The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 19, 1916, Image 3

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Important Announcement to Women
Special Factory Offer-Special Prices
To Assist us In maklnrr this special Introductory
offer we were allotted one carload of
I ipteUl prices nn fomtillon that w In turn acll this kit at t tlal
prices ami mi terina to put them In reach of avary woman. If you
' have thoutlit of gutting; K Urban ('l-iiit. take advantage of thla
ehanr now. If you havtn't thought of It, by all mean Investigate
right now, Do nl diday, a wa can gat no ni at presunt price.
With a MeDougall you can gat up maul in half tha usual t ma. It
will mv you mile of aU. Ilia tlma and energy eavad will ana
14a you to do many oihar taake-MIl batter than tha Lent earv
ant," aaid ona enthusiast!" vwnar. Tha aavlng of auppllea alona la
im small Item. A MrDougall Auto-Front aoon paya for Itself. Be
aura and aa iU No other Cabinet haa aa many worth whilo con
venience: aa tha Mc Doug at liet youra NOW. c it t: :t it ::
Comitate Furnlahors of Home, Outre, Church, Schools.
Ilanoa, lboMrraphe, Music .
KM AkUr Ht - (Odd rallowa' Temple) - WALLA WALLA. WASH.
Dr. Alfred F.Sempert
Graduata and JlogUUrod
office hours
a.X to 12.00 A. M.
10 ia a) r. M.
WATTS lll.l)G., upatalra
It's True Economy
Tts Ecoscay Store
We bny for rash and eell fur
eaah-et amall margin.
Crash and Linen Goods
School Supplies
from the finest to the
Sulla cleaned and Dressed tl 00
Bulla si Hinged and pressed 60c 1
I-wllea gnwtte...... .. 11.00 and up t '
H'Htoa and Ht. dree.,.60e 'Miun f
liiuvea, Ming v .UK
Glovea, abort loe
Try ua-wa hava tha experience. J
Watch Uila ad. for change.
! R. L. Reynaud
Physician and Surgeon
Office In Watla bulMlng.
WliHtON ... UlrKOON
On In tha Klnm lltilhllng, Milton
Hours, u to 12 and I to ft
Hid with ma at train prlcee. J. O.
H. H. Touch waa tin from pendi,
Ihla week, greeting hie oia-uma "re
ton friend.
Nearly new lil t refrlaerator for
Mia for M 00, Alan god Singer eew
Ing machine. K. K. hm,
ui iirin.r who haa bee
vlaltng Mra. rrt McOraw, haa re
turned to her homa at v eeru.
....... . hn I. Mfltf Vr
w imam nuw... - ' - -lived
on l na creek tnr Weston, died
recently at hie boma in Milton.
v.. ITnlted Brethren Sunday
u .i.nnlna' a vlalt to tha Hun-
day achoul at Ahna for May II.
a .... lu.rn linndav avanlna to
u. ...i u rm nrmAv llvmdon at thlr
homo In tha Itaad and Haly up-
Ian da.
. . Atl..Ma. fflfM Af
upriamr . m. .
county road mak.ra la at work thUi
.k nn llala cravk naar tha Balph
Tnt kar plara.
ft., i.rfi.. Bt lha Mrthodl.t church
.in a ronkad food aala at tha
Waal on Marcantlle Mora tomorrow
(Katurday) aftarnoon.
Mra. Mlllan McMorrla arrtad Mon
day from Portland for a vlalt with
har atetar. Mra. I B. Wood, and will
remain until aftar tna piona tw
Tha F.aat Or von lan r.porla that K.
M. Smith haa'on ppoini r "-
rounty court aa guaroiaa or
Phllllpa. an l4-yar-old raaidant o
I. V. Llauallan. Ooraa Brill and
Ralph Turkar wra out laat waak on
flahlng aacuralon along tha uppar
ra hNi of tha Umatilla, and found a
clinl "port.
Tha annual roundup now In prog
rm an lha Umatilla rawnratlon
howa that tha Indiana hava loat
bout fifty Pr crnt of thalr ponlra
tweauaa of wlnura ravagaa.
Ilad. whlta and pink paonla for
graduation rclaa and Mamorlal
Am ( n.r diiaon. Doataaa prlald.
,nnr fltlad In orr of rlpt. Mra.
O. E. Dldlon. rraawatar, orrgon.
Mlaa Llaila CIfU.i and Mum Bophla
Dannrnbrlng of Outtanbarg. Iowa.
bca of Mra. D. Oarbardlng. ar
guaata of Mr. and Mra. aarbaruing at
Ihalr homa on Washington atract.
I ny. Oaorga Chapman will praach
' hla far wall aarmon nasi Hundoy
mnrntng at tha Unltad Brathran
church, prior to hla daparturo for
I'hUomath. Oragon. whara ha will an-
gaga In farming.
