U. S, Government Homesteads In ) ramon Columbia Ktwr !! I . : . - 1 1 ... 1 M, Cow. i.tMiaa. InJun Alkibmt acd Mineral UitJ. IWk l . '.,.m ;,.. It w i i-,.t 11-wie.lead !' on itoVarmdlua WITHOUT THE tXti-Nbt. OK A LOCATOR. i:::;eseexers 54-3 M.Ky Mding. CtPfc f jfk I.EVFEEEIS HOTEL Fifth m4 WVka a, tmttm. Oa Th homtliV Stopping- place for those who appreciat U dollar's fuU worth. fc axa, M Bmafaat aa1 LaarSxM FORTLAKD Y. f 1 C A. a H i tsuiiitl'iit StCMftT. SWwMp Tim ttv aw. whtVS. rkW ntt,e mr,4 mtirvrtKfi mtvm. mi lh,.,-i ttttuoai tia xmmUmm. ValuaMa MM Mi Cwmm s "4 hMif hhM. Kl .'K run VATAUMa. 1 ft""StP?e fM mmtixmnmm fcM Till IM C::"i Tr::3, Fsstsi Fn:f Tins WwittMBSWrUMiL. Lartlmar TnlMt. mm mm ksstort Skv iat Tm at m cms Ktx.ua at. k. fc E1ECIRIC COMES It. in.,, nr ir- tartMM. Mi. ! CSS, FELTS, CISCO EH Wm inrl 3 M mj. TTt-" ?M a Hia Goidea Wadding, f p and dowa the Tfllaga atreet tralkd old Tompkins, dressed all ia his Sunday beat, acd aita a cieaa col lar on. -Hello, old fellow! a Mead kailed Mm. "A.vn't yoa working todajrr "No," replied tha old man proudly. "I'm celebrating my golden wedding." "RaliyT Then youTe been mar ried 60 years!" "Yes. I hare." -Then where. Mra. Tompklna? In-t she ceiebrating. toot" "The present Mra. Torapkina," the old man coldly rebuked the Idle ques tioner, "has nothing to do with It" The Department et Farm Crop, University of Idaho, has receiyed dur ing the cpring. snipmenu oi ww uvw the following foreign countries: Can ada. Sweden. Denmark. Australia, and Japan. The Bureau of Plant Industry of flie V. S. Itepartment of Asrtcultnre baa also sent sample of ciorer and other Jegnminoua oropa for the pur pose ot co-operatiTe testing eiperl ments. ? Vain Begneta. "Never write ietie.ro. young man. that youH regret In afterlife" "Yon apeak aa from experience?" "I do. In eariy.correspondence with her who la now my wile I signed my self 'Your obedient .errant. " An swers. :, Uobsrving Fata. FuU many a flower ia horn, to Blush unseen And waste it. sweetness on the des ert air; Or else to nod above the gasoline Within the auto of some lady fair. Evening Sun. IIUSDAND OBJECTS TO OFEBflTIOli Wife Cured by Lj& Ei. FtckliamV Vegetable Compooncl..'; Tm Moines, Iowa.-" Fowr yean ag I vm very sick and my li'e was nearly , .pent. 1M oooars stated tust 1 woaiu never get well with i ah t an ooeration and that without it I wouid cot live one war. L'f hosband bjectad to any opei'auon ana got nie someol Lydia ri. HT.l Umm nrrtm- bla Compoimd. I took I it and commenced to get better and am now well, am stsut and able to do my own boosework. I can recommend the Vegetable Com pound to any woman who ia sick and ron down as a wonderful strength and hea.th restorer. My husband says I would have been in ray grave ere this if it had uot been for year Vegetable Conioonnd.' Mrs. BLANCHE jErraa noH, 70S Lyon Sc. 0es Moines, Iowa. Bif ore submitting to a surgical opera tion it is wise to try to boild Bp the f!ir.al sv-stem and care tts derange-t-.cr.Vi I.j J a E. Finltham's Vege t.lle Cn"-.r.J; it has saved many '!i f.ipa 'icsl ofieratiana. V, i . 