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About The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1916)
f U.S. Government Homesteads comni, waslctcx man kseitatiox i.coo.coo aoes In 0t Famous CmM River Ruin and Ok Valley. Fruit. I miry. Fsrm nd Thnher Land. Map sbowrnf Roed. UkRlvtn. t '., Moimum, Irnll. AlWnwntt and Mineral Ie.'t(itkH. how How to borate env rforeesteed e 60 An tte kcsBhaWl. HOUT 1MB EXTENSK OF A LOCATOR. - - nsr?jr MVS la.;" OREGON IIO'lRSEEKERS . PRICE, POSTPAID, $1-00. 504-5 A Well Painted Barn . Wia Sar tl Cost of New On See Your Paint Dealer Now .KaJTccr. Own lIsss5Lt3 bUmttolhaail wtnlreaaj arlaa HiMlfel taaeara are. Wr1e aa e fcHl anae. W w( ere ae rera lulajai "dliatl ti lea" exieee, la, trailer teat, WmtaOrimmtaMiilti. nt ABnitia a Hid. Nertkaeaa Inailiiaaraaia ar tuilir Water STARK-DAVIS Ca mnM Farmers, Ship W SVI h. tore, atekaar. frkaW Pa. mSCHMaLZ. U im want kw eaicea. Caerk MIM re tu anec amv.l alarfcat nhrautiM. 1 Ak rour Mushbor e trr aa. V-aat-ti. aw Veal ad Hwe: law Hreilere ana Heaa. Write koear for tan, BMfitMVUnc thia paper, r. H. Sckiei Ca. rwd-SB capital IXU.JU0. "aulaae. Oa. Ds&Ui TrsaS, Punctsn Presf Tires aliiiaalim. Lartaea? k M Brer. Na Tin. WIIUOWT )0U TtBBs, We aj aa his a. Mi f par Ik ar aach a aaa aa ia DaaAa) Tread enrk. aa ta karheet ail mi IftiaroarTlraaateaeeer vrltaae. BLACK ussn itnraT mrano kr Canard MM rm tarn. ariraa. Cai.jUtM:aiayja BJ (art aMre aar luiliil ML 1 1 'f " aurna far eaUM aa amwuaWiH I P 1 a l-Ma akaa, WaaUal filla tl.M JUaf aLatVa - ekee. MaUe FMa 4.M fai aar awrtar. tat Car" aa. TW aMialiiWJ af Cauar anxtaia k a mm Man at aarlillfta la allaal aa4 avvaa aaM. ImM aa Canada. IT nMaaiH araar alart. T. Ctmi LA0AI0. aalafc CaUMraJa. n , Th Total Sum. The three children came and stood In a row In front of their mother. "Mamma," they said, "what would yon like for your birthday T" The mother looked down benicnly upon the group and answered: "My dears, mamma want nothing for her birthday, nothing but three good children. She'd like that" "But then, mamma.' cried the eld eat, "then we'd be alx." Philadelphia Public Ledger. "Physician Cure Thyself." T see yon have a cold like every body else." "This isn't a cold. I simply got hoarse telling all my friends how to cure their colds." Washington Star. Not Quite. . He That scene quite took , my breath away. t She (tartly) Well, yon had It with ' yon when yon came back after the act Baltimore American. , Contrary Reception. " "The speaker advocated a square deal." .. "Vat "' "And got a round of applause." BsJ- tlmore American. A Condition. He Marriage ought to be one grand sweet song. . She It would be if the air of that .' song were a millionaire. Baltimore American. : . In Bad. ? "Nobody likes the umpire." "It's the logical result of trying to be strictly neutral." Louisville Courier-Journal. P. N. U. No. 21, 1918 ITTTHKN wrltja " tala aaa aO af ailmanra of aad man with out pfBion. fraia 1M ara niinaaa harha. fcuda and aelabtoa. which an akaowa ta thm aaalieal actanca of Uu aattntry. Writ for blank and eirrulan. Seal stasia. CXJNaULTAllON FREK. AAltaaa Tbe C et f Cbaese Meditate C. Um Tint eu PorUmnd. Ora. . ... Mantra Paper, Works of Art. "Where did you find this wonderful follow-up system? It would get money out of anybody." "I simply compiled and adapted the letters my son sent me from college." p C Gee Wo r, g(HL,,niM Baaai ' ffi. ., i ...fill Verb- i I out apeiation. aaaij t 1 from tfca womiarfui I . . . 