The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 31, 1916, Image 4

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rank mm WaaWastoa !-. Oa.
Th fecrneU U?plD ploa
for thc who rrclat th
dollar's full wjiUl,
TTT1T "O :00 '"IT!l
j Pi 1 J 1 wkLI' Lest t 'or
tkt mtM Hut
Crass irnuHw la ear awa.
.aa-aa-i.c MbellteC e MUtac "mr-
Iwom W rirt put. I-,
rMc Ska. fWruaa. Oragva.
. w.a. K v tik ML
ant tf rww. ".
ww. o Pi '. Oaiie,
IIMtMhteUii. W.i i -
Porllasd Y.IL C. A. As!t Sctssl
i . - - kik - i
imiMMc. Tmip1 a.-
its fturm&jx iuxs ua.
TW)rliMMihM a. tfc. rw-
I uJa . iHi.a C
Wtawar aa aaa '
.i.nlaa. wmt
W. mm G-ana, Bam. "walWT. Pi I
Malta, Sfaaa. aa fW Mil amaaaaat.
Portland, Oswa-aa.
Csutli Tread, Pusctun Proof Tires
m Brw Nw TirM. WS AIM SL'T
OLD TUU3S. Wapwa Mas as M.
Tnadawk. sea la. bjkat rait
Slur jrvar Trm mt mwm m -m-ram k
nuuszsK a. w wasi . rww,
A Cartoon Jab From India,
it an nations have ejpreaaed tieir
MHnu aeainat TJncle Bam for
"making money out of th war." Wo
bar been beld np to ridicule lmpar
.n h Knpland. Germanr. Greece.
Prance. Italy and Japan. Now India
may be added to Use list. Ia a cartoon
from Hindi Punch, ot Bombay, repro
duced by Cartoon Magazine, TJncle
Bam and Japan are seen, each with
largo money bag nnder hi arm. Th
caption rea "Make Hay While the
Bun Shine," and underneath w read:
Jap: "I'm filling my bag with In
dian silver while the Austrian and
Germans ara busy with the war. And
Yankee: "Ditto, ditto. And some
thing more. I'm filling mine with the
gold of the alUee, besides."
Welah Product.
E. O. Grace, president of th Bethle
,hem Steel company. Mid in Washing
ton: "Though wa can get any price we
. .V ttvm nn, mnntflnn nroduet from
Europe, we havent increased our price
to the American government one xm
"Yet there are people who, to the
nt thia uvnn ni of overcharging:
Uncle Sam. These people are aa ludi
crously ignorant as tho schoolboy wno
was asked: v
" 'What do we get from Wales r
'Jonah,' tho schoolboy answered."
A Flreeid Grouch.
"Charley, dear," said young Mr.
Torklns, "you can never complain that
I am a frivolou society woman."
"No: Your idea of a pleasant even-
l. c i. n .( Hnwn and ask me to ez-
nialn all about preparedness, the bal-1
a nee of trade, orders in council, and
the aubmarine controversy all In two
hours and a half." Washington Star.
Taking No Chances.
"Jack is a foxy individual,
proposed to Miss Peaches by
less." '-; ' ".
"What was hi Idea ta that?"
"It leave the record up in the air,
where It can't be read in court In
case he should happen to change his
Plenty of Color. v
"You often see a red roof in foreign
lands. A bit ot color helps an artist"
"Is it color you wantf Come over to
my neighborhood. We've got a fine
lot of red gas tank." Louisville Courier-Journal.
He Knew.
"Did yon ever know that there u a
lot of symbolism connected with a
deck of cards Hearts, for instance,
giSaify love." ...
"Ye. I know. Last night I held a
spade flush against four ace and I
had to dig."
l , rT amrui ,m rarniwrua vim a. I
- Never Mixe 'Em.
you studied political
my?" - ,
"No, sir. Economy Is all right la
Its place. I'm one of those who be
lieve keeping buslnesa out of politic."
Washington Star.
P. N. U.
No. 14. 1016
I WEEN writhe I
Vom m. aa If arlta
IKiKSTlN. Move
1 bxirsm. Aaeoraat
aasaey back. T
r"tnln n.
Tksr ll on food thing about tap
ing a really handsome and eaeeaelv
drs," said Mr. Bunting to Mr. Lr
kin. .
-What U that r
"Way. row ti at thoo.h yo reetly
ought to buy another ot ull so good
to aar pour one." I'uca.
v. a the CMIdraa.
