away today and
tomorrow. Weston Mercantile Co.
! irniinciit
4 1asaf VfU. L. i.t ,i'aaaf W &
4 . ,,4 J e y
PS . T
I lii I
"Love Test Blinded Him," says si
headline. Well, he won't need sn ocu
list six months sfter the wedding.
We don't know whether Villa is
worse thsn the smallpox, but he seems
to be harder to catch.
m FT-ew-
We say that Kyanize is the best
Finish for your floors and furniture
It will make every inch of woodwork in your
home like new, Kyanize is the most durable
finish made. You can easily put it on. In clear
end seven colors. 7
"Take a man with 110,000," prefaces
the Woodburn Independent, but it need
ssy no more, tie II oe taken in almost
any town in Oregon if he isn't mar
ried already. -
"A week might well be spent at the
mouth of the Columbia river and near
by points," says Journal Journeys. We
think so too; hut sll we hsve to spend
is the week.
When the proper time comes. Old
Msn Oregon may go Withy combe one
better by looking around for a govern
or to harmonize with his secretary of
state. .
ry Vkzk is Pay-up Week at the Leader shop
Some dsy the greet German people
will awaken to a realization of the fsct
thst the war wss not necesesry to the
preservation of their beloved Father
land. They will find thst they hsve
been deceived by the house of Hohen-
)aiataV waaV
i fleams June 1 1
') Plan NOW to go
Union Pacific
. System
by atking any Ajcnt or by writing the
General Passenger Agent
for information and illustrated
TOUR" literature.
inula tnarfci avntf tmtyftMm 4uUrn1 m n
fy. HeJ awuilH, nkwtrtom frtxalM MttJ 4g
trriim tor PltrK 0KARCM mnd itjporl
on rrcMlltr, hnk rermf
ysMs, Omr trwm iKaoatasjU l-H bo. Ht to ianmi
aal wKtm yvm mtuwf. Writ toatof .
MTtNT lawvsaa.
,303 Seventh St, Washinstoa, D. C.
. Atlorney-t-Law
Practices in all State snd Federal
Prime Beef
Pork, Mutton, Veal
Dressed Poultry
FISH Monday and Thursday
Get Our Prices
Phone No. 53. Orders taken by
phone fur mail routes.
Ten percent interest on all ac
counts after 80 daya.
Perry & Weber
EVE hi
Below we quote you a few of our every day
prices. Look them over. These fire items that
iihould intercut every housewife.
28e galltis, all nJura..,..
tf mercerlird poplin
tc calico
V 80 Inch rcals
It'e grsd percales
I6 graile prrea ea, Sn In,.
ht)C arun gingham -
loe apittn ginuhain ....................
lttc diets gingham... .-,
lac diessgViighHm
ltk llot mticllit
MS IamimUI bleached molin .
1 ambne munn
... Ie
.... IOC
... Ill
.. ,e
, laC-llW-lIX
4V gra.l lll Hnen, red or white ,M4
tot grede table linen, white, buff
snd blue j.. ...... .......... tt1
1.00 gratis table linen-... is
l 6 grade table linen lea, value).
U',e worth cheviot ahlill gt ne
Peppine hleafh shevlll g 9-4 ........... f.1
Pepplne bleach heel'i.g 10-4 tfte
ie-ttie unl leach iheeling 14.. tie
ItC, ilk lne. all loe
ar Hrkiii I
tiraioya (rtoweteth ..... lb
II.Kie lining e-fc
Oilcloth (all kr) - Wt ,
Tlie abovo prices are only a few of our every
day bargains. Every other item in our store is
priced accordingly.
r r
J.CPennev Co.
inc. J
- Orcoon
The Farmers Bank of Weston
Established IS9I
IjIIE REASON banks are glad to open accounts
41 (especially with the young) is that it makes
better, more useful, substantial citizens who work
for the betterment of the community. Open an
account with us; make it grow; be useful.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon Waitsburg. Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Nature's Food
for horses snd cattle Is the grans thst
grows on meadow and hill. The next
best thing ia sweet, clean, hay and
feed that cornea from our mill. When I
you need rolled grain of the right sort I
lor Keeping your livestock in nne fet
tle, look for our sign and the good
things for for your dumb servants I
stored in our bins. We handle Steam I
Rolled Barley, Oats and Wheat; Baled
Hay. MillstufTa and Chicken Feed.
We're local ggenta for Pevrock Flour
and Blatchford's Calf Meal. Phone 281.
D. R. WOOD the Feed Man
Butter Wrappers
Furnished and Printed at the .Leader office
Sixty (minimum)
One hundred .... . . .
Two hundred...........
Each additional hundred......
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for linstllla County,
Id the Matter of the Ketate of Henry
Golduerjf, Deceased. ,
Notice Is hereby clven thst I hsve
been appointed Administrator of the
slve named estate by order of the
shovs entitled Court snd hsv duly
qualified. .
All persons hsving claims sgalnat
said eatste si-e hereby required to pre
sent the ssme to ine, with proper
vouchers, at. the office of Carter A
Nm.vthe, Attorneys, In the American
Nntionsl Hank Huildlnir. In The trite
of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Ora-
jron, within alit months from this date.
listed April 24, twin.
Walter Far a.
Admlnlatrator of the Katste of
Henry Goldberg, Deceased.
mud Mew"
Made of Malt a refreshing
temperance drink.
Pool and Billiard Hall
Zehm & Duncan