'f i o ii-e Lytiia E. Plakham - .5 (.. "Lynn, Masiu, for P. N. U. No. 18. IS!9 1 III : ' )" ii'i LJ - SMS- j e4 0airit Vry. Frutt, iK.ia.lr k, .!. laket. River. ! J ciomnoN bureau, PORTLAND, OREGON AGENT WANTED Busine nwwity every Mer chant buys on sight tig profit. Kxrhtsiv territory. Free samples, S-lls from S to 1100. Writ quick for terr.tu-v. Syr. 637 Kaiiway Exchange, Vartiii, Ore. ; LADES, TEE FRCHEM IS SOLVED ' ci )mv m ua nixs ud nun -mss I W,t TM T.K." 1 1.. M,.tMll UMlfcO. pmt. tHl Mkmw " l fcl JJ ft h.-u . aril. K j r-MXW. Tiink O SAIU CO, LX)NT EVER FORGET HiLZeiwood Cos Portkixl, Or. It4 rmmr i3t h'r Cm Ex IWUT Ml Hi III i IhM. W Cm SmtUif Ytm. i Books Free iTZZLZiZZZ" TrMtmrtaM) rrw.OMi Cf Hf SmUMk l'a.Tnr imuM. C Uu 4 w r u X fil ml mom tbLUA fcaiu, Omm H, t'mntmmi. Ohm. .i-iMMI MwMMkrPOKODa. ! 'V I fa'iilM. SkiMlMiiW . I mm! bwm. Crir. I I i 1 mm fca CnM Am.hu S. L ' fcaUMXI. lirtiMi,OMv Saftty rTrrt. Brova and Cms r tse!ttg docs, and Brow deciared tbat aay hiif couid Uka ta tiskt at ot a saram x hj sUtiag 4o aad star bat tr;s.t at kiia. -i." a-r4 Grma, "1 ooca Va4 occasioa t try tt. Tb doj vas ewa tug at b as txdt aa k fsw'ii and all that I coa'l la vaa to ait dowa aad toak feint ni.t in U y. CC - rti - Bi." Trae. ar rwerwi Grees. feat -1 s&oold aaTC aAird that waea I cat 4m 1 eics tot a at titl tc ml C a a-at-Tj soot iraa. I ljwa Wpa. "Ska trtam Ma wit a tlaaeeJ" Ike at&a read ttia akitid ros a ao-eL -Try Oat m On m crram. dar," b aaggetted. LiCffliarilia Coa- rserjoaraal. ' Maka Beiieva. This is a toy tea set my little girt got for Christmas. She likes to serve make-believe tea and make-betieve sandwiches. A harmless fancy." -Perfectly. I've been to growa-ap affaire where thev did It." LioaUvUie Courier-Journal. You Can Get Rid of That Itching Rash There is immediate relief for skins itching, burning and disfigured by eo tng skin-trouble, in a warm bath with Resinol Soap and a simple application of Resinol Ointment. The aoothing. iutiR. T7A!nil mMllratinn ainka risht into the skin. atop, itching instantly, and soon clears away ail irace 01 erup tion, even in severe and stubborn cases where ether treatments have had no effect After that, the regular nse of Resinol Soap is usually enough to keep the skin clear and healthy. You need never neuiaie 10 nse n-esi- nl It fa m drwtnr'ft lirMprltttimi that has been need by other physicians for years in the treatment of alt sorts of skin affections. It contains absolutely nothing that could Injure the tenderest skin. Everv .dnixeist sells Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap. (Advt) Sa-Calted Temperate." "TV? at ibtw this v 3 live In? Toa may answer, James," said the teacher. "Temperate. "Now, what is meant by a temper ate loceT " ".'''.; "It's a place where it's freezing eold In winter and red-hot In summer."1 Philadelphia Public Ledger. v The Touch P-e-Eminent. in an eisy chair and his beautiful wife leaning over him to. light hia cigar. "Yoa haven't seen the companion picture to it, have yoaT" "Why. no." "It's the same man savagely chew tag the end of his cigar and writing a check."; . , ., What 0 reams Are Mads Cf. Dillydally (a chronic procrastfaator) I dreamt laist night that I r ah proposed to you. I wonder what that is a sign of? Miss Linger long (desperately) Ills a sign that you have got more sense when 'you are asleep than when you are awake, Tit-Bits. . , , Ask anybody Balsam. Adv. about It Haaord's At the Boarding House. "Is this beef too rare for