"Is aa.!;-- li XimimJk. A iwkW
la fcBKtaaa, kmm a mi who shirks
tho dang-roe uue oi war, aaa
uMi th tirrtu utlou tho Pr-
ult of embusaue U4 alacker foot
oa releatleealy."
The epeaker waa Kdaa vtaiiace nor
mp. who baa luat returned fro.
K-.aM Rha annltnuad:
Kva tho llttto children tak Uolr
mall part In Ihtt rlenll pursuit.
Tki, tail a .tor about a ttttlo girl ta
Parte who mother aald to her ta ta
"Look 4a that big automobile
i. la Jarfra.'
-Tko Uul gtri looked at tko veo.r-
able eomaiatxlar-lB-caiar ana rrowa-a.
- 'Muu.' abo aald vrwly. "why
fatal ka ta tko trencher
loa la Uesd In Orchard ta Retard
Va I jilts Thu. a aambor of or
chard lata ara trying oat a raiaor la
toroatliig plaaa of rotardlag tko bad
ding ot their trait troa aatU all daa
i.m.M kv lata froata aaa
paaaod. Tka axporlBont rooaUta of
barring a boat fifty pound ot lc
around the baa of a tro wboa th
voatkor tweomoa ailld oarly la tho
Tmm nnnlv ia roDloBtabod at
IntomOa of two weoka until It la aafo
to allow tko trooa to burgooa. Ico la
bolng ouppltod to aoToral growora by
a local prodocor to oncourago tko tnt
wltb a tew Uvea. Altkougk a conald
orablo ezpondlturo would b rrpro
acntod wero tko ackomo carried out
oa a really largo acalo. It might not
prove excess! re If successful la pre
venting crop loose. Lata frosts are
a aoorco of much anxiety to grower
of early fruit, not alooo ia tho South.
bat elaewber a welL From tko
April Popular Mechanics llagaaln.
Haaford Balsa,
largo also. Adv.
Economy la
HopeleM Remedies,
J. P. Morgan said at a dinner ta'New
"Th German financial position Is
desperate. The remedies proposed tor
It reminds me ot th horse-thief.
"Two men were sentenced by a vigi
lance committee to be hanged tor
horse stealing, and the rope was
swung from a bridge over a river.
-But the first horse-thief got off.
The noose slipped, he fell Into the
water and swam down stream to safe
ty. "When they came to deal with th
second horse-thief, he said anxiously,
as they tied the rope "round bis neck:
" 'Make sure o' that noose this time,
wont you. genu? I cant swim.'"
Better than a plaster Hsnford's
Balsam when thoroughly applied. Adv.
Fair Enough.
"Look here, Hiram," said St, "when
be you goin' to pay me them IS for
pasturin' your heifer? I've had her
bow for about 10 weeks."
Why, Si, ther critter alnt worth
mor'n $10."
-Well, a'posln I keep her fer what
you owe me?"
"Not by a jugrul! Teu yon wnai
HI do; keep her two week more and
you can have her."
indicatioa. Control mai Umpir. work a
Von Jagow aa a Cartoonist.
"Like hi distinguished superior
Emperor Wilhelm," say Cartoon
Ifararlna "Hmt Rottlieb Von JaKOW.
German secretary for foreign affairs.
la a cartoonist ana designer, vvnen
not engaged In writing note to Secre
tary Lansing he Is busy with his pen
cil. As you enter his office you will
observe a large clean blotter en his
desk, and this, as he talks, he gradual
i mn with .ketone. His servant
brings him a new blotter for every vis
itor." .
' Willing to Change.
"There li a very excellent reason
why a girl shouldn't smoke."
. "Whatr she demanded.
"Makes her less agreeable to kiss."
"Well. Ill wait till somebody want
to kiss me," she aald, "when they do
111 give up cigaret and take to a
pipe," Woman's Home Companion.
... .For Cash.
"The Clymers are determined to
get Into society, no matter how much
it costs." -
"What have thev done now?"
"Last rear ther bought a coat of
arms and a family tree for them
selves, and now they're trying to buy
a pedigree for their dog."
A nnr v man frnm tTmiftlnln TMMlt
tv viaftori nnr citv and was introduced
to the manager of a fight club. The
manager shook nanas wiin mm ana
said: "Glad to meet cha. How are
ye?" .. .
"I Just came from there," replied
our Honolulu friend.
Jut So. , -"Machinery
seems almost endowed
with intelligence."
. idiii nKoi. reuueu jramier unir
"Sometime , I ketch myself
. .
naln' thA aama lsnenAen to onr auto
mobile that I use to the mule."