1 n.,-aaa harha. loota A Famous Physician's Wonderful Discovery After a series of careful experiments ami taera at tha Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y, cov ering many years nr. fierce, me medical director of that hospital made announcement that he could prove that a medicine which he called "AN URIC" was the beat uric acid solvent now to be had. As a remedy for those easily recognised symptoms of inflam mation as scalding urine, backache and frequent urination, as well as sedi ment in the urine, or If uric acid In the Mood has caused rheumatism, lum t,.,'i iCiatlca, gout. It is simply won derful how quickly "Anuric" acts; can t'P the pains and stiffness rapidly to . , ; ear. i hanila ankles, feet, are due ; 5 . cal condition, orten caused ' l kidneys. Naturally v i j i. Jjeya are deraaged the KFORMAT10N BUREAU, McKay Bunding. PORTtANO, ORE. HAYE YOU HARD ABOUT IT? Ik lAra KNry-ukac 13 M If fa are ae a Haiaraaaa CVaa aat-r. mm aa faar aa aa af ataaalM Mtar aaaaas aaaUrahoHai Fe. TEE BJUELWOOO CO, r&-t Orttw HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA EAEK We want al mhn. WrIM Par prkaa Mat re, inc n. F. mwiww J NVerth free it- Parllaaa, Oa. The Sky Pilot Owing to a fog. a steamer stopped at the mouth of a river. An old lady became very nervous and inquired of the captain the cause of the delay. "Cant see up the river ." replied the officer. Rut rantaln. I can see the stars overhead," she argued. "Tea," said He gruiiiy, oui the boilers bust we aint going that way." American Boy. In Berlin These Days, hara. mv friend, what on earth are yea waiting fort You've been standing ber. lor aa nour u u. poorinf rain." "I ra waiting- ror a car. "But at least Ave have Just gone . "Tea, but not the one with the pret ty conductor!" Clk, Berlin. Coals to Newcastle. VntRor was meaaurlna- a dose of tonic for her little son. who looked up and said: -What am I taking this forr "An appetite." she replied. "An appetite," he scornfully repeat ed. "I cant begin to hold now one halt I want to eat." Philadelphia Led ger. One Process. Sln-a f rason Urine; next door tO a dealer In antique rugs Tve learned a thing or two about the rug business. -ree. k mm mi a aral vsrv ranidlv bv allnarlna- a faar vnnnntejra to nae It as a playground." Philadelphia PubUc Ledger. - Total Loss. T can never be yours. Hers are your presents." "All very tine. But wno s going to return all those cigars I bought your father and all those Quarters I gave your little brother r Louisville Courier-Journal. . Only Difference. . First Landlady I manage to keep my boafrders longer than yon do. Second Landlady O, I don't know. Ton keep them so thin that they look longer than they really are, Path finder. A Sad Diagnosis. "Well." said Binkins, "the doctors say that I am as sound as a dollar." "That's tough." said Wilkins. "A dollar doesn't last very long these days." Philadelphia Ledger. Being Well Prepared means much towards the preservation of your health. The stomach must be fcept strong, the liver must be active and the bowels regular. As soon as there is any de viation from those con ditions you should try OSTETTER'S STOMACH BETTERS No Expensive Trip. "Are you going rusticate this sum mer T" ' . ; - "Oh. no. nothing so expensive. We're lust going down on the farm." Baltimore American. blood is filled with poisonous waste matter, which settles in the feet, an kles and wrists; or under the eyes In bag-like formations. It Is Just as necessary to keep the kidneys acting properly its to keep the bowels active. , . The very best posslbIe"way to take care of yourself is to tf.ker a glass of hot water before meals and aa "An uric" tablet In this way it) is readily dissolved with the food, pica ed up by the blood and finally reacheti the kid neys, where It has a tonic: effect is rebuilding those organs. Step into the drug store snt,l ask for a SO-cent Dackaea of "Anuric" sr send Dr. Pierce 10c. for trial peks;. Anuric" many umes more potent man iiuiia, eliminates nric acid as hot wat" melts sugar. A short trial will conviacli you, NORTHWIST MARKCT REPORTS; I GENERAL CROP CONDITIONS Portland Wheat Blueatem, $1.03 par bushel; forty fold, fcc; club, Vic; red Fife, tie; red Ruaaian, Vie. Ila Eastern Or iron timothy. 