The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 31, 1916, Image 3

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    I ftoli) to Will WU fl'it Wlnti4r'l -
laser's for
tttW In.
Mi71 In
4rt. ln. 7 ft. In...
... I IMW
0 50
Rugs for floor Covering arc more popular than ever.
The assortment of weaves and patterns is- almost endless
at Davis-Has ri this spring-over 800 separate and dis
tinct imttf ma in the 9x12 it. size alone, at all prices from
$7.45 to. $70.00.
Axxnlnster Rugs-Seamle
27x52 in., $1.85; 3GxC8 in., $3.25; 9x12 ft., $20.75
extra Oualltv Axmlnster Rugs
j n.airt. vivou
J 8 ft. S In, a 10 ft. In. HO OO
6 I ft. lift. -
Hodges Rattania Rugs
Heaviest fibre rugs made, fast colors, very durable
and Waterproof-turn hoso on it, wash it with soap and
water; nothing affects.
"iWiiVta In..! 4.74 d t ft. IS ft. - U
Also three lighter grades of fibre rugs and many oth
er fabrics-a perfect maze or the newest and snappiest
CompUt ruriiliM of Horn, Office, Church, School
10-MAU.rSt. - (Odd r.lUwt' Tmil) - WALI.A WALLA. WASH.
wim Jo
Wood 4 train
W will iireclat your
work nd ixkuvor to giv Z
you MtwfMttun.
Weston Daths and
; Tailor Shop
I R. L. Reynaudf
Dr. Alfred F.Scmpcrt
Gradual and RcgUlered
0:00 to 12:00 A. M.
MOO to 6:00 P. M.
W. ft. Htm C. It Bene
Peterson & Bishop
UWYl $
Pendleton, Or. Froewater, Or.
Ofrle In tli K.litm HiitUlliitf, Milton
r Hour. W u 12 ami I W 3
Nature's Food
for horse id cattl la th grsas that
trow on meadow and hill. Th nt
brut thtntf la aw vet, clean, hay and
feed that contra from our mm. n nrn
fireaamaklng and eewlng. Mra,
Florence gkinuer, Jlroad lrL
MlM Ferol MiBrtda Ws guest
last week-ind of Mia Lola Roger
Mlaa Kunlr Wltoe returned horn
Ksturdsy from a visit with relative at
Walla Walla.
ui. Norm ftmlth of Walla Walla
vlaited iuadajr with her parent. Mr.
and Mra. K. M. "mlln. . .
Mra. Mlnnla Walktr haa fona to II
II to reslds for lha aummar. In order
to look nfter her land Inter!.
Mra. MrKlnnejr. wlfa of Dr. MrKln
ney of Hells, ha been visiting hr
parent. Mr. and Mra. J. U ruaon.
William McKnil and K. M.
Smith, local banker, transacted busl
nee Wadnaaday at lha county aval.
I. II. VVlr la at homo again on
hla farm near Weston, after ependlng
lha winter In Honolulu and ooulhoro
Tha 1. H. Padberg motored up
from Marrow county laat wek for
Tl.ll wllh Mra. radberg's paranta, Mr.
and Mra. fcr A. LUmallan. ,
Karl LIullB. who la mployd In
lha rinrt National Bank of Walla
Walla. aint Hunday with hla frand
parrnta and frlanda In Waaton.
Tha ladlaa of th Unltad Brlhrn
rhunh announra homa cooking- aala
for tomorrow aftarnoon, Apm i. ai
lha aloro of tha Waaton Mareantlla
i company.
Edward Bulata. a wall-known farmer
of lha Coomba canyon neighborhood
near Pendleton, waa week-end la
H or with hla daughter. Mra. A. M.
I Hoyden of Weaton.
Jim Klrkpalrlrk la making weekly
vlalta lo Walla Walla for leaaona In
elocution. Hla leacher la Mra. leabel
. M. Hmllh. well known aa a dramatic
reader on lha Chautauqua circuit.
Nearly all of Weeton'a carpentera
have gone lo Waahtucna, Wah., to
build a farm reeldenee on tha Watla
Rogera land holdlnga. Thla will be
occupied by Mr. and Mra. Will Koaa.
Th county bridge at the upper
crowing on Pin creek nbovo Weaton.
weakened by freahela. went down laat
week under a bunch of cattle belong
ing to P. A. McHrld. All of th ani
mal eacaped unhurt.
Dueter, locally celebrated Shet
land pony, la no longer familiar fig
ure In th yard of E. O. DeMoe.
Hueler having ceaaed to b an object
of Inlereat for Maater Dick DeMoaa,
he waa swapped for piano.
Th local Odd Fellow have elected
Prank Price. 8. A. Darnea and W. M.