The Growler.
Bacon Your dog?
Egbert No, my wife's.
"Did the dog growl when you had
to muxzle him?"
'No. but my wife did." Yonkers
Have Baaltkr, lraag. Baaattfml Cyes
Doauatia E; htadiclna. Marias is SUU Corm-
BMdiJ D onr rarueuaa aoa cnaraaiaM
k u Baii.hia aILf fnv Kvaa tkat Maad
Can. Trr 1 la roor Mi I. Babr' r
MeS-iarUB JaM g Coaifort. Buy Mario.
af oar Llragswaecept wnnwai "
M niwial"""" , ,
aabr aaar IVmiJ Ijwraw S CnajwP
ami gamttit aknc Ouroulla lm).
aatwiscn-T guaranieoi or row s
asodela is choose from. -' -
urn mess wax tuna m
. 4 " LHwm -
PortlaivJ Wheat Klueatsm, 6
pwt puabel; fortyfuU, 7e; red Fife,
&; club. Ie; rod Kuaatan,
Hay Eastern Oregoa timothy, 21
mi ton: vallct timolhy. 110: at
tr. im
MilUeed-Spwt prices: Bran, t2H
tXtO par ton; shot ia, Sia-Ru U .
rolled barley. JSl.Xj Jt 0.
Cora Whole, 137 par too; cracked,
Vtwtabls Artichok, per
dusoa, tomatoea, U.T pa rate; cab-
hag, L2ii60 per hundrwJ; garue,
ina m nuiiwl- tian tiara. 171 U SOc:
f f , . . - m
nmlmt ffla- kiraarailish. llCI catt-
tinower. Il-Ill.W; ry. I4.M
na.avaia- lattuca. 11. IS: eucumbera.
tl ts I.M: auinach. II at LIS Per
box; osparagrM". 10tfle per pourrf;
rhubarb, 11 bx per oox, p, -m
1 fa -- tVMir4
PoUUtea Oregon, J1.4IV1.M p.r
sack; Yakimaa, I.ttMi new
rwida. 10 it lie per pound; sweets.
f3.&4i3.M per hundred.
Onion Orvgoo. buying pritw.
1.M f. , b. shirking point
Craaa FVuit Aptje. IU11.60 ft
box; erenberriea, fU per barret
Em Jobbing price: urrgoa
ranch, candled. SOc per doaea; un
candUd, 181190.
Poultry Hens. 16c per pounu;
anriita. ! ataffs. ilei broiWrs. SO
m.,".- tnraava. hva. la20c: tUlV.
dressed, choice, SiU2&e; ducks, 13&
16c; gee, ....
Butter Fries from wholesaler w
retailer: Portland city creamery
prints. 60-poond case lots, standard
grades. S4c; lower grade. lc; Ore
gon country creamery pnnta, eu-pounu
lota, tandara masea, sieiooc;
fewwr grade. SOAtSOJc; packed ia
cubes, 2e leas. Price paid by jobber
to producers: Cube, extras, 9&30c;
firsts. I7fe27e; dairy butter 14ftjl8,e;
butterfat. No. L 33c; No. 2, SOc
Veal Fancy, ll.C.flXC per pouno
Pork Fancy, per pound,
Horav 1915 croa lftalSc per pound;
101 wntTa-ta. lllfiilic
WmL. Eastern Orairon. lOtiiSOc per
pound; valley, Z7 o; monair. ure
oywi SfKfjSli! ner Dound.
Caacara bark uu ana nw, c psr
Cattle Steers, enoic grain apo
nuln. ISCitU: choice bay. 17.60 t
8.15; good, $7.25(37.60; medium, 17
07.25; cows, choice, J6.60M; gooo.
tfi.25 61 C.50: medium. S5.60 U w.xa;
heifera, $4 0 7; bulls, J 2. 50 y 6.76;
stags, $35.25.
HogS Rtm IIRbt, 3.UW.Mi
good to prime, $S.25i9; rough heavy,
13618.25; pig and skip, xsis-za.
Sheep Yearlings, 7.75 8.25;
wether. S6.75&8: ewes. f6.25&,.75;
lamb. $3.75(310.
Steady Egg Market Looked For.
Portland The era market ha set
tled st the 18-cent basis, where it will
probably remain during- the rest of
the star re season. It is expected.
with warmer weather at hand, that
receints will increase fast, but this is
not likely to cause any difference in
the market, as speculators are pre
nared to take all that com in at this
The following notice to egg shipper
has been issued by a leading local
"To facilitate the rapid transaction
of hnaineas durin? the egg-Storing sea
son, we have decided to suspend the
established rule for cradtiur egg dur
ing the month of March, April and
May, 1918, and substitute therefor the
fnllowino- simols and. we believe, en
tirely just method of buying eggs at,
aa it ia eommonlv called, 'case count.'