Waalon High rdmd Ita laurala
Friday by dafrallng Athana High In
a c'oaa ball gama. arora flva to four.
A Mann Wood mad hla dabut on tha
mound for Waaton, and cauaad thlr
tan young Athana bataman to lay
down tha willow.
n.. am lh. n It Wllanv
. v.. u ....... VH .... - - - ' i
farm la a buay placa. aoma thirty man
balng amployad. It la axpactrd that
tha road will ba complrtad through
tha farm thla waak. but aa occasional ,
rapalra will ba mada wharaaar naadad j
tha ramp will ba malnta'nad for aoma
tlma vai. J. M. Myara. W. Crablll. J.
Crura and famlllaa ara among tha
camp raaldanta. .
Mil nAEEfc OMECE tu3 E" T-2-1
Wafccfa for Ttais Sale
FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 26 and 27
; We find in combining the O'Harra stock with
ours that we are overloaded in some lines and will
place upon special sale for these two days this surplus,
stock as well as much of our crisp, new, this season's
merchandise. This sale will include
Shoes, Millinery, McnV Furnishings, Hats.x
Notions, Dry Goods and Domestics
making a sale of such far reaching opportunities that
the desired results will be obtained. The O'Harra
stock is known as high grade, well selected merchan
dise. , Our stock is all new and the goods offered will
be the most desirable.
This will be a real sale where prices will cut to
the lowest,' making a substantial saving to economi
cal buyers.
Watch for our bills giving prices. Wait for this sale.
Tha Waaton ramatary la a vary
baauUful apot Ihla waak to any lovar
of flowara Hlitaan varlallaa ara In
bluom or budding. Tha work dona la
tha I. U. O. y, and Maaoale i.mirla
during tha laat two yaara haa mada
It ronvanlant to at roll about and vlaw
at etoaa hand tha many -work of art
In marbla and granita that mark lha
raallng placaa of tha lovad onaa gnna
bafora. C'onlraata ara adurallonal.
and ahaA tha propla coma Inert her
lhara on Mamortal IMy parhapa tha
naad of Improving tha city aavtlon will
ba fall and aoma mova mada to that
and In tha naar futura. Tha flowara
now aaaa In lha ramatary Inrluda nar
claaua. tulip, myrti. Iliac, wallflowar.
rnaa. Illy, flaca, wild luplna, aunflowar,
Indian pink, pink era. par," blua ball
and barhalor button.
At Ita raranl maatlag tha Saturday
Ariarnoua t'lub vol.d 170 toward tha
building of a pavilion In tha nty park,
thla aum to ba avallabla la tha avanl
that lha city council alH provlda lha
ramalndar of tha aananaa. II la a
partad atao that townapaopla In gan
aral will ao-oitarata with amall dma
tlma of eaah or labor. 'I l.a mvIIIu
I. ,M Itm tmMk.l.lM.1 MrlLh liafu.haa and a
raadlng labia, and will aarva aa a
iiImmiI raailna b ara for tha public
during lha warm aummar aftarnoona
It la thought that It wlU prova to ba
a convanlant placa. alao, for aummar
band concarta. In vlaw of tha af
factlva work dona In bhalf of a bat
tar Waaton by tha Saturday Aftarnoon
(tub, Ita lataat plan will doubtlaaa
maat with popular an p port and ap
proval. Clark F. Nalaon. dlatrlct managar
of tha Eiultabla Ufa. waa up from
Pandlaton during tha waak. Clark la
in Una ataln for hla fourth aurcaaalva
yaar for tha Kquttabta'a Oniury club,
which wlU ba hald In Naw Tork City
In Auguat. Hla writing for tha yaar
will, la fact run far abova tha liao,.
000 mark raoulrad. Not lone aao ha
wrota two S0.0 pollclaa In Pandla
ton In ona aftarnoon. Hanry W. Col
tlna. wall known grain buyar and
warahouaaman. and iamaa H. Pturgla
of K. U Smith Co.. aach took out
a policy for that amount. With par
hapa ona axcaptlon. thaaa ara tha
laraaat pollclra avar-wrlttan In Pan
dlaton. A band of aavantaan gypalaa traval
Ing In thraa big touring car two
Cadillac and ona Bulck paaaad
throuah Waaton Saturday on thalr
way from tha placa whara thay had
barn to tha place whara thay ara go
ing. Thay atoppad long enough for
thalr duaky woman to Work Main
atraat. but If thay do no better !
where than thay did here they will
never get gaeollne money. Rven gyp
alea In automobllea are regarded here
aa leaa of a novelty than a nuleance.