you. Mr. SimpkinsT "Weil, since yon ask me, Mrs. Skin ner. I would like it a little ofteaer." Baltimore American. We Get You, Madam Mrs. Kawler Did you ever go to one of those astrologers? MrsBlunderty No; but my dacgh ter Kate is just crazy to have her periscope read. Boston Transcript Fords Fords Fords 1915 mtuirm $395 1915 $335 1914 rL. $295 " 1914 fwtCr- $275 1913 m $245 1914 'JgZiiS? $235 mm iioicR m el, Em 13tk A HaxhOTM Am, Et !9. PORTLAND. OEJL j CEKLKAL CROP CONgmoyS rortUmi WWl U5uU. $1.08 pertHhl; fortyfolO. duN 1I rd Fif. xl RirH Hy Kltt Or iron tirooOty, 123.60 ft ton; 1UU. oW P t it.urll Si4 iioe: Bran. $23 Cora WhK t3 Pf ek4 S3 7. V..rt ),!.. ArliohukC TM Pet Uo, p pound; prP Iitt-W no, ii nr pounu; rnm nmi tttr" $l.t5: lectuc. ll.tt per crate; cucumbers, 11.25 t$ spinach. 44t! pound: aspexairua, local. 11.60 dosvn; California, JiSM-'S per boa rhubarb, Sti.3 per pouna; peas, Te. p,ittna J.ddiinv nricea: Oregoa. L6tVtL60 per sack; Yakimaa. L0 It 1.15; new California, tf"e; per nound. Bviving price: uregoa, 1 ii rwi fWran. II. SS St l.TS per sack: Texas Bermudaa, yellow, $2 per crate; white, sx-iu. Green Fruit Strawoemna, ei. 1.SS ner crate: apples. tUi.1.60 Per K- mnlarrita f 11 MT barrel. Emr. Jobbing prieesi Oregon ranch, candled, E24J par dosen; uncandled, Hi; 22a. Poultry Hen. !Tt iTt per pouno; stags, 13c; broilers. S5i3fte; turkeys. live. aiX;21e; turkeys, dreeaed, choice, 5,t26c; duck. 14 tJ 15c; geese, 10 file, . Butter City creamey, prints. traa, 30 13 Sic per pound; country creamery, prints, 29 tj S3c; cubes, ex traa, Z"i2c; hutterfat. No. 1, 33c; No. t. 30c Veal Fancy, lHtl2c per pwujd. pork Fancy. llJ .fUe per pound. Hot 1915 cnn. lUelSe per pound; 191 contracts, ltllc, ! Wool F-astera Oregon, tHCSTe per pound; talky, 30c; awnair. new cup, 40St4Sc Caacara Bark OU and aew, c per pcond. -Cattle Steers, choice' grain and pulp, I3.75.jj9; choice hay, $3.50$ 8.T5; good, f3.lSmJ5.oe; It.75v5.il5; cows, choice. fT.tVCVj! T R0- rood. I.7.i7.J5; medium, I8.S&JIX25; heifers, $57.15; hulhv $i.75i6; stags, S-SX Ho Prime light 3.09.05; good to prime, . 3.e0ty..75; rough heavy, $T.9aea; pigs and skins, i.iAg,o. Sheep Yearlings, $3.5S10; weth ers. tS.,X9; ewes, 73.25; lambs. t9.50lL U. 1 Consul Says Orient CaHs far Korfesrest Prcaucts ConKi! General loha P. Bray, of Singapore, StraiU Scttlementa, who is oa kaws of absence from his post, ar rived ee the PaciSe Coast last week and has spent a eocple of daya ia Se attle ia eoeference with business man and others Interested ia trade ia the Northwest. The consul ranerai has hMn tn the service of the State de partment to about 20 years and for a iiambw of years was stationed at Syd ney, Australia, but recently was trans ferred to Singapore, where he not only looks after tha affairs of tha depart ment of state, but also has charge of tha affairs of other countries now at The consul general spent eonsidera- kl. in tha Saattla office of th bO- reau of foreign and domestic com merce and has riven to tha commercial agent the following statement as to .nntitinna in th K traits Settlements as they probably affect the business of the Pacific fiortaweet. "Aatathe manufacturing interests of the Pacific Northwest, I would say that there is a large opening wine Oriental countries for prod acta of this region. Especially