Prices auoted will be for fresh un
washed hens' eggs as brought to mar
ket by the producer (not culled or
skimmed) and to weigh in regular 80
dozen standard No 2 egg esses not lea
than 54 pound. Such eggs shall be
known and designated as 'fresh current
receints.' It is further understood
that 'fresh current receipts', shall be
accented as mod delivery if they do
not show to exceed two doxen dirties
and cracks per esse of 30 dozen.."
London Wool Sales Now Over.
London The wool auction sales
closed Monday with offerings of 8600
bale. The selection was good and it
was readily absorbed at firm prices.
The feature of the aerie was the re-
Mnt KMivcrv In moat Grades in antici
pation of further government orders.
The usual American demand was lack
ing, through difficulty in getting li
cense. Compared with the last auc
tions, fine merino and cross-bred
closed unchanged, while other grades
5 to 10 per cent lower. Eighty-seven
thousand bales were sold.
Buyer Object to High Price.
: Portland There has been no in
crease in receipts of poultry, but buy
ers are averse to paying the high
price that have lately prevailed. All
the hen and springs that came in Sat
urday were worked off, but dealers had
to take a 16-cent price to clean up.
Dressed meats were scarce and firm
The best veal sold readily at 11 cents,
and many more could have been
handled. Dealers explain the failure
of dressed pork to keep np with the
atvVvanl advance in hops bv the in
different quality of most of the receipts.
Asparagus Higher; Rhubarb Lower.
Portland Asparagus was firmer
Tuesday in response to higher prices
in California, and th local market
waa mAvmnroA fA 10 and 15 cents.
California rhubarb was easier at $1.65
and $Z per box, according to grade.
Anntlutr ahinmant of Ore erf in cauli
flower arrived and it was held firm at
$1.35 and $1.60 per dozen.
ThAra has han an advncel in or
ange in California and higher prices
are looked for on the street in the near
future. A single car of bananas ar
rived in Portland Tuesday.
Good Offers for Klamath Wool.
Klamath Falls. Or. George He-
Ginnis, a wool buyer from Red Bluff,
Cat, who buys wool . in this county
every year, was in town recently look
ing after business interests, tie is
offering 22 cents a pound for coarse
wool for spring deliveries. Sheepmen
hareahnuta view the wool outlook with
as much pleasure as last season.
fmM vm cm mm
Weeblagto, a WU
soas patios a reached ta point
ot ihsustioa la eonaectloa with th
destruction of paaMager-carrytug
.U U the troyaaa war ot. He U
gathering all U fact la ralatioa to
th (Inking ot th usee. When
the r la kl posseaaioa h wUl de
cide whslhar to advise eoagrw that
a situation has arisen which aeceasl
late a rupture of dtplomaUo negotia
tion with iiay.
So tar aa th slate department aa
bee advised th circumstance ttu
tar developed:
Klrst That U qiiartermaator of
th Sussex saw tha torpedo comlag
aad sheered away ta th hop ot
Second That th three America
passwagwra swear they distinctly saw
th wak of tho torpedo.
Third That a broaio fragment wa
found oa board th Sussex which a
FT oca omcor aaya waa a part of a
German torpedo.
Lieutenant Smith, the Americas
naval attach ta Farta, has beea di
rected to examine the tiragmeaL If
kl opinio should eolncld with that
of the Freach officer President WU
aoa will eonclod that th clrcamitaa
Ual evidence la sufficient for action.
Th German, embassy doe not bo-
Uevthat a Gonnaa sahmartno was
reaponslblo for this catastrophe. It Is
pointed out that thr was no military
advantage to be gained by th sinking
, ,V- Unaaaa la aaa nf th lmDrOD-
able. however. It I declared positively
that th uermaa government vm ma
avow th act of tho ubmertn oos
.na ,M.!,k him nffar raDaraUoa
aad satisfy tho Americas government
that U outrag waa w uirwci viola
tion ot th lea tractions Issued by th
rLaaan ajfmtrmlfv. .