23 23.60 par ton; alfafla, old cro, 1 Milfeed Spot prices: Bran, 123.80 nar ton: shorts. 1 2d. 60: rolled barley. 3l.50qjS2.60 Corn Whole, J0 per ton; wkw, $37. Vamtahlaa Artichokes. $1 Per dosen; tomatoes, $4.25 per crate; cab- bags, 3.50st3 par nunarea; gmruo, lOe per pound; peppers, 17dt20c; amntiant SO61 5e; horseradish, 64c; cauliflower, 75ci$U0; lettuce, $1.86 2.85 per crate; cucumbers, per box; spinach, iH6e per pound; as paragus, 76h90 per dosen, l per box; rhubarb, perpounu, aa, 646c; beans, Jktflle; celery, $3.60 par crata. Potatoes Jobbing prices: Oregon, ll.4WU.65 per sack; Yakimaa, $1; new California, 4ij,5c per pound. Buy. tnff prices: Oregon, l(Cl.l. nniom Chmonn. il.SS ta 1.60 per sack; Texas Bermudas, $1.60t. Green Fruit Strawberries, vregon, $2tt2.60 per crate; California, 76cq $1.65; apples, $1 it 1.76 per box; gooseberries, 8c per pound; cherries, $1.601.76 per box. Eggs Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, candled. 23e per dosen; un called, JlU22c Poultry Hens, 17(.il7 per pound; atan lSe: broilers. 286i.30c: turkeys. live, 18t20c; turkeys, dressed, choice. 23(25c; ducks, 16((j;18c; geese, iuc Butter Extras, prints. 28!t29e per pound; prime firsts, 27c; firsts, 26c; cubes. 24$25c; butterfat. No. 1, 27c, delivered Portland; No. 2, 26c; store butter, 18j20c Veal Fancy, ll(fil2c per pound. Pork Fancy, 10Kille per pound. Hods 1916 crop. 10ftil2e; 1916 con tracts, llU2c WooJ Eastani Oregon, 2129e per pound; valley, 33g36c; mohair, new dip, 48ig61c Cascara bark Old ana new, ec per Cattle bteers, cnoics grain anu railn ca7.V?9.16: choics bar. 63-60i 8.76: sood. 38.lMi8.60: medium, $7.76 8.16; cows, choice, $7.608; good. IS. 76 7.25; medium, 6.a e? heifers. $S$8.25; bulls, $2.756; stags. $35.25. .- . Hogs Prime light, S9(9.i; goou to prime, $8.60tW.76; rough heavy, $7.908; pigs and skips. $7.08. Sheep YearUngs, S.ZiClu; wein- ers, $89.05; ewes, 7,; lamos. $8.2610.60. English Beer Output Cut; Oregon Hop Market Affected Portland The export demand for bops is not going to be as much of a factor in the coming season as in past years, unless the war is brought to a dose, ss production of beer in England is to be limited. Word baa been received from Lon don that arrangements have been mads between the British government and the Brewers' society to redoes the beer output from April L 1916, by 28 per cent of the output of the year ended September 80, 1914. The aim of this restriction is to reduce the im portation of brewing materials by S3 1-3 per cent, though no direct steps will be taken to restrict the importa tion of material. , At the momenr tbere is a very good market st all points on the Coast, and prices are, if anyhting, steadier than last week.';" ' The Furnish crop of 195 bales at Reedville was bought by Ralph E. Williams st 10) cents. Offers ss high ss Hi cents were made Tor good Ore gons in other sections. The Chamberlain lot of 126 bales at Chehalis was purchased by Harry L. Hart at 10 cents. Another important Western Washington deal was the sale of 350 bales of the Klaber crop at Che halis at 11 cents. In Yakima orders at 11 cents -are going unfilled. Only five crops remain unsold in the Yakima section. . In Sonoma, where unsold stocks are reduced to 8000 bales, bids are out at 11 and 12 cents. The sale by Mrs. Duncan of 115 bales of Sonomaa at 11 cent is reported. Hofer & Johnson sold 99 bales of Mendocinos, but the price was not wired. Marks bought the Gerber crop of 263 bales of Sacra men toe at 91 cents. New Fruit Plan Is Adopted. -Wenatcbee, Wash. It is probable that the majority of the large tonnage expected from the up-river country this season will be packed out through