is uus true in re gard to pine lumber. Hoar, muia. Mnnoi Gah fnartfmiartT salmon) "Thm it.volnnment of tha Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States provide a great new lor me .nf(nrwl atl nradneta of tha Pa cific Northwest, and especially would I call the attention 01 manniacuircra of this section to the lack of tnonage for the manufactured products to be sent forward. Wheat Bids Are Advancel Portland Eastern 'bids for wheat were lacking Thursday, but there was jnmanA nn tki Inral market and offers at the Exchange were advanced to 2 cento for spot and may ceuvery. Bradstreets estimates the visible wheat decrease at 1,037,000 bushels, the corn decrease at 1,227,000 bushels. and tha oats decrease at 1,976,000 bushels. ' Timothy hay is scarce in tha local market, and wiSl continue so during the remainder of the season, ine pnee is on a firm basis. . Receipts of Cali fornia grain hay are looked for. Al falfa is also firm. The outlook is for a record crop of alfalfa in the North west this year. Enlarge Creamery. Moscow, Idaho Work has started oa the cold storage plant of the Mos cow Creamery compnay, which has closed a central with a Spokane firm for a fottr-ton modern equipment, in stalled. The batter room will have a capacity of 60,000 pounds; one room for eggs to hold 1000 cases; one room will be kept at about sero for harden ing ice eresm; one for manufacture of ice for the nse of the creamery only, and one for cream and milk. These will all be in addition to the butter making department and machinery. Sugar Prices Soar On. Portland Sugar prices higher than ever predicted before are predicted by wholesale grocers. As a consequence of the latest advance in the East there will be a 10-cent rise in the Portland market Thursday, which will bring the w holesale price op to 18 a hundred pounds. The highest price on record was $3.05, which prevailed oon after the vrar began. It is likely this record will be exceeded in the next few days, as tha Eastern markets are strong. The allies have been heavy purciiscrs, and this is causing the advance. EAT LESS MEAT ir Dm u IDTC r mb ui Tnke a of Salts to flush if WstMrr lM,Urn " you. trsiMa tritt Mat it) at 11 V SV 1 ft SS"- " V produces kidney trouble ia some form or otlwr. says a well known authority. swsum the urie acid In meal escits in, ian?ii wwf . 11 got elut: cUg bp and cause all mrtm nr ! irMm. Darticuiaru ii chs and misery la the kidney rlun i.. " - - Uorpt Ur .lw.plwi.rM. fcUaJ-f The moment your back hurts or hi J- . .. . rlrht. nr if bladdor ari, t . m . -- - K..,k. .ui met atwiut four Ounce. Of Jd Kalta from sy good pharmacy; take a tooiwspoounM in a ! m.mtr ht,rm braakiaat for a few days and your kidneys will then art Una Thta fantoua salts is made from Ins biued with Uthla. and haa been used for etaerattoue to llusa eiof am- aera and stimulate them to normal -uvitv' ataa to neutralise the aridt la ths urine aa It no tenner irriutea. thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; vakce a d.'lishtful effrecnt III hie water drluk hkh ailllioaa of wen and wcuiea take aow and then to keep the kldaeya and urinary omans clean, thus avoiding serious klduvy dlseasa, Money la Oaaeeiioa Reeta. Sl!in aaad!ki roota at 4 to ceata per pound offer a pretty fait premium oa remevm