But th president is at m point
where snch steps are of no eoase-
ouence. Th tact la that uennany gave
...ii ,nniuv. iliaft nasaaniaf
ships would not be torpedoed without
warning, nor sung nnui paaaenswrs
aa aaaa, kail hajt SB ODOOTtUnltV tO
scape. If Germany should deny that
any ot her aubmarine commitiea ue
outrag. which la regarded a extreme
ly probabl. th adminutrauon win
have to rely upon circumstantial evi
dence. Such evidence. It la pointed
la ifmnftr than a denial.
Tka arfmlnlatratlna kBOVI further
that no Engllah tubmartnea were op
erating In th channel ana n scouts
as impossible th suggestion that on
of thee vessel fired th fatal tor
pedo. Ia tho first place the British
government would hardly jeopardise
tka ll waa tta own anhleeta aa well
as those of it ally. Again th British
government doe not us u oronse
torpedoes employed by th German.
k.-a amiM flai-man .Mfl the hlama to
on of her allies Austro-Hungary or
Bulgaria. Neither or uea power naa
submarine in in Auanuc.
Delegates Talk Preparedaess;
af Order Ceses Tm hit
Snokan. Wash. Shortly after th
Northwest preparedness conference
besan her Tuesday a telegram wa
received from the war department at
Washington Instructing army officers
not to take part in th conference. The
telesram waa received too lata to af
feet the aDDearanee of Lieutenant-Col
onel David J. Baker, Jr of Vancouver
Barracks, who spoke n tho necessity
of adequate protection for the north
ern Paclfla states. -
Preparedness questions affecting th
D..IHA 7vtharaat fmm tha vlewnofnt
of military and naval officer featured
tho addresses despite tuo telegram
tmm tha war ilnnartment. TTnder the
circumstances pain we taken by the
Oilicer io say buuuhs uiaw cram
construed as having a political effect,
or bearing on th measure now be
fore congress.
Delegates were present rrom vraso
intnn rtMrnn Urttitana. Idaho and
.ibwu, v.n- ' .
nrmmln. Tha MflfUMflM fVlAt N.
W. Durham, of Spokane, chairman;
Frank W. Hammond, of Seattle, sec
retary, and P. N. Bernard, of Kails pell,
Mont, assistant secretary.
. f ltnal Ttaka Waa not In ttniform.
and in the preamble of his address re
ferred to toe tact in, ne spoae vuij
as a private citizen. In speaking of
the Japanese question. Colonel Baker
... i.t .
am .
-i hlv thara la I. nnr nf tronhl
with Japan through tha ignorance, ar
rogance ana narrowness w vur uwu
people on this coast who lack knowl
aa nf tha Jananaaa and therefore
misunderstand and mlsjudg them.'
Paper Cost I Srloo.
Washington, D. & A resolution for
an investigation of th news print pa
per situation by the department oi
Commerce wa introduced in tho house
h, Rarmaantatfv. (VinleV. Much of
tha supply of raw msterial for print
paper that came from oermany, was
mi ntr hv tha war. Other material Sm
being shipped from this country to Eu
rope for use in th manufacture oi mu
nitions. According to Mr. Copley the
price of paper has advanced so fsr that
the lives of many small newspapers
are threatened.
Hunt Elusive Blue Tiger.'
San Francicso A quest for th blue
tiger a beast which has been termed
tha F1vlnr Tniti-hman of Zoolocrv."
because many scientists and explorers
have seen it, yet none ever nai Deen
eanirht will becln Wednesday when
Roy Chapman Andrews and Mrs. An
drews sail from San Frsncisco for the
Orient on the liner Tenyo Maru.
fiAnwwWa in Central Asis or Tibet
they expect to capture a specimen of
tneir elusive quarry ana v masv an
exhaustive study of zoology for th
American Museum of Natural History.
Wilhelm Honor Sultan.
Berlin. (By wireless to Ssyville, N,
Y.) The semi-official Overseas New
sgency has received advices from Con
stantinople confirming report that
Field Marshal ron Mackensen had
reached that city on a mission, given
him by Emperor William, to pro
sent to the Sultan the Field Msrshal'i
baton which the emperor had bestowed
upon the Turkish ruler. The dispatch
describe the Field Marshal's recep
tion as most enthusiastic.
Ctm'oJ $M Thrwih CUnt.
ci HI a by Lydla E. fmlhata
VwfoUblo Compound.
Naahvill.TeA. Whe I was goinc
through th tbang ox wi i awi w
RMNT aa ail, mm m
child' bead. Th
doctor said It wa
thro year Cosalag
and wmva as medt-
Lum for It nolU I
wa oalled away
frosa th city for
lUeas tl. Of
course I count mi
e to aim then,
rav lUr in-law told
i .