Among the Weaton peopl who are I
going lo Walla Walla neit W4nwlay
evening lo and hear th New York
Mymphony vrrheaira ar Mr. and Mra
O. It. Iloblnaon, !r. and Mra. P. !.
Watla. Mr. and Mra. R. O. Kallng. Mr.
and Mra. I. If. PrU. Mr, and Mr. B.
('. Itogera. Ma and Mra... W. Purler.
Mr. and Mrs. i. V. lull. Dr. and Mrs.
l II. Mmlth, Mr. and Mrs. U I. O'llar
ra; th Mlaees Agar, llryden. Work,
man. fosawell. Kilmer, ioale laven
der, Ella Morrleon, Dor te iiarne. '
lluby Prlc. Oladya Banlater. Parol
Mclirlde; Mreara, t. H. William, (laud
Prloa, Kart Ma Kenl. Hoy Read.
Clark Wood, H. Ooodwlit, Llal Webb.
Vernl (VHarra, Marvin Adklna. A!
party will alao vlall Wall Walla thla1
evening to attend th Woatoa Opra
company production.
Pred Kyi, formerly of Wesloa and
now Milton contractor, was In town
th other day. II report that he haa ,
been buay all winter and baa plenty .
of work In alght for the eprtng and
aummer. Upon completing a l-l
room bungalow, to cost Itl'iO, for Alva j
Troyer at Milton, he la coming to th
Weaton nelvh borhood to build larg
barn. 4i feet In dlmenalona, for
Oeorg W. Winn. Th eatlmatad roal
of Mr. Wlnn'a Improvement Is 1:40.)
Pred remarka, by th way. thai he!
narrowly eacaped fortune by falling
to buy bual nee lot for a few hun
dred dollar while In an Alberta town
about four year ago. Th lot after
ward sold for 1,0 end Pred la
thankful that ho must atlll work for
living and ha a living In alght to work
Lester A. Cronln, aaalatant poet maa
ter at Pendleton. Inform th at Or
egonlan that whll motorcycling four
mile north of Weston he ran Into a
pocket edition waterspout, Sunday af
ternoon. Water poured In stream
from every draw, h aava, and a young
torrent ran In th road. Thla beranw
a quagmire snd he waa compelled to
jiMnaoB nia macnine, eeraioy eneiirr
in a rarmnoua ror in nignt. n saw
four aulos that were alao stuck In th
mud. Much rain fell In Weston Bun
day afternoon, and a veritable cawade
poured down th hillside back of Hen
ry Rchroeder'a reeldenee, but thla waa
locally retarded aa of small conse
quence compared to the previous Bun
day llqueou Insurrection.
About two week ago Rufs Brown
a engaged In plowing his field when
th plowehsrs struck a rock and one
of Ihe handles landed In his rlba Ilk
a Wlllard Jab. Mr. Brown paid little
attention to th injury at first, but
soon found that It was paying a good
deal of attention to him. Laat Monday
ho consulted Dr. Bmlth, who found
(of course) that a - rib had been
bioken. Rufs Is now toddling sround
with his slats In splints, thankful that
ihe doctor didn't also find a spinal
diatocatlon. ;
Jos Hodgson of Meadow brook farm
haa voted for years, but when he mo
tored to Pendleton vltb Sim Barnes
tha other day he found that he
couldn't register under th new law.
Mr. Hodgson waa born In England,
but heretofore lils first paper were
aurriclent to qualify him aa a voter In
the land of Cncl Bam. Having formed
the habit of voting, he haa now ap
oiled for his final papers. Even with
hi 'mi;:!
1 V
you no! rolled grain of the right aort lblg alrawberry festival la
. i, & I 1 a . aM.aa afctak sasaBHsft Ami akal
Me, look f our sirii ami in gooo
thinKK for fr your rtumn aerviinui
stored In our Mne. W handle Hleam
Rolled Mrlv, OsU ni Wheat; Hltd
Hay, Millluir and Chicken Feed.
We're local agent for I'tieock Flmir
ami illatchford'sCatf Meal. l'hou2ol.
D R. WOOD the Feed Man
Oould aa delegatea to the grand lodge. !nu. Ih,m. The Leader la willing to In
which convenes May 1 at Roseburg oorM hm M a pretty middling good
for a three daya session. Roaeourg s ctaen.