community or central packing sheds. The system of co-operative packing which has proven a success in Califor nia and Oregon has received a strong impetus in Okanogan county and the large centers. Ira Cleveland, ef the Growers' league, expert on central packing, has returned from a two weeks' campaign through the up-river country. Growers like the new system. Sheep Weather Storm. Pendleton, Or. Despite the extreme cold weather which has accompanied the storm here the past few days, thorn have been no losses reported from Umatilla county sheepmen. Sev eral of the stockmen heeded tne timeiy warning sent out and postponed shear ing until warmer weather. Dan Smyths, prominent Arlington sheepman, who has just finished shear ing aaM t.hona was no severe storm at Arlington and his sheep are safe. Warmer weather is predicted tne last of the week. - Fruit Damage Is Now Feared. Marshfield, Or. Fear is felt here for the fruit crop, particularly berries, in the finish of the present storm, which commenced five days ago. The weather has been cold and much hail has fallen at intervals, Srawberries which are about coming into market will be injured unless there is a sudden ending of the storm. Nearly three and a half inches of precipitation is the record for five days. Sold Under fi R?rHr?!T a U allllUliu Gunrsntea K ftjoaev Pads Wlfsviereeal HAN FORD'S Bslsam of Myrrh A LIN IMS NT I . Foe Cut. Bunt, BtuIms, Sprain. Strains, Stiff Neck, X ranb!ains,LjurreDcV, OlJSores, Open Wounds, NJ and mil External Injuries. t!ad9 Sirica 1843. ISice 25 SO sad $1.00 AH Dealers Discovered I The kindly old squire was giving a little treat to the villas school chil dren. After tea he stepped oa to the platform and announced, with a beam ing smile: . Now I am going to perform certain actions and you must guess what pro verb they represent The boy or girl who succeeds first will receive a quar ter." . That did It Instantly every eye was fixed on him. First of all, the old man lay down on the platform. Then one man came forward and tried ta vain to lift htm. Two others came to his aid. and be tween them they raised the squire, who was rather portly. The actions were meant to represent the motto union Is strength. When t... h.,l rtni.hoH tha anulra steDDed forward and asked if any child had solved tne puiaie.. At once a srubbr hand shot up and an eager voice squeaked: "Let sleeping dogs lie. Amirivau Boy. "A Better Barrel of Flour Cheaper" BoBcy-EakiDf "MIDGET MARVEL" OMawaaasnalt. tm kn aauhl sew aa. Write. EARYEL KILL CONSTRUCTION CO. 500 brasher Exchange, Portland, Or. s a . , a. IT .1 ffilrili Ere inflamed by eipo- E? . cuickly relirrrd by Werla WT flfi I r BtaMa. No gmarUnz. wJr , VSa-v just E, comfort. At your Droggwr's S0c per 4ole. Msrl-S tfS ftatVSin l UbM2C. f oraaiaiiail.i, Druggiats or Mertw. ty Bsmwdy C., Cakago Did the Trick. Patriotism is a strong instinct In the breast of a certain elderly lady, who was recently much troubled at the failure of her three nephews to enlist They were such stalwart sturdy fel lows that she was ashamed of them. When strong hints had been recelv .i in Bf lonA hr nAttanc became ex hausted. One day she sent a telegram to each or tne urea, i nese au ours the same message: vnn- mnnin la calling. Wire re ply if you wish to borrow my ear- trumpet" Bhe is now very proud of her three lads in khaki. London Answers. rt P(.