Jm that she thought
i a iH.Vh.aa a V.ewtable Coas
pound would cure lU It helped both
the Chang of UU sd the tumor and
when I got home 1 4U w "- W eWa-r.
I took th llnkham iwrnedie mntU th
tumor was gone, th doctor said, and I
have not fell It since. I UU every eo
k- I ... mrm.L If this tettsf wlU
help otborsyoa r w.lcoros to It."
Mrs. E. H. VmAH, 0-3 J os-pa anwn,
Nashville, Traa.
Ijdia K. Plukham't Vwtebl Coav
pound, a pur remedy containing tho
-wAia aMmraaatkaainf Wnfld oLd faah
loned rooU and bsrbs, mU the heed
of woman iystm at thl ertttcai perwa
f her life. Try It
If there I any symptom la ynut
rase wliicb pnssle you, writ to
th I.ydU 1- I'lnkluua Modlclao
C'ov l-yno, Mass.
A guaranteed rem-dy for Cold and
UGripp. rric of yourdru-rut.
It's good. TU nothing las. Adv.
Acute Hearing.
A number of candidate for th po
lice fore were being questioned by a
iha Alhar dav. and a Bretty Stiff
examination It was, too. At length It
came to testing the mens sense w
aeerlng, and said the examiner:
"Do you see this watch T"
"Do you hear It Uckf
"Certainly: quit plainly."
"Stand further back."
Candidate retire three pace.
"Do you hear it aowf
"Well, you must b mrt, for th
watch ha not been going for a week."
Chicago Herald.
U yoo have ecxema, ringworm or
other Itching, burning, sleep-destroying
skin eruption, try Heslnol Oint
ment and Reslnot Soap and see bow
quickly the Itching stop nd th trou
ble disappears. Heslnol Ointment ts
also an excellent household remedy
for dandruff, sore, burns, wounda,
chafing and for a scor of other use
where a soothing, healing application
Is needed. .
Reslnol contains nothing of a harsh
or Injurious nsiur nd can be used
freely even on the most Irritated sur
face. Every druggist sells Reslnol
Ointment and Reslnol Soap. Adv.
For chronlo pain in tho back apply
Hanford'a Balsam. Rub it on and rub
it In thoroughly. Adv.
' Proof In Leanness.
Ther wa one an old Garrabost
crofter who, when giving ovldenc be
fore the crofter' commission, admit
ted that while be was th owner of
three cow, "the beasts were as tbla
s Pharoah lean klne."
The chairman, thinking to corner
old Kenneth, asked him to say how
lean Pbaroah' kin were.
Even a 17th-century dlvln would
have wanted a day or two to think It
over. But Kenneth answered at one.
"They were, sir, so lean that they
could only be seen in a dream."
' "Do yon think tber la any such
thing as mind-reading?" asked tbm
Inent diplomat. .
"Oh, yes." replied Mils Cayenne. "If
I pay very cloe attention to what yoo
say and analyie It carefully, I often
fancy I get a glimmer of what you are
thinking about." Washington Star.
Paradoxical Result
"How did prohibition work out in
Crimson OulchT"
"Fine," said Bronco Bob. "Th boy
have saved up so much money that
mebbe well have to let a few saloons
open so's tbey can celebrat their
prosperity." Washington 8tar. -.
, f
Th Higher Education.
HI What course is Sarah studying
In that boarding school?
81 I can't remember, but I think
It's cosmetics. Stanford Chaparral.
"Have you any references?"
"Yes, mum, but I left them at home.
Like me photygrsphs they don't do m
justice." Boston Transcript
Keep Your
Stomach Well
It's the Secret
of Good Health
The Stomach is the, con
trolling power in all mat
ters pertaining to health
and it must be kept strong
and active. At tha first
sign of weakness, try
.O. Stomach Biltcrs
Genaaa kww Dcftut Ymtt
of fleet of live Mim.
icM loss of mm
Berlin Claims No Damast Dons by
.Bombs Crtwi ol Flicn Madr
Prisoner - Patrol Sunk.
twil ta aalralaaa tat Ravvill. N.
Y Hut fewer Uvea thro British hy
droplane, among thera a fighting aero
plane, wr brought oown nunuay oy
German guna oa and about th Island
of Sylt. durinc an air raid on North
ern BchUswig, according to a German
official commMleMlon, in crews
were taken prlaonar.