Ktt. I r.t:i for, h. -m. date. eT" 13
Working In collaboration. M. A. Ba-. Loa-- 0f Pendleton In the local hall
ker and W. 8. Price have finished a y. evening. Fifty-flv vlaltora
neat Job of wall papering in the Btahl ! cam, - from Ihe ounty seat, and
. ,. .. . . k. Ktf V.mri . . . . . . . i
n ti p id j n iour m w " - j Aua ms ana smoa were siav irir
Klrkpatrtck. Mr. Klrkpatrlck haa re- .ae-.-d. The decree wa conferred
cetved a beautiful soda fountain out- four eandldatea. Earl Olson,
flu on of th finest made, which win M Letha Kmc. Miss Thelma Ander-
b part of hi new equlpmenL laon and Mlaa Leola Duncan. On of
th bountiful "lodge suppers" for
which Weston is famous, waa served
. "Merchandise of quality." It is the purpose of
this store to serve you in the best manner possible,
and in order to do this it is necessary to select the
best lines from which to choose our merchandise. We
have secured agencies with reputations for "merchan
dise of quality," and point with pride to thelist below:
Warner Bros, corsets.
Forma and Parma silks.
Pictorial Review Patterns.
The famous "Selby" shoes for women.
Broadwalk (Nature last) shoes for children.
Colgate's toilet articles. .
Hart Schaffner & Marx clothing for men.
Clothcraf t clothing for men.
Endicott Johnson, Florsheim, and Dr. Reed's
cushion sole shoes for men.
Arrow brand shirts and collars.
Gilt Edge and B. V. D. underwear for men, ; ;
Tiger and Stetson hats. ,
Logan and Endicott shoes for boys;
Trimmed hats, also flowers and shapes, for ladies.
Ladies' tailored suits and coats. '
Special attention given to special orders. If we do not have
' what you want we try to get it f or you. ,
Our display of John Deere and Dutchman
plows is being spoiled going out every day
but we have one left for you. Try it, try
us. The one thing we won't guarantee to
turn is a Sunday P. M. Flood.
Weber, Winona and John Deere wagons;
McCormick and John Deere binders.
We have agency J. I. Case threshers and
Alfalfa Seed,' Blue Vitriol and that Peerless
Hog Wire Fence.
ercantile loinpany
The farmer of Weston, who were
able to get very little seeding don
last fall, ar taking advantage of the
few bright aprlng toy thla week to
begin thla Important duty. While seeo
Inr will be finished much later than
usual. It la expected that' th wheat
wilt trow at an amasing rat wnen
the aunshln collaborate with the
abundant molstore." Hot wind, per
chance but we'll leave th croaking
to the frogs.
For Sale On of th very beat
quarter aectlona In th upland region
Stt mile east of Weaton; 11 acre
In cultivation, balance mostly timber;
family orchard and berries of differ
ent kinds: good buildings;; loU of
water. Price 1 11.000. 1SOO0 down and
time on balance. If aold within "
days. Chaa. M. Schneider. t
Aa required by ordinance, dog tax
must b paid ,on or be Tore April I.
1U. at th rat of 1108 for male
and IM9 for female dogs. All un
tagged dogs within the city limits
will be killed from and after that
date, ft L. Wilson, chief of pollc.
Eddie Fulford cam up this week
from Echo to visit hi sister, Mrs. Er
nest Reynolds. Whll he aver that
ho haa lost hla former tondneaa for
baseball. Eddie may be wearing an
Echo uniform thla aeaaon.
Te4eae Rarnea renorta that Voters
of both sexes have been coming In at
a livelier rate during the past . few
weeks. He has listed about 450 of the
TOO voters who resido in the nvs local
precincts '
.um aim j Cniinv and daushter
motored over from Walla Walla for
a week-end vialt at the ranch. Mrs.
Ross Maloney, who haa been visiting
her mother, accompanied tnem nome
Pitv Rskerv and Restaurant. Wheel
er building. Water . street. All kinds
f naatrv and baker'a aTOOds. Good
meala served a la cart at all hours.
D. H. Eaton.
Weaton was . vinlted Sunday by a
motor car party from Pendleton which
included Mrs Una H. Sturgis. Mr.
and Mra. O. A. Haxtman and Mtas
Naaon. .;; ,(.
srnneilve natrona of our market
on the rural route are requested to
establish their creau wim us oeiore
phoning their order. Perry Weber
Frank Baling, candidate for county
clerk, and Ralph Folsom, candidate
for coroner, were amiable visitor In
Weston from Pendleton Tuesday.
Motor car aervic to all points, day
or night. Also livery and feed atable
opposite the Lieuallen blacksmith
shop. Laf McBrld. .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and Mas
ter Lester King were among the Pen
dletoniana who cam up tor th Rs-
bekah meeting. ,, .
Rarred Plymouth Rock eggs for
hatching at 10 cents per setting of 15
Mrs. L. S. Wood. ,
Dr. M. 8. Nelms was here from
Walla Walla Tueeday, attending Ar
thur Rosa.
For l.lndr!twln e WatU Afltog-
er' big ad.
KUhlnr tackle for any fish, and th
niU too. W'aus ft KoKers.
item Maoil .manneld hai been elected
to lb office of local librarian.