iw pcia from Iswna. fleUa asd pasture. Kinve i.o.ft..w sound er atvre are Imported anaually law the I'alted State It m taai aiaoy a twb. "'r or girl oubt to make fairly good smm by eoUwctlag aad prepariBj Undvlioa roots for the drug trade. Tk. mi t urf sadlctnatv la di ee cf the liver aad dyspepsia, re port H. 8, Hammoad. ot the tx A. C Botany departmeat lorvaiiia vr. nM BMltyv 9mmt Itotjea WrJ . n a Mfte aje kwMtr wr fmmm tmtmn m etTMj ITaWTTT-T Sr UMIMM. .IM M tlH CM- MM s Omr rarMtea r - - - - EuiWIar kmuol Mm4 ran. Tlaieervnlaaf mf-JM " " mi rmur Cns-tml mm nMU.H. a II iataiaa at a avaataul Cuacami Kill One, Of Course. it. inf tha militia) "Tans" are played every ntght cm the bujrie. It meant "lishU out.- 1 ney inrnj n the bodies of dead soldiera. Uies Innocence What do you do If yoa haven't a dead soldier f Boston Transcript. All With Him. 'TVtnt inrof vour friend come to see yoa on visiting days?" ashed Ujs kindly 01a may. -Norn." responded no, 1 1 'they're all here wit' me." WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash tha poison, and taalna from system before putting mora food Into stomach. Say Inside-bathing maksa any ana. look and feat clean, sweet sod refreshed. u-..h nnrir on the inside before breakfast like you do on the outside.: This I vastly more Important because the skin pores do not absorb Impuri ties into the blood, causing Illness, while the bowel pore do. For every ounce of food and drink taken into the atomach, nearly an ounce of waste material roust be car ried out of the body. If this waste material la not eliminated day by day it quickly ferments and generates poisons, gase and toxin which are absorbed or sucked into the blood stream, through the lymph ducts, which should suck only nourishment to sustain the body. A splendid health measure Is to drink, before Lrtakfast each day, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In it. which is a harmless way to wash these poison, gases and toxin from the stomach, liver, kidney and bowels; thus cleansing, sweetening and fresh ening the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food into the stom ach. . " v ' "' a i,afAr tvmnil nf limestone nnos- pbate coats but very little at the drag store but is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on Inside-bathing. Men and women who sre accustomed to wake np with a dull, aching bead or have furred tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, sallow complexion, others who have bilious attacks, acid stomach or constipation are assured of pro nounced improvement to both health and appearance shortly. Effaced Maturity. "Do yon take a much interest In dancing as yoa did?" -Yes." replied Uncle Wagglefoot "But I'm gettln' so dancint. isn't youth ful enough for me. I'm practicin roll er skatln' on one skat." Washing ton Star. Making Headway.