Bomb dropped ia tft aisinci m
iha ttova water rata did no damag.
aay th statement, which follow i
ISnra tarn ah It), which War 00
companid by cruiser eouaJroo and
a Rotllla of Owstroyars, bv cnguea
hydroptano started for an attack
against th German aeronautic astah
liahmwita la Northern Schleawlf .
"Not fswer than thre of mm.
among which wa a lighting awoplano.
-..-a faremA down bv th defenaiv
Mrvic oa and about th island of Sylt.
The occupant of tho machine, wno
war made prisoners, are four E"!11"
offleers and on noo-eornmlsaloosd ofn-
thrown only In th
district of tho iioyf
water gat. No
damag waa don.
I TVraa BHtlah aeroplane
which took part In a raid oa Oersaan
alrahlpa In tkhleswig-uounein ounu.,
an. -alaalnw.
A dispatch aay that two German
armed trawler acting a pairo www
wink by tho Brills ouisia ojn oar
Tho admlratlty also reports that a
torpedo-boat may hav been In colli-
Inn arllh another of It own flt In th
ventur. No fear for th crew are
Th following official atatmnt waa
"An attack by British seaplane was
delivered Sunday morning on Carman
alrahln ahada ia 8chlwiff-Holtla
aaataranl of th ialand of SvlL Th
seaplane were convsysd to their ron
A..m alnaa tn tha fireman coast by
an aseortlng force of light cruiser and
deatroyar under wmmooor iyrwoi.
"Three of th asaplan which took
part In th attack ar missing. Th
destroyer Medusa waa In collision with
th destroyer Larrock and it la fard
that in th stormy weather which pre
vailed th Medusa may hav been lost,
but no misgiving ar fait aa to th
aafatw nf tha craw. Two Carman
armed patrol veeeel were sunk by our
"No detailed report bat yet been ro-iad-
hut from Danish Dress dls-
natohaa It Would DDar that thl
operation, which was carried out with
in tho onmy'a waters, achieved iu
Six Use lives a bdssive
Ccaalry Oub Cecflagralica
San Antonio, Tex. Six parson lost
a n a 1 a.L I f
their live ariy sunasy in in ouming
of tha fashionabt San Antonio Coun
try club.
Fiv of th victims were guests at
th club, which waa th seen of sev
eral week-end partlee, bringing to
gether a largo number of persons
prominent in social and business cir
cles to the Southwest
Th dead ar: Mr. and Mrs, J. &
Waltham, Judg 3. B. Webb, Homer
Jones, Ban Antonio; Mrs. Mseo Stew
art, Galveston; Helen Cockrell, maid
at th club.
Th fir bad its origin in a collection
af nalnt stored In the basement of th
thre-story fram clubhouse. It spread
quickly to a stairway leaning to in
first floor and rapidly communicated
to th other two floor above.
About 18 guaaU asleep In tho build
ing had narrow escapss, many jumping
from th second story windows, so
quick wa tb spread of flame.
Fortun Goes to Worker,
Seattl Harold Blchard Clemcnta,
19, who ha been working In a depart
ment store at a small salary, has been
notified by Arthur Payne, attorney, of
Louisville, Ky., that h ha Inherited
th 13,000,000 oatat of hia grand
mother, Mrs. Mary Clements, who died
ther recently. Young Clements lath
son of Harry Curtis Clements, formerly
president of th Denver Traction com
pany, who died nine yar ago. When
Mr. Clement dld he left th bulk of
hi Mtat to his mother, only, a small
allowance going to bis fon,
Army Short of Alrmn,
San Diego, CaL Thr ar no qual
ified military aviators available her
for duty with tb expeditionary force
in Mexico, according to Captain Cowan,
commandant at th North Island train
ing institution, commenting on th re
quest of General Pershing for eight
fliers. "W hav not got them to
send," said Captain Cowan. "Thar
ar four student aviator at North
Island who ar ready to tak thair
junior military aviator' testa, but
thus fsr non of them hav had exper
ience in cross-country flights."
Villa General Is Killed.
Queretaro, Mexico General Pedro
Gocman and 22 others, all members of
Villa's band, war killed in bsttl in
th neighborhood of Laguna and Dlna
mlta Sunday. In this action between
government force and bandit 10 pris
oner also were taken and fummarily
executed. This information cam in a
messag to th minister of war, Gen
eral Obregon, who wa Informed that
tb campaign against tb Villista was
being waged with ta utmost vigor.