-.aa Ptaaant Peltnta are the original little Kver pills put up 40 yesrs sgo. , They regulate liver and bowels. Preparedness. Mr. Tompkins was obliged to stop overnight at a small country hotel. He was shown to his room by the one boy the place afforded, a colored lad. "I am glad there's a rope here In case of fire," commented Mr. Tomp kins as he surveyed the room, "but what's the idea of putting a Bible In the room in such a prominent place." "Dat am intended fob use, sab," re plied the boy, "In case de fire am too far advanced fob yo' to make yo es cape, sab." Philadelphia Public Led ger. Ta Br cat: la New Sbeea, alwT ahaka in Allen' Koot-ataa, a pnrdr, t euro hot, wiaum, achlnf, wollmi ieet. ?urea eortia, Inrrowiiig nailaand bunion. At til dm irlaia and ihe aterM, IV-. Iim atteept inrauUUtuU. HamplrmallMl'BKit Addraaj iUea.CiimsWd, Le hot On the 6sfs Old. Jones and his wife were seated at the dining room table perusing the evening papers when the door bell rang. Jones arose to answer it whon bis wife said: . "Let me hide those umbrellas De- fore you let them in." "Why, do you tntnx someooay wui steal them?" asked Jones. "No," replied his wife. "Someone mffcht recognize them." Philadelphia ' Ledger. , Corroboration. "I'm so oblivious to everything ex cept my art when I am on the stage," aid Hamlet Tiepacer, "that 1 never can see the audience." "So the box office reports," said the manager. Browning's Magazine. niKV tT T VTf I PS . -4 aarhare. JUriU tat .malalk'la- Wu-Mii m4 kUisj UUI4ev. Nm. ciaa, UrM, rsHM. tU aUi ISItSS, Via d a flaenai.caa'tsiU array OVari Will mA twtl g lufaro naytrilRf . Ctwarttri e4stiw, tr itilrtT, 4W aaKlof tl. I 1ST BAaOLS KatMS, IMBeEalk Ar. SraaUra, B. X. Tsr- i I IT , mm civB to ccnntsror;DD.TS a-v V tl.UU.1 UiD IW vmarti . iii.M.nd regi L. '" "J I!IS AITimDE TOWARD Wsahlngton, D. (X-PreIJnt W'lU ,t,.i l.u nloHt maila nubile t frank and Intniiats review of his three years in the White House awl his Im pressions of foreign and domestic problems, uvuvvrau for Washington corr-apontlents galh rd at th National lres flub. II spoke of th difficulties of th Presl' i j K.i...,i.,t nf tha motives which have guided his handling of th Eurojan situation, "Anwrloa," th IWdent wlJ. "w for peace because she Uve snd W lieves th present war ha eartid th nation sngagi so far that they can not be held to ordinary standarda of ak leaponaimiiiy. II added th United States has ... K. nna nf tha STaateat na tion of the world ami therefor must act "more or less from th point of view of th rest of th world." ? t ...w,l rataln m moral lnflU- nc over a man except by occasionally DR. ALEXIS CARREL i' . L. ... i Dr. Alexia Carrel ef th Rockfllr Institut, working with Dr. Henry D. Dskln In th r ranch mlllUry hespiul st Cemplsgns, has dlacoverad a nw antlaaptle which. If cpplled In time, ta said to mak Infection In wound knocking him down," h said; "if that is the only basis on wnicu ne win r. speet me, then for the sake of his soul I have got occasionally to knock him down." The President declared h had been kept awake night considering th Eu ropean situation, "because ther might come a time when the United States would hsvs to do what I did not desire to do," and "th great burden on my spirits has been that it has been op to me to choose when that time came. " He added that he did not con ceive that he had been elected Presi dent to do as he pleased. "If I war it would hav been much more interest Ing," hs said. Suffragists tsd 10,000 ; K3e Tom- at WasMsgtoa, D.C Washington, D. C Envoys of the Congressional Union for Woman Suf frage brought their 10,000-mile, 88 day tour of the country to a climax Tuesday night with a final plea to about 60 representatives and senators gathered in tha rotunda of the capital for passage of the Susan B. Anthony suffrage amendment at this session of congress. A dosen suffragists, including sev- aral ranMUUmtatiVM Of States In Which women are enfranchised, urged their cause and hinted broadly mai mis would be a good year for both Demo crats snd Republicans to get on the suffrage band wagon. As many spectators as could crowd ! tha mtiinla liaijtnnd to tha BDeecb- es and hundreds stood In the plata out side to applaud tne tunragtsis.. ' Ship Bill