-'",' "Making any progress toward get ting acquainted with those fashiona ble people next door?" r., iitfl Their cat invited our cat over to a musical last night" About Town. Gentle Criticism. TT I see where a young woman killed herself because she could not find an ideal husband. Women are fools. ... She Tes. aren't they, to believe there is such a thing? Baltimore American. Ths Old and Hdiabte Fir '1Thorr'srri' ffTH mmm,' mm a " Laf tm I il sWI 1 (, kadi 1 i' farvMk. tmttmM 9rmma4 Ml h1-l 99 wmmk. M mm m mi mm i kals kat na. fCm ' Ml V i- Si. m m 4 ITM wurre nm wmairr SOUS L. THt. ". ct. Ul Ktrmr w.. Trw. . I0 N Accsuntlna "of Jurlit, ..ni. f a atrani. furious nd humorous n.tur find birth I frequently la evroners jn' -U In Justice eourt. I'urommonly intelligent are th cor oner's Juries in Mississippi. "- mm l Warren county, in that stale. reluru.4 . verdict i-vrel which read: m u - -- - the will of Ood or om other disease iiM'atoUiJury.- A...ih.r vardlct eliiUy aoieWH, rMda: "W are of A J-inlon that Ih Deocat met wl h her oram i-i fnfirmstlon ot th Arm, produces! from 1'r.oaa Caua." An old story, on rp" " L.oli.h lurv I a rnnuii.i once brousht In the Mllowlng. "Oullty. wtlh some lime uouui - - he Is the man." Another is toia or which reads: "We llnd the man vfto stole the nisre not guilty." Uucket Cot Evsn, . . ... ,h ka.i been snuh- k.i .1 ih. iliMitf door decided to t't even with hia girl friends. Th girls orcupien me iirav Mts tn the alxih row and the young man had the fifth. They paid at tention to him. oa tne prwrra w. a monoloslst ho besaa to talk of love to get a few laugh. thoa gr unts often do. II said: "All the glrlt ho sre In wve. please sianu up. ......I., in Di, nirl aeit to him. Ihf young man who had been snubbsd said: -I'lease let me out. K'.i..raiiv ilia entire four had to rte. Whsa they aere on their feel the young man eat down, while the re mainder of the audience roared in glee at the fourl'hUadclpht Public Md- ger. fteeegnlilnfl th Prefsasien. -v w.iv taihr a ulrate?" a.iked rinion at tk alii ef hi chl' ., . .i.iuiuima miiiie. after theoid capiata bad ard hia exit from the family mansion on in atu or tu MM .f at. AM.il t p m 1 1 v. "No, my damn:,- waa we rvi7 'Why do yon ahT -ti. u.,ut ma to be a a ood deal of a freebooter." sa'd the young ansa. Paibvlelphta Publie ledger. Fee th Human System. For cuts. burn, bruise, stiff Beck. sore throat, sprain, mm cars ana bunion, use llantord !lam of Uvrrh. It I guaranteed. 11 1 tor oxteros! nse only. Alway hv a bot tle m hand, ready tor accldcnta. Adv. A Reminder. T..fc t,.M. said th Indlrnant bouse owner to the gent from whom he had bought hi. home on me ininaii went plan. "The paneling la my din ing tom is opening so you caa pal yonr nnxer inrougn n "That's all right" rpllcd th agent "The nous 1 sottllng. And that re minds me. II'. about time you settled up for laat month . installment Philadelphia Public Ledger. "An phwat ia ycur rty daln' the day. Mrs. O llastir "Ah, he doln folnc! Ilea a eon ductor In th opery bouse, an" wear a awallytail coat" "A conductor. Is It? An' phwat doe a conductor do?" "He conduct people to their seats" Hanford's Balsam la good for blood poisoning. Adv. Both Prodigals. A young wlf remonstrated with her husband, a dissipated spenmnnri, ou his conduct "lve." said be, "I am like the prodigal son; 1 shall reform by and by. "I will be Ilk th prodigal son. too, sh replied, "for I shall arise and go to my father" .. ;- V;V-'-' In Modern Tim. ;' "In th old days, lb main element of a soldier vas to know how to act under fire." "And nowaday, la addition, he la supposed lo know how to act under water, tn the earth and wuooui air, Puck, v.