1910 CaUIoj
1 Maata. talk.
(tarda. Or hard
and Pawltry
jirfj.w- OjMf-a
I to rmm
. t .1
t. Uuaa m aa,
KewCktak-gHw.Ot Fire.
iwimmh roiVAsvotot
M l vf taWtfc yaww Me
aa I hmtt
-kUtait $fetTW. SalttMMlsf
T.M IM. Mm aalasM ataWwa
taM .xl nailaril.l srt.lWaal. mU
aa. U haa Ika.
Otmaaaar .- "-a ( .JW rrwusaWT
aaawla. sunt -US l.KUNi
HIcQimobile Oils and Greases
Fiw. Ttr. farrl-s.
rw rrifs tw "
M gueeoway Ma PotUaad, Ot.
II Man traat H. rmnU-4. On.
ufiurcn r-..rr.,r:,.r.,r?
II "111 I a,W lTK: wl.u
L'fVaJ ahaHa lll l"."
"tra m & in m rwa-ai
Nma TO THS rt'KI4C.
AMl H SVk .aa. traM M "H'"
aa a
WNTKD-a - Ja
Uat.UVa, Oalr lUaM T-aawia Ikaaaaa.
try Ha miiHIIX. H..W
CI fca., h. rmf a.hhwfc-al. AMwmm A
taator. a tawn rartaa, t.
s ...... - - -
sfety First
They were watching ine ooys cos.
Ing down th nowoverd lru
on their led.
-Ah." ssid th lder of th two men.
"that lh portl Itoeesnl ,
you think of your bapy childhood
No replied th olber. "It make
bi think bow ellppery that Irwet la
going to be efter awhile and how easy
II would b for you or me to fall and
break an arm or a l while trying to
crosa It. Ktery man should rot Id
gainst urh contlnseoeirs by carry
ing an accident policy. I bappea to
have an application blank m ' my
pocket Tou'd bolter sign It oow bw
for It too lata,"
Clssnet th Wund.
For Injuria from rusty nails or sny
other xternal hurts, apply Haaford
tialeam, II hould kill any germs,
cleanse th wound and rentov sore
nrs. Then quick healing will follow.
Th toft Psdsl.
A story I lold ot a certain well
known theatrical manager, who has a
habit of. by book or crook, getting bis
own wy. . ;
That too loud." he called out oa
day. aa th orchelu- started at a ro
bsarsal. 1 cnt help It, Ir," replied th con
ductor. "If marksd fort.""
" Wll." went on th man of powr,
Imperturbably, "Jul mak It M,
pie." j " ,
Tender, Also Tru,
Edytb Did th duk y b lovd
Kste II said be loved th ground
I walked on.
K.lyth Where were you when ho
Mid Ut , ' ,.
Kate Out visiting papa's gold mine,
.'all Mall aastttl. f
Why H Chuckltd.
Mr. Peck Joseph us, what In th
world do you mesa by chuckling to
yourself In that msnnerT
. Josephus It ssys her that IM
wlv brought divorce case into court
and not a slnul husband appesarad
to protest Judge.
A Good ttart
1 am absolutely convinced that my
arguments ar correct,' said th earn
est man,
"Well," replied Senator Sorghum,
"if a good start You'v got on
man converted, anyhow." Washing
ton Star. jj
Not Wanted. '.
"Willie!" called his mother. "Com
bar thl Instant! How many time
do you want m to call you?"
"Why. ma," ald Willie. "Wl&r
did you over get th Idr-a that I want
ad you to call me at all?" 4
' i
Very Interesting. & .
"That emotional actress says she
eannot descend to anything Ilk gross
bustnea detail." -
"Humph I She's Interested enough
In th grons receipts." Baltimore
Helpl Help!
"Do you know, Mis Peaches, I
think you must be egotistical." v
"Why, Mr. Sympel How can jyou
imagine such a tblngt"
-Decause you hev such capital
And Never Will.
' "Ther goes old Tightwad, th itnll
Ilonair. They say he landed In this
town IS years ago with just (7 cent
in his pockets." . '
"Yes, and be hssn't spent it yet."
wa .
Tims to Bswsrt.
"A man dot shows off too much
smartness," said Uncle Ebon, "jgets
so he enjoy about aa much confi
dence as a sleight o' hand man .In a
poker gsme." Washington Star.
BHfis enlck raMilts. Sm i a n.ran,
tmmi, CoaUl mm toa. kalt mt anl IntlnM
ttaa. I '
bM, Onr-a, Vlolla. hK 7 ,.
Ma4olla, tMilar aa. taraa) -
tMs.t. - ,
WriU todar for CstaUae and 4 trr Inajm.
Anrricu Scoool af Kssk, '
rMIUSD, KtttSi
mm i