Is Taken Up, Washington, D. C The administrs tion shipping bill was taken up in ths house under s special rule and fixed Friday for the vole on tne measur ana any amendments. Many speeches were marl. Renublican eenerally being against the bill and Democrats for it The rule wss adopted by a vote of 191 to 141, after an hours discussion. Malnritv Leader Kltchin. who had not been counted on to champion the bill, spoke vigorously for it ana toia tne Democrats if they would stand together it would be passed. ' - Harbor Bill Progresses. Washington, D. C Some progress was made on the river and harbor ap propriation bill in the senate, alter a week of filibustering by Senator Ken vnn anH Sherman. Senator Harding made a speech attacking the measure as extravagant senator emoot win launch a fight against the action of the Mmmarea mmmittea in striking OUt a $600,000 project for deepening ths ap proach to th Naw York navy yard. This, the only new project in ths bill ss passed by the house, wss inserted at the request of the President. Neutral Trade Drops. j Waahlnofnn. Ti. CRestrIctions on commerce by th British order In coun cil , sre credited here witn Deing tne cause of sharp declines In American avrvnrra ri tha Northern Euro Dean neu trals during . the last year. Figures assembled in tne bureau oz oomeaiic commerce show tht Norway slone of tha Minntriea in tha north had increas ed purchases in ths United States. Spain and Switzerland, nowever, are buying in America. r L I Rival- Two private in Highland regi " beg l th- ' to th rival menu ol Kdlnbi ' OiaVsow-a burning topic north ol the T "Ay." n' hlt I er IC.tlntourBh" sneered th Glaswegian. Na.thlu' bit . TT-ViV.. - an' ruin oa ylo aid sn' a row u' ludgiu" house o th "hJUl Jl' l!k r'a w ha In Fdlnburhl" protested th man from that oily. , oo. ay I V ba om fin prl oolM . . a ,k- . "Weel, sn" nn w " ss mony cheap trip rra OIel "ller. om. u' th warld' gres--t heroes ll In ai-anae!" snapped th Ulaagow man angrily, "lieroest llumphl Boonr ca thm martyr fur livln' Iherel" "Ye will find Oli the globel" proudly. "Mibb"v-aliulr-"n' gr l'd ta be onl o' It 1 " "At ony rat." ld th Olssgow man firmly. "OIa Is far greater place than Edinburgh!" , "Awe', monl Kdluburgh Is th capi tal o- Bcotlandt" ih.i'a aa Riav be. WSS lh Qlasweglans final hit "Hut heave" help ye If ye gang uoun rsi " o' a Betterday ulcht an' say III" Lon don Answers. How to Heal Itching, Burning Skin Diseases rlficior suxBcats this simple, but reliable snd ineipenslv. i tiMtula suffertos with ecirma. ringworm, raahea and similar itching, burning sain irouoiaa. At any reliable druglt'B gel a jar u.ll nlntntant 111.1 a CakS Of r- U IWIHVI w - - - Inol soap. The are not at all expen sive. WMh the realnol soap anu warm water bath th effected parts thor- thaw ara free frttm CniatS and th skin la softened. Iwy very gently, spread on a mm layer 01 m reslnol ointment, snd cover with a li. k. Vv. .).... If naraaaar tA nrolact the clothing. This should be don twice a day. Usually tn uieirvaaina Itching and burntug stop with th first treatment, and lh skin soon become clear and healthy again. Adv. Thoughtful. They were a very saving old couple, and aa a result they had a beautifully furnished house, One day th old woman miasea ner husband. . . "Joseph, where are your sh called out "I'm resting In lh parlor." cam in ""What oa th sofyr cried th old woman, horrified. "No, on th floor." Not oa that crand carpet!" cam in tone of anguish. "No. rv roliea it up. f armmB Business. Neat Bast Thing. A hospital nurse waa testing a vol unteer on his practical knowUdge of first aid work. "Now, what would yon do In caa a man eollapaedT" sh saked. OIe blm some brandy, ml," re plied th man. "But Buppoa you had no brandy f" "Sure, then." h answered cheer fully. "I'd promise