- Kaeps Von VVaitlng. "Tha time, the place and tha girl are seldom found together. "True. Th girt I usually half an hour late." Louisville t.ourlcr-Joisr naL Rubbing It In. "Th audacity of this laundress!" "How now?" i "After reducing my garments to shreds sh tries to charge me by the piece." Louisville Courier-Journal. If you are interested in purity first CAKING g0 POWDER b vhat you should always use. There are many other reasons Why but try a can and see for yourself : f - Crcccr vir SZ Blasted Oiai: 4a v- V 'issa. a. Y . mW ,- . f ST . of stump out with i.nnn i,m:iv th need explosives that lift and heave that clearing easy. You money oy using gT -;;" I 'Vi:'.l. TiMipFAR?iPOWBniS Tin ir-rr ri --AORiCiXTuaAs. made ty Pacific Cst totnpsny, with 50 yeri . rtocrk-ncc,tonwrt Pacific Cs?at ggficultufalrorKlttkwi. Mivt than 2,(XX).(U) tMMinJt uscJ vy year by farmer who have fntotJ they rrJuce tuiti klattmc cwt. Tliere two (iiant PowJcts l.urtka Stunipint Powder, for tiw in dry work, and (.want Stumping PowJ.t, for vrt v.-ctk. Ak your dealer for them. Tct tlicm 'oneidcf ny other explosive. Write u " and we will have our nearcit dutributnr tupW you at lowest maiket price with trial rate that will prove to you the economy of wins. Giant Farm Powder. Fivo Valuable Book. Free W' itu t htnii-.tutf, i!!uul KiX-ll to bvlp vwi to Ut ctrf snd krtf-hvtie Smmp UlMtmg, Bouldrr liiHin, 1 n Itisnoc. Suo.hI RUituig and Uoh tiUoin. Any sli of ih vriitcA 1 wnmn Mm fuf wit fimn will he foi oa rriMM. Cloo the boost that yv pivfr and aim f iheai wdy. T1IE GIANT TOVDER CO Can, Sao rrandaco Ivrytkimt fur KnHm " MArKHOmrtSi B.fc.... rWtl4. hh U Car. r BE PRETTY! TURN GRAY HI DM Try Grandmother's old Favorite Uecipe ot riKe tea Sulphur. ...mm Ittinvl that da Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed. bring back th natural color and lustre to the hair when ladeo, stressed -- vmm hi the onlv wavto gtt this miitur was to mak it bom, which la muy ana irauDi som. Nowaday, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's rtase and 8ul phur Compound." yoa will g-t lre bottle of this famous oia rcijw. im trnvad bv th addition of Other ingre dients, for about 40 rent. Won't stay gray! Try III ftp one can possibly tell that yon darkened your hair, as it ooe u so Biuriy and evenly. You dampen a sponse ; or soft brush with it na a raw uoj through your hair, taking on small, strand at time: by morning th gray ; hair disappear, aoa auer itmnw plication or two, your hair become beautifully dark.g!oy and ttrerm. Wyeth's 8 and Sulphur Com pound Is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire dark hair and a youthful appearance. 11 1 not intended for th cur, mitigation or prvntiun of disease. ' ' Correct Mis Wheat th new teacher, was bearing the history lesson, whleh dealt with the career of George Wash ingtoa. Turning to one ot lb schol ar, she asked: ' , . "James, what was Weabluglon s farewell addressr , . .. The new boy arose wlih a prompti tude (hat promised well (or bis so swer. "Heaven, ma'am," bo said. Enterprising. V isitor Can I scs that motorist who was brotiRht here an hour aso? Nurse II basn t com to hi icnsrs yet '" : .' ' . " . Viitor-Oh. lhafg all risbt I only anted to sell hira another ear. Judge. - 1 A Grouchy Chap. "Do you think any of th girl will really propose this year?'" "I den t know. Hut If they do I top lb men won't