The Bachelor Olrla Club met Mon
day evening with Mlaa Odeaaa Kirk
Patrick, and apent an enjoyable eve
ning In chatting and eewlpg. The
refreahmenta were dainty and appe
ttxlng. and were eerved In tha dining
room of the Klrkpatrk-k realdence,
which had been attractively decorated
la the club colon. Ten member
were preaant. Tha club'a next meet
ing la aet for May I. when Mlaa Ferol
McBrlde and Mlaa Ora Martin will en
tertain with a "alumber party."
The Pendleton , Bucka. although
heading the percentage column In the
Blua Mountain baaeball league, have
been disbanded by Manager McGarrl
glr. Lack of financial aupport la
given aa tha reason. Pendleton wKI
drop out Of the league nnteas ! la
provided from eome source with which
to finish the schedule. Thla leaves
Pilot Rock. Echo and Weston "up in
the air" unless they want to carry on
a three-cornered fight, with ona team
lying Idle each Sunday.
Oregonlnn: Thera la a man up the
valley who came to Oregon a few
years aao determined to succeed by
specialising. He bought ten acres
and the first year cleared more than
ISflO In onion aeta. The second year
ha trebled that aum and thla year ex
pects to make all kinda of money. He
any ha worka only etx months In the
year, but that Is humorous: for a man
with hla ability la working ail tha
time with hla head.
Alvtn. the aeven-year-old son of
Mr. and Mra. I. C. Hopkins, died May
la of diabetes at their home on Waa
ton mountain. Funeral services were
conducted at the Methodist church by
Rev. N. D. Wood, and the remains
were latd to rest in tha I. O. O. F.
cemetery. Mr. and Mra. Hopklna de
sire to give expression of their sin
cere thanka to the neighbors and
friends who aided them during their
bereavement. ,
The final meeting of the Saturday
Afternoon Club for the season was
held at the homa of Mrs. Wilbur E.
Woods. Many interesting plans were
discussed In outlining the work for
next year. The usual program waa
aet aside and the club ladles spent a
long and delightful afternoon, closing
with a delicious lunch.
Mra. J. K. Scott of, Athena haa re
ceived encouraging news from Hunt
ington Beach. Calif., aa to the condi
tion of her brother. Will Preaton, who
waa run over and Injured by a jitney
"bus through the carelessness of Its
driver. It Is expected that with the
healing bf his broken shoulder he will
aoon recover. -
Tha local W, C.'T. V. met Tuesday
afternoon with Mr. O. W. Keen, Out-of-town
visitors were Mrs. Wood
worth, county president; Mrs, Rugg.
county vice-president, and Mrs. May,
county aeexetary. AH are of Pendle
ton. A number of new members were
received Into the aociety. r
All tha alnjrer of Weston and vicin
ity ar Invited and requested to come
to tha Methodist church on next
Wednesday evening1, when choruses
will le rehearsed for the pioneers' re
union. .
Fire Tueaday night destroyed the
(reenter part of the Milton Ice plant,
causing a loss of .40,000. Insurance
r am mm w c.rrlail. Defective wir
ing la thought to have caused the fire.
Motor car service to all points, day
or night. Also livery and feed aab!
opposite tha Meuallen blacksmith
shop. Lafe McBrlde.
At the big Woodmen rally In Ath
ena Wednesday ntjjht 27 candidates
were Initiated, ten of them being- from
Weston. ,
Mrs. H. C, Puckett of Leahy. Wash
ington, came last Saturday for a visit
with her daughter, Mrs. K. M. Weeks.
The Weston Baths and Tailor Shop
will meet all 'price. Tor rates on
cleaning, look for -ad. R. I Reynaud.
Mr. Wilma Minnick of Bridal Veil,
Oregon, is visiting her , parents at
Weston. .
A. R Lansdsle is here from Walla
Walla for a visit, with relatives and
friends. .
but wc have the goods ; j
You take no chances dealing with Watts &
Rogers. We do as we advertise. We've got the
Ten Dollars (Mex.) as a tennis prize,
Take home a McCormick you take no chances.
Buy a Deere or Dutchman they are guaranteed.
Ride in a Weber, Winona or Deere they are stayers.
, How about a sewing machine, an auto tire, a tennis
racket or a shotgun? .
FISHING TACKLE galore, and a synopsis of the Game
LAWS for the asking.
PIONEERS PICNIC June 2d and 3d.
Weatnw Boy Sea) h "Fesv"
A party of thirty Weston boys, mem.
bet of i. H. Williams' Blbt class at
tha United Brethren church, had a
splendid tlma Friday on a trip to tha
Walla Walla penitentiary. The ex
cursion came tbelr way as a prize for
the Sunday erhool class showing tha
largest growth In membership, and
they made the most of It. Many had
never vtelted Walla Walla before.
Not a few of them saw a street car
for the first time. To all tha trip
waa a aource of unmixed delight, and
the grownup accompanying them
ahared their pleasure.