him sum." Phil adelphia Public Ledger. Entirely Different "What's this, daughter! Too let Mr. Flubdub, whom you barely know, kiss you," "Now mother, let's get this thing right I didn't let blm kla me. 1 merely let him try." Louisville four ter-Journal. Getting Acclimated. Queen of the May th climate Is per . verse. Each spring the danger's greater; It might be prudent II you would, re ' hearse In a refrigerator. Washington Star. . Mmitk fF For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Been Woman's Most Reliable Medicine -Here is More Proof. To women who are Buffering from some form of woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking down, the three following letters ought to bring hope: - . 7 k, - , ' jTCiuuun remedies." Mrs. AIatki Asbacii, Aorta Crandon, Wia, Testimony from Oklahoma. iAwton. Okla. "Whon I began to take I.ydla'E. Plnkbam 'a Vegetable Compound I seemed to he pood for nothing. I tired aaily ' and had headaches much of the time and was irregular, I took it again before my little child was born and it did me a wonderful amount of rood at that time, I never fail to recommend Lvdi K. link ham's Vegetable Compound to ailing; women because It Las done so much"" for me." Mrs. A. L, MoCaslahd, 609 Have HI, Lawton, (Jkla, From a Grateful Manachusetta Woman. Roxbury, Mass." I wag gufferlnfr from Inflam mation and was examined by a physician who found that my trouble waa caused Ir a dlanlaoement. My symptoms were bearlnp down ana siuggwa uver. i tnea several Kinds ot medl cine; then I waa asked to try Lydla E. Hnkham's Vegetable Compound. It has cxmd me and I am pleased to be in my usual rood health by using it and highly recommend it" Jirg. 11. If, Osaoou, 1 llaynes Park, Itoxbury, Mass. If yon want sneelal advioe writ to Lydla p. I'lnkham medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Yonp letter will b nnd, read and answered by a woman and hell la strict conudcasoa , THiNK YOUR GROCER if he asks you to try a can of iff BAKING lit POWDER He wants todo you a favor hcknowsvvhat brands to rec ommend from experience. th Made ef UI. In a a.Haln nl.l ruhtanad eoOBlrf bank th clerk hav a quaint habit of speaking 01 00 anotner as ouicers ui th bank. , A new waller, fresh from Ireland, was recently taken on at tha restaur ant they all favored. To btio a clerk said on his first morning: "Pat have any of the other officer been her yet this morning V "Hure. or," was th demure reply, .kiln l-Ml'a avea lalllklrd. "It WSS hardly three minute ago that waa av thlm went out or in piac wiui ei sword behind hi earl" London An swers. ' fEIS BREAI-LP-A-COLD TABLETS A snwranteed remedy fur Ctdd and I.a Grlpi. lrle &e of your druggist. It's good. .Tsk nothing eUw. Adv. right Child. "MlB-aW small boy say great many bright Ihinc." "II uttered hi etasterplec th oth er evening in the presence of B bug company,".. "What was ltr -Ha said, 'rather, where do yon get all the funny things you tell people 1 sayr" Washington Star. Possibly Be. "There will likely be a big Influx of travel to Kurop after the war," "Ye. They ought to get beck a good bit of money putting up rows ol castle to rent to Americans." Kan sas City Journal. , , Krk4fkU -" I North Crandon, "WLcn I wag 16 yesri old I got married and at 18 years I gave tlrth to twins and It loft me with very poor health. I could not walk aero the floor without having; to alt down to rest and it was hard for tne to kwp about and do my work. I went to a doctor and ce told me I had a dbtpUcemcnt and ulcer, and would have to have an operation. This frightened vat so much that I did cot know what to do. Having heard of Lydia & llnkhain'a VrgeUbIa Compound I thought 1 would giro it a trial and it niado me aa well as ever. I cannot say enoiiirh in favor of the lining ""i'Jinnii:! pains, backache, !;