r'ksIs and whisper it sround. as some of th girts do." Courier Journal. Sprained ankle? Rub on and nib In Hanford's Dslsam thoroughly. Adv. That Settled It "And yon broke off th engage ment?" said one young man. "Ves, but not brutally, you know. But 1 managed It" "How?" . "Told her what my salary wag." Adopting Suggestion. "Talking about the tola! depravity of inanimate things " "Well?" "Just as we got opposite road hotel with a big gun, 'Hen Kood a Spe cially. our auto deliberately turned turtle." Baltimore American. The Usual Experience. "Have you laid by anything since you took up th profession of author shlpr . yes, shout 300 manuscripts. Boston Transcript Ths Hrolo Mood. Stella Did he think you had some thing of the heroic In your mood? Bella Welt, b proposed on tlO a week. Evening Sun. An Adept Student. French Visitor I am learning te language varey fast Zat leetl boy tare spinning his top ha' a spinster, eh? Boston Transcript Slow. "That waiter of ours has beea in tits restaarant for 20 years.' "I don't doubt it It seems nearly UmU king since I gave my order." .tig" i - - ; .jr aW . a. tV.- .i;(Tirn!fvf rftilii!? thcrooif pullcra, hy burning, or by if mirrlv ih.ltttr. IOU not only shatter but a ho tear the roots and make can save work, time and ; I It Vytiat !?w)wswTaasan I . Kceo KicU Klecn tsm T smssi lewwsfrest dmwm grmmtm mm$ jwart tm -l I s Sag V.- iVym, M-m fj tNe V.WMga, kM, l-Ka Mh4 1st- i H ItW Saaavaai- Aaw L w-.a - - " 1 at it i S taaava U. -- 4 tAdwtalMsSi Sk sea g in.,, m mmhtkmdkmU lw 1 75 the) suit s 1 a ti . k ...i STt'i mmmmlXmmm.)mmA Jit 1 a fc. . r " m ' TV J 1 tl I s.fc ' V bi imiiImmUI .1 Levi Slrawsa t Co., Sea Fnutdesa P8rtl23uY.m.C.A.Au?aSch::l - t sm4 lw .'inn . guiMt mwe afiinwr. 4nB 4 moral. h. kwhMKw !. talM. mhmtmt, f-tm, frl-x wt T-n. wHi.a.,. t t '. tt NT JlU'CrfclR M l.UiAX- Hji sui iuta wi ua. SUrt and rinlsh. A publisher of this eliy I erediie4 wlih a uuiatie eritielsm of a siory teller who had begun promisingly, but soon degenerated Into th lowest type of "beat sIlr," "This gentleman's bloKraphy." said th publisher, "can be eompruod with, in two queiions and gnawer thus: "How did he begin writing?" "With a wealth or 'thought.' i "'How did h contlBuer f " 'With a thought of wealth.' " Llf'a Little Woerls. "Can you watt on m Im mMl lately V demanded the richly dressed worn. "I m In a great hurry." "Yes. Let m have your prescrip tion." said the druKKist "I have no prescription. 1 want yoa lo look up ft number for ui In th teig phon boo." ' ' '- ' ' " ' " Silence. : 4 "I tea you'ra wearing rubler hwlg. Dent you find them a great comfort I" "You bet 1 dol Mr wlf ttevsr knows what tint I cow horn from th club now." f Th Essentials. ; "Is h a typical AmerlcsnT" . "Yea; he like baseball, ha a mo'o ear, owes a mortgnge, pay. alimony, and think th motion pictures have grand opera beaten a mil." Lit. 1 ATM Willing Worker. "Ye, th boas said b was loslrff money on Ute things 1 waa makltiu," "And wbal were you making?" 1 "MlsUko." Philadelphia Record.' Be -Ready For ,. Mealtime With sppetits - et n digestion normal, snd no fe&r of any after eating distress IIOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS helps very materially in bringing about such a condition. It is an excellent tofslc and appetizer. Try it