Tha boys spent eeveral hour at the
penitentiary, and were received with
every courtesy by the prison authori
ties. They aay that they found It a
very clean and even a beautiful place,
and full of Intereating aight and
acene for the young visitor. Never
theless, they will alwava prefer to
see It bis; gate close behind them aa
guests rather than Inmates. I
The boy making the trip were El
lis Brown, Johnny Luc. Herman
ftagg. Ray Jones. Bill MacKenxle,
Anson Payne. Dudley Rogers. James,
Cralnen. Floyd and Lester Hodrrnon,
Fred Greer. Eldon and Lloyd King,
Gua Burgy. Clarence and Victor Thoe
ny. Art Cooper, Lyle Webb, Jame
Lutea. Arden Lucas. Cecil Greer. Glenn
Staggs. Lloyd Beamer. Lewi and Bill
Van Winkle. Brlce Parker. Harvey
Lundell, Robert Lithgrow, Herbert
Johnson. Worth Watt.
Grownup who furnished car for
the expedition were Frank Greer, Dr.
F. D. Watts.- L. R. Van Winkle, Joe
Hodgson and O. W. Stagga.
t 1
High School Commencement.
The lilt commencement of Weatoa
High achoot begins next Sunday eve
ning. May II, at the achoot auditorium,
with the annual commencement ser
mon, which will be preached by Rev.
E. R. Clevenger of Pendleton. As Is
usual on thla occasion, it will be- a
union service.
The clasa roll of 1M graduates In
clude Msmle B. Barnes. Carl H.
Brandt. Jame K. Klrkpatrlck. Ferol
T. McBrlde. Ruby K. Price, Ruth E.
Read and Gladys E. Smith.
Tha graduating exercises will take
ptace at the auditorium Friday eve
n'ng. May If. when the following
program will be presented:
March ....Mrs. Joseph Wurxer
Invocation ...Rev.. N. D. Wood
Vocal Solo Mrs. Ralph Baling
Address "After Commencement.
Prof. W. R. Davis. Whitman College
Piano Solo Mrs. Joseph Wurxer
Presentation of Diploma..,.;....
Mr. Wm. MacKenxle, Chairman
Board of Director.
Dismissal Rev. N. D. Wood
After the program the Junior clasa
will give a banquet to the graduates
and their parent, and a few Invited
guests. .
Children's Day at M. E. Church.
Children's Day exercises will be
held next Sunday at the Methodist
church, beginning at 11 a. m. The
program follows:
Song "Children's Hosanna," Children
Prayer by pastor.
' DoxoJogy.
Song "Children Day" Children
Greeting "The King's Garden"...
............... Arloulne Robinson
Cradle Roll Service.
Recitation "Our Cradle Roll Ba
bies" ........... Blanche Thorsen
Presentation of Flowers. Goldle Neabitt
"A Bleaaing for the Blessed"
Eva Lundell
Buterfly Flowers .... Mary Proud fit
The Forgret-Me-Not HIna Price
Song "Flower Children". ... .Children
"My Heart la God's Little Garden".
Kathrlne Lleuallen
"Everybody's Business" Louise Porter
"Weeds and Deeds". .Leonard Snider
Song "How They Grow" ...Children
Offering Speech Maggie Fuson
"Helper In the Garden"
, Six Little Girls
Song "Outside tha Garden"
"Omigo Class"
Song "The World Children"
Benediction. .
Information Wanted.
Most of tha stock phrases of every
day Ufa ar Intelligible to us. and wa
know a Jot but w wish somebody
wonld tell n what a tittle la.-Coran
bla State.
Lrfe without pursuit Is a vague nd
laugutd thing. Bacon.
' - af?a
rim rit;
SPRING CANYON COAL-The coal that makes tha whlta heat,
A good supply eonstanly on band.
RED CEDAR FENCE POSTS from Puget Sound in any quantity. '"
They ar well tarred, or wa will aell you the tar to tar your
old posts.
v ' " -ar
A-l RED FJR and TAMARACK WOOD from Kamela; 16-inch, 12
inch and 4-foot lengths. ,
MMaaSJPaSHaW , jj0Kl. '. paWWnaBjpf. mi UJ.i "V
The Universal Car
Figuring from either end-coat or upkeep-the Ford is the
most economical, costing only about two cento a mile to oper
ate and maintain-less than any other ear. The expense varies
with the driver and the conditions, but all agree that the Ford
expense is the lowest in every sense. Runabout 1442. 45; Tour
ing Car $492.45. On display and sale at
H. L. HEDR1CK, Proprietor
Where 0
lily the
is Good Enough
SB j. - u
t It is easy to tempt people with the
glamor of low prices. It is really wonder-
P hnxir o email nrifV in Lire tVD& fills the
I eye so completely that the quality back of
I the price is lost sight of.
This is a Quality Price Store