Oeorg Msybe was over from
Freewster Wednesday for a dy' vUlC
Mrs. 3. M. Hicks of Milton visited
with friend In Weston during th
Miss Pearl Brlnger of Wasco. Ore
gn. I th guest of Mr. Frd Mc-
Orew. v 1
A curve for every soil but one. John
Deere and Dutchman plow, faee
W aua Rubers'
We'll take back plain lard pallsand
those bearing our brand at 5 and 10c
cash. Terry ft Weber.
Having an thoughtfully built tbelr
gai-ag. th H. O. Salinifs have Blled It
with a handsome new Keo.
I have the Ford mreney. Let me
talk with you alMiut that new w wo
want lo buy. H. I Hedrick at Wes
ton Garage.
Lawrence Curtle to under the cars
of Dr. Smith with a severe attack of
sciatic rheum turn, at th A. J. c
Intyre ranch.
Kev. W. 8. Pavne has been at Cen
tervlile. Wash.," during the past two
seeks, aaslsiinif Rev. A. Hm
mood in a revival.
Rev. Mr. Tufts, Oregon superintend
ent for the National Sunday Beat
league,' will speak at the Methodic
church next Tbursdsy evening.
Delinquent water consumers are
berewiTh notiHed that In all cases
where the water rent remains unpaid
on and after Aprillo, lftlo, the water
will be turnea on s
Wilson, superlntenueni. - - -
Spring Is here and everyone want
new clothes. If you use cisss
style, see Mrs. tletnence neynauu.
urrt seamstress and dressmaker, Nor
mal Helk-hta. Will gladly help select
patterns and trimming. (Adv.)
1 .l.Il,lHAn arul Mrs.
W. I.. IWJee sou iitiiwi." '
Kthel Dascombe and children have ar
rived from Long Branch, Wash., to
join with Mrs. Hose anU Mrs. Mgie
loo, who preceded them, in a family
visit In the Wild Horse neighborhood.
Weston In Blue Mountain Ie.
n,. -atitm Ifountsln baseball league
was reorganised at Pendleton Satur
day. D. R. Wood, a prominent Weaton
fan. waa elected preaioeni oi i"
league, and the remaining officers
were eilotted to me several
Weaton was represented at th meet
i.. .., u. Wood snd Manager Lucas.
and both ar confident that th re
created leas-ue will prove aucceasiuu
The circuit embraces the towns of
Tn Peno eton ana vtee-
ton, thus giving the south end. th
west end, th central aiairici ana i
east end of Umatilla county represen
tation. Tha aeason opena April .
with Weston playing at the kock.
The plan to have a alx-team league
to Include th town of Athena, Helix,
and Adam with Weston, renaieton
and th Rock, wss abandoned because
of dissatisfaction at Athena and Helix.
VVneton was asked to loin wltn inen.
Helix and Adama in an East End
leu, vile, but decided to cast Its lot wltn
the organization above outlined.
Seldom has the outlook for a good
article of amateur ball been better in
thi community. Fana and players
alike ( enthusiastic. Manager Lucas
haa ample material in sight, and be
sides he will encourage a second team
aa a feeder for th firing line. It to
onnfMentlv exneoted that a trio Of
veterans will b een In Weston' outer
garden, making an outfield that mc
Credie himself would be glsd to grab.
Manager Lucaa waa about town for
a few hours ths other day, snd sccum-
ulated a. good-slsed bunch of Kai lor
preliminary expense money. He x-
. t.i. .m to finish the twelve-
game aeason with a comfortable sur
plus to divide among tne piayers.
a r its
v v
SPRING CANYON COAL The coal that make the whit heat-
A good supply constanly on hand.
RED CEDAR FENCE POSTS from Puget Sound in any 'quantity.
They are well tarred, or we will sell you the; tar to tar jour
old posts. .
A-l RED FIR and TAMARACK WOOD from Karoela; 16-inch,
inch and 4-foot lengths. . " " " "
WE are prepared. We have a standing
army of 1200 rolls of newest pat
terns in WALL PAPER, just ar
rived from the factory, which ena
bles us to supply your every need;
something for every room in the lat
est colors and fashions.
. I
WE all like to see new things. Come in
and it will give us pleasure to show
our new Art Line.
Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine.
etc. as mixed in Adler-l-ka. tn ap-
pendlcitla preventative, drains so mucn
fnul matter from the body that ONE
SPOONFUL relieves sour stomach.
gas snd constipation AT unck. me
quick action la astonishing H.
Goodwin, druggist
Good work horses for sale.
J. A.
1 Tfltf
9 -stW Wa&WniiW
The Leader Prints Butter Wraps
is recommended by all the agricultural
colleges for the prevention of grain
smut It's cheaper than blue stone.
We can supply you. ASK US FOR
0 ru g
ulUi u
Ore r e